Monday, April 29, 2019


THE RETURN OF RICHARD CASTLE While Richard Castle, and Kate Beckett, were absorbed with raising their new family, neither knew what was about to befall them. Back, in New York City, a crime would be reported to the 12h Precinct, whose latest captain was no fan, of anyone "tampering" with police work. (Not even if the tampering lead to resolving the case) The crime, being reported, was that a courier had delivered a package, to a businessman, with a postmark of nothing more than the Hamptons. Had it not been for Ryan, and Esposito, intercepting the case, everyone, in the 12th knew that the new commander would have made the case public. This, because the latest commander was "gunning" for a "shot", at becoming the next, police, commissioner. What puzzled the detectives, and caused them to call on Castle and Beckett, was the nature, and time-frame, of the crime. As the duo e-mailled the couple, "The enclosed photo's were, in fact, taken, at the suspects home. The question is "WHEN?" The moment, when Beckett saw the photo's, she knew, immediately, that the photo's were from the days before digital photography. When Beckett phoned Esposito, asking how soon she could have an interview, with the suspect, all Esposito could say was "Working on it." When Beckett would ask "What do you mean "Working on it?" Esposito would say "It seems our boy had to fly, for an appointment. No phones allowed, in flight." When Beckett would ask "Does he even NOW that we want to speak to him?" Esposito would say "I doubt it. We could no reach him, before take off." Beckett would suggest "Have plain clothes meet him at the airport. Tell then NOT to draw attention." Esposito would say "On it." When Castle took a look at the photo's, and said "Whoa!" Beckett would say "Down boy. These are evidence." Castle would ask "Evidence of WHAT? Out of date photography?" Then add "I haven't seen pictures, like this, since the late 80's" Beckett would suggest "Maybe our suspect can tell us more." When Castle would ask "Who is the suspect?" Beckett would say "Jay Randolf Hoovey. Property developer." Castle would ask "You are joking, right? Jay Hoovey?" When Beckett would say "Yea, why? Do you know him?" Castle would say "Know him? He wanted me to trade in this place, for something which he said was more ME." When Beckett would ask "More YOU? What does that even mean?" Castle would say "No idea. I told him that I LOVED this place. After that, we never mentioned it, again. Not even over drinks." Beckett would ask "You have DRINKS with a multi-millionaire property developer?" Castle would ask "Why not? I play poker with other, rich, authors." Beckett would shake her head, as she wondered "Why did I marry him?" Later, back in New York, Beckett, and Castle, would finally, meet up with Jay Hoovey. (This, via a private phone call, between Castle, and Hoovey). As Hoovey would say "As soon as I learned who was in charge of the case, I rushed right back to town." Beckett would ask "You rushed back to town, to see Richard Castle?" Jay Hoovey would say "No. I rushed back to see how soon Nikki Heat could solve this case. I wanted to make sure you were in charge of the case." Beckett would remind Mr. Hoovey "My name, my REAL name, by the way, is Kate Beckett. NIkki Heat is..." and Mr. Hoovey would say "I know. Nikki is a fictional character, based upon you. Now, if you are half as good as Rick has written you, I want you on this case." When Beckett would ask "Why?" Jay would say "I want to know WHO and HOW, my house, in the Hamptons was accessed, without my knowing about it." When Beckett would ask "So, you claim to know nothing about these photos. Nude photo's, of a MINOR. Do you understand?" Jay would say "Of course, that is why I want the BEST on his case. I want these people brought to justice." This is when a P.I., named Scarrit, would enter the office, saying "It would seem, Mr. Hoovey, that you are not the only one looking for this answer." When Beckett would ask "What do you mean?" Mr. Scarrit would say "Mr. Hoovey's security is MY responsibility. If someone entered his home, I WANT to know." Mr. Scarrit would, then, turn to Mr. Hoovey, saying "The lab just finished going over the pictures. They are as phony as a four dollar bill." When Beckett would ask "How do you know that?" Mr. Scarrit would turn the pictures, over and show what no one, including Mr. Hoovey, had thought to look for. The digital "foot-print", which every photo makes, based upon manufacturers production codes. Mr. Scarrit would say "Sir, it appears that someone took these photo's, recently. They, then, had them "doctored" to look old." When Beckett would ask "What about the teenage girl, in the photo? Who is she?" Scarrit would say "Still working on that." By the time Beckett was ready to ask Mr. Hoovey would say "I invite the police to verify all of this. Especially if it tells me the WHO, and WHY." Beckett would say "We will do our best." Ouside the business, on the street, Beckett would phone Ryan, since Esposito was out, on assignment, saying "I have the photo's. The originals. When I bring them in, I want tech to wash them. Anything that will give us a clue." Ryan would say "On it." After the call, Castle would ask "What I dont get is both the attempted extortion, and a fake photo, of a teen. Why to Jay? All the man does is develop property." Beckett would say "Who knows. Maybe someone felt they got a bad land deal." At the station, Esposito would take the photo's to the lab, While Beckett would no-sooner ask Ryan "Run phones and..." and Ryan would say "Already on it." A short time later, the news came, like a waterfall. Esposito would say "The lab verified that the pictures are fakes. They were shot two weeks ago." When Beckett would ask "How do they look so old?" Esposito would say "Electronic effects camera. Maybe 100 just in New York. The lab says they are big business, for people who want what appear to be collectable photos." Ryan would follow this up with "School records identify our "picture girl" as a Sophmore in public school 215." When Beckett would suggest "Ryan, why dont you..." and Ryan would continue "The school says the girl has not been to class, in nearly three weeks. They are about to send a truant officer, since the girl is under sixteen." Beckett would suggest "Call the school. Tell them that the N.Y.P.D. will do the home visit. I want to talk to this girl." Castle would say "So would I." When Beckett would say "Police business, Castle." Castle would say "I meant that I want to know her REASON, for the photo's." Not surprising, when the police arrived, at the home address, the landlord would say "They moved out. I dont know when. All I know is that, when the rent was due, and not paid, I used my key, on the unit, and found it empty." This is when Beckett would suggest "Lets try the school. See if anyone knows anything." At P.S. 215, all the police heard was "She's missing? Where is she?" Beckett would say "We were hoping that you could tell us." A check, with Admissions, turned up only a cell-phone number. Not surprising, when Beckett put the call on speaker, the automated voice would say "The number you are trying to reach is out of service." Beckett would say "No surprise there." When Espo would ask "Beckett, Apartment cleared out, not at school, and dis-connected phone? Does it sound like someone is "on the run?" Beckett would say "Sounds like it. But, WHO is running, and from WHO?" Back at the station, Ryan had nothing but bad news. "I checked on the family's financials, once I knew who she was. Not much of anything to go on. No bank accounts. Pre-paid cell-phones, debit cards, not even drivers licenses. Its like these people dont want anyone to know they exist." This is when Castle would ask "If they dont want anyone to know, then WHY try to blackmail a multi-millionaire businessman?" When Beckett looked at the envelope, again, she realized "The only return address is "The Hamptons". How would they expect to be paid, without contact information?" This is when Esposito would come into the room, saying "You have GOT to see this." When Espo pulled up the video, on his computer, it appearred to show the businessman, having sex, with the minor. When Espo would add "It was just posted one hour ago." When Beckett would ask "Do we know where Mr. Hoovey is, at the moment?" This is when Mr. Scarrit would enter the room, saying "That video is fake, as well." When Beckett would ask "How do you know this?" Mr. Scarrit would say "Mr. Hoovey has been in a business investment meeting, for the past three hours." When Beckett would say "So, he does not even know about this video?" Mr. Scarrit would say "I wanted to make sure that the police had it controlled, before telling my employer." Beckett would suggest "Mind if I come along?" Mr. Scarrit would say "Fine by me. I just dont know how Mr. Hoovey is going to react." In a borrowed, side, office, as Beckett watched the shocked look, on Mr. Hooveys face, and the way he sloutched, in his chair, the detective could tell that the man was, clearly, surprised. When he recovered his voice, he asked "How? I have been HERE, all morning. My investors can vouch for that." Beckett would say "Sir, we checked those photo's. They were made just two weeks ago. At the Hamptons, inside your house." When Mr., Hoovey would ask "You dont really think that I did this, do you?" Beckett would say "I have to ask. If not you, who else has access to your Hamptons house?" When Mr. Scarrit would ask "What about the girl. The child? Have you found her?" Beckett would say "Sir, it will sound as suspicious as it is, but the home address has been cleared out, the girl has not been to school, in weeks, and the parents phone is dis-connected." Mr. Hoovey would be the one to say "It sounds like they are covering their tracks, very well, right Rick?" Beckett would ask "WHO is "they", and WHAT are they trying to hide?" Rick would try to comfort his friend, whispering "Come on, Jay. Cant you think of anyone?" Mr. Hoovey would say "I buy, develop, and sell, real estate. Who would be un-happy with that?" Beckett would ask "Have you, ever, had any land deals, that went bad? Owners, who would not sell. Buyers, who would stop at nothing, to acquire land?" Mr. Hoovey would say "Detective Beckett, this is NOT a novel, or movie. In the real world, we do not kill, for property. If an owner will not sell, then we move on." When Beckett would ask "Did you have any deals, where people felt cheated?" When Mr. Hoovey would ask "Cheated? How?" Beckett would suggest "Maybe, someone did not want to sell. Maybe they were determined to protect what they thought was theirs?" Mr. Hoovey would say "Detective. I develop COMMERCIAL real estate. Places, where businesses are built. I dont deal with private property." When Castle would alter the discusion, asking "Jay, tell us where you were, two weeks ago, and between the times that Detective Beckett will list." After Beckett read off the list, Mr. Hoovey would say "Impossible. When I left home, on those dates, I set the alarm. No one could have entered, without the dis-arm code." When Beckett would ask "How many people know your code?" Mr. Scarrit would say "Fifteen people. All fully vetted. No one gets the access codes, without passing a background search." When Castle looked at Mr. Hoovey, the man would say "Scarrit is correct. We dont just hand over our codes." This is when Beckett would ask "Then HOW did the blackmailers enter your home?" Both Hoovey, and Scarrit, would, jointly, say "I wish I knew." Back at the police station, it would be the video control officer, who would figure out the fake video. "When you just look at the video, it is fine. It is only when you look, closely, that you can see what the blackmailers dont want you to see." On extreme zoom, it was clear that a man, and a girl, were having sex. The problem was that the effects operator made a rookie mistake. They forgot to "clean up the edges". On extreme zoom, it was clear that Mr. Hoovey's face was photoshopped onto the mans body. The girl, from the photo, was "shopped", as well. When Beckett would ask "Can we trace the original address, from the video?" The operator said "Already tried. This video is old enough, and was routed through so many i.p. addresses, that it will take months to find the original address." When Castle would suggest "It must have taken a long time, to make such a trip." The officer would say "In human time, it would take just thirty minutes." Castle would say "Whoa. That fast." The officer would say "Computers may be faster, at processing data, but humans still hold the title, for deductive reasoning." What no one could figure out was why there was evidence, being presented, yet no demands being made. WHAT were the blackmailers after? When the N.Y.P.D. checked the family, for criminal records, all they came up with was zero. No one, in the family, had anything more dangerous than "jaywalking". Employers came up, empty as well. All employers would say was "I replaced them after they did not show up, for two days, in a row." When Beckett would ask each employer "Was it common, for the worker to do this?" The employers, both, said "That is whats odd. They were solid people. Dependable, trustworthy. References checked out." When Beckett asked for a copy of the references, the employers handed it over. Just six hours later, while Beckett was trying to figure out how a family could just vacate a place, without anyone anyone seeing, or hearing, Esposito had more, bad, news for Beckett. "Just checked that list, of references, and no one remembers any calls. In fact, two calls had people asking ME why I was calling them." When Beckett would say "Lets check local, moving, services. FInd out WHO they rented the truck from." Ryan would say "Dont bother. While checking on the parents information, I checked on possible, truck, rentals. No recent rentals". When Beckett would suggest "What about..." Ryan would say "Checked for stolen trucks as well. Nothing." Castle would be the one to say "These people are, really, trying to hide their tracks. I wonder, from whom?" Beckett would suggest "Who knows. Could be debt collectors. Loan companies, un-balanced relatives." Castle would ask "If they are scared enough to go "on the run", then why not go to the police." Esposito would suggest "Unless they are afraid to go to the police. Maybe their mystery pursuer has connections." Beckett would suggest "Maybe, they think that the pursuer is someone the law cannot touch. Too big to fail? Something like that." Beckett knew that something was "off", but she just could not put her finger on it. Not until Ryan mentioned "If someone got the alarm codes, to enter the house, I have to wonder what that person is hiding." This is when Beckett would realize "Maybe, we have been searching in the wrong place. We have been looking OUTSIDE Mr. Hoovey's circle. What do we know about his "inner circle"? The people, closest to him?" Espo would, no-sooner say "According to Mr. Scarritt, everyone has been vetted, by Scarritt's staff." This is when Beckett would ask "What do we know about this Scarritt?" Ryan would say "Security consultant. Works with high profile clients." When Beckett would ask "Is that ALL we know, about him?" Espo would say "What else is there, too know?" When Castle saw Beckett's look, Castle would say "Dont tell me you..." and Beckett would ask "Why not? As security chief, he would have access to everything from property, to personnel.. He, himself, told us that he vetted everyone." Castle would say "Sure, for his BOSS." When Ryan would ask "Even if Scarritt DID create the pictures, and video, WHERE did he FIND the girl?" When Castle would ask "The want ads?" Espo would remind Castle "Bro, you DO know that it is illegal, even for underground sources, to offer children, as "sex toys". No, if anyone found a girl, for Scarritt, it would have to be for cash money. Someone who needed cash, badly enough, that they would be desperate enough to let their daughter do this." Beckett would add "Maybe not just desperate, for the cash, but what IF the person had something, ON the family. Even if it was forged. Maybe the blackmailer has what they THINK will land their victims, in jail." Castle would ask "HOW could a forgery be made to look real enough, to fool a court?" This is when Beckett said "Remember that video? The tech said the video was amateurish. What if it wasn't. What if it was just filmed, to appear amatuerish?" Esposito would say "Thats a whole lot of if's." Beckett would ask Ryan "Have you checked on that effects camera, yet?" Ryan would say "Still canvassing. No one remembers their camera being either borrowed, or even stolen, then returned." Esposito would add "Remember, Beckett, there are over 100 camera's, just in New York. That only helps IF the pictures, and video, were made IN New York." When Castle would ask "Where else could they have been made?" Ryan would say "Dude, with the internet, and every bit of data, available, at a price. That stuff could have been created anywhere between Alaska, and Uganda." This is when Beckett would make a discovery. She would call the photo lab, and have the pictures turned over to "computer enhancement", for analysis. When Espo would ask "Beckett, whats up?" Beckett would say "We have been assuming that, because the girl was filmed on what LOOKS like Mr. Hoovey's bed, that the picture was taken inside Mr. Hoovey's house." When Espo would ask "What about it?" Beckett would ask "Lets review ALL of the photos." Sure enough, once digital enhancement was finished, Beckett would ask "What is missing?" When Castle, Ryan, and Espo, came up "empty", Beckett would say "There are no, exterior" references. All you see is a bed, and a nude girl." When Espo would say "I dont get it?" Castle would say "Of course. If you are going to blackmail a person, you take exterior shots. This way, you can suggest "No way can you deny this is your place." Beckett would say "Precisely. The way these pictures are modelled, to emphasize the girl, no one would think to look at the background." When Ryan would ask "So, what do we do? Ask the internet to identify one of its members? Do you think that they would, even if the blackmailer is in a non-extradition country?" That was the problem. In order to find the blackmailer, the N.Y.P.D. had to find the victims, and encourage them to come forward. Only then could the real blackmailer be prosecuted. Without the girl, and her family, the case was nowhere. This is when Castle would chime in with "If I were writing this story, I would contact the mayor, and have him contract the governor, so that Nikki Heat could visit the Hamptons, and interview Mr. Hoovey's neighbors. Maybe find out if any of them saw anyone around Mr. Hoovey's house." Beckett would, no-sooner, say "Well, Castle. This is NOT one of your books. This is real life. We dont "get around the law", we uphold it." When Esposito, and Ryan, would ask "Beckett, what would be the harm in just asking?" Before Beckett could answer, about jurisdiction, Castle would excuse himself, and make a call. He would, then, set his watch timer, for fifteen minutes, then re-join the detectives. In fact, it would be just three minutes after Beckett had been called into the new captains office, to be reminded of procedure, that the captains phone would ring. After a short conversation, the captain would call out "MISTER Castle. Beckett, inside, NOW!" With the door to the office closed, the captain would tell the duo "Mr. Castle. I knew you enjoyed meddling in our cases, but this is your last time. Once you finish this case, with my detectives, you are OUT of this precinct, permanently. Understand?" Castle would say "Understood." This is when the captain would re-open the office dor, and call out "Ryan, Esposito. Since you seem to enjoy "tagging along", on such cases, I am assigning all THREE of you to duty with the Hamptons police. Now, let me be clear. Either you bring in the blackmailer, for prosecution, or you hand in your badges. Am I clear?" Ryan and Esposito would say "Clear as glass, sir." Outside the police station, Beckett would pull her "patented" ear-tugging, of Castle, while asking "WHAT did you do, in there?" Castle would say "I made a call." Beckett would ask, sternly, "WHO did you call?" When Castle would say "A friend", Beckett would grab the ear, again, demanding "WHO?" Castle would say "Okay, okay. I called Jay, and asked him to call the mayor." When Beckett would ask "AND?" Castle would say "I might have suggested that the mayor call the governor. "I might have suggested that the N.Y.P.D. could assist the Hamptons police." Beckett would assert "We do NOT "assist" other departments. We, each, have our "chain of command."" When Ryan and Espo would ask "So long as we have the invite, what could it hurt to check in. Just give the locals a bit of help." Beckett would say "Fine, since a minor is involved, and the minor MIGHT be in danger, we will give the Hamptons all the AID that we can." After the detectives turned in their "economy class" air tickets, for the first class tickets, provided by Richard Castle, then flew into the Hamptons, Beckett and Castle would go over the "crime scene", again, even as Ryan and Espo, would spend several hours, canvassing the area. When Ryan, and Esposito would return to Mr. Hoovey's home, all they could report, to Beckett, was "The ONLY person anyone has seen, in the area, who does not LIVE here, is Mr. Scaritt. It seems he has been in this area more than a few times." When Beckett would mention "He IS a security consultant. You would expect him to keep watch." Ryan and Espo, would ask "While his client is in the city?" Beckett would suggest "Maybe he was just double-checking." Espo would say "Heres the thing. When neighbors saw the man going over the property, he seemed shocked. The neighbors said that, each time, Mr. Scaritt was seen, he seemed shocked to be seen." Castle would ask "Why would a man, hired to run secuirty be afraid of being seen?" Beckett would suggest "Maybe for the same reason that the photo's were sent to Mr. Hoovey. Maybe, Scaritt wanted the credit, for the capture." Castle would come up with "Maybe, he was checking to make sure the alarm codes were in place, to allow the illegal photo's to be taken. I mean, how better to get bigger bonuses, from your boss, than to create a crime, then solve it." When Beckett would say "Real world, Castle." Ryan and Espo, would ask "Beckett, WHAT would be so far fetched about an employee, or contractor, getting close to a boss, then doing what Castle just said. Create a crime, to solve it?" When Beckett would ask "Then WHY call in the N.Y.P.D.?" Castle would say "Come to think of it, Jay did tell us that it was HIS decision, to call in Nikki Heat. Not Scaritt's." Beckett would ask "If the consultant wanted more money, why not just CHARGE the client more?" Ryan would suggest "SImple. Even I know that there are more than a few private security firms, in New York." Beckett would indulge the men, saying "Fine. Lets do a deeper background, on Scaritt. FInd out what he was doing here, without his client. IF Scaritt is our man, he will know enough to cover his tracks..." and Castle would say "expertly". Twenty-four hours later, the "veil" began to part, only in an un-expected way. While the detectives were on-location, just on the off-chance, that the real blackmailler DID return, even Beckett got an earful, as Scaritt brought the missing girl back to Mr. Scaritt's home. What caught Beckett's attention was the girl asking "My parents will be safe. You promise." Scaritt would say "As long as you do what I tell you. Mommy and Daddy will be safe." Beckett could only think that the girl knew that someone was listening, since the girl asked "What did you say you would do?" Scaritt would say "I told you, once. If you dont do as I say, you will return home to find their heads full of bullet holes. My men have orders not to stop shooting until they are sure." While Castle would whisper "I have heard enough." Beckett, Ryan, and Espo, would say "Let them get inside. We want all the evidence that we can get." Even as Scaritt was setting the bedroom scene, for new photo's, Beckett, Ryan, and Esposito, would take positions, giving them a clear line of sight. When the scene was set up, Scaritt called, to the girl, saying "Hurry up. I want these pictures on Hoovey's desk, before morning." When the girl, dressed, now, in a see-through baby-doll, would enter the room, saying "I'm ready." Beckett would come forth, followed by the others, saying "Wait a moment. So are we." When Scaritt would say "Detectives. You have no jurisdiction, here." Detective Beckett would produce the governors authorization, for state-wide cooperation. When Mr. Scaritt would try to "make a break", Ryan and Espo, would block his attempt. Scaritt would, then, play his "trump card", saying "If my guys dont hear from me, by 3 a.m., they have orders." This, even as Castle would wrap the girl in a blanket, until she could dress. The only question left was that of where the girls parents were. All the girl could tell the detectives was "The trip, here, is, never, long." With a call, from Castle, the governor would order both recon, and attack, helicopters, to the area. The cover story would be "Training mission". Thanks to Lockheed-Martin, the mercenaries did not even hear the silenced rotor blades, of the helicopters, until the beach-front house was flooded with light, and the mercenaries were blinded. Not a shot was fired, and army medics examined the parents, announcing "A bit mal-nourished, but fine." Before sun-rise, the coast guard would intercept the get-a-way boat, as it cruised, just off-shore. The big "give-a-way", was the lack of running lights. From what Beckett, and the guys, could piece together, it seems that Scaritt was not only a security expert, but a blackmail expert, as well. The man earned the bulk, of his income, by researching company employee's (under the excuse of background checks). Scaritt found the workers, who needed money, in a bad way. He paid off the bills, then blackmailed the workers, claiming that he could provide Child Welfare with "evidence", showing that parents encouraged child porn. Since Scaritt knew about photography, this is how he made his blackmail photo's. Families could not go to police since Child Welfare would, never believe that evidence was "manufactured." All that families could do was whatever Scaritt told them to do. What would enrage the new captain was how well, as in silently, the case had been resolved. It seems that the captain had been hoping, for something more dramatic. Something, which would allow the captain to "encourage" Mr. Hoovey to "make a contribution", to further the captains career. As the case stood, the girl would return to school, her parents, to work, and Mr. Hoovey would be cleared of any wrong-doing. Mr. Scaritt would be spending MANY years in state custody. Now, all that Castle and Beckett would have, to return to, is their home, and their "family". Another Nikki Heat novel would be in bookstores, soon.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Diane KNEW why she was in bed, with me, that night. Diane was adamant that RACE had NOTHING to do with it. Diane wanted to find out why, after a night, with me, that Ambrosia never said a word, about the night. In fact, when friends asked, all Ambrosia did was smile. Diane wanted to know why. Diane was curious about the myths she had been hearing, about me. Was I REALLY not into booze, drugs, and gambling? Did I, REALLY, pay my bills, first? After Diane saw how Ambrosia smiled, after, and around, me, Diane decided to do her own "detective work", on me. IF Diane let ME into her bed, she wanted to make SURE that I was who, and what, I said I was. Paying a hacker-friend $100.00 (That she had, un-expectedly won, from a lottery ticket), Diane got the "run down" on me. The reason, for this, was simple. Diane had known plenty of men, since high school. All of the men had told Diane of heir "dreams". It was only AFTER she began dating the men, that she watched as they "worked towards goals", via gambling their paychecks away. This is how Diane became a regular, at social service lines. She was, constantly, asking for assistance, for her mens bills. Then, there was the food stamp subject. The men made a habit of buying cart-loads, of food, then SELLING these, for gambling money. The men then sent Diane out, to food pantries, for hand-outs. Diane had spent many a morning, standing in line, for food. Diane was just considering how LONG her boyfriends landlord would let the man get by, on "promises" to pay back due rent. How long before his latest land lord kicked him out? As her hacker-friend told Diane "Man, this guy is weird. Only lived in three places, over thirty YEARS! Only goes to food pantries, maybe once per year. Been with one phone company, for YEARS." When Diane asked "Okay, so he has a paid cell-phone. Pre-paid, I will bet." The hacker would say "You would LOSE. Says, here, that the man has land line service, as well as pre-paid cell service." Now, Diane was beginning to understand why Ambrosia smiled at me. I had no history, of payday loans, drugs, booze, or gambling. After receiving this information, Diane went about deciding HOW to encourage me to ask HER out. That is, until another friend suggested "If you want to get into his pants, girl, why dont you ask HIM out?" Diane was not about to go up to a man, saying "Why not come over to my place, and fuck the living shit out of me." No, according to Ambrosia, the best way to get me into bed was to be polite, and "just a touch" suggestive. This is why Diane found her "in", during a conversation, about sex. While her friends were trying to draw me into conversations, about sucking cock, and titty sucking, Diane seemed to enjoy helping with talk of kissing, carressing, and so on. It was when her friends mentioned "fucking the shit out" of a woman, doggy-style, that Diane asked if we could talk. When we were away from the group, I mentioned "I just cannot believe that Ambrosia could be so disgusting. I mean, when we were..." then remembered who I was speaking to "... making love, she was so gentle, compassionate, and tender." Diane would whisper "Baby, this is the way that women speak, in private. In public, we are just like men, so men will KNOW that we are not whores." While I dont remember much of he following conversation, other than that, of the goals that I was, both, working on, and planning for, that we began snuggling, then kissing. When I began lifting her top, Diane whispered "Not here. AT my place." On the walk, to her place, Diane noticed how we snuggled, yet I never mentioned being a millionairre. Behind her locked door, I discussed my part, in causing the renewal, of shopping, to the north end. Yes, the north end would have another chain, discount, store, taking the place of the former grocery store. Like I told Diane, all myself, and my alderman, needed to do was show corporations that there was, indeed, a large enough consumer base, to keep a store operating. I left it to my alderman to explain that the previous store had closed, simply because management was "consolidating its base", around its "core operations". When Diane asked if I were, also, behind the new laundry, which was, soon, to open, I admitted that I was. Using the same kind of poll data, my alderman and I, were converting an un-sold property, into a laundromat. When Diane asked, I told her "Target date, for opening, is about a month from now." While we, briefly, discussed the state-hood subject, Dianes biggest concern seemed to be my project, for encouraging bicycle riders, to place electronic trackers on bicycles. I cautioned Diane not to get her hopes up, too much, since our deputy mayor had, almost, "freaked out", when I mentioned expanding the monitoring program from just city-owned bicycles, to every bike in the city. I snuggled up to Diane, and her beautiful, ebony, body, while whispering "I would say that the United States will have 75 states, before the bicycle tracking goes into effect." Soon after this, our clothes found her floor, then we walked, arm-in-arm, to her bed. It was in her bedroom that Diane found out why Ambrosia smiled at me. For a white man, Diane found that I had the most beautiful shaft she had, ever seen. Maybe I was no "KIng Dong", but, on the plus side, I was treating her with love, and respect. Diane LOVED the way I seduced her. Not just "shoving it in", but seducing her, until she was aroused, more than she had been, in years. Between my french kissing, and necking, Diane was certain that she was coming close to being in Heaven. When I carressed, kissed, and nursed, her breasts, she was certain that she was at Heavens door. When I slipped it inside her, Diane had no doubt. This was Heaven. While we rolled about her bed, touching, and carressing, Diane asked me "How are we supposed to fit more people into this country?" I whispered "By granting their homelands state-hood. We will bring their people, AND their lands, into our country." When Diane whispered "Do you think that it will work?" I whispered "Why not? It worked for the Founding Fathers." After I fell asleep, nursing her beauiful "B" cups, Diane got up, went to the kitchen, for a snack, and some coffee. So far, her only regret, of the night, was not having any milk, for my nursing. While snacking, Diane remembered asking several, of her friends, if I was the kind of man, who would take a womans money, for drugs, booze, or gambling. Out of the seveny-five women, whom Diane knew, none had any memory, of my asking for money. (Something the women found odd.) Only one woman claimed that I owed her thousands of dollars. When the woman claimed that the money was for cleaning her place, after I sprayed my "stuff" all over everything, Ambrosia just laughed at this. When Diane asked the woman to describe me, the womans description could not have been more different, from my appearance, than if the woman had called me a Negro. Diane had smiled, as had Ambrosia, as the woman insisted that I pay up, or that she was taking me to court. The reason why the women smiled, at the thought of court, was that the woman, herself, had SEVERAL Arrest Warrants in effect. Not much chance of going to court, when her own arrest would result. When Diane went on-line, and checked both the grocery store, and laundromat, projects, she found my name listed, as "advisor". Diane even found a picture, showing my alderman, and myself, standing, back-to-back, with the caption "Watching one anothers back" (and yours) What Diane could not understand were the articles, regarding how the deputy mayor was insisting that the city absolutely could NOT afford to send out police units, to recover every single stolen bicycle, in the county. The deputy mayor even claimed that such a project would "bankrupt" the city. The problem was that a growing number, of cyclists, were attaching tracking units, TO bicycles. This concerned Diane since several of her friends subsidized sub-poverty jobs, with profits, from bicycle sales. Diane even knew of a few people who, when children wanted bicycles, either parents, or other adults, STOLE what the child wanted. As for that damned new Berlin Wall, at last report, the White House had issued orders that, if the "caravans" got within a certain distance from the border, that American artillery was to open fire, INTO Mexico. While Congress joined the Mexicans, in stating that this would be nothing short of a declaration of war, the White House would not budge. This, according to the media, is why Congress set aside budget negotiations, in order to consider petitions for state-hood. THIS was the man who was sleeping in HER bed. A man of goals. (Man, how she wished she had some mothers milk.) Come morning, I awoke, and mounted her, whispering "You are fantasic." as I kissed her, again, before preparing to love her, again. That is, until my stomach began to growl. Diane smiled as I looked at it, and said "Shut up. I am trying to love this woman." When Diane drew my face to hers, she whispered "Baby, your belly is just saying that I made you happy. Now, you need food." When she saw me looking at her breasts, she whispered "I mean food." This is why Diane had been glad that she followed Ambrosia's advice. Ambrosia had been dis-heartened when, the morning after, she had niether "white man food"", nor mothers milk, for me. She seemed like a child, who had been disciplined, when I promised her "I will pick up some food, along the way." Diane had been clever, in how she asked me, and found out what I liked to eat. She used the old "I just read this in a magazine. How true do you think it is." I had taken out a piece of paper, and listed such ingredients as scrambled eggs, chopped onion, cheese patties, hash browns, sausages, and diet coke, along with kisses, carresses, and nursing. For breakfast, this time, Diane placed a spread, of all of my ingredients, in a breakfast, fit for a king. (The romance would be saved, for desert). By the time I departed Dianes place, Diane understood why Ambrosia smiled, at me. Now, it would be Diane, who smiled. Diane, and Ambrosia, were, both, happy, that we had remained friends, and NOT become "official" lovers. This since, as my "legend" grew, I was being called away, from home, more and more. If either Ambrosia, or Diane, wanted my ivory body, that both had to operate under the idea of "Get it, when, and where, you can." The United States would have sixty-five states, by the time our deputy mayor would admit defeat, and begin encouraging bicyclists to track bikes, electronically. Of course, for part, of one summer, this proved a major problem, for the police, as Search and Seizure warrants will filed, by the dozen. As the jail filled, with thieves, and with prisons already over-crowded, theives were given terms of home-confinement. This, and the fact that, for a short time, every prisoner transport, in town, was driving around, picking up stolen property. For awhile, the media claimed that the police station looked more like a drive up window, at a restaurant. Still, once word got around, that too many bikes were "tagged", gangs moved on, to "easier pickings". As far as my "sexuality" was concerned, Ambrosia and Diane just settled on sharing my ivory shaft. While neither complained about SHARING a "famous" man, neither wanted the "spot-light", which would come if they "officially" declared themselves. While Diane would continue to focus on her own dream. That, of becoming a fashion model, Ambrosia would, eventually, content herself with giving birth to the children of a man, she refused to name. What thrilled Ambrosia was the fact that the fathers "race" genes, far outpaced her Ebony genes. She would, eventually, give birth to a total of five children. All of them as ivory as their father. By the time Diane was getting used to being told "You are too OLD for modelling", Diane came to enjoy helping Ambrosia with her children. Diane and Ambrosia, took turns, with the children. Each watching the young while the other attended "Employment Groups". While Diane noticed that it was "suspicious", how much the children acted like me, it only took three, of Dianes friends, to remind Diane "You know. HE is not the only man, of his kind." It would not be until the United States contained 90 states, that a drug lord would execute me, while I spoke with villagers, about state-hood. The drug lord wanted these people to harvest his crops. It was only after the man emptied his clip, into my body, on international television, that American Military Police took the man under arrest. While the assassin was buried, in an un-marked grave, my body would go first to my home town, for viewing, then to Arlington Cemetary. It was not until Diane mentioned "I wish he would have let me give him some children. Now, his legacy is gone, with him." Ambrosia would say "I would not be too sure, about that." When Diane gave Ambrosia a look, Ambrosia just smiled. All that my home-town had to show, for my life, was the return of grocery shopping, to the area, as well as a laundromat, and a complete end to bicycle theft, once the city made it clear that ALL bicycles were being tagged. All that the nation had to show, for my efforts, was the addition of up to 45, additional, states. What would the future look like?