Monday, August 19, 2019


THE DEMISE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY While the New World Order had been so carefully planned, the one thing, that the Republicans should have, but did not count upon, was the reaction of the American people. From that time, in the mid-1980's, as manufacturing jobs began abandoning the United States, for lower wages, in Third World nations, Ronald Reagan had gone on television, telling Americans "If you want jobs to come back, you must go out and spend! Spend!! SPEND!!!" Those Americans, who fell prey to this "propaganda", and did spend savings (hoping to draw jobs back, to the U.S.) were the first un-employed to find themselves homeless. American management had decided that it was better to charge Americans prices, based upon American wages, even while products were being made, at much LOWER wages, in other nations. The problem, which management, and the Republicans, ran into, was the fact that, as more Americans LOST jobs, and others were being hired, at only ten percent, of former wages, the projections, made by both the analysts, and the computers just did not "add up", in the REAL world. The Republicans, and the computer programmers, just could not understand WHY the American people, now earning less than ten percent, of the way to the poverty level, were no-longer spending, on BIG budget items. The projections showed that the public would, when appliances stopped working, would just buy brand new. What the projections DID NOT show was how many people either paid 1/4th the price, of new, to fix old appliances, or how people would start shopping thrift stores, and on-line, for what they wanted. Management, and the Republicans, had been counting on Americans buying foreign made goods, for American prices. When Americans began buying, in bulk, directly from foreign manufacturers, management called for special taxes. These taxes would offset any savings, on buying direct. Less than five percent, of the Republicans, in Congress, would endorse this idea. As a result, the New World Order would begin to dissolve. Then came the BIG hits. New motor vehicles, which the experts were certain that Americans would buy, began sitting on lots. This, while Americans sold one another used cars, and the public began paying mechanics, to keep old, yet reliable, vehicles running. Then, there was the proposed "buy back", which was supposed to STOP the public from just walking away from homes, which they could not afford, on minimum wage. Buy back MIGHT have been a success, except that many banks told home owners that they would have to wait, up to ninety days, for buy-out checks. (The families had notices saying "30 days, or you are OUT!") Result, realtors ended up with thousands of homes, and no buyers. This is when, without permission, or consent, a Republican was quoted as repeating the same line that got another Republican, in serious trouble. This Republican got into deeper trouble, with their expanded version, of the original insult. The original insult had been: "If people want a better life, then they need to work LONGER, HARDER, hours" The new insult was: "If workers want a better life, let them, AND their children, work LONGER, HARDER, hours, for what they want. Besides, what are we waisting money, on education for? The children leave school, as dumb as ever." Since the Republican sent this out, as a press release, the party would not allow the incumbent on the next ballot. Still, there was the problem, of warehouses, filled with brand new merchandise, and the public, shopping thrift, and second hand, stores. The time, when the Republican knew their "hands were tied", was when Asian partners offered to buy out the Americans, for pennies on the dollar. Merchandise was not being sold, from stores, and warehouses were turning away fresh deliveries. The Republicans realized that the ONLY way to make the New World Order work, was to ban Americans from buying "direct". The one question, which no Republican could answer was "HOW do we STOP people from buying on-line?" Even as the Republican Party debated this issue, they watched as their numbers dissolved, as once profitable company's fell prey to the New World Order. Worst of all, the purchasers were not Americans, either. In the 1980's, the Republican Party was, reportedly, worth some $500 billion dollars. By the early 21st century, mergers, and buy-outs, had left the Republican Party with only about $10 million. The accountants, at party headquarters, warned that, if party resources fellow below $5 million, the party could not afford to compete. Of course, the Asians offered the Republicans loans, for elections. The "catch" was that the Asians wanted more freedom, from American law. The Asians wanted to pay Americans Asian wages, while the workers lived at lower than minimum wage jobs. Seeing that the party had only two choices, the Republicans would agree to abandon the New World Order. A "New Deal", for the twenty-first century, would be made. The easiest part, of the new deal, to implement, was the part about keeping children in school. This, since school districts would NOT release children, from attending school, until Congress sent down WRITTEN ORDERS. (Orders, which no member, of Congress, was willing to sign.) The computer industry took the next hardest hit when, as computers became more complex, and users began rebuilding the old (which users understood), and leaving the new sitting on shelves. According to the media, Windows 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, sold, about as well, with the public, as a model "T", or Model "A" Ford. When the media polled the public, the article would read that, even with Windows 7,8, and 9, most users used less then 20% of computers ability. The public, overwhelmingly, voted that computers had become far too complex. It just was not worth the effort, learning about programs which people MIGHT use, about every twenty years. The internet also had to report that copies, of Windows 2000, purchased via mail order, from Asia, were out-selling the new stuff, by 100,000-to-1. While Microsoft had, long since, ended tech support, for Windows 2000, a group, of investors, put together a new, support, network. A network, dedicated to working with those, who owned older machines. Of course, once the Asians heard about this new venture, they began to revise their product lines, placing only very SMALL orders, for the newer products, while watching sales SOAR, on parts, for out-of-date computers. In another industry, a corporation, which had been importing cheap, Asian, products, and selling that at the profit, of American prices, came to the bitter realization, that an international corporation was selling the product, direct to customers, at just 10% of what the corporation charged. Point of note: Even at 10%, the foreign corporation was making a 300% profit, from sales. The New World Order would become the New World Market. IF American corporations wanted to compete, then prices would have to FALL, drastically. This would mean no more new Rolls-Royces, each year. No more yachts. No more country clubs. Corporate boards of directors would return to living on budgets, just as they did, while working their way up, to the board room. One company actually tried to auction off some Rolls-Royces, to keep the company solvent, until profits returned. The same trick some fool, on e-bay had used, to try and sell a USED, 1972, Chevy Nova sedan, for $2,000. (A car, which had NO blue-book value) The Rolls-Royces went up for auction, four times, yet no offers were made. While no one could PROVE what happened, it seems that the Rolls were "lost", in a fire, along with about $50 million, in other, company, property. What made arson investigation suspicious was the fact that the goods were burned far enough from town, that nothing else was in danger. The insurance company not only refused to pay out, for replacement materials, but cancelled the company's insurance policy as well. When the idea, came out of Congress, to intercept foreign orders, enroute, then deliver, only when Americans paid, full, American, prices, the elder members, of Congress, reminded the younger members "That is called Piracy, on the high sea's. It has not been practiced, since the 1700's, and for good reason." When the elder added "Besides, thanks to electronics, people receive "paid in full" receipts, upon purchase. If you try to hijack their purchases, you will be sent to prison." Result, the New World Order would crumble to dust, while the New World MARKET, would lead to new prosperity. With the new world market taking over, the Republicans would "dissolve" back into the shadows, looking to, one day, make a come back. When this might happen was anyones guess.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


ODE TO A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM It may seem odd, however, to think of just how dependent modern Americans have become, on products, which use electricity. That is, until one evening, after dark, when a severe thunderstorm not only dumps enough ran to flood low-lying area's, but, when the rain is accompanied by powerful streaks, of lightning. I, for one, do not know which I fear most. The brief burst, of light. A burst which, for just a second, turns night time into high noon, on a sun-lit day. That, or the few seconds later, when the thunder crashes, so loud, that it shakes homes with the sound of a hungry predator. It is just so amazing that, one moment, a person can be listening to their favorite tunes, on their play-list, or watching a wide variety, of video products, yet, with the FLASH, of a bolt, of lightening, Battery powered, transistor, radios, and outdated, battery-powered, "boom-boxes" become the best music available. Then, of course, there are those persons, who enjoy listening to audio books, which they have down-loaded to their computers. One moment, the listener is engrossed in finding out if a spirit is, truly, that of a loved one, then, with a flash, of lightning, the stereo, and computer, stop playback (just before the truth is revealled). Suddenly, the listener is left to read printed magazines, and hard cover books. All by battery powered (or kerosene) lanterns. All due to the savage power, of "Mother Nature". Yes, how quickly our lives can change, without electric current. In fact, the very same type of current which, in the shape of a lightning bolt, can KILL, or destroy, instead of providing pleasure. Yes, how our lives have become so dependent, on electricity. Everything from C.D. players, to DVD machines. Stereo F.M. receivers, to Digital television signal receivers. Add in alarm clocks, microwave ovens, electric can openers, light bulbs, air conditioners, and portable fans, And it is oh, so simple, for a brief burst, of electricity to return a city, from twenty-first century high-tech, to seventeenth century candles, and paperback reading. It is at times, such as these, that I realize that a foreign power would not need a nuclear attack, to bring the United States to its "knee's". No, all that a foreign power would need to do was use a remote device, to shut down the power-grid, and the United States is returned to colonial times. All of the M.R.I.'s, ex-rays, and tests, whose names I wont pretend that I can pronounce, all useless, without electricity. And what of the American automobile? A device, whose systems, nowadays, run, almost completely, on electricity. Gone are the days, of carbureters, spark plugs (and wires), as well as simple gasoline. Nowadays, automotive design is so "addicted", to high tech micro-chips, that even ignitions do not turn over, without micro-chip permission. As for mobile (cell) phones. It would take just ONE, electrical, storm, to shut down an entire city/county. Add in the fact that pay telephones no longer exist, and it would be so very easy to cripple the nations economy, just with a few lightning bolts. My neighbors and I have sat back, and watched as just two, or three, lightning bolts, took out up to ten, city, blocks, of the power grid, leaving residents without light, heat, air conditioning, or entertainment. With our lives so dependent, nowadays, on this substance, called electricity, I have to wonder why cities dont move the power lines underground, to protect transformers from lightning strikes, as well as moving sub-stations underground, to protect against drunk drivers. In my town, there have been no less than three times when drunk drivers have driven through electric sub-stations, taking down several blocks, of the power grid, until electricity can be re-routed. How dependent we have become on this wonderous, yet deadly, substance, called electricity. A substance which can either keep a nations citizens in contact, or which can kill, faster than any sniper. How dependent we have become, on this substance, and how easily it can cripple our lives. Thanks to a severe thunderstorm, I have learned, first hand, what it is like, when electricity stops flowing. How life stops. How we find ourselves surrounded, by SILENCE. Maybe, we have satellite radio, however, this leaves the question: In colonial times, storms did not phase life, since families used hand-cranked phonographs, and kerosene lamps, as well as paper-back novels, to ride out storms. Are we really better off? This is my ode, to a severe thunderstorm (and the lessons such weather reminds us of)