Thursday, January 14, 2021


STIMULUS While the media had not been certain of HOW Mr. Biden would handle the next stimulus, since Congress had sent out the $600 payments, the question was "If Mr. Biden was in favor of the $2,000 payments, would the $600 be made part of this?" Mr. Biden MIGHT have considered this, but only until the tragic events, of January 6, 2021. This is why, right after the inauguration, Mr. Biden had set a task, for Congress. Mr. Trumps wrong-doings would NOT be counted. He was an outcast. This is why Mr. Biden set a date of "I want another bill, on my desk, by next week, for the full amount. NO half-measures. I want the $2,000 proposal on my desk." Now, while I had made plans, and promises, to return the $600, it turns out that the feds would need things such as court order numbers, or payment of debts, verification, to receive the payment back. This is why my support staff encouraged me to spend the money, wisely. I think that I did. After all, I used the money to buy a replacement chest freezer, and a modern day refrigerator. Most, of the remainder went for my "new", home computer. One which, at my request, had a new sound card installed. While the delivery persons were a bit baffled, when I wanted the old "fridge" moved to a side area, they moved it, to make way for the new unit. It would be spring, before the next stimulus came around, and, while I was trying to decide on which item I wanted to do, next, a friend asked me if I knew of anyone who wanted to BUY a stimulus payment. After I told them that I might know someone, this is when I went, and bought a pre-paid VISA card. Once activated, I took my friend to a public internet place, and had them transfer their payment to me. I then took them to the ATM, just outside the business, and gave them the $200 that they asked for. This is how I turned $2,000, into $12,000, in just one week. The way I kept myself safe was that I never gave a dollar amount. I only asked how much people wanted. Since none seemed to want more than $200, I traded. The purchasers, who would, eventually, get "stung", would be those who would say "I will give you $100, for your stimulus." They made money, faster than I did, but I made my money, safer. In fact, while I was just bordering on $25,000, the predators had over $50,000, when police began closing in. One predator was even dumb enough to offer a female, undercover, officer some "special service", as well as the money she "wanted". She busted him for fraud, and for making "advances". In fact, several people were busted at that same time. It is estimated that the predators took in a total of about $3 million. What made her laugh was the fact that, by the time support staff found out about selling benefits, and moved to stop this, the predators had purchased maybe $10,000 more, while I had purchased maybe $15,000. This is why, on the third, then the final, stimulus, support staff kept control of debit cards. This way, less people could have the ability to sell benefits. By that time the third stimulus was underway, For myself, I found the stimulus a great money maker. I was just amazed at how many people were willing to "sell" benefits, for spending money. Not all of them homeless, or derelict. The one woman, whom I did not turn down, was a woman, who was willing to sell me various items, in exchange for $500. From what my sources, then the woman, told me, she had "run up a bill", to a "creditor", and she planned to replace the money on a single, ultra-high-stakes wager. She even mentioned that, once she won, she was finished with gambling. (Personally, I would, NEVER, have wagered on 100,000-to-1 odds.) From what friends told me, when the woman was married, her husband had her sign a pre-nup agreeing to halt all gambling. If he found out how much she had LOST, so far, the marriage would be over. When she gave me the $500, worth of jewelry, I gave her the $500. Then I took the jewels to a shop, which gave me $1,000, for them. The woman had been right. The jewels were worth more than she had asked. Too bad her luck was not as good. While her plan, for the money had been to replace every penny she had taken, then live on the rest, for the remainder of her life, fate had been cruel. The wager had "bottomed out", and tens of millions were lost. While even I know that, when a wager is lost, that this means that the gambler has lost their money, what I did NOT know was that, for the 100,000-to-1 wager, gamblers had to not only put up the wager, but to sign an agreement stating either a flat-payment amount, or a full years worth of income. I guess it was legal since the creditor took the couple to court, and the husband paid off the debt. Instead of divorcing his wife, however, he took better revenge. He had her take a job, with all earnings going towards re-building the account. I learned of the facts from an ebony woman, who was the girlfriend of a man, who offered me his payment, in return for $200. After I, electronically-verified that he did have the money, and transferred it to me, I took him to an ATM, where I gave him the $200. When He saw my interest in his woman, he offered her "For another $200" She smiled when I said "I dont pay, even for beautiful women." It was when I walked away, from him that she, casually, caught up, with me, making another offer. "I think you want me as much as I want you." I told her "As a lover, yes." This is when she said "Here is my name, and address. Meet me there, at four p.m. and we will work it out." We did, too. By 4:10 p.m., we were inside her place, and sharing some romantic french kisses. What did I care if she was ebony, and I, ivory? After kissing, she let me taste those beautiful "B" cups breasts, then she took her time showing me what she had between her legs. She took once, on top, then lay, smiling, beneath me, as I took my turn. Afterwards, I gave her a "Thank You" kiss, then dressed. When she asked "Anything else?" I would say "Lets see. Kissing, nursing, and incredible sex. Aside from asking you to keep me informed, about other people, who want to sell..." She would smile as she said "You never know when you might need some "inside" information." I whispered "All I have to trade is my body." She smiled as she said "Good enough." BY the time the stimulus was gone, I knew of ten people, who were angry about support workers taking cards away. This, just because the people had taken stimulus money, and bought booze, and drugs. Now, the people had to ASK for what they wanted. This while I kept it a secret that I had $30,000, on my pre-paid VISA. I could understand the support workers annoyance, at the people. After all, the people could have atleast paid a months rent, and utilities, then drank, and drugged, the rest, away. As it was, an already over-stretched social services program had to find rent, and utility, money, for the idiots. While support workers would find the money, for current rent, and utilities, the clients were forbidden their cards return. This is why they would resort to panhandling. Off of the third stimulus, I would only make $15,000. That is, before support workers would remove more cards. From the forth stimulus, I would only add $10,000, since the courts were becoming more aggressive, about prosecution. The people, most-often, prosecuted were the ones who, when a person offered stimulus money, the buyer would only say "I cant go beyond $200 (or $300), at this time." It was after the people would say "I will take it." that hand-cuffs came out. I played it safe, by asking "How much do you want" and "How much is it worth?" By allowing debtors to set prices, I could not be arrested since I made no offers. When a person (most, undercover cops) would ask "Will you give me $500 for this?" I would say "Try someone else." While the undercover cops would be told "Dont quote a price. Have them quote, then we can arrest." The police were withdrawn from me, since my primary answer, to monetary requests was to say "I only have $200." Not, "I will offer $200." Just "All I have is $200." By the time round four was completed, most Americans were back to work, bills were paid, and life was back to normal. The courts had "thrown out" more than five million evictions, since non-payment began with loss of income. Only two million evictions were approved. The people, in question, were the type who let other people pay their deposit, and first months rent. They had only stayed, in current places due to the rent moratorium. Now that it was lifted, eviction notices went out, to the people, whom process servers knew, well. The last time that I saw up to fifteen of them, was when they told me they were staying in shelters. They would say "I doubt I will be seeing you, again. They are moving me to (other cities, in the state)." Even I felt that these people had the change coming to them. After all, they received monthly benefits, just like I did. If I could pay rent, plus utilities, then so could they. I never counted my VISA as "income" since I did not want to depend on it. Besides, with prices at current levels, even this amount of money would not last long. I just cannot believe how FAST some of the other buyers broke Parole. This, by signing the papers, then going right out, and violating them. The state would have to convert an old office building into a jail, to house them. While I had "put out word" that stimulus was all that I would buy, some people still brought me stuff, that they wanted to pawn. I did, ofcourse, turn them down. Of the four, white, women, who offered me "services", I was just as hostile, with them, as they were, with making "offers". It was the ebony women whom I was polite with. This, since they were friendly to me. Still, I made it clear what I would buy. When the final round, of sellers came to me, offering up their Social Security benefits, they tried to "Get around" my request, to see debit cards. When asked "Dont you trust me?" All I would say was "I only want to see the card". Maybe four people, at most, sold their benefits, to me, for $200, per. The rest gave up when I would not back down, on wanting to see their cards. No one could fault me, for buying what I was offered. Just $200 to buy over $800 worth of benefits. The four, who sold to me, would be returned to controlled care. Their money would go BACK under payee's. I would come out of the stimulus plans with $75,000. No criminal record since I never offered to BUY. I only told people what I had available, to pay. While I got around stimulus guidelines, the main concern that I would have hoping that none of my "clients" ratted me out. Still, the government had ruled it a crime to OFFER to BUY the payments. There was no stipulated rule, that forbidded people from OFFERING to SELL. Since I only bought what people were offering to sell... This is how I kept both the money, and my freedom. That and the fact that I declined to buy any merchandise, from anyone. This was my "Key" to winning at the stimulus. I let the pawn shops handle what might be stolen. This is why I "retired" after the last stimulus.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


THE STIMULUS RIP-OFF Yes, it is sad, but true. Once the $600 INSULT was pulled from the record, and NOT distributed, Congress entered the "fire-storm", wherein Republicans had insisted "America cannot AFFORD this." To this, the Democrats replied "When was the last time YOU tried to pay YOUR bills, with-OUT any money?" BY the time the $2,000 amount was agreed to, Mr. Biden had taken the Oath of Office, and he smiled, when he saw that one of his first duties was to sign off on the stimulus. Now, while even I wont deny that the vast majority, of Americans did the opposite, of what Republicans said they would do, with this money: Republicans wanted the public to believe that stimulus was financing fine dining, booze, and imported food. What the media reported was people bringing bills out of the red. Citizens, who were paying enough, on overdue rent (caused by lack of work, and the COVID HOAX), to prevent eviction, as well as paying the remainder either on past-due utility bills, or on grocery store food. It was during this time when the worst of civilization, showed its ugly head. The kind of people who, when a person wanted to "trade" their stimulus for cash, the rip-off artists would say "I cant go any higher than $300, for your entire payment. Take it or leave it." The people, who accepted this, would be the chronically homeless, and the addicts. When the local police found out, about this, they sent several officers undercover, to act either as buyers, or sellers. IN my city, alone, over two dozen people would be arrested for buying stimulus payments, at 10% of value. As for myself, when the payment came, I put it on a secondary, VISA, card. A pre-paid card. This is why I was able to buy my replacement chest freezer, refrigerator, and home computer. All with "NO questions asked" As I recall, I was down to about $1,500, when my first "client" came, asking me how much I would be willing to pay, for a stimulus. When I asked "How much do you want, for it?" I was quoted such figures as $100, to $200. Using an "internet cafe", I checked the persons information, found the money, on deposit, then had them transfer it to my card. Once I verifed the transfer, I took them to an ATM, which was just outside the cafe door, and withdrew the money. (I neither knew, cared, or asked, what the cash would be used for) Within two days, I had added about $8,000 to my pre-paid VISA. And, yes, when the police heard of another buyer, they sent an undercover to me. When they asked me what they could get, for the money, I asked them, a few times "How much do you want?" It was not until the question was repeated, a forth time, with "no clear answer", that the officer was told "Not a hustler. Let him go." I think I spent close to $1,000, to buy about $30,000. During the third, and forth, stimulus, I made slightly less, since workers KNEW that clients could not be trusted not to sell benefits. This is why, by the end of stimulus number four, I had just about $100,000. I know I heard case-workers reprimanding clients, for selling the benefits. When clients said "I needed the cash." Workers would ask "For what? Food? Rent?" No, most of the clients had gone through a total of $6,000 per person, for booze, and snacks. (That is, of those who did not sell, either to the predatory buyers, or to me.) The predatory buyers were sentenced to "home confinement", since the state had no cells, available. The buyers had credit cards were removed as well. Now, they, like their clients, had to ASK for money. A few used the purchased money, to BUY not-guilty verdicts. Still, this left them without any money. I KNOW that I was safe, since I did not brag, nor make big ticket purchases. One predator, who did land in jail, was a man who used his money to buy a sports car. Brand New. It was no wonder the police caught him. After all, HOW could a low-income person afford such a nice car (let alone the insurance) Another predator, who was caught, was one who, when approached, by an undercover cop, promised her "Money is no object. Name your price. I have plenty." When the woman asked "I wonder where you got so much money?" The man smiled as he told her. A minute later, the man was in hand-cuffs. I forget how many "street corner" "loaners" there were, including those, convicted. Only one, payday loan company was closed, for "cashing in" payments, on stimulus. What I DO know is that I never faced charges since I never offered to buy. I let people come to me, with offers. They offered, and I bargained. The police could find nothing illegal, about this. As I promised my own, support crew, my plan, for my money, was to let it draw interest, unless needed for a specific need. This is how I avoided being caught, in the rip-off, and avoided a criminal record. After all, no one can be arrested, if they offer to buy what another person is trying to sell. NO one can be arrested, for agreeing to purchase. This was my position, and one which saved me from wearing stripes.