Monday, August 24, 2015


THE REPEAL OF BIRTH RIGHT CITIZENSHIP While the most radical Americans would maintain that deporting illegal aliens would be the very "best" thing, to happen, to America, in centuries, what these same people did not count upon was consequences of this action. The original concept would be to rid the America's, of illegal immigrants, and, by this action, rid corporate America of a vast "pool", of slave labor. The result was predicted to be that corporate Amerrica would be forced to pay "legitimate" Americans a decent living, wage, since there would be no more illegal immigrants, to work to death. When combined with the proposal, to end "Birth Right Citizenship", in order to force even children, born in America, but to illegal alien parents, to leave America, along with illegal alien parents, radicals promised that these proccesses would "rid America, of excess burdens", even as legal Americans were placed back into the work-force. That was supposed to be the plan, anyway. There was just one problem, which even the radicals had not counted upon. This was the fact that Washington D.C. had neglected to set limits, on how far, into the past, to review family histories. Sure, it was easy for immigration to force the children, and grand-children, of current illegal aliens, to leave America, however, since no one had thought to set limits, on how many generations, to review, the problem became more real, to more Americans, than most people would have thought possible. With "Birth Right Citizenship" now, no-longer applicable, th repercussions would be felt, first by the service industry, which would find vast numbers, of its work-force facing deportation, but what no one expected was the next group, to face devastating losses. Namely, the U.S. military. In all four branches, of the military, illegals had dedicated themselves, to proving their value, to America, by serving in the military. The hope was to prove the peoples value, to the nation, by serving, in uniform. There would be speculation, that these aliens were trying to "buy" their way, into citizenship, but the truth was that the aliens wanted to prove themselves worthy of American citizenship. When the impact, of the actions, landed at the Pentagon, the brass would have to take as long as six months, just to print out all of the required "Dis-Honorable Discharge" papers, to cover all of the illegals, who were serving America. One general would, even complain that he was losing three full divisions, worth of soldiers, to Immigration Reform. Ofcourse, hospitals, and nursing homes, would voice similar complaints, as it became known that workers had forged documentation, in order to secure employment. To ensure "compliance", with reform law, a McCarthy-style commission was set up, to review Americans records, and backgrounds, but there was a problem, even here. The commissions start-up was stalled, several times when commission recruits own family histories came to light. When potential commission members brought out old, family, records, and even visited grand-parents, for documentation of citizenship, an almost ridiculous number, of these candidates learned shocking "secrets", about their own families. Candidates, both white and black, had ancestors, who had "worked off" passage, to America, after stowing away, on ships which were bound for the new nation. In fact, according to a surprisingly large number, of family "records", or "tales", candidates ancestors not only worked off passage, to America, but, upon arrival, these people "melted" into the "underground world", of American, slave, labor. Despite this, many immigrants felt only pride, to have come to a land where hard work could bring one both pride, and prosperity. Back in the present, even the Immigration Reform commissions own top managers selection process seemed to take "forever". This, even as more people began searching their own, family, histories, to PROVE that their own families had come to America, legally. The problem was that too many Americans began learning, though, that their families had NO immigration papers. No way to prove that ancestors had entered America, legally. In fact, the elderly would inform the younger people that, for generations, families had remained "hidden", as much as possible, from authorities. Many not even seeking aid, or assistance, for fear of deportation. This would be a main reason why, for generations, many families had worked eighteen hour days, with ALL family members working, to cover rent, in ghettos where units were just large enough for two people. In the present, one U.S. Army Major was no-sooner shocked, with pride, to learn that an ancestor had worked, on the construction of the Statue of Liberty, when the next discovery destroyed the mans career. It turns out that the Statue of Liberty construction worker had been an illegal alien. A man who had hoped not just to EARN his immigration papers, but to become an acccepted part, of his new country, by working on the Statue of Liberty. Now, the decorated major was facing "Dis-Honorable Discharge", for the mans actions, from 150 years ago. When Congress tried to "exempt" itself, from the review process, members were shocked when the public rejected this exemption. Within three months, of the decision, to revoke Birth Right Citizenship, nearly half, of the House of Representatives, would receive papers, notifying of removal from office. Most, for actions, of ancestors the politicans never even knew existed. One Congressman, for example, learned, to his dis-belief, that he was a several layers descendant, of a rapist-murderer. His several layers great-grand-mother had become pregnant, by her attacker, yet, according to legend, decided to raise the criminals child, to RESPECT the law. Then, three, Asian, members, of Congress, learned the brutal truth, of their parents PAYING for forged documents. These facts were only revealled when investigators found discrepancies, in original documents. Yet another Congressman was left speechless, when he learned that his own ancestor had been a prostitute. In fact, the woman had been one, of hundreds, of prostitutes, sent, cattle-style, to America. This, once the womans "value", to European men, was ended. The idea, behind sending the prostitutes, to America, was the hope that American men, in the colonies, would NOT be so "choosy", with such limited, local, prospects. Sure, the Congressman had heard stories, since childhood, of women being "brought" (or, was it bought?), into the family. What the Congressman had no idea of was that the past had been "sugar-coated", to show that everything had been both legal, and humane. His review came under dispute, though, since his male ancestor had, in fact, sold himself into slavery, for passage to America. Once the man worked off his debt, the man had been allowed to BUY his citizenship. As a result, the Cogressman had one legal, and one illegal, ancestor. Ofcourse, neither the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, C.I.A., F.B.I., nor other agncies, found themselves immune, even as staff members searched own histories, for proof of immigration. The media even reported that the department of Immigration computers went off-line, repeatedly, due to the impossible number of requests coming in. Washington D.C. had decided to deport eveyone, through Mexico, since Canada had issued a warning that, sending a "human wave", over Canadas border would be tantamont to a declaration of WAR. Just as Washington D.C. was having federal troops preparing to march the first wave, of illegal aliens, over the Rio Grande, and into Mexico, the response, from the Mexicans was most direct. In a highly-publicized address, Mexican officials made a decision, which Washington D.C. had not even been prepared to consider. The announcement that, to prevent any "human wave", from entering the south, that atleast five, to, maybe, eight, southern nations were preparing their militaries, along the Rio Grande, in a form of "defensive perimeter". This defensive line would consist of tanks, howitzers, machine gun crews, and so on. The "message, from Mexico, to Washington D.C.: "Anyone you send into our territory will be considered an "invading force" and we WILL respond, accordingly." From thousands of miles away, when Washington D.C. would say "They wouldn't DARE shot women and children. Send them over, first. CALL the bluff!" (So very easy to say, from 1,000 miles away). At the border, when the U.S. Army was given the orders, to send the first groups across the Rio Grande, soldiers kept weapons ready as, on the opposite side, of the Rio Grande, machine-guns, and other military arms, prepared to fire. When the U.S.Army captain gave the order "First three groups proceed", his soldiers never heard the captains voice sound so hollow, or remorseful. The words came out more as mechanations, than as orders. Along the border, some thought this might be because, among the groups, which would be marching, were soldiers, and former members, of the captains own attack squads. The captain had been shocked into dis-belief, when the orders, to discharge three units, of his command, had come down. All due to revocation of "Birth Right Citizenship". As the first groups walked beyond the American side, of the bridge, and into the Mexican side, Bullets, mortars, and rockets ripped the three groups into a pile of blood-soaked clothing. When, via tele-conference, Washington D.C. was asked for comment, about the carnage, all Washington D.C. would reply was "They were NOT in America, legally, to begin with. As a result, their fate is NOT our responsibility". When a flight, of Apache gun-ships, normally on border patrol, took up station preparing to return Mexico's fire, Washington D.C. issued direct, clear, orders, to the pilots: "Unless the American side, of the bridge is DIRECTLY, and DELIBERATELY, fired upon, you will NOT return fire". Soon, illegals, walking over the bridge, went from having to climb over the dead, which, now, littered the bridge, walking into the deadly fire, from Mexico, and turned to jumping into the Rio Grande. When Mexican machine-gunners began straffing the swimmers, Washington D.C. issued direct orders, to the border patrol members "Take NO action, in regards to "events" in the river, or on the Mexican side. Defend the U.S. ONLY if DIRECTLY, and DELIBERATELY, attacked". This, even as Mexican machine-gunnners divided their fire between the bridge, and the Rio Grande. It would seem that Mexico was determined to show that the "all powerful" American government was NOT going to PUSH its southern neighbors around. This, while Washington D.C., far removed from the carnage, at the border, continally reminded the news media, and the American public "These people were NOT, legally, on our shores. They get what they deserve, when they cross that bridge". Still, despite the bold words, from the far away leadership, U.S. Army soldiers could not help but be sickened, by what they were witnessing "up close and personal". Via live telecast, the American public watched as the Rio Grand began filling up, with dead bodies. Atleast until some Mexican bazooka crews, on orders, blasted holes, in the growing mound, of bodies, in the river. On the American side, of the Rio Grande, soldiers had to turn a sick, and deaf, "ear", to the pleas, of those being sent to their deaths. Although men were silent, women begged the soldiers, for mercy, and children cried, even as the heart-sick soldiers followed orders. Before marching across the bridge, themselves, three members, of congress, shared farewell embraces, with life-long friends, before marching into the fire. Washington D.C. would have deported as many as possible, via international shipping, however, this idea was ruled out when ships captains were ordered to LEAVE American ports, BEFORE Washington D.C. could "dump" its "problems" into the ships holds. As a result, all illegals would make the march, across the Rio Grande. Just forty-eight hours into the operation, though, the Pentagon received word, from the Rio Grande. The river, and the bridge, had claimed over 100,000 lives, in just two days. U.S. Army soldiers just could not bear seeing the destruction, up close, anylonger. This is when "on the ground" commanders radioed washington D.C. this message: "If you want this to continue, come down, and do it, your-SELVES!" Not surprisingly, once Washington D.C. learned that it would have to "get its OWN hands dirty", on the project, that the expulsion was "suspended, pending further review". During the following months, the illegals not only set up camp, on the American side of the border, but the illegals even assisted the U.S. military, in its duties. What had been designed to be nothing more than a "check-point", on the way to Mexico, turned into a city. A city which, soon, expanded into two, nearby, ghost towns. "Local" grocers, and volunteer organizations, began providing food, and other "necessities", to the illegals. On the Mexican side, the "contribution", to the matter, was to send bulldozers onto the bridge, to clear the bridge of bodies. After the bodies were removed, Mexico would "power-wash" the bridge, with ammonia, until the bridge looked "good as new". In Washington D.C., however, things could not have been further from peaceful. It would seem that, of the majority, which had endorsed ending "Birth Right Citizenship", most of their numbers were on their own way, to face deportation, once family histories were revealled. One, of the radicals, was even openly LAUGHED, out of congress, after the person asked "How was **I** supposed to know that great-great-grand-dad, what-was-his-name-again, was an illegal alien? My family has been in America, and obeyed this nations laws, for generations" By this time, though, neither side, of the issue, had a majority, since there were so FEW members, of Congress, NOT awaiting deportation. One reporter even commented that "At the present time, approximately 75% of the U.S. Congress is in the "staging town", at the border, awaiting its fate". The Mexicans must have heard the rumor that the "bull-mooses", in Congress, were prepared to bully their way back into activating the deportation since, one evening, after sun-set, the southern half, of the Rio Grande bridge exploded, in a brilliant, white, light, and a thunderous B-O-O-M! When some radical, somewhere, was heard to say "Who cares if they blew up the bridge. Let the illegals swim home!" To this, the refugees stood, silent, awaiting the military's orders. As the media reported the situation, the problem was that, apart from the Indian tribes, there were very FEW Americans, who had NO illegal aliens, somewhere in their family tree's. When the bridge detonation was followed by the visual demonstration, of the Mexicans, building a wall, on their beach, complete with firing ports, for weapons, the outcry, from the American people, became too real, for Congress to ignore. With the death toll currently at 100,000 men, women, and children, in total, and a bridge blown in half, as well as a wall, going up, to protect a beach what more evidence could Washington D.C. need, to understand that "revoking Birth Right Citizenship" was nothing short of a total disaster? (Part Two coming, sooon...)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


RETURN OF THE 1970'S Although this event would, allegedly, be triggered, by a car-bombing, at a congressional district office, It would be much more accurate to say that the event was, actually, triggered, by a radical member of Congress. Both by their comments, and a suspicious e-mail. There are those who found the appearance, of the e-mail, to be suspicious, to say the least. Not for its contents, either. The real problem was that the e-mail only appearred in response to public suspicion, about the car-bombing. For MONTHS, prior to the bombing, the congressman, in question, had been demanding ever-increasing amounts, of funds, in order to continue whatever it was that America was, still, trying to achieve, in the Middle East. The congressman was "preaching" the "need", for the U.S. government to approve atleast another $900 million, for the purpose of "continue to take the battle, to the enemy". By this time, though, the American people had ceased to listen to such rhetoric, and such stupid phrases as "The terrorists are EVERYWHERE" and "We MUST take the battle to "them", or we risk further attacks, on our homeland". Such phrases had lost all meaning, over the past decade. After more than a decade, of the "War on Terror", all that John Q. Public could see, coming out of this "war" was an ever-growing number of coffins, and far too many grave-stones, marking the future hopefuls, of the business world. This, and the fact that armaments manufacturers were growing insanely rich, off of multi-billion dollar military contracts. Washington D.C. had, also, lost its international support, for this "war", but, now, the capital was losing the American people as well. To many Americans, it would seem as if the car-bomb explosion would be a last-ditch effort, to rally the American people back into supporting the endless "wars". It was just questionable whether, or not, the destruction, of a neighboring book store, on one side, of the congressional office, and a beauty salon, on the opposite side, were intentional, or just by-products. Within twelve hours, of the explosion, and even BEFORE the bomb-squad even began to evaluate the scene, the congressman would be on television, and radio, insisting that the bombings were a warning. "These bombs", the congressman would tell the audience "Are a TEST, of our national resolve. We MUST step up the "War on Terror", or face even more bombings". Well, after the myriad lies the American public had been told, to justify the trillions of dollars, already spent on invading the Middle East, including "manufactured claims", of "W.M.D.'s", nuclear, biological, and even chemical, weapons, All that Americans saw, coming out of this "war", was the more than 21,000 dead soldiers, in their flag-draped coffins, as well as the more than 50,000 permanently-disabled service members, the widows, and the orphans. When Washington D.C. tried to counter this, by shouting "9/11! 9/11!", the American public was beginning to say "Thats OLD news!". Then, the car bomb exploded. It was, however, only after the media began to question the timing, of the car bombing, and the growing suspicion, that the bombing might have been just a stunt, designed to "shock" the American people BACK into the attitude that "We MUST counter-attack!" Only AFTER this had the mysterious e-mail come to light. Naturally, it was full of the usual "American devils must pay for their "evil"" crap, but the problem, with the e-mail was that investigative journalists were searching for comparisons, to known, extremist, groups, and these journalists ended up finding what Congress had hoped the journalists would not find. Journalists discovered that this "threat" was, practically, word-for-word, the same as several, previous, threats. Threats, which were so similar to threats issued by the likes of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and others. "Promises" that lands, such as Germany, would crush the dictators enemies. The radical congressman was even insisting that anyone, who opposed continuing the invasions, of the Middle East, was both a "Terrorist Sympathizer", and a "Traitor to America", and that all such persons were to be placed under maximum, active, surveillance. The modern radicals main mistake was to suggest that "ALL, modern, cars, be outfitted, with active, surveillance, systems, just as all modern public transit would be actively monitored". What the radical was too demented to realize was the effect that their words would have, on the American public. Just at the time, when fuel-efficiency standards would have lead to a significant reduction, in Carbon-Monoxide emmissions, as well as decreased, national, dependence, on foreign oil, Once the American public was made aware that their newer, micro-processor, controlled, cars could, soon become federal, listening, devices, something, Washington D.C. could, never, have anticipated, happened, on American streets. Even as ridership, on modern, L.P. fuelled, mass transit busses, saw a sharp decline, as commuters suspected federal "eaves-dropping", on daily commutes, first one automobile salvage yard, then more, began reporting customers, coming in, NOT just to buy auto PARTS, but to buy whole vehicles. Within three months time, the numbers, of 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's motor vehicles, being returned to service, began to alarm federal, and state, governments. This, even as salvage yards reported rapidly diminishing inventories. Auto parts stores also saw escalating sales, of "classic" car parts, even as "classic cars" were being put back on the road. Portable stereo manufacturers also began reporting brisk sales, of battery-powered stereos. It would, soon, become apparent that the American public was willing to give up fuel efficiency, air conditioning, and even satellite radio, in order to retain personal privacy. As for the mass transit agencies, their management realized that the only way to regain passenger ridership, was to return to the now, long-retired, old work-horses, to active service. The buses which had carried workers to, and from, manufacturing jobs, in the 1970's, and 1980's. Even though this would mean giving up on newer, more fuel-efficient, models, with their wheelchair lifts, and other "gadgets". This decision would be made mandatory, since the public was making it known that passengers would NOT ride the newer models. Not, atleast, until the public was sure that there would be no federal "eaves-dropping". On top of all of this, new car dealerships reported sales lots becoming more like "ghost-towns", due to the publics fear, of the radicals surveillance suggestions. Still, the radical would insist that America remained in the "terrorists" "cross-hairs", and the radical even tried forming a "tie", with two, subsequent, car-bombings, as "Proof of Intent". On-site bomb-squads, though, would only report that each bombs components were "locally available", to ANY-one. When asked, a bomb-squad commander would only say "All I am suggesting is that ANY-one could have made these bombs. Even I could". After this, the worse mistake anyone could have made, was in being stupid enough to send a man, dressed like a Taliban member, into a shopping mall, and carrying a package. The man might have pulled off the "stunt" except that his actions were "way too suspicious". Even according to mall security, it seemed as if the man was TRYING to DRAW attention to himself. Especially in the ways the man kept looking at people, and half-stumbling about. It is no wonder that, in no time, at all, the mall security brought the man into its offices. A short time later, when the bomb squad was called in, to check the mans package, the bomb squad commander no-sooner opened the "suspicious" package, when the squad commander laughed, so hard, at what he found, in the package, that his helmet fell off. The so-called "bomb" turned out to be nothing more than some Lincoln Logs, some radio wire, and an old style alarm clock. When another bomb-squad worker asked the commander "Whats so funny?", the squad commander would say "This looks like a kindergarten toy. My grand-children could have done a better job, than this". This is why it was no surprise that, when the "terrorist" photo was sent out, to law enforcement, that the silent man was, soon, "taken into custody", by none other than F.B.I. agents. (The local media was, strictly, forbidden, from running any story, about the "fake bombing", even as the congressional radical was not only demanding an increase, in invasion funding, of $2.9 billion, but that the radical was, also, bringing legislation, stating that even older model cars were to, soon, be equipped, for monitoring). When the media asked "HOW will you wire cars, such as the General Lee, for surveillance? These cars dont even have F.M. radio" The media just shook their collective heads, in dis-belief, when the radical congressman would say "To protect America, I would wire up dogs, and cats, if need be". Soon after this, the radical became a "laughing stock", whose supporters, quickly, bailed, on them, over the "dogs and cats" remark. Congress, also, would suspend further, action, on invasion funding, until Capital Hill could either FIND, or CREATE, ANOTHER reason, for continuing the Middle-East invasions. A reason which war-weary Americans would accept. Problem was that, over the past decade, almost every excuse, in the book, had been used, too many times. After the "dogs and cats" remark left Americans questioning their governments "ethics" (while the public tried to control its belly-laughs), mass transit agencies began placing small, yet growing, numbers, of newer busses, back into service. The most intelligent, of these services, even posted "laughter" signs, for riders, which read "No WIRED animals allowed, on mass transit busses" followed by a smiley face. No doubt, the main reason why the radical "retired", from office, was that the "dog and cat" remark had lead to many, of the radicals own staff members seeking transfers (to prevent being known as "laughing stocks", themselves). When the radical closed their final, remaining, offices, to head home, the radical would hear plenty of fake "Woof, woof's", and "meows", as they left the capital. In the end, bomb squad commanders would report "No evidence of "terrorist" plots. All bombs composed of materials, available to anyone, with a credit, or debit, card". Still, it would be MONTHS before the public would "Let down its guard", and place older vehicles BACK into storage, while returning to driving newer cars. On the positive side, though, many people agreed that it had been FUN, driving their parents cars, and seeing now-historic busses, on city streets, again. Also, thanks to a few, nostalgic, mechanics, (probably with too much time on their hands) some cities did, in fact, tune up the old busses, modernizing the engines, while keeping interiors intact. This, while a growing number, of motorists, also upgraded car engines, in order to continue driving nostalgic cars. One city even won an award, for going even further. To celebrate the return, of the 1970's mass transit busses, the department, of public works, dug out some old, bus route signs, and re-posted these, for passenger appeal. While the radical was, soon, forgotten, the nostalgia wave lived on, including some cities even allowing commuters to vote on which routes to run the 1970's busses on.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE TEXT After finishing up the case of the corporate lodge, Tami and I were feeling tired, as we prepared to return home. It wasn't that we did not enjoy our work, but going from one case to another, was just energy draining. Simple fact was that, just like anyone else, Tami and I could only go so long, before we needed a rest, as well. This is why we were relieved when the corporation had decided to abandon its "retreat" idea, and donate the land. The last Tami had heard, from Mr. Brown's secretary, was that Mr. Brown was, personally, approving our vacation vouchers. Once back home, the plane would go in, for maintenance, while Tami and I took a well-deserved rest. Ofcourse, that WAS the plan, atleast until we landed. Back at base, we would be informed that the agency had a special case, and that Mr. Brown was pulling in all available assets. When Tami asked about the case, the secretary would tell us that a woman had been charged with both witchcraft, and cannibalism. It seems that, while doing some utility upgrades, near the womans house, some bones had been found, and sent, for examination. Although the woman denied knowing about the bones, it seems that some overzealous police obtained a search warrant, for the womans house, even before the bones were identified. The woman was, also, taken into custody, as a "precaution". By the time the lab results had come in, verifying that the bones were human, the police search warrant had found a text, in the kitchen. A text, which the police were un-able to read. A text which was, currently, sitting in the holding rooom, of the police station, while charges were pressed, against the woman. At the present time, Mr. Brown had a request in the works, to gain access to the text. It would seem that one of the agencies financiers wanted to know if the "evidence" was true, or if the woman was being "railroaded". Mr. Brown agreed that he, too, wanted to know. The agency was, also, trying to collect land records, in case this was nothing more than a copy of the "Grave Secrets" story. A story in which home owners un-knowingly purchased land, for homes, in a housing tract, which was built on top of an old graveyard. While law enforcement "stone-walled" all of Mr. Brown's efforts, to gain access to the text, for testing, and translation, Tami would make a contact, via an agency client, with a local coven. When Tami visited the coven, she would be informed that the text, if Wiccan, could be a double-meaning book. Read one way, it was a simple cookbook, for preparing delicious meals. Read another way, it was a book of potions, and preparations. Ofcourse, it COULD be dark magic, as well. If this were the case, the book would have only one meaning. It would be for the empowering, of dark forces. When Tami would ask about the property, and bones, the coven would tell Tami that it was possible that, in the past, a graveyard had rested, on the location. The problem was that, with the passage, of centuries, only a close-up examination would reveal the truth. When Tami would ask "How close up?", the coven leader would say "Forget it. Even the coven has failed to get close, as yet". When Tami would ask "If I could get close, what would I be looking for?" The coven leader would provide a list of features, which might still exist. By the time Tami had this, in hand, Mr. Brown was growing VERY annoyed, at the police, and the District Attorney. His reason was simple. The agency wanted a hand, in translating the manuscript. The police, though, would release no more than the cover, and the first, ten, pages. This, even though agency contacts, within the justice department, said that the volume was as thick as a dictionary. Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, would be left to conclude that the D.A. was determined to make a fast, and easy, case, against the woman. The bones, found on her property, would be the D.A.'s "slam-dunk", for a witchcraft connection. Mr. Blue, though, was left to wonder just WHAT punishment a convicted witch might receive, in the 21st century? After all, no one had been burned, at the stake, for centuries. HOW would the justice department handle prosecuting a convicted witch? When all, legal, attempts, at securing land-maps, failed, Mrf. Brown turned to his resident "expert", at bureaucratic thievery. Malcolm Morsden. This man was the federal version, of the residential specialist, Jackson. Morsden had a reputation for breaking into even the more secure places, stealing data, and escaping, without anyone knowing that he was there. Mr. Brown knew that this case was urgent, since the D.A. was even moving high-profile cases aside, to make room for the witchcraft case. The question was "Why?" Why was the D.A. so determined to gain a speedy conviction? Malcolm Morsden provided atleast PART of the answer, when he submitted his report, on land use, since the states official founding. Prior to the invasion, of Chirstianity, and the seizing, of Indian property, "In the name of God", it seems that the land in question had been a burial place, with as many as 100 burials. The reason why the land was not "marked" was because only the holiest people, and those deemed "Most Honorable", were buried in this place. When Mr Brown checked with the agency "plant", at the morgue, the worker verified that it was odd that the coroner was ordered to stop the inquiry, once the bones were found to be human. The D.A. did not seem to care WHOSE bones were dug up. The D.A. only cared that they were HUMAN bones. When Mr. Brown asked the worker to determine all that they could, about the bones, the worker agreed to make a report, as soon as possible. Mr. Blue, soon had to report that the woman was being denied legal representation, since her case was not being considered "criminal". The D.A. was using every loop-hole they could find, to deny the woman her rights. This included listing the womans actions as "administrative/religious". When even Mr. Brown asked "What does THAT mean?", the entire staff, of the agency, looked just as confused as Mr. Brown, himself, was. How could anyone be tried, in court, under "administrative/religious" reasons? When Mr. Browns secretary made contact, with the indian nations, the descendants, of those, who were driven off the land, centuries ago, verified that, at one time, a holy place had existed, in the area. Although the indians had petitioned, for a visit, it would seem that the D.A. was using their own "connections", to keep the indians away. This, even as the D.A. petitioned the courts, to move the trial date even closer. In fact, according to agency sources, at the courthouse, the D.A. was pushing staff, to process the witchcraft case, at record speed. When the presiding judge decided that the case was proceeding TOO fast, and requested that all information be double-checked, to verify validity, the D.A. let it "leak", to the holding center, that the accused woman was an alleged cannibal, who MAY have eaten children. Result, the woman was attacked, in prison, and beaten, violently, even as her stomach was cut open. The prison infirmary staff would be left to notify the courts, that NO human body parts were found inside the accused body. The infirmary also had to report that the woman would be in ICU, for weeks, or longer, since someone had decided to carve anti-witch, and anti-devil, markings into the womans flesh. As a result, of the attack, on the woman, Malcolm Morsden agreed to assist Tami and I, in infiltrating the "crime-scene", in order to determine the truth. Using information, from both the Wiccans, and the Indian nations, I guess that one could say that our group performed "Breaking and Entering", since we entered a "crime-scene", without proper authorization. We rationalized this, though, by hoping that we could prove the womans innocence, especially of the cannibalism charge. Under cover of darkness, a small "army", of agency personnel, descended upon the scene, all looking for evidence of the indian cemetary. It was easy to see how home-buyers had been deceived, into purchasing land, in the area. In fact, our group did not even find any evidence, of any activity, until we brought in ground-penetrating-radar. By three a.m., though, we had learned why so many, small, bones had been found, on the womans property. According to records, supplied by the indian nations, the womans house was built over what had, once, been the "center", of the "childrens burial" section. Proof of this was found when GPR discovered the base, of an idol. An idol which, according to indian belief, guided the young dead into the indian version of the "after-life". Discreet scanning, of nearby properties, verified the presence, of long dead burial sites. The remains were buried in the customs which had pre-dated the Christian invasion, of the America's. GPR also found evidence, of the removal, of other markers, as well. By dawn, the "army" might have been exhausted, and ready to "hit the showers", but the evidence, which we un-covered would help prove, atleast, that the woman was NO cannibal. Ofcourse, there was no way to prove that the woman was not a witch. Even Mr. Blue had questioned how one could prove a person was a witch? Now that we knew that there were real, and active, white, and dark, witches, in America, this left the question of not just "proving" witchcraft, but proving if a witch was a "Wiccan", or a dark witch. During the womans trial, when the D.A. kept trying to push for a conviction, based upon witchcraft, we can only think that the judge grew suspicious, of how often the D.A. kept invoking phrases, such as "dark witch", and "Devil worship", since, to everyones surprise, the judge, finally, asked the D.A. to define the terms. When the D.A. would say "Your Honor, the evidence is right in front of you." When the judge would ask "What evidence?" The D.A. would say "The bodies, under the property, for one." When the judge would ask "What else?" The D.A. would say "That BOOK! It MUST be evil. Otherwise, WHY is it not in English?" The judge must have received our agencies report, since the judge indicated "For your information, counselor, information has reached this court, which shows that the land, in question, was, once, an indian burial ground." When the D.A. would, passionately, state "But, that BOOK! It is NOT in English, so it MUST be evil!" The judge would ask "Since when are books, not written, in English, "evil"?" then add "The Russians do not write, in English, nor do the Germans, nor the Poles, nor the Greeks. Counselor, are you saying that these peoples are "evil", for not writing, in English?" When the D.A. would say "That woman is EVIL!" The judge would say "Counselor, you have just thirty days to prove that she is "evil". If you do not do so, I am declaring a mist-trial" Still, this left Mr. Blue's question un-answered. Just HOW does one PROVE that a woman is a "witch"? According to reports, from the prison infirmary, checking the womans body, for marks, would do no good, at this point. Her body was covered on so many injuries, from religious radicals, that she was in for months, of re-constructive surgery, just to repair the worst damage. According to her prison intake reports, the intake physician did not note any "suspicious" art-work. The nurses had noted nothing, either. Just HOW did the D.A. hope to prove that the woman was a witch? When one of Mr. Browns team would say "If she is anything like my wife, I would say that the odds are even" This is when another agent would say "If womens behavior is any judge, then ALL of them are witches". Someone else would add "And you men are no better?" Mr. Brown would call an end, to the discussion, by saying "It is true that, at some points, nearly everyone, male, as well as female, ACTS like a witch. The question is PROOF. How does one PROVE witchcraft?" What no one knew was what Mr.Brown, and Mr. Blue, had in store, for the D.A. During a hectic week, for the D.A., court was just in recess when, outside the courtroom, the D.A. would shout "The Devil!", while pointing down the hall. When others looked in the direction, which the D.A. was pointing, they did, indeed, see a tall figure, complete with a magificent beard, bright, red, skin, horns, and so on. The very image of the Christian view of Satan. When Mr. Brown stepped before the man, though, asking "Why do you assume this is Satan?" Several, in the crowd were un-sure, but Mr. Brown could read the looks, of fear, in their faces. They were afraid of the POSSIBILITY that this COULD be the real Devil. When "Satan" gave off a "wicked" smile, screams followed, then "Satan" gave a heart-felt belly laugh as, in a deep voice, he said "Fools, you know not what you are looking at". Then he turned to Mr. Brown, asking "Did I say that, right?" Mr. Brown would say "Perfect". When a judge came out of court, asking "Whats the meaning of this?" Mr. Brown would gesture, to "Satan", saying "Ladies, and gentlemen, allow me to introduce mister (name of actor). He has played several roles, these past years, and has agreed to aid my agency, in showing that all is not what it seems. This gentleman will, now, show you what I mean". There, in front of dozens, of terrified eyes, the actor would, bit by bit, remove his make-up, which he handed to a now-present assistant. Within ten minutes, "Satan" became the well-recognized actor, from several, recent, plays. When the judge would ask "Your point, sir?" Mr. Brown would say "Just because something SEEMS to be "evil", whatever that means, it does not mean that it IS "evil". When the D.A. would insist "That man is just trying to get that devil-worshipper off, on a technicality. She must be STOPPED! Her, and her kind!" When the judge would ask the D.A. "Stopped from doing what?" The D.A. would say "Stopped from poisoning the minds of others!" The judge would, only, say "I need a clearer definition than that". After the D.A. would stalk away, to consider his position, the judge would tell Mr. Brown "Nice stunt, and, thank you, for notifying me, in advance". At Mr. Browns agency, the staff, including Tami and I, would watch, in total amazement, as the public tried to define what "witchcraft", and "evil" were. To say that the debate was "heated" would be an understatement. Simple fact was that neither the Bible, nor the Koran, nor any other source, really defined "evil". The closest anyone came, to a definition, was to call certain things "un-godly". The debate would rage on, even after the woman was released, into physical therapy. She would be declared "disabled", atleast until her injuries were healed. As for the sub-division, owners ended up defaulting, on mortgages, since NO one wanted to buy housing, which was built on grave-sites. The land would end up on the states books, and would be converted in to a memorial park. Banks did show lieniency, with the defaults, since not even the banks knew what was buried (or, so they said, anyway) on the land. Once the woman was healed, enough, she showed the agency HOW to read the text. A text which was in a very old, and obscure dialect. She did caution us, though, NEVER to READ the recipes, aloud. She said that would be known as chanting. When the woman said the book contained recipes, and someone asked "Does it contain a recipe, for non-fat Strawberry Shortcake?" The woman would say "Deserts Section", then point to the section marker. When Mr. Brown would ask "What happens if a person reads, aloud, as they are mixing?" The woman would say "Talking to onesself does not apply. It is intentionally calling out the words, which is called chanting. For example: "I call upon this moon to be a lovers moon, with all the pleasures, thereof"" When the woman issued the words, in a rich, thick, booming, voice, then said "That was a chant". When Mr. Blue would ask "Just curious, but what generation, of your line, are you?" The woman would say "According to grandmother, I would be, lets see, five generations in Rome, seven in England, four, in Ireland, seven, somewhere, in South America," then she would count, on her fingers before saying "I would guess, maybe, twenty-five, or thirty. Why do you ask?" Mr. Blue would say "Wow, after so many years, you must be real masters, of your craft." The woman would smile as she said "Cute, but no. None of us is BORN, knowing the secrets. Each generation must LEARN the ways of the world. Knowledge must be EARNED, to be valued." When Mr. Brown would ask "How much study before you will complete your studies?" The woman would answer "If you mean "graduate", I doubt there is such a thing as a "graduate". Our lives are spent in the process of learning." When Mr. Blue would ask "Then, whats the point? Spending your life just studying? What is the end reward? What do you get out of the deal?" The woman would smile as she said "Knowledge, and Enlightenment. Those are our rewards. To achieve what few others strive to achieve." (Case-file conclusions: The accused would turn out to be a "white witch", or Wiccan. The charge, of "Cannibalism" would prove as false as a seven dollar bill. This, due to the fact that age-old indian records PROVED that the housing development had, at oone time, been a sacred, burial, ground. The Wiccan would, then, treat agency staff members to a "healthy dessert party". Yes, the volume was a cookbook, and everyone was amazed to find out both how healthy, and how delicious, that Strawberry Shortcake could taste, when "proper" ingredients are used. The District Attorney would be placed on "extended leave", especially after his "outburst", over seeing what he had THOUGHT was the Devil. The judge had ordered an "extended rest, and recovery", for the man. Thanks to his performance, at the courthouse, the "Devil" was offered four, film, projects, and would announce that, after years of effort, his dream, of becoming a professional performer, was in hand. As for Tami and I, we were giving up any hope, of a real vacation. Not with all the cases, which still needed tending to. Besides, the last time we went on leave, a "case" actually found US. Tami and I, also, knew what Mr. Brown was about to say, when he brought forth another file. "I just want your thoughts, on this one." How many times had Tami and I heard THAT one? I guess that "success", even secret success, comes at a price. Oh, well, time, life, and work, go on...


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE NECKLACE Well, okay, so it wasn't actually a vacation. If he were, still, alive, to be asked, I am sure that former President Ronald Reagan would have called our post-case activity a "working vacation". Something which Mr. Reagan was very fond of taking, himself. In our case, though, Tami and I had decided that our review, of the case, of the jewel necklace, would be, best, accomplished, from the company's base of operations. Primarily, this was because Mr. Brown's, and Mr. Blue's, resources, were much more open, with access, knowing that these two men were in charge of all inquiries. Personally, I dont think that Tami and I minded working out of the company base, for a few weeks. We could use the rest, after our past two "rest breaks". Although the corporate lodge had been a simple affair, to handle, once the living, and the dead, came to an agreement, this, new, case, would be more complex. According to the client file, all had been well, with the client, until just a couple of months ago. In fact, even her physician, of record, said she was one of the most sound women, of her age, that the doctor knew of. (Sounded just like my own doctor, who had, once, told me that they were glad that more of their patients were not in half as good of health as I was. If they were, the doctor would be searching for a new line of work.) The file said that the woman had been sound enough, not just to raise her own children, but to aid her children, with her grand-children. In fact, the only reason why she had decided to distance herself, from her family, was when she realized that the latest generation would be calling her GREAT-grand-mother. Even Tami agreed that, nothing would make a woman FEEL older, than being called GREAT-grand-mother. Since the woman was physically fit, even her doctors saw no reason why she could not continue to inhabit her own home. Her care-givers only complaint was that the woman left the workers so little work to do. She did her own housekeeping, and cooked her own meals. In fact, until recently, her community just accepted the woman as being "a piece of living history". She caused no trouble, so locals just visited, from time to time, to be sure she had what she needed. According to a report, from the post office, though, the "incidents", involving the woman, only began about 19 days AFTER the woman received a package. When the package was x-ray'd, at the post office, it was "cleared", since it contained NO explosives, nor powders, of any type. The post office was ready to certify, in writing, that all the package contained was a piece of jewelry. A necklace. While sharing another dinner, courtesy of our expense account, Tami searched the file, and found the photo, of the necklace. To me, the necklace seemed no different from those worn, by such queens as Cleopatra, and the goddess, ISIS. It was Tami, with her womans eye, for detail, which caught the differences. While Tami and I sought details, about the necklaces past, Tami's "handlers" issued yet another complaint, about Tami's so-called "non-compliance", with medications requirements. The handlers argued that, when not WORKING a case, Tami was to be fully sedated, to prevent any possible, suicide, attempts. The issue was that, with so many cases, wanting attention, that Tami and I had been busy, both doing research, and chasing spirits. Under the terms of Tami's care committment, Tami was to be severely sedated, but ONLY when NOT working on cases. As long as Tami was working, she was allowed to forgo seventy-five percent, of her medications. When Tami's handlers insisted that Tami was not, currently, on a case, and was, therefore, required to be medicated, Mr. Brown, who was growing very annoyed, with the states actions, and those, of Tami's handlers, came forward and, without releasing confidential information, insisted that Tami was doing research, on a case, and very much involved, in case development. When the state argued that, if Tami was not on a case site, then she was NOT working, Mr. Brown asked "Since WHEN is doing research considered "not working"? Then added "Most of any detectives work involves research. If Tami's activities are not considered "working", then I am paying dozens of people, for doing nothing." When the state said "You have just twenty-four hours, to place Tami on an operational job-site, or this oversight board will order her to be sedated." When Mr. Brown asked "Why?" The chairman, of the oversight board, was passionate, as they insisted "She is a suicide RISK, and MUST be, closely, monitored, to prevent another, potential, attempt at suicide". When Mr. Brown said "Bull", and a member, of the oversight board ask him to define his comments, Mr. Brown "laid it out", like this: "Tami has been on a number, of cases, and has had literally dozens of opportunities in which to kill herself, IF she wanted to. Neither my staff, nor myself, believe that this woman is suicidal." When a board member asked "Would you wager your business license on that?" Mr. Brown's heart did not skip a beat, as he said "Hell, yes! I will, even place my homes, cars, plane, and yacht in the pot, to cover this". When the board member said "Very well", Mr. Brown said "Now, hold on. I have placed my "ante" into the "pot". Where is your "ante"?" When the board member said "Our "ante" is Tami's health. If she tries to commit suicide, then we win". Mr. Brown would say "Un-acceptable. You KNOW my team goes into dangerous situations, ALL of the time. Sometimes, my team does take risks, to solve cases. Risk, which fools, like you, would consider "suicidal"." When the board member would ask Mr. Brown "Sir, just HOW would YOU define suicidal, then?" Mr. Brown would say "My terms are simple". "Term number one. Your "ante", into the "pot", must be equal to my own. ALL of your property, and holdings, as well as your "credentials", go into the "pot". "Term number two. The definition, of "suicidal", must be more clearly defined than to say that the team goes into dangerous situations". When a board member would ask "Just HOW should we define "suicidal intent, then?" Mr. Brown would say "Doing oneself harm, purely for the pleasure of doing such harm" When the board member would say "That definition is far too vague. What if she kills herself, while pretending to do her duty?" Mr. Brown would say "**I** wil take responsibility, for that, just as I take full responsibility, for informing any other agents families, of un-timely demise" When the board chairman would say "But, she MUST be ORDERED to check in, atleast every 72 hours. This MUST be a condition, of her freedom" Mr. Brown would moan "fine", knowing that this was a useless requirement, since Tami, like other team agents, reported in, every 24 hours. By the time Mr. Brown was finished with this pathetic "board", he would hope to return to base, and receive some GOOD news. His secretary made his day when she told him of our progress. It was believed that the necklace, in question, was at the HEART of this case. This was considered factual since no problems had occurred, prior to the delivery of the necklace. Currently, Tami was tracking the necklace's history, back to ancient history. This, while I was "pouring" over old volumes, which might contain spells, which might use such halucinations, as curses. The main problem, as Tami and I would point out, especially to Mr. Brown, was that there was just so MUCH information, on the general topic, of the necklace, that it might take months just to find out which information was true, and which was just "hearsay". When Tami would say "Just for example: atleast three rumors claim that the necklace is a communications device, while atleast eight rumors claim the necklace is a "beacon", as in a marker beacon. A means of targetting, or transporting. Think of the Star Trek transporter unit, and you get the idea." When Mr. Brown would ask "Do we atleast have an idea of WHERE this necklace MIGHT have originated?" Tami would say "Take your pick. Some sources claim Mount Olympus, while other stories say that it was a gift, or token, from another planet. Other stories say that the Egyptians either created the necklace, or ordered it" When Mr. Brown would say "Atleast that makes sense. After all, we KNOW that the Egyptians worked with metals, and had much, fine, jewelry." This is when Tami would say "Sir, I dont think we should narrow in, just yet. We need more than mere speculation, if we are to help this woman." When Mr. Brown would ask "What do you suggest?" Tami would say "Why not have her Priority ship the necklace, to our office. Our crew can analyze it, in the lab, while the techs run carbon-dating, and so on." When Mr. Brown would ask "Why Carbon-Dating? Do you suspect a fake?" Tami would say "We shouldn't rule anything out. Not until proven." When Mr. Brown would ask "Any special instructions, for the sender?" Tami would suggest "Ask the client to pay an extra fee, so that anyone, who touches the package, must SIGN to be near the package. I would, also, recommend that your secretary sign for receipt. This way, we can track the package, from start to finish. If anyone tries to switch the necklace, we will have a firm, starting, point". Mr. Brown would say "I agree, but with one addition. I will have the owner have an appraisal done, before shipping the package. Once this is done, the package can be insured, for its proper value." Well, this is how it SHOULD have been done, anyway. According to the appraiser, though, setting a value, on something, which seemed so old, would be impossible. Insurance companies declined any coverage, on the basis of the appraisal. The post office was willing to do the Priority Mail part, including having everyone sign, who handled the package, but, without insurance, some regulations did restrict how much the post office could do. When the necklace was packed, for shipment, in the presense of the owner, and the appraiser, then sealed, for transport, the package weighed in, at 10 pounds. It was bulky, as well. In fact, the plane crew told the sender that an extra fee would be required, due to the bulk of the necklace, which made the package take up TWO slots, in the rack. At the time, when the plane arrived in our base town, the airport was shut down, for a few hours, due to a SUSPECTED bomb threat. Five, commercial, jets had to sit, on the runway, for hours, while a sixth plane was boarded, by bomb disposal, over the question of a cardboard box, which had been loaded on-board, without any labels. That is, no labels, which were visible. When bomb disposal removed the box, from the plane, then rotated the box, searching for trip wires, bomb squad found out why there were no labels on the top of the box. When the box was rotated, the mailing labels were found affixed, to what the sender would have thought was the top of the box. Somehow, the box had been turned over, during handling, and the labels, "hidden" on the underside. Bomb Disposal also thought it weird that the contents did not sound "solid". In fact, the bomb squad leader said the box sounded like his wifes collection, of family photos. When the bomb squad leader asked for a cutting tool, a subordinate passed the tool, saying "Be my guest", while stepping away from the box. The bomb squad leader opened the box, then laughed, out loud, as he said "Look at this." then held up a handful, of five-by-seven photos. As the bomb squad leader dug deeper into the box, toward the bottom, he removed a couple of trophies, a few plaques, and a note, addressed to "Grandma", asking her to keep this box safe, while the family moved to a new home. The bomb squad leader then let out a huge laugh as he said, aloud, "We closed down an airport, and have been detaining travellers, for hours, and all for some family momentos? Someone is really in for it, this time". And, it was true. Atleast seven times, in recent months, the airport had been closed, and passengers left, stranded, for several hours, over RUMORS that a "terrorist" MIGHT, POSSIBLY, have, POTENTIALLY, set a bomb. During all of his years, with Bomb Disposal, the man's main activity, for years, had been training for possible events. Fake bombs, to dis-arm, and a few, live fire events, staged at empty warehouses. Only twice, before this so-called "War on Terror", had the man been called to "real" bomb locations. One had been at a school, when a student mixed the wrong chemicals, and blown up a school lab. The other had been at a chemical, processing, company, where a rack had been bumped, and two, explosive, gasses had been ignited. No charges had been filed, in either case, since it was decided that both were accidents. In fact, before this so-called "war", most of what bomb disposal units did was research, and training. Now, however, everyone was seeing "explosives" everywhere. Basinetts, purses, brief cases, cell-phones, even toy cars. Bomb Disposal had gone from being bored, reading about new explosives, to being called in, everytime someone coughed. Before "Grandas" box of photo's, Bomb Squad had been called in, when another box had sounded "funny", when shaken. Suspecting TNT, airpport officials had closed down the airport, and sent in Bomb Disposal. After two hours, of examination, with no real evidence, of explosives detected, the box had been opened, to find a birthday card, saying that the sender had, finally, located the enclosed toys, which the receiver was searching for. Before the box of toys, there had been another box, this one full of dresses, and an antique, jewelry, box, as well as a message, this time FROM Grandma, wishing a young woman a Blessed Wedding, and a long marriage, just as her grand-parents had enjoyed. What the Bomb Squad could not stomach, though, was the way in which Homeland Security continually issued public comments, saying "Another threat, to our nations security, has been averted". HOW could family photo's, toys, dresses, and jewelry boxes, be "threats", to National Security? Although the post office plane was exempt from search, due to federal controls, the plane was not allowed to off-load its cargo, until the box, with the "dangerous" photo's, had been dealt with. No one, on the plane, or at the airport, had thought to examine the package, upon arrival. It was not until the package was weighed in, at the post office processing center, that the problem was found. The bulky, ten pound, package, was, now, about completely flat, and weighed less than a pound. When examined, under xrays, no necklace was found inside. Instead, all that was found was a small, black, spot. Probably metal. When the package was opened, all that was found, inside, was a cartridge, containing ten replacement, double-edged blades, of the kind used in mens razors. When an inspector called out "Call that plane back! I want to know where the REAL package is!" One runner was just going, to tell control to call the plane back, when another runner came, with bad news. "Tower reports that the plane went down, just outside of town. Rescue units are enroute, but tower reports seeing an explosion. Best guess, at this point. Instrument failure". When the report arrived, at Mr. Brown's office, he, Mr. Blue, and Tami, virtually at the same second, said "Suspicious. Rumor of a bomb, planes left sitting, for hours, cargos in holds, a package switched, and the only ones, who knew, about the package, are dead, in an airline accident? TOOOO convenient." Equally suspicious was the fact that, just one week after the crash, and before the F.A.A. had even begun its full investigation, of the crash, the necklace showed up, at auction. IF the necklace had been on-board the plane, which had crashed, then HOW was it up, for auction, now? When Mr. Brown would start an investigation, as to WHOM was selling the necklace, and from WHERE, all that his sources could confirm was that it was an internet transaction, from an "anonymous server". Mr. Blue was just in the process, of beginning to track the auction, when the womans doctor had called the agency, saying that the hauntings had stopped, and that the woman did not want the necklace back. In her, alleged, words "Let someone else deal with that accursed thing. I am happy to be rid of it". When Mr. Blue would ask the doctor "How much money is your patient out, for the necklace?" The doctor would say "I thought you knew. The necklace was an anonymous gift. My patient has no idea where it came from, or who sent it." When Mr. Blue would ask "Was there anything, such as a card, with the necklace?" The doctor would say "She showed me the card, and all it said was "To your health"". When Mr. Blue reported this information, to Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown agreed that it was most suspicious, indeed. Why would anyone send a senior citizen an anonymous gift, which would cause hallucinations? And why steal the necklace, when it is being sent, for examination? Tami drew our attention when she let out a laugh, which was loud, and full of hillarity. When Mr. Brown asked "Care to share the humor?" Tami would start by saying "This one, will, really, make you laugh" When Mr. Brown would say "Proceed" Tami would say "During my research, into the necklace, I have found either a rumor, or legend. Take your pick. Anyway, acccording to the source, of the legend, the necklace was DELIVERED to Earth, either by space ship, or by a demon. Even the legends dont agree on the method of delivery." When Mr. Brown would say "Go on", Tami would add "History says that the delivery agent cautioned the receivers that the necklace had "magical powers", which allowed owners either to speak with the dead, or to speak across dimensions. If legend is to be believed, the necklace was claimed, by different people, over the passage, of a century, then it was, I think the ancients used the word "dumped", after several owners had to be "purified", after claiming contact, with beings, which no one else could see." When Mr. Brown would ask "Then, HOW did the necklace end up in the hands of a senior citizen, with a card, which says "To Your Health?" Tami would say "As far as I can figure, and, remember, this is pure guess work, the necklace seemed to "float" through history, moving from place to place, with no real owner, for who knows how long" When Mr. Blue would ask "How can jewelry just "float through time"? Doesn't someone need to carry it about?" Tami would say "Not necessarily. You DO know how property can be "floated" about, from one fund to another, right? If an owner does not want to repay a debt, or do improvements, the land can be placed into a trust, or fund, where it just sits, dormant, with no actual owner, for years" When Mr. Blue would say "Someones name HAS to be on the title", Tami would use the example, of a hotel built in a selected city. A hotel, built, using $30 million, in state taxpayer loans, and another $10 million, in city taxpayer loans. Although the borrower, a local business man, agreed to accept the loans, and the hotel was built, when loan re-payment came due, the owner began trying to sell the hotel, to various parties, to avoid debt re-payment. The last anyone knew, the owner had placed the property into a fund, with dozens, if not thousands, of other properties, and where no charges, or orders for debt re-payment, could be directed, since no one person actually owned any of the property. Tami suspected that, IF property, such as hotels, could be "sheltered", in this way, why couldn't art, or jewelry be "protected", in this, same, way? After all, "shelters" were nothing new. When Mr. Brown would ask "About how OLD do you think that the oldest "legend", about the necklace, is?" Tami would say "It is old enough that it pre-dates the Roman Calendar, and the Egyptian one, as well. As for the Mayan Long Count Calendar? It is doubtful that the necklace had anything to do with Mayan society. If we could just get our hands on it, for testing" Mr. Brown would, simply, say "It is being handled". A month later, the stupid, Carbon-Dating, test was, still, working on the age, of the necklace, but, atleast Tami and I had found one, POTENTIAL, reason, for the "gift". It seems that the womans late husband had left her as one, of several, "handlers", of some type of fund. The fund, in question, had begun as just some friends "having fun", with extra money. The fund had made some wise investments, though, and even had an investment advisor, for many years. The fund was, currently, worth some $500 million. The investors had been "crafty", indeed. As for our client, she had become an "executor", of the fund, without even knowing what the fund was for. All she had known was that her husband kept the bills paid, and the family was, never, want, for the basics. I had to agree with Tami, that our clients share, of the fund, worth some $75 million, could, easily, be motive, for someone wanting her committed. Could be, her children, or her grand-children, wanted her committed, to gain control of the money. Still, this left the question of WHY. Especially the question of WHY to steal the necklace, in transit, and WHY destroy the plane? Also was the question of WHY the necklace had gone, for auction, on the internet, even before the questions, regarding the plane crash, were settled? Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, and I, agreed that Tami had been watching too many murder mysteries, on classic television, when Tami suggested that, maybe, one of the womans relatives wanted her out of the way, so THEY could take over the fund, and pay off any outstanding bills. Maybe, they even hoped to retire, to an easy life, on part of the $75 million. As Mr. Brown pointed out, even if the client was committed, the transfer, of fund control, via the courts, would take years. It was the law, which would say that any, such, action, would be reliant upon a "grace period", in case the patient regained senses. It was obvious that Tami was "grasping at straws", when she suggested "What would happen if, upon admission, to an observation facility, the woman had an "accident", or a stroke? How would that affect the funds ownership?" Mr. Blue would say "Tami, that is pure speculation. Only television, police, detectives, are allowed to make such speculation. In the "real world", such acccusations would lead to multi-million dollar lawsuits." When Tami would ask "But, IS it POSSIBLE?" Mr. Brown would say "Anything MIGHT be possible. Even alien abduction MIGHT be POSSIBLE. What we need are facts. Now, if, for example, a family member is in severe, financial, distress, THEN we could look at your idea." Problem was that, by the time the results, from caron-dating came in, the necklace was sold, and the purchaser wanted to take possession. During this, same, time, the financial records, of the womans family, had come in, as well. Un-like the womans husband, though, her off-spring, although not wealthy, had their bills under control. The few, indebted, girls, were working off their debts, while the one, in-debted, male had, recently, bought a lottery ticket, whose pay-out covered his debts, and left him enough money to live on. Maybe, not like a "king", but comfortable. What no one could believe was that an "anonymous buyer", would purchase the necklace, for $50 million. By the time the agency was ordered to turn over the necklace, Carbon-Dating had claimed that the necklace was over 50 million years old. When everyone, at the Brown agency, laughed at this, Mr. Brown would have ordered new tests, had a group, of security guards, not shown up, to collect the necklace. Mr. Brown even included a duplicate copy, of the test results, which claimed that the "ancient" necklace was NOT made of Earth materials. All materials were listed as "unknown". Mr. Brown was going to consider the case closed, and have Tami and I move on, to another case, but only until our client called in, saying that ANOTHER box had been left at her front door. When she asked "Shall I open it?" Mr. Brown would say "NO! Do not open the package. I will have agents, enroute, to claim it, within two hours". Mr. Brown then told Tami and I to "saddle up". WE were going to retrieve the necklace, ourselves. (So much for the promise of a week off, to rest.) Although Mr. Brown's secretary was ever-efficient, and promised that our flight clearance would be ready, within twenty minutes, she neednt have hurried. It was rush hour, and traffic was crawling. In fact, by the time Tami and I arrived, for our flight, the pilot would report that, not only were fuel tanks topped off, but that food provisions were on-board, as well. All of this, for a two hour, round-trip, flight, to collect some old jewelry. When we collected the box, from our client, and I shook it, the woman said "Thats the same sound the necklace made, before I un-packed it" Using the planes portable x-ray device, Tami and I verified that the necklace was within. This left Tami with the question of "WHY would someone PAY $50 million, for jewelry, only to give it, as a gift?" When our client seemed to know what Tami and I were about to ask, she smiled as she said "Take it. I dont want it. I dont even want to be near it". Tami would promise her "We will send you a full report, as soon as we know anything". The woman seemed annoyed as she said "Dont make any special effort. I just want it gone". Back at base, Mr. Brown had the Carbon-Dating test run, five times, before he would accept the results. He even had three, of the tests, run on seperate machines (in case this was some kind of sick joke). According to five, seperate, sets, of test results, the necklace was not only not of Earth origin, but that it dated from before the time of Christianities alleged "Creation" mythology. Since Mr. Brown was far too professional to list "alien visitors", as the necklace source, he had his secretary list source as "Unknown", just as "Date of manufacture" was listed as "Unknown". This was as close to the "truth", as the agency would come. Before following Mr. Browns order, to place the necklace, in a company vault, Tami tried on the necklace, then handed it to me, saying "Your are NOT going to believe this". When I placed the necklace around my own neck, I saw what Tami, and our client, had seen. Restless spirits, moving about, as though looking for some-ONE, or some-THING. Not hostile, or threatening. Just lost, and looking. When Tami asked "How many do you think?", I told her "Must be dozens, or more. If I didn't know better, I would say that I see more spirits, now, then what we saw, on the castle case." Tami seemed deflated as she thought she knew what this would mean. when she would place the necklace back on her own neck, Tami would find herself "observing" dozens, or more "spirits". The odd thing was that these "beings" just did not fit our normal criteria, for spirits. Tami would, soon, be "back at work", even as she remembered how exhausting it had been, at the castle, interviewing people, who had been deceassed, for centuries. In more than two dozen cases, Tami was compelled to correct records, which claimed that people committed suicide. Tami had even told the spirits that, after two weeks work, that she needed a couple of days rest, before continuing. All the spirits would say was "If we can wait, for centuries, for you to come along, then whats a few extra days going to matter?" Now, Tami realized that her calendar was going to be filled, for the forseeable future. I wished I could assist her, with the interviews, but the necklace only worked on those who WORE it. Just WHAT it was allowing us to "see" was a mystery. As to how it "allowed" us to "communicate", that, too, was a mystery. In fact, the best "suggestion", that Tami and I could come up with, was that the necklace was some sort of "trans-dimensional portal". From Tami's "conversations", with these other-dimensional people, it would seem that they were from a different version, of Earth. A version, where the highly disputed results, of Decision 2000, had lead to a public uprising, which even the federal courts could not deny. To avoid a dangerous escalation, in national rioting, from an infuriated public, the Supreme Court would rule that Mr. Gore was the legitimate president. As a result, in the alternate reality, there had been NO September 11th tragedy, nor was the nation attacked, at all. The runner-up would spend years, and millions of dollars, crying "FOUL", over his loss, but no one had listened. In the alternate reality, the Middle East had NOT been invaded, and, to Tami's amazement, her "interviewee's" had never even heard of Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban, or Al-qaida. The Twin Towers, of the World Trade Center, remained standing, and airport security remained, primarily, responsive, either for lost children, luggage, or for the occassional drunk, who was waiting for a plane. When Tami mentioned OUR world, to the other dimension, the main feedback was "Sounds like your world is more of a prison, than anything else." Tami would, also, learn that the other dimension was far ahead of us, in atleast one field. The field of science. In the other dimension, the nation already had a RELIABLE, re-usable, single-stage-to-orbit vehicle, which had been in use, for over a decade. A newer model was coming on-line, soon. When Tami asked about Guantanimo Bay, Cuba, a former, military, man came forward to say that, the last he knew, from about five years ago, "Gitmo" had been used, as a supply base, since going out of active use, after the cold war. Yes, it seems that the other dimension had its own, cold war, but that, too, was "ancient history". NOW, it seems that the Russians had aided America's development, of Sub-Space radio, which lead to a planetary truce, promising not to attack any visitors, who came to Earth. Currently, the international, main, focus was on the development of warp-drive, and other technologies. When Tami decided to ask the boldest question. That of HOW the necklace allowed communications, across dimensions, the response seemed a bit hesitant, as though the other dimension expected that we understood the tech. How else could we be using something, which we did not understand? When Tami asked about our client, the other dimension stated that they had not intended to cause concern. They had thought that WE had developed trans-dimensional tech. If we had not developed the technology, then HOW had it come to be in our hands? When Tami had said that it had been an anonymous gift, left on a womans door-step, the other side said that would be most irregular. This is when someone, probably a law enforcer, asked Tami to seek permission for a dimensional cross-over. The authorities, on the other side, wanted to know exactly HOW their tech had reached us. Before her communications were "terminated", to "ensure dimensional security", Tami would learn how different THEIR Sunday, December 7th, 1941 had been, from ours. In the other dimension, although the Pacific Fleet had been ordered to Pearl Harbor, due to "rumors", of potential, Japanese, "sabotage", most of THEIR battle-fleet had remained OUTSIDE the harbor. This, on the "suggestion", of several, fleet, admirals, who claimed that Pearl Harbor could be a bottle-neck, in event of attack. Although the Arizona, and a few, other, battle-ships were, still, sunk, in the harbor, the majority, of the Pacific Fleet would set off, after the Japanese carrier attack force. It would be only when imperial scout planes would report that the American Pacific Fleet was "Hot, on their heels", that the imperial admiral would learn that the attack, on Pearl Harbor, had come hours before the formal declaration, in Washington D.C.. The admiral would, then, have to sacrifice most of his fleet, to stave off the infuriated Americans, from sinking Japans prized carriers. In their history, only the Japanese carriers, themselves, made the return voyage, intact, to the empire. Their destroyers, fuelers, and other, escort, craft, lay at the bottom, of the Atlantic Ocean, alongside their American counter-parts. This was all that Tami was allowed to know, until the other side found out exactly HOW its technology had reached our dimension. Maybe three weeks later, and for the second time, (The first time being the ghost mystery) the staff, of the Brown agency, would watch, in amazement, as a group, of "security officers", from the other dimension, would come into our world, both to remove the necklace, back to their world, and to explain how they THOUGHT the necklace came to our dimension. In another difference, between the dimensions, in the other dimension, the continent, of Atlantis, did not "disappear", as it had, on our Earth. It would seem that, in the other dimension, that, although Atlantis would leave the Earth, in the past, the ship would have been sent to watch over the evacuation, of Mars, after a "monster impact", with another, space, body. After the Martian population was relocated, to another planet, Atlantis would return to its primary duty, of overseeing Earths evolution. As for the necklace, it is believed that a fringe scientist had seized one, of a number, of such necklaces, then stole away, through one of the "dimensional doorways", on the Atlantis ship. Since the man had no permission, to use the doorway, he would, randomly, land in our Earths distant past. It is even possible that his arrival MAY have involved un-expected, climatic, conditions. When Mr. Blue would ask the officers HOW they intended to return to their dimension, without the Atlantian doorway, the senior officer would say "Un-like the criminal, we are here, with full, council, approval. We have a specific amount of time, here, before we will return to our own dimension." When Mr. Brown would ask the obvious question "Are there other technologies, which we should be on the watch for?" The security officers would only say "Watch for those things which defy your sciences. If you do not understand how a machine works, then it is, probably, one of our machines." When Mr. Blue would ask "Without the necklace, HOW do we contact you, if we find more of your devices?" The officers would only say "The ancient ones will know". A moment later, a light surrounded the officers, then they were gone. Our final report, on the necklace, would be so full of "holes" that Tami and I wondered if it was even worth filing. After all, who would even believe that other dimensions existed? Dimensions, where history was changed, at specific points. Then there was the question of whom had presented the woman with the necklace, the first time, then whom had paid fifty million, for the necklace, then sent it, again, as a "present", to the same woman? About the only "closure", in the case, was that, with the necklace gone, the woman was, no-longer, seeing "images". She was "sane" as anyone else in the world (except for myself, ofcourse, who never claimed to be "sane"). Ofcourse, just as we were becoming accustomed to, Tami and I were just closing this case file, when Mr. Brown would ask "If you have time, I would like for the two of you to review this case file, for me. Just let me know if you feel this case is worth agency attention."