Monday, August 24, 2015


THE REPEAL OF BIRTH RIGHT CITIZENSHIP While the most radical Americans would maintain that deporting illegal aliens would be the very "best" thing, to happen, to America, in centuries, what these same people did not count upon was consequences of this action. The original concept would be to rid the America's, of illegal immigrants, and, by this action, rid corporate America of a vast "pool", of slave labor. The result was predicted to be that corporate Amerrica would be forced to pay "legitimate" Americans a decent living, wage, since there would be no more illegal immigrants, to work to death. When combined with the proposal, to end "Birth Right Citizenship", in order to force even children, born in America, but to illegal alien parents, to leave America, along with illegal alien parents, radicals promised that these proccesses would "rid America, of excess burdens", even as legal Americans were placed back into the work-force. That was supposed to be the plan, anyway. There was just one problem, which even the radicals had not counted upon. This was the fact that Washington D.C. had neglected to set limits, on how far, into the past, to review family histories. Sure, it was easy for immigration to force the children, and grand-children, of current illegal aliens, to leave America, however, since no one had thought to set limits, on how many generations, to review, the problem became more real, to more Americans, than most people would have thought possible. With "Birth Right Citizenship" now, no-longer applicable, th repercussions would be felt, first by the service industry, which would find vast numbers, of its work-force facing deportation, but what no one expected was the next group, to face devastating losses. Namely, the U.S. military. In all four branches, of the military, illegals had dedicated themselves, to proving their value, to America, by serving in the military. The hope was to prove the peoples value, to the nation, by serving, in uniform. There would be speculation, that these aliens were trying to "buy" their way, into citizenship, but the truth was that the aliens wanted to prove themselves worthy of American citizenship. When the impact, of the actions, landed at the Pentagon, the brass would have to take as long as six months, just to print out all of the required "Dis-Honorable Discharge" papers, to cover all of the illegals, who were serving America. One general would, even complain that he was losing three full divisions, worth of soldiers, to Immigration Reform. Ofcourse, hospitals, and nursing homes, would voice similar complaints, as it became known that workers had forged documentation, in order to secure employment. To ensure "compliance", with reform law, a McCarthy-style commission was set up, to review Americans records, and backgrounds, but there was a problem, even here. The commissions start-up was stalled, several times when commission recruits own family histories came to light. When potential commission members brought out old, family, records, and even visited grand-parents, for documentation of citizenship, an almost ridiculous number, of these candidates learned shocking "secrets", about their own families. Candidates, both white and black, had ancestors, who had "worked off" passage, to America, after stowing away, on ships which were bound for the new nation. In fact, according to a surprisingly large number, of family "records", or "tales", candidates ancestors not only worked off passage, to America, but, upon arrival, these people "melted" into the "underground world", of American, slave, labor. Despite this, many immigrants felt only pride, to have come to a land where hard work could bring one both pride, and prosperity. Back in the present, even the Immigration Reform commissions own top managers selection process seemed to take "forever". This, even as more people began searching their own, family, histories, to PROVE that their own families had come to America, legally. The problem was that too many Americans began learning, though, that their families had NO immigration papers. No way to prove that ancestors had entered America, legally. In fact, the elderly would inform the younger people that, for generations, families had remained "hidden", as much as possible, from authorities. Many not even seeking aid, or assistance, for fear of deportation. This would be a main reason why, for generations, many families had worked eighteen hour days, with ALL family members working, to cover rent, in ghettos where units were just large enough for two people. In the present, one U.S. Army Major was no-sooner shocked, with pride, to learn that an ancestor had worked, on the construction of the Statue of Liberty, when the next discovery destroyed the mans career. It turns out that the Statue of Liberty construction worker had been an illegal alien. A man who had hoped not just to EARN his immigration papers, but to become an acccepted part, of his new country, by working on the Statue of Liberty. Now, the decorated major was facing "Dis-Honorable Discharge", for the mans actions, from 150 years ago. When Congress tried to "exempt" itself, from the review process, members were shocked when the public rejected this exemption. Within three months, of the decision, to revoke Birth Right Citizenship, nearly half, of the House of Representatives, would receive papers, notifying of removal from office. Most, for actions, of ancestors the politicans never even knew existed. One Congressman, for example, learned, to his dis-belief, that he was a several layers descendant, of a rapist-murderer. His several layers great-grand-mother had become pregnant, by her attacker, yet, according to legend, decided to raise the criminals child, to RESPECT the law. Then, three, Asian, members, of Congress, learned the brutal truth, of their parents PAYING for forged documents. These facts were only revealled when investigators found discrepancies, in original documents. Yet another Congressman was left speechless, when he learned that his own ancestor had been a prostitute. In fact, the woman had been one, of hundreds, of prostitutes, sent, cattle-style, to America. This, once the womans "value", to European men, was ended. The idea, behind sending the prostitutes, to America, was the hope that American men, in the colonies, would NOT be so "choosy", with such limited, local, prospects. Sure, the Congressman had heard stories, since childhood, of women being "brought" (or, was it bought?), into the family. What the Congressman had no idea of was that the past had been "sugar-coated", to show that everything had been both legal, and humane. His review came under dispute, though, since his male ancestor had, in fact, sold himself into slavery, for passage to America. Once the man worked off his debt, the man had been allowed to BUY his citizenship. As a result, the Cogressman had one legal, and one illegal, ancestor. Ofcourse, neither the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, C.I.A., F.B.I., nor other agncies, found themselves immune, even as staff members searched own histories, for proof of immigration. The media even reported that the department of Immigration computers went off-line, repeatedly, due to the impossible number of requests coming in. Washington D.C. had decided to deport eveyone, through Mexico, since Canada had issued a warning that, sending a "human wave", over Canadas border would be tantamont to a declaration of WAR. Just as Washington D.C. was having federal troops preparing to march the first wave, of illegal aliens, over the Rio Grande, and into Mexico, the response, from the Mexicans was most direct. In a highly-publicized address, Mexican officials made a decision, which Washington D.C. had not even been prepared to consider. The announcement that, to prevent any "human wave", from entering the south, that atleast five, to, maybe, eight, southern nations were preparing their militaries, along the Rio Grande, in a form of "defensive perimeter". This defensive line would consist of tanks, howitzers, machine gun crews, and so on. The "message, from Mexico, to Washington D.C.: "Anyone you send into our territory will be considered an "invading force" and we WILL respond, accordingly." From thousands of miles away, when Washington D.C. would say "They wouldn't DARE shot women and children. Send them over, first. CALL the bluff!" (So very easy to say, from 1,000 miles away). At the border, when the U.S. Army was given the orders, to send the first groups across the Rio Grande, soldiers kept weapons ready as, on the opposite side, of the Rio Grande, machine-guns, and other military arms, prepared to fire. When the U.S.Army captain gave the order "First three groups proceed", his soldiers never heard the captains voice sound so hollow, or remorseful. The words came out more as mechanations, than as orders. Along the border, some thought this might be because, among the groups, which would be marching, were soldiers, and former members, of the captains own attack squads. The captain had been shocked into dis-belief, when the orders, to discharge three units, of his command, had come down. All due to revocation of "Birth Right Citizenship". As the first groups walked beyond the American side, of the bridge, and into the Mexican side, Bullets, mortars, and rockets ripped the three groups into a pile of blood-soaked clothing. When, via tele-conference, Washington D.C. was asked for comment, about the carnage, all Washington D.C. would reply was "They were NOT in America, legally, to begin with. As a result, their fate is NOT our responsibility". When a flight, of Apache gun-ships, normally on border patrol, took up station preparing to return Mexico's fire, Washington D.C. issued direct, clear, orders, to the pilots: "Unless the American side, of the bridge is DIRECTLY, and DELIBERATELY, fired upon, you will NOT return fire". Soon, illegals, walking over the bridge, went from having to climb over the dead, which, now, littered the bridge, walking into the deadly fire, from Mexico, and turned to jumping into the Rio Grande. When Mexican machine-gunners began straffing the swimmers, Washington D.C. issued direct orders, to the border patrol members "Take NO action, in regards to "events" in the river, or on the Mexican side. Defend the U.S. ONLY if DIRECTLY, and DELIBERATELY, attacked". This, even as Mexican machine-gunnners divided their fire between the bridge, and the Rio Grande. It would seem that Mexico was determined to show that the "all powerful" American government was NOT going to PUSH its southern neighbors around. This, while Washington D.C., far removed from the carnage, at the border, continally reminded the news media, and the American public "These people were NOT, legally, on our shores. They get what they deserve, when they cross that bridge". Still, despite the bold words, from the far away leadership, U.S. Army soldiers could not help but be sickened, by what they were witnessing "up close and personal". Via live telecast, the American public watched as the Rio Grand began filling up, with dead bodies. Atleast until some Mexican bazooka crews, on orders, blasted holes, in the growing mound, of bodies, in the river. On the American side, of the Rio Grande, soldiers had to turn a sick, and deaf, "ear", to the pleas, of those being sent to their deaths. Although men were silent, women begged the soldiers, for mercy, and children cried, even as the heart-sick soldiers followed orders. Before marching across the bridge, themselves, three members, of congress, shared farewell embraces, with life-long friends, before marching into the fire. Washington D.C. would have deported as many as possible, via international shipping, however, this idea was ruled out when ships captains were ordered to LEAVE American ports, BEFORE Washington D.C. could "dump" its "problems" into the ships holds. As a result, all illegals would make the march, across the Rio Grande. Just forty-eight hours into the operation, though, the Pentagon received word, from the Rio Grande. The river, and the bridge, had claimed over 100,000 lives, in just two days. U.S. Army soldiers just could not bear seeing the destruction, up close, anylonger. This is when "on the ground" commanders radioed washington D.C. this message: "If you want this to continue, come down, and do it, your-SELVES!" Not surprisingly, once Washington D.C. learned that it would have to "get its OWN hands dirty", on the project, that the expulsion was "suspended, pending further review". During the following months, the illegals not only set up camp, on the American side of the border, but the illegals even assisted the U.S. military, in its duties. What had been designed to be nothing more than a "check-point", on the way to Mexico, turned into a city. A city which, soon, expanded into two, nearby, ghost towns. "Local" grocers, and volunteer organizations, began providing food, and other "necessities", to the illegals. On the Mexican side, the "contribution", to the matter, was to send bulldozers onto the bridge, to clear the bridge of bodies. After the bodies were removed, Mexico would "power-wash" the bridge, with ammonia, until the bridge looked "good as new". In Washington D.C., however, things could not have been further from peaceful. It would seem that, of the majority, which had endorsed ending "Birth Right Citizenship", most of their numbers were on their own way, to face deportation, once family histories were revealled. One, of the radicals, was even openly LAUGHED, out of congress, after the person asked "How was **I** supposed to know that great-great-grand-dad, what-was-his-name-again, was an illegal alien? My family has been in America, and obeyed this nations laws, for generations" By this time, though, neither side, of the issue, had a majority, since there were so FEW members, of Congress, NOT awaiting deportation. One reporter even commented that "At the present time, approximately 75% of the U.S. Congress is in the "staging town", at the border, awaiting its fate". The Mexicans must have heard the rumor that the "bull-mooses", in Congress, were prepared to bully their way back into activating the deportation since, one evening, after sun-set, the southern half, of the Rio Grande bridge exploded, in a brilliant, white, light, and a thunderous B-O-O-M! When some radical, somewhere, was heard to say "Who cares if they blew up the bridge. Let the illegals swim home!" To this, the refugees stood, silent, awaiting the military's orders. As the media reported the situation, the problem was that, apart from the Indian tribes, there were very FEW Americans, who had NO illegal aliens, somewhere in their family tree's. When the bridge detonation was followed by the visual demonstration, of the Mexicans, building a wall, on their beach, complete with firing ports, for weapons, the outcry, from the American people, became too real, for Congress to ignore. With the death toll currently at 100,000 men, women, and children, in total, and a bridge blown in half, as well as a wall, going up, to protect a beach what more evidence could Washington D.C. need, to understand that "revoking Birth Right Citizenship" was nothing short of a total disaster? (Part Two coming, sooon...)

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