Monday, February 22, 2016


THE FOULED UP MIX UP Boy! What that an understatement. What baffled my care-giver was how the rationale was applied, when they received instructions, saying that I was ordered into alcoholic rehabilitation (with dietary restrictions). Although my most direct care worker could not understand the reason, for the admission, they did have me agree to visit the detox clinic. When the two of us visited the facility, a week later, and my worker in formed clinic staff that they had transported the client, with the worker, I noticed how clinic staff seemed to be searching, for some-thing, or some-one, whom staff just could not seem to find. It was not until I was bid, to join my worker, inside the intake office, and I was placed on a scale, that the case, for admission, was called into question. It would seem that, according to the referral forms, atleast, I was, currently, weighing in, as a 490 pound look-a-like for Star Wars character, Jabba the Hutt. The report stated that my body was so heavy, with obesity, that I could, barely, stand, even with aid/assistance. When the actual me was weighed in, the nurse seemed to triple check the results, before entering the number 205 next to weight, in pounds. When the nurse checked my arms, for flab, they had to note that my arms were solid. When a doctor was called in, to review the results, I noticed how the doctor examined my eyes, maybe three times, before reviewing the report. When my worker, and I joined a doctor, in a private office, the doctor asked me if I wore contact lenses. When I showed them my reading glasses, the doctor seemed to scratch their head. It was, however, only when the intake doctor reviewed my forms, that the doctor showed my worker, and myself, a photo, of myself, which showed me as incredibly obese. Shortly after I was showed the photo, I said "Photoshop", even as the doctor would ask "How?" Although I never understood the process, I knew that, using computer tech, ANY-one could be made to appear, in any form, which the computer user wanted the form to resemble. In this case, it seems someone had taken a picture, of myself, no doubt from on-line, found an obese mans body, and "grafted" my face, onto their body. When the doctor would ask "Sir, WHY would anyone DO that, to you?" All I could say was "Isn't it possible?" When my worker and I were offered drinks, by a staffer, the staffer, and the doctor, were surprised when I did not order a beer. Especially not after my referral papers indicated that I drank beer, at every opportunity. I came to understand the reason why my blood was drawn, upon arrival, when a nurse entered the office, carrying a folder, which the nurse showed to the intake doctor. When the doctor ask "No mistake?" The nurse said "Checked it, four times". After the nurse left the office, the doctor would say "I just dont understand. Your referral form states that you drink alcohol, at every opportunity, yet your blood work shows not even a trace, of alcohol." In the months, following my clinic visit, both myself, and my worker, were baffled when I began receiving both alcohol, and tobacco, vouchers. When my worker asked my plans, for the vouchers, noting that trying to SELL a voucher is a criminal offense, I suggested that I would use the old "Bait and Switch". For some reason, my worker decided to double-check so, without my knowledge, they contacted my building manager, and asked for any information, on what I did, with the vouchers. The building manager would tell my woorker "He went to other tenants, and asked them what they drank, and smoked. He, then, took the vouchers, to local stores, where he bought what the people asked for. He, then, traded the people the products, for the cash price". When my worker asked "How much, of the products did he keep, for himself?" The manager would say "None, as far as I know of". When I, next, saw my worker, I told them "The plan worked. I did a great trade, and now I have MORE food in the house". Still, although there is little doubt, that my records, including weight, had been tampered with, the process, of verifying the facts, would take MONTHS. Months of meetings. Months of office visists. Months of filling out forms. Months of tests. By the time the "powers that be", decided that I was telling the truth, and that it was the RECORDS, which were wrong, I was weighing in at the in-glorious weight of 210 pounds. At this weight, though, I had to be more careful, with my workers car, since, as my muscle mass increased, I had more "power", yet I had to be careful NOT to cause harm, even by accident. By the time I was weighing in, at 210, I seemed to need to remind my current medical doctor of my family history, and of what a previous doctor had told me, years before. Although my current doctor was less than joyous, at having to agree with my former doctor, my current doctor DID acknowledge the fact that Heredity could, easily, play a part, in a persons health. In short, any diseases, which my parents had, during their lifetimes, myself, and my siblings, could, more easily, fall victim to. For me, though, the most hilarious part, of being in my fifties, was the humor of observing my far less healthy comrades. While, for years, during my own youth, and while following exercise programs, even then, I remembered how a snide relative had claimed that body-building would make me a "slave, to my muscles". Now, I thought it hilarious how, the people, who had ridiculed me, for my healthy lifestyle, were either on oxygen tanks, wheelchair bound, or both. Lord, were these people BIG, too. And NOT in a good way, either. While these same people had ridiculed me, for walking, riding bicycles, etc., in my younger years, I found it laughable that, NOW, these same people needed assistance, just to move about, in wheelchairs. Ofcourse, from time to time, I had been asked if I wanted to "live forever", I had to laugh at this. I just wanted to be healthy enough to enjoy life, on MY terms. I did reach one of my lifetime goals, when the federal government ORDERED a prior landlord to admit to admionistrative mistakes, and "make peace" with me. To my surprise, the feds even accepted MY "terms for return". I was even informed that the federal government had declared my "terms for return" were most reasonable, indeed. Ofcourse, with a weird name, like mine, it would require several attempts, to input my new records, into the landlords new database. Man, what a messed up mix up that time had been. So much time WASTED, on just re-verifying information. All because someone had crossed my information over that, of another man. Still, I found it hilarious, when medical personnel had to admit that I was NOT who/what they thought I was. What a fouled up mix up this had turned out to be.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE GARGOYLES KA-BOOM! The sound, of the explosion, would be both heard, and FELT, for miles around, even as the POWER, of the explosion, lit up the night sky, like some fiery demon. The air force veterans had an awful feeling, about the explosion, since it seemed to originate at the general location, where Ghost Ship One was, currently, docked. As the men hustled into their rental car, and rushed to the airport, they found themselves wishing that they had set the planes automatic alarms, just as a precaution. The men knew that, if it was learned that the air force had lost a cargo carrier (even a retired one), due to lack of proper security, that the men could kiss their pensions "goodbye". The main question, on each mans mind, was "WHY didn't we follow procedure? Why did we let airport security talk us out of securing the plane?" Sure, the town had no "history", of violence, but each man knew that, even inside "safe zones", security even overrode good manners, when necessary. From the moment, when they reached the airport, their worst fears were confirmed. WHY hadn't they followed air force procedure, as they had done, every time, in the past? When Tami and I had been handed the file, which made the assertion, that a community was being "plagued", by "demonic Gargoyles", I really had to wonder how Tami and I had gotten ourselves into this situation. Like it was not bad enough, that we had started our "career", by investigating haunted locations, to verify if hauntings were "real", or staged, nor was it too far, from reality, when I began the process, of verifying climate conditions, while Tami interviewed first the living, then the dead. I doubt that either of us thought we would end up tangling with Wiccans (witches), nor Werewolves, nor mysterious fogs. I also have no doubt that either of us ever thought we would have to deal with Homeland Security. After all, when Mr. Brown recruited us, he had been very CLEAR, in saying "I need the two of you, for some cases, which no, regular, detective will touch. No "normal" detective wants to be seen as a "ghost-buster". Especially NOT after those terrible "comedies", of the 1980's. Personally, I liked the 1975 series, much better, but thats just me. Anyway, I need competent people, who will take clients seriously, while determining if spirit activity is real, or if clients are just being frightened, by those who want access to funds. Due to your experience, and professional handling, of the "Mystery Weekend", I need the two of you to handle some cases, for this agency." What Mr. Brown had forgotten to mention was the various KINDS, of "creatures", which we would have to deal with. After all, according to movies, and television, ONLY those, who walk the path, of evil, can communicate with demons. Ofcourse, IF television, and movies, were correct, the ONLY people, who could communicate, with angels, were devout members of the Holy Church. Sometimes, I wish some one would remind "Mother Superior", and the "Enforcer Demon", of these urban myths. About the only thing that Tami and I had going for us was that, even though Hades had called upon our services, to return Lucifer's property, the Enforcer Demon had said "There are NO "welcome mats", waiting, for either of you, in Hades." "Mother Superior" though would make no such comment, or committment. She only showed up when needed, and provided whatever aid which Heaven permitted her to provide. Ofcourse, Tami had mentioned, during the Homeland Security case, that she wished that Heaven and Hell were more accomodating, than the federal government was. Each time Tami had asked for a direct link, to immortal records, though (for the purpose of case research), all she received, from both high, and low, was the "response" "We are considering the matter". The exact SAME response, which Homeland Security had given, when Tami and I had worked their own case. I do know that Tami let out more than one grunt, whenever she had to ASK permission, to access records. Even I agreed that, IF we were going to serve both the mortal, and immortal realms, we should have more freedom of access to information. And this case was no different. A file full of supposed "sightings", of winged creatures. Creatures which appearred like humans. Reports, of people, supposedly "chased", by flying creatures. According to the contact information, it seems that the location, in question, had a history steeped, in legend, and more than a few Gargoyles, decorating various buildings. The contact informed us that locals were ready to tear down, and destroy, the stone decorations, if there was even a HINT that the stone work could "come to life". The task, for Tami and I, would be to define IF, and WHEN, the creatures, could "roam the countryside". IF people were, really, being chased, by gargoyles, and not by the after-effects, of too many happy-hour drinks, then Tami and I were tasked with learning the reason. After our pilots welcomed us back, to the plane, and verified that supplies had been stored, Tami and I set off on our latest, supernatural, case. (Tami just wondered how LONG she could prevent her inquisitive parents from finding out WHAT she was "up to", on these "business flights".) Tami's mother had convinced herself that, since Tami and I were, always, flying off, together, that I would be joining the family, soon. Mother had even made it clear that more grand-children would be welcome, in the family. Tami "knew" what kind of man she wanted and, although I was "okay", as a co-worker, Tami still had her heart set on a muscular, take-charge, kind of man. Not a man who values her opinion. Along the flight, to our destination, Tami did inform me "Mother is STILL pushing me. She is, STILL, convinced that our trips are not just "business"." I just reminded her "Nothing you can do if a family member has their mind made up. Truth will not matter." Still, as Tami said "What if mom talks to the "wrong" people, and convinces them that we ARE a couple? What do I do, then?" I could only say "You need to ask a woman about that. I am just your fellow investigator." Although the local airport had set aside space, for our plane, our pilots agreed that it seemed odd that we were not parked closer to the terminal. It seemed like we were parked, all alone, in a desolate area. When we inquired, of airport staff, all they would tell us was that "We expected that you would be here, for awhile, so we chose the least used section, of the field, for your plane. This way, you wont be bothered by other planes." While Tami and I were lead away, for our meeting, about the creatures, our pilots had, barely, started the security procedures, for the plane, when local law enforcement suggested "We can handle all of this, for you." When our pilots said "Thanks, but air force regulations remain in effect, for this airplane, so long as it is in service". When the deputy would ask "Dont Y'all federal boys trust us locals?" The pilot would explain "The air force has its own way of doing things. As long as we are assigned, to this air force ship, we do things the air force way". The co-pilot was less than halfway through the security check-list, when he, and the pilot, realized that these deputies felt insulted, that the air force did not trust them. This, even after the pilot promised to make a recommendation, to command, about the willingness, of locals, to aid the air force. It was only when the debate began to escalate, as local law enforcement insisted that they had the situation "well under control", and for the "fly-boys" to go into town, and enjoy themselves, that the retired pilots gave in, accepted the rental car, and a map, to local bars, and restaurants, and drove off, feeling not-at-all comfortable with leaving air force property to civilian security. Stopping at a restaurant, with internet access, the pilot sent a message, to air force command, stating the reason why the plane had been left to civilian security. (The message was sent BEFORE locals could communicate, with restaurant staff, reminding them NOT to give the pilots internet access.) As for Tami and I, our own day was not going so well, either. In a "closed session", with community leaders, Tami and I were TOLD that the creatures were seen, at night, flying about, like bats, looking for prey. We were told the "standards", such as "They have glowing, burning, red eyes", and "laughter, while chills the blood". Someone even said "The horns. Dont forget the horns, on those things". Someone else added "Their voices crackle, when they "speak"". Even I thought it as odd as Tami did, that, when Tami asked for specifics, such as skin tone, wing-span, average height of flight, speed, and direction, she was met with the challenge "You dont believe us, do you? Well, we SAW those things, and we need to know what to do to stop their rampage". When Tami asked "Please define "rampage"", the speaker got very upset, as they stated "I said RAMPAGE!. That should be enough for you". When Tami and I stepped out, for a breath, of air, we agreed that, what we had just heard could have come from any, of a variety, of classic, gargoyle, movies. People, frightened of shadows, in the dark. How could we convince them that we just wanted to aid them, in documenting whatever was going on? When Tami mentioned feeling like we were "being watched", I told her "Dont worry. Locals probably just have someone tailing us, just to be sure that we dont talk to anyone, whom they dont want us talking to". Our pilots fatal mistake, on this case, was assuming that, just because they were on American soil, that there was no danger. It would be sometime during Tami's presentation, showing how evidence was "created", and while our pilots were nursing a couple of beers, at a nearby tavern, while pondering if they SHOULD have been rude, and insisted upon securing the plane, themselves, that the explosion went up. While Tami and I were, suspiciously, being "withheld", at the meeting, with questions, the pilots went on "instant alert", muscling their way out of the tavern, and racing for the airport, and the plane. Still, we received word, at the meeting, via our comm's. The pilot would report "Ghost Ship One has been blown to bits". Now, the pilots knew they were "in for it", and NOT from the Brown Agency, either. No, it was a fact, unknown to the general public, that, every time an air force plane goes down, its "disaster transponder" activates. Within the next few hours, the U.S. Air Force would be sending in an ARMED, investigation, team. The Department of Defense would want to know "Was it sabotage?". Although airport security had done its "best", with its side-arms, to prevent the pilots approach, to the plane, Once the air force helicopters began arriving, sporting 30-calibur machine guns, as well as troops, carrying automatic weapons, local law enforcement decided it would be best to "stand down". And, just as the pilots KNEW it would be, the air force asked "Where are your passengers?" When the pilot gave directions, two, armed, helicopters were dispatched to the meeting center, where Tami and I were extricated, by ARMED air-men. All that locals would tell the troops was "You dont understand". When the helo commander asked "Anyone else?" Tami told the air-man that we were the only ones. Just moments after police used a bull-horn, to inform the air force "We have jurisdiction, here. Fly off, or be shot out of the sky". Ten rounds, of thirty calibur ammunition, later, and the police dived for cover, in nearby bushes, while the helicopter had landed, picked Tami and I up , then returned us to the airport. By the time we arrived, at the airport, though, Ghost Ship One looked more like a dinosaur skeleton, in a museum, than an air force cargo carrier. According to the on-site commander, the plane was a total write-off, since its frame was buckled. the planes parts MIGHT be recycled, but the plane would, never, fly, again. By this time, a lieutenant would come forward, carrying something, and saying "I think this is why the airport did not want us inside." Tami and I no-sooner asked "What is it?" when our pilot said "Part of a fast-burning fuse. Used, primarily on black aircraft, in case of crash. After the pilot lights it, they have just ten seconds to get clear, before the plane goes up, in a blast, which is designed to destroy all evidence." This is when the commander would look at our pilots and say "This PROVES that you played no part, in this event. After all, even the air force knows that its cargo planes neither need, nor carry, such devices." When our pilot would ask "But, sir, if we had secured the plane, ourselves..." The commander would cut the pilot off, asking "Lieutenant, was this device found INSIDE the plane?" When the lieutenant would say "No, sir. it was on the OUT-side, like it was taped, or tied, on". The commander would tell our pilots "This relieves you of any responsibility. After all, the air force does lose planes, to sabotage, from time to time." By dawn, locals would be, vocally, protesting the closure, of the airport, while the air force investigated the incident. While the military investigated the CAUSE, of the explosion, Tami, and I, would have been transported, to a nearby, military, base, while awaiting transportation, back to the Brown Agency. What Mr. Brown just could not understand was the reason WHY locals went to so much effort, to prevent a corporation from creating jobs. If people did not WANT to sell land, why not just decline offers? Tami and I would share stories, including of a hospital, which, in order to expand its facilities, had used Imminent Domaine, and piles, of cash, to get their way. In cases, where home mortgages were paid off, the hospital just "hurtled" large amounts, of cash, at property owners, while implying "get out". In those cases, when people had mortgages, in GOOD standing, the hospital had just asked banks "How much do you want, for the property". When the bank quoted what was left, on the mortgage, the hospital had just thrown money, on the table (and the bank was left to inform home buyers to get out, since the property was no longer theirs). Then, there was the case, of Tami's own hometown. A place where, when the city council wanted to build casinos, instead of factories, locals had put up such a fight, to keep gambling out, by asking the city council "Why are you willing to spend $500 billion, on building a casino, when just $100 million would build a modern assemly line factory, and employ hundreds?" When the city council would only say "The investment group wants to build a casino, NOT an assemly line", locals had told the "investment group" what they could do, with their casino. It was the shared opinion, of Tami and myself, that the community, currently in question, wanted to make itself as UN-attractive, as possible, to any investments. The hope was that, accusing mythical creatures, of attacking locals, that this would drive the investment dollars away, declaring the area "too dangerous", for development dollars. When Mr. Brown got Tami and I on a conference call, and verified that we were un-harmed, we could not believe when he asked "Do you WANT to remain on the case?" Since WHEN had Mr. Brown ever backed away, from danger? Tami and I would have to agree that we were un-certain of what we could accomplish, at the present time. All of our equipment was burned, beyond recognition. No-sooner had we reminded Mr. Brown that we had nothing, not even laptops, to operate from, let alone a shelter, when the air force would volunteer "We have an A.P.C. down, for repairs. You may use that if you like". (Boy, did Mr. Brown have a LONG reach). Within twenty-four hours, Mr. Brown had air dropped us crates of rations, clothes, and so on. Like the man had said "On the Clock" means "On Duty". Forty-eight hours later, Tami and I were on our way to another airfield. It seems that another post needed the A.P.C., so we needed to find another "operations base". For some, unknown, reason, a benefactor offered us no less than an Airbus A-450. A brand new model, even larger than the A-380, and about as "discreet" as a parade, walking down the street. Sure, the A-450 had way more than enough room, for everything that Tami and I could desire. The A-450 even had a deluxe conference room, which could seat two dozen people, in confort. And, instead of bunks, or cubicles, this plane had deluxe bedrooms. As for the kitchen, and dining, area's, these would make a five star hotel "green", with envy. The "downside", though, was the fact that, while the plane was being designed, there were only three airports, world-wide, which could handle such a large aircraft. Add in the fact that the A-450 did not have verticle lift, and Tami and I agreed that it would be use-LESS, to us, as a "command post". This is why Tami sent Airbus a polite "thank you, but no thanks" note. It was after this, and, thanks to our pilots long experience, in the American military, though, Tami and I received access to an airfield, which the public was un-aware of. (NO, not Area 51). As our pilots explained, this airfield was the place where rejected air force prototypes go, to rust away. For one reason, or another, every plane, on this field, had failed, in testing. Since the planes cost tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars, per unit, there was no such thing as "scrapping"/"recycling". Especially not with these handmade, prototypes. I swear that it was like visiting the "junker section", of a used car lot. Tami and I spent HOURS, going over these rejects, sometimes wondering HOW some planes had failed. We knew, instantly, why one plane failed all tests. Its design might be crisp, and clean, enough, to avoid radar detection, but the interior was so cramped that it made a compact car, such as a Chevy Chevette, or a Ford Pinto, feel roomy, by comparison. A few, of the more roomier planes had failed stealth sound tests. One had engines which, when the air force sargeant thought he would scare us civilians, by cranking the engines up, he found were we accustomed to the sound, which was loud enough to make a Sherman tank sound quiet, by comparison. The plane Tami and I liked, was one, of the swept-wing designs. Not quite stealthy, but roomy enough for about fifty men. According to our pilots, the design was scrapped when it was found that, although the composite material, of the hull, could withstand tank shots, at close range, the "draw-back" was that the radar absorbing spray, which the air force uses, to absorb incoming long wave, radar beams, just would not adherre to whatever the metal was. The plane would show up, on radar, the size of one of the earliest generation of jet fighters. Still, it was much more compact, than our plane had been, yet, somehow, it had even more space within. Although one would not think it possible, for our motor vehicles, to fit into the ships hold, this planes designers had made incredible use of available space. When Tami saw the gun-mounts, the pilot told her "Dont worry. Nothing is armed, at this time." When Tami asked "Should I ask what they fire, and at what?", our co-pilot would say "If this plane were operating in a war zone, the guns would be armed with depleted uranium. Tank-busting rounds." When Tami asked "And, for peace-time use?" The co-pilot would say "These guns fire 50-calibur ammunition. They are, also, capable of firing 30-calibur rounds, as well." When I asked "What type of barrels? Machine, or Gatling?" The co-pilot would say "We have found Gatling to be more reliable. While machine barrel types fire as much as 50 rounds per second, from a single barrel, thereby causing over-heating, and malfunctions, the Gatling uses eight barrels. This means that each barrel fires only 2 rounds, per second. Less wear and tear, and longer use." When Tami would ask "Just WHAT do you PLAN to use these on?" The co-pilot would say "The pilot, and myself, would be happiest, if we never had to fire a shot." For obvious reasons, our pilots were required to take a "refresher" course, to operate this plane, for a very simple reason. Un-like Ghost Ship Ones LONG hull, which required alot of handling, to keep airborn, this "new" plane could take off, with just a "touch" of the yoke. The new plane had a much tighter turning radius, as well. Not to mention the fact that this plane had computer-controlled weapons systems. The pilots would not have to AIM at a target. All the men had to do was use a joy-stick, point the targetting system in the general direction, of the target, and push a button. The computer would stay locked onto the target, and fire when the pilots pushed the button. (There was, also, automated fire designation, but most pilots declined to use this, after in-correct targets were hit, more than once.) Since the engines were embedded, into the body, of the ship, we could fly faster, using less fuel, and fly more substantial distances than ever before. Using Mr. Brown's "influence", Tami and I were allowed to access to, and to "raid" a place, called the "Rejects Vault". A place where the military stored other, dis-carded prototypes, for various systems, and it was here that we not only found plenty of rejected parts, for our "new" plane, but we found plenty of parts, which we recognized, for their value. While our technicians took a month, to fasten everything in place, on the new plane, and make all of the connections, Tami and I were kept busy, trying to understand WHY someone was putting out video files, on the internet, of a creature which was only rumored to exist, for more than 300 years. According to the poor quality video, probably shot from a camera phone, it was being alleged that, not only did the creature exist, for the past 300 years, but that the creature was, in fact, being seen, attacking, and recorded, in the present. For the Brown Agency, and for Tami and I, the concern was that the local police had wanted to issue warrants, for the statues, on "suspicion", that the creatures were some sort of "vessel", for the "powers of evil". It would be Mr. Black, though, who would denounce the "poor quality" of the video, saying "I know of first graders, who could shoot better quality video". As for Tami and I, we remained on the case, even after the original investors pulled their stake, from the planned investment, and moved the money elsewhere. Tami and I were retained, by another group. In fact, the very group, which had purchased the previous groups shares, in the land venture. Our "new" employers wanted to know if the gargoyles were just a hoax, a prank, or something a priest could deal with. It would seem that they wanted results, too. They had investors waiting to pump $10 billion, into the area, and they did not want to look like they were chasing ghosts (or gargoyles, for that matter). What made everyone, at the Brown Agency, sit up, and take notice, was a video, which showed a raging fire, in some kind of pot, at what appearrred to be an altar. When the fire expanded, to fill the camera lens, then shrank back, to normal, left behind was what seemed to be a "person", wrapped in flames, yet walking, as though strolling, in a park. As the flames died away, the figure pushed its hood back, swept out its wings, and a deep, chilling, voice, boomed "I HAVE returned!" Breaking the whole staff out of our gaze, at the screen, Mr. Brown would bark "Analysis! I want to know how that was accomplished. Could it be trickery?" The REAL question was "WHY bother?" For Mr. Black, and his technicians, the time had come to "earn their keep", by trying to re-create the supposed video. As for Tami and I, we spent our time, while the plane was being prepared, trying to find SOME-thing, beyond myth, and folk-lore, about the alleged gargoyles. IF the creatures were real, as in "alive", then WHY wait until now, to make an appearence? Since gargoyle myth stretched back, for thousands of years, WHY come forward, now? Why not ravage man-kind, when all we had was bows-and-arrows, for defense? While Tami and I were trying to find ANY-thing, beyond myth, and Hollywood special effects, to explain the creatures, Mr. Black brought forward a video, "fresh from the shop", and labelled "re-creation". On the video, Mr. Black's staff showed exactly HOW the altar scene COULD have been faked. Mr. Black even listeed what materials would be needed, to pull off a hoax. I have to admit that, when compared, side-by-side, it was difficult to tell which video was the "real" one. No wonder Mr. Brown retained these people. I think that what concerned locals was when Tami and I returned to the community, in our new plane. A plane which, obviously, was more advanced than Ghost Ship One had been. One thing, which our pilots adored, about this plane, was that its defenses were "automatic". As soon as the crew left the plane, sixty seconds later, a soft voice called out "defenses armed". When a local deputy had asked our pilots "Who said that?" and "What does that mean?" Our pilots would inform the deputy that this ship had fully automated defenses, then add "I recommend that your deputies, and everyone else, stay away from the plane. For safety's sake". When the deputy would ask "What will that pea-shooter do, if we get close?" Our pilot would say "That pea-shooter, as you call it, is armed with 50-calibur rounds. The Gatling guns will take your head off faster that you will realize that you are dead." When Tami and I enterred the meeting center, for a second time, almost everyone gave us a "wide berth". It seems that our previous visit, with locals facing 30-calibur machine guns, had made locals a bit more conservative, in their actions. Ofcourse, we were asked "What do you plan to do, about that THING, which came out of the fire-jar?" Tami would say "Here is what we plan to do", then re-played Mr. Blacks video, for the audience. While locals watched the video, though, Tami and I agreed that we had the feeling of being "watched", again. When we took a discreet look around, we did see what we THOUGHT could have been some dark, red, eyes, in the background. The real question was that of "Did we see wings flapping, in the distance, or was it a drape?" The only thing we could say, for sure, was that, whoever, or whatever, it was, had VERY CLEAN feet. "It" left no foot-prints behind. When we took a stroll outside the meeting center, Tami would say "I am not certain but I THINK one of those gargoyles is watching us". When I reminded her "Tami, those decorations are made of concrete, poured into molds." She whispered "Dont look now, but I THINK one is moving". I had to agree with her, on that. Even I remembered seeing a gargoyle seated at the corner of the building, as if watching the corner, like a patrolman. Now, however, the corner was vacant. Thankfully, it did not take long, for us to reach the roof, but, what we could not understand was the empty perch. When we examined the perch, trying to find tool marks, we did not find a thing. While locals went about their evening activities, Tami and I set ourselves up, on the roof top, waiting to see what would happen. In the past, our bets would have been on a human, in a costume, coming to "roost". Since the werewolves case, though, we had decided to keep an open mind. It was a good thing that we did, too. As if making an entry, in a horror movie, a winged creature flapped its wings, as it came to a landing, atop the building. It, then, stretched out its arms, in an almost-human yawn, then folded in its wings, and sat on the ledge. It, then, seemed to peer over its shoulder as it "growled" "I hope you enjoyed the show". As Tami and I approached, and touched, the creature, we were surprised to find that it was made of the same stone, as the others, on the roof were. When Tami would ask "How can this be?" I asked her "How can werewolves come to control their changes?" After returning to our plane, for some night vision gear, and some "stake-out" supplies, Tami and I returned to the building, where we rested, for almost two hours, before the next, stone, statue "changed", then flew off, into the night. With our night-vision, we watched the creature fly over the city, but whether it was "hunting", or on "patrol", was soomething which we were un-certain of. What we DID learn was what the locals meant when they said the creatures went on "rampages". We watched as the one creature flew about, then dipped into a fruit tree, annd began eating fruit. Its eating must have alerted the tree's owner, since we watched the owner appear, from their home, armed NOT with a fire-arm, but with a cross-bow. Instead of issuing a warning, to the creature, though, the mortal just fire off an arrow, right into the creatures chest. What happened, next, was, almost, un-believe-able. As the wounded creature fell from the tree, no less than FIVE, other, creatures seemed to "come to life", like some form of "rescue team". Soon after this, with no less than five creatures airborne, Tami and I watched as home-owners, in the area, brought out MORE cross-bows, and the "battle" was on. Arrows flew through the air, struck tree's, and others landed, harmlessly, on the ground. The creatures gave off some shrieks, as two, of their number, seemed to draw the mortals fire, while the other three carried thier wounded member. When Tami saw that the wounded creature was having trouble, she did what she, always, did. She stepped forward and, as the creatures descended, to the rooftop, she grabbed the injureds legs, guiding them to the platform. When the injured saw what Tami was doing, it asked "You are mortal. Why do you assist us?" Tami would say "You are injured". When the creature would ask "Do we not frighten you?" Tami would say "I have seen worse. Can you tell me the reason why you took fruit from that tree?" Another creature would say "Hu-Mon! We do NOT answer to you!" Tami had, no-sooner, said "Just asking", when the creatures all reverted to stone. Back at the plane, Tami would file a report, saying "We have made contact with life-form. Injured creature questioned why mortals would aid members. Another, more hostile, member, of the group, insisted that the life-form does not answer to hu-mons." Then added "Correct. These life-forms are from a time when man was during one of its nomadic periods. Will need further investigation time to discover which of these time periods the creatures are from." "Also, of note, the so-called "ravage", on the local population, seems to be connected to a tree, where the creatures were securing fruit. Point of note, locals were NOT armed with modern fire-arms. Attackers were armed with cross-bows, and arrows. I suspect that locals know much MORE than they are telling us. Could THIS be the reason why Ghost Ship One was blown up?" What was equally baffling, the next day, was how, when Tami and I visited the property, where the tree was located, and we asked to take a sample, one would swear that Tami and I had just proclaimed our intent to murder the president, by the way locals reacted. Tami and I were MARCHED back, to our plane, and told "You have just two hours to be OFF the ground, and NOT come back, this time. If you do return, we will shoot this bucket of bolts out of the air". We left the area, as ordered. We were left wondering what was so important, about that tree, that locals protected it, with such passion? It would not be until our return, to base, that one possibility came to light. It seems that a friend, of Mr. Black's, a person, who worked in special effects, had sent Mr. Black a copy, of a scene, which the person was working on, for an upcoming horror film, and the person wanted Mr. Black's opinion, on if the film seemed real enough, to keep audience attention. When Tami and I sat in, on the session, we watched as a group, of local citizens, attempted to prevent the "monsters" from gaining access to the creatures food supply. The plot, of the scene, was for mortals to control growth, and numbers, of the creatures, by denying access to food. While Tami and I were watching low-budget action, on the screen, Mr. Black, and his team, were analyzing how "realistic" the action looked. Although we did not notice it, until playback, Mr. Black's team noted things such as a creatures wing, which, in shadow, fell of. Mr. Blacks team also noted that, in one part, of the scene, what the script called "A female creature attacking a human, from on top, while the human was on the ground", the team told Mr. Black "If we didn't know better, it would look, more, to us, like the creature was having sex, with the human". On closer examination, it DID look as though the "couple" were not only having sex, but that the female was ENJOYING it! By the time the review was finished, Mr. Black's team had a whole notebook worth of notes, for the film crew. The most important part would be for the movie to CUT the part, about the female attacking the human. It bordered so CLOSE to "X" rated, that it was doubtful most theaters would show the film. When Tami asked "By the way, what is the title of that movie?" Mr. Black would say "Lets see. The title is "Gargoyles attack the world" Corny, isn't it". After our initial encounter, with the creatures, and listening to how the creatures referred to humans as "Hu-Mons", Tami began searching history web-sites, peering back, over time, in order to find the original source of the reference, to humans as "Hu-Mons". Problem was that Tami had no idea of how FAR BACK she would be required to search, or even what she would find, as she searched. Most of the historical references, which Tami could locate, dealt with time periods covering the fall, of various civilizations. Acccording to UN-verifiable sources, ships had landed, on the planet, to perform damage inspections, and to make a "head-count", after each calamity, then the ships returned "to the Heavens". (Sometimes, the ships took people along. Sometimes not). While Tami was searching, to verify the actual source, of the term "Hu-Mon", I was watching the lab section. The firm had been lucky, to secure the services of a special forces team, which was preparing for covert operations. It seems that Mr. Browns idea, for securing some specimens, fit right into the teams projected goals. As a result, and with-OUT locals even being aware, of their presense, Special Forces had entered the town, and taken the requested samples. Samples which, now, were under analysis, in agency labs. Under normal circumstances, Mr. Browns labs could identify almost ANY plant, or animal, on the Earth. Most searches consumed less than five minutes time. In this case, however, it would seem that the samples did not match anything, in any database. How this was possible, no one knew. All anyone could do was just look at the screens, as the word "Unknown" flashed, next to each data point. No doubt, this was the reason why the decision was made, to transport the samples to a secure environment. The goal being that, if nothing else, staff could try to understand the plant, by observing its germination. Two weeks later, Tami and I were following up "lead" number 525, when we were called to the containment center. I know it will sound impossible, but there were five tree's, growing, inside containment. When Tami asked "How?" all the tech would say was "Some spores must have fallen loose" As far as the analysis went, even with five tree's, in containment, all testing returned results of "Unknown". Even when pieces, of the "fruit" were sliced, and diced, nothing registered, on the database. While we, at the Brown Agency, were attempting to understand the basic components, of both the fruit, and the case, the Brown Agency received word, that the "demons" had attacked, and killed, five more humans. Ofcourse, to say that the report lacked any details would be an understatement. In fact, from Tami's perspective, Tami felt she would have more luck, chasing down historic "U.F.O.'s", and ancient, nuclear, wars, than finding any REAL information, in this "report". From Tami's own research, she would have to report, to Mr. Brown "Although the Christians managed to obliterate nearly ALL mention, of space-craft, from the "sacred" volumes, I have found various references, among the worlds other religions." When someone said "Let me guess. They come to make slaves, of Earth men, while having orgies, with our women". Mr. Brown wuld snap "That will do!", then Mr. Brown instructed Tami "Please, continue". Tami would, then, list various dates, throughout Earth history, noting that most visits occcurred AFTER major battlles had taken place. It would seem that, after each "event", recon teams were sent in, to examine the area. Soil, plant, and animal, samples, were taken, each time. When Mr. Blue would ask "How does all of this pertain to the Gargoyle case?"" Tami would remind the group "Atleast one, of the creatures referred to me as "Hu-Mon". A term used only during Earths most barbaric time periods. Most notably, after the fall of major civilizations, as Atlantis, and Rome. Several other sites, as well, most of which were ommitted from the Christian Bible". When Mr. Brown would say "I still do not see a connection", Tami would remind the assembled "The Gargoyles spoke English, as if they have been listening, and learning, from US, for centuries". When Mr. Blue would suggest "Are you suggesting that those stone statues are LISTENING to us, even now?" Tami would be quick to say "I would not rule it out", then add "Most, of the newest statues, though are, most likely, just modern art. My emphasis is on the creatures, which are centuries old. These, much OLDER creatures should be our main focus" When Mr. Brown would ask "And, this is why?" Tami would say "I cannot prove anything, however, I believe that this case is about metamorphosis. Similar to the werewolves, and other species. I believe that these creatures can alter their form." When Mr. Black would ask "WHY would they attack humans?" Tami would caution "I am not so certain that we should take this, at face value. After all, my partner, and I witnessed some of the creatures being attacked, BY humans, for taking fruit". This is when Mr. Blue would remind the assembled group "Fruit, from trees, which we, as yet, cannot identify". When Mr. Brown would say "Back on topic, even IF aliens landed on Earth, after several, man-made disasters, HOW do these creatures fit into the picture?" Tami would say "The best I can offer is to speculate that the creatures, AND their food supply, were transported, TO Earth. It may be possible that, due to their great strength, and flight capabilities, that the Gargoyles may have been transported, to Earth, as a form of "security guards". The unknown fruit must be their original food supply." When Mr. Brown would say "I am sorry, Tami, but this is pure speculation. We have no FACTS to go on, except for five tree's, which cannot exist". Tami would respond This is why I really wonder WHY locals kept shooting arrows, at the creatures? That, and WHY the choice, of bows-and-arrows? Why not use modern fire-arms?" This is when Mr. Brown would say "At this point, all we have are some dead bodies, and reports, of an attack". Tami would add "Alleged attack". In the end, Mr. Brown would agree to permit Tami and I a maximum, of two months, to surveil the situation. If we turned up no evidence, the case would be closed. (Tami and I would, also be "charged" with delivering the tree's to the town.) After the tree's were removed from the facility, the place would be sterilized. Since the tree's were, simply, too bulky, for our plane, the tree's would be flown to the destination, via a dedicated cargo carrier. On the trip back to town, for tree delivery, Tami and I noticed how strange it was that, even with our plane flying into a strong head-wind, the engines were not straining. It was like the plane was just gliding, on a soft breeze. Mr. Brown had called ahead, informing the locals that we were only returning, to deliver the tree's. To his surprise, the locals seemed friendly enough, on the phone. By the time our plane landed, however, Tami and I were surprised to see that one, of the stone Gargoyles had been dragged off of the buildings roof, and the statue sat, in the village square, bound in chains. When the local mayor found us, staring at the statue, the mayor proclaimed "I DARE it to try and break free". When Tami asked "You expect a piece of stone to break free?" The mayor said "Dont let it fool you. It was seen, around town, two nights ago". When Tami asked "By whom?" the mayor said "Witnesses" About this time, the sheriff strolled up, asking "Impressive, isn't it? All locked up, like that". When Tami would ask "The mayor said there were witnesses, who SAW this statue moving around town?" The sheriff would say "Thats right. The witnesses saw it, plain as day" When Tami would suggest "Then, they SAW the creature, in the daylight?" The sheriff would say "Figure of speech, little lady. Many, they saw it, and not a drunk among them". When Tami asked "May I speak to these witnesses. I would love to know what they saw" The sheriff would say "No need, little lady. The reverend backed their story. No need to investigate. All I need, to settle this, are some jack-hammers, to crush that thing with". When Tami asked "The witnesses, were they a church group?" The sheriff would say "Thats right. Mass was just lettin out when they saw that thing swoop by". When Tami asked "HOW did you catch it, if it was airborne? What kind of trap did you use?" The sheriff would say "Little lady, this aint no twelfth century city. We dont use flaming torches, for light. We didn't use nets, either". When Tami responded "NOW, I am curious. Just HOW did you catch the creature?" The sheriff would say "Simple. The reverend told us to wait until sun rise. Evil loses its power, when the sun comes up, so the creatures must hide, from god's holy light. Once we knew this, we just waitied for the sun to rise, then we went to the roof top, broke the thing loose, brought it down, and chained it up". When Tami asked "Who was on patrol, on the roof, when this creature landed, to make sure you got the right one?" The sheriff would tell Tami "LITTLE lady, no one got NEAR that roof, until this thing landed." When Tami asked "So, you SAW it land. You saw it take up its perch." The way the sheriff started saying "LITTLE lady" made my partner tense with anger. Here was a law enforcer who was not following basic procedure. And the way he kept saying "LITTLE lady", like Tami was a child. HOW she kept her cool, I will, never, know. When Tami tried another tact, asking "What do you plan to do with it?" The sheriff would say "If it were up to me, I would wait until it looked "human" again, then fill its carcass full of arrows, until it was dead." When Tami asked "You said "IF it was up to me". WHO decides how to handle such things?" Just before the mayor departed our group, the mayor would say "Normally, I would have final say, on all issues, in the general public. This, though, is a religious matter. The local reverend has the final say. If the reverend says "Smash it to bits", then thats what we do, once I find some jack-hammers". The next day, even as city hall was, continuing to search for some jack-hammers, Tami did what she does, best. While Tami found nearly a dozen, of the people, who had been at the church service, the night when SOME-thing flew past, Tami noticed, via casual conversations, that all anyone actually "saw" was a shadow. Could have been a wing flap. When Tami inquired about movement, texture, and so on, all anyone would say was "The reverend said it was one of them "demon" Gargoyles". Although Tami knew, even from her own young adolescence (and LONG before she joined the Brown Agency), what would happen, when Tami approached the local minister, still, all sources had pointed her towards the church. When Tami stood outside the church building, looking at its 17th century inspiration, and 19th century construction, Tami was reminded of the day, when she had dared ask a question, about the Bible, in sunday school. The question had been innocent enough. In studying the Bible, about Noah, and his family, moving into the ark, then riding the flood waters, while the rest of mankind perished, in the flood waters, Tami had asked church staff: "If it is true, that only Nah, and his family of white Christians, survived the great flood, aboard the boat, then HOW could a single family have re-populated this while planet?" When church staff handed Tami a Bible, saying "All of your answers lie within." When Tami asked "Does this book, being Christian, apply to the Jews, Islam, Buddhists, and other religions?" Staff would only say "This is the word of GOD!" Even when Tami had re-phrased her question, asking "If only Noah, and his family, of white Christians, survived the great flood, then WHERE did the Africans, the indian tribes, and the Asians, come from?" Shortly after this question was voiced, Tami would be ordered to LEAVE the church, and NOT return, until she stopped questioing the word of GOD. On that long ago day, by the time Tami had reached her family home, the church had, already, phoned her parents. It was only once at home that Tami was told that she had been CHALLENGING the word of God, and that this was not done. When Tami had said "All I did was ask some questions" She remembered her parents saying that, until Tami "got her mind "right"", Tami was no-longer welcome, in the family church. Since Tami had, never, seen any harm, in asking for clarification, of any information, she had not returned, to the family church, for YEARS. Especially not until after the now-retired "fire-and-brimstone" minister had retired. Now, Tami hoped she had learned enough, from our previous investigations, so as not to make the church feel "threatened", by her inquiries. After all, being thrown out, of one church was quite enough for Tami. Although Tami would have preferred a more casual conversation, with the minister, HE was direct, and blunt. Holding his Bible, like he was giving testimony, in court, the minister stated "My child, I am aware of your inquiries, of my flock. Let me assure you that what the church reported DID, in fact, happen". When Tami asked "So, you were AT the door, when the shadow flew past?" The minister would clutch the Bible, like it was a safety blanket, as he said "My child, I witnessed a vision, of evil. It was in its purest, and darkest, form". When Tami replied "Great! What can you tell me, about it? Wing span, texture, body size, shape. Was it male, or female?" This is when the minister would snap "Silence! You are in the house of the Lord, our God! You will NOT challenge these sacred walls". When Tami would try "You dont understand. I am asking what it is that you saw, or think, you saw". The minister would draw in a deep breath, as he said "My child, you try my patience. I have spoken of what I saw". When Tami would try "Father, you have said that you witnessed a "vision of evil". Isn't that an overly generic term?" At that, the minister would snap to his feet, saying "How DARE you! Challenge the word of God" (Tami would think: Huh?) At this point, the minister would say "Be GONE! Spawn of Satan! Leave this House of God, and NEVER return". As Tami departed the church, she thought "Terrific, kicked out of ANOTHER church, just for asking questions". Back at the plane, Tami would just be informing me of her "conversations", and concluding with "I wish I could call on Mother Superior, at times like this. Maybe she could help me deal with the church. I sure would like to know WHY people are so protective of such an IN-complete document (The Bible)." As if "out of thin air", Mother Superior would appear, saying "My child, you need to understand that, for thousands of years, mortals have built their entire LIVES around the Bible." When Tami would ask "WHY? It is not chronologically accurate. In fact, there are enough gaps, between listed events, to place entire empires into". Mother Superior would agree, saying "Although it is true, that the Bible is more of a guide-book, than a calendar/scheduler, however, you should consider this: Does the Koran cover history any more fully, or completely? Do the Hebrew texts?" When I would break into the conversation, saying "Pardon, but I think we are off-topic, here. I believe that Tami wanted to ask you..." Mother Superior would say "Yes, I am aware. The arch-angel Gabriel, has been in conference, with the lord, and the two have decided that I shall provide whatever answers which I am able to". When Tami would say "Thats great! Will YOU tell us WHAT the church members REALLY saw, after mass, that night?" Mother Superior would respond "Sure, I spoke with Gabriel, and he confirmed that it was a black bird". When Tami asked "So, that statue, dragged into the center of town?" Mother Superior would say "Simple stone work. Erected in the 1850's. Symbolically, to "watch" over the property." This is when Tami made her BIG ask "Mother Superior, would you be allowed, or permitted, to use your influence, with the church, in order to place me into contact with the more moderate factions?" When Mother Superior would say "Ofcourse", and Tami would mention "Too bad you would not have connections, with the "moderate" Gargoyles". When Mother Superior would ask "Moderate Gargoyles?", Tami would say "Yes, of the ones I met, recently, one was very anti-mortal. That one even called me a "Hu-Mon". Mother superior would say "Yes, I know of that one. He has been vying, for leadership, of his pride, ever since a member, of his pride, was murdered by humans, under some "claim" accusing the Gargoyle of seducing a human woman". When Tami would inquire "Just how LONG ago was this?" (Thinking that it had only been a century, or two) Mother Superior would say "Child, the incident occurred over 2,000 years before the birth of Christ". When Tami said "I know that I will regret the answer, to this question, however, I feel compelled to ask "What became of those involved, in the alleged seduction?" Mother Superior would say "The mortal woman was cast out of her village, to live in exile, for the remainder of her days. In THOSE days, child, anyone found "consorting", with "evil", were banished, for the remainder of their lifetimes." When Tami asked "And, the Gargoyles?" Mother Superior would say "The angry one was on guard duty, while the others sllept. He was lured away, from his post, by the combination of a plate of food, and his empty belly. By the time he realized where the screams, of agony, were eminating from, and flew back to the rest chamber, he found the humans chanting "Die, spawn of Satan, die!", even as the humans killed every creature that they could, as each creature emerged from its sleep cycle." When Tami would say "The humans obviously, did not kill him", Mother Superior would say "Not for lack of effort. He "disposed" of some of those, who had come, and killed his own, however, when he saw how outnumbered he was, he chose to vacate, to survive". Tami would add "So, for over 4,000 years, he has been avenging himself upon mankind?" Mother Superior would say "I am afraid that is the sum total". When Tami would ask "Did this, particular, Gargoyle either encourage, or cheer on, any of the recent, alleged, attacks, on humans?" Mother Superior would say "Child, like any species, the Gargoyles are ruled by Common Sense. Like all species, they only attack when they FEEL threatened". This is when Tami would say "I wish that I could speak, directly, with one of their leaders." Mother Superior would say "I will attempt to arrange such a gathering.", then the nun vanished. Soon after Mother Superior departed, our pilots brought us some bad news. "The cargo plane has landed, at its destination, but its "reception" was not what the pilots expected". When we asked "Why?" The pilots reported "It seems that the pilots, of the cargo plane, had only debarked two, of the tree's, when a fuel truck, and a Jeep approached the plane." Without a word, of reason, to the pilots, workers began attaching hoses, to the fuel truck, while a man, from the Jeep, gestured the pilots aside. "The pilots report that the fuel truck sprayed enough fuel on the tree's, to fill the tanks, of a private, corporate, jet. After that, a man, with a flame thrower, lit the tree's aflame". "The pilots report falling back, into the plane, sealing the ramp hatch, then requesting "emergency lift-off, fearing that the plane would be the next target". Our pilot would promise "The three, remaining, tree's, are secure, at a nearby army base." Tami would surmise "First, they shoot arrows, at the creatures, and, now, they burn tree's, which are to be delivered to the creatures. I wonder why locals dont WANT the creatures to gain access to food?" Mother Superior would appear, and say "That, my child, is simple. The local population live under the un-supported view that, if humans control the creatures food supply, that mortals can control creatures actions" When Tami would ask "And, WHAT happens when the creatures become hungry enough?" Mother Superior would say "That would take centuries, depending upon how much time the creatures spend in hibernation, as stone statues. I would imagine, though, that, when the creatures beccome hungry enough, though, that they, like humans, will ATTACK, and TAKE what they need, just as humans, and other races, have done, for centuries". When Tami would ask "You mean...?" Mother Superior would say "That is correct, my child. When previous groups, of humans, denied the creatures access to food, the creatures attacked, just as humans would, were the situation reversed"". This is when Tami would say "I REALLY wish I could talk to the creatures leaders, and find out THEIR side of the story. I would want to find out just how really "dangerous" the creatures really are". Even as Tami was presenting her latest report, to the Brown Agency, and the secretary was reporting how happy the financiers were, with the knowledge, gathered to date, I had my own reservations, about the case. One, such, reservation, was the following: I would like to know where the moronic geneticist, at the army base, got the idea of trying to cross-breed the un-identified tree's, with Apple, orange, and even pear, tree's. The very IDEA, of "mixing" Earth plants, with alien plants. What was the geneticist "thinking"? When Tami and I were called, to the army base, it would seem that the crisis was in "full bloom". Although samples, from the unknown, tree's, were supposed to be spliced, with samples from Earth gardens, the scientist was left speechless, when the alien plant rejected all attempts, at hybridization. Then, there was the problem, of the plants "aroma". The newly grown plants were sending out an aroma, inside containment, which made humans sick, unless the humans wore containment suits. When I asked the researcher "Why did the original, five, tree's, not exhibit such an odor?" The only answer, which the geneticist could come up with was "Maybe this, new, group, is large enough to defend itself. I really dont have an answer". When Tami asked "Is that room vented, with fresh air?" The geneticist would say "Hardly, That air is re-circulated, via pumps, and filters." This is when Tami would ask, and I would agree. "Is it possible that the tree's scent is not really "potent", in small quantities? Is it possible that the aroma grows more potent, as the air is re-circulated?" All the geneticist could say was "I suppose so". I would have suggested allowing fresh air into the area, except that Tami cautioned "What if that aroma is NOT self-defense? What if it is a "calling card?" Something like freshly cooked food is, for humans?" When the geneticist would say "Madam, we are thirty miles away from those statues." Tami would add "And, some animals can scent food, at even greater distances". When the geneticist would ask "Are you saying that, if we vent these tree's, that "your" creatures will attack this base?" I would clarify "Not attack the base, however, they may be hungry enough to come for the fruit. How much of it do you have, on hand?" It would seem that the "sample" we had been shown, was just a "display", for what we saw, next. When the geneticist switched on a computer terminal, to split screen, Tami and I saw DOZENS of the tree's, in atleast three warehouses. By the time the shock, of seeing this, wore off, and the discussion was complete, word would arrive, from the nearby city. Word that nearly a dozen, attacking Gargoyles had been shot, with several others wounded. According to our G.P.S. reading, though, the attacks were neither random, nor spread out. Everything was focused around that fruit tree. This is why Tami suggested a test. "Why dont we package up twelve tree's, in full containment, ofcourse, deliver the tree's to the city, then open the tree's, one-by-one, and observe what happens?" When her plan was accepted, and the tree's were delivered to the general area, where we THOUGHT the Gargoyles nested, then opened each tree up, beginning at dusk, it was our goal to observe just HOW the creatures reacted, to the food. (Our own security guards would be nearby, as a precaution). As each container was, carefully, opened, Tami and I observed as, with each new "opening", one, to three, Gargoyles, world change from stone, to humanoid, form, and walk towards the newly arrived tree's. Yes!, I will agree that, from certain points of view, the creatures DID "resemble" the "winged demons", of the Bible. Thick, leathery, wings, and enough muscle to make the worlds best body builder envious. To top it all off, there were those horns, on the creatures heads. Truly, the stuff of horror films. What puzzled me was just HOW these creatures could fold an eight foot wing-span into its sides. To our surprise, when the creatures deep, red, eyes saw us, near the tree's, one of them, in a booming voice, called out "Come to watch the "monsters" eat?" Tami's own "No!" was matched by my "We are just amazed that such magnificent creatures actually exist". To OUR surprise, the creature would shrug its own shoulders, as it took a peice of fruit, then said "I would not call it "magnificent". We are what we are, just are you are". This is when the creature gazed, at a soldier, actively pointing its weapon at the creature, and the creature asked the soldier "Do I REALLY frighten you, so much?" The soldier would say nothing, except, on our unit leaders orders, the soldier backed away from the creature. Tami and I would observe that the first group, of creatures, to come forward, seemed not only to be eating the fruit, but sampling it, as well, since each ate three pieces, before asking "May we ask our breatheren to join in this feast?" When a stupid solder would say "Just as long as it is undestood that WE are NOT part of the feast". The Gargoyle would let out a cackling, belly, laugh, even as the commanding soldier would order his subordinate to be "Silent!" After the belly laugh, the Gargoyle would say "Fool! Your religious texts only wrote that, to keep our species apart. We, NEVER attack, unless to defend ourselves." When a soldier, wearing a Crucifix, would suggest "Thats NOT what the Bible says", The Gargoyle would say "I am aware. I have read your "precious" Bible, three centuries ago. Talk about propaganda, and ommission. The amount, of history, left out of that book. You would not believe me if I told you" When Tami would ask "Would you say, then, THAT is the reason why there are no actual DATES listed, in the Bible? Only references to things such as "In the time of..." The Gargoyle would say "Yes, your "history" is flawed, to say the least" Then, with a gesture, of its powerful, clawed, hand, the sound, of the creatures wings filled the night, and some creatures joined the nocturnal flight, while others remained behind (No doubt to guard the tree's, from US). In the soldiers own report, to headquarters, the soldiers would be required to report that, un-like how history said the creatures SHOULD act, that these creatures actually formed groups, almost resembling family gatherings, before sitting down to eat. Only one creature seemed to stand apart from the rest. In fact, the very creature, who had insisted, previously, that "We dont answer to Hu-Mons". When Tami approached the creature, suggesting "We have learned about what occurred, in the past. I just want to ask if you are aware that 4,000 years have passed?" The creature would counter this with "Are YOU aware that YOUR own kind, remains on killing spree's, killing anyone, who does not agree with your religion, or your politics?" When Tami would suggest "Not all of us are like that", the creature would say "Tell THAT to the people, of the shifting sands". Tami knew the creature was referring to the "Middle East". What Tami and I noticed, and noted, was how the creatures took fruit, from only three, of the tree's, before the lead creature would bow, before Tami, giving a crackling "Thank You for the food. Now, what did you have in mind, for a trade?" Tami would say "I want to know more about you. Your race, your kind, however you view yourselves. I want to understand your society." The lead creature would say "Sounds reasonable. After all, our kind has been observing your species, since before humans began using pictographs". Soon after this, Mother Superior would join our group, but, to our amazement, NOT wearing the traditional Habit, of a nun. Mother Superior was dressed as though for a board meeting. When Tami and I looked upon the woman, Mother Superior would look at herself, and say "Oh, this. You are curious. In fact, I am attending a board meeting, after this visit. I happen to be the boards secretary." I tried, and failed, to supress a smirk, when Tami asked Mother Superior "You mean that Heaven has a Board of Directors?" Mother Superior would say "How else would you expect us to keep order. Without order, chaos would ensue, and the place could not operate". When Tami would suggest "I thought life, in Heaven, was all perfection". Mother Superior would say "Child, even Heaven needs guidance. How do you think we maintain what you call "perfection"? Order, child. Each has assigned duties, including myself. Now, let us return our focus to the issues, currently, at hand, shall we?" Still, if anyone suspected "foul play", on the nun's part, all they had to do was examine the Crucifix, which the woman wore. It was an un-mistakeable sign of her Catholic religion. What surprised some, of the more religious, among our military security, was how proper the lead Gargoyle was, towards Mother Superior. Instead of running, and hiding, from religion, as the Gospel insists that "evil" does, the Gargoyle, simply, bowed, in respect, for the nun. This, after Mother Superior would announce "In this world, we are ALL Gods children, regardless of our upbringing". The creature nodded in agreement. In what Tami and I would learn that was, LONG suspected, to be true, we would learn, through conversations, with various Gargoyles, that their species was NOT "native" to Earth. To our added surprise, we, also, learned that the creatures were not "immortal", either. According to those Tami and I spoke with, the creatures own ancestors had been transported, to this planet, in order to augment ground security. The fruit, on which the creatures lived, was modified, in transit, to thrive on Earth. The creatures did admit that only about 100 of their kind were brought to Earth. Still, in order to keep the peace, several dozen females had been transported, to Earth, for obvious reasons. The creatures would say that, at first, all was well, with the humans patrolling the ground, while the Gargoyles patrolled the skies. The problems did not begin until some of the researchers, who were preparing a report, on planetary colonization, began splicing the genes, of various species. As the creature would say "We were TOLD that the goal, of the blending, was to create creatures, with brute strength, yet under the "intelligence", and "discipline", of the human mind." Tami whispered "Genetic Manipulation". Mother Superior would, simple, nod, as the creature would say "Such experiments are the primary source, for many of your species legends, of the Minotaur, Unicorns, Sphinx, and other creatures. Stories which humans have been re-telling since you found language." The lead Gargoyle would continue "Originally, our group was armed, just as the ground patrols were armed. Un-fortunately, after some of the experiments got WAY OUT of control, we ended up killing some humans, while attempting to capture, or destroy, the experiments". "After awhile, the acccusation was made, that our aerial patrols were, intentionally, firing on humans, for sport. When some human missing turned up dead, by some type of claw marks, our ancestors were not only BLAMED, for the deaths, but ordered to turn over all weapons. Even our dis-arming, though, did not stop the process whereby suspicions turned to rumors, then to stories. These suspicions, that our kind had taken the humans, to produce slaves, or to consume human flesh, grew out of wild rumors. In the present, even I noticed how the very idea, of consuming human flesh, made the Gargoyles cringe, visibly. In the deep past, and even as the "original" Gargoyles were negotiating a "gag-order", to prevent especially the flesh-eating stories, from spreading, a new problem arose. It seems that several members, of the support staff, primarily women and girls, were reported missing. Since clothes, and effects, were left behind, it was agreed, by the humans, that the females had been kidnapped. Although the Gargoyles were ready to assign their members, to the aerial portion, of the search, the suspicion continued to rise, that the creatures had taken the females, possibly for mating. As a result, while the humans searched the ground, th Gargoyles were ordered to a location, some 50 miles from the center of activity, until the women were located. Problem was, by the time the sentries were prepared to obey "executive orders", many, of the creatures, were shot, while humans THOUGHT the creatures were planning to take more women. Some of the creatures fled, while others obeyed orders, and were locked up. In what some might consider a suspicious convenience, shortly after the creatures were locked up, a womans body was found. Since the body was mangled, it was decided that the Gargoyles had "done the deed". In the present, when Tami asked "Didn't anyone even investigate the case? Even ask if it might have been an animal attack?" Mother Superior would say "Child, since the people were, already, frightened, by the disappearances, they reacted, to the death, out of FEAR, not wisdom, when the body appearred". The Gargoyle would continue "When we heard the first whispers, of retaliation, we bribed our guard, then flew away, to some mountains, where we decided to wait until the real culprit was found." Tami would suggest "So, thats where the idea, of you, keeping watch, first came from. First, you were a security force, then you were compelled to protect your own" The Gargoyle would say "According to our own records, despite growing, human, suspicion, we DID aid the humans, when, and where, we could, especially with the more violent mutants." When Tami would suggest "Let me guess. The legend, of the Minotaur was NOT the story of a bull mating with a woman". The Gargoyle would laugh, audibly, as it said "Hardly! Just more human rumor, based upon a failed, genetic experiment" Another Gargoyle would add "Our sources, inside the lab, said that the test was more of the usual. Trying to combine animal strength, and human intellect." When Tami would ask "Did King Minos actually trap the Minotaur inside the maze?" The Gargoyle would, only, say "He had help". When Tami asked "What about the tales, of young people, being set into the maze, as food, for the beast?" The Gargoyle would say "Wonderful camp-fire story, dont you think? Mighty beast kills, then devours its victims. Your species loves good ghost stories". When Tami asked "Was the Sphinx also an Egyptian attempt, at Genetic Engineering?" The Gargoyle would say "You humans. You think you are so intelligent. The whole universe revolves around you". When Tami would suggest "If not the Egyptians, then who?" another Gargoyle would list the name, of a species, we, humans, had, never, heard of. The Gargoyle would say "That is correct. Every single one of their species was destroyed, by their own creation. We, still, do not know if the various species, of the universe, even share scientific data. All that we know is that the species would, again, attempt to blend animal, and human, genes, thereby producing an experiment, which wiped out its own creators" When Tami would ask "If the research team was wiped out, by their own work, then HOW was it reported, and WHO built the statue?" The Gargoyle would say "A group, of researchers, who had been away from the center, for awhile. Upon their return, to their base, they found the slain members, and the dead beast. They, then, carved the Great Sphinx, as you call it, leaving a written warning, in its sides, and departed with the next supply ship." When Tami asked "What warning?" The Gargoyle would say "The warning was carved into the body, and has eroded away" When Tami looked at Mother Superior, the nun nodded, then said "The very sections, which the desert sands carved away, thousands of years ago." When Tami asked the Gargoyle "You have used the word "we", multiple times. Would you be offended if I asked YOUR age?" The Gargoyle woiuld smile as it said "I was referring to "we" as a species. We, of the Gargoyle species. I did not mean to imply that I , myself, was present, at those times. Heavens. If you think that I am "old", now, at around just 700 years old, then you should consider me "beyond ancient" if I were to have been around, or been one of the original arrivals". When Tami inquired about the tree, and its fruit, and why the humans were so "protective" of it, the Gargoyle would say "After the passage, of a few centuries, human tales, of Gargoyles taking human women, and consuming human young, evolved to a point where, for years, the species lived in suspicion. Then, for a short time, we co-existed, in peace." When Tami asked "What, eventually, happened to the research stations?" The Gargoyle would say "When ships returned, to find crews dead, or missing, the ships followed orders, and "sterilized" the places. This is why your Archeologists can find no evidence, of previous visits. Everything was burned, to a cinder". When Tami allowed the topic to return to the fruit tree's, the Gargoyle would say "For awhile, things were calm. The humans tended the tree's, and supplied us with the fruit. Somewhere, along the way, however, something happened. I dont think we, ever, learned what the event was. All that we know is that first a few of us, then more, were banned from taking the fruit. When we began to swoop down, when the humans were not looking, the humans began burning the tree's. This is why we were compelled to begin hibernating. To conserve energy". When Tami asked "Now that you have more tree's, what will you do, next?" The Gargoyle would say "It goes before a vote. My vote would be to move the tree's to safety, THEN tell the humans where to "place" their tree." When Tami would ask "What do you think the vote will be?" The Gargoyle would say "I HOPE that survival wins out". After speaking with the Gargoyles, Tami found out that Mother Superior HAD kept her word, in a way. Just not in the way which we expected the nun to do. With Mother Superior present, to monitor the human meeting, the human priest would, first, offer Tami an apology, for his previous actions, saying that it was "in-correct", for him to be so forceful, in dealing with an "alternative view-point". When Tami would say "I understand", the priest would bring forth a volume (Hand written, and highly decorated, with drawings), saying "This is what we know, of the creatures". When Tami and I looked through the pages, we thought it humorous that, in several depictions, of human females being seduced by Gargoyles, that the image, of Lucifer, seemed to be portrayed, in the background, as if to be imply he was observing the "festivities". When Tami read the hand-writing, which only indicated that "The presense, of evil, was most potent, indeed" Tami would ask "By the way this appears to be written, it only IMPLIES the presense, of evil. WHY did the author not note the devil was present, if, on fact, he was present?" The priest would point out the figure, in the background. When Tami would ask "Could that be just "artistic license"? Could it be that another creature might have been present?" The priest had no answers, for these questions. Instead, the priest showed Tami other entries, all of which CLAIMED, or portrayed, the creatures, attacking humans, destroying homes, and ruining crops. When Tami placed the volume aside, and asked "What about the fruit tree? Why is it guarded? Why are only a limited number, of the creatures, allowed to feed, at a given time?" When the priest seemed nervous, Mother Superior would say "TELL her. She has the full support, of the Lord, God, on this case". When the priest would say "The ONLY way we could think of, to control the creatures behavior, was to burn most of the tree's, and leave just enough food to allow the creatures to feed, as long as we alllow them to". When Tami mentioned the word "extortion", the priest reminded Tami "History tells of the centuries, of the creatures VIOLENCE. How else can we combat this evil?" Tami would counter this by asking "IF, as I suppose, the contents, of these journals, are more "artistic license", than fact, then I must wonder what it was, which was, really, being recorded" When the priest asked "In what way?" Tami would suggest atleast a couple of options. "Option One is that the woman WAS attacked, but by a man, not by a creature" When the priest would say "But the drawing..." Tami would suggest "What if the attacker was only PORTRAYED as a "monster". Especially since his actions APPEARRED "monstrous"" When the priest would point out the drawing, of the "devil", Tami would suggest "More "artistic license". Could it not be that the mans actions SEEMED so evil, that it was as if the devil actually, "controlling" the man, while observing the proceedings?" While the priest was considering this, Mother Superior would remind Tami "Child, you have suggested a second option. Proceed with your observation" When Tami would say "I know this will sound ridiculous, however, what if the "attack" was NOT an "attack", at all. What if one man wanted the woman, and was infuriated to find her with another man?" While the priest looked at Tami, blankly, then Mother Superior would say "Proceed, child", Tami would suggest "What if the spurned suitor decided, simply, to create the story, of the "attack", in the hope that the male lover would be disciplined, maybe put to death, and the woman would be forced to show her "penance, unto the church", by marrying the man, who had made the accusation?" Even as Mother Superior was asking the priest "IS any of this possible?" The priest was rushing to check church records. Shortly into his search, the mans jaw dropped, eevn as his eyes went very WIDE. When the priest read an "ancient" church, record, book, the priest read the name, of a young man, put to death, for "Devil Worship". This, after another young man had procliamed "In the name of the Lord, my God, I do swear that I observed the following..." The priest would say "The record says that the "devil worshipper" was burned alive. This, after refusing to "confess" to the charges, while facing the "burning iron". The church, then, ordered the woman to repent her sins, by marrying her lovers accuser." When Tami asked "Just curious, but what happened to the burning victims surviving family members?" The priest flipped a couple of pages, beyond routine visits, to attend the sick, and needy, then found the entry marked "After two week absense, from mass, I, as senior pastor, of the Lords church, did visit the home, of the burning vitim. On this land, I do swear, in the name of the Lord, my God, that I found the homestead vacant. All that remained were a series, of markings, on the walls. It was after I checked the barn, only to find horses, riding gear, and wagons, all missing, that I observed something burning, just beyond the home. Although most of the wood was charred, to ash, enough pieces survived the fire that I was able to re-create a symbol, meant to banish evil." When Tami suggested "So, the family was burned out, and forced to depart the area?" Mother Superior would say "Child, in those days, pure faith, in the Lord, was rewarded. Anyone, who turned in a convicted "devil worshipper" was granted full title, over the victims property, and lands, as well as remaining possessions" Tami would add "While the survivors must flee, for their lives". Mother Superior would add "Our world is not perfect, but we do the best that we can". When the priest brought forth other volumes, with drawings of "demons", attacking people, and vandalizing property, and the priest said "These accounts are by members, held in the highest regard, of good standing, by the holy church". Tami would mention "So, no attempt was made, to verify these accounts". With the aid, of Mother Superior, the priest agreed to allow Tami to film the journals, before we returned to our plane, to begin the analysis. Shortly after our arrival, at the plane, though, we received an invitation. It would seem that, because the chained up Gargoyle would not alter itself, into human form, in order to be killed, via bows-and-arrows, and with no jack-hammers currently available, the decision was made to use dynamite, to blow the stone to pieces. Tami and I were invited to view "Gods Justice", as the stone was smashed, to bits. The actual demolition was held off just long enough for the local priest to recite some sort of prayer, of protection, for the town, and its people, from whatever evil this stone might contain. When the order was given, and the stone was reduced to rubble, Tami and I found exactly what we expected to find. Bits of stone, held together with rebar. What spooked the attending public, though was when, after the fifth search team reported nothing present, except smashed stone, and twisted metal, a roaring laugh would be heard, over the wind. Yes, the stone statue was just that. A statue. When Tami found the chunks, which contained the carvers information, we returned to the plane, and found the results which we expected to find. The database had no problem making a match, to a web-site, operated by the sculptures great-grand-daughter. A woman, who was not only keeping the tradition alive, but who was placing black-and-white photo's, of her ancestors work, on-line. The web-site was entitled "Mastery of stone work, from (original artists name), to (current artists name)". After cover of darkness, a few creatures visited our plane, asking "Do you know where we can find more of the fruit tree's? Our kind hungers". Shortly thereafter, the Brown Agency would agree to "secure frieght" passage, for tree's, currently held in reserve. When Mr. Brown had asked the geneticists "Do you want to retain atleast one tree, for study?" The geneticists would ask "What for? We have perferomed every test, in existence, and all we know, for certain, is that these tree's are NOT native to Earth. They appear to have been hybridized, to survive in our climate. How is still a mystery." In order to avoid another trap, Mr. Brown had made certain that, this time, the REAL National Guard would be on-hand, when the tree's were un-loaded, and delivered to a location, specified by the Gargoyles. Tami did notice that the Gargoyle, who had seemed so "spiteful", towards us humans, including calling us "HU-Mons", kept a wathful eye, on all human actions, during the delivery. Tami wondered why this was, atleast until she met a Gargoyle, which called itself a "Breeder", and informed Tami "That one watched his own parents being put to death, by humans". When Tami asked "For what reason?" The breeder would say "The humans found his parents on their land, and decided that we were trespassing." When Tami asked "If they were not trespassing...?" The breeder would say "One, of our young, wandered off, and the adults were tracking the young. The young was captured, and returned to the nest, however, the adults were spotted, by humans, and captured. The one, who mis-trusts all humans, was part of the search party, and it hid, in order to learn what penalty the humans would exact, for crossing human land. When Tami asked "Should I ask..." The breeder would say "That one watched as the adults were tortured, then burned to death, for not admitting to trespassing. To answer your next question, Yes, we can, and do, die, just as your kind does". After the tree delivery was complete, only one, human thought that the Gargoyle "scout" was planning to kill, and eat, them. To the remainder, of the delivery team, the report was made, to Tami, that the creatures, at the delivery site, were acting more like a security force. This was, especially true when the creatures stopped, at the cave entrance, and posted themselves like armored car guards. With the tree's delivered, Tami did some checking, with the stone carver, who verified that her great-grand-father HAD carved that stone, about 130 years ago. According to the order form, the original statue had been broken, or gone missing. Since the order form contained the dimensions, of the statue, the carver completed the statue, in record time. In todays money, the stone worker would have been paid $2.5 million, for the replacement statue. Tami and I thought THAT was the reason why the Gargoyles had laughed, so heartily, when the statue was destroyed. (Stupid humans didn't even bother to check if the stone was new, or old). Thanks to Mother Superiors aid (and several HOURS Tami spent, reviewing church records) Tami learned the reason for the limited access, to a single tree. It was true that humans believed that the Gargoyles could be "controlled", by restricted access to their food supply. The problem Tami, myself, and Mother Superior, had, with this whole thing was the question of just how OFTEN the Gargoyles were being blamed, for incidents, based upon nothing more than "eyewitness reports". "Reports" which, allegedly, were "vetted" by the church, before being released, to the public. One story, which Tami was certain was just "make believe", was the story about a 2,000 pound creature, which ate "naughty" childreen. If the acccompanying drawing were to be believed, the creature was so fat that its stomach sagged to its knee's. Tami rolled her eyes at the very idea of a pot-bellied Gargoyle, being able to fly, at all. This, because Tami and I knew many pot-bellied humans, whose bellies did not reach halfway to their knees, yet the humans were confined to wheelchairs, since their legs could not support the weight. When Tami consulted the Gargoyles leader, about the drawing, the creature let out a hearty laugh. This, even as it said "No creature, of our kind, ever gets fat. The more we weigh, the harder it is, to fly". An obese Gargoyle would be impossible since it could never fly, nor escape capture. The leader DID mention something which Tami had not, previously, known. "Yes, we DO have stories, for our young, just as humans do". Cautionary tales, for survival. Tales, such as nests being burned out, when humans discovered where the creatures rested. That, and a tale, about an "innocent looking" human child, crying, in the woods. Found by a Gargoyle, who offered to aid the child, in finding home. After flying the child out of the woods, the child would be droppd off, with a group, of humans. Right after the creature landed, and the child was out of "harms way", nets and cables, would cover the creature, capturing it. When Tami would ask "How much of this is based upon fact?" The creature would say "Who can say? I am only 1,200 of your years old. These stories were around, before I was born". Tami had one, crazy, report, to make, that day, to headquarters. Humans, with stories, of Gargoyles eating "naughty" children. Gargoyles, with stories, of being trapped, tortured, and killed, by humans. Which species was the "worst"? Humans, who starved the creatures into submission? Gargoyles, who had watched ancestors being murdered, even "branded", by enraged humans? About the only GOOD news, which Tami had, for the Brown Agency, was that, now that the creatures had their own food supply, the creatures would keep watch, over the skies, but would AVOID the humans, more than ever. That is, atleast until an enforceable, inter-species, pact could be negotiated, and the Gargoyles felt they were safe, from humanity. In what MIGHT be cconsidered a "Gesture of Good will", a Gargoyle, who identified itself as "Keeper of Records", visited our plane, offering a stack of journals, saying "These should aid your study, of our species. These journals only cover the past 7,000, or so, years, but you may find these a good starting point, in your studies." After Tami and I thanked the crature, for its visit, I dont know why, but, when the "Keeper" departed our plane, and spread its wings, for lift-off, a cold chill, of fear, past through my own body. When the creature soared, into the sky, it appearred, atleast from certain angles, like our worst nightmares, come to life. (OR, was it just memories, of fairy tales. About evil monsters being slain, by heroes, who went on to rescue damsells in distress?) When Tami began to review the journals, she realized that the creatures had forgotten one, important, detail. Not all of the journals were in English. Still, as a result of the tree's deliveries, and with the two species agreeing to keep their distance, Tami and I would fly back to base, where we would find that only the most recent 500 years, of the journals, had been translated to English. This left the question of "Were the Gargoyles multi-lingual?" As the computers translated the journals, the program seemed to be required to switch betwen Latin, French, German, Rusian, and other languages, for the translation. Although the issue had not come up, yet, the translators had a bet going on. A bet which said that, somewhere, along the line, even the African languages would "pop up", in the journals.. This bet, however, would be lost, since the only mention, of the African language, in the journals, would be obscure stories, BROUGHT to Africa, by Christian missionairies. As for why there was, never, an African Gargoyle colony? Who knows? Tami and I were just reading up on the reasons why some Gargoyles hid their identities, and shipped out, with Vikings, and other Europeans, when the report came in. It seems that the Gargoyles were "On the run", after a battle, with humans. A battle which left close to two dozen dead humans, and five, dead, Gargoyles. From what little our sources could provide, it seems that, when some bishop, or other, church, official, learned of the "gift", of food, to the Gargoyles, that the church had sent down an "edict". "The grove, of tree's, was to be hunted down, and burned". This was to be considered the ONLY was to preserve human dominance, over the Gargoyles. IF the report were factual, it would seem that, when the humans attacked, the Gargoyles had defended themselves, with lethal force. It was thought that the reason why humans of the city, were wiped out, was NOT because of an attack, by the creatures. It was because the church had mobilized the entire town, to attack the creatures. Although the Gargoyles "wiped out" their attackers, the creatures had "seen the writing, on the wall", packed up, and "vanished". For some reason, the church, now, had warrants out, which declared the Gargoyles "Armed and Dangerous", and to have attacked "Gods children", in an "Un-provoked fashion". Sometime later, Tami would receive an e-mail, which provided no return address. This is why Tami fed the message through every "scrubber" program, which the Brown Agency had. Only after the message came back "No viruses detected", did Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, Mr. Black, Tami, and myself, viewed the message. (Who would have thought that Gargoyles could be computer literate?) According to the "Keeper of Records": "Just wanted to inform you that we lost five of our own, to your kind. No one is proud of our actions. We did what was required, to protect ourselves. Now, we must return to the shadows, of history. It was good meeting you. If only more humans were like you, and your man, there just MIGHT be a chance, for peace, between our species. For now, take care of our history. It is all we have." When Mr. Blue would say "They cant be serious. WHERE would they hide, looking like that?" Mr. Brown would say "You forget. Until this case, even WE had no idea, for thousands of years, that they existed." When Mr. Blue would ask "But, WHERE can they hide?" Tami would say "In plain sight, ofcourse. As building decorations." Mr. Brown would suggest "Perhaps, one day, when mankind grows up, and accept one another, for who, and what, we are, then there can be true peace, between ALL species". Then, Mr. Brown would return to his normal self, asking Tami and I "While you are reviewing that "literature", I would appreciate a few moments, of your time, to review another case". The work goes on...