Monday, February 15, 2016


AIDING A FRIENDS DREAM When I decided to aid Ron's wife, Marty (short for Martha), in following her dream, of becoming a singer, and video star, I had no idea how far Ron was willing to go, to prevent his wife's success. I mean, really, all Marty and I were doing was to practice some songs, inside the family garage. From the very outset, I promised Marty that, whenever she wanted to call it "over with", I would comply. After just a few sing-a-long sessions, I saw Marty smile as she asked "I wonder what I would look like, on video". This is when $100.00 went to a pawn shop, and a few, of my blank DVD+R's, went into creation of what SHOULD have been our PRIVATE collections, of videos. And, yes, just for the fun of it, when we had a week, of beautiful weather, which inspired Marty, and myself, we wrote, and filmed, two videos, at a local park. We just had fun, with the production, since we thought that no one, except us, would, ever, see the footage. (Boy, were we wrong) Later, at a party, for some of the couples friends, during which people were showing home movies, and laughing at childrens actions, neither Marty nor I expected what would happen, during the party. After having a good laugh, watching children playing, in a pile of leaves, Ron had commented, telling the gathering "If you REALLY want something to laugh at, take a look at this". When I looked at Marty, she just shrugged her shoulders, as we waited to see what Ron had in store for us. Marty and I were left speechless when Ron played Marty's PRIVATE copy, of our "master disc", and which I had made, for her own personal use. To our joint surprise, and Ron's shock, however, our audience remained silent, as our videos, including the park videos, played. After the un-expected "viewing", no one said anything, for awhile, even as Marty sat, silent, almost in shame. It was not until one of their friends said "That is some of the best music I have heard, in a long time. Can I get a copy?" This is when Marty asked "You REALLY liked it?" It would be a month later when Marty received word that we were being invited to perform at our first, public, gathering. When Marty had asked Ron his opinion, he had just laughed at the idea. I guess that this is why she asked MY opinion. My only advice was "Try it. If nothing else, it would be good experience". When Marty dressed, for the debut, Ron laughed at the idea of his wife performing. When I saw her, though, Marty looked so ravishing that I doubted anyone, at the performance would even LOOK in my direction. As a reminded Marty, before the performance, this was just to give her the experience, as to what being a performer would be like. (I just wonder who the "joker" was, who taped our performance, and forwarded it, around the county?) Marty and I found out, about the video, when, thirty days after our first performance, we were invited to perform five, additional, times, over a weeks time. While Ron had just laughed, at the very idea, I whispered, to Marty "Why not? Atleast you will learn what it would be like, if you had become a professional performer". It was a good idea, that Marty left her children with her own parents, during our "tour", since our one-week "tour" turned into three weeks, and twelve performances, as Marty's recognition grew. During the tour, Marty received un-verified messages, about Ron's alleged "activities", none of which would surprise her. She just took comfort in the fact that her children were with her own family. By the time we returned to our home town, Marty began finding out the "price of celebrity" when people began asking for her autograph. (Her parents had e-mailled, saying that her children were being recognized, at school, for their mothers achievements, however, Marty wondered if this was just her parents expressing pride, via the children). Although the largest gathering, of autograph seekers was only around 100 people, I suggested, to Marty "Just think. If you were a top, national, star, this is just a small sample of what would await you". It would seem, though, that it was not until Marty received a request, for a "regional" tour, that some of the media turned "ugly". Before the regional tour, most of the reviews simply referred to our performances as "dated", mostly since Marty and I enjoyed doing versions of '70's music, and using a simple, video, format. It would not be until Marty's own family aided me, in convincing Marty, that a regional tour would be good experince, for her resume, that Marty agreed to make the tour. Just as I had warned Marty that it would, once we were "on the road", the media began implying that Marty and I were bed-partners. The media also implied that Marty had stopped, at atleast two towns, along the way, just to have abortions. These rumors originated from the two, un-scheduled stops, which our tour bus had to make. One, to replace a defective starter, and the other, which was caused by a stop, for a "special price", for fuel. A price of $1.00 per gallon. The "problem", which our bus driver, would discover, was the COST, of $1.00 per gallon fuel. The COST being that the fuel was so waterred down that the moisture content shorted out the gas tanks fuel sensors. When we stopped, for repairs, the ONLY reason why Marty and I shared a room, at the local motel, was that the rest of the rooms were filled. By the time the electronics were replaced, and we were back on the road, the media was running stories, suggesting all sorts of "goings on", in our motel room. Suggestions which caused atleast one, church, social to cancel an appearance. Although this development upset Marty, I reminded her that this was part of the "Price of Success". To me, atleast, the most important thing, about the rumors, was that there were no FACTS to back the cliams. This, I even reminded three interviewers of, when they questioned Marty and I. All had gone silent when I suggested "If you can produce documentation, then we will respond." Despite the media, it seems that the public LOVED our appearances, at each of the remaining locations. Marty's parents even e-mailled her, saying that Marty's children had become most popular, in school, due to their mothers success. It was on the return trip, to our home town, that Marty would inform me "I dont know which has been more exciting, for me. Living this dream, or coming home, to my family". Soon after saying this, howver, a "problem" turned up, on the way home. We were about 50 miles out, from home, when we received an e-mail, with an offer. A recording studio was offering us a session, and a two year, nation-wide, tour. For just a moment, Marty seemed thrilled, to the max, over this message, but, then she remembered Ron, and her children. Marty would, then, turn "down" as she would mention "No way will Ron let me go, on tour. He is, already, convinced that we are lovers, and that I am your "show wife". Yes, I remembered her showing me Ron's messages, including the one which SEEMED to show Marty and I, nude, in bed, and another photo, seeming to show us being "romantic", in public. (You have to LOVE Photoshop). When Marty forwarded the message, to Ron, so he would know it was real, his response was immediate. "If you think I will stand for this, you are WRONG. If you want to "mess around", with that creep, then I want a divorce!" Back in town, Marty, first, spoke to her own parents who, she noticed, were very "guarded" in reminding Marty "You are a mother. You have responsibilities. We cannot tell you how to act, but we must remind you that you have children, to think about". It was when I realized that Marty was not only reviewing her options, but when I heard her reciting part, of the marriage prayer. The part about "For better or for worse, and until death do us part", that I knew what her answer would be. While Marty returned home, to face Ron's rage, over the media reports, I would visit Marty's friends, and this is how I found out the real reason why Ron was so furious, at Marty's success. In truth, it had NOTHING to do with "infidelity". No, it had everything to do with Ron's having to take a "back seat", to Marty's fame, and as being referred to as her husband. It was just as Ron was reprimanding Marty, for "abandoning" her family, for her "childish dream", that Marty was thankful that she had followed my suggestion, and sent all of her trip memoriabilia to her parents home, instead of Rons. Even when Marty showed Ron the print out, of the message, and Ron took the paper, and tore it up, then threw the scraps into the air, Marty knew that her "dream" was over, atleast until her children were grown. After making herself a solemn vow, to be a good wife, and mother, Marty would visit her parents, and she, and her mother, would, carefully, remove from packaging, review, then re-package, all of Marty's tour memorabilia, for posterity. Marty knew that her CHILDREN had to come, first. It would be another ten years before her past would return to "haunt" Marty. Although Ron had, already drunk himself into a paupers grave, it was not until Marty's own parents were preparing to move into a retirment village, that Marty would come face-to-face with her own past. It would seem that Marty's daughter had found boxes, with her mothers name, and, thinking that the D.V.D.'s marked "Marty's copy", were just home movies, the girl played a few, of the discs, slack-jawed that her mother had been a performer. When her daughter asked Marty about the performances, all that Marty could say was "Your father reminded me about my duties, as his wife, and as your mother". When the girl asked "Did you, REALLY tour?" Marty gave the girl a brief summary of our travels. When the girl asked "If you could go back, and do it over?" She saw the regret, in Marty's eyes. It was a look of "If only..." By this time, though, Marty was not so "young", anymore, yet, on the positive side, Marty, and her children, had known ME, for many years. In fact, I was the "fool", who, along with Marty, had moved her childrens interest away from video games, and into things like scouting. In fact, it was Marty and I who practiced scouting skills, prior to teching the same to her children. I was even the one who engaged Marty's children in distance-style bicycle riding. I even introduced the children to Yoga. These things I did even before their troop mates began to prepare. In fact, in many cases, even as their class-mates were gaining weight, and following parents "foot-steps", into obesity, Marty's kids were reaching for the top levels, of the scout class. As to what stupid line of "reasoning", some people used, for assuming that I was Marty's husband, and her childrens father, I have no idea. Marty said it might have to do with the fact that it was I, not Ron, who was seen, most often, in public, with the children. What I DO know is that, when Marty's daughter asked, Marty and I agreed to put on a performance, for her family (Who were teens, by this time). When Marty's boys called our performance "lame", her daughter challenged her brothers to do a better job. Dont ask me how, but Marty and I ended up leading a "return of..." group. This, even as we showed her teens how to impress an audience. ( I MUST say that even I was impressed with Crystal's singing voice). I imagine that the moment, when were were "discovered" was when we filmed some more video, at the local park. As if "out of the blue", locals came forth, recognizing Marty, and asking if we were preparing a "come back" tour. Marty would neither confirm, nor deny, any of this. What both impressed, and astonished, Marty's teens was how, when the local school remembered WHO Marty was, it seems that Marty's past aided the placement, of her own teens, into one of the top ten spots, for a music show. Although the advertising in-correctly listed me as Ron, I promised Marty that it made no difference. The show was for her, and her teens. It was THEIR chance to "shine". After this performance, the one-week show, which should have started things rolling, was scrapped, and we were sent on the three month tour, instead. At the vast majority, of the shows, I encouraged Marty, and Crystal, to be at the front, while myself, and the boys, were in the background. As a result of the groups success, on the road, Marty's teens would end up using home schooling, to finish the terms of high school graduation. Only after graduation did Marty allow the teens to become more focused on music. As for the abundance, of memorabilia, which the family was collecting, from the road, and sent home, to Marty's own parents, the elder couple ended up renting an extra large shed, to contain ALL of the memorabilia. They also learned what their daughter had, long, been capable of. After awhile, though, I guess that her age began catching up to Marty, as my own was. Marty and I retired from the road, and let her now-adult kids take over. What many people might find ironic is that, while Ron had an un-marked, paupers, grave, Marty's head-stone would be engraved "Performing Artist". Marty's children would continue on, to live her dream, even as the house they had grown up in, was torn down, due to maintenance issues, and replaced with a park.

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