Thursday, January 21, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE SPITEFUL SPIRITS It is important to note that, as a general rule, of the medical profession, that primary care physicians, and therapists, may come to know the intimate, and personal, details, of patients lives. it is NOT a normal, or generally accepted practice, for patients to have knowledge, of attending physicians personal lives. During this investigation, however, as Tami and I would learn, this rule ONLY applied to the LIVING, not to the dead. Once a person becomes deceased, "Confidentiality" ceases to be an issue. This would seem especially true, when the deceased would choose to "haunt" a family, into evacuating their property. It was not, however, until her most vocal opponent, on the psychiatric review panel, would pass away, due to poor nutrition choices, as well as an "exercise program", which anyone would laugh at, that Tami and I would be called in on the case. According to the information, at hand, the "ghost" seemed to begin appearing within five days of the time, when the doctor passed away. According to the doctors own spouses statement, the "ghost" was following her husbands normal routine, so closely, that it seemed like the doctor remained alive. The reason why the family was evacuating their home was the fact that the "ghost" was growing increasingly angry, and violent, as he realized that he could, no-longer lift his cocktails, or his cigars. According to his family, the man had even caused a "scene", at the dinner table, one evening, of such intensity, that his family ran from the room, then began taking their meals in another room. The wife even reported that she had been required to vacate the Master bedroom, and was sleeping, in a guest bedroom, in order to avoid her ghostly husbands presence. When Tami and I agreed to review the case, and Ghost Ship One returned to town, Tami and I drove to a part of town, where people only visited, if their incomes exceeded six figures, or even seven figures. As for the security car, which picked us up, at the entry, I have very little doubt that the car followed us, from the time, when we entered the development, until we reached our destination. No doubt, this is because our Chevrolet was the only "working class" car, in an area, reserved for the Rolls-Royce, and Mercedes, class, of automobiles. The security guard even verified, with the doctors widow, that Tami and I were INVITED guests. Only after this verification did the guard re-enter their patrol unit, and depart the premises. After the widow invited Tami and I inside the house, only then would the widow explain "Normally, I do not entertain my husbands patients. He leaves his work at the office." When Tami would say "I understand", then asked "What have your experiences been?" The widow then went into the list, of what the spirit was doing. This list would include the destruction of over $200,000.00 worth of property. Items which the insurance company REFUSED to replace, until the insurance company was provided a more reasonable explanation than "The ghost destroyed it". As Tami went about her "specialty"", of conversing with people (in this case the widows family members), I went on my usual "hunt", looking for anything suspicious. (The things people will not do, to simulate a "haunting"). By the time I finished looking over the house, Tami would be busy, preparing a very carefully written request, for access to the doctors records. Tami knew that she had to make it VERY CLEAR that she was NOT interested in patient information. Her ONLY interest was in the doctors WORK record. Still, both Tami, and the Brown Agency, had to navigate the Hippa Act. For several hours, the agency had to repeatedly inform sources that we understood that information was confidential. When Tamis own efforts were "stone-walled", she asked Mr. Browns assistance. When Mr. Brown was un-able to make any headway, Mr. Blue stepped in, for the next few hours. By the time Mr. Black took over, from Mr. Blue, Mr. Black already had his hackers looking for a "back door", to the patient files. No doubt, this is the reason why Mr. Black could remain calm, as he stalled, for time, while his hackers bypassed major "firewalls", and other, add-on, security. Tami was impressed, though, when Mr. Black, upon accessing the files, had the secretary sift the contents, triple-encoded the files, then forwarding the copies to Tami. (The Brown Agency would NEVER be accused of STEALING files, since all the agency did was COPY, not STEAL). Sure, it took the better part, of a day, for the information to be made available, but I put the time to good use. While most residential haunts are nothing more than energy, going about its business, without actually being aware of its environment, even I observed that the doctors spirit was moving about the house, as though following his daily routine. In this case, though, the doctor was not so much a "residual" haunt, but more of a "creature of habit". He maintained a schedule. In fact, the "key" to this being an "intelligent" haunt was how upset the "man" became, when he could not even pick up a daily newspaper, handle his coat, or touch a plate of food. Although he could not "lift" a thing, with his hands, yet, when he became angered, objects, in the room, with him, began to fly. This was one spirit who needed to learn CONTROL. After Tami received the files, she brought me some interesting information. She would say "A check, with his reecords, indicates a REASON for his behavior. A reason I never knew about". When I asked "What reason could that be?" Tami would say "It seems that, early, in his career, the doctor had followed standard practice, as is taught, in Psychiatry. He "stabilized" his patients, with massive amounts of drugs, then sent the patients on their way". When I said "I sense a BUT coming". Tami would say "The BUT is that, while drugs alter a persons behavior, to a degree, neither drugs, nor electro-shock, can "guarantee" a persons "stability", especially when life goes "out of control"." When I added "Since the world is, already, "out of control", I wonder what this definition means". Tami would say "For instance, on a normal day, people rise, with the alarm clock, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner, and relax" When I would say "Sounds like a typical work day, to me", Tami would say "For most people, THIS is their life. Here's the "kicker". What happens when life spins "out of control"? For instance, a transformer blows out, and an alarm clock does not sound. When the person awakens, on their own, to the flashing display, they are compelled to RUSH through morning routines". When I would remind Tami "I have had a few of those days, myself" Tami would add "Even if the alarm goes off, on time, and breakfast goes without a problem, what happens when a person finds a flat tire, jimmied locks, or a smashed window?" When I said "I'm listening", Tami would continue "ON top of the added stress, of a late start, a boss "rips the worker a new one", for being late, to work". HOW can drugs be expected to compete with these variables?" When I asked "Are you saying that the doctor was "experimenting", with drugs?" Tami would say "Not "experimenting", but it seems that atleast a few patients, who appearred well-controlled, with drugs, under "normal" circumstances, turned out to be "loose cannons", when lifes pressures built beyond the persons ability to control." I would suggest "I would call these "Isolated Incidents", or "Blowing off Steam"". Tami would say "Cursing, hitting a wall, or a tree? Yes. Those would be considered "venting". What these people did, though, went well beyond that" When I suggested "Bad drug reactions?"" Tamii would say "Terrible. The very patients, whom the textbooks claimed SHOULD be fine, in a world, under NORMAL circumstances, ended up "going ballistic", when placed under extreme stress." When I suggested "You mean, the very SAME stresses, which lead them to the psych ward, in the first place?" Tami would say "Exactly. It seems that the textbooks did not cover the un-expected. Since the doctor had no previous experience, in dealing with the un-expected, he treated patients, until each patient APPEARRED "normal", under CONTROLLED circumstances". This is when Tami would say "Just like us. A thousand variables, everyday, on every task". When I asked "So, what happened?" This is when the doctors spirit chose to join us, saying "Tami, I knew you were un-predictable but, is this guy really this slow?" When I addressed the doctors spirit, directly, saying "Then, enlighten me. What happened when your patients faced an un-controlled world?" The doctor would say "For many, staff just increased dosages, to aid in climate changes" When I added "Let me guess. You doped the patients up, even more" The doctor said "It was to BALANCE the patients cognitive functions, and calm the body" When I asked "Did it work? PUMPING the patients FULL of drugs?" The doctor would say "Some patients reacted better than others". When I suggested "Would you mind summarizing, for us?" The doctor would say "Some of the patients APPEEARRED to reach goals, of "stability", however, you are correct, about life being "out of control". I lost several patients, whose diagnosis was similar to Tami. When life stresses became too intense, for these people, too many of them tried taking their own lives, to be free of the stresses". Tami would add "Let me guess. Those, who survived, were drugged, to the gills, until the patients reached a point where they could not even remember their own names". The doctor would say "Only until we THOUGHT they were, mentally, stable. After that, we TRIED, REPEATED attempts, at re-integration". Tami would say "The textbooks said that, if it worked, in a CONTROLLED situation, then patients were considered "stable". The doctor would say "That is what we were taught, in school, yes". Tami would add "But, school does not teach about the REAL, and very un-predictable, world, does it?" The doctor would ask "How can it? As you say, too many variables. Doctors do the best that we can", then, in a lower voice, the doctor would say "Doctors save as many as we can". When I would ask "And, those you couldn't save?" The doctor seemed sad when he said "An increasing number, of patients, began going un-stable, when either home, or job, pressures, began building up. Successful suicides continued to increase, despite increased medications dosages. At this point, I realized that these patients are just too un-stable, for this violent, and un-predictable, world. These patients had to be committed, in order to SAVE their lives". Tami would interject "You mean, CONTROL their lives". The doctor would say "Call it what you will. We were trying to save lives, by helping patients cope." Tami would counter with "You mean, drugging patients to the point where they no-longer care". The doctor would say "The world is a nasty place. People either need to be prepared, for it, or they need to be REMOVED, from it". Although I realized that the doctor was present, for a reason, I knew that his banter was not helping the case. This is why I broke into the debate, asking "Just WHY ARE you here, doctor?" When the doctor would say "I need a sense of normality, for my own "life", as well. I need continuity. Something, which I cannot seem to find, any place else". When Tami asked "And, you think its NORMAL, to scare your own family out of their own home?" The doctor would say "Not intentionally. I just get angry when I cannot DO anything. I feel so helpless". When Tami would say "I know how that feels", the doctor would say ""What we did, TO you, was what we FELT was right, for all concerned, at the time". Tami would say "Well, guess what?" When I suggested summoning "Mother Superior", and the doctor said "NO! Not her", Tami and I looked at one another, then I said "She is only a supervisor level Roman Catholic, nuns spirit". The doctor would surprise us, by saying "...and she has been chasing ME, around the house,for days". When I reminded the doctor "She's a Roman Catholic nun. They dont chase people, or even date. They are devoted to the Lord." The doctor would correct me, saying "I didn't say she was trying to have sex with me. I said she has been CHASING me". Okay, now I was stumped. A spirit was telling me that a Roman Catholic nun was chasing him, but NOT for sex? It was shortly after this when Tami would say "I think I understand.", and just a moment later, "Mother Superior" would resolve into the scene. When the doctor tried to hide behind some furnishings, and I asked "Mother Superior" "Whats going on?" "Mother Superior" would say "Young man, I have been dispatched, DAYS AGO, to bring this man before "judgement". When I asked "Mother Superior" "Pardon my curiousity, but, what if he WANTS to stay here?" "Mother Superior" would say "Young man, do you remember the case of the corporate lodge, or that European castle, among your other adventures?" When I told her "Sure, I do. Tami spent WEEKS, processing centuries worth of spirits." "Mother Superior" would say "I know that you, and your lady, here, have asked, several times, HOW places become haunted." I agreed that Tami and I were curious. "Mother Superior" would say "NOW, you know. If I do not retrieve this man, for the Lord, THIS property will become a permanently haunted house". When the doctor complained "I cannot go. I have things to finish, and patients to see. I cannot just go "trapsing off, into Judgement". "Mother Superior", then showed all three of us what the title "superior" meant, as she addressed the doctor, as if he was a dis-obedient, school, boy, in telling him "The Holy Father awaits, as does the Angel, Gabriel". When the doctor asked (fearfully?) "The keeper of the records?" "Mother Superior" would say "One and the same. Once you go before Gabriel, THEN the Lord will grant you an audience". Now, the "tables seemed to have been turned", as the doctor would ASK Tami "What should I do? I am not perfect. What if Heaven decides NOT to allow me to enter?" "Mother Superior" would say "Typical question. EVERYONE is afraid of not "measuring up". Like Heaven is some sort of exclusive club, where only the righteous may enter". Sure, even legend says that Heaven is a bit "tougher" to gain entrance, but the rules, for high, and low, are about the same. Effect, and Intention, were what counted. Not grand stand gestures. When "Mother Superior" called the doctor to her side, as though he were a pre-schooler, then, in a soft voice, said "We will depart, now." Then, to Tami and I, she said "Until next we meet". Then the nun, and the doctor, dissolved. When Tami informed the doctors family, of his departure, Tami and I were not surprised that the family seemed un-happy. After all, the loss, of family is, in my opinion, no different, in its effect, from a bullet wound, direct through the heart, or the head. The times, to be suspicious, are those when people clap, and carry on, like the death is a "win", or a "victory". Just as Tami and I were about to "wrap up", the doctors house case, Mr. Brown called us, on video conference. As soon as he said "I'm sorry to keep sending you out, on case-after-case, but this, too, is an important one. Tami, it seems that ANOTHER, of your opponents, from the psychiatric review panel, has just died." Mr. Brown would go on to say "The reports claim that, upon death, loud, and clear, noises are being heard, at a clinic, where the doctor operated. The two of you have been specifically requested to find out if this is a joke, or a fraud. Clinic staff want the facts, before patient families begin moving patients to other facilities." According to the latest updates, it would seem that this doctor had been out, for an evening stroll, when she died. The file said the body was found, by a police officer, who thought that a homeless person decided to camp out, for the night. So far, the death was being listed as "Natural Causes". The problem seemed to be that, since the doctors demise, she was being reported at the clinic, were she operated from (when NOT perfoming psych review panel duty). Both patients, and nurses, were reporting seeing the doctor. The problem was that the ghost didn't seem to be scaring people, on purpose. The only people, who were frightened were those who knew of the death. What concerned the clinic was that patients, who did not know of the death, reported that the doctor was, still, conducting sessions. A few staff, who had not been told, yet, also reported the doctor checking charts, and verifying medications dispensing. Everything the spirit was doing was the same things which the doctor had done. Tami and I were left to consider this an "intelligent haunting", since both staff, and patients, reported conversing with the doctor. Conversing as though talking with normal, living, people. The clinics question was "WHY was the doctor here, if she was deceased?" Finding this doctor was as easy, as finding the previous doctor. Both people were such "creatures of habit", that all Tami and I had to do was follow the persons schedule. When we found the doctor, Tazmi did her "bit", about asking for an interview, and this is how we learned more about what had happened, to the woman. Yes, the doctor admitted "Tami, I admit that I was never in favor of your release. Your case just had too many un-answered questions. You have to understand, though. It was, never, anything "personal". There were just too many gaps, in the story, for safety's sake. This is why we needed you under "lock and key"" When Tami re-focused the conversation, asking the doctor "What did you do, on this date, after work?" The doctor would say "I cannot discuss such things, with a patient." When Tami said "I did not know I was your patient". The doctor said "True." When Tami asked "After dinner, what did you do?" The dotor would say "If you are wondering if I went out, drinking, and smoking, like the other doctor did, you are wrong. Besides, I wasn't strangled, either". When Tami would ask "How would you know such things?" The doctor would say "Do you, really, think that the two of you are the only ones, with "spiritual connections"?" When Tami looked puzzled, the doctor would say "Spirits talk, just like people do. This is why I know that the other doctor was strangled. Pretty slick job, too. I never would have thought of using silk, to avoid rope burns. Then again, I am neither suicidal, nor homicidal." When Tami asked "IF you know your life is over, then WHY are you here?" When the doctor would say "You mean, beyond solving my death?" When Tami would say "Yes, beyond that". The doctor would say "My patients need continuing care. Something hospital administration does NOT seem to understand. These patients can NOT be left, un-tended, for weeks, or months, until re-assigned. They need stability". When Tami asked "From a ghost?" The doctor would say "Until someone else is assigned, I intend to remain." When Tami would ask "What then?" Tami and I were surprised to hear the doctor say "That nun can take my soul, as soon as my patients are placed under new management". When Tami would ask "If you know what happened, to the other doctor, do you know what happened, to you?" The doctor seemed to take on a vacant expression, as she said "The last thing I remember is walking down a sidewalk, enjoying the evening air, then a moment, of pain, then nothing". When Tami would ask "So, you were attacked?" The doctor would say "I guess so. But whats that got to do, with my patients?" Tami would inform the woman "You do understand that this world is for the living" The doctor would re-affirm "I will go ONLY after I know that my patients have been re-assigned! NOT before". After three weeks, of almost no action, frrom cliniic administrators, Tami would "lay it on the line", for the administrators. "If you want the spirit to depart, you need to re-assign her cases. Its as simple as that". The administrators did NOT agree. "There is just no MONEY, in the budget, for new doctors." The administrator would explain "The patients will just have to "make do", until we can AFFORD to hire more help". Tami would remind them "The spirit WONT leave, until she knows that her patients are cared for". While this situation raged on, Tami and I were surprised to hear that ANOTHER member, of her "review panel" was dead. This time, the apparent victim of a hit-and-run driver. It seems that Mr. Brown was pleased when Tami noticed the developing pattern, just as Mr. Brown had. When Tami would ask "Whats the connection, besides me, ofcourse?" Mr. Brown would say "Thats the funny part. Some parties actually think that YOU are arranging these deaths" When Tami would ask "Why me?" Mr. Brown would say "It is being conjectured that you are taking out "contracts", on your opposition." When Tami would ask "If that is true, WHY would I wait so long? Why wouldn't I have disposed of ALL of them, LONG ago?" Mr. Brown would say "That is the question, which our firm is asking. The question which others do NOT want to be asked". When Tami would ask the obvious question "Mr. Brown, I am aware that we have received bonuses, for jobs well done. I am just curious about how much a hit would cost". Mr. Brown would add "And, IF you could afford it, correct?" "Yes" would be Tami's inquiry. Mr. Brown would say "The agency has, already, checked your bonus account, and found that you have enough, in available cash, to take out "contracts", on the entire body, of Capital Hill, with money to spare". When Tami would ask "Just how MUCH DO we have, on deposit?" Mr. Brown would mention a figure which we thought was un-believe-able. Well, this meant that Tami had money, motive, and opportunity. As Mr. Brown would say "The investigators are claiming that you contracted the "hits" out, to third parties. This way you would be clear of suspicion". Still, this left the question of "Why now?" If Tami had the resources, for a few YEARS, now, WHY would she have waited, so long, to exact her vengeance? Mr. Brown would say "This appears to be the question, which investigators want to AVOID! The question of time". While Tami and I contemplated who would want to FRAME her, for the murders, the updated results came back, from the lab, on the first doctor. It seems that the lady doctor was correct. The doctor had NOT died, as a result of his life-style. It would seem that, with the aid of computer enhancements, the faintest outline, of silk, was found, about the victims neck. Question is, what killer would afford to use silk, to kill with? Add this, to evidence, which indicated that the hit-and-run victim had been struck by a Mercedes-Benz, and the questions just kept piling up. After all, it was known that Tami drove a Chevrolet sedan, and that, when necessary, I drove a Jeep. Our cargo plane was the most expensive ride we had. Ofcourse, over successful cases, our benefactors had OFFERED Tami and I a few Rolls-Royces, Winnebago's, and so on, however, we accepted the cash value, in our expense account, instead. After all, HOW could we be "low-profile", in a Rolls-Royce? Not to mention a Winnebago? What surprised Mr. Brown, most, about the ensuing investigation, was how the police waited until a forth body turned up, in a river. An apparent victim of a boating accident. By the time this doctors body turned up, Mr. Brown already had his staff combing over Tami's every movement, every call. By the time the police brought a warrant, to review Tami's file, the Brown Agency had a complete profile, of her every move, since the time the first doctor was killed. Mr. Brown even asked the police "Why have you taken so LONG to ask for these records?" When the detective said "We just started making the connection". Mr. Brown would say "You can NOT have missed the obvious connection, for this LONG" The detective would use the standard excuse of "We are short-handed" Thanks to the Brown report, the police were forced to clear Tami, of any wrong-doing, much faster than they would have preferred to. In fact, the police would have to admit that the Brown Agency was atleast ten steps ahead, in the investigation. Although the super-rich father and son, were too prominent, to be sent to prison, for framing Tami, with the fake suicide attempt, Mr. Brown verified that the entire family was being kept under federal watch. If the family, was, in any way, involved, in the murders, the feds would have known. It would be based upon the conclusions, of the Brown report, that the two, surviving, members, of the review panel, would be taken into custody, at a "safe-house". It would be Mr. Black, whose hackers would find a better "link", than Tami, for the killings. The hackers would find that the same review panel was not only responsible, for Tami's case, but for the review cases, of other patients, as well. One case, in particular, seemed more suspicious, than the others. It was the case of a "hot-woman", whose style was not to shoot, or stab, her victims, but to seduce them, then use extremely toxic poisons, to kill her victims, while the men slept, after sex. She was called the Black Widow, not for her African heritage, but, rather, because, on a job, she only wore black. That, and the fact that it was reported that the venom she used, to kill, was the most potent spider venom, in the world. According to reports, the U.S. government could, never catch her, until the feds hired her to do a job. She was so skilled, at evading capture, though, that she had to be surrounded by a battallion of soldiers, to ensure her capture. Currently, she was living on death row. Word, in the cyber-realm, though, was that her bosses wanted to spring her, for a "special job". The best way, to do this, was to eliminate her review panel, so that her bosses could seat the next panel, and have the woman released from custody. A LONG shot? Maybe. Nothing else made sense, though. Although the feds REFUSED to remove Tami from the suspect list, atleast now they were looking into more viable candidates. The Spider-Woman would, soon, be OFF of the suspect list, once word got around that she was being investigated. Somehow, some-ONE had gotten access, to the same vemon, which the woman used, and used it ON her. What no one could understand was the reason WHY a person, who worked with the deadly venom, did not realize they were being poisoned, with it. WHY did the Spider-Woman take the poison? Although the doctors body, which had been pulled, from the river, first, appearred to be an accidental death, the Brown Agency agreed with Tami. Everyone wanted to be certain that the doctor had, in fact, fallen to their death. This time, to OUR surprise, Mother Superior brought the spirit with her. Mostly since the doctor did not know they were dead, and Mother Superior was doing the spirit a favor, by bringing them to Tami, so that word could be sent, to the doctors relatives. According to the doctor, they had been walking by a road side, when a car came suspiciously close, to them, causing the doctor to need to lean against the guard rail. When the doctor said "The last thing I remember is a sensation, of falling, then I saw Mother Superior". Tami was thankful that OUR team was more thorough, then the police were. The police had been in such a rush, to label the scene as "accidental death", that they over-looked the evidence, of tampering, with the bridge structure. It would be Brown Agency staff who would make the REAL report, showing that the bridge had been tampered with, shortly before the death. The markings were that FRESH. When the police, jokingly, asked "What do you think the killer did? Damaged the bridge, then WAITED, by the bridge, for the victim?" When Brown Agency staff said "That is what it looks like, to us", The police just laughed, saying "There would have been too much time, and too much RISK, of being seen, by casual passerby". When the Brown Agency did a re-construction, though, the police went silent, as they watched "persons unknown" vandalize the bridge, then wait and watch. With only two members, of the review panel, remaining alive, these people were "grilled", placing them in the exact same position, where their victims had been, during reviews. When Tami watched the board members being "sweated", she would say "Now they know how WE felt, when they interrogated US". When Mr. Brown would ask "What was that?" Tami would say "I was just observing that the panel members are, now, exactly where they LOVE to place their victims. I just wonder how they feel, being on the RECEIVING end, for a change". This is when we, ALL, began to wonder. Was this all a form of retaliation? Did a patient want revenge, for being treated like a criminal? Perception, or not, WAS it possible? While we were pondering this, we received an update, from the clinic, where the woman had worked. It would seem that the same clinic, which said it could NOT AFFORD more staff, had just added a brand new, state-of-the-art, ambulance, to its inventory. That, and a brand new computer. Now, whether it was the ambulance, or the fancy, new, computer, it seems that ONE, or the other, or BOTH, of these purchases, made the doctors spirit so angry that the spirit had trashed the records rooms, and did something, to the computer system, which prevented patients records acccess, for days. We doubted that it was the ambulance, which caused the problem, since the unit was DONATED by a benefactor. It was the computer, on which the clinic had spent $700,000.00. This left the question of "If the clinic could afford a brand new computer, HOW could the clinic NOT afford replacement staff?" To Tami, the answer was as obvious as the fact that it was the file room, and the computer records, which had been trashed. The spirit was furious that patients were "being neglected", while staff received brand new equipment. Tami would be left to return to the clinic, and negotiate another of her "famous compromises". Although administration was opposed to the idea, Tami negotiated a deal, with the spirit, that the woman would depart, for Heaven, provided that administration abandon all other changes, until AFTER staff levels were brought up to "code". (What Tami had NO way of knowing was that this deal would "kill" an administrators plans, to use funds for the purchase, of a brand new Mercedes, as well as a lake-front cottage). With this deal negotiated, Tami would return to the Brown Agency, to find agents working, furiously, on identifying the sender of a card, which had been addressed to Tami. Inside the envelope was a message. Short and Simple. You're Next! When Tami asked "Next? For what?" Mr. Blue would say "We are tracking it, now. Get comfortable. You are going nowhere until we apprehend the culprit". Although the man claimed not to know anything, about the note, the Brown Agency had him, on video, delivering the message. When he was grilled, about Tami, he insisted that he did not know her. Tami agreed that she never met him. When asked about the note, over and over, his answer never changed. His "What note?" did not waiver, even after six hours interrogation. Although he insisted that all he remembered was that he had gone, to work on a motor, and that he did not remember even visiting the building, agency investigators would just keep asking him "Do you, really, expect us to believe that?" While all of this was going on, and after the body, recovered from the river, was verified, as a member, of the review panel, the police wanted, so badly, to make Tami the target, of their investigation, that law enforcement could NOT see what was right before their eyes. Although law enforcement HAD inquired, of the doctors, if any of their recent patients, were capable of the killings, and both doctors agreed that several dozen, of their patients were capable. When law enforcement asked for a list, the doctors asked "What for? These people are, safely, locked away, and under extreme sedation". It was when law enforcement asked for a list, anyway, that the dcotors compared notes, see as there had been recent recent transfers. According to the doctors, though, "These patients are not really "dangerous". We just had to move them, to maximum security, due to budget cuts, resulting from the closing of clinics." When law enforcement asked the doctors to "never mind" the Hippa Act, and that all police wanted was to know which patients might "get off", on killing doctors. This lead to the doctors writing another list (with each list checked, against registers, at area clinics). After eight lists turned out to be "nowhere", the doctors began chatting, about patients who appearred " normal", until severely stressed. This lead to list number nine, The list of patients, who seemed fine, in "controlled situations", but whom doctors were un-sure of, due to past behaviors. There was one patient, though, whom both doctors were aware of. A woman, under therapy, after the courts REFUSED to consider filing Rape charges, against the womans landlords staff, for raping the woman. The judge, on the case, had been most adamant, about REFUSING to allow DNA evidence, under the excuse that, if the woman were, REALLY, being "attacked", WHY did she not just move away? After the judge REFUSED to investigate the matter, the woman was, soon thereafter, arrested, once her fingerprints were found on the scene, of vandalized property, belonging to the judge, and the womans attackers. Although the judge WANTED to press, for prison time, for the woman, the woman pressed her own lawyer, to have ALL evidence, in the case, thrown out, just like in the previous case. When the victim went before the psychiatric review panel, the panel members told law enforcement that the woman would not even discuss her own conviction, until AFTER those, who had raped her, along with the judge, were "brought to justice". SInce the review panel declined to review the previous case, the doctors said they remembered the woman had said "Then, you are as Guilty as my attackers". When law enforcement checked the information, with clinic records, it was verified that the woman had gone, on a "weekend pass", to see family, yet, had "ditched" her family, with a note, which read "I dont want you involved in this". Although the family had reported the woman missing, so far, no one had found the woman. When the police asked the doctors "COULD this be revenge?" The doctors agreed. This is when the order was issued. IF, in fact, the woman was taking revenge, on those she felt wronged her, then the judge would be on the list, as well. No one knows HOW the woman did it, but the woman got hold of a gun, and travelled, directly, towards the two doctors. When the woman found the house surrounded by police, she did, in a clear voice, make it known, to all present "These "doctors", as well as the judge, on the case, are the guilty ones. These doctors, and the judge, all of whom REFUSED to prosecute my attackers, well, lets see them TALK their way out of THIS one". With that, the woman turned the gun, on herself, taking away the legal systems ability to just "write her off". Now, the courts would have no choice except to review her case. Especially now that it was news. Although the judge, in the case, strenuously, objected, to the review, once the media had a clear hand, to act, the public would be informed of the judges REFUSAL to allow facts to be discovered, in a case, which was under review. Although the judge would not face death, the judge would face a bar review, at about the same time that the womans accused assailants "went underground", to prevent arrest. Although the supernatural did not really play any role, in this case, Tami did make a point of thanking the Enforcer, for showing up. The demon would bow to her, saying "Anytime, gracious lady", then it would dissolve. When Tami would ask Mother Superior "What was all that about?" Mother Superior would ask "Child, do you not know a "pass", or a "come on", when you see it?" When Tami would ask "With a DEMON?!" Mother Superior would say "Do not fret, child. Such actions are harmless, unless you wish for more". Tami would say "With a demon? No WAY!" She would, then have to catch herself, when she started to say "I would rather be caught with...oh, never mind", to which Mother Superior would cast Tami a smile. (Curse the nun, Tami thought. That woman knows exactly what I am thinking. Tami just hoped that I did not know, as well). Officially, Mr. Brown would list the "cause", of the trouble, as "questionable medical/psychiatric practices". After all, HOW would it look, for the psychiatric community, for it to be known that a patient, on a weekend pass, was going around, having people killed? All just so the woman could exact her own form of "justice"? Or, worse, to try to frame Tami? No, "Im-proper medical/psychiatric care" was the most rational explanation at the time. As Tami and I agreed: If it was good enough, for Mr. Brown, it was good enough for us.

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