Friday, May 3, 2019


HER DREAMS VERSUS MINE When Crystal decided to begin dating me, she THOUGHT that I was one of those "boardroom bound" types. The kind of man for whom Crystal could be a trophy wife. Crystal had made this determination, only after checking my background report, and other documents, which are never to be filed, on-line. Crystal checked my background since I was number eleven, or twelve, on her list of men. All of whom promised Crystal "The moon", IF she stayed with them, until their "ship came in". In each case, Crystal stayed with the men just until she realized how little, if any, "work" that they were putting into reaching for goals. This is why, when I showed an interest, Crystal decided to check me out, before doing anything. Crystal would have asked her friends, but all they would tell her was that I rode bicycles, wrote stories, and was involved in "some kind", of city project. This is why she paid a hacker-friend a deluxe pizza, and a twelve-pack, of booze, for a report, on myself. When the information was downloaded, for Crystal, she thanked the hacker, then took the information home, for personal review. While she took enough time, reading my stories, to decide that I was, in fact, an author, she took a look at my other projects, as well. Crystal was astonished when she learned that I was a major part of the drive, to bring supermarkets back into the neighborhood. This is when she decided it was time to meet, as more than friends. With her dream, of being a luxuriating, relaxing, "trophy wife", in hand, Crystal began plans to meet me. (Her smile was based upon the dream, from her novels. That, of spending her days, relaxing, in the sun, while her ambitious man went about making the connections, which would lead her to luncheons, and country clubs.) I will admit that, when she introduced herself, it was during the "lull" between the north end poll, and the decision, of what to do, with the information. The mayors office, and PART, of the city council, wanted to "place the poll aside, and try to ignore it." This is why, right about the time, when I began romancing Crystal, that life became interesting. What Crystal could not figure out was the reason why, as my alderman, and myself, worked on the city council, that I began researching the various, supermarket, chains. Crystal watched as I put together information, for both my alderman and myself to use, in luring supermarkets back. While my alderman ended up having five meetings, in one week, to try to draw in the markets, I would attend three. While I had a drivers license, but no automobile, the alderman signed me out a car. When Crystal asked, I reminded her "This car is owned by the tax-payers. It is not for joy-riding." Crystal watched as the alderman met with twelve market brands, while I met with seven others. It would seem that all were impressed with our research, showing how our local shopping needs met company criteria. Ironically, on the very day, that a supermarket chain DID agree to enter the local market, Crystal was off, getting so drunk that she did not even remember her name. I only found out, about her "adventure", when my name was found, among her belongings. When I found her, in the drunk tank, and she asked "Who are you?", I agreed with police, that she should sober up, before being released. From what her family told me, it seems that, by the time Crystal sobered, enough, to leave the drunk tank, she had forgotten, about us. She just went to her parents house, "hugged the toilet", for a couple of hours, then showered, and went out with her "friends". By the time Crystal was sober enough, to remember me, the new store had moved in, and its grand opening was, long, over. My alderman and I had taken the bow's, while the mayors office issued a statement of "No Comment". While I would have wanted to work on my bicycle tracking project, next, it seems that a group, of vandals, was breaking into coin operated laundries, by night, and smashing into coin counters. By day, the thieves were bold enough to steal customers change, both at knife, and gun, point. Result, the owners, of the laundries, were closing the places down, due to escalating loses. This is why I had the alderman present another poll, to the public. While Crystal was asking me to attend a party (to show that we were a couple), I had to disappoint her by saying that I had meetings to attend. No lie, there. I would spend the next two weeks (along with my alderman), speaking before groups, and proposing the city's first, no cash, laundry. The concept was simple. All that people had to do was pay a deposit, for a debit/key-card, then pay a small, monthly, fee, for property maintenance, and, as long as they had money, on deposit, they could wash clothes 24/7. Since the first laundry would be along a major, north end street, I would remind locals of how close both food, and laundry products were. All they had to do was buy, in advance, then relax, while their clothes were washing. When asked about access, to the building, I would remind the people "Your debit card will be your access key. It will operate the doors, as well as operate the machines." When asked what would happen if people snuck in, while others were washing, we pointed out that that no charges would be filed against anyone, who was not using the laundry, at the time. Of course, a few people would ask "What if I need to wash, yet have no money, on my card." I would say "Your wash will have to wait, just as it would, if you have no change, currently." By atleast 85% of those polled, the new laundry was approved. The only, real, protests, were among a very few people. Like my alderman, and myself, told the public, all a person had to do, to qualify, for an access card, was present a good payment history, of thier bills. As a result, some people, who had horrible, credit ratings, were turned away. People, whom no one would give credit to. One, such, woman had not just overdue bills, but maybe eight, payday, loans, in collections. (It took our processor all of thirty seconds, to deny her application) The local news media would report the projected reason why management, at local properties, was not pleased with the new laundry. The reason was simple. So long as management controlled access, to on-site laundry rooms, management retained CONTROL, of tenants lives. With the new laundry, management LOST this control, rapidly. Just one problem. So many people wanted to use the place, that my alderman was compelled to seek additional locations, for more laundries. When the public exposure began to overtake our shcedules, the alderman asked that Crystal take on some of the speaking duties. Well, Crystal DID take on some speaking duties. She took on the luncheons, tea clatches, and so on. Crystal even accepted some invitations, to visit private yachts. Problem was that her dream, of lying in the sun, tanning, was replaced with question-and-answer sessions. Add in the fact that, even while seven, additional, laundries, were opening, my alderman and I were starting work, on the bicycle tracking plan, and Crystal realized that her dreams, of champaign, and caviar, were coming at a cost. The cost, of schedules, and meetings. Her hope, of sleeping, until 10 a.m., then partying, into the night, vanished, as the public called, more and more. Crystal realized that, in order to keep up, with the schedule, she had to be awake, at 7 a.m., breakfasted, by 8 a.m., then on her way, by 9 a.m.. With days like these, Crystal realized that, even when she wanted to party, with friends, by 10 p.m., she was ready to drop into bed. What made her mother laugh was the fact Crystals life, with me, kept Crystal so busy, that Crystal had no time, for detox. She had no time, or energy, for drugs, at all. As for my alderman, and myself, once the no cash laundry became a success, people began bringing us more problems, to solve. Problems, such as when ANOTHER, theft ring came to town, and began robbing strip malls. Places locals had depended upon, for YEARS. Now, with the thieves at work, with thieves stealing cash, and driving away, in record time, a solution was needed. I was, actually, joking, when I suggested a no cash mall. I only used the term "Members Only", as an example, of what I meant. Problem was that the public, which had seen the success, of the no cash laundry, decided that they wanted to try "Members Only" strip malls. This, even as I was beginning to work with Latino's, on the subject of the Texas/Mexico border. It was when Crystal realized that she had not slept in, once, in almost a month, that she began restricting herself, first to two meetings, per week, then to just two, per month. While her mother would say "Big mistake." Crystal would say "I need some time, for ME." Crystal was never more thankful, than when requests, for guest speaking, began seeing major reductions. While Crystal was thankful that she had time, to party, with her friends, again, she was in for a surprise. After the ideas, of myself, and my alderman, won him the re-election, it seems that a group, within the D.E.A. was cracking down, on drug users. Crystal was to learn that the Drug Enforcement Administration had, finally, gotten smart, taken over the drug trade, in the U.S., and was selling drugs, directly to users. The PRICE, however, was what shocked Crystal. The D.E.A. had some agreement, with the states. In order for a drug user to have drugs, they had to work three hours, at a time. For each three hours, worked, the person would receive two hours worth of cash, and a nickle bag. If an addict wanted enough drugs, to stay "wasted", for four hours, they had to work a total of twelve hours. When Crystal had said "No problem. I have money, stashed. I can pay cash." Her friends had said "NO go sister." When Crystal asked "Why?" Her friend would say "Haven't you been listening? The only way to get drugs, nowadays, is by WORKING for them. The D.E.A. controls the entire supply." When Crystal would ask "What about the cartels? The Columbians?" Her friends would say "The GOVERNMENT BOUGHT THEM OUT! They are retired. Get it?" Crystal was just about to say "No problem, my man will "fix it"", until she remembered that she had dumped both me, and the party. Now, I was dating a Latina. A woman who, allegedly, was helping me learn about the Latin way of life. While Crystal was considering HOW to get back into the "spot-light", so she could return to her old life, one, of her "friends" gave her a syringe, full of what they called "The best stuff you will, ever, intake." All that Crystal remembered was sticking the needle into her hand, and pushing the plunger. I, only, learned, a week later, that Crystal had fallen into a coma. Source: Drug Overdose. Condition: Unknown. By this time, however, Crystal and I had been apart, for so long, that it was like reading the headlines. The problem, currently, at hand, was the fact that, while I wanted to work, full time, on the state-hood subject, my alderman, and I, ended up holding more meetings, and handling more polls, in area's where politicians were afraid to question the "New World Order". It was because we dared to stand UP, to the order, that my alderman would be asked to run, for state-wide office. I would be called back, from the border, to "assist" with the new expansion. I was just thankful that my Latina woman, Maria, was willing to "join the trip". I loved the way she said "Someone has to keep track of you. Your meals, meds, and so on." I understood her underlying reason, as well. Like I had told her "The more we work together, the more "exposure" you will receive. The more the public sees you, the more offers you will have. The more opportunity." As for Crystal, while she lay in a coma, not aware of the world, around her, Maria was, rapidly, becoming the states Third Lady. And why not? Maria had been proud enough, of becoming an American citizen, that she had shot video, of her taking the Oath. As she said "I have not abandoned my homeland. I am embracing this land, in hopes of helping my own land." To no one, was it a surprise, when the alderman won the governorship, by a seven-to-one margin. This, even as our "Members Only" markets began increasing, in number, to the point where we had no choice except to incorporate. For Maria, the best part was that, as her "exposure" increased, she achieved her dream, of becoming a model. By the time Crystal, finally, woke up, she looked out her window, onto a flag-pole, where the flag seemed to have a much broader field. (Was it her imagination, or were the stripes wider than she remembered?) When she was examined, and Crystal asked about the flag, a nurse would tell her "You have been under, for many years." When Crystal asked about the flag, saying "I remember that it was slimmer." This is when a psychiatrist would begin by telling Crystal "You have been asleep, longer than you think. You are in a state-run facility. Your siblings placed you here, when your parents passed. Life has changed." When Crystal would say "No kidding?" The psychiatrist would say "Yes. In fact, you have missed more than a few birthdays. You have, even, missed the ceremonies, honoring the new states." When Crystal would ask "What are you talking about? There are only, what is it, 50 states?" The psychiatrist would say "That was when you fell into the coma. The United States, now, has 85 states." When Crystal would, without thinking, ask "Where did they come from? The Mexican Border was under dispute, even last week." The psychiatrist would say "Most, of South America has come under the United States. If all goes, according to plan, we should have five more states, by the end of the year." Crystal would have to spend another six months, becoming accustomed to the new world. A world where my crazy idea, of surrounding dictatorships, with Democracy (not bombs, bullets, or missiles), was drawing more people in. A world where, at my urging, computers had access points, for programmers, and access points, for normal people. A world where the people no-longer blamed every German, who ever lived, for the dictatorship, of Adolf Hitler. (Nor every American, for George W. Bush, or Donald Trump) Crystal did find it hilarious when she learned that the Death Star design, from Star Wars, had been adapted, to move some of the population off of the Earth. She, even, told a nurse "Can you believe it? After I watched Star Wars, I could not sleep, for a week, thinking that the Death Star might reach, and wipe out, Earth." When Crystal asked the psychiatrist about me, they told her "Arlington Cemetary. His work, on bringing new nations, into the federal union, earned him a place." Before her release, from care, the aging woman visited her parents graves, and learned that all but one, of her siblings, had perished. All of natural causes. When Crystal asked about a visit, staff had to tell her "Sorry. Your family put you on a no-visit list, after your accident." That afternoon, Crystal took stock of her life. Her dream, of being a "trophy wife". All the trappings of a very rich woman. If she did have children, her husband would pay to have them sent to boarding school. While I "broke my back" making America a better nation, she would sit back, and laugh. Well, the laugh was on her. I had served my nation, and been rewarded, for it. I was buried where her grand-father was. It was as the sun set, and Crystal saw the outlines, of the space habitats, and the "dock-yard", where star-ships were under construction, that Crystal KNEW. While she missed most of her life, while in the coma, I had LIVED my life. My life was, now, a part of modern history books. Crystal knew that, at most, she would receive the standard, one inch, obit. This is why, when she looked at the lake water, she imagined herself at a beach, as a young, and beautiful, woman. Men flocking about her. Everybody wanted to know her. Be close to her. Didn't take much imagination, since she had "tasted" it, while with me. Now, however, people worshipped her, even as she listened, in sweet silence, to the ripple, of the ocean waves. How soft they sounded. How gently they called to her. While her "patient status" bracelet informed staff as soon as Crystal stopped breathing, staff noticed that, when her body was dragged from the lake, that her face bore a bright smile. Crystal's spirit was just happy, when workers stopped trying to revive her. Now, she could join her friends, in the after life. A place where she would be young, and beautiful, forever.

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