Friday, June 14, 2019


Crystal and I knew, from the start, where, and HOW, the rumors got started. It was all so simple, and honest. While I had to wait for a friend to tell me that the Latina, Crystal, was engaged, still, I attended the party, which was sort-of an "anything goes", type of gathering. Still, I waited until I noticed how Jesus walked around the party, taking various womens hands, and rubbing them against his crotch. Of those I saw, atleast three women slipped their hands inside his pants. This is when I decided to offer Crystal my own wedding present. It took a bit of doing, to bring her aside, yet, once I got her into a space, where the music was softened, by the walls, and she asked me "Where is the present". I told her "Dont worry. Its right here." For just a moment, when I looked her over, Crystal was a bit apprehensive. As I carressed her, however, and whispered "Dont worry. I wont hurt you." Crystal felt like saying "Lets get on with it." What surprised, and excited, Crystal was how I did not just "shove it in". Instead, I embraced her, carressed her, then drew her into a kiss, which went so deep, and rich, that she wished it would last just for a few months. As the french kiss continued, she lost the ability to think. By the time she could think, again, she felt my lips on her neck. Un-like her fiance, however, I was not biting her (as he, and other men, did). In fact, as my lips and tongue, carressed her neck, she found herself embracing, and carressing me. The time, when she KNEW she had to stop me, was when she felt me kissing her chest. She KNEW where my lips were going. This is why she whispered "Baby", and I returned to give her a DEEP kiss. After the kiss, we just looked at one another (and Crystal did NOT like the thoughts she was having) Thankfully, when she heard her name being called, she whispered "Baby, give me five minutes." I understood. What Crystal did not realize was that her friends "understood", as well. Especially Christine. When Christine mentioned Crystals look, then asked Crystal "Have you looked in a mirror, recently?" Crystal did not realize how she looked until the ladies found an un-occupied bathroom, and Crystal saw the mirror. Her smile, and glow, was like a neon sign, saying "I have been LOVED." When Christine mentioned "I know it was not Jesus. His shaft has been working the party for an hour." Crystal would only say "A friend". It was when the drinking, and drugs, became a (sex)-fest, that Crystal found herself by my side. She did not know why but she felt safe/comfortable, with me. Still, when men began pouring beer into women, before insertion, I felt Crystals dis-comfort, and asked if she wanted to leave. When she whispered "Baby, not alone" I agreed. I understood her reason when, at the exit, she snuggled up to me, even as we passed more than a few men, all of whom seemed ready to take a woman "home". Funny thing, though. When we reached her place, Crystal swallowed a good sized amount of breath freshener. When I took a look, she promised "Give them fifteen to dissolve, and the smell will be gone." What surprised Crystal was when I asked to use her own bathroom. When she saw me take out my "tooth-kit", and prepare to brush my teeth, Crystal looked at me, and I suggested "I thought you might like a fresh mouth to kiss." Sure enough, moments later, our mouths fresh, the pills took effect, then Crystal got another surprise when I put on some soft music, then took her into my arms. She wanted to say "Boy, you, really, want into my pants, bad." however, all she did was carress me, in return. In her bedroom, for the first time, in YEARS, a man aided Crystal in un-dressing, yet without fumbling. In bed, Crystal got another shock when I did not "stick it right in". Instead, I seduced her until she was ready to beg. Only when she smiled, brightly did I slip it in. Once I began loving her, she prayed, to the Virgin Mary, that this day could last just a few years. By the time I was half-finished, Crystal whispered "Baby, I am going to have to teach you how to love me." When I was "finished", Crystal got another shock when I encouraged her to snuggle up to me, as I fell asleep. That following week, Crystal encouraged me to nurse and, the following week, she gave me her milk. At the start, when Crystal still felt that marriage was coming her way, she asked that I only express my love, for her, inside her place. In public, kisses, and carresses, were fine, but "private" touches were to be kept at home. She could not keep the truth from her friends. Especially when the women saw that Crystal, who could pack away a case of booze, alongside the best of them, had started a new habit. "Nursing" a single drink, while enjoying the company. It was when, after a friend ate a super-sized value meal, then mentioned "I guess I ate too much. Man, are my clothes tight." This is when Crystal abandoned most fast food, and began eating more salads. At the start, when Crystal noticed how much I exercised, outside of bed, she mentioned, to her mother, that I was getting back into the same shape that her friends were in, since high school. It was when mother challenged Crystal, asking "So, you think you are, still, in high school shape, huh?" When Crystal would say "Mother, I haven't been out of school, long enough, to get out of shape." Mother placed a $50.00 bill in front of Crystal, saying "If you can prove that you are in shape, this money is yours." Now, sure, Crystal had been watching her figure, since high school, but what she had not been noticing was her trim/tone. When mother and daughter went to the family's rear yard, Crystal did notice that it took a bit of effort, and a rest, at the halfway point, but she made it. All mother would say was "When you were in school, it was not so much an effort, AND you did not have to take a rest break." After Crystal joined me, at my next, doctors appointment, and listened to the doctor tell me "Sir, you are as healthy as a thirty year old. Keep this up and you may make it back to the fitness of a twenty-five year old." Crystals own appointment (which her mother, not myself, attended), was not so good. While the doctor would say "Not bad. Just about five pounds over-normal weight. You could use some exercise, though." Unlike myself, who had been out of school, for decades, Crystals own "recovery" was much simpler. It was not long before the clothes, which she had set aside as "shrunken" began to fit, again. Soon, when she was not doing housekeeping, or fixing meals, Crystal joined me in my exercises. Funny thing was, even as Jesus was teasing the ladies, about Crystal, and I, about being "sickly thin", she noticed how his own "diet" was affecting his body. Jesus may have THOUGHT that he was justifying the fact that he was humping as many women as possible, but, the fact was that people saw the difference. By the time Crystal hear about the rumors (which claimed she was laying with anything that had a shaft), even her friends stated that they KNEW I was Crystals only man. After all, I was the only one she was seen with, and I was the one, handling her "business". By the time Jesus was claiming that Crystal was dating every man she could find, her friends had started up a notebook, for the two. Inside the notebook, all that Crystal had was an index card, with my information. This, because the ladies never saw Crystal with any other man. By contrast, Jesus had pages of "conquests". As for Jesus rumors, of Crystal's "wild parties", Crystal found these hilarious. Considering the fact that she had me waiting for her, at home, Crystal made sure that the only times when she went near being drunk were the days when there was no chance of my needing her. Even so, when she attended parties, she began attending, for her friends. Crystal could even name the exact date, when she last became drunk, and high. It was three months after we became lovers, and Crystal was not sure we had any "future". Crystal did not know why but, while she thought she was having a good time, at a party, she had no idea that I was present, until she saw me. Ofcourse, I had told her, before the party, that I was visiting a friend, and that she should not worry. At the party, Crystal was just the latest lady, to stand on a table, and begin un-dressing. Crystal thought it would be "fun", and "laughs", but only until she saw me. There she was, topless, and looking at me as if she were a child, caught stealing. As soon as she saw me, she climbed down, from the table, grabbed her clothes, and let the next woman take over. Crystal was thankful that she lost me, in the crowd. Even as she dressed, Crystal realized that the "buzz" was gone. Instead of going home, Crystal had gone to her parents home, for her hang-over. The next morning, and without her mothers prodding, Crystal wrote out a pledge, saying that she would, never, removed her clothes, in public, ever again. Since that day, Crystal had not been drunk, high, or naked, in public. This is why, when the rumors circulated, that Crystal was stripping, for hire, her friends did not believe. Now, Jesus had taken on three strippers, so far. Crystals friends found it laughable that everything, that Jesus accused Crystal of, was what HE was actually, doing. It was not long after the rumors became ridiculous that Crystals friends asked me, straight out: If you want her so much, why not just MARRY her? Crystals mistake was in how she handled a name problem. Her friends could not pronounce my family name. To aid this problem, Crystal half-jokingly, suggested "Why not just call him Mr.H, and me, Mrs.H?" Not only, from that time on, was Crystal referred to as "Mrs.H", but, her mail began coming, bearing my family name. Once Crystal verified, both to me, and her family, that she had not done this, herself, everyone gave Crystal the same answer. "If you did not do it, then it is THEIR problem, not yours" What Crystal came to enjoy, about being my "wife" was the fact that, when people wanted "spur of the moment decisions", Crystal would smile and say "I need to speak to my husband, about this." The same thing I said, when people wanted FAST answers, or sales. What began making her mother laugh, more often, waas when the times came up where Crystal would remind me "You are my husband, and I love you, but you DONT O-W-N me." Each time I would ask "Who says I own you?" Crystal would say "Dont try to change the subject. I love you but you dont own me." It would be when mother would break out, in laughter, that Crystal would ask "Whats so funny?" Mother would say "You! You ARE acting like his wife." When Crystal would say "I a-", then realize that we were not married, she would brush her hair back, smile, and say "I dont believe it." By the time Jesus was out of her life, he had spread every rumor, from her having four abortions, to my selling her to some dictator, to pay off gambling debts. Now, sure, our life was not as smooth as glass. Like mother said "Tha best relationships are the ones where people work things out." For mother, the "ultimate" laugh was the times, when, with a butcher knife in hand, Crystal would say "How I would love to cut it off him." When Mother asked "Why not? Say it was an accident." Crystal would say "I enjoy it too much. Without it, what am I?"

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