Tuesday, December 1, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE UNIDENTIFIED PHANTOM OBJECT With the mystery, of the stadium, behind us, Tami and I would be presented with our next case-file. A case-file which, I would swear, was a virtual "copy-cat" of a classic Scooby Doo! cartoon, titled "Kooky Space Kook". According to the case-file, locals were being scared away from an area, by a "glowing", "pulsating", craft, which seemed to enjoy intimidating locals, by hovering over homes, and causing electronics to short out. Okay, so the "space-man", in the Scooby Doo! cartoon never vanished, but I remained skeptical as I had to wonder if this case was equally "artistic license". When Tami would say "You're crazy. Who would be stupid enough to copy the plot line, of a classic cartoon?" This is when I pulled out my own collection, of the cartoon, chose "Kooky Space Kook", then sat, with Tami, while watching Scooby and the gang, being chased by, then chasing, what appearred to be a space-man. After the end titles were done, Tami asked "You expect Mr. Brown to believe that someone is mimicking a cartoon?" This is when Mr. Brown would, un-expectedly, ask "Why not? I have watched other people do much worse". When Tami would say "But, sir, this was a childrens cartoon, from the late 1960's. I doubt that anyone would not recognize the plot-line." Mr. Brown would ask "Why not? I also loved that cartoon, as a child, yet I did not even think of it, until just now" When Tami would say "But, sir, if we go chasing after a cartoon, I will be returned to the "rubber room", before either of you can say "Zoinks!". Mr. Brown would take control, at this point, say "I am not asking you to investigate the classic cartoon. What the case-file is requesting, is if someone, HUMAN, might be using the cartoon's plot-line, to scare REAL, LIVE, people". When Tami would ask "What if all we find is a live action version, of the cartoon?" Mr. Brown would say "Report it as such. Just as you would do, on any other case. Remember, we are not being requested, to compliment a "copy-cat". We are being asked to solve the question of "Is this thing REAL, or just a bad joke". Once the case was stated, in those terms, Tami was willing to accept the case. While enroute, to this, latest case, Tami and I would be informed that, upon our return to home-base, that Tami was scheduled for yet another "routine", psychiatric review. As the message said "FIRST things FIRST". Meaning: Focus on the case, and let other matters rest. As Tami and I reviewed the case-file, we realized the very first mistake, which anyone had made, was when someone tried to short out Ghost Ship One's electronics. (It would seem that someone did not want Tami and I investigating this case.) The perpetrators mistake, though, was in thinking that Ghost Ship One was "just another airplane". The fools. Had the perpetrators have "done their home-work", the fools would have known that, thanks to the creation, of modern weapons, all U.S. Air Force transports electronic systems are "hardened" against electronic interference. Starting in the late 20th century, the U.S. armed forces had begun "hardening" their equipment, for combat zones. In short, this meant that, in order to short-out an air force transports electronics, a ten-mega-ton, nuclear, device would have to be detonated no more than one hundred feet, from the transports hull. As a result, even though a ray beam was focused on the planes nose, the beams power was so limited that Ghost Ship One's electronics would just ignore the pulse. What the laser-targetting crew, on the ground, did not understand, was that, even though their beam might be focused, at the cargo planes nose, and cockpit electronics, what the fools had no way of knowing was that, during the firing sequence, deep inside the electronic "heart", of our cargo plane, state-of-the-art targetting systems were "designating" the ray beams "point-of-origin", for a follow up strike team. This, while Ghost Ship One flew, safely, on, towards our destination. This time, upon landing, there would be no "reception", and Tami and I would be escorted to something called "Command and Control". It would seem that this would be the place, where we would receive an update, on the case. According to the mayor, and police chief, who were present at command-and-control, the level of activity, had, recently, escalated. This in the time since contact had been made, with the Brown Agency. According to the police chief, that thing had, suddenly, changed its behavior. Instead of just hovering over houses, and shorting out anything, electrical, it seems that the object had "increased the stakes". The U.F.O. was, now, using some sort of "beam", to melt several pieces, of playground equipment. And, just prior to our arrival, it had, again, "stepped up" its attacks. Now, it was destroying garages, as well as more than a few automobiles. When Tami would ask "How many have been injured, by the attacks?" The police chief would say "None, so far". The chief would, then, add "What is so mysterious, about the "phantom" is that we can see it, with our naked eyes, yet, for some reason, the "phantom" did not appear, on video recordings. When Tami would ask "What could do such a thing?" The police chief would say "No clue", even as I would suggest another possibility: I would ask "What about a hologram?" When the police chief would say "Be serious. This thing is shorting out electronics, and smashing objects." I promised the chief "Holograms can do that, AND so much more". Soon after this, everyone, at command-and-control, heard a BOOM!, in the distance, then our pilots joined the conference, to inform Tami and I "Dont be alarmed. That was just a strike team, taking out a laser emiter, which tried to take down our plane, upon arrival, to the area." When the police chief would ask "Tried?" The air force men would reply "Yes, just short of town. Our instruments detected a focused beam, of energy, directed at the planes cockpit." When the police chief would say "You know, several, other, craft have reported suffering full, electronic, failure. The question is HOW did your plane escape damage?" Our co-pilot would say "Simple", then the pilot would say "What he means is that the United States government has hardened its military equipment, against such attacks, including E.M.P. pulses. These safe-guards have been in place, for many years. After all, what use is a transport, which cannot operate within hostile territory?" When the police chief would ask "How much would it take to knock your plane, out of the sky, electronically?" The pilot would respond "Sorry, sir, but, with all due respect, that information is classified". Personally, I was pleased that the pilots refrained from answering such a question. I was, also, surprised that the police chief would even inquire. As for Tami, once she had a "search topic", of "uses of laser technology", she would show me results, ranging from surgery, to shooting down satellites. When I asked "What would be the difference between simply shorting out home electronics, and demolishing property?" Tami would estimate "Just a few million extra amps". This is when I would ask "Would it be possible for a single laser to project a crafts image on the sky, while another laser focuses on the actual target, and does the damage?" Our pilot would be the one to answer this question, with "The answer is yes. The problem is the amount of power one would need, to power two, seperate lasers." When I would ask "How much power?" The pilot would say "About four times what the local population uses, and three times more than the local power plant is capable of generating. I checked the numbers, myself, after the plane was hit". When I asked the pilot "The beam, which was directed at our plane. Could it have been fired from a mobile unit?" When the pilot said "Sure. In fact, according to the strike team, the laser was even more compact than any the team has ever seen, before. The report is calling the device an "amazingly small design". When I asked "A small generator, to power all of this", the pilot would say "No way! You would need a massive, stationary, plant, to produce that much power". When Tami would ask "You are not thinking Scooby Doo!, again, are you?" I would inform both of them "No. In the episode, the villian used cheap, home, movies. Reel-to-reel recordings, and remote controls, to power the set-up. I think that this is well beyond that." Tami voiced the obvious question "Why bother? What would anyone receive, in return for so much effort?" The pilot would suggest "Proving ground? Testing a new technology? Maybe, for a potential buyer?" When Tami found a web-site, with directions, for proving if lasers were in use, on any project, the four of us spent the entire evening, and next morning, rigging a set up. The goal being to test the area, and see if laser energy was, in fact, involved, in this case. I have to give credit where it is due, and credit is due, to those, who created the "phantom". When I saw it, the next night, it looked so life-like, that I am sure that Hollywod special effects people would have been proud of the copy. What impressed me, so much, was that this "ship" even seemed to have "life". Not just a visual projection, but actual substance. As for the sensors, which the Brown Agency had supplied, for our use, before these "fried out", Tami would contact me, saying something about "Too much..." then "Return...ship. Return...ship" Back at the plane, the air force was working, with Tami, on the readings. Personally, I would understand very little, of what was going on, even if I was there. Upon my return to the plane, and, if I understood, correctly, the group was saying that there were two, competing lasers, in use. One set was using standard electronics, and electrical energy, which registered well within the limits of the sensors range. The problem was the second set, of readings. IF the instruments were correct, it would seem that the ship was using a form, of plasma energy. a form of energy, which was decades, if not centuries, ahead of human technology. According to the instruments, which we were using, the ships power readings were "off the scale", and it was the ships energy pattern which had "fried" our sensors. When I asked the group "Was this a targetted attack?" Tami, and the pilots, as if as one, would say "Doubtful". Then Tami would add "More likely, in-compatable energy sources". The pilot would add "America has nothing similar to this, in our arsenal, and neither have the Russians. Whatever this is, it is beyond mans reach, at present." When I would ask "If that is the case, then the questions are "Why here? and Why now?" The pilots had no answer, then Tami threw up her hands and said "I know. Back to work". Three days later, Tami found a significant clue. It would seem that the low power energy events, in the local community, all PRE-ceeded the HIGH output events, by as much as two months. In fact, the ship had not even made an appearance, until AFTER several, city, blocks, worth of homes, and businesses, had electrical systems either drained of power, or shorted out. To our team, this could mean one of only two things. First, that a second team had become wise, to a first teams project, and decided to "up-the-antee", as a sort-of "competition". Then, there was the second, and far less popular, option. The suggestion that HUMAN activity had attracted someone ELSE's attention. If this were true, then it would mean that the ship was present, to "study" our work. If this idea were true, and, especially if the second team turned out to be aliens, then this might cause even more trouble. It would raise the question of WHY had "they" not made contact, beyond showing off their ship? When I suggested tracking the ship, via radar, on its next appearance, the pilots would say "No go.", then added "The ship did not appear on radar. Neither incoming, or outgoing. We only had visual sightings, of it". When I asked "What if we compared reports, of where the ship has been sighted? Build up a map, from this?" Tami would say "Already working on it. By the way, shouldn't our main focus be on locating that energy generator? It was powerful". The pilot would correct this, saying "Too powerful! Especially for civilian use. We need to find out where it came from, and who built it". The problem the team had, with this, was that, with every simulation, which we ran, on the power output, once all factors were in place, the final result was a generator, which was just far too LARGE to be mobile. Add to this both aerial, and satellite, recon, showing nothing large enough to store, or power, such equipment, and yet, we have viewed the results, with our own eyes. Tami would, ofcourse, draw out her trusty pad, and pens, as well as her digital recorder, and some extra flash drives. Then, my coworker was off, to do what she did, best. In the meantime, I would mount my "work-bike", and begin pedalling around the area. I never really knew what I was looking for, on any of our cases, but I was never willing to rule out things, like practical jokes, until I had surveyed an area, and verified, for myself, that no tampering was evident. I have to hand it to the person, behind the scenes, in how they "played" me, even for a short time. To explain: While out, on a ride, I visited with some local cyclists, whom, it seems, enjoyed riding the area, especially in places where riding was forbidden. The riders would tell me of two places, which were "make out" spots, and others, which were just for relaxation (just as long as no one CAUGHT the "trespassers"). Although I didn't bother to ask a senior member, of one group, approximate age, 35, why he was riding bicycles, one, of the mans friends, told me: "He lost his license, after far too MANY drunk driving arrests. Local judge realized that neither fines, nor community service, would convince the man to STOP drinking, and driving, so the judge removed the mans license". When I asked "Can he file, for its return?" My source told me "Only on condition that he gives up booze. If he wants to drive, legally, he must take all sorts of tests, to prove he's not drinking." When I asked "Has he given up drinking?" My source just laughed as they said "Ask the bartender, at Kelly's bar, on wednesday, and saturday, nights". Well, okay. I can understand "defiance of the law". After all, in the decades since my own state had passed "Mandatory Insurance", I had switched, VOLUNTARILY, from driving motor vehicles, to riding bicycles. Sure, people thought that **I** was "crazy", outfitting my bicycles, with baskets, to handle my groceries, but I was not about to be ordered about, as to how to conduct my business. Unlike the drunk, though, I had never caused any traffic accidents, nor bodily injury. The drunk had a "standing tab", for "destruction of property", with a total of $75,000. In regards to personal injury, his "tally", so far, was three broken legs, two arms, and over a dozen cases, of broken ribs. It seems that, in court, the local hospital staff would say that they knew when the man was driving, drunk. The tiny E.R. filled up, each time the man was behind the wheel. As a result, the court had ruled that the man be reduced to bicycling. Atleast this way, the only person he could, really, harm, would be himself. In reference to the current case, though, the mans fellow riders would only caution me NOT to take the mans "observations" too seriously. As another rider would inform me, MANY, if not MOST, of the mans "sightings", took place AFTER the man had several drinks, at the local bar. As for the remainder, of the riders, these young people would show me the primary location, where the U.F.O. appearred, most often. And, no, I was not surprised that the sightings were so close to a body of water. Any talk, of "moon-reflection" theory would be ruled out, since our team had viewed the craft, over the city. While the bicyclists were showing me the "sights", Tami was busy doing what she did, best. Taking witnesses on "trips down memory lane". It would seem that, by the time this case came along, though, that Tami had learned enough, from previous cases, to know which "trigger phrases" sent witnesses into "memory recall" mode. Still, my co-worker would have to "endure" several cups of tea, as well as sandwihes, and snack cakes, in order to secure her information. When we "re-grouped", back at the plane, it was a "race" to see who had the most information to offer. While I had been shown the greenery-overgrown entrance, to a cave, whose walls were marked with symbols, which I did not recognize, Tami was learning that the "craft" had a long history, of appearances, in the community. In fact, until recently, locals had grown accustomed, to seeing the craft. What no one could understand, was the crafts current behavior. When Tami would say "According to witnesses, the craft has been appearing, for as long as anyone can remember. Atleast eight families, whom I have spoken with, have witnessed the craft, over the years, even at local sports events." When I would ask "How often has the ship attacked?" Tami would say "Thats the odd part. It seems that, until the past few months, the craft has been docile. It would appear, but little else." When I would ask "Any speculation, about what has caused this thing to become more aggressive?" Tami would say "Of those I have spoken with, none have any clue as to the crafts change of behavior." When I asked "What about the power-outages? Anyone have any thoughts, on these?" Tami would say "I hate to disappoint, but, a retired electrician informed me that the local grid is almost twice as old as either of us. In fact, the electrician wonders what has kept the power on, for this long". If that was correct, I wondered, then what was powering both the hologram projector, and the laser beam, which tried to fry our plane? The next day, after our pilots paid a visit, to the local power station, the men would return to the plane, saying "Forget the power plant, for the lasers. The plant is so old that it, barely, provides enough power, to keep local lights on." This information left us with nothing more than the fact that a mobile generator HAD powered the laser beam. (A generator which was, now, in federal custody). But this, still, did NOT answer the question of a "ship", which we had seen, yet had been un-able to photograph. Add to this the fact that the ship did not show up, on radar screens, and the four of us were left to scratch our collective heads. IF there was another generator working, locally, then WHERE could such a powerful unit be hidden, that it did not appear on surveillance footage? When I returned to the cave, and shot some video, of the markings, which Tami then placed into the computer, the machine was of little help as, hour after hour, all the screen showed was "Processing". About the only GOOD thing, which we could report, to Mr. Brown, was that, with the portable generator "in custody", it would seem that the destruction, of local equipment, had ceased. Still, this left the question of WHY someone was trying to knock planes out of the sky. Surely, the parties must have known that, whenever planes crash, the National Transportation Safety Board investigates. WHY risk the exposure? It would be a week later, before the alien craft would return, to float through the skies, over the city. This time, though, the local power plant was monitoring NO "drops", in electrical current. When our pilots ran the "risk", by taking some portable scanners from the plane, and setting them up, in the path, of the ship, the good news is that, this time, the devices survived. The BAD news was that the crafts energy signature, still, did not register, on any instruments. When the co-pilot took a radiation counter out, and stuck it into the ships "wake", even the "exhaust" did not register. While the craft made no sudden moves, I decided to risk following the craft, for as long as I could. After all, until recently, the craft had a LONG history, of appearances, yet it never caused damage. To me, this meant "possible reconnaissance craft". I would have followed, in my Jeep, except for the fact that the starter would not engage. This is why I went back to pedal power. With the craft just creeping along, I thought I might keep up, atleast for awhile. Sure enough, the kids had been right. The ship DID cruise out, over the lake, then hover, at a point, close to the cave. Just dont ask me WHY, but the ship appearred to do a 360 degree turn, then settled to the ground, where, it APPEARRED that the ground swallowed the ship up. I dont know why but I decided that the cave might be the best way to learn more, which is why I went back to the place. (Was it just my imagination or, for a moment, did the symbols, on the cave walls, change to English, before reverting back to their original form?) When I walked down the tunnel, past the markings, I KNEW that I was on to something, when I came to an iron gate. Based upon the thickness, and durability, I would say this gate was designed to keep the curious OUT of the cave. The question was: WHY? When I returned to the cave entrance, and was passing the drawings, seeing that they were in English, I snapped some photos, before heading back, to Ghost Ship One. I had no-sooner told Tami the good news about "The symbols, I was able to photograph them, while they translated themselves, to English." When Tami uploaded the photo's, to the computer, though, even I was shocked when my pictures turned out NOT to contain English writing. HOW was this possible? Tami suggested "wishful thinking". Still, the picture, of the gate, turned out, fine. Even Tami agreed. The only reason, for such a gate, is to keep others OUT. But WHAT was it that someone wanted no one to see? SInce all reports, including our own, stated that the ship was seen, always at night, I decided to "stake out" the path, of land, for a few evenings. I wanted to see what happened, when the ship emerged. On evening number five, I would swear that the ship "rose, from the ground", like a spirit, did a 360, then cruised out, towards town. It was as casual as ever. Although I checked the ground, several times, before the ships return, even I could find NOTHING to explain how the ship did its "act". No lasers. No projectors. Nothing. When the ship returned, I noticed that it went into its turn, yet it stopped, with its "nose" pointed at me. WHY this was, I dont know. One moment, I was standing on the shore, watching the ship, "watching" me, then my body went tingly, the world faded, and when I came to, I was astounded at where I was. For lack of a better word, it was a hangar. It contained what I could only call the "real ship". A ship whose engine I heard powering down, as though just returning, from flight. Although the ship did not seem to notice ME, it was when I THOUGHT about where to find the access port, that a hatch opened, and allowed me entry. Well, while the "hangar" seemed little more than a cube, cut from the rock, the inside, of the ship, was something else. Hollywood special effects, and set design, personnel, would have LOVED to get a look, at this place. How "old", or "new" it was, I have no clue. All I can say is that the place could fit, easily, into any science fiction movie. I, soon, realized, though, that I must have been walking, in circles, since the ship seemed so much larger, inside, than outside. Still, since I did not want to mark the place up, with marker points, I would take items, at various intervals, and arrange them so that I could recognize them, when I reached them, again. Although I left atleast a dozen "markers", along my way, I only found two, on my return trip. It was only when I had focused thoughts, of Ghost Ship One, and returning to my team, that I felt the tingling, again, then I founds myself standing outside the jet plane. How I got there is a mystery, to me. I am sure that my report made about as much sense, as a child, trying to explain an imaginary friend, to others. After all, I had SEEN a ship, and, when I thought about seeing the ship, I found myself in a "hangar". A hangar, which was closed off, to the public. How was I to explain that I had explored the ship, then wound up, outside Ghost Ship One, just by THINKING about it? When I reported my findings, to Tami, and the pilots, I was surprised when all three of them said "That makes sense". When I asked "How can it make sense?" The pilot would say "The military has been exploring telepathic controls, for decades. We just haven't made it work, yet". Tami would add "It would seem that other races HAVE made it work." When the four of us returned to the general area, where the ship had "gone to ground", we were amazed to find that a perimeter fence had been erected, since my visit. When we found a crew just finishing the fence installation, and inquired the reason for the fence, the supervisor would say "Just too much trespassing going on. The owner decided that a fencce was the only way to keepp intruders out". When Tami asked "If trespassing is a problem, WHY was the fence not put in place, decades ago?" The supervisor would, only, say "Lady, all I know is that my team has been paid, to put the fence up." Terrific! Now, all we could do was observe the lake, from a distance. But, HOW to gain entry? Funny/strange thing was, I was just thinking about how the ships interior had appearred, and how I was prepared to guide the pilots through the ship, to see if the former air force men could understand the ships true purpose, when I found myself INSIDE the ship, inside its bunker. HOW I got back here was just as much a mystery, to me, as how I had returned, to Ghost Ship One. It was when I focused upon the stretch, of open ground, where the four of us had been standing, that, out of the blue, Tami asked me "HOW did you do that?" When I asked "Do WHAT?" The pilots said "You just vanished, into thin air. HOW DID you do that?" When I told the three how I had focused, on what the sjhips interior had looked like, then found myself there, then Tami said "Let ME try", the pilots said "Hold on. You are not going into that, without back-up. WE are going with you". When I said "Ofcourse" (After all, that was why I had brought the pilots along, in the first place.) When the four of us closed our eyes, and focused on the ships interior, sure enough, moments later, all four of us were inside the ship. (This, even as some "peeping toms" watched, in complete dis-belief, on the surface, as the four of us vanished, into thin air). By the time the leading "peeping tom" suggested reporting in, to base, that the ship might use thought control technology, their associate would ask "What if we are wrong? What if it is D.N.A., or something else?" The leader would say "In that case, we just take them hostage, and make them show us how to work the ship." Although the pilots had thought, due to the reports, of locals, that the ship was, atleast, centuries old, the air force men noted that the place was as clean as an operating room. In fact, it seemed "fresh from the factory". When we found what the pilots THOUGHT might be the "engine room", none of our equipment even registered the energy, which we could FEEL was being produced, to power the craft. When the co-pilot asked "I wonder how they FLEW this ship? I dont see any controls", all four of us were astounded when nothing short of virtual reality controls seemed to appear, around the man, with "screens" showing the interior, of the "hangar", as well as the general countryside. When the pilot asked "I wonder how they accessed the ships log?" We came "face-to-face" with another of those hologram programs. This one, though, was of a more-or-less "humanoid" creature, which was speaking some "language", not heard on Earth. When Tami asked "What language is that?", the hologram, somehow, seemed to understand Tami's question. IT then moved to a panel, and indicated some controls. When the air force pilot urged caution, saying "We dont know WHAT those controls do", Tami would say "I doubt that the image would encourage me to press a self-destruct button". Still, the air force would say "Be cautious", even as the hologram continued to indicate the control panel. When Tami touched the control panel, hoping that it would cause the hologram to speak English, all four of us were surprised when we found the current bridge dissolving, before us, to be replaced with an image of a bridge, which seemed alive, both with lliving creatures, and holographic interface terminals. From what we could see, it seemed that the ship hhad been crewed by three, seperate, races. Their language made no sense, however, their actions made plenty of sense. As the four of us walked among the holographic crew-members, it was our co-pilot, who would say "Unless I am mistaken, this would appear to be a science vessel." After awhile, though, I had to ask my co-workers "IS it just me, or, are their words becoming more recognizable?" Suddenly, one of the "holograms" stepped forward, saying "It has taken the computer several days to process your language. The ships log, you see before you, is updating its contents, to your language." Shortly after this, a crew-man would announce "Captain, coming up, on (some name none of us knew)." When we looked at the interractive hologram, it said "In our day, THIS was the name, for what you call Earth". When Tami asked "For what REASON have you visited our planet?", the hologram just smiled as it said "No, my dear visitor. We have not come here, to consume your population." (Tami, like the rest of us, would have to learn better CONTROL of our thoughts). According to our host, this survey ship was just one, of many, which had been visiting the Earth, since a date, in time, which only the ships crew understood. When Tami re-focused the attention on the reason why the ship had been appearring, for so many years, the hologram would say "The memory bank was dormant, for so long, that the machines lost track of spoken language. Our systems have been in stand by mode, for longer than you can comprehend." When Tami said "I'll buy that. But WHY make an appearance, in the 21st century? WHY NOW?" The hologram would say "Our ship may have arrived, here, safely, however, upon arrival, we found some of what I think you call "scavengers", or "pirates". They did not expect a science ship, to visit so soon. When we spotted them, trying to "loot" the planet, we attempted to defend the place, as best we could". When our pilot would say "Let me guess. Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, ion cannons, and so on". The hologram would say "Excuse me, visitor, but, as I, previously, explained. THIS was a SCIENCE ship, NOT a battle cruiser. We carried no heavy weapons. Our assignment was RESEARCH. Analyzing breeding habits, of various species" When Tami asked "What happened?" The hologram would repllay the scene, in remarkable, 3-D detail. As soon as the science ship sent a distress call, back to base, the pirates attacked, trying to shoot down the signal transmitter. This, while the crew tried to contain the damage, and keep the ship flight-worthy. It would seem, however, that the "pirates" had no such "code", about weapons. The pirates would open firee, repeatedly, on the science vessel, even as the ship tried to defend itself. To our astonishment, as viewers, it would turn out that this ship was NOT just a CONTAINER, for living beings, and supplies. It was, in itself, an organic being. A being which reacted, almost violently, to the pirates attack. The ship would take meassures, to try to protect its crew, but the pirates seemed prepared for almost anything. Finally, with no help on the way, and no way to evade the pirates, the ship turned itself directly into the pirates stem, sent out a "mega-powerful" "burst" signal, then turned its leading edge into a wedge, and sliced the pirate ship in half. Although the pirates ship exploded, with the force, of the impact, the research vessel was left mortally wounded, as well. The ship had only enough primary power remaining to excavate a cavern, where the ship would wait, until help arrived. (Who knew it would take countless centuries?) The end, of the ships log, would show the ships crew "making camp", while awaiting aid, from home-world. The beings held out hope, for YEARS, that a rescue ship was on its way. Although the ship did, eventually, re-charge, enough for flight, like the hologram showed us, the ship was programmed to look after its crew. To the computer, this meant even AFTER the crew had passed away. When Tami asked "What about that hologram? The one, which has been flying local skies, for years?" The hollogram would say "When our chamber was discovered, in your day, it was our hope that your people would program the computer, to fly back to home-world. Instead, your people fled, in panic, and erected that gate". When Tami would say "So, that "ship" was your way of trying to attract attention? Why not just send a greeting?" The hologram would say "Until you came aboard the ship, the computer did not know the current language. In such cases, the ship is programmed to use visual images, to arouse interest." It was right when Tami would ask "What will the ship do, now?" that a powerful explosion would rock the hangar, as the ceiling caved in, around the ship. When the pilot, instinctively asked "Damage Report", the hologram would say "Not to worry. The ship has stored more than enough power, to defend, at this time." When a voiced called into the "hangar" "Surrender!, or be destroyed". The hologram would say "I would suggest that means it is time for you to leave. For your own safety." When Tami would ask "What will happen to you?" As though she was speaking to a flesh-and-blood person. The machine would say "I will try for home-world. They may still need me". In what seemed like the "blink of an eye", the four of us were back on our landing, even as we saw armed men pointing rocket-propelled grenades into the area, of the hangar. Moments later, using propulsion technologies, which man has not even dreamed of, the craft would rise, from the ground, and spray a white beam, over the armed men. No sound, just a light, then the men were gone. The ship (the REAL ship, this time), then drifted over to us, as silent as a breath of wind, and hovered, for a moment. Tami would say "I have the strangest feeling that the ship is saying "Goodbye", of "Farewell". Our pilot was just about to say "Its just a machine", but thought better of it, as he gazed at the ship, and seemed to understand something. Maybe, the same thing that other pilots report feeling, after being assigned to a plane, for a prolonged time. A feeling that the ship is communicating, with its crew. It would seem that, once the ship knew that we understood its purpose, the craft glided away, up, into the sky. Its destination known only to those who had crewed the ship, so long ago. This would be the moment when Tami would remark "You know, we have been encountering so much advanced technology, in our cases..." And I would add "And spirits, of ancient warriors", Tami would wonder "I wonder if Earth was, at some point, a colonial outpost, of some civilization, and if we, humans, are descendants of inter-galactic species" When our co-pilot would mention "The Bible says NOTHING about any such event." Tami would remind the man "The Bible does not contain so much, of Earths history that I could drive every war-ship, on the planet, into the "holes", or "gaps", (the un-recorded times), and leave plenty of room for the entire fleet, of colonial battlestars, from Battlestar Galactica, as well as the combined mass, of Star Trek's Starfleet, with plenty of room to spare." The co-pilot would say "Agreed." I knew, as did the pilots, that Tami was not criticizing the Bible, for its lack of "play-by-play" action, but the fact is that the document just left out so much, of the planets history, that any-thing could be fit into the gaps. If nothing else, Tami and I agreed with the priests, from my own church, who hold the belief that the Bible is LESS a history book, and more a "lesson manual", for those wishing to follow the "Christian" path of life. As near as any of us could figure out, it seems that the men, with the weapons, had found out, about the ship, themselves, and had hoped to sell its technology, to the highest bidder, for a handsome profit. Although we did, eventually, find the portable laser generator, what stumped even the military was how something so compact could deliver so much power. Sure, the techno-geeks observed that the craftsmanship bore amazing resemblances, to German devices, but the problem was the dating process. If Carbon-dating, and other tests, were acurate, the device pre-dated the existance, of Germany (and most of Europe), by several centuries. When the tech-heads suggested that someone may have been experimenting, with energy systems, LONG before the wheel was, supposedly, invented, then this opened up far more questions than it answered. Mr. Brown would agree, with the "higher-up's", on this one. Since there was mounting concern, that the device was NOT of Earth origin (The metal analysis came back registering all except the "shell", of the generator, as being hyper-advanced composites. This would mean that either some human had made some very lucky guesses, or that other intelligences were involved.) When Mr. Brown would remind us "We are an investigation firm. People ask us to solve mysteries. We are NOT scientists." Besides, Tami and I had solved the mystery, of the U.F.O., and the vandalism, to property, as well as to the reason why planes were being "shot down", with lasers. This, thanks to an "underground" web-site, which had been boasting access to a "weapons, capable of downing aircraft, without leaving a mark". Surprisingly, once the generator was in federal custody, the offer disappearred, from the web. As Tami and I loaded up, for our return to home-base, locals both came to thank us, for our work, and to say how much they would miss the ships fly-by's. It would be while Tami and I were on this case, that Mr. Brown would learn the REAL reason, why the state was so determined to keep Tami listed as a "Suicide Risk". It would turn out that the state received as much as $1,000.00 per day, in funding, for each patient, under the states "care". With Tami out, on her own, the state was losing as much as $30,000.00 per month, in patient care funding. It was no wonder that the state wanted Tami back under their control. What also infuriated Mr. Brown was the fact that Tami's agency-provided equipment, such as her cell-phone, and other gear, remained in the states possession. The state was refusing to release the thousands of dollars worth of equipment, which Tami used, on a daily basis. It was not until an "urgent" call came in, asking for Tami and I to be assigned to another case, that Mr. Brown would have to say that we were "on another case". It would take three weeks, even with a court order, for a very hostile state psychiatric board, to agree to release Tami, from medical oversight status, and back to the Brown Agency. Mr. Brown, normally so confident, and sure, would be mad enough to spit nails, when Tami's release was prolonged, as long as possible, and then worse news. The state had demanded to keep possession, of Tami's latest batch, of equipment. Personally, I think that the reason why Mr. Brown was ready to rip the state a "new one" was because Tami's original equipment had cost the agency over $5,000.00. The replacement equipment had cost twice this much. State government now owed the Brown Agency over $15,000.00. (Money, which Mr. Brown knew would, never, be recovered). It would be Mr. Black, the techno-whiz, who would come up with a solution, to the problem of the state refusing to return Tami's equipment. Mr. Black would rig Tami's latest round, of equipment, with a special surprise, for the state. The state would think, TWICE, before trying to steal anymore, of Tami's equipment, after the next time she was seized, and her equipment confiscated. Thanks to Mr. Black hacking the states video camera's, the staff, of the Brown Agency, would watch, live, on video, as the state began examining the $50,000.000 worth of equipment. When Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, would smile, as Mr. Brown would whisper, "NOW, if you please, Mr. Black". The firms staff supressed chuckles, as they watched Tami's stolen equipment flash-burn, into useless junk, even as the states interrogators would jump back, realizing that they had been had. Mr. Black would suggest "Maybe, next time, they will think TWICE, about stealing our property." By the next day, Mr. Browns own "trump card" would be played, as the members, assigned to Tami's psychiatric review panel, would find their credentials under review. The question being "Were they "justified", in their actions?" As for Tami and I, once she was "medically cleared", Mr. Brown would put on his usual, bright, smile, as he asked "Would the two of you just give me your thought, on this one?" Well, back to work...

Saturday, November 28, 2015


AFTER THE BREAK UP (READER ALERT: This story contains "explicit", "hard-core", even "pornographic" content. If the reader is offended, by such content, the author recommends the reader HALT, here, and read no further). SPECIAL NOTE: This is my first, published, attempt, at graphic content. What I had not known, at the time, when I was invited, to the party, was that I was being set up to be black-mailed. Although I had done my best, to be discreet, with approaching Shanta, it seems that Shanta had not only told her husband, Jamal, how much I enjoyed embracing her, and kissing her, but she was clever enough to leave out the part, about her enjoying the process. From what I had learned, about Jamal, he was not, formally, educated. As a result, his use, of "language", is limited to that which is of regular use, by street gangs. A Language, full of profanity, and something which, whenever possible, I avoid. As for the invitation, to the "party", when Shanta learned that I had declined Jamals invitation, Shanta whispered, to Jamal "Let me try". When Jamal said "Fuck it, bitch", Shanta knew this was about equivalent to his way of saying "Go ahead". Un-like her husband, though, Shanta was clever. Instead of just "throwing" the invitation, at me, Shanta approached me, with the tenderness, of a house cat. The way she extended the invitation was something I will, never, forget. Between her soft, warm, embrace, soft words, gentle tone, and a deep, french, kiss, how could I turn her down? The first complication, which Jamal ran into, was the fact that, just because Shanta and I had, by pure coincidence, met up, on the way, to the "party", and we were sharing a friendly embrace, Jamal thought his wife was "messing up" his plans. This, by being so openly close to me. At the "party", what concerned even Shanta was the fact that I consumed no alcohol. When Shanta asked, and I informed her that I, simply, did not like booze, mostly for the stench, I was surprised when, after Shanta finished her first drink, that Shanta switched to drinking water, just as I was drinking. Although the original plan was for Shanta to get me drunk, then guide me to a bedroom, have sex, and make it appear that I had raped her (Jamal had to remind Shanta to call out, LOUDLY "Stop, you are fucking me up!") it seems that the plan began to fall apart, even before Shanta and I reached the bedroom. Since I never drank any kind of booze, Shanta had to find ANOTHER way to get me to the bedroom. Problem was that she knew how to gain my cooperation. When Shanta snuggled up, to me, HOPING for my attention, she found that she had it, for certain. Especially when I moved on, from french kissing her, to carressing her brown body. When I began necking, with her, Shanta noticed that some of her friends smiled, at us, even as Shanta whispered, in my ear "Lets get a room", then she kissed me. With the room all prepared, Jamal, and a techie, observed, as his wife brought me into camera view, and Jamal watched, in disgust, as his wife took far too much TIME, drawing me to the bed. When Jamal asked the techie "What the fuck is that stupid BITCH doing?" The techie would say "It looks like a strip show, to me". Jamal, then, whispered (as though Shanta could hear him "Dammit bitch! Claw him, hit him. Do something. Atleast try to make it look like he is raping you". On the screen, though, all the two men saw was Shanta and I, sharing a deep kiss, then necking, and taking my time, carressing, and nursing, her beautiful, brown, breasts. Seeing what was going on, on-screen, Jamal felt that, to vent his rage, he had to hit a piece of furniture. Especially when he watched as Shanta put her head back, and moaned, smiling, as I pressed my face into her pussy. When I was done with this, Jamal really hoped I would insert myself, while belting Shanta, for making so much "passion noise". Un-fortunately, when I worked my way back up Shantas body, Jamal ended up listening, as I took more time, kissing, carressing, and nursing, her breasts. The way Shanta whispered "OOh, baby. Take your time", made Jamal want to vomit. When I came back up, face-to-face, with Shanta, Jamal whispered "God Damn it, FUCK her!", as I embraced, and kissed Shanta. Moments later, Jamal asked the techie "What is that fucking bitch doing?", as Shanta knelt before me, opened my pants, then drew my shaft into her mouth. When Jamal saw how LONG Shanta was taking, to blow me, Jamal asked the techie "What is the bitch doing? Painting, and remodelling, it?" After the two heard Shanta swallowing my stuff, and making "delicious" sounds, Jamal had to grab a beer, to calm down, even as, on-screen, I swept Shanta into my arms, then lay her on the bed. At this point, Jamal just hoped that Shanta remembered what Jamal had told her, including the words, to say. Problem was, even the techie noticed "Shes NOT fighting him. Shes enjoying herself", as the two men watched the monitor, and saw Shanta smiling on, or at, the screen. After Jamal watched me romancing his wife, for awile longer, then Jamal left the observation room, and returned to the party. His main thought was not about Shanta, though. It was the question of how he was going to pay off his debt, without a black-mail tape. Jamal then returned to the party, and began drawing various women aside, for sex. In the observation room, the techie decided just to let the camera's roll. He was just not in the mood to watch a white man fucking a black woman. Another time, yes, but not now. It was, probably, two hours later, when Shanta and I "finished", and I gave her a tender, french, kiss. Man, I felt GREAT, after that encounter. When Shanta stood up, to dress, I teased her, by bowing before her pussy, giving it a DEEP kiss, then carressing her rump, as I nursed her breasts, some more, and ended with another deep kiss. At this point, Shanta might have felt a bit ashamed, of herself, for having me, however, once we returned, to the party, and found Jamal working his way down a "line" of women, fucking each one, as fast as possible. Suddenly, Shanta did not feel ten percent as bad/ashamed. After I departed the party, and Jamal saw Shanta, smiling, like a kid, on Christmas day, Jamal practically dragged Shanta aside, then asked "Bitch! What the fuck were you doing?" When Shanta, innocently, asked "What do you mean?" Jamal asked "What was all that fucking kissing, and titty-sucking, all about?" All Shanta would say was "He's a gentle man". When Jamal said "You were supposed to fuck the shit out of him, then get your stupid, whore, ass, back here, so that we could charge the h.o.n.k.e.y with raping you". When Jamal added "What the fuck happened, in there?" Shanta did not know why but she got her back-bone up, and, in a low, determined, voice, said "Atleast he LOVES me. You never told me what to do, if I met up with a man, who was in love" Jamal told Shanta "Go, home, BITCH! I need to get some more pussy, then find a new way to black-mail the h.o.n.k.e.y". In fact, what Jamal had failed to do, was called RESEARCH. Had Jamal done his "home-work", he would have KNOWN that I not only loved HIS wife, but, also, that I had no wife, or family, of my own, for him to threaten. I was alone, in this world. Sometime later, though, when Jamal needed $250 extra, for a 20-to-1 bet, Jamal told Shanta "Go fuck that h.o.n.k.e.y. of yours. Give him whatever the FUCK he wants, in return for $250.00" Problem was that Shanta knew, as all women know, exactly HOW to obtain money, from the men who love them. This, without any shouting, or threats. Shanta knew that All she had to do was give a man what he wants (Making sure to whisper nice things, as well), all the while letting him have his way with your body. Shanta remembered that, during the "party", that, during the sex, she realized there was nothing she wanted more than my happiness. This is why she had done all she could, to make the sex more enjoyable. The only disturbing memory she had, of the party, was how, at one point, I took a break, from pumping her pussy, just to nurse. Like she wasn't aroused enough, already. When Shanta had felt her breasts, throbbing, in time, to her heartbeat, she had had to cover her face, with a pillow, to muffle her scream , of passion. Well, the pillow MIGHT have kept the SOUND inside the room, however, the moment, of climax, was so powerful, that it was similar to a telepathic broadcast. Telling every woman , within miles, that a woman was getting laid. The very thought, of the memory, made her pussy grow moist, even as she remembered how passionate I had been, with her. HOW was she to handle another encounter? Shanta decided to "play it calm", and just invite me over, "just for a chat". By the time I reached her place, Shanta was ready, and waiting. When she invited me inside, we shared some thoughts, about what had happened, since the party, but I must admit that her "show", of slowly, stripping, in front of me, increased my arousal to the point where, by the time she had removed her panties, my shaft was throbbing like crazy. I was, never, more greatful, than when she sat on my shaft, slipping it deep inside her body, then kissing me, and letting me rest, between her beautiful breasts. After a bit of this, Shanta whispered "The bedroom is that way". and I carried her to her bed. When I lay her on the bed, then whispered "What was it you wanted?" She whispered "Later. Love me, now". I did as she requested, and just hoped that I was loving her as deeply as she deserved. Man, I do NOT know which part, of her body, tasted better. Those beautiful lips, or her breasts. It was only after Shanta was certain that I was satisfied that she whispered her favor to me. Shanta whispered "Baby, I dont want you to give my husband one cent. He will, only, gamble it away, anyway." When I asked "Has he done this, in the past?" She nodded. When I asked "How MUCH HAS he gambled away?" Shanta smiled, even as she snuggled, closer to me, whispering "Enough to make it worth my while to give you two weeks worth, of my affection. IF you agree NOT to give him a single penny". When I asked "Mind if I just LISTEN, to what he has to say?" Shanta kissed me as she said "To listen, Yes. Give him a penny? NO!" Just a few days later, I sat, on the living room sofa, and Shanta was snuggled, close, warm, and fragrant, on my lap, even as Jamal gave his "presentation". Boy, his "presentation" was so full of "possibles", "potentials", and "maybe's", with all of it dependent on factors, which were beyond our control, I didn't need (But didn't MIND) Shanta's kisses, as I made up my mind. As I explained, to Jamal, I only gambled on times were I controlled atleast half of the outcome. Jamal had wanted me to gamble on a project, with control over less than one percent of the risk. When I declined the project, I was surprised when, right in front of me, Jamal told Shanta "Take this h.o.n.k.e.y. to th bed room, and fuck his ass off, until he changes his mind." With that, Jamal headed to the fridge, and grabbed himself some beer. This, while Shant guided me to a side room, and gave me a deep kiss, while whispering "Thank you, baby", while I carressed her, up and down. Less than two weeks later, Shanta gave me an update, on the news, regarding Jamal. This, she did as we removed our clothes, while preparing for sex. Shanta embraced me, and kissed me, as I carressed her beautiful, brown, body, while she whispered "We were right. As soon as the backers had Jamals, and his friends, money, they vanished. Now, Jamals friends are out, looking for the backers". As I lay her out, on the bed, and she asked "Do they really think they can find the crooks?" I kissed her, deeply, as I said "Doubtful. By now, the crooks are across state lines" Then I kissed my way down, from her lips, to her beautiful, brown, breasts. When I took my time, nursing, and, despite her mothers vague "warning", of "Be careful", my nursing her breasts was causing Shanta to wish that she DID have some "milk", for me. In fact, it was not long, after this, when, after some rally great sex, that Shanta asked me "Baby, if I fill my breasts, will you empty them?" I kissed her as I said "Ofcourse". Still, I should have known that some changes were coming, based upon the way Shanta broke her own rule, about "public intimacy". Shanta, still, had her "heart" set, on the idea of a man, with a shaft, twelve feet long, and three feet wide. This is the "man" Shanta wanted to "belong" to. This is why, when She and I became lovers, Shanta had asked me never to be romantic, in public. She said she did not want anyone to think that I was her "type". It would seem, though that, the more and more imtimately, that I loved her, the closer Shanta wanted us to be. She even began embracing me, in public. Shanta did, basically, "mind her manners", in public, until I began actively nursing her breasts. Although, in private, Shanta had no problem, with my nursing (In fact, she adored it), Shanta just hadn't expected the "bonus", which came from my nursing. The bonus that, the more I nursed, the more endurance I had, and the more powerful the sex was. Shanta also did not know how she knew, but, each time I was finishing nursing, she knew the exact second, when the "action" would restart. Shanta even smiled, brightly, each time I threw her down, on the bed, and fucked her, in an almost animal fashion. Then, came the "drawback". I mean, for months, prior to my nursing, Shanta, herself, had sent me to visit her friends. Most of the time, these visits were just about building kit furniture, which the womens "primary lovers" would NOT build, until AFTER the women gave up PLENTY of pussy. After Shanta had smiled, at the women, then told her friends how I let her "set my price"", based upon performance (work accomplished), her friends had decided to "try me out". Although most of these visits were to assemble furniture, there were, other, times, when the ladies asked me to read mail to them. I could understand the reason why the ladies had me read, and translate, the letters. Personally, I, really, have no idea of why state, and local government, have to use $10.00, to $25.00 (ten foot long, to twenty-five foot long) words, to say "You are to appear, on this date, at this location. Bring the following documents with you". To me, the process, of helping Shanta's friends, seemed fine. I just dont understand why, as if "out of the blue", Shanta became so "territorial". Even for my visits, to see her friends, and even when nothing happened, I was surprised when Shanta not only questioned me, about the visits, but told me NOT to help her friends, anylonger. When I asked Shanta her reason, and Shanta said "I am your woman. I will provide, for you", I really did not understand. I did have to "draw the line", though, when Shanta told me NOT to be friendly, with cashiers, nurses, or doctors. When I reminded Shanta that half, of the modern work-force, is FEMALE, I was shocked when Shanta said "I dont want you around other women". Since I thought Shanta was going through a "woman-thing", I decided to ask her friends and, even when Shanta found me TALKING, to her friend, Shanta came up to us, saying "He's MINE!", for some un-known reason. When Shanta and I returned to her place, and Shanta "set down the rule" that "I am the only woman that you need" "I told her "In bed, totally true". When Shanta said "For everything", I told her "Hold on", and "Back it down". When Shanta pointed to her bed, saying "THAT is OUR bed", and I agreed, but only until she added "I dont want to share it, with any other women". It was when she snatched my shaft, out of my pants, and squeezed, painfully, that I, for the first time, belted her, then told her "We need to talk". What amazed me was how, even as I discussed our returning to being "just friends", Shanta, still, sat on my lap, nude, and snuggled up, to me. I did promise her that we could, still, be friends, and even confidants, but that sex was no-longer to be on a regular basis. When Shanta asked, I told her "You can call me, when you want, or need me. Just dont expect it, on a regular basis." I was surprised when she whispered, to me "Same goes here". When I wrote out of "friendship agreement", though, I was never more surprised than I was, the day when I visited, to pack my stuff. When Shanta saw what I THOUGHT was "casual packing", I was surprised when Shanta asked "Why so FAST?" When I stopped packing, and sat beside her, on her bed, and asked "FAST? Any slower and I would have to stop, and have you". Moments later, we were nude, and I was having her body, all the way. In fact, before I realized, an hour was gone. After this, and without dressing, Shanta played the "load/un-load" game. As I loaded my carriers, Shanta un-loaded them. That is, atleast until I gave her a DEEP, French, kiss. At the front door, Shanta had me shove it into her body, for two more times, before allowing me to leave. And I did not complain, not one bit. It was two weeks later, though, when Shanta invited me back, to her place. Despite the invitation, though, Shanta would not tell me the reason, for the visit, until after we have some good sex, and no less than four times. (And, YES, it was, still, heavenly). Only after the fact did Shanta ask me her favor. It seems that ANOTHER investment group was coming to town, and Jamal wanted "in", on "The most solid investment which an investor could hope for". When Shanta showed me the papers, which the group wanted Jamal to sign, to me, it seemed more of the same, as before. "Potentials", "Possibilities", and "Maybes". Still, the one part, of the deal, which I was NOT in favor of, was the part which said that, "In return for a multi-year committment, "profits" would be "through the roof". Even as Shanta and I undertook our own investigation, of the deal, Jamal got on a "Winning Streak", and came away with $100,000. However, by the time Shanta found out, about this, Jamal had, already, "invested" the money, in the "project". (Even as Jamal was doing this, I had been speaking to a lawyer, who clarified the terms, of the contract, for me.) The document stated that, the buy-in price, of atleast $50,000, PLUS 100% of investors income, for five years, PLUS the complete "maxing out", of investors credit, the return on investment, would be 100,000-to-1. The biggest "hook", in the contract, though, was that funds could not be cashed in, for 75 years. Shanta thought the contract was "fuuny", as it applied to Jamal. This is because Jamal had NO credit, and the only reason why he had an "established" home was because of a combination, of Shanta's credit rating, and the fact that Jamal had a payee, to control his bills. Other than this, Jamal did not have anything, of value. All that the investment group would receive, from Jamal, was the $100,000. When Jamal told Shanta to "Fuck his brains out", for some cash, Shanta said "I have a better idea. YOU receive NO sex, for six months, and HE gets to fuck me all he wants". When Jamal told Shanta "Fuck YOU!", then turned away, Shanta knew exactly where he was headed. Right to the credit bar. A place where people could run up tabs, larger than the national deficit. Yes, Jamal would drink himself stupid, while getting fucked, by multiple women. This is why I spent the night, snuggled up to Shanta. This, as Shanta considered ALL she could have done, with that money... Still, Shanta wondered what I would, eventually, do, with all of my own earnings. Thanks to the deal, made with the computer programmer, Shanta knew that I not only had a fully functional web-site, but that, un-like those other fools, who thought that just having a site would make them "rich", Shanta watched how very regularly I posted new content to a site, whose value was in the millions. Still, Shanta felt she did not need anything more than what I was giving her. A firm dick,to suck, and fuck, and to have me fucking her, deeply, and "often". Yes, we were "just friends", but, as Shanta said "There was no law against friends being CLOSE!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


SLEEPY HOLLOW # 5: KATRINA'S REDEMPTION Although becoming aware, of Katrina's previous "deceptions" had caused Ichabod Crane to question his wife's vows, to their union, and that these doubts would come under most considerable question, it would be these very doubts which would cause the Sleepy Hollow coven to seek an audience, with Ichabod. When Crane would inform Abby of the coven seeking an audience, with him, Abby's primary counsel would consist of "Be cautious. We know not what the covens intentions may be favorable to". When Crane would respond "Spoken like a true, colonial, woman". It would seem that, at that moment, Abby would realize something. During the passage, of time, following her own, recent, and prolonged, presense, in the 18th century, Abby Mills had, it seems, begun the semi-regular use, of colonial English, over modern English. Abby had caught herself, more than once, slipping into colonial English, especially when people would ask her "What did you say?" Even her fellow police officers had noticed the change. Mostly, though, Abby used colonial English, during the times when she found that "modern" English just did not, fully, convey, her message, in its entirety. Case in point: After word reached Washington D.C., that the sky, over a Sleepy Hollow shopping center, had "opened up", and that three people had dropped, out of the opening, and into the middle of the shopping center, Homeland Securiuty had ordered an even LARGER team too "gear up", and return to the community. The agency had given its workers only the obscure "orders", to "FInd out WHAT had happened. WHO came through the hole., and, above all else, determine if "enemy" agents could use this "tech", to sneak across America's borders. As a result, Homeland Security had returned to town, "charging in", guns at the ready, and, for a second time, in recent months, had terrified local citizens, by deploying federal troops, as though either planning for defense, or to launch an attack. As federal troops MARCHED on the Sleepy Hollow sheriff's office, terrified citizens began calling 9-1-1, and the police knew what the feds intended, even before the fax came in, stating what the feds intended to do. This is the reason why the police packed up everything which they could carry, in the short time, before the federal troops "stormed in", and the police had cleared the same work-space, which Homeland Security had demanded the use of, during the agencies previous visit. When duty officers would approach the feds, asking "May I assist you?", the senior, Homeland Security, official would say "If you have not, already, received it, you will, soon, receive a fax, containing new orders. Orders, placing this entire department under the control of Homeland Security." When a staff officer would ask "May I ask the reason, for this?", the official would say "You may ask..." then turned to other staff, saying "I want this place up, and running, NOW! I want patrols ready, within the hour". When the captain came out of her office, asking "And, just WHAT is going on, hhere?" The official would call, over the captains head "Has the fax come through, yet?" When an officer would say "I will check", The official would inform the captain As soon as the fax arrives..." Then, the officer would inform the police captain "Hot, off the printer.", then hand the captain the sheets, of printer paper. This, while the captain would address the officer, while looking at the official "WHAT does it say?" The officer would say "Basically, it says that the police department has been returned to the control of Homeland Security". When several police officers would groan, at this news, the federal official would spout "Thats right, "ladies". The federal government is in command. This, until the current threat, to national security, has been defined, and dealt with". When the captain would ask the official "Would you mind telling ME the reason, for your return? As well as what you hope to find". The Homeland Security official would say "Captain", most sarcastically "We are here, under FEDERAL approval. If you question our authority, I suggest you call the White House". This would be when Abigail Mills would invoke some of Ichabod Cranes somewhat dramatic, yet, at times, very useful, colonial English, as Abby would step forward, asking the federal official "Please pardon our concern, however, the citizens, of this community, are in severe apprehension, concerning the knowledge of federal soldiers, armed with powerful, automatic, weapons, are appearring, on public thoroughfares. Our citizens would appreciate the knowledge of your purpose, for invoking federal control". When a federal agent would say "What a mouthful", The senior agent would inform Abby "Your inquiry is note-worthy, officer. If I had more inforomation, available, to me, you would be the very first person whom I would inform. Most un-fortunately, at the present time, all that I have are rumors, of people, "falling to Earth", and not from aircraft, or rooftoops." When the police captain would ask "Where, and, when, did these events occur?" The agent would say "Maybe 48-72 hours ago." When the police captain turned to Abigail Mills, saying "My office, NOW", Abby, dutifully, followed along, as the captain entered her own, private office. When the police captain had Abigaill Mills behind her closed, office, door, then asked "Just what the Hell was that all about?" When Abby asked "What do you mean?" The police captain would say "All that formal English. Trying to "make points" with the feds?" Abby would correct, saying "I was trying to secure information. You understand, captain, that we have citizens, out there, who are "in hiding", while federal soliders are marching, in our streets. The citizens will need information, to retain thheir sense of safety. I, simply, defined our needs, to the feds". When the captain would ask "And WHAT happens WHEN the feds find out?" Abby would look out, of the captains office windows, see a federal agent, with a "listening device", pointed at the captains office, and Abby would write the captain the message: "The feds are listening. We need to close your office blinds". When the captain just stared, at Mills, Abby would ask "Do you mind if I do it?" The captain would nod, as Abby slipped about the rooom, turning the blinds, to "privacy" mode. When the captain would ask Mills "WHY would the feds be listening to US? After all, we ARE the police" Abby would remind the captain "That does not matter. To Homeland Security, EVERYONE is an "enemy", until Homeland Security decides otherwise". When the captain would ask "HOW do you know that the feds are listening?" Abby would say "One of the federal agents is using a laser-enhanced, listening, device. The same kind I read about, when I was trying for Quantico. The laser "reads" vibrations, of the human voice, on glass, just like the glass of your office". When the captain would ask "Then, WHY close the blinds?" Abby would say "Hopefully, the plastic, of the blinds, will reflect most of the sound vibrations BACK, into the room." It was not long, after the blinds were closed, that the senior, federal, official would knock, on the captains door, asking "Ladies, would you care to join us?" It was as the captain was exiting her office, that Homeland Security would state "You know, captain. When you act, in "secret", that makes you suspicious, to us". Then, someone else would ask "What doesn't make us suspicious?", while the captain would ask "Does it, really?" It would be only when everyone was assembled, that a federal agent would begin the briefing. "As we now, an un-defined "event", recently occurred, in this vicinity. At present, we have identified the location, where the event occurred. The location is at your communities larrgest shopping mall. We, also, know that an un-defined number, of persons, simply appearred, at this location, as if "out of thin air". "The problem is, we do not know who they are, how many, or whence they came. Un-fortunattely, we, also, have no leads, as to their form of travel." When a police officer would ask "Then, what Do you know?" The federal agent would say "We BELIEVE that, since no one has been reported leaveing this area, recently, that the un-knowns remain in the arrea. Washington D.C. has provided permission, for a door-to-door search, for the unknowns." When the police officer would ask "And what do you want US to do?" The federal agent would say "HANDLE any resistence, from the local population". When another police officer would ask "You mean ARREST our own people? Just because they resist you troops MARCHING into their homes?" The federal agent would say "Washington has given us written authority, and control. If necessary, your peoples resistence will be met with detention and, if necessary, with "enhanced interrogation. Am I clear?" This is when another officer would suggest "You mean, torturing our people, for resisting an invasion of privacy?" Abby would turn to the captain, saying "There is a better way". When both the captain, and the senior, federal, agent, would say "I'm listening." at the same time, Abby would suggest "Let the police department handle the searches. Our people KNOW us, and, I think, WE can do the job, with more civility". Before the police captain could say a word, the senior, federal, officer would say "You have two hours. After that, the federal government takes over." When Abby would respond "Thats impossible. This town is too big. We need atleast a couple of days." The senior, federal, official would say "Un-acceptable. We need to locate the unknowns, NOW. Either you find them, within the next two hours, or I invoke federal priority, and get the job done, by nightfall." Afterr this, and although desk officers would begin making phone calls, requesting the publics cooperation, even Abby mills would understand why the public had questions. What really made Abby, and her fellow officers, really irate was how, after just one hours worth of searching, the senior, federal, agent would inform the police "You've had your chance. Your search is taking way too long. I am invoking national defense priority. This town will be searched, fully and completely, by nightfall. Any resistence will be placed behind bars, by nightfall. This is when the federals brought in "battering rams", to smash in doors. This, even as the police called people, asking "Tell your neighbors.. Unless they want homes smashed to bits, have front doors open, and step aside, when the soldiers come in". When panicked townspeople would ask "Whats going on?" The police would say "No time to explain. Just do it". The police could do nothing more than to comfort many citizens, even as federal soldiers, under Homeland Security orders, began smashing doors off of hinges, which often, lead to screams, from tenants, who cowered, in fear. As people ran from their homes, while soldiers charged inside, a police officer would tell Abby Mills "No way will this thing end, well". Then, there were the times when Homeland Security MARCHED people out of homes. When Homeland Security MARCHED the people out, in flexicuffs, telling police "This one refuses to cooperate. Take them to a holding cell. Hold them until they decide to talk". By the numbers, of reports, flowing into the police station, more than twenty homes had been smashed, before word spread far enough, and the feds found doors wide open, and terrified citizens, trying to stay clear of the feds. Still, when federal agents BARKED at citizens "Tell me where the unknowns are", and citizens just looked, baffled, at the feds, then feds would say "FIne, more for "Enhanced Interrogation"." By nightfall, most of the city was either facing "Enhanced Interrogation", or awaiting interrogation. Even with this accomplished, as well as over $20 million, in property damage, the feds were annoyed that the "unknowns" had not yet been apprehended. Not even identified. Add to this the fact that the lie detectors showed that ALL of the people were "lying". After all, it is a known fact that lie detectors read stress, and heart, levels. "Spikes" allegedly indicate "lies". During the federal attack, on the private homes, every stressed out citizen, who was tested, on the machine, was shown to be lying. And why not? Homes were smashed, and family members dragged away, like animals, What else would be expected, under these conditions? And it sure did not help to have federal agents SHOUTING questions into peoples faces, such as "I DEMAND to know..." Every member, of the police force, understood why readings claimed that people were "lying". Who would NOT be stressed, under these circumstances? The time, when the police captin did step in, and ordered the feds to "Stand Down", was when Homeland Seurity decided to "make an example", of four men, whom Homeland Seccurity FELT, were NOT "cooperating". It was when the men were cuffed, to the bars, of prison cells, then Homeland Security began beating the men, with night-stcks, while shouting at the victims "Tell me what I want to know!" This is when the police captain would step into the cell-block, saying "Stand Down!". When the federal agents would reply "WE have juridsdiction, here. This is a matter of national security.", as the feds continued beating the men. The police captain would say "I dont care if the popes life is at stake. This is your last chance". This is when the federal agents would hear the click, of fire-arms being cocked, then the agents would turn to the police captain, and say "Lady, you are committing TREASON!" The police captain would say "I dont CARE. I am preventing a capital crime." When the federal agents placed night-sticks on the cell-floor, then stared at the police captain, as the agents departed the cell, police medics, soon gave medical care, to the "interrogation" victims. One of the victims would ask "What was it that they wanted to know, anyway?" To the relief, of the mercenaries, located OUTSIDE of town, and near the weapons range, when their scouts reported that the feds were focusing on the inner city, most of the members felt a deep sigh, of relief. This is because some of the mercenarries had, at one time, been "administrators" of "Enhanced Interrogation", and had resigned, from the service, over this practice. Now, the mercenaries made a pact,. If Homeland Security dared come near the mercenaries camp, the fighters were ready to "go down, defending themselves". This pact, however, would not be necessary, as word came down, that a terrified local had told Homeland Security about a strange "hole", which appearred, in the sky, over the shopping mall. It seems that, when the woman was dragged, to the site, courtesy of some "attention", from some night-sticks, and asked then the woman was asked "You know what these are for, right?" The terrified woman showed the federal agents where the "hole" had formed. Shortly after the woman showed agents the spot, she fainted, in shock. When a federal agent kicked the womans body, growling "Get up!", a voice, from thhe crowd, said "Cant you see. She's in shock". When two Homeland Security agents "charged" the crowd, found the source, of the voice, and barked "You! Forward!" When the doctor came forward, the doctor was dragged to the un-conscious woman, then a federal agent showed the doctor a night-stick, saying "You see THIS. You have exactly two minutes, to wake her up, or we use this". When the doctor would say "No promises", A federal agent struck the doctor, across the back, with a night-stick, then asked "What was that?" The doctor would say "Rapid pulse, Pupils dialated. Deep shock. Complete, mental, shutdown". When the agennt would growl "Speak English", The doctor would say "Deep shock. She will be "out", for days, maybe weeks, or even months. Impossible to say". When the federal agent moved close, to the doctor, whispering, menacingly "I am under authority, of the U.S. government to protect this nation, at ANY, and ALL, costs. You have thirty minutes, to wake her up, or I will use my authority. Do you understand?" When doctor, and "patient", were taken to a waiting van, the doctor would look out of the one-way glass, whispering "monsters". This because the doctor knew there was no way to FORCE a person out of a coma. The doctor would just have to face a federal beating, herself. While the doctor was treating the un-conscious woman, federal agents would receive more, bad, news. Once a Forensics team arrived, at the mall, and the agents asked for a scan, for finger-prints. When the head, of the Forensics team told the federal agents "You are kidding, ofcourse." When the federal agents asked "Why would we be kidding?" The Forensics tam leader would say "You do understand that this is a SHOPPING mall. That means thousands of people, past this spot, every, single, day". When the federal agent would say "I am only interested in the finger-prints, from one day, NOT the whole life story, of the mall". The Forensics worker would "spell it out", for the agent: "Look, this place is full of people, on weekdays, and weekends are even worse. I can guarantee you tens of thousands, of partials, but I WONT guarantee any, full, sets". Even after this explanation, the federal agents ordered the scan, which showed exactly what the Forensics team said it would show. Over 50,000 "hits", on "partials". When the federal agents demanded to know whichh sets, of prints, were from the day in question, Forensics would say "Good Luck". Soon after this, a soldier came, from the medic van, and informed the agent of the doctors message. "The doctor says you have two choices. Take the pair, to a hospital, for proper treatment, or shoot them, both, here and now". While the federal agents were enraged, at the events, of the day, miles away, inside the coven, Ichabod's questions, about Katrina's "loyalties", were in doubt, even as the coven called forth Katrina's spirit. This, the coven did only after informing Ichabod, of how the warlock had used his dark magic, to manipulate Katrinna's will. Granted, even the coven knew that Katrina was not "perfect", however, on the plus side, Katrina had been caring, even if not totally, honest. When Ichabod asked "How might I insure her trust, in the future?" The coven members responded by asking Ichabod how Katrina could trust, in him, again, especially after he had given up Abigails soul, to Purgatory, for his wifes soul. It would be only with the covens promise, that any deception WOULD be DEALT with, that Ichabod Crane would agree to allow Katrina's spirit to manifest, inside the coven. Back, at the police station, when Homeland Security would inform the police captain that "We CAN, and WILL, transport, the prisoners, to another location, if you refuse to cooperate with our procedures". The police captains only response, to this, was "Let me help you pack". (The police captain did instruct her officers NOT to cheer, or make jokes, as Homeland Security personnel prepared to depart Sleepy Hollow). In fact, the federal agent gave local law enforcement nothing, other than a "cold shoulder", as the feds packed, to leave. What the police could not believe was when the feds took their twelve prisoners OUT of the jail, trussed up like the people, who were headed for maximum security prison. It was only after the feds completely cleared out that Abigail Mills would ask the captain "Now, that the feds are gone, would you explain to me the reason why we did not inform the feds that it was US who fell from the portal?" When the captain responded, by asking "Did you not SEE those prisoners? Do you really want the SAME treatment?" When Abigail would say "There must be a way", the captain would say "Not with those federals. All they care about is prosecution". When Abigail would ask "What about Katrina's coven? Surely, they will alibi us". TThe captain would say "Oh, sure. We just tell the feds that our alibi is a coven, of witches. I am sure that a federal judge would just LOVE to hear that one". When Abigail would ask "What do we do, for those innocent people?" When the captain said "Its out of my hands. The feds will deal with it" Abigail could not believe her ears. This is when Abigail would leave the police station, and set out, to see Jenny. On the drive, to thhe mercenaries camp, Abigail would drive past several of the homes, which Homeland Security had "raided", and glimpsed people, cleaning up property, while handymen re-hung doors, and jambs. Thinking back, on the battle, at the police station, Abigail wondered WHICH group had done the most damage, to the town. The horsemen, of War, and the Hessian soldiers, or Homeland Security. To Abby, it was a "toss-up". By the time Abigail reached the mercenaries camp, she found that the soldiers already knew not only WHAT had happened, but where the prisoners were being taken, as well. Abby's concern, though, was that, just because these people knew that the prisoners were innocent, this group was preparring to do open battle, with federal authorities. In fact, Abby was just about to call in the proposed assault when Jenny stopped by the car, to ask her sister "Dont the prisoners mean anything, to you? I mean, they are our friends, and neighbors" When Abby would interrrupt, saying "And you are about to commit a felony, by trying to rescue them" When Jenny would ask "What other hope do they have? You have SEEN what happens, to the Gitmo detainees. How can you let that happen, to our friends, and neighbors?" Abby had no "easy answers", for this. All she knew was that, if a felony was about to take place, Abby had a duty, as a deputy sheriff. Then, Abby had an idea. She would drive into town, and report, directly, to the captain. No one needed to know that, along the way, Abby had stopped by the covens headquaters. Sttill, after departing the mercenaries camp, Abby decided to call in, on her cruisers radio. For some rason, though, all the radio gave her was static. Abby's next choice would have been her cell-phone, only she remembered that she had left the unit inside her locker, inside her bag, which was at the police station. As Abby thought "Swell!" in-communicado, until she could have maintenance look over her cars radio. By the time Abby reached the coven, it seems that the Wiccans were, already, aware, and planning to assist the innocent. As for Katrina, Abby noticed that Katrina looked about as human, as any, live, person. What Abby would ask Crane "Whats up?" Crane would say "What is "up", as you call it, id that the sisterhood is preparing a non-lethal way to free the prisoners." When Abby asked "I meant, what is Katrina doing here?" Crane would say "She appears to be making an appearance, of ammends, for past actions". When Abby would ask "Are you serious?" Crane would say "Most serious. In fact, the coven believes in Katrina's innocence. The priestess is adamant about proving Katrina's loyalty, to the coven. The coven appears to be of the unified thought, in the matter of proclaiming Katrina's loyalty." When Abby would ask "What about the bell, and the warlock?" Crane would say "It would appear that the coven membership are of the unified opinion, that Katrina was, at the time of the event, under the warlocks influence. Now, it seems that Katrina has been released, from this bond, and the coven want to know where Katrina's true loyalties lie". When the coven came up with a plan, to rescue the innocent, Abby would have felt certain that the activity would include explosives, and a shoot-out, with Homeland Security. This is why, when the priestess suggested a peaceful approach, Abby was not certain that the coven would be able to act as was being suggested. The basic concept, of acting, while the prisoners remained enroute, remained the center, of each groups plans. Abby, however, would only learn of the coven, monitoring the prisoner transport, when the priestess provided Abby with the trucks specifications. As the priestess woulld inform Abby, "collecting" the prisoners, and releasing their burdens, would not be a difficult process. What would be most difficult would be protecting the innocent, from Homelands "wrath". Especially once Homeland Security realized that its "prisoners" had vanished. Would Homeland Security return to Sleepy Hollow? 100% certain. Would Homeland Security tear the town, to pieces, looking for the "fugitives"? Most, or very, likely. This is why the coven was working on a two-part solution, to the problem. The first part would be freeing the innocent. The second part involved proptecting the innocent from federal reprisals. The best, if only, solution, which the coven came up with, was an amnesia spell. The plan would be to cast a "forget" spell, to produce the effect that, for up to one year, the innocent would not remember even who they were. The innocent would, of course, be hospitalized, under the generic term of "John Doe". As a further safeguard, the innocent would NOT be "grouped", at the same hospital. The innocent would be spread out, across America, in such a fashion, that it would take Sherlock Holmes to deduce the pattern. The only part, of the whole thing, which Abby had a problem with, was the fact that Katrina was involved. Warlocks influence, or no, Katrina was on Abby's "bad side", and it would take a LOT more covincing, before Abby would trust the woman, ever again. By the time Abby would return, to police headquarters, the station was "alive", with the story, that a federal prison transport, was found by the roadside, by a passing trooper. According to the incoming reports, "terrorist attack", and "freak accident", were being rulled OUT, since there was no evidennce of damage, to the van, nor to the drivers, on-board. The reports said the guards were sufferring Amnesia. Cause unknown. As for the transports "prisoners", although the "cage" remained intact, with no signs, of forced entry, the "prisoners" were gone, as if "into thin air". Abby would smile, as she thought "Oh, my god! They did it. The coven did it, and without shedding blood." Ofcourse, Homeland Security marched right back into town, demanding a house-by-house search. Homeland Security had even brought in two battallions, of federal soldiers, to aid in the search. Thankfully, in order to secure the search warrant, Homeland Security had been forced to seek permission, from a state legislator, who had e-mailled the Sleepy Hollow police. When the message read "I am asking for FULL cooperation, on this matter. Give Homeland Security whatever they want". This is why the captain came before the stations officers, saying "Listen up, people. Homeland Security thinks Sleepy Hollow is sheltering the "prisoners". This is why they are returning, with a regiment, of federal soldiers. As a result, I want each of you to contact as many people as possible, and inform the people to allow Homeland FULL freedom of movement. Remind our citizens that, the faster this raid is over with, the faster our lives return to normal." Even as the captain was issuing this statement, the senior, Homeland Security, agent, would be cautioning a few, heavily-armed, troops: "Expect great resistence. Keep weapons "hot" and "ready" at all times. Be prepared for radical resistence. Use night-sticks, when possible, however, I am certain that lethal force will be approved, if necessary." The problem, which Homeland Security found, upon arrival, at Sleepy Hollow, was that block after block, of homes, which the convoy passed, all saw that homes had doors wide open, with families standing, well off, to the side. When the U.S. Army soldiers saw this, as well, and a private asked their lieutenant "Do you, really, think we will need the "battering ram"? There was a collective sigh of reief, as the lieutenant said "If all the houses are like these, there is no need to even un-pack the "battering rram". We will un-pack the device ONLY if we find need, to use it. Although Homeland Security was performing like this was another 9/11, the soldiers deployed just as they had been training to do. What infuriated Homeland Security, even more than the wide open doors, and subservient occupants, was how often the agents kept hearing the word "clear", as soldiers exited houses. After hearing this, thirty times, a Homeland agent would tackle a home-owner, nearly starngling the man, while growling "Tell me where the terrorists are". When the terrified home owner would croak out "Iraq? Af-ghan-istan?" the Homelnd agent would begin punching the home owner, but only until Sleepy Hollow police put weapons, to the agents head. Once warned, that the police would fire, and the agent said "I am a federal agent, and **I** have authority, here." The police officers would say "Not to torture the people, of Sleepy Hollow". When the agent would growl "But, they are terrorist sympathizers!", and the police would ask "You have proof of this?", The agent would say "We have an empty truck, and guards, in the hospital" When the police asked "Do you have proof this THIS man was part of that?" The agent lowered the man, to the ground, and, with weapons still trained on the agents head, the agent would tell police "Interrrupting an interrogation. You must be terrorists sympathizers, yourselves". After two police officers took the agent away, at gun -point, the lead officer would accept a med-kit, from another officer, and begin treating the home-owners injuries. By the time Homeland Security had assaulted five, other, home-owners, during a search of 85 homes, and produced no results, the police captain would get tough, with Homeland Security, telling them "Take your goon squad and get OUT of my town. If you return, for ANY reason, I will shoot each of you, myself." The senior, federal, agent would no-sooner say "So, threatening a federal officer. I guess you dont CARE about that badge, after all" By this time, an army captain would report in, to the group, saying "Agent, we have finished the canvas. No sign of the suspects". When the agent would say "Impossible! The search cannot be over, this quick!" The soldier would say "All of my units have reported in. All they have found is open doors, and citizens, keeping well to the side". The police captain could see the deadly rage, behind the federal agents eyes, and knew the agent was thinking "If only I had a reason, I would burn this place, to the ground." Instead, in a menacing voice, the agent would tell the police captain "We WILL be watching", then, along with the soldiers, the agents would load up, and leave town. After the feds departed, the police captain would ask Abby "Just WHERE did the suspects end up?" All Abby would ask was "Do you really want to know?" The police captain would say "Not really. Just required to ask". Abby would say "Understood". As for Jenny, and the mercenaries, when word reached them, that the blitzkrieg was called off, the soldiers returned to camp, to celebrate not taking a drop of blood. This was a GOOD day. As for the rumors, of three women, "dropping from the sky", and into a shopping center, this, soon, became an "urban myth", told round camp fres. After all, who ever heard of people "falling, out of thin air"" Especially without parachutes. When the captain, Abigail, and Jenny, were reviewed, by a psychiatrist, all three agreed to say "We were out of town, and lost all track of time. Thats all it was". The psychiatrist cleared all three women. As for Ichabod, and Katrina, Crane, Ichabod remained wary of his wife. And not due to the warlocks influence, either. Ichabods concern remained over all the secrets, which Katrina had kept, since colonial times. Crane wondered how many other secrets Katrina had. And this left the question, of hw a marriage, could be based upon secrets. All Katrina would say, to Ichabod, was "When you are prepared to converse, on the matter, at hand, you will know where to locate me". All Crane could say was "As you wish, my lady".

Friday, November 20, 2015


SLEEPY HOLLOW #4: In the weeks, following Jennifer Mills abduction, and return, both Ichbod Crane, and Abigail Mills, would face issues, which had no simple answers. While Abigail Mills was facing Assualt charges, for tackling the officer, who had targetted Jennifer, while the woman was stuck on a run-a-way, flying, broom, And Jennifer Mills was leading a "team", of her fellow mercenaries, to the spot, where she had buried the teams supplies (nearly 200 years before), Ichbod Crane, himself, was having as much trouble, as was usual, with the "new", female, police captain. Although Crane, himself, like his mentors, George Washington, Bennjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson (among others), had seen no value, in denying either women, or negroes, their value, and rights, as people, Crane was finding himself, in the 21st century, doing verbal "battle", almost daily, with a woman who refused to understand that, legally, women had NO rights, back in colonial America. No matter how many times that Crane would say "In MY day..." (meaning the days, of colonial America), the woman just kept barking, at him, about womens rights. Even when Abby would try to re-phrase Cranes words, saying "He means, in colonial days", th captain would insist that Crane meant the modern day. This is the main reason why, as often as possible, Crane did his best to AVOID the police captain. Since it would seem that only the Mills sisters, and a few others, understood the meaning, behind Cranes words, Crane did his best to limit his conversations, to those who understood him. Ofcourse, Crane had made a "mistake", involving Jenny's recent abduction. An "innocent" mistake, but one which the captain was not likely to forget, anytime soon. After all, when the captain had asked for directions, to the mercenaries compound, and Crane had used his historical knowledge, to identify the camps location, Crane had done exactly what the captain had asked. When Crane had mentioned that the land was under the ownership, of a certain family, and the captain had asked for a map, Crane had produced a map, drawn, based upon the landmarks, of his day. Now, had the captain asked Crane to draw a map, based upon modern landmarks, he would have done so. Since the captain had, clearly asked for a map, based upon historical information, Crane had provided this. After the police raiding party found nothing, at the location in question (as Crane had tried to tell them), the captain had given Crane a severe "dressing down", for providing "false" information. When Crane had said "Madam! I knew the property owners quite well. They were loyal, and true. I visited their home, on many an occassion, so dont bother telling me that I am not aware of how to reach their residence". Later, while aiding an officer, with details, of a historic battle, for something the officer was writing, (while Crane awaited the arrival, of Abigail Mills), the police captain had charged from her office, barking "OUT!", to Crane, even as the officer was saying "He was just helping me with some details, for a project", the captain would bark "OUT!" to Crane, before signalling some officers, to put Crane out of the police station. Later, when Crane DID meat up, with the Mills sisters, and Jennifer commented, on how LONG it had taken, to find the supplies, despite her marking the tree's, Crane had suggested a method, which the colonies had learned, from the indian nations. When the captain found the three having a drink, and marched over, telling Crane "The next time you come into my station, making anti-woman remarks, I will place you under arrest, myself! Understand?" Even as Crane would say "Understood", Abigail would ask "Just what KIND of remarks was Crane making, captain?" Abigail was prepared to hear that Crane was being accused of making either race, or gender, hate remarks, so Abigail was surprised when the captain said "He thinks that being a man makes him superior to us. He keeps talking about how women should be "put in our place", specifically the kitchen. One more crack, and I will arrest you, myself". After the captain stormed out of the bar, Abigail asked Crane "What was that all about?" To which Crane would say "A member, of the "force" asked me the truth of the saying, that colonial women being "seen, and not heard". "I was, simply, informing the officer that it was a rather rude, but accepted, custom. A custom applied to ALL women, regardless of color." When Jennifer Mills would ask "Even white women were ordered to accept this?" Crane would say "All women were subject to this practice." When Jennifer would ask "How did the Founding Fathers feel, about this?" Crane would say "This is one, of many, reasons, why the colonies declared independence. We intended to create a land of equality. A land where a mans value was measured by his work, not by his race." When Jennifer would mention "When I was back there, I noticed that the women did not speak. What was that all about?" Crane would say "That is the way colonial women were raised. They did not speak unless spoken to." When Jennnifer would ask "Who made THAT rule?" Crane would say "I haven't the foggiest notion". For the remainder, of the evening, the three discussed how life had changed, over the past century. After reading no less than eight, history, books, about the only thing, which Abigail Mills was certain of was the fact that women had not been, legally, allowed to vote, until the 20th century. And not just black women, either. Not even white women were allowed to vote, until the nineteenth amendment, to the constitution, was passed. It would not be until after Abigail Mills was cleared of the Assault charge, and Jennifer Mills had returned to her training, with the mercenaries, that an un-expected event would occur. One evening, while the three were out, for a walk, after having a "brew", that, althougth all were certain that they were sober, none expected what would happen, that evening. Before the three, on the path, appearred Katrina Crane. Jennifer suppressed a smile when, as Abby saw Mrs. Crane, she, instinctively, drew her weapon. It was only when Jenny would ask "WHAT are you going to do, with that?" This is when Katrina Crane would mention "This would be my inquiry, as well". When Ichbod would ask "Katrina, for what purpose have you made your presense, known to us?" Katrina would say "I have made this appearance, as a plea, for forgiveness. I never intended harm to befall to any of you." When Abby would say "Well, guess what." Katrina would say "You must understand. When I met with the wizard, my powers were not as I would have preferred. His, dark, magic, was far more powerful, than I might have supposed." When Abby would ask "Okay, WHOSE side are you on, now?" When Katrina would ask "Side? I do not understand. What are these "sides"?" Ichbod would say "What the letenent means is "Do you, currently, remain under the warlock's influence?" Katrina would say "I am free of his influence. It would seem that the transformation cleansed my soul. I am, no-longer, subject to his influence". Although the three would remain suspicious, of the new arrival, Katrina would suggest "The purpose, of my presenting my presence, is to bring a warning, of dire events, which are, soon, to transpire. Moloch has not been banished. At present, Moloch is in preparation for the next phase, of his agenda. For this reason, Moloch is in session, with the horsemen, of Death, and War. I know not the details, of their coming actions, however, I am aware of the instance of the failure to abduct Miss Jennifer, and the attempted deceit, which was hoped would lead to Miss Abigail firing the shot, which would have ended Miss Jennifer's existence." When Jennifer would ask "Why would it matter if my sister shot me? Its not like we are The Waltons, or anything similar". Abigail would suggest "Jenny, that may be true, but we are family. To some people, family still means something". When Jennifer would quip "Oh, you are breaking my heart." Ichabod would interrupt "Might we focus our efforts on the dilema, currently at hand?" Ichabod would, then, suggest "Katrina, if you would be so kind as to ingratiate yourself, into the horsemans graces, again, perchance you might obtain more information, which may be of relevance, in the coming task." Even Abigail would stay silent, for a moment, while waiting for Katrina to say "Yes, my love". Instead, Katrina would say "As you wish", with a curtsey. After that, Katrina would begin to walk away, only to dissolve into thin air. When Jennifer would ask "Am I drunk, or did she just fade away?" Abby would say "If you saw it, as well, then we are, all, drunk, or Katrina did fade away". Ichabod would intercede, suggesting "If, perchance, Moloch, and the horsemen, retain the ability to access this realm, then would it not be prudent to seek out our own sources, and attempt to educate ourselves, regarding coming events?" When Jennifer would ask "You dont trust your own wife?", It would be Abigail who would ask "After what has happened, recently, would you?" Jennifer would say "Point taken." When Ichabod would ask "What point has been taken to what location?" Abby would say "Never mind." In the between-worlds realm, of Purgatory, Moloch would be hatching his latest plan, with the horsemen. A plan, which, IF executed, properly, would remove both of the Mills sisters, from the playing field, leaving Crane to face the horsemen, of Death, and War, alone. Although, this time, Moloch would instruct his minions to strike "late at night", so as to avoid being witnessed, in their actions, what Moloch did not take into account was where the Mills sisters would be, at the time of the abduction. The only reason why Jennifer was present, at the time, was because the police captain wanted to make her point clear. The captain would tell Abby, in front of her sister, "I DONT want my officers hanging around either with people, who think they know about the past, or with mental patients." When Abby would say "Crane has proven himself, more than once, and on a variety of cases. His knolwedge is valuable, to ME." When the captain would say "NOT the point", Abby would say "As for my sister. We ARE family. During my off-duty hours, I am allowed to see whomever I want. Even my family." The captain was just saying "Not in my police station." when, out-of-the-blue, some creatures appearred, in the captains office, and snatched the three women up before the captain even got her gun out of her holster. When the three women, next, saw their surroundings, and Abby saw the captain trying to take aim, Abby would say "Captain, put the gun away". When the captain responded "No way! Where are we?" Abby would say "Purgatory". When the captain asked, incredulously "WHERE?", Abby would say "A place where our guns are useless". When the captain would say "Impossible!", Abby would say "Go ahead. Fire at will". When the captain put off two rounds, at a nearby tree, the woman stood, in dis-belief, when the rounds went right through the tree, non-stop, and just kept going. This is when a familiar voice would say "Hello, Abby, Jenny". When Jenny asked Abby "It cant be, can it?" Abby would say "This is the realm of souls. Corbin, sometimes, comes here, to speak with me". Sure, enough, when Jenny looked at the man, there, before her, stood August Corbin. The man she had collected so many items, for , over the years. While the three shared a hug, the captain just sat, nearby, saying "This CANT be real. I MUST be asleep." When Abby would say "Captain, I would like you to meet Sheriff August Corbin." When Corbin stuck out a hand, the captain would say "No way. This MUST be a dream. I am NOT shaking hands with a dream". Corbin would say "Suit yourself". When Abby would ask Corbin "What is happening?" Corbin would say "Remember what I told you, before, about trusting your own judgement?" Abby would say "Like I could forget". Corbin would say "Remember that lesson. Remember it, and APPLY it, to coming events". When Abby would ask "What coming events?" Corbin would say "Remember...", even as he faded away. Moments later, Purgatory fell away, from the women, and, although both of the Mills sisters knew what to expect, Abby knew the captain would just argue, if Abby tried to tell the woman what to expect. Soon, the three women found themselves "falling", through what seemed like a vertical tunnel. The Mills sisters, though, being "veterans", of this type of thing, knew to curl up, into balls, for the coming "crash landing". (Both Abby, and Jenny, had to wonder WHY time-travel always dropped people like the people had jumped from a second story window). When the three reached the end, of the "tunnel", the captain noticed that the sisters were curled up, but had no idea what the reason, for this was. The captain wondered if Abby was a "chicken", behind her badge. Moments later, the captain learned the reason for the sisters "crash position". When the "tunnel"/"portal" opened up, the Mills sisters dropped, and rolled, mussing their hair, and jolting their clothes, but emerging without injury. The captain, though, NOT being a "veteran", ended up doing a "belly flop", and bruising her shoulders, as well as taking minor injuries. When the woman stood up, not noticing about her surroundings, then told Abby "Whatever that was, I need to see a medic, once we return to the station. When the captain looked about her, recognized some tree's, then said "This way. We can be back, at the station, in no time". Abby tried to tell the woman "Captain", but the captain was as hard-headed, as ever, even taking "point". Following, a distance behind, Jennifer would ask Abby "Should I ask "WHERE are we?", or should I ask "WHEN are we?"" Abby would say "Lets follow the captain, for as long as it is safe. If anything happens, we can duck back, under cover." To Abby's annoyannce, her sister would say "Good plan". Abby just could not believe how the captain walked right into town, not even noticing the lack of black-top, on the paths, and the "costumes", which people were wearing. Abby, and Jenny, both, sought cover, when the captain stopped a rider, on horseback, telling the man "Dont you know that we have an ordinance, in this city, about riding horses, on public thoroughtfares". When the man just looked at the captain, in dis-belief, then the captain told the man "Step down from there", Abby whispered, to herself "Captain, get OUT of there". Within moments, just as the sisters had feared, the captain was roped, tied, and taken to the sheriff's office, all the while shouting "I am an officer, of the law. You are, all, under arrest!" When the locals dropped the captain, at the Sleepy Hollows sheriff's office, saying "Sheriff, we have a real live one, here. Thinks she is the sheriff". When the captain said "I am NOT the sheriff. I am the captain of this precinct. Not un-hand me, NOW!" This is when the sheriff came to the captain, who thought that the man was some kind of character, in his western get-up, badge on his vest, and ten-gallon hat, she was not prepared for the man to say "Empty her pockets." When the captain said "How dare you!" The sheriff said "One more word, and I will, personal, toss you into a cell. I dont care if you IS a lady". When the captain said "I will have your badge, for this!", the captain was left speechless when the sheriff threw her over his shoulder, like a sack of groceries, carried her to a cell, and dumped her inside. The sheriff would, then, say "Stay put, and shut up, until a find a proper lady, to frisk you". Back, in the woods, Jenny would ask Abby "What do we do?", Abby would suggest "You said, the last time the horseman sent you here, you buried some suppies, right?" Jennifer would say "Yes, provided this is the same time, and not earlier". Abby would say "We better take the chance, and hope for the best". With that, the sisters would set off, in search of the supplies, Jenny had left, in the past, even as a very robust woman would tackle the captain, hog-tieing the woman, then delivering the captains belongings, to the sheriff. When the sheriff said "Thank you, ma'am", the woman would say "Anytime, sheriff". While the captain "stewed", in her cell, failing to realize that this jail used Kerosene lamps, instead of flourescent bulbs, for light, the sheriff would be in his office, with his deputies, trying to figure out the bizzarre things the woman had on her person. The men just could not figure out WHERE the woman had made a picture, of herself, which looked so life-like that it was like "magic". Then, there was the question, which a deputy raised, about the print, on the I.D.. as the deputy would ask "What sheriff's office would have a FE-MALE on staff?" The sheriff would add "Who ever heard of a female de-tec-tive?", whatever that is." Another deputy would ask "It cant be real, right sheriff? I mean, whoever heard of a FE-MALE captain?" The sheriff would say "Who ever heard of a female working in law enforcement?" Left baffled, by the captains I.D., the men moved on, to the captains side-arm, with a deputy asking "What kind of six-shooter is that?" The sheriff would say "Blast me, if I know. Dont look like any gun I ever seen, before.". While the sheriff, and his staff, were trying to understand 20th century technology, in the 18th century, the Mills sisters "struck gold", when they located Jennifers marks, on the trees, and recovered the supplies, which they might need, for a prolonged stay, in this place. Waiting until well after dark, the sisters approached the sheriff's office, and the window opening, for the cells. It was decided that Abby would approach the captain, HOPING that Abby could encourage the woman to keep calm. No such luck, though. When the captain saw Abby, the captain got loud as she ordered Mills, "Bring back-up, and get me OUT of this thing." When Abby TRIED to tell the woman, quietly, to BE quiet, the captain would say, most vocally, "I am your superior officer. You will NOT tell me to be quiet". Abby knew the "jig was up", when she heard a deputy call into the cell-block "Woman, are you going to be quiet, or do I have to come in there, and make you be quiet." As some as the captain called out "I am an officer, of the law", and Abby heard footsteps coming, she knew she had to leave the captain behind. Whatever happened, now, was up to the Mills sisters. When Abby and Jenny, retreated to the forest, for cover, and Abby told Jenny what had happened, Jenny was like "Terrific, hasn't that woman ever heard of "low-profile?" Abby would say "Not according to her profile. It seems that the captain has been a dogged law enforcer, for many years." As the sisters sat back, in the forest, ate rations, and contempleted their next move, Jenny asked the natural question, after having her initial idea, of using explosives, to blow the jail, declined, by Abby. The question of "Has Crane ever told you what people did, with those they thought were un-balanced, in his day?" Abby said "Crane has never mentioned it, but I recall that some of the history books, which I read, after speaking to Professor Malachai Olsen. Some of the books said that most territories not only had just a regional sheriff, and judge, who stopped by, from time to time, to hear any pending cases". When Jenny would ask "Did any of the books say anything about mental illness?" Abby would say "In Cranes day, it was called by the simple name: Insanity". When Jenny would ask "What happened to victims?" Abby would say "The books claim that, in most communities, the "crazies" were collected, at intervals, then carted off, to places, where they were either dumped, or chained up. Some places had staff, to watch over the people, while most were little more than "garbage dumps". It was when Jenny would ask "When do you think the next pick-up will be?" Abby would say "I guess that we can scout around. Try to find out." Jenny would say "First things, first. We need to ditch these modern clothes. We need to "blend in". With that, the first part, of the sisters "plan", went into effect. Back in the present, Ichabod Crane would be searching all over modern day Sleepy Hollow, for his co-worker. He just could not believe that it was true that, at the same moment, when Abby, and Jenny, went missing, that the police captain had gone missing, as well. It would only be when Katrina would appear to him, calling him by name, that Ichabod would receive the news. Katrina would say "Ichabod, I have learned of the horsemans plans, and Moloch's directive." When Ichhabod would say "Pray, enlighten me, Katrina". Katrina would say "The plan has been placed into action, to remove the Mills sisters from the present, and send them to the colonial past." When Crane would ask "What purpose would that serve?", Katrina would say "The hope is that you will be left emotionnally vulnerable, and required to face the coming battle, alone." In the 18th century, Abby had, no-sooner suggested ASKING some local women, for some clothing, when Jenny suggested "Why not just take some clothes, from a wash-line. Who would, ever, know if some clothes blew away, on the wind?" Abby would, no-sooner, say "No way am I taking part in any thefts. We may be two hundred years in the past, but I am still a law enforcer". While the sisters were trying to figure out how to find clothes, which fit the time period, they happened upon something which might, one day, turn into something like the Salvation Army. Once the sisters surveilled the place, the decision was made. Wait for sun-down, and use ONLY pen-lights. AVOID damage, if possible. To the sisters astonishment, they did not have to break into the building, at all. When Jenny would whisper "The house, of the Lord, welcomes all", Abby just gave her sister a look, then the ladies set forth to find "disguises", for their time, in town. Abby would remind Jenny "Remember, we need things which fit in, in the 1800's, not the 21st century." then added "Things which Negro women would wear". When Jenny would ask "What did black women wear, in the 1800's?" Abby would say "Good point. Probably hand-me-downs, from white ladies". Selecting a weeks worth of clothing, for each woman, the Mills sisters would retreat, to the forest, where they would place the filthy clothes into a bag, then grab some sleep, before sun-rise. A few hours later, the sisters would have "dived" into some rations, but the smell, from the clothes bag, was bad enough that both sisters admitted "Washing comes first, then eating". Using something called "Camp-site detergent", the sisters would soak the clothes, in a stream, then wash the clothes, thoroughly, and repeatedly, until all scent was gone. After that, Jenny would hang the clothes, from tree branches, to air-dry. While the clothes dried, the sisters would surveill the towns women, for proper actions, and behavior. (Yes, Abby remembered, all too well, her last visit, here, and how much trouble SHE had been in. Trouble which included being locked in a cell, herself. Upon returning to the 21st century, Abby had promised herself "When in Rome..." By the time the clothes were ready for wear, Jenny was full of questions, such as "Why are the women acting so subservient?" Abby would remind her "This is the way it was, in colonial times". When Jenny would say "That, still, does not make it right". Abby would remind her sister "Remember, we are NOT in the 21st century. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, understand?" Jenny would moan "I understand". Thankfully Abby had grown accustomed to Cranes "strange" vocabulary, during their work, together. Thankfully, Crane had taught Abby a thing, or twenty. Abby just hoped that she knew ENOUGH to get by. After all, this was NOT some test, for history class. If the sisters screwed up, here, they could wind up sold, as runaway slaves, or even hanged, if found to be "impudent". At Abby's suggestion, the sisters operated under the guise of "TALK as little as possible, and LISTEN as much as possible". Something with which, it would turn out, Jenny was, very familiar with. Although Abby was much more "familiar", with colonial speech, thanks to Crane, Jenny found herself excusing herself, and curtseying, much more than she planned to. Jenny just felt totally un-comfortable when she found atleast one man looking her over, like she was "for sale". She was about to say "Get a woman", when she saw Abby, gesturing, and, instead, whispered "Pardon me, kind sir. My sibling wishes my company". When Abby gave Jenny the news "The lepers wagon is due, in two weeks. We have until then to figure out how to free the captain". When Jenny asked "Lepers wagon? The captain does not have Leprosy". Abby would say "According to Crane, such wagons handle anyone, who is "ill". It does not matter if the illness is pneumonia, or dimentia. If a person is "sick", they are dumped in the wagon". When Jenny asked "Where are the people taken, for treatment?" Abby would say "According to the history books, hospitals wont exist, for another century. In this time, people are just taken to a place, where the disease runs its course." Jenny would say "And I thought that the psychiatric ward was bad". Abby would say "Compared to "todays" treatments, modern health care is pure heaven, even on its worst days." Still, Jenny would suggest "If they take the captain to one of those places, where you say there is minimal staff, we could rush the place, and no one would be the wiser." Abby would say "Nice try, sis, but Crane showed me one of those chain systems. A real one, not the ones the museums have. You would not believe how THICK, and STRONG, those things are". When Jenny would ask "How thick are they. The REAL ones?" Abby would say "The ones, which Crane showed me, could restrain an elephant, and it would take a professional welder a week, with the right tools, to cut a shackle off." When Jenny would say "It sounds like they treated these people like animals". Abby would say "In those days, they didn't know any better." After two more days, of sitting around, eating rations, Abby would catch a break, when she noticed some men tying "binding ropes" (As restraining rope was referred to, in colonial America). Abby remembered Crane saying something about these ropes being used for binding supplies, prior to transport, AND for binding prisoners, for transport. Crane had entioned something about communities using these ropes, instead of "cuff's", since, it would seem that anything, which went with prisoners was, never, seen, again. Since communities could not afford the loss of metal, used for cuff's, most villages used binding ropes, to transport prisoners. This is when Abby would tell Jenny "We can take the captain, during transport. The prisoners are only tied, with rope, so we can grab the captain, then un-tie her, after we are away from the escort." When Jenny would mention "Aren't there armed guards, with the prisoners?" Abby would say "Sis, you are, still, thinking of the 21st century. This is the 18th. Here, there are no such thing as Pinkertons, yet." Jenny would say "Swell". Then came the real question: Jenny would ask "Just HOW do we keep her silent, until help comes?" Abby would say "I HOPE we can convince her to be quiet". When Jenny would ask "And, if we cant, and she WONT?", Abby would say "I guess that we tie, and bind, her, until help arrives". When Jenny would ask "Help. From where? or WHOM?" Abby would say "I am hoping that Katrina's coven might aid us." Although Abby, after talking with Crane, was prepared for the "moonstrous bruiser", who would come, with the "leper wagon", Jenny did not know whether to be aroused, or terrified. The man was a solid piece of muscle. Jenny wondered what he would be like, in bed. That is, until Abby whispered "Focus. We are here, for the captain". When the man carried the captain out, over his shoulder, for a moment, Jenny fantasized that it was HER, on the mans shoulder. The fantasy, though, was shattered, when the man just DUMPED the captain into the wagon, with those others, like she was a bag of salt. After the wagon departed the jail, the Mills sisters would follow along, until they KNEW which trail the wagon was taking. When Jenny remarked "Not even an escort? How dumb are they?" Abby would whisper a growl "Remember: 18th century" Jenny would say "Right, everyone is trusting, and honest". Once the sisters noticed that the driver was keeping his eyes on the trail, they came up, behind the wagon, and got a surprise. Two prisoners jumped off the wagon, and no one said a word, to the driver. After this, when the captain scooted off her seat, the sisters noticed why the other "prisoners" were not moving. THEY were tied to the wagon. As to why the captain was not tied, the Mills sisters just thought it was luck. When the captain began to struggle, in the sisters grasp, Abby whispered "Its your choice, captain. Either cooperate, and be safe, or make noise, and we leave you here, for someone to find, later." It seems the captain saw the wisdom, of this, since she, FINALLY, stopped struggling. half an hour later, and Jennifer had the captains ties removed, even as the captain admitted "We are not in our own town, are we?" Abby would say "If you mean, are we not in our own TIME, then you are right". When the captain would ask "How do we get back home?" Jenny would suggest "How about a bath, first, THEN we worry about getting home?" The sisters then showed the captain the "hidden" lake they had been using, for bathing, and the creek, which they used for drinking water. After the captain took half an hour, in the lake water, with some "camping soap", then applied "camp-site" deodorant, the three ladies then shared some rations, while trying to figure out how to contact Katrina's coven. When Jenny asked Abby "I thought the coven banished Katrina, to Purgatory, for saving Ichabod's life?" The captain would watch, and listen, totally baffled, as Abby would say "I THINK we are in a time period, prior to this. When Katrina was, still, in the covens good graces." When the captain would ask "Coven? Saving lives? I hope you are not talking about the fairy tale, of witches". When the sisters just looked at the captain, and she said "You are , aren't you". Abby would ask "Do you want to get back home, or be stuck here?" When the captain said "Back home sounds nice". Abby would say "Time to try to signal Katrina's coven, then" Abby suspected that the coven already knew who they were, and where they were. The coven was just "playing it safe", until they were certain. After all, in this time period, more than others, "witches" were hunted, like animals, and roasted, alive. As a result, covens were cautious. Abby was not-at-all surprised when first contact was made by a novice, whose skills were just blossoming. The young woman just asked some basic information, then lead the three women back to the covens "quarters". Here, the captain would have her sense, of right, and wrong, tested, as she learned that these people were Wiccans, not dark witches. The captain found it wisest to remain silent, while Abby conversed with the covens members. Especially since the captain spoke even less colonial English than Abby did. In fact, the captain did not understand most of what was being said. She felt like she did, in grade school, learning to read. To Abby's relief, the covens memberrs took Abby's continual mis-steps in stride, as they saw that Abby was trying her best. Abby even faked some curtseys, at appropriate times, just as Crane had bowed, to the members, for real. It took awahile, but the coven came to understand what had happened. The women were, then, asked to wait, while the coven worked on a way around both Moloch, and the horsemen. When the captain asked Abby "How long will this take?" Abby would say "When I am with Crane, most of the time, things are ready, when we arrive. Other times, we have to "make nice", if it is information that we want. You should be ready to wait, for days, since we are going up against Moloch." What even Abby could not have predicted was what would happen, next. In a move, which NO one expected, Katrina Crane would visit the coven, with information, and materials, which the coven needed, for a successful spell. Once the spell was brewed, the covens priestess would ask the three women "Are you certain that this is what you want?" The women felt like saying things like "Hell, YES!", or "Just do it!", or other phrases, but Abby had cautioned that such phrases were not known, in this time. As a rsult, Abby had been chosen to give the groups answer. When Abby would say "Yes, sister, we are prepared for the journey to come". The priestess would say "Very well, then", and the coven began the incantation, which summoned the portal, which would carry the three women back to the 21st century. As though sucked into a giant vacuum, the three women found themselves inside another tunnel, and falling, again. This time, though, the captain would mimic the sisters actions, of curling into a ball. When the tunnel "spit" the three women out, they found they had an audience, as they had been dropped into the middle of the citys largest shopping strip mall. Thankfully, the ladies found a womens clothing store, which knew them, by name. Here, the captain called for a ride to base, telling the receiver "Never mind where we have been. Send us a cruiser". Half an hour later, while Abby was "catching Ichabod up", on the events, of the past century, the captain would go to the old archives section, and look under "historical documents", hoping that she would not find what she expected to find. If she did NOT find it, she could just claim it was all "just a bad dream". Problem was, she DID find what was left, of her disintregrated wallet, as well as the very FADED picture, on her police badge. These items, the captain found in a package marked "Female, who claimed to be a cop". Although the badge photo was only a few years old, the captain would have to submit a request, for a replacement, since this one was as faded as some of her great-grand-mothers pictures were. When photo control asked the captain "How did you make it look so old, when our files show it was taken only a few years ago?" All the captain would say was "You would not believe me, if I told you." Crane would report, to Abby, that the battle, which was supposed to have taken place, was called off, by Moloch, since this plan had been as bad as the previous one. When the captain had come up missing, the whole force had gone on alert. This was the opposite of what Moloch had wanted. Moloch had wanted to take both Sleepy Hollow, and Crane, by restful surprise. Once everyone was on alert, due to the disappearances, there was no way for Moloch to succeed. When Abby would inform Crane "Katrina was there, in the coven, at the time. She seemed to KNOW Jenny and I, but I dont know if it was the original Katrina, or if she had travelled back in time, to help us". Crane would agree "That would be a most difficult distinction to make, to say the very least" When Abby would say "Care to share", Crane would say "It has, long, been rumored that coven members are able to travel about, both in time, and in space." When Abby would ask "Do you THINK that Katrina travelled back, in time, to aid Jennny and I?" Crane lookdd puzzled, at this, so Abby suggested "Do you think Katrina is trying to pull a fast one, on us?" When Crane would ask "How does an amount of acceleration attempt to out-perform our actions?" Abby would say "What I mean is "Do you think she is playing a trick?"" Crane would ponder this as he said "I really wish I knew the answer, to that inquiry". As for Jenny, she was not-att-all surprised, when she returned, to the mercenaries camp, to receive a report, that nearly half of the rations supply was missing, from the cartons. Jennifer had no idea of how to explain that the rations had been consumed about two centuries prior to manufacture. Sleepy Hollow would be left to ponder what Moloch's, and the horsemens, next move would be.