Tuesday, November 24, 2015


SLEEPY HOLLOW # 5: KATRINA'S REDEMPTION Although becoming aware, of Katrina's previous "deceptions" had caused Ichabod Crane to question his wife's vows, to their union, and that these doubts would come under most considerable question, it would be these very doubts which would cause the Sleepy Hollow coven to seek an audience, with Ichabod. When Crane would inform Abby of the coven seeking an audience, with him, Abby's primary counsel would consist of "Be cautious. We know not what the covens intentions may be favorable to". When Crane would respond "Spoken like a true, colonial, woman". It would seem that, at that moment, Abby would realize something. During the passage, of time, following her own, recent, and prolonged, presense, in the 18th century, Abby Mills had, it seems, begun the semi-regular use, of colonial English, over modern English. Abby had caught herself, more than once, slipping into colonial English, especially when people would ask her "What did you say?" Even her fellow police officers had noticed the change. Mostly, though, Abby used colonial English, during the times when she found that "modern" English just did not, fully, convey, her message, in its entirety. Case in point: After word reached Washington D.C., that the sky, over a Sleepy Hollow shopping center, had "opened up", and that three people had dropped, out of the opening, and into the middle of the shopping center, Homeland Securiuty had ordered an even LARGER team too "gear up", and return to the community. The agency had given its workers only the obscure "orders", to "FInd out WHAT had happened. WHO came through the hole., and, above all else, determine if "enemy" agents could use this "tech", to sneak across America's borders. As a result, Homeland Security had returned to town, "charging in", guns at the ready, and, for a second time, in recent months, had terrified local citizens, by deploying federal troops, as though either planning for defense, or to launch an attack. As federal troops MARCHED on the Sleepy Hollow sheriff's office, terrified citizens began calling 9-1-1, and the police knew what the feds intended, even before the fax came in, stating what the feds intended to do. This is the reason why the police packed up everything which they could carry, in the short time, before the federal troops "stormed in", and the police had cleared the same work-space, which Homeland Security had demanded the use of, during the agencies previous visit. When duty officers would approach the feds, asking "May I assist you?", the senior, Homeland Security, official would say "If you have not, already, received it, you will, soon, receive a fax, containing new orders. Orders, placing this entire department under the control of Homeland Security." When a staff officer would ask "May I ask the reason, for this?", the official would say "You may ask..." then turned to other staff, saying "I want this place up, and running, NOW! I want patrols ready, within the hour". When the captain came out of her office, asking "And, just WHAT is going on, hhere?" The official would call, over the captains head "Has the fax come through, yet?" When an officer would say "I will check", The official would inform the captain As soon as the fax arrives..." Then, the officer would inform the police captain "Hot, off the printer.", then hand the captain the sheets, of printer paper. This, while the captain would address the officer, while looking at the official "WHAT does it say?" The officer would say "Basically, it says that the police department has been returned to the control of Homeland Security". When several police officers would groan, at this news, the federal official would spout "Thats right, "ladies". The federal government is in command. This, until the current threat, to national security, has been defined, and dealt with". When the captain would ask the official "Would you mind telling ME the reason, for your return? As well as what you hope to find". The Homeland Security official would say "Captain", most sarcastically "We are here, under FEDERAL approval. If you question our authority, I suggest you call the White House". This would be when Abigail Mills would invoke some of Ichabod Cranes somewhat dramatic, yet, at times, very useful, colonial English, as Abby would step forward, asking the federal official "Please pardon our concern, however, the citizens, of this community, are in severe apprehension, concerning the knowledge of federal soldiers, armed with powerful, automatic, weapons, are appearring, on public thoroughfares. Our citizens would appreciate the knowledge of your purpose, for invoking federal control". When a federal agent would say "What a mouthful", The senior agent would inform Abby "Your inquiry is note-worthy, officer. If I had more inforomation, available, to me, you would be the very first person whom I would inform. Most un-fortunately, at the present time, all that I have are rumors, of people, "falling to Earth", and not from aircraft, or rooftoops." When the police captain would ask "Where, and, when, did these events occur?" The agent would say "Maybe 48-72 hours ago." When the police captain turned to Abigail Mills, saying "My office, NOW", Abby, dutifully, followed along, as the captain entered her own, private office. When the police captain had Abigaill Mills behind her closed, office, door, then asked "Just what the Hell was that all about?" When Abby asked "What do you mean?" The police captain would say "All that formal English. Trying to "make points" with the feds?" Abby would correct, saying "I was trying to secure information. You understand, captain, that we have citizens, out there, who are "in hiding", while federal soliders are marching, in our streets. The citizens will need information, to retain thheir sense of safety. I, simply, defined our needs, to the feds". When the captain would ask "And WHAT happens WHEN the feds find out?" Abby would look out, of the captains office windows, see a federal agent, with a "listening device", pointed at the captains office, and Abby would write the captain the message: "The feds are listening. We need to close your office blinds". When the captain just stared, at Mills, Abby would ask "Do you mind if I do it?" The captain would nod, as Abby slipped about the rooom, turning the blinds, to "privacy" mode. When the captain would ask Mills "WHY would the feds be listening to US? After all, we ARE the police" Abby would remind the captain "That does not matter. To Homeland Security, EVERYONE is an "enemy", until Homeland Security decides otherwise". When the captain would ask "HOW do you know that the feds are listening?" Abby would say "One of the federal agents is using a laser-enhanced, listening, device. The same kind I read about, when I was trying for Quantico. The laser "reads" vibrations, of the human voice, on glass, just like the glass of your office". When the captain would ask "Then, WHY close the blinds?" Abby would say "Hopefully, the plastic, of the blinds, will reflect most of the sound vibrations BACK, into the room." It was not long, after the blinds were closed, that the senior, federal, official would knock, on the captains door, asking "Ladies, would you care to join us?" It was as the captain was exiting her office, that Homeland Security would state "You know, captain. When you act, in "secret", that makes you suspicious, to us". Then, someone else would ask "What doesn't make us suspicious?", while the captain would ask "Does it, really?" It would be only when everyone was assembled, that a federal agent would begin the briefing. "As we now, an un-defined "event", recently occurred, in this vicinity. At present, we have identified the location, where the event occurred. The location is at your communities larrgest shopping mall. We, also, know that an un-defined number, of persons, simply appearred, at this location, as if "out of thin air". "The problem is, we do not know who they are, how many, or whence they came. Un-fortunattely, we, also, have no leads, as to their form of travel." When a police officer would ask "Then, what Do you know?" The federal agent would say "We BELIEVE that, since no one has been reported leaveing this area, recently, that the un-knowns remain in the arrea. Washington D.C. has provided permission, for a door-to-door search, for the unknowns." When the police officer would ask "And what do you want US to do?" The federal agent would say "HANDLE any resistence, from the local population". When another police officer would ask "You mean ARREST our own people? Just because they resist you troops MARCHING into their homes?" The federal agent would say "Washington has given us written authority, and control. If necessary, your peoples resistence will be met with detention and, if necessary, with "enhanced interrogation. Am I clear?" This is when another officer would suggest "You mean, torturing our people, for resisting an invasion of privacy?" Abby would turn to the captain, saying "There is a better way". When both the captain, and the senior, federal, agent, would say "I'm listening." at the same time, Abby would suggest "Let the police department handle the searches. Our people KNOW us, and, I think, WE can do the job, with more civility". Before the police captain could say a word, the senior, federal, officer would say "You have two hours. After that, the federal government takes over." When Abby would respond "Thats impossible. This town is too big. We need atleast a couple of days." The senior, federal, official would say "Un-acceptable. We need to locate the unknowns, NOW. Either you find them, within the next two hours, or I invoke federal priority, and get the job done, by nightfall." Afterr this, and although desk officers would begin making phone calls, requesting the publics cooperation, even Abby mills would understand why the public had questions. What really made Abby, and her fellow officers, really irate was how, after just one hours worth of searching, the senior, federal, agent would inform the police "You've had your chance. Your search is taking way too long. I am invoking national defense priority. This town will be searched, fully and completely, by nightfall. Any resistence will be placed behind bars, by nightfall. This is when the federals brought in "battering rams", to smash in doors. This, even as the police called people, asking "Tell your neighbors.. Unless they want homes smashed to bits, have front doors open, and step aside, when the soldiers come in". When panicked townspeople would ask "Whats going on?" The police would say "No time to explain. Just do it". The police could do nothing more than to comfort many citizens, even as federal soldiers, under Homeland Security orders, began smashing doors off of hinges, which often, lead to screams, from tenants, who cowered, in fear. As people ran from their homes, while soldiers charged inside, a police officer would tell Abby Mills "No way will this thing end, well". Then, there were the times when Homeland Security MARCHED people out of homes. When Homeland Security MARCHED the people out, in flexicuffs, telling police "This one refuses to cooperate. Take them to a holding cell. Hold them until they decide to talk". By the numbers, of reports, flowing into the police station, more than twenty homes had been smashed, before word spread far enough, and the feds found doors wide open, and terrified citizens, trying to stay clear of the feds. Still, when federal agents BARKED at citizens "Tell me where the unknowns are", and citizens just looked, baffled, at the feds, then feds would say "FIne, more for "Enhanced Interrogation"." By nightfall, most of the city was either facing "Enhanced Interrogation", or awaiting interrogation. Even with this accomplished, as well as over $20 million, in property damage, the feds were annoyed that the "unknowns" had not yet been apprehended. Not even identified. Add to this the fact that the lie detectors showed that ALL of the people were "lying". After all, it is a known fact that lie detectors read stress, and heart, levels. "Spikes" allegedly indicate "lies". During the federal attack, on the private homes, every stressed out citizen, who was tested, on the machine, was shown to be lying. And why not? Homes were smashed, and family members dragged away, like animals, What else would be expected, under these conditions? And it sure did not help to have federal agents SHOUTING questions into peoples faces, such as "I DEMAND to know..." Every member, of the police force, understood why readings claimed that people were "lying". Who would NOT be stressed, under these circumstances? The time, when the police captin did step in, and ordered the feds to "Stand Down", was when Homeland Seurity decided to "make an example", of four men, whom Homeland Seccurity FELT, were NOT "cooperating". It was when the men were cuffed, to the bars, of prison cells, then Homeland Security began beating the men, with night-stcks, while shouting at the victims "Tell me what I want to know!" This is when the police captain would step into the cell-block, saying "Stand Down!". When the federal agents would reply "WE have juridsdiction, here. This is a matter of national security.", as the feds continued beating the men. The police captain would say "I dont care if the popes life is at stake. This is your last chance". This is when the federal agents would hear the click, of fire-arms being cocked, then the agents would turn to the police captain, and say "Lady, you are committing TREASON!" The police captain would say "I dont CARE. I am preventing a capital crime." When the federal agents placed night-sticks on the cell-floor, then stared at the police captain, as the agents departed the cell, police medics, soon gave medical care, to the "interrogation" victims. One of the victims would ask "What was it that they wanted to know, anyway?" To the relief, of the mercenaries, located OUTSIDE of town, and near the weapons range, when their scouts reported that the feds were focusing on the inner city, most of the members felt a deep sigh, of relief. This is because some of the mercenarries had, at one time, been "administrators" of "Enhanced Interrogation", and had resigned, from the service, over this practice. Now, the mercenaries made a pact,. If Homeland Security dared come near the mercenaries camp, the fighters were ready to "go down, defending themselves". This pact, however, would not be necessary, as word came down, that a terrified local had told Homeland Security about a strange "hole", which appearred, in the sky, over the shopping mall. It seems that, when the woman was dragged, to the site, courtesy of some "attention", from some night-sticks, and asked then the woman was asked "You know what these are for, right?" The terrified woman showed the federal agents where the "hole" had formed. Shortly after the woman showed agents the spot, she fainted, in shock. When a federal agent kicked the womans body, growling "Get up!", a voice, from thhe crowd, said "Cant you see. She's in shock". When two Homeland Security agents "charged" the crowd, found the source, of the voice, and barked "You! Forward!" When the doctor came forward, the doctor was dragged to the un-conscious woman, then a federal agent showed the doctor a night-stick, saying "You see THIS. You have exactly two minutes, to wake her up, or we use this". When the doctor would say "No promises", A federal agent struck the doctor, across the back, with a night-stick, then asked "What was that?" The doctor would say "Rapid pulse, Pupils dialated. Deep shock. Complete, mental, shutdown". When the agennt would growl "Speak English", The doctor would say "Deep shock. She will be "out", for days, maybe weeks, or even months. Impossible to say". When the federal agent moved close, to the doctor, whispering, menacingly "I am under authority, of the U.S. government to protect this nation, at ANY, and ALL, costs. You have thirty minutes, to wake her up, or I will use my authority. Do you understand?" When doctor, and "patient", were taken to a waiting van, the doctor would look out of the one-way glass, whispering "monsters". This because the doctor knew there was no way to FORCE a person out of a coma. The doctor would just have to face a federal beating, herself. While the doctor was treating the un-conscious woman, federal agents would receive more, bad, news. Once a Forensics team arrived, at the mall, and the agents asked for a scan, for finger-prints. When the head, of the Forensics team told the federal agents "You are kidding, ofcourse." When the federal agents asked "Why would we be kidding?" The Forensics tam leader would say "You do understand that this is a SHOPPING mall. That means thousands of people, past this spot, every, single, day". When the federal agent would say "I am only interested in the finger-prints, from one day, NOT the whole life story, of the mall". The Forensics worker would "spell it out", for the agent: "Look, this place is full of people, on weekdays, and weekends are even worse. I can guarantee you tens of thousands, of partials, but I WONT guarantee any, full, sets". Even after this explanation, the federal agents ordered the scan, which showed exactly what the Forensics team said it would show. Over 50,000 "hits", on "partials". When the federal agents demanded to know whichh sets, of prints, were from the day in question, Forensics would say "Good Luck". Soon after this, a soldier came, from the medic van, and informed the agent of the doctors message. "The doctor says you have two choices. Take the pair, to a hospital, for proper treatment, or shoot them, both, here and now". While the federal agents were enraged, at the events, of the day, miles away, inside the coven, Ichabod's questions, about Katrina's "loyalties", were in doubt, even as the coven called forth Katrina's spirit. This, the coven did only after informing Ichabod, of how the warlock had used his dark magic, to manipulate Katrinna's will. Granted, even the coven knew that Katrina was not "perfect", however, on the plus side, Katrina had been caring, even if not totally, honest. When Ichabod asked "How might I insure her trust, in the future?" The coven members responded by asking Ichabod how Katrina could trust, in him, again, especially after he had given up Abigails soul, to Purgatory, for his wifes soul. It would be only with the covens promise, that any deception WOULD be DEALT with, that Ichabod Crane would agree to allow Katrina's spirit to manifest, inside the coven. Back, at the police station, when Homeland Security would inform the police captain that "We CAN, and WILL, transport, the prisoners, to another location, if you refuse to cooperate with our procedures". The police captains only response, to this, was "Let me help you pack". (The police captain did instruct her officers NOT to cheer, or make jokes, as Homeland Security personnel prepared to depart Sleepy Hollow). In fact, the federal agent gave local law enforcement nothing, other than a "cold shoulder", as the feds packed, to leave. What the police could not believe was when the feds took their twelve prisoners OUT of the jail, trussed up like the people, who were headed for maximum security prison. It was only after the feds completely cleared out that Abigail Mills would ask the captain "Now, that the feds are gone, would you explain to me the reason why we did not inform the feds that it was US who fell from the portal?" When the captain responded, by asking "Did you not SEE those prisoners? Do you really want the SAME treatment?" When Abigail would say "There must be a way", the captain would say "Not with those federals. All they care about is prosecution". When Abigail would ask "What about Katrina's coven? Surely, they will alibi us". TThe captain would say "Oh, sure. We just tell the feds that our alibi is a coven, of witches. I am sure that a federal judge would just LOVE to hear that one". When Abigail would ask "What do we do, for those innocent people?" When the captain said "Its out of my hands. The feds will deal with it" Abigail could not believe her ears. This is when Abigail would leave the police station, and set out, to see Jenny. On the drive, to thhe mercenaries camp, Abigail would drive past several of the homes, which Homeland Security had "raided", and glimpsed people, cleaning up property, while handymen re-hung doors, and jambs. Thinking back, on the battle, at the police station, Abigail wondered WHICH group had done the most damage, to the town. The horsemen, of War, and the Hessian soldiers, or Homeland Security. To Abby, it was a "toss-up". By the time Abigail reached the mercenaries camp, she found that the soldiers already knew not only WHAT had happened, but where the prisoners were being taken, as well. Abby's concern, though, was that, just because these people knew that the prisoners were innocent, this group was preparring to do open battle, with federal authorities. In fact, Abby was just about to call in the proposed assault when Jenny stopped by the car, to ask her sister "Dont the prisoners mean anything, to you? I mean, they are our friends, and neighbors" When Abby would interrrupt, saying "And you are about to commit a felony, by trying to rescue them" When Jenny would ask "What other hope do they have? You have SEEN what happens, to the Gitmo detainees. How can you let that happen, to our friends, and neighbors?" Abby had no "easy answers", for this. All she knew was that, if a felony was about to take place, Abby had a duty, as a deputy sheriff. Then, Abby had an idea. She would drive into town, and report, directly, to the captain. No one needed to know that, along the way, Abby had stopped by the covens headquaters. Sttill, after departing the mercenaries camp, Abby decided to call in, on her cruisers radio. For some rason, though, all the radio gave her was static. Abby's next choice would have been her cell-phone, only she remembered that she had left the unit inside her locker, inside her bag, which was at the police station. As Abby thought "Swell!" in-communicado, until she could have maintenance look over her cars radio. By the time Abby reached the coven, it seems that the Wiccans were, already, aware, and planning to assist the innocent. As for Katrina, Abby noticed that Katrina looked about as human, as any, live, person. What Abby would ask Crane "Whats up?" Crane would say "What is "up", as you call it, id that the sisterhood is preparing a non-lethal way to free the prisoners." When Abby asked "I meant, what is Katrina doing here?" Crane would say "She appears to be making an appearance, of ammends, for past actions". When Abby would ask "Are you serious?" Crane would say "Most serious. In fact, the coven believes in Katrina's innocence. The priestess is adamant about proving Katrina's loyalty, to the coven. The coven appears to be of the unified thought, in the matter of proclaiming Katrina's loyalty." When Abby would ask "What about the bell, and the warlock?" Crane would say "It would appear that the coven membership are of the unified opinion, that Katrina was, at the time of the event, under the warlocks influence. Now, it seems that Katrina has been released, from this bond, and the coven want to know where Katrina's true loyalties lie". When the coven came up with a plan, to rescue the innocent, Abby would have felt certain that the activity would include explosives, and a shoot-out, with Homeland Security. This is why, when the priestess suggested a peaceful approach, Abby was not certain that the coven would be able to act as was being suggested. The basic concept, of acting, while the prisoners remained enroute, remained the center, of each groups plans. Abby, however, would only learn of the coven, monitoring the prisoner transport, when the priestess provided Abby with the trucks specifications. As the priestess woulld inform Abby, "collecting" the prisoners, and releasing their burdens, would not be a difficult process. What would be most difficult would be protecting the innocent, from Homelands "wrath". Especially once Homeland Security realized that its "prisoners" had vanished. Would Homeland Security return to Sleepy Hollow? 100% certain. Would Homeland Security tear the town, to pieces, looking for the "fugitives"? Most, or very, likely. This is why the coven was working on a two-part solution, to the problem. The first part would be freeing the innocent. The second part involved proptecting the innocent from federal reprisals. The best, if only, solution, which the coven came up with, was an amnesia spell. The plan would be to cast a "forget" spell, to produce the effect that, for up to one year, the innocent would not remember even who they were. The innocent would, of course, be hospitalized, under the generic term of "John Doe". As a further safeguard, the innocent would NOT be "grouped", at the same hospital. The innocent would be spread out, across America, in such a fashion, that it would take Sherlock Holmes to deduce the pattern. The only part, of the whole thing, which Abby had a problem with, was the fact that Katrina was involved. Warlocks influence, or no, Katrina was on Abby's "bad side", and it would take a LOT more covincing, before Abby would trust the woman, ever again. By the time Abby would return, to police headquarters, the station was "alive", with the story, that a federal prison transport, was found by the roadside, by a passing trooper. According to the incoming reports, "terrorist attack", and "freak accident", were being rulled OUT, since there was no evidennce of damage, to the van, nor to the drivers, on-board. The reports said the guards were sufferring Amnesia. Cause unknown. As for the transports "prisoners", although the "cage" remained intact, with no signs, of forced entry, the "prisoners" were gone, as if "into thin air". Abby would smile, as she thought "Oh, my god! They did it. The coven did it, and without shedding blood." Ofcourse, Homeland Security marched right back into town, demanding a house-by-house search. Homeland Security had even brought in two battallions, of federal soldiers, to aid in the search. Thankfully, in order to secure the search warrant, Homeland Security had been forced to seek permission, from a state legislator, who had e-mailled the Sleepy Hollow police. When the message read "I am asking for FULL cooperation, on this matter. Give Homeland Security whatever they want". This is why the captain came before the stations officers, saying "Listen up, people. Homeland Security thinks Sleepy Hollow is sheltering the "prisoners". This is why they are returning, with a regiment, of federal soldiers. As a result, I want each of you to contact as many people as possible, and inform the people to allow Homeland FULL freedom of movement. Remind our citizens that, the faster this raid is over with, the faster our lives return to normal." Even as the captain was issuing this statement, the senior, Homeland Security, agent, would be cautioning a few, heavily-armed, troops: "Expect great resistence. Keep weapons "hot" and "ready" at all times. Be prepared for radical resistence. Use night-sticks, when possible, however, I am certain that lethal force will be approved, if necessary." The problem, which Homeland Security found, upon arrival, at Sleepy Hollow, was that block after block, of homes, which the convoy passed, all saw that homes had doors wide open, with families standing, well off, to the side. When the U.S. Army soldiers saw this, as well, and a private asked their lieutenant "Do you, really, think we will need the "battering ram"? There was a collective sigh of reief, as the lieutenant said "If all the houses are like these, there is no need to even un-pack the "battering rram". We will un-pack the device ONLY if we find need, to use it. Although Homeland Security was performing like this was another 9/11, the soldiers deployed just as they had been training to do. What infuriated Homeland Security, even more than the wide open doors, and subservient occupants, was how often the agents kept hearing the word "clear", as soldiers exited houses. After hearing this, thirty times, a Homeland agent would tackle a home-owner, nearly starngling the man, while growling "Tell me where the terrorists are". When the terrified home owner would croak out "Iraq? Af-ghan-istan?" the Homelnd agent would begin punching the home owner, but only until Sleepy Hollow police put weapons, to the agents head. Once warned, that the police would fire, and the agent said "I am a federal agent, and **I** have authority, here." The police officers would say "Not to torture the people, of Sleepy Hollow". When the agent would growl "But, they are terrorist sympathizers!", and the police would ask "You have proof of this?", The agent would say "We have an empty truck, and guards, in the hospital" When the police asked "Do you have proof this THIS man was part of that?" The agent lowered the man, to the ground, and, with weapons still trained on the agents head, the agent would tell police "Interrrupting an interrogation. You must be terrorists sympathizers, yourselves". After two police officers took the agent away, at gun -point, the lead officer would accept a med-kit, from another officer, and begin treating the home-owners injuries. By the time Homeland Security had assaulted five, other, home-owners, during a search of 85 homes, and produced no results, the police captain would get tough, with Homeland Security, telling them "Take your goon squad and get OUT of my town. If you return, for ANY reason, I will shoot each of you, myself." The senior, federal, agent would no-sooner say "So, threatening a federal officer. I guess you dont CARE about that badge, after all" By this time, an army captain would report in, to the group, saying "Agent, we have finished the canvas. No sign of the suspects". When the agent would say "Impossible! The search cannot be over, this quick!" The soldier would say "All of my units have reported in. All they have found is open doors, and citizens, keeping well to the side". The police captain could see the deadly rage, behind the federal agents eyes, and knew the agent was thinking "If only I had a reason, I would burn this place, to the ground." Instead, in a menacing voice, the agent would tell the police captain "We WILL be watching", then, along with the soldiers, the agents would load up, and leave town. After the feds departed, the police captain would ask Abby "Just WHERE did the suspects end up?" All Abby would ask was "Do you really want to know?" The police captain would say "Not really. Just required to ask". Abby would say "Understood". As for Jenny, and the mercenaries, when word reached them, that the blitzkrieg was called off, the soldiers returned to camp, to celebrate not taking a drop of blood. This was a GOOD day. As for the rumors, of three women, "dropping from the sky", and into a shopping center, this, soon, became an "urban myth", told round camp fres. After all, who ever heard of people "falling, out of thin air"" Especially without parachutes. When the captain, Abigail, and Jenny, were reviewed, by a psychiatrist, all three agreed to say "We were out of town, and lost all track of time. Thats all it was". The psychiatrist cleared all three women. As for Ichabod, and Katrina, Crane, Ichabod remained wary of his wife. And not due to the warlocks influence, either. Ichabods concern remained over all the secrets, which Katrina had kept, since colonial times. Crane wondered how many other secrets Katrina had. And this left the question, of hw a marriage, could be based upon secrets. All Katrina would say, to Ichabod, was "When you are prepared to converse, on the matter, at hand, you will know where to locate me". All Crane could say was "As you wish, my lady".

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