Tuesday, November 17, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE WHITE HOUSE THREAT To say that Tami and I were shocked to be called in, on such a case, would be the worst understatement of the day. This is because it is, widely, known, and understood, that death threats, against any member, of the first family, are investigated, and prosecuted, by the U.S. Secret Service. As far as Tami, myself, or even Mr. Brown, knew, SENDING death threats, to any member, of the first family, was a felony. An act which could lead an offender, regardless of race, age, or gender, to an easy life sentence, even if the treats are not made public. This is the reason why Tami and I were so puzzled, as to the reason why WE were being asked, to investigate. Sure, the current president had plans, to tax the super-rich, in order to cover the costs of creation of a new jobs program, and that this was un-popular, especially among the top 0.001% of America's super-rich, however, most curiously, the death threat was not made, directly, against either the president, or the vice president. According to the Secret Service, even the general public was acknowledging the amazing resemblance between the current First Lady, and another First Lady, from a time of about 150 years before. According to the file, both First Ladies were well-educated (for their day), and both women were advocates, for public school improvements, emphasizing the current lack of quality, of school lunches. Both ladies had, also, gone, on the public record, denouncing public drunkeness. The media even compared the contents, of the current First Ladies reports, on how public drunkeness should be driven into the "Shadows of Shame" (In other words, the First ladies meant: If one wants to get drunk, they shall perform this act, in the privacy of their own homes. NOT on "display", for the general public), with the media comparing the contents, of the former First Ladies positions, with the current First Ladies positions. Granted, the media was correct, about atleast one thing, and that was that both First Ladies were "radiant beauties", who had the grace of ballerina's. But, this was where the comparison ended. Although the current First Lady could make even a navy blue dress suit appear fashionable, the previous First Lady had found different ways to make the ball-gowns, of her day, more comfortable, and even appealling, to the observer. Sure, the First Ladies builds were similar, even according to White House historical records, but the difference was that each womans facial features were her own. A person would have to be "falling down", or "passing out", drunk, to see any comparisons between the jet black hair, of the previous First Lady, and the much lighter hair, of the current First Lady. Then came the reason why the Secret Service had asked the Brown Agency to investigate the death threats. Although the letters, to the current First Lady, implied of the First Lady being "tortured to death", if the First Lady did not agree to "Stop paving the lower reaches (low income people), of society" the Secret Service had noticed that, throughout the letter, the First Lady was being referred to as "Kitty". When Mr. Brown informed Tami and I "The Secret Service has, already, verified that the former First Lady was nicknamed "Kitty", by those who adored her. "It seems" Mr. Brown would say "That the former First Lady had a habit, of snuggling up, to people, and even purring, like a kitten, if this is what it took to encourage people to endorse her husbands proposals. Ofcourse, it could, also, be the fact that, by contrast, she could bare her teeth, snarl, and even scratch, like a feral feline, against those who tried to block her husband, or demean his work". When Tami would ask "If the warnings are recent, then why bother with a couple of "ghost investigators"? Wouldn't the F.B.I. be a better choice, for tracking this down?" Mr. Brown would say "The F.B.I., C.I.A., and even Homeland Security, are, already, on the case. The problem is that there are just some things which have no quick-and-easy answers. I have agreed, with the feds that, IF the First Lady is, truly, in danger, we must act, to prevent this". When I asked "Problems?, Dangers? Like what?" Mr. Brown would say "Problems such as the finger-prints, on the notes. Finger-prints which, acccording to the feds, came from the hand of a person, who has been dead for 125 years. When Tami would ask What aren't you telling us?", Mr. Brown would say "Before I tell you anymore, I must have you sign these, federal, non-disclosure, forms." After Tami and I signed the forms, Mr. Brown showed us a copy, of the original notes. The first thing that Tami noticed was the graceful handwriting. A good comparison, of writing style, would be the Declaration of Independence. Another example would be the Bill of Rights. Then, there was the vocabulary, of the author. The author had used the same phrase style, in the modern letters, as had been used, in the days when "Kitty" was the First Lady. The notes also did not mention "torture", by NAME, however, the notes spelled out the authors intentions, using the diction of more colonial times. It was Tami who asked "Is it possible that the author somehow acccessed an old document? Maybe some personal item, which the national archives has failed to catalogue?' Mr. Brown would say "Yes, due to the content, of the note, even the F.B.I. thought of the same thing. As far as even the best analysts can tell, though, this note is "genuine", since all, previous, threats, made against "Kitty", were catalogued, over a century ago". When Tami would ask "What about a copy-cat? Maybe someone who has been studying the First Ladies?" Mr. Brown would say "Already under consideration. What the feds want us to do is to dis-prove any rumor, that spirits might be involved. The Secret Service is, also, asking that time-travel be ruled out". "So", Tami would say "The feds want US to prove that the author, of these threats, is a living, breathing, person." Mr. Brown would say "Essentially correct". After Tami and I had the case file, all to ourselves, Tami's first question would be "If the current First Lady is the authors target, then WHY mention the former First Lady. A woman who has been dead, more than a century?" All I could think of was "Maybe, to throw off the trail, of suspicion. Maybe, it is to make everyone think its some "looney", in the hopes that the Secret Service will lower their guard. Maybe, the author wants to make it easier, possibly, to kidnap the First Lady" When I reviewed the enclosed list, of "potential suspects", I was impressed to see my own name listed, as well. When Tami saw the list, and asked "Something I should know?" I gave Tami a brief summary, of some correspondence, regarding a former "president", and Tami told me "You are lucky that you are not in prison, or worse, dead. That man was a real "nut-job", while in office. Everyone knew it". All true, but, atleast, to me, "ancient history". The current concern was the question of whom, on that list, would be most likely to want to harm the First Lady. And WHY her, when her husband was the nations leader. She was "just a spouse". Still, I promised Tami "You can rule me OUT, of this threat business. The author shows a real writing style, which shows a real grasp, of English, Grammar, and Composition. As for me, I NEVER passed an English class, in my life". Tami would suggest "I wonder if a person might use "spell-checker", maybe set for classic English, in order to produce this writing style. You know, there are scanners, on the market, now, which allow people to scan documents, and even duplicate hand-writing, inside the program." When I reminded Tami "You are talking about very expensive software, there. Not the kind of money, which either pranksters, or loonies, would have". This also left the question of not only where did the author place hands, on a century old note, but, also, WHERE did the author find century old finger-prints? When Mr. Blue submitted Tami's question, to Mr. Black (the firms computer wizard), Mr. Black asked for twelve hours, for the results. It would seem that Mr. Black had another case, which he wanted to conclude, first, so he needed the extra hours. When Mr. Black presented his findings, describing how the act could have been accomplished, Mr. Browns main question was "How much would all of this software COST?" Mr. Black would say "For the level of sophistication, in these messages, I would propose a cost of $300,000, to $500,000." Mr. Brown would, then, deflate our "triumph", by stating "The C.I.A. already considered this possibility, and dismissed it. The agency says that any computer would leave "tell-tale" traces, which the agency's lab's would have detected." When Tami would ask "What about descendants? You know, grand-children, etc? If the First Lady had people, who did not like her opinions, then what would there be to stop parents from teaching children the parents own hatred, for the First Lady?" Mr. Brown would ask "Are you suggesting that someone's great-great-whatever is seeking revenge, for a 150 year old grudge?" Tami would only say "I am only suggesting that parents, often, teach children various "lessons", based upon family values, and history. For example: The Roman-Catholic Church "pounds" church "doctrine", into its young people, from the day of birth, until death. The Vatican, often tells their followers what to think, and so on." Mr. Black would say "That may be true. Look at me, for example. IF my parents had it their way, I would have been a bus driver, or garbage collector, by now. To "encourage" my "development", dad even took away my computer, and video-games. I could just never make the man happy. To this day, he is "peeved", that I decided to work in computers". Mr. Brown would admit that, he, too, had been a dis-appointment, to his parents. They had wanted him to become a priest. He would admit "I just could not give up the "pleasures of the flesh", just to study the Bible. I am only human, like the rest of you." Tami knew that her own parents had wanted a much different life, for their "baby girl". Her mother had tried, so dilligently, and for so many years, trying to impart, to her daughter, the "Joy's of Marriage, and Family". Tami understood that her mother had been broken-hearted, when the woman learned that Tami viewed her mothers life as more of a "prison", than a "paradise". Sometimes, though, Tami did wonder what might have been? This is why, more often, Tami had to restrain her emotions, especially around me. Yes, it IS true, that Tami and I had seen one anothher, nude, in the past, however, to be fair, it was all in the line of duty. For example: There was the time, at the lodge, by the lake, when neither Tami nor I had any idea that we were being "set-up". Had we known what was planned, for us, we would, never have accepted the offer, to begin with. On THAT case, it seems that Tami and I were coming too close, to solving a mystery, and, as a result, some local citizens decided to "burn us out". When the lodge caught fire, Tami and I dove out of the building, through the kitchen windows, then dived into the nearby lake, to make sure we were not on fire. Funny thing was though that, once the flames were extinguished, Tami stood, before me, all but nude, yet her first concern had been the pond water "damage", to her hair. When Tami saw her reflection, lit by the fire, in the waters surface, she told me "Dont look at me. I look dreadful". When I let out a laugh, and sat beside the pond, for a moment, Tami had asked me "WHATS so funny?", and I told her "You", Tami would retort "YOU don t look so great, yourself", and I said "Exactly!" Since it would seem that nothing, beyond our socks, and undergarments, had survived the fire, Tami and I had used the cover of darkness to return to the plane, where we "camped out", until the case was resolved. Still, Tami remembered looking at my libido, and wondering... Then, Tami had to pull herself back to the present, when Mr. Brown spoke to her. Tami had to blush, though, as she realized how moist her undergarments were, at the memory, of the fire. Tami would have to excuse herself, from the meeting, long enough to tend to her clothing. When Tami would return, asking "What did I miss?", Mr. Borwn was asking "Tami, I was wondering how the research is going" When Tami slipped, asking "What research?", Mr. Brown would remind her "By now, I would have expected that you would, atleast, have created a time-line, for these events" Although she would never admit it, Tami was having a hard time focusing on the meeting. Although we, of the males members, of the agency offices, would, never, notice it, Tami KNEW that the smiles, from the female staff members, meant that the women understood what it had meant, when Tami had ducked into the ladies room, a moment before. Tami had blushed a very deep red, even as another woman handed her some deodorant, then said "Girl, whoever the lucky man is, I HOPE he got a real good whiff of you". (Tami hoped, and PRAYED, for just the opposite). Once she had cleaned up, and wiped that stupid smile OFF of her face, Tami had returned to the meeting, where Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, and Mr. Black, were taking turns suggesting the best way to proceed. After all, it was the First Lady's safety which was being discussed. Even I could understand the urgency, of the situation. After all, the current First Lady was equally respected, and adored, as both Mrs. Clinton, and Mrs. Obama, had been. In fact, there had been many times when the current First Lady had been compared to these, fine, women. This was yet ANOTHER rason why Mr. Brown was so determined, to help the feds. There was not a single person, at this firm, who had any ill feelings in regards to the First Lady. We were at a loss to understand why anyone would want to harm this woman. Sure, there was the fact that, during a two-week tour, of the southern states, the First Lady had been scheduled to visit various, historic, sites. The First Lady had even informed the media that she wanted to know MORE, about the each states side, in the Civil War. That and the reason why, to this day, Southerners were distant, to Northerners. The trip was cancelled, though, when ANOTHER note, which gave details of how the First Lady would appear, when hanging from a church steeple, her body visible, to everyone and all, for up to a mile distant. Although this note had been delivered, just as a previous one had been: via a package delivery service, when investigators questioned delivery service staffers, all that anyone could remember was that the bearer, of the note, was dressed like a proper gentleman, of colonial days. Most staff did not pay any attention, to the man, since there was a colonial festival in operation, and delivery service staffers thought that man was just an actor, mailing a package, during a break. How were they to know the man was delivering a threat, to the First Lady's safety? Now, Tami and I were beginning to see the "picture". The culprit(s) were history buff's, and, who better to twart a history buff, than a couple of "ghost investors". People who dealt with the "past", on a regular basis. Still, this left the question of a "copy-cat", a spirit, or a descendent. When Tami regained her "wits", she would suggest "I would like to check out that threat, about hanging the body from a church steeple." When Mr. Brown would ask "For what reason? The trip was cancelled". Tami would suggest "Yes, thats correct, but, what I want to know is HOW the criminal proposed to lift the body, through a church, up to the steeple, and hang it out, in view. All without anyone noticing". Mr. Blue would say "Very good point. Unless the criminal planned to lure the First Lady to the steeple, then kill her, in the rafters". Mr. Brown would ask "Since when would the Secret Service be stupid enough to let the First Lady out of their sight, long enough for someone to kill her, and pose her body?" Granted, the plan was full of flaws, but, maybe that is what Tami was after. Trying to find the flaw, in the situation. After all, how many times had Tami found some vital clue, to a case, just by being observant? With Mr. Brown's approval, Tami was preparing to take a commuter shuttle, to the village, where the threat said that the First Lady's body was to be displayed, while I was stuck with the worst possible duty. Sitting in front of a computer terminal, reviewing colonial fashions, and vocabulary. (Two things I could not care LESS about). It would seem, though that Tami was "batting 1,000", when the Secret Service learned of her destination, and offered her a seat, on a federal plane. Agency rationale, for the gesture? Tami was headed for the same, general, area, so it would not cost more jet fuel. Beyond that, Tami was working, to protect the First Lady's safety, just as the Service was. The only "parting of ways" would occur at the destination. Here, the Secret Service was to set up a security detail, for the vice presidents coming visit, to the area. SInce Tami's own car was parked in the belly, of Ghost Ship One, the federal motor pool would assign her a car (and driver). About this, Tami would not complain, especially after she learned that the driver was familiar with the area. At the church, though, Tami found some very real problems, with the plan, which might have ended the First Lady's life. The primary issue was that, when Tami reached the only church, which would meet the description, contained within the note, Tami would have to ask the senior pastor about the reason why the entrance, to the steeple stairwell, was locked. When the minister would say "It is not to prevent sabotage, nor criminal activity. This is a house, of the Lord. All are welcome." When Tami would say "I need to ask. Why is this door locked, if the church is open, to all?" The minister would say "It is not, widely, known, but, church records show that, maybe 170 years ago, before the doors were locked, some young boys made their way to the steeple, and it seems they were "playing around", when two of them fell, to their deaths. After that, and with community backing, the church installed the first locks, both the door, before us, and the hatch, in the steeple." When Tami would ask "Who else knows of the keys, and locks?", the minister would say "Dear girl, although the locks are not "secret", local people know it is forbidden, for anyone, other than church personnel, to climb to the steeple." When Tami would say "So, if a person wanted to pull any kind of a stunt..." The minister would say "They would not only have to force this lock, but they would have to make enormous noise, using a crow-bar, to force the top hatch." When Tami would add "So, sneaking in, quietly, would be impossible", The minister would say "Just as I informed the Secret Service. Whomever sent that message knows nothing of church practices." When Tami would ask "By the way, just how long has the steeple been under lock and key?" The minister would say "Since just after the childrens deaths. There was great mourning, yet the locksmith placed three other orders on hold, until our locks were installed, and tested." When Tami would ask "You said, Over a century ago. I am just curious, about the DATE, of the incident, and the death of the boys. On what date did this happen?" The minister would say "I would need to examine church records, for this information. What I dont understand is what the tragic death, of two, young, people, has to do with a threat to the presidents wife". Tami would suggest "I just want to "cover the bases". My boss will want to know." For some reason, although the Secret Service had completed its work, hours before, it seems that the contingent waited around, for Tami to re-join them, before flying back to base. As the team leader promised Tami "It did not delay us, at all. We just finished our paper-work, while we waited for you. Now, we can, ALL, fly back, on the tax-payers dime." Back at base, Tami would have to report "The person, who is sending those threats, has NOT done their "home-work" very well". When Mr. Bown would say "Explain", Tami would say "The minister showed me the locks, which keep people OUT of the steeple. Locks, which were installed over a century ago, after two boys fell to their deaths, from the steeple. The minister promised it is NO secret, that the locks are in place. The community ASKED for the locks. Also, only the church staff have keys, and the minister states that, even if the inside door could be forced, the hatch, in the steeple, would make enough noise, to draw anyones attention, if it were forced." When Mr. Brown would ask "So, may I inform the Secret Service that they are looking at a terrible prank?" I would be the one to say "No, sir. I do not believe that this is a prank. Not based upon my own research, of fashions, and vocabulary." When Mr. Brown would say "Explain", I would say "Its like this. Although no one, today, wears such clothes, or acts in this fashion, except for re-enactments, the problem is that the man, who delivered the letter, to the delivery service, is too natural. It is as if he is LIVING the part, not acting." When Mr. Brown would ask "So what? Many actors assume roles, after months, or years, of performances" I would suggest "I do not think the man was "performing". When Mr. Brown would say "Dont say "ghosts"" I would say "Either that, or this man is LIVING his role, not playing it". When Mr. Brown would ask "What about those messages? What do we get, from them?" I had to say "Basically, the same. It seems that someone has gone far beyond re-inactments, and seems to be LIVING the role". When Mr. Brown would say "So, we ARE looking for a LIVING person." Tami and I would not commit. We, really, did not know WHAT, or whom, we were looking for. When the next note came, it seemed more determined, even as it spoke, to "Kitty", saying "You cannot hide behind your "soldiers", forever. Eventually, you and I will meet, and your remains will be hung out, to dry". But, WHY was this person referring to the First Lady, by a historical nickname? And, WHY was the letter written in colonial script? The next day, when Mr. Blue came to work, he told all staff members, who would listen "I NEVER want to see another psycho movie, ever again. Eight hours, of watching people cut one another up, and for what? How do these psychos get loose, from captivity, anyway. Stupid movies never tell HOW. They just leave the viewers guessing, and screaming." This is when Tami got an idea, which I wish I had thought of. She put out a "general call", for any information, on both escapee's, and those who had been released, recently. When I suggested "Why not make it more general? Ask about anyone released, within the time frame, as well. Maybe, someone "back-slided"" Once Tami put in her requests, for information, all we could do was wait. While we waited, "Kitty" received another message, apparently directed at Tami and I. The message was very CLEAR, as well. "Your Ghost-Hunters will, never, capture me! I will have my revenge, Kitty. I will lay waste, to your "protection", then to you. You will, never, escape me, Kitty. You will be mine, forever!" Naturally, the first question, that the Secret Service would have was "How was this delivered, and from Where?" When a White House staffer would say "It was delivered by one of the re-enacters. I assumed they were on break." When the Secret Service would ask "Which ONE, of the characters?", the staffer would look around, then ask a few, of the staff's "characters" "Where is that guy. The one on the dark grey, tailored, suit, gold cuff-links, and that purple tie?" By the time the guides team leader would come forward, to say "We have no such character, on our staff. Are you certain, of what you saw?" The staffer was adamant. Within an hour, Mr. Brown had a copy, of the security footage, but what we three saw, was not what we expected to see. Instead of the typical "camera goes off-line, just as event happens" routine, instead, the camera's showed the staffer, apparently speaking, to thin air. After a few moments, of this, the note appearred, out of thin air, as if it was being handed, to the staffer, by a human hand. The staffer took the message, and posted it on. Five hours after this, the C.I.A. labs would report having gone over the footage, using every, known, technique. No matter what system the teams had used, it produced nothing but thin air, in front of the staffer, and then the envelope. It would not be until Mr. Brown ordered us back down to the "incident" site (The area where the church was located), and told Tami and I "Treat this as you would any other investigation. Start with the former First Lady, the one referred to as "Kitty"..." "...and work our way forward" Tami would say "Just like any other, ghost, case". Mr. Brown would smile as he said "Thats my girl. Now, take this "lunk-head" (me), and get to work. You have a case to solve". I know it may sound odd, however, right after Ghost Ship One arrived, on-scene, it seems that all messages abruptly stopped. This, even before Tami started her interviews, and I began taking measurements. For over two months, the White House received NOTHING. No notes, No e-mails, nothing. And all of this nothing, while Tami was interviewing people, and learning about the former First Lady, "KItty". As Tami would report, to me, and the firm, it seems that "Kitty" had few, local, admirers, in this area. (The "jury" was still "out", on the current, First Lady). Fom what locals had told Tami, it seems that "Kitty" was not so well liked, locally, back in the day, since Kitty had suggested that the rich share their tax-dollars, with the "lower classes". Kitty, it seems, wanted a quality education, no matter what ones "level", in society, was. It would only be at the end, of those two months, when Tami got a clue, about the notes. If legend were correct, then, allegedly, some man wanted Kitty to leave her husband, and marry the man (or ELSE). When Kitty remained with her husband, her "admirer" sent her a series, of threatening letters (Most of which, locals promised, were headed off, by the local sheriff). It seems that the man was so smitten, with Kitty, that he was heard to say "I would KILL, for her". Most of this, though was dismissed, as drunken loud-talking. A few times, though, the local sheriff placed the man in jail, until Kitty's tour, of any nearby areas, was long gone. To Tamis annoyance, though, no one remembered the mans NAME. All anyone remembers is that the man made very serious threats, against the First Lady. When I would ask "What eventually, became, of the man?", Tami would say "I wish I could say that he is dead, and buried, in a local cemetary, but I would be lying. It seems that, according to legend, atleast, that, after the president left office, the "admirer" just "vanished". Missing: Presumed Dead. When I asked "Just how OLD was this man, while he "stalked" Kitty?" Tami would say "Mid-thirties, to mid-forties". I would add "Then that, definitely, rules HIM OUT, as a suspect. If it were him, he would have to be..." And Tami would answer "Atleast 150, to 180 years old." Tami and I might have laughed at the thought, of a ghost, haunting people, in the past, however, with our own, past, cases, Tami and I KNEW just how "passionate" ghosts can be, if something really matters to them. But HOW to EXPLAIN this, to trained agents, who are looking for human targets? While Tami awaited responses, to "feelers", which she had sent out, to the local, psychiatric, community, and, even with the aid of locals, Tami and found it impossible to hoist a human-sized mass, to the steeple, without being seen, and attracting a crowd. It would seem, though, that Tami would make some, real, progress, with the regional, psychitrric, hospital, by using a technique, which I had used, yeards before, with my own "handlers". The "technique" was to, deliberately, NOT ask for patients names, but, to, simply, discuss conditions. In this case, one condition, in particular. When a doctor agreed to see Tami, and I asked if she wanted an escort, she would remind me "This is NOT a reprimand. It is a visit. I am going, in search of information, not a psychiatric review". When Tami drove, to the regional center, she was both happy, and sad, that she had not accepted the Secret Service's offer, of a ride. After all, the Service had some meetings, in the "general" area. Still, Tami felt the drive would do her good. What she never expected was what she found, at her destination. To Tami's point of view, the regional, psychiatric, center was nearly old enough to make Christopher Columbus's ships look "modern". The place had such a "Gothic" feel that Tami was wondeering if, at some time, in the past, the "hospital" might not have been a convent, or a mission. One thing was for certain, and that was that those crosses, on the roof, were NOT mass produced, in a factory. No, these things were far too "stylized". Ofcourse the building, to which the crosses were attached, seemed to be close to two centuries old, itself. In fact, were it not for the metal mesh, over the windows, one might think that this was one of America's oldest, remaining, grade schools. When Tami entered the front, of the building, she had a "flash-back", to her own school days. The days when the local schools, ancient, boiler was so un-reliable that parents, finally, broke down, and provided the school with some space heaters. Tami, also, remembered the year when, in desperation to prove that the school did NOT need air condtioning, the principal banned students from making "hand-fans", out of paper. That was the same year when the district decided that students did not need chilled water, in drinking fountains. In the case of the summer, Tami recalled that, after more than fifty students passed out, from the heat, and the local hospital blamed the ailment of Heat Exhaustion, that the district "ranted and raved", yet reactivated the water chiller. In the case, of the winter, when the cold caused students to miss too many days, of school, due to contracting the flu, from un-heated classrooms, the school district had "ranted and raved", again, about the need for taxation, yet the district HAD updated the system. Back in the present, Tami noticed that the hospitals reception area reminded her more of "Detention Hall", than a welcoming point. The place was spartan, at most. The reception "desk" was more like the guard station, at a prison. Only the receptionists polite welcome "warmed" the space, at all. After Tami told the receptionist whom Tami was to see, the receptionist made a call, then told Tami that the doctor would be "right out". When the doctor would greet Tami, and escort her to his office, this is when Tami became most discreet, in asking the doctor "What condition might cause a person to believe that they are living in the past?" The doctor would say "There are only two cases, which I know of, and both were caused by severe, emotional, distress. There have, ofcourse, been three, other casses, which I have heard about. However, both of these were caused by injury, to the head." The doctor would say "In the case, of the physical injuries, all staff could do was make the patiennts coomfortable, and hope that the brain would, automatically, "reset" itself." When the doctor asked "What is the reason behind your inquiry?", Tami would admit " The White House has been reciving threats, to a former, First Lady, nicknamed Kitty." When the doctor would say "I remember hearing something about that. But, hasn't Kitty been deceased, for almost a century?" Tami would agree, then ask "Doctor, would you know, of any reason, why anyone would want to harm the ccurrent First Lady?" When the doctor would ask "Where is your proof, of intent to hharm the First Lady?" Tami would provide copies, of the threatening letters, to the doctor (Tami did not, however, mentuion the "phantom" messenger, at thhe White House. This, at Secret Service request). Tami received an un-expected answer, to her questions, when the doctors comm buzzed, with news that a patient was "out", again. When the doctor excused himself, then locked the office door, promising Tami that it was for HER safety, that Tami went to the offices mesh-covered windows, and she was able to view the grounds, through the security webbinng. What Tami saw might have been impossible, except for our experience, with previous cases. As Tami peered out of the office windows, she saw a patient, in white attire, walking across the grounds. Tami might not have been suspicious, except that the patient seemed to be looking about, as though trying to find someone. This is when Tami made her most shoocking discovery. The patient was bound in a straight-jacket! Tami would wonder HOW, on Earth, that a patient could have travelled, out-of-doors, without setting off alarms, if their hands were bound, by a straight-jacket? Tami, then, watched, carefully, as security staff surrounded the patient, restrained the patient, then begn dragging the patiennt cabk inside the hospital. (Tami knew how the patient would feel, since Tami, herself, had been through similar experiences, herself). What really caught Tamis eye, though was how, with the group, in plain sight, Tami watched as, oone moment, the patient was bound, and being dragged, yet, just a couple of seconds laterr, there was no sign, of the patient. When the doctor returned to the office, promising Tami that "All is well", Tami believed thhis, just as much as she, and I, believed that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. When Tami bid thhe doctor a polite "Farewell", and departed his office, my partner did what she did, best. On her way out, of the hospital, she LISTENED, as staff spoke of how a patient seemed able to depart a locked room, and walk about the grounds. All without setting off any alarms. When Tami heard security staff say "We SWEAR we had them, this time. They just vanished, right in front of us". As Tami bid thhe receptionist "Farewell", she departed the hospital, certain of her next move. Back at Ghost Ship One, Tami would contact the Brown Agency, requesting the computer section access psych records, specifically regarding "Astral Projection". After making this request, Tami would give me her "OOne Page Summary": "Since we, ALL, know that, nowadays, ALL doors, on psychiatric hopsitals, operate via numbered key-pads, I would like to knoow if you agree that it is possible that a person, in confinement, can enter a key-code, from within such a restraint?" When I told her "I dont see how", Tami asked "Beyond this, HOW can such a person even open a door? Even the door, too their unit, without the use of arms, and hands". When I agreed "Totally improbable., This is wehhn Tami would inform me "I saw such a patient, in coonfinement, yet roaming the hospital grounds, as though either looking for someone, or trying to avoid someone". After this, Tami hit me with the "Grand Finale". "Step one, the patient is detained, on the grounds, by security personnel. Step two, the patient, then, vanishes, right in front of the guards. Step three, moments later, the patient is reported, back inside their unit." When I asked "Tele-Portation?" Tami would say "I am thinking Astral Projection". Okay, but HOW did this connect, with threats, to the First Lady? Just about that time, Tami;s information arrived, and we felt reasonably certain that Tamis assumption was correct. According to the report, our regional, psychiatric, hospital was "playing host", to a patient, whose grasp, oon reality, was not only "compromised", but for whom a "special cell" was being prepared. The report stated that the patient was exhibiting supposed Telepathy, and other, unusual, senses. The report stated "For reasons, beyond staff comprehension, patient is able to depart their unit, in an un-specified manner, and move about hospital grounds." When I asked Tami what "Broken Grasp, on rality", meant, Tami opened that section, of the file, to find out that the patient THOUGHT that they were moving, back and forth, over a distance of about 150 years. The file said "Patient is awarre oof details, which only someone, present, at the time, would know. Caution: Staff suspectes that patient has, simply, doone superior research". Whehn I asked Tami "Do you, really, think that Washhington D.C. will accept that a mental patient is sending messages to the White House?" Tami would onl;y remark "We HHAVE seen stranger". Sure, WE hhad, but how were we going to convince the Secret Service? These people were trained to process HARD facts. If we toold them a mental patient was "zipping", from a psych ward... No, we needed something more tangible. Something like our previous report, which proved that it was impossible to move a body into a church steeple, without drawing attention. Tami and I were left, to scratch our heads, and wonder, until the nnext, full, moon. It was oonly oon the first night, of the full moon, that the patiennt appearred, aboard our plane, and not in patient garb, either. No, they were wearing clothing, and seaking, in a manner, befitting a persoon, living about 150 years ago. When the man said "Pardon the intrusion, however, I wanted you to be aware of my coming visit, to Kitty". She is, after all, not only the nations "First Lady", but she is mine, as well". When Tami asked the "man" "Just for the record, what is todays date?" Even I was shocked when the "man" mentioned a date, 140 years into the past. After the man told Tami and I "Tell Kitty that I am coming, for her", he dissolved, into thin air. When Tami's first response was to contact the hospital, the operator verified that the staff were, already aware of, and searching for, the patient. When Tami asked the obvious question: "How did the patient escape?" the operator would say "No further information is available". Our next step SHOULD hhave been to notify the Secret Service, but we hesitated, oon the question of "WHAT do we tell them? That a mental patient is tele-porting about?" No, the logical answer would be to seek out the covens assistance, again. After all, the coven had been teaching, and practicing, this craft, for centuries. When the local coven agreed too an audience, Tami and I found SOME relief, in the information, which the coven priestess provided. According to the priestess: The one you seek is not the one whom is before you. The one you seek perished, of the body, more than a century ago. It is the essence, of the anger, or rage, of the spirit, which lives on. If you wish to deal with this spirit, you must, first, encourage it to make its true form known. Its current form is little more than a vessel. The body, currently, is host to seperate entities. Until the essence, of the spirit is removed, the inhabitant is trapped. When Tami asked "But, how did the thing enter the patients body, in the first place?" The priestess would say "When the mind is weak, or distraught, this leaves the body vulnerable to invasion. The patients will must be strong enough to fight the essence. If it is not, then not even exorcism will vanquish the essence." Tami understood, even better thhan I, what the priestess meant. She meant that, as long as the patient was drugged "to the gills", to keep them tranquil, the essence would continue to return, just as regularly as tax season. When Tami asked "What about the past? What if the paths diverged, in the past?" The priestess would remind Tami "You do remember what happened, the last time you went into the past, dont you?" Yes, yes, WE remembered. To Tami and I, though, the big question was how to prevent a vengeful spirit from attacking the First Lady. Tami would ask me if I would consider calling "Kitty's" spirit, from her eternal rest, for assistance. Sure, Tami and I had called forth spirits, in the past, when the spirits had information, which we needed, to place the present, at rest. The spirits had come forth to "set things right", then returned to their rest. Still, before calling spirits forth, Tami and I decided to try travelling back, to Kitty's time, and try to un-ravel things, from there. Tami's primary objection, to time travel, was having to dress as women had dressed, in the past. Tami would have preferred to dress, as a young man, however, on two, of our past cases, people had been suspicious, especially of the fact that Tami's chest was not flat, and muscled, as mens chests were. In one case, we escaped just before Tami was found out, as a woman. Following the covens advice, Tami allowed herrself to be "shoe-horned" into the styles, of Kitty's day. Wehn asked how she felt, Tami would tell the sisters "I would be more comfortable wearing an M-1 tank, a helicopter, and two machine guns." Although the time-travel spell did what it was supposed to, and dropped us right when, and where, we were supposed to be, Tami and I found that history was a little less than correct, about making peoples acquaintences. By the time Tami "wrangled" an invite, to see Kitty, we had missed both opportunities, to change history. We had spent three weeks, in the past, and all we had to show, for our efforts, was a need to shower. Tami and I were just preparing to figure out a way to access the White House, with-OUT raising a terrorist alert, when the Secret Service called US. It seems that Kitty's suitor had decided to "up-the-ante", by sending Kitty a note, stating that, this time, he would hang her body from the flag-pole, atop the White House. That is, IF she would not leave her husband, and marry the psycho specter. It would, even, seem that, after the Secret Service sent a jet, to collect us, that the spirit had found, or created, a way too prevent the current First Lady, from leaving the White House grounds. In fact, according to information, which we received, enroute, everyone, who was inside the White House, at the time, was "locked in", by "un-known means". And I wont even pretend to say I understand how it was done, but, as our jet passed over the White House, headed for the nearby air-strip, Tami and I were on the jet, one second, then we were inside the White House, along with the other "captives". Somehow, the patient had gotten a hold of one, of the various, decorative, swords, which hang around the White House, as decorations, and the patient, whom Tami noticed was speaking, in colonial terms, was holding the blade, to staffers throats, whiule demanding to know where Kitty was. To me, Tami was taking to much of a chance, when she called out the spirit, asking it to free its victim, and meet Tami "face-to-face". When the specter demanded "I want to see Kitty, first!" Tami would bluff her way, through this, saying "KItty is not present, at this moment. Will you talk to me, instead?" To the total, and complete, dis-belief, of White House staff members, the mental patient, soon, dropped, to the floor, and lay there, un-conscious, as the blob, of dark energy, stood before Tami. When Tami told the specter "Oh, come on. I KNOW you can do better than that". Staff were shocked when the shadow took on a mans form, then stood before Tami, asking "Satisfied?" When a security guard tried to draw a bead, on the spirit, Tami shook her head, at the man. After all, what good would a bullet be, against a dead man? It would seem that Tami was "talking the man down", until his rage took over. When the man said "You just want to keep me away from Kitty! I want to see her, NOW!" Tami would only say "I can see why the sheriff place you in jail, whenever Kitty visited". When the man asked "How could you, possibly, know about that?" Tami would say "Its all in the history books. You were un-stable enough that everyone, near you, was afraid you would hurt them. That is why the sheriff locked you up, so often." When the man would insist "It was only because they wanted to deny me access to MY Kitty!" Tami would correct him, saying "They were protecting Kitty, from you." When the man tried to lunge at Tami, a guard would fire off a shot, to which Tami would shout "What are you DOING!?" When the guard noticed that his round went right through the man, and, just barely, missed my partner, the guard would whisper "What the hell?" Tami would spell it out. "You are shooting at a GHOST!". When the spirit would ask "Whose a ghost?" Tami would say "You are, or haven't you noticed." When the specter would say "I feel fine. Fit as a fiddle. I dont know what you are speaking of, young woman, but I have never felt better". This is when even I received a shock, as the spirit, of Kitty, appearred, out of thin air, and, speaking gently, told the man "It is the truth. We have, both, been dead, for over a century." Suddenly, the man lost his anger, as he begged Kitty "Please, tell me it was not I who caused your demise". Kitty would smile at the man, as she said "Age was my enemy, not you. You were just mis-guided. Now, come with me, and leave this world, to the living". When the man looked at the sleeping patient, and asked "What of him? I removed him from his place. Should I not return him, out of courtesy?" Kitty would say "We will, both, return this soul, to where he belongs". To everyones dis-belief, even as the spirits collected the sleeping patient, the man would ask "What is it like, where I am going?" Kitty would only say "That is for the master to decide. I might put in a good word, if you promise never to attack the living, again." Then, as though walking out of the end of a movie, the three would dissolve, until there was nothing left. Moments later, White House systems returned to functional status, and a group, of very confused workers, would resume stations. When the Secret Service was, finally, able to enter the building, and asked Tami and I how we had managed to leave the jet, in front of witnesses, but not using the hatches, even we had no idea how that had happened. After Tami placed a call, to the coven, to verify that the "man" was gone, We, then, accepted a ride, with the Secret Service, back to the supposed "crime scene". The S.S.'s rationale: We need to return to the site, anyway, to collect our gear. Since your plane is nearby, we can give you a lift, without using any extra fuel." At the community, the air force base, also, offered us a lift, back to the plane, itself, since, as our driver said "I need to collect the surveillance equipment, which we left, at the church, on the off chance that someone DID try to hang a body, from the steeple." When Tami asked "Any takers?" The driver would say "Just some kids, thinking it would be a good prank, to hang a scarecrow, from the steeple. The sheriff has the pranksters down, for "community service", for the next six months." Back at the plane, our pilots gave US the news. "The White House sends warmest regards, for solving the case." The pilot would add "NO one was about to admit that the First Lady was being stalked, by a ghost" When Tami asked "Would you blame them? After all, look at how many people have lost elections, just for suggesting that Earth is NOT the only, inhabited, planet, in the universe". We were just about packed, and ready to depart the area, when the video-conference line came up to power, and Mr. Browns face came on the monitor, saying "Well done. Another case, and the media none-the-wiser." When Tami would ask "Whats up, boss man?" Mr. Brown would put on his "classic" hurt-face, saying "Am I really that bad?" (While we suppressed chuckles), then added "As long as you are in that general area, a client would ask that you check out some reports locals are making." When Tami would ask "What KIND of reports?" Mr. Brown would say "Reports say that people are hearing "strange noises". Our contacts just wants us to check it out. Since you are the closest agents I have, on hand, I figured that you could just "Take a look". What do you say?" Tami would say "Looks like we are "on-the-clock", again. Mr. Brown would say "I will have my secretary send the file along, in a few moments. Good hunting!" Yeah, right. By the time the plane was airborne, the pilots had the revised coordinates, and we were on our way... Final Case Note: The hospital is refusing to even admit that the patient escaped their facility, nor will they admit to being baffled as to how the same man, who had escaped a locked cell, without staff being aware, had been found, later, resting, in his room. The patients files have been sealed, under some form of regulations, which will not allow the file to be viewed, until the year 3000. As far as Tami and I were concerned, the only thing, which counted, was that the First Lady was safe. We may not have been her husbands "biggest fans", but the woman had a way, of smoothing the "rough spots". We had to give her credit, for that.

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