Friday, November 6, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE FOG After "recovering", from my own, un-expected, trip, into my own past, I would return to the Brown Agency, only to find Tami hard at work, on our next case. If the file were correct, it would seem that a community was being "haunted", either by a mysterious fog, or by a lighthouse. Once I joined Tami, in reviewing the file, I noticed what she had, already, noticed. That this case was one of the newest/latest, which we had, ever, investigated. Ofcourse, neither Tami, nor I, ever questioned Mr. Brown, or his secretary, about how cases were assigned, since we did not care, as long as money, and adventure, were involved. What did catch our eyes, though, was the remarkable similarities, between this case, and the case of the light house. (Our third case). That case, also, involved a light-house, and a thick fog, as well as our being asked to investigate the nature of these events. Another rich person was involved, as well. Tami and I might have considered this a "copy-cat" case, but only until we observed the differences between the two cases. The primary difference being that, in our third case, the light house had been just ashore, with its light beaming out to sea. It was in use, during colonial times, and closed down only when imperial forces were reported, in the area. In the case, of this, latest, file, it seems that the light-house was neither on a coast, nor used, for directing shipping. Also, this light house remained standing, and had an operational light. IF the file were correct, this light house was built only about a century ago, and was designed to be a beautiful warning marker. The file indicated that the light house had only been constructed after a strange fog began shrouding the local community, for hours on end. As for WHY the community still needed a light-house, in the days of computers, and G.P.S., this was not even discussed, in the file. In fact, the light-house did not even seem to be the focus, of the file. The focus seemed to be, primarily, on locating a missing "visitor", then focusing on the fog. Additional notes indicated that federal, state, and local, law enforcement, were involved, but ALL were coming up "empty". In fact, one of the "referral sources", for this case, was an UN-official, and completely NON-direct, contact, between Homeland Security, and an agent, whom Mr. Brown had, on Homeland staff. As the agent had pointed out, in a report, to Mr. Brown, Homeland Security was focused on people, who wore turbans, and baggy clothes. If the person had olive-colored skin, all the better. It would seem that Homeland Security (Thinking, for some, unknown, reason, that the "visitor" was a terrorist "mole", who was planning an attack), was focused, so devotedly, on searching for explosives, or people awaiting delivery, of explosives, that, when it turned out that the only "explosive", which the visitor had, was the fuel his equipment ran on, the agency had re-allocated resources, to other cases, basically "dumping" the case into the F.B.I.'s hands. According to the F.B.I.'s notes, agents had found the "visitors" equipment, including a luxurious S.U.V., and the "stash", of supplies, which the "visitor" had purchased, in town. Because Homeland Security had suggested that the "visitor" had bought enough fuel, to make a bomb, the F.B.I. had compared the S.U.V.'s odometer, to the leasing agencies records, and the amount of gas, which the visitor had purchased, at a local station. The F.B.I. had concluded that, based upon the number, of miles, driven, since the vehicle was leased, it would have made sense for the visitor to have fuelled up. And, since the camp generator, which the visitor had rented, ran off of this same kind of fuel, this meant that all signs pointed at a person on a recreational outing. NOT a bomb-making terrorist. Atleast one F.B.I. agent had noted that they wished that the victims final foot-prints had been at the waters edge. This would have allowed authorities to suspect that a body might have gone down-river. The problem was that the victims final foot-prints ended in the middle of some woods. And, YES, blood-hounds had been brought in, for the search, and the dogs lead their handler directly to the very spot, where the "visitor" was, last, seen. After that, though, even the dogs seemed to "lose the scent". When Tami made the joke of saying "It sounds like one of your favorite movies. Predator. You know", and I finished, for her "Yeah, sounds like the visitor climbed a tree, to make the dogs lose the scent. The question is "Why would a wealthy person do this?" Tami would say "I'm just saying". I had to agree, though. The idea, of foot-prints just vanishing, was an old, movie, trick. In the movies, though, there was effects equipment, which was hauled in, on trucks, and teams, to lift the performers off the ground. The audience never saw any of this, on the screen, but this was real-life, behind the scenes. As for the "body, in the river", scenario, even Tami and I brushed this off, since both federal, and state, authorities had dragged the river, twice, for any bodies. The problem, with the special effects angle, was that the "behind-the-scenes" equipment, and personnel, required, would have been impossible to hide. Either on land, or the river. Even the suggestion, of a helicopter, was ruled out, due to the sounds, which rotor blades make. Although no one reported hearing any sounds, this, in itself, was a clue. In a community, of this size, nothing goes un-noticed. Case in point. Ghost Ship One's arrival. Between the time, when our plane landed, and the time, when we reached the area, where the visitor had disappearred, Tami and I had more than a few people asking us how we had managed to obtain an air force cargo plane. While I did my usual "walk-around", Tami did what she did, best. Gathering information, by just talking to, and listening to, people. In fact, the very same people, who were asking, about Ghost Ship One, had similar questions, about the visitors own plane. A plane which, according to our on-site sources, had "way too many engines", for such a small craft. While Tami was busy, talking to people, I met up, with the firms "inside man", whose first words were to caution me "Yes, officially, Homeland Security departed, after determining that there was no national security threat", then, in a lower voice, would say "Homeland left an official on-site. Presumably "just in case" something might turn up" When I asked the F.B.I. man his thoughts, about the "terrorist" angle, the agent would only say "Based upon both what we have found, and, more importantly, what we have NOT found. Namely, bomb-making components, I would say that it is more likely that the visitor "shacked up", with a local girl, rather than that he has "gone to ground", to build a bomb". Since, in a community, like this, even rumor, of a girl shacking up, with a man, would have spread, faster than a wild-fire, I could see the agents point. Still, a man was missing, and we had no clue as to what might have happened to him. No spent casings, from fire-arms. No blood (human or animal). No ransom note. It seemed as if the man just vanished, from existance. This lead me to wonder... Back, at the plane, Tami cut off my suspicions, in a moment, as she said "Nope, I already checked the mans company. Solid as the proverbial rock. He has more money than we will, ever, have." When I asked "What does that leave us with?" Tami would say "This is the part you are not going to like". While I waited for her explanation, Tami would read off a variety of factors, which had lead her to check on local weather conditions. "The only thing I found was the fact that, at about the time the man vanished, it seems that a fog alert was posted, around town." When I said "Big deal! Seen one fog, seen them all." Tami would say "Not like this town experiences." When I would suggest "Dont tell me that zombies, or corpses, come out of the fog, for victims", Tami would say "Not exactly, but I can tell you why an inland community has a light house, which is tall enough to be viewed, from all over the county." When I would say "Spill. The suspense is "killing" me". Tami would say "The light house is actually an early warning system. Sort of like the old air raid sirens. Only this one is not to alert people, of foreign, sneak, attacks. This system is designed to inform locals of when a mysterious fog approaches." When I would say "So, they have a fog horn. Nothing illegal, in that." This is when Tami would say "Based upon those, whom I have spoken with, I believe that these people believe that something comes out of the fog, grabs people, and takes the people away." When I would add "Let me guess, the light house is a form of Crucifix, designed to protect locals from the "fog creatures"." Tami would say "Not even close. Exactly the opposite. It seems that the light house is an "early warning system", designed to let locals know when the fog is coming. It seems that, when the fog begins to form, the search light beam goes into action, even as the fog horn sounds, to let locals know to head inside". When I told her "This is sounding more and more like the John Carpenter movie, every minute." Tami would correct me, asking "In the movie, didn't the corpse crew leave the dead behind, for others to find?" When I reminded her "You know they did.", this is when Tami would say "That is how this case is different. In this case, those who are taken, are never heard from, again". When I would ask "And just how are the victims removed, from the area, with no one noticing anything? Do the ghosts open communicators, and say "Kirk to Enterprise"?" Tami would say "Very funny. No I am not talking about Star Trek. I am talking about something, more like a portal, or similar. Something which comes forth, grabs people, then returns to its "home base"." When I would ask "If that is so, then why is it that so few people have gone missing?" She would say "Because the fog only comes every so often, the light house was set up, to warn people, when to be inside. It seems that anyone, who is indoors, is safe." When I told her "Tami, there is no way that Mr. Brown is going to acccept a "killer fog" report. We need something which is less horror movie, and more fact." Tami would say "I can only report what I have learned, so far." This is when I would suggest "Maybe we should just report that we are on-station, and gathering information. Leave out anything about ghosts, ghouls, mummies, and so on, until we have more evidence". Tami would agree to this, especially since it sounded better than "killer fog". During the next two weeks, of discussions, Tami made note of the fact that all public, and private, notices, were conditional upon the weather. When Tami asked if cars were as safe as houses, she would be told "When the fog comes, you MUST be indoors. Anyone, found outside, can be taken." When Tami had asked "By WHOM?" The only reply was "The fog". Each time Tami asked about the visitor, people just nodded, as though afraid to speak of the incident. When Tami would ask "Would our plane be considered "fair game", to the fog?" several, of the towns people would say "That plane, of yours, is big enough. "They" wont bother with it. "They" only take on small things, like automobiles, boats, and such. Things "they" can enter, easily." When Tami would return to the plane, I could tell she was a bit rattled, even before she said "This is a weird one. People talking of a killer fog. Only planes, and buildings, are safe. I am really beginning to feel like we are in the middle of a low-budget horror movie." When she added "What have you got?" I told her "Not even that much. Neither the F.B.I., nor Homeland Security, are releasing anything. I have contacted base, to ask for our own supplies. It seems that I am going to have to duplicate the feds work, for myself." When Tami cautioned me "Just make sure you are inside, if, and when, that horn sounds". When I asked "You are joking, right?" Tami would say "Locals are taking this seriously, and I think that we should, as well. Atleast until we know what is really going on." I know it is a point of record, that spirit activity is most active, during the full moon, but how to predict fog? Atleast spirits use the energy, of the full moon, to become more of what they were/are. This question was made all the more puzzling, when Mr. Browns office provided some background information, on the weather. IF the reports were correct, only one, of the past three fog banks, recently recorded, had to do with atmospheric moisture. One had rolled in, during a thunderstorm, and another had rolled in, on a clear, warm, day. A day when, according to the media, the sky had turned black as midnight (And without a single storm, for miles around). Mr. Browns orders were most specific. "Stay on site until cause, nature, and danger, of fog, is determined. If possible, locate missing man. Avoid un-necessary danger. Report in when you have more information." So, under direct orders, from Mr. Brown, himself, Tami and I were on a sort-of "working vacation", atleast until the next fog came rolling in. While we awaited the next fog bank, Tami accepted an invitation, to visit the community light house, and examine its light. It was a poweful light, alright, with both Frenel, optical, lenses, and halogen bulbs. Its light could, easily, shine, to the next, two, counties. According to the light house keeper, the beam could be seen, to the horizon, and much further than the horn could be heard. That is, on CLEAR nights. For reasons, which only Tami could guess at, though, the light keeper told the same story as locals did. The story, that the light house was only active, when the fog was coming. When Tami asked the light-keeper if he noticed anything odd, or strange, about the fog, the man would say "Missy, make sure you dress real WARM, if you thinking of taking on that fog". When Tami asked "Why?" The man would say "Only one person I know, who survived the fog. From what he tells me, that fog is COLD, in capital letters". When Tami asked "Have YOU witnessed the fog?" The man would say "Sure, a few times. Makes it so cold, in here, that I have to start the back-up generator, to power some portable heaters, just to thaw out." When Tami asked "Does anything happen, to the light house, itself?" The man would say "When IT comes, it frosts the glass over, with a thick sheet of ice. The tower is, then, ice-bound, until the fog leaves." When Tami asked the obvious "Have you, ever, gone out, into the fog?", The man would say "I aint dumb enough to tempt death, like that". When Tami would ask "So you believe there is something IN the fog" The man would say " I have lost a few friends, to the fog. Never seen them, again. Dont want to join them, either." When Tami would chance the question "What do YOU THINK the fog is?" The man would answer, just as generically, as the rest of the towns-people, with "Evil". Swell, all that Tami and I had, to report, on this case, so far, was that locals felt that the fog was "evil", and that it kidnapped those, un-lucky enough to be caught, out-of-doors. Although our F.B.I. source would say that the agency did not believe, for a moment, that a "supernatural fog", was making people disappear, the agency requested that Washington D.C. send a unit, of Special Forces "Just in case". This might have sounded comforting, on the surface, but Tami and I had reservations. NOT that something, supernatural, was kidnapping people, but that someone, quite human, might be using the fog as a "screen", for committing criminal activity. After all, in war-time, smoke, and fog, machines, are used to hide convoys, all the time. Why couldn't criminals do the same thing? The idea, which Tami and I had, was to use laser-range-finding gear, to penetrate the fog, when next it came. It may sound bizzarre, however, when next the fog came, and Tami and I stood just outside the planes hatch, ready to dive, for cover, at first sign of danger, yet, for some reason, our laser-designators failed to operate, even as we felt the temperature drop, as the fog moved closer to the plane. As the temperature dropped, far below freezing, just before Tami and I withdrew, to the plane, we thought we heard either night creatures, or humans, screaming, in the distance. It would seem, as our pilots reported, that the men had to bring the jet engines up, to full power, in order to produce enough "waste" heat, to keep the plane warm. Even with the engine exhaust blasting the fog, at hundreds of miles, per hour, the fog seemed to enclose the plane in a blanket of white. A "blanket" which caused all of our external sensors to fail. Although the four of us THOUGHT we saw shadows, in the fog, since we could verify none of the sightings, we just logged it up as imagination. I have to admit, though, that some of the shadows, especially those, which seemed to carry axes, seemed all too real. By around 02:30, the fog was gone, and the four of us inspected the plane. Finding no damage, the pilots returned inside, while Tami and I went to check in, with the F.B.I., and Special Forces. By about 03:15, Tami and I arrived, to find the "headquarters" tents dark, and silent. There were a few signs, of possible struggle, but nothing definitive. In fact, the place was as silent as a grave, until, it seems, that the camp generator thawed, enough, to re-start. When Tami and I had, first, checked the generator, we found the unit to be so ice cold that it was no wonder that it had stopped operating. When the temperature came up, enough, for the unit, to re-start, first, the lights came back, then the radio started "squawking". Someone was calling out "Fog base, do you read? This is command. Fog base, are you there?" When Tami would suggest "Well, this case is about fog. Why not call it "fog base"." When I would pick up a microphone, and identify myself, saying that only Tami and I seemed to be around. Command would ask "Where are the Special Forces?" Tami would give me an "I dont know" look, then I would tell command "We really do not know WHERE your people are. What was their last message?" When command would say "Last report was that fog bank was rolling in. After that, nothing definitive". I would recommend sending in a search team, just in case. After that, and saying that Tami and I could be found, at our plane, I signed off, then Tami and I began the trek, back to our plane. By sun-rise, we had consumed some extra rations, then retired to our rooms. When we awoke, the pilots would inform us that, with the amount of fuel, we had burned, the previous night, to keep warm, the plane needed to re-fuel. The pilots promised to return, as soon as possible. In the meantime, we had our automobiles. As Tami and I made our rounds, and found that the F.B.I., and the Special Forces, were not the only people missing, I would join one, of the search parties, while Tami did what she did, best. After just a few hours, of searching, team members began asking "Whats the point? We know they are gone." When others began to agree, the decision was made. We were abandoning the search. Ironically, at about the same time when Tami was learning some of the fog's "history". As local ladies informed my co-worker, the fog's "history" had begun when a young person had gotten lost, in a fog. Tami was not-at-all surprised that, from some people, the lost, young, person, was a girl, while, from other sources, it was a boy. Still, the basic story was the same. A young person had been headed home, from somewhere, and had been lost, in the fog. When the young person did not return home, by a certain time, their family had asked for search parties to be sent out. Locals, though, had lived, under superstition, for centuries, including stories, of what might "live", inside a fog. As a result, locals had refused to participate, in search parties, until AFTER the fog had passed. As a result, rumor has it that, just before the family set out, to find their missing member, the husband/father placed a "curse", on the community. The curse, supposedly, said "Since you refuse to aid our search, for our young, then we curse your young, to meet the same fate". When Tami asked what had happened, on that long-ago day, all anyone would say was that the family was, never, heard from, again. After the fog lifted, search parties HAD been sent out, yet records would show that no blood, no bodies, nothing had been found, of any member of the family. Since this story was based upon a time, in America, when the Pony Express still pre-dated even the telegram, Tami and I wondered just how easily an entire family could just vanish. Was it, really, the fog, which took peoples lives? Or was it possible that the people either got lost, and could not find their way back, or that the people had "disappearred", deliberately. Used the fog for "cover", while they walked away from the village. Sure, this was good thinking, for the colonial days, of America, but this was the modern day. The Federal Bureau, of Investigation, had lost up to a half dozen members, while Homeland Security had lost one "snoop", and the U.S. Army had lost an entire, Special Forces, unit. Sure, by the time the search parties were called off, the feds had their own equipment, searching, for their own members, but Tami was beginning to see a possible connection, with the past. She knew it was time to check historical records. In my opinion, Tami had come to know the Dewey Decimal system atleast as well as its inventor had known it. She could skim a library, without a librarians aid, and find what she sought. For two days, though, All that Tami reported, to the office, was a list, of those whom she had interviewed. Names, and places. No speculation, though. After two days, in the archives, Tami was pretty sure of what had happened, way back then, and how it was affecting the present. By the time that federal search parties also came up "empty", as to what might have happened, to the F.B.I. agents, as well as the Special Forces soldiers, Tami had a pretty good idea as to the reason WHY the light house had been built. In fact, Tami also had an un-expected chance, to see the light house, in operation, during the next fog bank. Unlike regular fog, which flows in, from a distance, building, as it covers the miles, this fog seemed to begin at a local piece of land, which was just a few miles distant from the community. Even as the light keeper rushed to activate the fog horn, Tami would be asking "What is located at the point where the fog starts?" The light keeper would say "That was, and I guess still is, the land, of the family, which issued the curse". When Tami would ask "How often does the fog start there?" The light keeper would say "When people are about to go missing. THAT is the spot where the fog starts" Tami had to wonder why. What would, soon, surprise Tami, though, was the time when, no matter how powerful the search light beam was, as the fog enclosed the light house, it was as if a thick, white, cover, had been thrown over the building.. A cover, so thick, that it stopped the light beam, at the external railing. As the light house became enclosed, and the internal temperature dropped, the light keeper suggested "Ma'am, I think we should head downstairs, to the living area. There is a portable generator, which powers some extra heaters. That is, unless you like the cold" Tami would have preferred to stay in the light room, however, as the windows iced over, and the light keeper turned off the beam, just after the two began to see their breath, Tami agreed to follow the man down the stairs, to the living area. This is where the man activated the generator, which fired up the extra heaters. The man then smiled, at Tami, as he said "Hope you dont mind an old mans company, for awhile". Once Tami warmed up, Tami began making notes, about the source of the fog, and to find out if the old legends were true. IF the legends were true, and the family lost all of its members, then this left the question of why the fog continued to return? Even if the legend were true, and the fog was taking victims, in the familys revenge, on the community, surely, by this time, the fog had taken enough victims to avenge the deaths, to the power of one hundred times. Tami would have wondered why the fog had not stopped, with just as many victims, as the family had cursed, so long ago. Then, Tami rememered America's continuing "revenge", on the Islamic world. Sure, on September 11, 2001, Americans watched, LIVE, on television,as nearly 3,000 people lost their lives. Add to this another 25,000, or so, of John Q. Public's "children", dead, in the resulting invasions, of the Middle East. In total, so far, September 11th, 2001 had a combined death toll, of about 50,000 (more or less), yet how many lives had America taken, since 9/11? 500,000? five million? If this fog were acting like the U.S. government, then its "Lust for blood revenge", would, never, be quenched. The community would be cursed until no one was left. Tami was just thankful that our satellite phones remained operational, during the fog. In fact, this is how she was able to communicate, with the plane, to let us know she was safe, indoors. After the fog passed, Tami decided to drive up, to the supposed source of the fog (and before anyone could dispose of incriminating evidence). Tami was hoping to find either some generators, or even buckets, of dry ice. When Tami reached the property, however, all she discovered were feelings, of grief, rage, and revenge. She determined that, whatever was present, was determined to make itself known. When Tami "opened her psychic self up", as I had taught her to, she realized that the whole idea, of the family just leaving town, was as un-true as could be. When Tami "projected" "May I be of assistance", she found the whole, modern, world, dissolving, before her very eyes. As the present dissolved, it was replaced with a colonial version, of the community. The currently lifeless span, of land, which Tami had arrived at, had been transformed, by time, into a beautiful section, of farm land, with a house under construction, in one section. The proud owners appearred to be of prime, pioneer, stock, and the couple seemed ready to take on any situation, in order to make a success of the farm. For Tami, as time passed, in a form of "fast forward", Tami watched the wife give birth, multiple times, while the husband worked the land. In time, the house had been completed, and the family had enjoyed many fun times within. The vision showed Tami that the family was, very much, a part of the community, and that locals were a very close knit group, indeed. This is why, when a fog came, and some of the family was not accounted for, the family was shocked when neighbors, normally coming to one anoothers aid, without giving a second thought, cringed at the thought of going out, into the "wicked" fog. It would seem thast the husband/father, had been so furious, at his neighbors reaction, to his request, for a search party, that he could not believe that the very people, whom he had lived around, for so many years, and so many times, helping one aothher, yet these people (supposedly good Christians), would turn "chicken", at encountering a simple mist. This is when the man had issued the curse, as he said "Until we return, this village is cursed, by its fear". From her observation point, Tami wondered just what the man had meant. The image then showed the family members, walking, deeper, into the fog, while calling out the names, of its missing members, as they proceeded. After awhile, though, the fog became so thick that the family had to hold hands, since they could no-longer see more than six inches, in front of them. Tami doubted that the family members noticed the cold air, about them, since colonial clothing was so thick. That, and the fact that, while on a search, most people ignore the cold, to push a hunt forward. What Tami could not understand was what happened when the fog became so thick that the family could no-longer see one another, as well as barely, being able to hear one another. Soon, even Tami noticed that the voices, which should have sounded very close, sounded as if from miles away. After that, it was nothing, but white, all around Tami, until she emerged, from the fog bank. Although Tami did not actually hear the wife ask "Understand?", the words were as plain as day, to my co-worker. Now, Tami had a much better idea of what was going on. When Tami returned to the plane, she informed me "The family. They never left the area. Someone opened a portal, and the family stepped through. I am just not sure if it was an accident". When I asked "What about the fog?" Tami would say "I dont think that the portal has been closed. Not completely. I dont think it has been , since originally opened. When I asked "So, the portal is from another dimension?" Tami would say "I suspect that this portal is of similar type of the one the demon used, during the werewolves case". When I asked "What is its purpose?" Tami would say "I THINK it is composed of the fathers rage, over his neighbors refusal to aid his search, for his family members". When I asked "HOW do we shut it down?" Tami would say "THAT, I think, will be the hard part. Especially since locals believe that the family just left the area. There were no burials, no last rights". "And no closure, for the family", I would add. Tami would give a soft "Yes". No-sooner had Tami and I presented our conclusions, including the need for a funeral service, when locals issued the commanding question "What about OUR families? My own relatives have been missing, for two years", then another person would say "My family members have been missing, for three years", and yet another person would say "MY family members have been missing, for five years". The overriding question, which locals seemed to have was "What will happen if we give these "monsters" a proper burial? Do our families end up stranded who-knows-where, and for all eternity? HOW is that "fair""? Tami would be the one to step forward, and say "We were contracted about finding a missing person, and finding the source of, and proposing a solution, to your fog. If you dont like what you hear, then we will leave you with your fog". That was my Tami. The oh-so-eloquent negotiator. Ofcourse, we had absolutely no idea of how to bring the missing back to our world. That had never been the focus of our investigation, anyway. Not until the paster, of the local church, came before us, with "We, humbly, apologize, for our comments. We just want our families back and, if posible, to be rid of the fog". Tami would bow, before the minister, adding "Ofcourse, we will do what we can, however, you must understand. We are NOT "Ghost Busters". We, merely, investigate, to find out if hauntings are "real"". When the priest loooked at the mayor, the mayor would say "But, we thought you had laid hundreds of spirits to rest, on your previous cases". Tami would correct both men, saying "Forgive the mis-conception, however, in those cases, the deceased returned to their final resting places AFTER the living agreed to recognize that the deceased had the (legal?) right, to "Rest in Peace". When the priest would ask "Do you think that a funeral service would satisfy the spirits, and bring an end to the fog?" Tami would respond by asking "What could it hurt? I mean, I dont think that spirits want anything elaborate. Just a grave-side ceremony". This is when the local undertaker would mention "There were, never, any bodies. What do we place in the coffins?" This would be followed by the local news editor saying "Without dates for the deceased, HOW do we log the deaths?" Tami would recoommend "Your history states what date the family was last seen. Why not list them as "Missing: Presumed Dead", as of that date?" When someone asked "What happens if the family shows up, to laugh at us?" All eyes would turn on the commenter, even as the priest would say "You do understand that you are suggesting that people, over 180 years old, might "stage a come-back"?" Once the community was in solemn agreement, it seems that, while local citizens were preparing for a funeral, which was more than 150 years overdue, Tami would find herself aiding the priest in writing the service. The priest had asked Tami's aid saying "Since you have been reviewing our history, I think you know the deceased better than I do". The priest was un-certain of how to give a service, for a family, which was deceased, for a century. Then, there was the maker, of th head stone. A man who refused to place his company mark, on the family stone, since he had never before chiselled the words "Missing: Presumed Dead", on a head-stone, before. Every head-stone the man had carved, until now, had a date of birth, and date of death. As for the local grave-digger, the only digging, which he did, was a shallow, rectangular, hole, to hold the head-stone. Since there were no bodies, no casket, and no ashes, no grave was needed. While I pitched in a hand, whereever I could, there is no doubt that Tami was the "Center of Attention". Even dressed in basic black, with only a string, of white pearls, about her neck, Tami had agreed to the priests request that she stand by his side, during the service. Man, was she beautiful, even in black. (I just prayed that I did not wear my own thoughts on my sleeve). Although Tami and I suspected that the families spirits would show up, to attend their own funeral, what we never expected was what happened next. Tami would, later, report feeling "oddly relieved", when the spirits had shown up, politely, and all smiles, on their faces. Tami knew that the smiles, on the spirits faces, meant "Gone, but not forgotten", then Tami heard the softest "Thank You", which she had, ever, heard. After the family dissolved, in front of the gathering, first, the F.B.I. agents, then the Special Forces, seemed to appear, similar to the Starfleet transporter device. When the soldiers, and the agents, looked about themselves, asking "I wonder if they can see, or hear, us?" When one, of the soldiers, waved, at the assembly, and several people waved back, the soldier would say "I think we are back". The priest would break the sudden silence, saying "You are correct. Welcome back to the land of the living". When the lead F.B.I. agent came to Tami, asking "What just happened?" Tami was about to explain, when other people "transported" into the ceremony. Included in their number was the rich visitor. A man who seemed just as happy, to be alive, as he, would, soon, be annoyed, to find out that his company had recalled his jet plane. Soon, close to one hundred people would join the ceremony, even as the priest would proclaim "Let the Lord, God, be praised, at this momentous time." The assembly would give a collective "A-Men". Although the Brown Agency would agree to remain in contact, with the community, just in case the fog returned, When Tami posted our final case notes, and we packed up our plane, the priest would lead a "congregation", to our plane, where the priest would hand Tami a gift bowl, of fruit, while saying "With our appreciation, for returning our families to us". Soon after this, Ghost Ship Ones jet engines roared, to life, and, after a vertical take-off, we were headed for home. On the plane, just as I was about to relax, Tami would caution me "Dont get too comfortable. You know how Mr. Brown is". Athough we enjoyed the flight back to base, Tami and I had no-sooner checked in, with the secretary, when Mr. Brown came up, all smiles, and with a file in hand. When the boss gestured Tami and I into a nearby conference room, he would say "I could really use your thoughts, on this one. It seems ordinary, on the surface, but that is not the conclusion of the lead agents, on the case have come up with. Would the two of you look at this, and tell me if it seems that this is "paranormal", or just over-active imaginations?" Well, back to work...

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