Saturday, November 28, 2015


AFTER THE BREAK UP (READER ALERT: This story contains "explicit", "hard-core", even "pornographic" content. If the reader is offended, by such content, the author recommends the reader HALT, here, and read no further). SPECIAL NOTE: This is my first, published, attempt, at graphic content. What I had not known, at the time, when I was invited, to the party, was that I was being set up to be black-mailed. Although I had done my best, to be discreet, with approaching Shanta, it seems that Shanta had not only told her husband, Jamal, how much I enjoyed embracing her, and kissing her, but she was clever enough to leave out the part, about her enjoying the process. From what I had learned, about Jamal, he was not, formally, educated. As a result, his use, of "language", is limited to that which is of regular use, by street gangs. A Language, full of profanity, and something which, whenever possible, I avoid. As for the invitation, to the "party", when Shanta learned that I had declined Jamals invitation, Shanta whispered, to Jamal "Let me try". When Jamal said "Fuck it, bitch", Shanta knew this was about equivalent to his way of saying "Go ahead". Un-like her husband, though, Shanta was clever. Instead of just "throwing" the invitation, at me, Shanta approached me, with the tenderness, of a house cat. The way she extended the invitation was something I will, never, forget. Between her soft, warm, embrace, soft words, gentle tone, and a deep, french, kiss, how could I turn her down? The first complication, which Jamal ran into, was the fact that, just because Shanta and I had, by pure coincidence, met up, on the way, to the "party", and we were sharing a friendly embrace, Jamal thought his wife was "messing up" his plans. This, by being so openly close to me. At the "party", what concerned even Shanta was the fact that I consumed no alcohol. When Shanta asked, and I informed her that I, simply, did not like booze, mostly for the stench, I was surprised when, after Shanta finished her first drink, that Shanta switched to drinking water, just as I was drinking. Although the original plan was for Shanta to get me drunk, then guide me to a bedroom, have sex, and make it appear that I had raped her (Jamal had to remind Shanta to call out, LOUDLY "Stop, you are fucking me up!") it seems that the plan began to fall apart, even before Shanta and I reached the bedroom. Since I never drank any kind of booze, Shanta had to find ANOTHER way to get me to the bedroom. Problem was that she knew how to gain my cooperation. When Shanta snuggled up, to me, HOPING for my attention, she found that she had it, for certain. Especially when I moved on, from french kissing her, to carressing her brown body. When I began necking, with her, Shanta noticed that some of her friends smiled, at us, even as Shanta whispered, in my ear "Lets get a room", then she kissed me. With the room all prepared, Jamal, and a techie, observed, as his wife brought me into camera view, and Jamal watched, in disgust, as his wife took far too much TIME, drawing me to the bed. When Jamal asked the techie "What the fuck is that stupid BITCH doing?" The techie would say "It looks like a strip show, to me". Jamal, then, whispered (as though Shanta could hear him "Dammit bitch! Claw him, hit him. Do something. Atleast try to make it look like he is raping you". On the screen, though, all the two men saw was Shanta and I, sharing a deep kiss, then necking, and taking my time, carressing, and nursing, her beautiful, brown, breasts. Seeing what was going on, on-screen, Jamal felt that, to vent his rage, he had to hit a piece of furniture. Especially when he watched as Shanta put her head back, and moaned, smiling, as I pressed my face into her pussy. When I was done with this, Jamal really hoped I would insert myself, while belting Shanta, for making so much "passion noise". Un-fortunately, when I worked my way back up Shantas body, Jamal ended up listening, as I took more time, kissing, carressing, and nursing, her breasts. The way Shanta whispered "OOh, baby. Take your time", made Jamal want to vomit. When I came back up, face-to-face, with Shanta, Jamal whispered "God Damn it, FUCK her!", as I embraced, and kissed Shanta. Moments later, Jamal asked the techie "What is that fucking bitch doing?", as Shanta knelt before me, opened my pants, then drew my shaft into her mouth. When Jamal saw how LONG Shanta was taking, to blow me, Jamal asked the techie "What is the bitch doing? Painting, and remodelling, it?" After the two heard Shanta swallowing my stuff, and making "delicious" sounds, Jamal had to grab a beer, to calm down, even as, on-screen, I swept Shanta into my arms, then lay her on the bed. At this point, Jamal just hoped that Shanta remembered what Jamal had told her, including the words, to say. Problem was, even the techie noticed "Shes NOT fighting him. Shes enjoying herself", as the two men watched the monitor, and saw Shanta smiling on, or at, the screen. After Jamal watched me romancing his wife, for awile longer, then Jamal left the observation room, and returned to the party. His main thought was not about Shanta, though. It was the question of how he was going to pay off his debt, without a black-mail tape. Jamal then returned to the party, and began drawing various women aside, for sex. In the observation room, the techie decided just to let the camera's roll. He was just not in the mood to watch a white man fucking a black woman. Another time, yes, but not now. It was, probably, two hours later, when Shanta and I "finished", and I gave her a tender, french, kiss. Man, I felt GREAT, after that encounter. When Shanta stood up, to dress, I teased her, by bowing before her pussy, giving it a DEEP kiss, then carressing her rump, as I nursed her breasts, some more, and ended with another deep kiss. At this point, Shanta might have felt a bit ashamed, of herself, for having me, however, once we returned, to the party, and found Jamal working his way down a "line" of women, fucking each one, as fast as possible. Suddenly, Shanta did not feel ten percent as bad/ashamed. After I departed the party, and Jamal saw Shanta, smiling, like a kid, on Christmas day, Jamal practically dragged Shanta aside, then asked "Bitch! What the fuck were you doing?" When Shanta, innocently, asked "What do you mean?" Jamal asked "What was all that fucking kissing, and titty-sucking, all about?" All Shanta would say was "He's a gentle man". When Jamal said "You were supposed to fuck the shit out of him, then get your stupid, whore, ass, back here, so that we could charge the h.o.n.k.e.y with raping you". When Jamal added "What the fuck happened, in there?" Shanta did not know why but she got her back-bone up, and, in a low, determined, voice, said "Atleast he LOVES me. You never told me what to do, if I met up with a man, who was in love" Jamal told Shanta "Go, home, BITCH! I need to get some more pussy, then find a new way to black-mail the h.o.n.k.e.y". In fact, what Jamal had failed to do, was called RESEARCH. Had Jamal done his "home-work", he would have KNOWN that I not only loved HIS wife, but, also, that I had no wife, or family, of my own, for him to threaten. I was alone, in this world. Sometime later, though, when Jamal needed $250 extra, for a 20-to-1 bet, Jamal told Shanta "Go fuck that h.o.n.k.e.y. of yours. Give him whatever the FUCK he wants, in return for $250.00" Problem was that Shanta knew, as all women know, exactly HOW to obtain money, from the men who love them. This, without any shouting, or threats. Shanta knew that All she had to do was give a man what he wants (Making sure to whisper nice things, as well), all the while letting him have his way with your body. Shanta remembered that, during the "party", that, during the sex, she realized there was nothing she wanted more than my happiness. This is why she had done all she could, to make the sex more enjoyable. The only disturbing memory she had, of the party, was how, at one point, I took a break, from pumping her pussy, just to nurse. Like she wasn't aroused enough, already. When Shanta had felt her breasts, throbbing, in time, to her heartbeat, she had had to cover her face, with a pillow, to muffle her scream , of passion. Well, the pillow MIGHT have kept the SOUND inside the room, however, the moment, of climax, was so powerful, that it was similar to a telepathic broadcast. Telling every woman , within miles, that a woman was getting laid. The very thought, of the memory, made her pussy grow moist, even as she remembered how passionate I had been, with her. HOW was she to handle another encounter? Shanta decided to "play it calm", and just invite me over, "just for a chat". By the time I reached her place, Shanta was ready, and waiting. When she invited me inside, we shared some thoughts, about what had happened, since the party, but I must admit that her "show", of slowly, stripping, in front of me, increased my arousal to the point where, by the time she had removed her panties, my shaft was throbbing like crazy. I was, never, more greatful, than when she sat on my shaft, slipping it deep inside her body, then kissing me, and letting me rest, between her beautiful breasts. After a bit of this, Shanta whispered "The bedroom is that way". and I carried her to her bed. When I lay her on the bed, then whispered "What was it you wanted?" She whispered "Later. Love me, now". I did as she requested, and just hoped that I was loving her as deeply as she deserved. Man, I do NOT know which part, of her body, tasted better. Those beautiful lips, or her breasts. It was only after Shanta was certain that I was satisfied that she whispered her favor to me. Shanta whispered "Baby, I dont want you to give my husband one cent. He will, only, gamble it away, anyway." When I asked "Has he done this, in the past?" She nodded. When I asked "How MUCH HAS he gambled away?" Shanta smiled, even as she snuggled, closer to me, whispering "Enough to make it worth my while to give you two weeks worth, of my affection. IF you agree NOT to give him a single penny". When I asked "Mind if I just LISTEN, to what he has to say?" Shanta kissed me as she said "To listen, Yes. Give him a penny? NO!" Just a few days later, I sat, on the living room sofa, and Shanta was snuggled, close, warm, and fragrant, on my lap, even as Jamal gave his "presentation". Boy, his "presentation" was so full of "possibles", "potentials", and "maybe's", with all of it dependent on factors, which were beyond our control, I didn't need (But didn't MIND) Shanta's kisses, as I made up my mind. As I explained, to Jamal, I only gambled on times were I controlled atleast half of the outcome. Jamal had wanted me to gamble on a project, with control over less than one percent of the risk. When I declined the project, I was surprised when, right in front of me, Jamal told Shanta "Take this h.o.n.k.e.y. to th bed room, and fuck his ass off, until he changes his mind." With that, Jamal headed to the fridge, and grabbed himself some beer. This, while Shant guided me to a side room, and gave me a deep kiss, while whispering "Thank you, baby", while I carressed her, up and down. Less than two weeks later, Shanta gave me an update, on the news, regarding Jamal. This, she did as we removed our clothes, while preparing for sex. Shanta embraced me, and kissed me, as I carressed her beautiful, brown, body, while she whispered "We were right. As soon as the backers had Jamals, and his friends, money, they vanished. Now, Jamals friends are out, looking for the backers". As I lay her out, on the bed, and she asked "Do they really think they can find the crooks?" I kissed her, deeply, as I said "Doubtful. By now, the crooks are across state lines" Then I kissed my way down, from her lips, to her beautiful, brown, breasts. When I took my time, nursing, and, despite her mothers vague "warning", of "Be careful", my nursing her breasts was causing Shanta to wish that she DID have some "milk", for me. In fact, it was not long, after this, when, after some rally great sex, that Shanta asked me "Baby, if I fill my breasts, will you empty them?" I kissed her as I said "Ofcourse". Still, I should have known that some changes were coming, based upon the way Shanta broke her own rule, about "public intimacy". Shanta, still, had her "heart" set, on the idea of a man, with a shaft, twelve feet long, and three feet wide. This is the "man" Shanta wanted to "belong" to. This is why, when She and I became lovers, Shanta had asked me never to be romantic, in public. She said she did not want anyone to think that I was her "type". It would seem, though that, the more and more imtimately, that I loved her, the closer Shanta wanted us to be. She even began embracing me, in public. Shanta did, basically, "mind her manners", in public, until I began actively nursing her breasts. Although, in private, Shanta had no problem, with my nursing (In fact, she adored it), Shanta just hadn't expected the "bonus", which came from my nursing. The bonus that, the more I nursed, the more endurance I had, and the more powerful the sex was. Shanta also did not know how she knew, but, each time I was finishing nursing, she knew the exact second, when the "action" would restart. Shanta even smiled, brightly, each time I threw her down, on the bed, and fucked her, in an almost animal fashion. Then, came the "drawback". I mean, for months, prior to my nursing, Shanta, herself, had sent me to visit her friends. Most of the time, these visits were just about building kit furniture, which the womens "primary lovers" would NOT build, until AFTER the women gave up PLENTY of pussy. After Shanta had smiled, at the women, then told her friends how I let her "set my price"", based upon performance (work accomplished), her friends had decided to "try me out". Although most of these visits were to assemble furniture, there were, other, times, when the ladies asked me to read mail to them. I could understand the reason why the ladies had me read, and translate, the letters. Personally, I, really, have no idea of why state, and local government, have to use $10.00, to $25.00 (ten foot long, to twenty-five foot long) words, to say "You are to appear, on this date, at this location. Bring the following documents with you". To me, the process, of helping Shanta's friends, seemed fine. I just dont understand why, as if "out of the blue", Shanta became so "territorial". Even for my visits, to see her friends, and even when nothing happened, I was surprised when Shanta not only questioned me, about the visits, but told me NOT to help her friends, anylonger. When I asked Shanta her reason, and Shanta said "I am your woman. I will provide, for you", I really did not understand. I did have to "draw the line", though, when Shanta told me NOT to be friendly, with cashiers, nurses, or doctors. When I reminded Shanta that half, of the modern work-force, is FEMALE, I was shocked when Shanta said "I dont want you around other women". Since I thought Shanta was going through a "woman-thing", I decided to ask her friends and, even when Shanta found me TALKING, to her friend, Shanta came up to us, saying "He's MINE!", for some un-known reason. When Shanta and I returned to her place, and Shanta "set down the rule" that "I am the only woman that you need" "I told her "In bed, totally true". When Shanta said "For everything", I told her "Hold on", and "Back it down". When Shanta pointed to her bed, saying "THAT is OUR bed", and I agreed, but only until she added "I dont want to share it, with any other women". It was when she snatched my shaft, out of my pants, and squeezed, painfully, that I, for the first time, belted her, then told her "We need to talk". What amazed me was how, even as I discussed our returning to being "just friends", Shanta, still, sat on my lap, nude, and snuggled up, to me. I did promise her that we could, still, be friends, and even confidants, but that sex was no-longer to be on a regular basis. When Shanta asked, I told her "You can call me, when you want, or need me. Just dont expect it, on a regular basis." I was surprised when she whispered, to me "Same goes here". When I wrote out of "friendship agreement", though, I was never more surprised than I was, the day when I visited, to pack my stuff. When Shanta saw what I THOUGHT was "casual packing", I was surprised when Shanta asked "Why so FAST?" When I stopped packing, and sat beside her, on her bed, and asked "FAST? Any slower and I would have to stop, and have you". Moments later, we were nude, and I was having her body, all the way. In fact, before I realized, an hour was gone. After this, and without dressing, Shanta played the "load/un-load" game. As I loaded my carriers, Shanta un-loaded them. That is, atleast until I gave her a DEEP, French, kiss. At the front door, Shanta had me shove it into her body, for two more times, before allowing me to leave. And I did not complain, not one bit. It was two weeks later, though, when Shanta invited me back, to her place. Despite the invitation, though, Shanta would not tell me the reason, for the visit, until after we have some good sex, and no less than four times. (And, YES, it was, still, heavenly). Only after the fact did Shanta ask me her favor. It seems that ANOTHER investment group was coming to town, and Jamal wanted "in", on "The most solid investment which an investor could hope for". When Shanta showed me the papers, which the group wanted Jamal to sign, to me, it seemed more of the same, as before. "Potentials", "Possibilities", and "Maybes". Still, the one part, of the deal, which I was NOT in favor of, was the part which said that, "In return for a multi-year committment, "profits" would be "through the roof". Even as Shanta and I undertook our own investigation, of the deal, Jamal got on a "Winning Streak", and came away with $100,000. However, by the time Shanta found out, about this, Jamal had, already, "invested" the money, in the "project". (Even as Jamal was doing this, I had been speaking to a lawyer, who clarified the terms, of the contract, for me.) The document stated that, the buy-in price, of atleast $50,000, PLUS 100% of investors income, for five years, PLUS the complete "maxing out", of investors credit, the return on investment, would be 100,000-to-1. The biggest "hook", in the contract, though, was that funds could not be cashed in, for 75 years. Shanta thought the contract was "fuuny", as it applied to Jamal. This is because Jamal had NO credit, and the only reason why he had an "established" home was because of a combination, of Shanta's credit rating, and the fact that Jamal had a payee, to control his bills. Other than this, Jamal did not have anything, of value. All that the investment group would receive, from Jamal, was the $100,000. When Jamal told Shanta to "Fuck his brains out", for some cash, Shanta said "I have a better idea. YOU receive NO sex, for six months, and HE gets to fuck me all he wants". When Jamal told Shanta "Fuck YOU!", then turned away, Shanta knew exactly where he was headed. Right to the credit bar. A place where people could run up tabs, larger than the national deficit. Yes, Jamal would drink himself stupid, while getting fucked, by multiple women. This is why I spent the night, snuggled up to Shanta. This, as Shanta considered ALL she could have done, with that money... Still, Shanta wondered what I would, eventually, do, with all of my own earnings. Thanks to the deal, made with the computer programmer, Shanta knew that I not only had a fully functional web-site, but that, un-like those other fools, who thought that just having a site would make them "rich", Shanta watched how very regularly I posted new content to a site, whose value was in the millions. Still, Shanta felt she did not need anything more than what I was giving her. A firm dick,to suck, and fuck, and to have me fucking her, deeply, and "often". Yes, we were "just friends", but, as Shanta said "There was no law against friends being CLOSE!

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