Thursday, November 19, 2015


TERROR: THE FINAL BATTLE By the year, 2021, twenty years, and countless bodies, would have passed, in the time since the still-suspicious attacks, on New York City. As these twenty years have passed, the American public would have passed from shock, to outrage, to vengeance, and, finally, acceptance. By the time the twentieth anniversary, of September 11th would arrive, this date would return to being nothing more than just another date, on the calendar. Just as December 7th has become. By the twentieth anniversary, even the media was, repeatedly, asking Congress the question "WHY are we still there?" Ofcourse, Congress would reply, sharply, "The terrorists are still out there! We MUST continue to attack them, before they can attack us!" By this point, in time, though, the only, real, support, which Congress had, for continuing the invasions, was the support of the military-industrial complex. By contrast, in congressional districts, across America, the "whisper" of "Why are we continuing to invade", had become a conversation and, by the twentieth anniversary, the question had evolved into a "call to action". In a growing number, of districts, politicians, who insisted "We must continue to attack THEM, to prevent them from attacking us", found their words, more and more often, falling on "deaf ears". This is because, by the twentieth anniversary, all that the American public saw, coming, from these invasions, were endless numbers of coffins. Containers bearing the remains of what should have been America's future. While politicans continued to shout "We must attack!", all that the low income people, and the working-class parents, could see, and understand, were the headstones, which filled American cemetaries. THESE parents no-longer cared about national "rallying cries", of "We must attack!". All these people knew was that Little League, School Proms, First Dates, and the words "They proposed", were nothing more than distant, and forgotten, memories. By the twentieth anniversary, rage, over the deaths, of nearly 3,000 people, on that terrible day, had evolved into acidic bitterness, over the fact that it was, now, known that Congress, and the super-rich, had left the fighting, and the dying, to the sons, and daughters, of Johhn Q. Public. Soon, members of Congress, even ceased all appearances, on news shows. This, after journalists would not cease asking "Its been twenty years. WHAT do we have to show for the lives we have lost?" Although the American public was, solidly, opposed continuing the endless invasions, Capital Hill would have no part in this. Congress would press on, with the "war", even if that meant without public support. And the "war" did drag on. The problem was that, between injuries, and age, the militaries ranks were worn so thin that, by the twenty-second anniversary, of the atttacks, Congress re-instated the Draft. This out of desperation for continuing on. And the "war" did drag on. Past the twenty-fifth anniversary, the thirtieth, and even the thirty-fifth anniversaries. Ofcourse, Congress made sure that their own families, and the families, of the super-rich, were exempt, from the draft. Still, Capital Hill was determined that the "War on terror" would continue, for as long as Capital Hill wanted it to continue. It would only be near the thirty-seventh anniversary, however, that the "war" would come to an end. And for two, very good, reasons. First off: The Middle East, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other, Middle East kingdoms hasd been wiped off the map. All that remained, was sand, bombed out buildings, and the smell of death. Even childrens laughter was just a distant memory. Lives cut short, by endless bombings. And, after twenty years, of battle, no one cared which bullets had killed the children. The children were just as dead, whether from American, or other, bullets. Now, the only sound, on the desert, was that, of the wind. A second, major, reason, for ending the "war" was that America's own ghettos had been "drained", to fill the militaries ranks, during the draft, and the vacant ghettos were, now being deeded over, to private corporations, to be demolished, in favor of luxury condominiums. And why not? After all, everyone, in the ghettos, had been drafted, and killed in battle. Their bodies now lay, forgotten, in the un-marked sand-graves, somewhere in the Middle East. Once the un-employed were wiped-out, and the Middle East was no more, Capital Hill, FINALLY decided to announce "The war is over". After thirty-seven years, of combat, though, what was left, of America's soldiers, finally returned home, and the Pentagon was able to announce a 70% reduction, in wage pay-outs. There were, however, no "victory" celebrations, even when the last, surviving soldier, came home. The nation could feel nothing but tears, for the fallen. Although Congress would insist that this was a "Great Victory", the American people could only see the graves, and would remember this time as "Blacker than the Black Plague, or even worse than the Salem Witch Trials". There was no honor. Only duty, and, above all, SACRIFICE.

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