Monday, September 21, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: THE "EVIL" VOLUME Not long after Tami and I started our "vacation", the Enforcer demon paid us a visit. This time, however, it was asking OUR help. According to the informatioon, which the Enforcer had, some lower-level, servant, demon, had made its way into Lucifers library, and made off with a very ancient, and powerful, volume. Something only Lucifers closest confidants were permitted to see. When Tami asked "Whats the story?" The Enforcer would say "Word has it that the demon, in question, will try to use the volume, to bribe its way into Heaven" When Tami asked "What do you need?" The Enforcer would say "My sources tell me that the volume is in the world of man, at this time. If we can recover it, in time, then nothing bad will happen". When Tami would ask "And, if "we" DONT recover it?" The Enforcer would say "The balance, between good and evil, will be thrown off. Chaos will erupt, and who knows how, or IF, mankind, will survive". When Tami asked "Any leads, so far?" The Enforcer would show us a print out, from a web-site. When Tami would ask "If you know where it is, why not just go get it?" The Enforcer would say "There are RULES. Neither Heaven nor Hades, may act, in the world, of man, without being summoned. " When Tami would suggest that legends stated that Hades could care, LESS, about RULES, this is when some phantom nun, or Mother Superior, would phase in, agreeing with the Enforcer, saying "The Enforcer is most correct. Neither Heaven nor Hades, may act, directly, in the world of man. We may only guide the actions, of those who wish to be guided." When Tami asked "So, you cant even wave a hand, and whoosh us to where the volume is?" both the "angel", and the demon, agreed. This case would be normal leg-work. This left the question of WHO would be paying for our jet fuel, and so on. The Enforcer would say "Conditional upon successful completion of the task, my master has agreed to cover your expenses. " When Tami asked "You mean, your master KNOWS of us?" The Enforcer would smile as it said "My master, as well as the master, of Heaven, have been monitoring your actions, since you began making the deals, which have allowed the dead to rest in peace." According to the Enforcer, the BOSS, of Hades, had requested our services. The Enforcer had to laugh, out loud, when Tami asked if this meant what she thought it meant. The Enforcer would say "My BOSS is impressed with your previous performance, however he is NOT expecting your company. There is NO "welcome mat" waiting for you." In simple English, this was a job, and Heaven, and Hades, were the clients, plain and simple. Tami and I were to be the "leg-men". When Tami would ask "Any chance of back-up, should we need it?" both the nun, and the Enforcer, would promise that the situation would be under review, at all times, and that, should asistance be needed, it would be provided. When I asked "How much more can you tell us? About the volume, or its dangers?" the Enforcer would state "That is why we have selected you, for this mission. The two of you have the best track record, of your race. Succeed, and the rewards will be great." Before departing, though, the Enforcer WOULD provide us with an enlarged photocopy, of the volume, in question. This way, we would, atleast, know WHAT we were looking for. Back at agency headquarters, though, the problem began with the "key-word" search, and just spiraled, from there. Just like the case, of the necklace, since we had no official NAME, for the volume, just typing in "volume", or "volume of evil", brought us over 750,000 "hits". When we tried "Book of Evil", this brought even worse results, expanding the number, of "hits", to 7,900,000. When Tami suggested "We are going to be using a LOT of fuel, on this one", it seems that Mr. Browns ever-competent secretary came through, with an idea. Although the enlargement did not contain much information, the woman was able to gather "data-points", from it, anyway. The secretary did caution us, though that, if SHE could figure out the location, so could others. As for our next, supernatural, visit, it was from the nun. She wanted us to know that the creature had made initial contact, with Heaven, and made an "opening bid", for the volume. When Tami would ask "What was the bid?", the nun would say "Just as we suspected. The creature wants a full reprieve, for past offenses, and a place, in Heaven". When Tami asked "Do you know where the creature is?", the nun would say "It is being very clever. It is using what you call "disposable cell-phones". When Tami asked why the creature would not use "regular" channels, for communication, the nun would say "If it used regular channels, we could trace it, within 1.5 of your seconds". When Tami asked about the volume, the nun would say that it was "shielded", in some way. When the nun asked about our own progress, Tami gave the woman a "run-down", of our efforts, to date. When the nun would ask "How LONG is this going to take?" Tami could only say "Based upon what little we know, it could take MONTHS, possibly years, to track the volume. Are you SURE there is no aid, which we might be granted?" The nun would say "Let me do some checking", then dissolved. While the nun went about whatever she was doing, Tami and I had to report in, to Mr. Brown. To say that the case did not overly thrill him, would be an under-statement. As he told us: "You know, this firm has a large, and GROWING, number, of clients, who want YOUR "special" services. I want you to consider this even as you consider the fact that, with nearly 2,000 "hits", just locally, on this volume, this agency just does not have the man-power to track every single lead. What help are your sources willing to give?" Tami would say "Last we talked with the Enforcer, it was going on another assignment. As for the "angel"? She said she would do some checking, and get back with us". When neither party seemed to be in any "rush", to contact us, Mr. Brown assigned us to fly out, to logging country. Reports said that a dragon had appearred, and was ravaging a town, from sun-down, to sun-rise. The report also claimed that chanting had been heard, as well. To Tami, this brought back the horrible memory of the un-official case wherein her family had been targetted, by an infatuated, former, suitor. Although the rejected man had offered his soul, for Tami's love, the offer had been rejected, since the mans request was based upon PURE emotions, and PURE desire, not upon anything, dark. Still, the mans conjuring had caused the familys property some serious damage, as well as injuries, to family members. Tami just HOPED this was not another case of "spurned love". It was bad enough having to face her own, dejected, "lover". She did not want to have to deal with another persons rejection. By the time the plane was fuelled, and supplies were stored, and we were ready for take-off, Mr. Browns contacts had sent us some aerial photos, of the area in question. Since the photos showed NOTHING, Tami asked for, and received, video footage. She suggested that, if "it" didn't show up, on photographs, then, perhaps, its "wake" would. We were just landing, at the location, when the video arrived. As Tami thought, the "thing" did not show up, but its path was easy to see, via the destruction, which it left, in its wake. The video also had some audio, which Tami could "hear", but not make out. When Tami asked the secretary, the secretary agreed that there was SOMETHING there, and that the secretary would have the audio experts "wash" the feed. Maybe the techs could figure out what was being said. In the meantime, Tami and I were off, to do our job. She, to do "interviews", and I, to do my scouting. While I was off, in the woods, I thought I heard someone singing, with this being followed by heavy foot-steps. I know it will sound insane but, when I got a look, at the dragon, and right at the moment, when I thought it would cook, and eat, me, somehow, I found myself surrounded by beings, of light. I would like to say that they were winged, but I couldn't be sure, of what I was seeing. All that I know is that the beings appearred, and surrounded me, just before the dragon shoot its fire. A fire which should have roasted me, alive. Somehow, the light-beings "deflected" the dragons "breath", yet, when I went to thank them, for the assist, they just smiled, then dissolved. I must have passed out, at that point since, when I thought I looked about, only a moment later, the dragon was gone, as well. This is why I checked my watch, with the plane. I was sure that a dragon, weighing, probably over fifty tons, could not just vanish, in a split second. No, I must have passed out. Atleast, thats what I thought, until the pilot confirmed that I had been awake the whole time. No less than five times, during this assignment, Tami and I found ourselves facing people, we had, never, met, yet they seemed to know all about us, including, eerily, our thoughts. Their messages were just as creepy. Messages like "Do not let your eyes deceive you", and "Do not question what is before you, simple because it is not rational". One night, while Tami and I were hunting the dragon, after we, both, heard the chanting, the beast no sooner appearred, right in front of us when we found ourselves floating up, into a nearby tree. Although we HEARD the sound, of wings flapping, in the air, and felt the touch, on our skin, what we SAW was regular people, two holding up each of us. What I cant figure out is why the tree did not catch fire, which the creatures fire blazing at its trunk. After maybe thirty minutes, of fire, the dragon dissolved, before our eyes, then our "protectors" smiled at us, and dissolved, as well. Tami and I were left to climb out of the tree, on our own. Since Tami had the fore-sight, to have us wear digital recorders, when we returned to the plane, she was about to replay the chant, in the computer. Within seconds, of sending the message, to two, anonymous e-mail addresses, the responses were confirmed. The dragon was a revenge spell. I just wonder WHO came up with the idea that, in order for the counter-spell to work, the speaker had to be in a riding position, on the dragons back. I can only say that bravery had NOTHING to do with my deciding to ride that thing. I just made the only choice I could, when the dragon was sent chhrging at the local grade school, during an evening event. Although my "plan" was to have a local "shoot" me from a see-saw, into the air, and onto the dragons back, I was just on my way, to the playground, when the ground gave way, beneath me, and I was floating through the air. As gently as a mother laying an infant to rest, the beings set me down, on the dragons back, and I gave off my best version, of the chant. I dont know what it was, about hearing the chant, but the dragon growled, and whipped its head about, as though in extreme pain. Soon, its wings were flapping about, wildly, as well, and it stopped, short of the school. When it dissolved, out of existance, I would find myself NOT falling, but floating, to the ground. This time, I made a point of nodding at the beings. Still mute, they just smiled, and dissolved. Based upon the fresh trail Tami and I found, it seems we just missed our "trouble-maker", maybe by minutes. One thing, our sources confirmed, and that was that the conjurer had been using an entry, from the volume. Maybe not, directly, from the volumes pages, but a copy. When Tami and I slipped away, from the community, Tami said she didn't know why but she felt that Canada should be our next stop. When the nun appearred, saying "Your instincts are good, my child. Go, with GOD", I remarked "Too bad she could have been less cryptic. A destination would have been good". In the next moment, I felt the feeling, like a pointer, being whacked across my bottom. When I jolted, Tami smiled as she said "I think that means that we are being WATCHED. A "Watch your mouth" sort of thing". Swell, I had a ghost nun treating me like an un-ruly student. What could be next? I was, soon, sorry that I asked this question, when a new report arrived. A report which stated that, of all things, the Loch Ness monster was being observed, in Canadian lakes. The question, of HOW, was answered, by an un-addressed e-mail. It was quite simple. "The demon is using another spell, to create this." When Tami responded "What is the counter-spell?", the reply was "Working on it". By the time we arrived at a place called Queen Victoria's Lake, the counter-spell had arrived. If the directions were correct, though, the chanter would have to be right in front of the creatures face, for the spell to be effective. My question was: WHO is writing these spells?" It would be bad enough, if I had to straddle another beast, to issue the chant, but to have to look it in the face? Shortly after this, though, another e--mail arrived, dis-avowing the previous mail. The new message, said that the actual spell could be given, from the riding position. The rider just had to make sure the creature stayed on the surface, long enough to finish the chant. (I had a feeling that I was about to get very wet). Although the creature was not "monstrously hideous", by any means, for me, the toughest part was how many times I had to re-start the chant, after the creature dived under the water. After atleast eight dunkings, though, a winged creature appearred, in mid-air, caught the creatures attention (and mine), then held the water creature in its "trance", whhile I issued the chant. When I finished, I expected to have to swim back to shore. And why not? I was soaked, already. Fortunately, just before I was to fall into the lake, my "guardian angels" appearred, again, and we flew for the ship. Once we landed, the angels just smiled, and faded away. I realy dont know how the studious Tami did it, but, while I was "riding the wild side", she managed to slip from the plane, find the demon, and if nothing else, TAGGED the creature. Tami would explain "Since I could not believe it, by its appearance, I triple checked jmy findings, to make sure I was not tagging the wrong being." Still, I gave her a huge hug, while whispering "Thank You", to which she gave the normal, female, reply: "You are all wet. Go, dry off. THEN hug me". When the demon made the predictable mistake, of trying to use the volume, to remove the tracker, it had to let its "shield down". When it did so, the un-protected volume un-leashed a wave of storms, which no one could explain. For several minutes, storms, of incredible ferocity, raged, the planet over. Still, this gave us the time we needed, by having the demon land, long enough for us to tackle it, and retrieve the volume. Once the demon no-longer had control of the volume, it let out a roar, the likes of which I NEVER want to hear, again. After this, four Enforcer demons arrived, and, although I dont think they SAID anything, Tami and I got the distinct impression that the Enforcers were telling the worker "The BOSS wants to see you". After this group dissolved, into thin air, the nun appearred, and Tami and I were surprised by her answer, to Tami's question: When Tami asked "What do we do, with this?", even I knew that Tami meant "Who do we return the volume to?" This is why we were, both, surprised, when thhe nun said "Child, that is your decision. You hold very GREAT POWER, in your hands. It is your decision, as to how to use it". When Tami clarified "Although this belongs to Lucifer, WHO will return his property to him? We cannot do it since I doubt regular humans can just visit Hades" The nun suggested "If you wish, child, I will return it to him. As a representative, of Heaven, I am under the Lord's protection. I may travel, safely." I dont blame Tami, one bit, for asking "As long as all parties, to the agreement, accept". A moment later, when the skies cleared, and all seemed to return to normal, Tami and I took it as the Lord's answer, to her question. Once Tami handed over the volume, the nun dissolved, into thin air, saying something like "The Lord's Peace/Protection be upon you, both" With the volume returned, Tami and I wondered if that was the end of the case. On the way back to base, Tami wondered what her family priests would think, if she told them that we had been working a case, like this. Would the ministers consider her a "Good Christian", for helping the Lord restore order? Or, would the ministers consider her a "Bad Christian", for not handing the volume over, to the church? When she thought about it, though, she wondered WHY she even cared. After all, she hadn't actually ATTENDED services, in years. Sure, we had VISITED multiple churches, in the course of our investigations, but neither of us had attended mass, for YEARS. When she asked me "Do you think we are "Bad Christians", for not attending church?" I told her I did not even know if my own church, the United Methodists, would consider me a good person, for not, regularly, attending. I could, always, SAY that our work kept us too busy, for church, but that would be a lie. By the time we returned to the agency's offices, the secretary would inform us that an amount, equal to double our usual salary, had been deposited, by "parties unknown". When Mr. Brown met up with us, we KNEW what was coming, even as the man said "Congratulations! First rate work. The media has no idea what happened, and the public is just speculating. Excellent work." This is when Tami would break in, saying "Okay, boss man. Enough with the back-patting. Whats the next job." Mr. Brown gave Tami a bright smile as he said "If you have time..." No rest, for the "wicked". Mortal, or Immortal.

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