Monday, September 21, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE TEXT After finishing up the case of the corporate lodge, Tami and I were feeling tired, as we prepared to return home. It wasn't that we did not enjoy our work, but going from one case to another, was just energy draining. Simple fact was that, just like anyone else, Tami and I could only go so long, before we needed a rest, as well. This is why we were relieved when the corporation had decided to abandon its "retreat" idea, and donate the land. The last Tami had heard, from Mr. Brown's secretary, was that Mr. Brown was, personally, approving our vacation vouchers. Once back home, the plane would go in, for maintenance, while Tami and I took a well-deserved rest. Ofcourse, that WAS the plan, atleast until we landed. Back at base, we would be informed that the agency had a special case, and that Mr. Brown was pulling in all available assets. When Tami asked about the case, the secretary would tell us that a woman had been charged with both witchcraft, and cannibalism. It seems that, while doing some utility upgrades, near the womans house, utility workers had un-earthed some bones, which had been sent in, for examination. Although the woman denied knowing about the bones, it seems that some overzealous police obtained a search warrant, for the womans house, even before the bones were identified. The woman was, also, taken into custody, as a "precaution". By the time the lab results had come in, verifying that the bones were human, the police search warrant had found a text, in the kitchen. A text, which the police were un-able to read. A text which was, currently, sitting in the holding room, of the police station, while charges were filed, against the woman. At the present time, Mr. Brown had a request in the works, to gain access to the text. It would seem that one of the agencies financiers wanted to know if the "evidence" was true, or if the woman was being "railroaded". Mr. Brown agreed that he, too, wanted to know. The agency was, also, trying to collect land records, in case this was nothing more than a copy of the "Grave Secrets" story. A story in which home owners un-knowingly purchased land, for homes, in a housing tract, which was built on top of an old graveyard. While law enforcement "stone-walled" all of Mr. Brown's efforts, to gain access to the text, for testing, and translation, Tami would make a contact, via an agency client, with a local coven. When Tami visited the coven, she would be informed that the text, if Wiccan, could be a double-meaning book. Read one way, it was a simple cookbook, for preparing delicious meals. Read another way, it was a book of potions, and preparations. Ofcourse, it COULD be dark magic, as well. If this were the case, the book would have only one meaning. It would be for the empowering, of dark forces. When Tami would ask about the property, and bones, the coven would tell Tami that it was possible that, in the past, a graveyard had rested, on the location. The problem was that, with the passage, of centuries, only a close-up examination would reveal the truth. When Tami would ask "How close up?", the coven leader would say "Forget it. Even the coven has failed to get close, as yet". When Tami would ask "If I could get close, what would I be looking for?" The coven leader would provide a list of features, which might still exist. By the time Tami had this, in hand, Mr. Brown was growing VERY annoyed, at the police, and the District Attorney. His reason was simple. The agency wanted a hand, in translating the manuscript. The police, though, would release no more than the cover, and the first, ten, pages. This, even though agency contacts, within the justice department, said that the volume was as thick as a dictionary. Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, would be left to conclude that the D.A. was determined to make a fast, and easy, case, against the woman. The bones, found on her property, would be the D.A.'s "slam-dunk", for a witchcraft connection. Mr. Blue, though, was left to wonder just WHAT punishment a convicted witch might receive, in the 21st century? After all, no one had been burned, at the stake, for centuries. HOW would the justice department handle prosecuting a convicted witch? When all, legal, attempts, at securing land-maps, failed, Mr. Brown turned to his resident "expert", at bureaucratic thievery. Malcolm Morsden. This man was the federal version, of the residential specialist, Jackson. Morsden had a reputation for breaking into even the more secure places, stealing data, and escaping, without anyone knowing that he was there. Mr. Brown knew that this case was urgent, since the D.A. was even moving high-profile cases aside, to make room for the witchcraft case. The question was "Why?" Why was the D.A. so determined to gain a speedy conviction? Malcolm Morsden provided atleast PART of the answer, when he submitted his report, on land use, since the states official founding. Prior to the invasion, of Chirstianity, and the seizing, of Indian property, "In the name of God", it seems that the land in question had been a burial place, with as many as 100 burials. The reason why the land was not "marked" was because only the holiest people, and those deemed "Most Honorable", were buried in this place. When Mr Brown checked with the agency "plant", at the morgue, the worker verified that it was odd that the coroner was ordered to stop the inquiry, once the bones were found to be human. The D.A. did not seem to care WHOSE bones were dug up. The D.A. only cared that they were HUMAN bones. When Mr. Brown asked the worker to determine all that they could, about the bones, the worker agreed to make a report, as soon as possible. Mr. Blue, soon had to report that the woman was being denied legal representation, since her case was not being considered "criminal". The D.A. was using every loop-hole they could find, to deny the woman her rights. This included listing the womans actions as "administrative/religious". When even Mr. Brown asked "What does THAT mean?", the entire staff, of the agency, looked just as confused as Mr. Brown, himself, was. How could anyone be tried, in court, under "administrative/religious" reasons? When Mr. Browns secretary made contact, with the indian nations, the descendants, of those, who were driven off the land, centuries ago, verified that, at one time, a holy place had existed, in the area. Although the indians had petitioned, for a visit, it would seem that the D.A. was using their own "connections", to keep the indians away. This, even as the D.A. petitioned the courts, to move the trial date even closer. In fact, according to agency sources, at the courthouse, the D.A. was pushing staff, to process the witchcraft case, at record speed. When the presiding judge decided that the case was proceeding TOO fast, and requested that all information be double-checked, to verify validity, the D.A. let it "leak", to the holding center, that the accused woman was an alleged cannibal, who MAY have eaten children. Result, the woman was attacked, in prison, and beaten, violently, even as her stomach was cut open. The prison infirmary staff would be left to notify the courts, that NO human body parts were found inside the accused body. The infirmary also had to report that the woman would be in ICU, for weeks, or longer, since someone had decided to carve anti-witch, and anti-devil, markings into the womans flesh. As a result, of the attack, on the woman, Malcolm Morsden agreed to assist Tami and I, in infiltrating the "crime-scene", in order to determine the truth. Using information, from both the Wiccans, and the Indian nations, I guess that one could say that our group performed "Breaking and Entering", since we entered a "crime-scene", without proper authorization. We rationalized this, though, by hoping that we could prove the womans innocence, especially of the cannibalism charge. Under cover of darkness, a small "army", of agency personnel, descended upon the scene, all looking for evidence of the indian cemetary. It was easy to see how home-buyers had been deceived, into purchasing land, in the area. In fact, our group did not even find any evidence, of any activity, until we brought in ground-penetrating-radar. By three a.m., though, we had learned why so many, small, bones had been found, on the womans property. According to records, supplied by the indian nations, the womans house was built over what had, once, been the "center", of the "childrens burial" section. Proof of this was found when GPR discovered the base, of an idol. An idol which, according to indian belief, guided the young dead into the indian version of the "after-life". Discreet scanning, of nearby properties, verified the presence, of long dead burial sites. The remains were buried in the customs which had pre-dated the Christian invasion, of the America's. GPR also found evidence, of the removal, of other markers, as well. By dawn, the "army" might have been exhausted, and ready to "hit the showers", but the evidence, which we un-covered would help prove, atleast, that the woman was NO cannibal. Ofcourse, there was no way to prove that the woman was not a witch. Even Mr. Blue had questioned how one could prove a person was a witch? Now that we knew that there were real, and active, white, and dark, witches, in America, this left the question of not just "proving" witchcraft, but proving if a witch was a "Wiccan", or a dark witch. During the womans trial, when the D.A. kept trying to push for a conviction, based upon witchcraft, we can only think that the judge grew suspicious, of how often the D.A. kept invoking phrases, such as "dark witch", and "Devil worship", since, to everyones surprise, the judge, finally, asked the D.A. to define the terms. When the D.A. would say "Your Honor, the evidence is right in front of you." When the judge would ask "What evidence?" The D.A. would say "The bodies, under the property, for one." When the judge would ask "What else?" The D.A. would say "That BOOK! It MUST be evil. Otherwise, WHY is it not in Christian English?" The judge must have received our agencies report, since the judge indicated "For your information, counselor, information has reached this court, which shows that the land, in question, was, once, an indian burial ground." When the D.A. would, passionately, state "But, that BOOK! It is NOT in CHRISTIAN English, so it MUST be evil!" The judge would ask "Since when are books, not written, in Christian English, "evil"?" then add "The Russians do not write, in English, nor do the Germans, nor the Poles, nor the Greeks. Counselor, are you saying that these peoples are "evil", for not writing, in English?" When the D.A. would say "That woman is EVIL!" The judge would say "Counselor, you have just thirty days to prove that she is "evil". If you do not do so, I am declaring a mist-trial" Still, this left Mr. Blue's question un-answered. Just HOW does one PROVE that a woman is a "witch"? According to reports, from the prison infirmary, checking the womans body, for marks, would do no good, at this point. Her body was covered on so many injuries, from religious radicals, that she was in for months, of re-constructive surgery, just to repair the worst damage. According to her prison intake reports, the intake physician did not note any "suspicious" art-work. The nurses had noted nothing, either. Just HOW did the D.A. hope to prove that the woman was a witch? When one of Mr. Browns team would say "If she is anything like my wife, I would say that the odds are even" This is when another agent would say "If womens behavior is any judge, then ALL of them are witches". Someone else would add "And you men are no better?" Mr. Brown would call an end, to the discussion, by saying "It is true that, at some points, nearly everyone, male, as well as female, ACTS like a witch. The question is PROOF. How does one PROVE witchcraft?" What no one knew was what Mr.Brown, and Mr. Blue, had in store, for the D.A. During a hectic week, for the D.A., court was just in recess when, outside the courtroom, the D.A. would shout "The Devil!", while pointing down the hall. When others looked in the direction, which the D.A. was pointing, they did, indeed, see a tall figure, complete with a magificent beard, bright, red, skin, horns, and so on. The very image of the Christian view of Satan. When Mr. Brown stepped before the man, though, asking "Why do you assume this is Satan?" Several, in the crowd were un-sure, but Mr. Brown could read the looks, of fear, in their faces. They were afraid of the POSSIBILITY that this COULD be the real Devil. When "Satan" gave off a "wicked" smile, screams followed, then "Satan" gave a heart-felt belly laugh as, in a deep voice, he said "Fools, you know not what you are looking at". Then he turned to Mr. Brown, asking "Did I say that, right?" Mr. Brown would say "Perfect". When a judge came out of court, asking "Whats the meaning of this?" Mr. Brown would gesture, to "Satan", saying "Ladies, and gentlemen, allow me to introduce mister (name of actor). He has played several roles, these past years, and has agreed to aid my agency, in showing that all is not what it seems. This gentleman will, now, show you what I mean". There, in front of dozens, of terrified eyes, the actor would, bit by bit, remove his make-up, which he handed to a now-present assistant. Within ten minutes, "Satan" became the well-recognized actor, from several, recent, plays. When the judge would ask "Your point, sir?" Mr. Brown would say "Just because something SEEMS to be "evil", whatever that means, it does not mean that it IS "evil". When the D.A. would insist "That man is just trying to get that devil-worshipper off, on a technicality. She must be STOPPED! Her, and her kind!" When the judge would ask the D.A. "Stopped from doing what?" The D.A. would say "Stopped from poisoning the minds of others!" The judge would, only, say "I need a clearer definition than that". After the D.A. would stalk away, to consider his position, the judge would tell Mr. Brown "Nice stunt, and, thank you, for notifying me, in advance". At Mr. Browns agency, the staff, including Tami and I, would watch, in total amazement, as the public tried to define what "witchcraft", and "evil" were. To say that the debate was "heated" would be an understatement. Simple fact was that neither the Bible, nor the Koran, nor any other source, really defined "evil". The closest anyone came, to a definition, was to call certain things "un-godly". The debate would rage on, even after the woman was released, into physical therapy. She would be declared "disabled", atleast until her injuries were healed. As for the sub-division, owners ended up defaulting, on mortgages, since NO one wanted to buy housing, which was built on grave-sites. The land would end up on the states books, and would be converted in to a memorial park. Banks did show lieniency, with the defaults, since not even the banks knew what was buried (or, so they said, anyway) on the land. Once the woman was healed, enough, she showed the agency HOW to read the text. A text which was in a very old, and obscure dialect. She did caution us, though, NEVER to READ the recipes, aloud. She said that would be known as chanting. When the woman said the book contained recipes, and someone asked "Does it contain a recipe, for non-fat Strawberry Shortcake?" The woman would say "Deserts Section", then point to the section marker. When Mr. Brown would ask "What happens if a person reads, aloud, as they are mixing?" The woman would say "Talking to onesself does not apply. It is intentionally calling out the words, which is called chanting. For example: "I call upon this moon to be a lovers moon, with all the pleasures, thereof"" When the woman issued the words, in a rich, thick, booming, voice, then said "That was a chant". When Mr. Blue would ask "Just curious, but what generation, of your line, are you?" The woman would say "According to grandmother, I would be, lets see, five generations in Rome, seven in England, four, in Ireland, seven, somewhere, in South America," then she would count, on her fingers before saying "I would guess, maybe, twenty-five, or thirty. Why do you ask?" Mr. Blue would say "Wow, after so many years, you must be real masters, of your craft." The woman would smile as she said "Cute, but no. None of us is BORN, knowing the secrets. Each generation must LEARN the ways of the world. Knowledge must be EARNED, to be valued." When Mr. Brown would ask "How much study before you will complete your studies?" The woman would answer "If you mean "graduate", I doubt there is such a thing as a "graduate". Our lives are spent in the process of learning." When Mr. Blue would ask "Then, whats the point? Spending your life just studying? What is the end reward? What do you get out of the deal?" The woman would smile as she said "Knowledge, and Enlightenment. Those are our rewards. To achieve what few others strive to achieve." (Case-file conclusions: The accused would turn out to be a "white witch", or Wiccan. The charge, of "Cannibalism" would prove as false as a seven dollar bill. This, due to the fact that age-old indian records PROVED that the housing development had, at one time, been a sacred, burial, ground.) The Wiccan would, then, treat agency staff members to a "healthy dessert party". Yes, the volume was a cookbook, and everyone was amazed to find out both how healthy, and how delicious, that Strawberry Shortcake could taste, when "proper" ingredients are used. The District Attorney would be placed on "extended leave", especially after his "outburst", over seeing what he had THOUGHT was the Devil. The judge had ordered an "extended rest, and recovery", for the man. Thanks to his performance, at the courthouse, the "Devil" was offered four, film, projects, and would announce that, after years of effort, his dream, of becoming a professional performer, was in hand. As for Tami and I, we were giving up any hope, of a real vacation. Not with all the cases, which still needed tending to. Besides, the last time we went on leave, a "case" actually found US. Tami and I, also, knew what Mr. Brown was about to say, when he brought forth another file. "I just want your thoughts, on this one." How many times had Tami and I heard THAT one? I guess that "success", even secret success, comes at a price. Oh, well, time, life, and work, go on...

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