Wednesday, October 28, 2015
When Charles Harvey signed out his mount, at Fantasy Stables, on a beautiful day, no one thought anything of it.
Mr. Harvey had taken the required safety courses, and had a horse with which he was most familiar. This was the horse he took out, on this sunny day.
Staff, at Fantasy Stables, knew Mr. Harvey well enough to know that the weekend was his normal riding time, especially when his daughters visited him. Charles Harvey only came, for mid-week rides, when he needed a couple of hours, in the saddle, to relieve the stress in his life. This is why staff was "gentle" with his mid-week visit.
Add to this was that his mount showed no fear, or apprehension, of this rider, and Charles was allowed to pay his normal ride fee, and set off. No one questioned him since everyone expected him to return from his ride, long before sundown.
For the first "leg", of the ride, Charles would be under the watchful eye of a spotter, located on a nearby ridge, and equipped with binoculars. After all, the first rule, at Fantasy Sables was: "Have fun, but do NOT mis-treat the horse".
The spotters job was to watch out-bound horses, for signs of animal abuse. This is because some people thought that, if they minded their manners, at the stable, then they could treat the horses as they pleased, once out of sight of the stables. (These people actually thought that no one would notice anything, once out, on the trail.)
This is why the spotters job was crucial.
At Fantasy Stales, the penalty, for animal cruelty, was to face horsemen, carrying rifles, then to face a humiliating ride, in a jeep, to the stables front gates. At that point, the offender would be told never to return.
When the spotter saw Charles Harvey, the man saw that the rider, and horse, were getting on, well, just walking along, enjoying the day. The spotter had no way of knowing that he would be the last person to see Charles Harvey, alive.
All the man knew was that he felt un-easy, as if something was wrong. This is why he followed Charles Harvey a short distance farther, until the spotter was sure that the feeling was nothing The spotter would, then, return to his post.
Later, staff thought it was strange enough, when Mr. Harvey did not return, by his deadline Staff felt this was strange since they had watched, on many occassions, as Mr. Harvey set his watch, to stable clocks. As a rule, Mr. Harvey would return with as little as five minutes, or more, to spare, for his allotted time.
When neither rider, nor horse, returned, well after the deadline, a group, referred to as "Rescue Riders" would be sent out, in case either horse, or rider, was injured. The riders set out on the trail, which Charles always took, then added in a couple of side trails, just in case. No luck, though.
What was suspicious, though, was when the stable manager activated the horses GPS locator, yet the signal didn't turn up. Even when the search was expanded, to include the local city limits, still the GPS showed nothing. This left the combination question of not just HOW, but WHY.
According to the Fantasy Stables security set-up, anyone trying to remove a horse from company property would set off an alarm, as the horse crossed the property line. Ofcourse, the question, of how security was defeated, was second to the question of "Why bother?" After all, every horse was tagged. No horse could be sold, to others, due to its GPS tracker.
When the Rescue Riders returned, empty-handed, and Charles Harvey failed to return, by sundown, helicopters, with night-vision, joined the ground forces, in searching for both Charles, and the horse
For 72 non-stop hours, the area was criss-crossed, and double-checked, by searchers, in the hope of finding man, or horse.
A week after Charles Harvey went missing, staffers, at Fantasy Stables, would report that his horse had returned. When the boss sked "Where?", the workers said "Main warm up area"
When staff arrived, at the stalls, though, the horse was gone The horse would be spotted galloping away from the stables, along the same route Charles had taken, a week before. Man, was the horse in a rush, too.
As stable riders saddled up, to follow the horse, the boss would tell his computer worker to activate the horses GPS.
The riders went off, after the horse, yet, no matter how fast they rode, the horse outpaced them. When the horse reached the edge of the riders vision, the boss called the base camp, saying "Its pulling away from us. Tell me the GPS is working". Shortly after this, the computer workers voice would respond "Well, uh". At that point, the horse had vanished from view.
The riders went on, for a couple of more miles, then, with no horse in sight, they returned to the stables, where the boss asked the computer worker "Whats wrong with you? Why didn't you activate the tracker?" The operator found their voice, then said "I activated the horses tracker, but it never showed on the map. Whatever horse you were following wasn't one of ours"
Wonderful, the boss thought. An hours worth of work wasted on a run away horse.
The owner, of Fantasy Stables, was furious enough, that one horse was lost, and that the Harvey family had to be told that Charles Harvey's whereabout's were "un-known". Now, the staff had chased a run-away, thinking it was their horse, and an hours worth of wages, and feed, had gone for nothing.
The boss told the staff that, if the horse came back, to tie it to a post. Maybe, the horses owner would compensate the stables, for finding the run-away.
A week later, the horse came back, and workers did as told, tying the horse to a post. They did not, however, have to call the boss, as the horse made such a racket, at being tied up, that workers came running.
By the time the horse broke free, and rode off, riders were mounted, with lasso's ready. The horse would not get away this time. Especially not after all the damage it had done, to the corral.
When riders lasso'd the horse, hoping to cage it, all were surprised at the horses strength, as it yanked riders off horse-back, then took off, at a charge.
Just as riders reached for knives, to cut ropes, the dragging stopped, the horse vanished, and the ropes lay on the ground. When the group spoke of what had just happened, the only thing all could agree on was how much this horse resembled the lost horse. If it were the lost horse, though, WHY was it trying to escape its home?
When the riders returned to the stable, to assess the damage the horse had done, all were left speechless to find the post, and corral, un-damaged. Workers would only say that, one moment, the place was in pieces, and the next, it was un-damaged.
When the horse returned, again, one week later, making all kinds of noise, and running all over the place, knocking things over, and so on, workers thought they saw an expression, of anger, in the horses face. Could a horse be angry?
Then, there were the horses eyes. As red as blood, and full of fury. But, why? No one seemed to know.
Staff thought they had the horse cornered when they closed the stall gates, which lead to the riding trails. Somehow, though, with a loud whinny, the horse executed an impossible leap, over the gates, and took off, in the same direction as before. Only faster than ever.
Since staff hoped the horse would make yet another appearance, traps were laid out and, this time, staff would use tranquilizer darts, instead of ropes.
When the horse DID come back, staff were in for a surprise. The horse was not alone, this time.
Seated, upon the horse, was none other than Charles Harvey, riding crop in hand. With a voice which boomed, with extra bass, Charles would say, to staff, "Fools, you have yet to find what you seek."
When the boss came forward, and asked "Just what is it that we seek?", Charles booming voice would answer "Our final resting place The horse has been trying to guide you, for weeks. Why have you not followed?"
The boss would say, "Sir, your horse outpaces ours, at every meeting. Tell me, where is your resting place?" The boss would ask this when he realized that he was talking to a spirit.
The riding crop would blaze, to life, as Charles would say "Follow me. Beyond the hills, passed the boulders, to the hole which is covered".
When the boss looked at his workers, in puzzlement, one worker suggested "I wonder if he means that old well. The one which was on that old farmland?" This is when clarity struck the boss, as he realized that, years before Fantasy Stables had opened, a family farm had, in fact, stood on the property, which was now part of Fantasy Stables property.
If the bosses memory served, correctly, one, of the former owners had indeed, dug a wide, deep, well, on the property, with which to feed his very large family. The problem was that the boss remembered hearing that the well was capped, many years before. How could a man, and a horse, get into the well?
When Charles voice boomed "Follow me", and he saw that staff just stood in place, Charles swung his fiery crop, at them, then boomed, again "Follow me".
Now that staff had a destination, to fix on, staff mounted both horses, and Jeeps, only to see Charles Harvey dissolve, before their eyes, as he rode off, toward the destination. This is why staff took the trail, closest to the covered well, only to have to wait, for 15 minutes, before Charles Harvey came into being.
Since staff could not find the covered well, by sight, the boss asked Charles "Okay, where is it?" With a wave of his hand, Charles moved aside some branches, which had fallen over the well head, covering it, from sight, after the pair had fallen in.
With flashlights, and floods, from the Jeeps, staff found the bodies of both the rider, and horse, floating on the water, deep in the well. This is when, in a normal voice, Charles Harvey said "The last thing I remember is seeing something, to the side of the trail, which caught my attention. This was followed by a sensation of falling. After that, nothing".
With the bodies recovered, the Harvey family would learn of the final fate, of Charles Harvey. Once informed, though, the former Mrs. Harvey would admit understanding the reason for the ride. She admitted that, when Charles had informed her that his hours were being reduced, at his work, that she had told him "Dont even consider reducing the child support. Get rid of that stupid stable membership" She then reflected "I told him that, if he even considered reducing child support, for ANY reason, I would have him thrown in jail, and have that horse barbecued".
No doubt this was the reason why Charles had been so solemn, that day. Even his ghost said he spend most of the ride, trying to say "goodbye" to his closest friend: the horse.
Since the ex-wife, and the girls, were the beneficiaries, of his insurance, his policies went, entirely, to them. The girls would receive enough money, to grow up, in comfort, while the ex-wife would administer the trust, until the girls reached 21.
The staff, of Fantasy Stables, would watch, in subdued silence as, after the funeral, Charles appearred to them, once more, along with the horse, bid his final farewell, then slipped, for a moment, by suggesting "If anyone wants a reference, for a good, riding, stable, send them to...oh, never mind"
The boss said "I understand".
With that, Charles Harvey mounted the horse, and strolled away, dissolving as he went.
When the assistant manager asked if the manager thought that anyone would believe any of this, the boss said "No one is going to mention any of this. Not if they want to keep their jobs".
The boss knew what happened to others, who told such stories. Careers ruined. Sanity questioned. No, best to leave it that Charles Harvey had died a tragic, accidental, death.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The llast thing I, vividly, recall, of the "present", was that fact that, after Tami and I de-barked our plane, Tami had gone her way, and I had grabbed some fast food, before returning to my own place.
At this point and, in a way, I was looking forward to some time off. Still, Tami and I had a bet going on. TTami's bet was that, with the back-log, of cases, still awaiting attention, that our "vacation" would last only about three days. By contrast, my own wager was that the "vacation" would last for five days (seven, tops). The only part, of the wager, that Tami and I agreed on, was that, within seven days, we would be back, at work.
That evening, though, the last thing I recall doing was setting my alarm clock, then my head, hitting the pillow. After that, I was "dead to the woorld".
NEVER did I dream that I would "wake up", in my childhood bedroom, in the middle of the night. (And, WHHAT was that blue light?)
I guess that, at first, I did not believe that this was real due to the fact that I have a LONG memory, of dreams, so vivid, that my conscious mind has to remind me that I am dreaming.
Excellent case in point:
I, often, dream of the days when my mothher remained alive. In many, of these dreams, my sister (and middle of three children), is driving the family car, while mother is on the passenger side, front seat. (My mother never had a drivers license due to the fact that she was so close, to legally blind, that her "reading" coonsisted of "Talking Books", reecorded on cassette tapes. The "ancestors" of modern, audio books, recorded on compact disc).
Anyway, the dreams, usually, progress, normally, with mother making plans, while my sister (who is four years my senior) drives the car.
The strange thing, about such dreams is that the dreams play out exactly like real life, with mother and daughter discussing matters, while "baby brother" just seems to be along, for the ride. It always seems that the dream continues on, until the point where our mother is telling me hoow long I can be out, after sunset.
It is, never, until I remind my mother that I am a grown man, then remind the woman "You have been dead, for twenty yeras", that I snap out of the dream, and return to this reality.
This is the primary reason why I was not overly cooncerned, to be back in my childhood bedroom, within this "dream". It would not be, however, until I rose, from my bed, and observe my surroundings, that I would look back at my bed, and see my childhood self, sleepinng in the bed.
As for the climate, of the room, I can only think that it must have been near summer, or unusually warm weather, since my bedroom window was open. Then, I sensed something else, in the room. Something I was un-certain of, yet something, which frightened me. Then I saw "them".
The spirits of the departed. Spirits which seemed to understand, LONG before I ever knew, that I had an open mind, and that, one day, I would realize that spirits were "real".
Un-fortunately, at the time in question, all that I knew was that the spirits scared me out, of my bedroom, night after night. It was typical for my mother to find me in my sisters bedroom, come morning. Ofcourse, though, I was nowehere near the only "gifted" member, of the family.
There was one night, that mother had mentioned, from time to time. The time, when my sister awoke, screaming that there was a strange man, standing inn the bedroom doorway.
When mother appearred, in the doorway, my sister would cry out "Mom, you just walked right THROUGH the man".
Although a search, of the house, would reveal no presense, of intruders, it would not be until father returned home, that mother would find out that the man had been robbed, by an assailant, whose description was, eerily, similar, to my sisters description.
Ofcourse, sometimes, we wondered if the house, itself, was "possessed". After all, during the years, when we lived, in the house, and even during the heat, of summer, the homes master bedroom remained ice cold, especially during the night.
And, do not let Tami and my own, previosu adventures fool any one. In fact, even I was no "angel", even during my childhood. Yes, like all children, I had my share, of "rampages". Although the reason is long forgotten, I do remember that, one day, during a tantrum, I smashed the glass out oof our homes rear, sccreen, door.
I dont remember the details, but I remember being discreetly punished, for the action.
I do believe that it was sometime, after this, that our parents were informed that, when my sisters and I had temperatures, or "ridiculous" tantrums, that these times would set off "seizures", in our brains. As a result, for several YEARS, my sisters and I swallowed Dialtin pills, which would control any "seizures".
As for my "epic achievement", of childhood, I really have no idea what this might have been.
It might have been the factthat, in arrt class, my drawings were, always, thhe last, which the teachers collected, however, my drawings seemed to earn the highest grades. That is, atleast in art class, and due to the fact that my drawings were, always so detailed, to the point where neither teachers, nor our parents, had to ask what my pcitures showed. It seems that, even at a young age, I was detail-oriented.
But, ofcourse, I had my "grand disasters", as well. Including the incident, with the overhead, paralell bars. These are the kinds of bars which military recruitment shows, on television, with soldiers climbing ladders. then crossing a space, above the ground, by using hand-over-hand motions.
Now, ofcourse, our grade school had a smaller set, of these bars, for the small kids, like me. Teachers would remind the smaller of us, to stay AWAY from the larger set, due to risk of injury. But, no, do you think we listened to the teacherrs?
As memory serves, a group, of us students were told, on a bright, sunny, day, that we were "chicken" enough that we would not attempt the older students cross-bars. What I did not realize was that, since our schools cross-bars were made of metal, they could get very HOT, in the sun.
Well, when this three foot "shorty" tried the six foot tall unit, I remember burning my hand, on a rung, then landing, oon my left arm, breaking my wrist, just as cleanly as if a butcherr had sliced it.
These were the memories, which came back to me, as I wondered what I was doing, in this extended, and very realistic, dream.
After a bit of investigating, I found out the reason behind my nightly excursions, to my sisters bedroom. The spirits had sensed that I was "open", and had hoped to gain my attention, while I slept. What the spirits did noot realize was that these attempts, at contact, caused this child nightmares, whicch, in turn, caused me to flee, into my sisters bedroom.
Now, as an adult, and watching this, as though on a movie screen, I would watch as my family went about their business, as night turned into morning.
Too my surprise, I found thhat the childhood version, of myself, had far more friends, and much better times, with these friends, than I remembered.
One thing I will, never, forget was the "punishment", which a room, full of first graders, put thhose poor teachers through, as the teachers TRIED to teach students the twelve months of the year. For some reason, though, I had an especially rough time remembering that September, noot October, followed August. In fact, I had to recite the months, three times, maybe four times, before I got it right.
This, despite the fact that the classrroom had pretty, cardbboard, flowers, on the walls, listing not just the twelve months, but with each students name, and birthdate, written on a flower petal.
This school was even modern enough that the boys restroom actually had REAL urinals, and toilets, which had working stall doors. (This would be totally un-like the publicc school restrooms, in schools where I spent most of my youth. Schools where the urinals were nothing more than oil drums, cut in half, and the toilets were ucky to have doors, at all.)
Although I watched my younger self going through lifes paces, as a child, I did notice how often I looked about, as though trying to catch a glimpse, of something, which I THOUGHT was watching me.
It would seem that the spirit world was watching me, even as a child. The spirits seemed to want me to be aware of their presense. Sometimes, I wonder if this might have had something to do with some of the knock-down, drag out, fights, our parents had. What I did noot know was that our mother was even more "in tune", with the spirit world, than myself, and my sisters, were.
I think that the spirits gravest mistake was the suggestion, of whispering into my mothers ear, while she slept, that the spirits needed her aid. These "messages", our mother incorporated into her dreams, and became the foundation, for atleast soome, of her accusations, that our father was off, dating other women.
True, eventually, after being acccused of the act, father then committed the act, but what astonished my adult self was how much the spirit world had been involved in the decision.
What my adult self also noticed was hoow, even on clear, sunny, days, what I was witness too seemed dark, and shadowy.
Even whe I tried my tried-and-tru method, of saying, aloud "This was forty years ago!", it was odd how, this time, the trick did not work. It was odd, but, somehow, I remained in the past.
Strange thing was that, while the younger versions, of my family, went about daily life, including maels, and television, none of them seemed to notice that I was watching them. This despite the fact that I thought I was standing in their midst.
And, there remained the question, of why everything was so dark, and gloomy.
As an investigator, with several cases "undeer my belt", I performed what I thought would be the best version, of Tami and myself, by searching the property, for clues.
After what seemed like WEEKS, of "research, I concluded that it had never been the property, which had drawn the spirits to my family. It was my own familys "sixth sense".
Between my fathers German intellect, which gave the man the ability to both read, and understand, his employers blue-prints, as well as our mother, passing on some sort of "telepathic" genes, to her children, it would seem that our home had become some sort oof "sup-magnet", for spirit activity.
Although it was, probbably true, that this knowledge would noot have affected our parrents divorce, in any way, however, this knowledge DID explain other thhings.
Case in point:
Our father was born just months after the great stock marrket crash, of 1929. This would mean that most of his childhood would be spent surviving the first Great Depression, of the 20th century.
Our mother was born just seven years later, in about the middle of this tragic time, for America.
It is, therefore, thhe coonsidered opinion, of myself, and my sisters, that this was a major, contributing, factor, for muchh of the stress, in family life. Ofoucrse, having three chhildren did not help matters. To our parents, the concept, of "too much money", was in-conceivable. Having survived a Great Depression, our parents were part of a generation, which had grown up, with nothing, and, therefore, could, never have "too much money".
Since I knew that this was all "old history", and I knew all oof this to be fact, so this left the question of "WHAT was I, still, doing here?"
Whenn I thought that I began hearing movement, in the family home, at night (sound, which did not wake my family), I ckecked the house, repeatedly, only to find shadowy mists, and dark objects. No human intruders. Each time I tried too "make ccontact", with the objects, though, "it" just moved away from me, or vanished. What I did not know, at that time, was what was going oon, in the real world.
While I was off, in "dream-land", Mr. Brown had found some work, for Tami and I. Problem was that, while Tami was her normal, punctual, self, it seems that no one could reach ME.
Although it would seem impossible that, when agents were sent, to check my place, the agents found no evidence, of struggle, forced entry, or soo on. The problem was that, although my bed was, slightly rumpled, there was no sign of myself.
When the agents returned to base, to inform Mr. Brown, Mr. Brownn would inform Tami not to worry. "We will find him", then told his secretary to "Activate his tracker".
As Mr. Brown, his secretary, and Tami, wattched, the personnel, in the electronic tracking section, went to the file, pulled out my tracking code, from my printed file, and fed the code into the ccomputer.
Everyone, at the Brown Agency, knew that the tracking system worked corrrectly, since seven members, of staff, who were on duty, were being acctively tracked, while oon assignment. All present just found it odd, as in strange, hoow LONG it was taking the "progress bar", to process the command, even as the word "SEARCHING" flashed, on the display.
Since the program, normally, takes a maximum, of thirty seconds, to locate a tracker, no matter where, on the globe an agent is, when the "progress bar" still flashed "SEARCHING", after five mnutes, Mr. Brown would be just preparing ti inquire, when Mr. Blue would suggest "Run full diagnostics. I want to know WHY the agent has noot been located, yet".
Less that a minute later, a seperate screen would show "Diagnostics Complete. All Systems Functional".
When Mr. Brown would say "Update status, on ALL projects, and personnel", the agents would comply, type in the commands and, within fifteen secoonds, the main board would, in fact, show ALL seven agents, on duty, were accounted for.
When Mr. Brown would tell the technicians "Send diagnostic response request, to his tracker. Let us find out if the tracker has been "damaged"".
Just fifteen seconds later, the diagnostic screen would show "No response".
What both Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, knew was that, even if I, or anyone else, were injured, or deead, the diagnostic program would, still transmit "Signal Received".
For some in-conceivable reason, though, the coomputerrs coulld not locate me, anywhhere, on Earth. This left the question of "HOW is this possible, in the twenty-first century?"
As for myself, what even I did not think about, for awhile, was the fact that, maybe, just maybe, I was not "dreaming".
Although I was certain that, in the twen-first century, as soon as the Brown Agency realized that I was not answering my pages, the agency would activate my tracker, and locate me, by its signal. Still, this left the question of "What if what I was seeing was NOT a dream?" What IF, somehow, I had been projected, or transported, back, in time, to the late 1960's?
For one, hilarious, moment, I considered what it would mean, if I WERE trapped, in the 1960's.
In the days before family homes had color television, or V.C.R.'s, home computers, or other, science fiction, devices.
IF this were true, my tracker would be useless, since even this tracking technology was not created until decades after the late 1960's. Still, I pondered this posssibility, as I watched myself go about my youth, and wondering WHY I hhad done many of the things I had done.
Things like the time when I suck behind the wheel, of my fathers car, and backed the right, rear, tire, into a ditch. (What was I thinking?)
So many things I could, or SHOULD, have done differently (IF I did them, at all).
What I do recall is that, from grade shool, right through to college, my worst subject, possible, was English class. To say that my grades were "horrible", would be a compliment. What my teachers could, never, understand, though was the reason why, since I failed English class, year after year, HOW could it be that my reading, and writing, class grades, were near the top of the class.
Still, I wondered what my adult self was doing "Here". WHY was I watching my own childhood? Answers, I needed answers. This lead to the question, of "WHERE to find answers, in 1969?"
When I considered contacting the local coven, I had to, quickly dismiss this cooncept, since, even as "Samantha Stevens", of "Bewitched" was showing the world that witchcraft was NOT "evil", Wiccans would have to wait, for another few decades, before winning acceptance, from the pubblic. Besides, HOW was I to contact the coven? Check the Yellow Pages, under "Witchcraft"?
I could think of only one way, to establish contact. I would have to summon all of my psychic strength, to the maximum, and hpe this was enough to cross the barriers, of time, and space, and send a telepathic message, to the Wiccans. I just hoped I hhad enough energy, for the task.
Back, in the real world, the Brown Agency was calling in all available information. The problem was that, even after 48 hours, of continuous effort, all that anyone could verify was that I had not been located. This is when Tami decided to add magick to the mix.
Even while enroute, to the coven, Tami was calling, both to say she was coming, and to ask for a meeting. When th Wiccans only response was "We know", Tami would only hope that this meant that "All was well"
When Tami rached coven headquarters, though, she was most annoyed when the Wiccan would not allow her to enter the coven, until my co-worker had calmed herself. The rationale:
"We are working powerful magick, within. We must remain focused, both positive, and pure, of thought, in order for the magick to be successful".
When Tami would say "Very well", oonly then would the Wiccan allow my co-worker entry. Thankfully, though, the coven was hard, at work, and had enough time to summarize their oown "report". Un-fortunately, the news was not positive.
As the priestess would explain "We have searched both the present, and the future, and we find no evidence, of him, in either plane."
When Tami would ask "Dont tell me he is in another dimension" The priestess would say "Such is not our belief. Besides, inter-dimensional travel would have left a notice-able "foot-print"."
When Tami would suggest "Then, the past, wins, by default, right?" When the priestess would say "It would seem soo." Then add "The problem is, we just dont knoow wherre too start. If we knew when, and where, he was born, and where he was raised, we could be much more precise, in our search".
Under normal circumstances Tami would, never, have given this information, to any one, however, since my parrtner felt that I was in some sort of "danger", Tami provided the Wiccans with much of my personal information. Information which I had shared with her, only in the strictest confidence. Still, in this case, Tami felt that my safety overrrode any privacy concerns..
Still, even when the Wiccans had this information, Tami would be left, to wait, and pace, inside a "holding room", while the Wiccans combined ingredients with their intellect, for hours, before the spell was ready.
As the priestess would command "We shall begin at the moment of his birth, and this shall lead us to his time-line. Once we have established this, we may proceed, at an accelerated pace".
Sure enough, and although she did not know why, Tami felt what my mother went through, in giving birth. Tami, absent-mindedly, carressed her own stomach, while considering what it was like, to have new life, growing inside her body. New life, which would spring forward, in the cold, snowing, pre-dawn hours, of a February morning.
(Personal note: I have never understood what women find so "cute", about new born babies. Maybe this is just a mans point of view, but I ponder the question, at times).
For just a moment, Tami envisioned it being herself, on that table, giving birth to my children.
Thankfully, she shook off the feeling, and the vision, and FAST! If Mr. Brown even THOUGHT that Tami was having such thoughts, she knew it would be agency policy to re-assign each of us. Either that or our careers, with the agency, would be at an end.
Still, Tami felt the "tinglings", as my childhood passed before the women, in the "mist".
Oddly enough, even the Wiccans were surprised when they located ME, in first grade. When Tami asked "WHAT is he doing, there?", the priestess would suggest "Sisters, I am of the feeling that this man is supposed to LEARN something".. When the other sisters would agree, cautioning "He is only a child. What, possible, lesson, can he learn, from watching a child?"
This is when the priestess would attempt to initiate contact, with me. When the priestess would ask "Can you hear me?", Even Tami was surprised when I asked "WHERE am I?" When the priestess would say "It seems that you have been summoned, to your own past." When I asked "No kidding?", then added "I would not have known, if you had not have told me".
When the priestess asked "What is the last thing you remember, before you found yourself in the past?" When I summarized bedding down, in the 21st century, and waking, in the middle of the night, in my old bedroom, in the 1960's, the priestess would command "Show me, in slow motion".
While I focused on the details, of my bedding down, the Wiccans, and Tami, would notice thhat I was thinkiing about Tami, and NOT in a professional way, either. When the priestess would command "Focus your thoughts", I would say "Sorry", and this is when the coven, and Tami, noticed something, in the details.
When I would mention "yeah, I saw it. I just thought it was a shadow". This is when Tami noticed that the priestess would conjure one of those "Mist of Truth".
When Tami, the priestess, and atleast five, other, Wiccans, would enter the "mist", and call up details, of the shadow image, Tami was un-sure of just What she was observing. This is when the priestess would "Spell it out", for my co-worker.
The shadow was, in reality, a "memory creature", whose purpose, when conjured, was to "teach" people about the present, by reviewing the persons past.
For some, un-specified reason, though, there was a "lesson", which I was to learn, from my own childhood. What the "lesson" was, though, even the priestess did not know.
When I would suggest "Maybe, I am supposed to learn that I was NOT a "saint", even as a child. If this is what the creature is showing me, then I must plead "Guilty as Charged".
When the Wicans would agree "Doubtful. After all, we were, ALL "beasts", during childhood".
True. Between in-securities, and tantrums, not a single person, on this planet, can claim to have been "saintly", as a child. Still, this left the question of "What was I doing, in the 1960's?" Even when I added up all of the stupid stuntts, I had pulled, during childhood, I still failed to come up with an answer.
Sure, as a child, I was shy, tiny, and "withdrawn", but "Big Deal". All children are moody. No surprise, there.
It was while I seemed "stuck", in the late 1960's, that the coven moved forward, in my life, to 1978.
The year, when the child born, and either the childs father, or the fathers family, had LIED to a local hospital, about the new-borns mother's mother.
In the "Mist of Truth", the coven, and Tami, watched as the fathers family, when asked about contacting the mothers mother, to be present, when her daughter gave birth, the family had told the hhospital "Her mother is dead".
Hours after the childs birth, when the mothers own family had received word, of the childs birth, and arrived, at the hospital, with the new grand-mother stating her identity, hospital staff had told the mother "But you're dead! Ateast, thats what the family told us".
When Tami would ask "How could they do such a thing?" The priestess would say "The human heart has many dark corners, just as the mind has." Then the priestess would suggest "Shall we continue?"
When Tami agreed, (and I remained stuck reviewing my childhood), the "mist" moved on, to show the present.
What neither Tami, nor the coven, could have known, was that a member, of the "extended" family, would be so "desperate", to cut my family out of everything, that a member had joined a coven, and, without proper training, had tried to induce a memory spell, designed to make family members forget any association, with the "superior" family.
The problem, as the priestess would point out, was that "Without proper training, the cadet has created a spell, in which a family member is required to re-live significant memories, over and over, until they accept the "evil", which was visited upon them, decades before".
When a sister would suggest "Why dont we just erase his memory, as the spell was designed to?" Tami would be the one to say "You have no idea how willful his memory can be. You would need an atoomic bomb, to erase his memory". Th priestess would concur "If we used such a powerful spell, it would wipe out everything he has, ever, known."
It was when the Wiccans would be stumped, for a plan, that "Mother Superior" would show up, asking "May I be of any assistance?" Both Tami, and the Wiccans, knew that the woman was just being courteous.
Moments later, and using some gestures, which none of us understood, it seems thhat "Mother Superior" not only "hauled" me back, from the 1960's, but that she, somehow, "reversed the spell", sending it back, upon the caster. "Mother Superior" promised, though, that the spell would last only a few days. After that, the caster would be left with just a horrible memory.
Final "experience" notes:
Although I truly felt that I was re-experiencing my life, as if watching a movie, I am sure that many would say that I just hallucinated the whole thing. However, if this is so, then HOW is it that the spell, cast by "Mother Superior", brought me back to the present? What did she do? Set off my alarm clock?
I, also, cannot confirm any of the reports, that an in-law might have cast a spell, over me, either. As for what the "mist" had shown Tami, we left to wonder if it was the past, or just my memories. I suppose that only those, who were there, at the time, know the truth.
The real "bummer", though, is the fact that, since Tami and I were, never, officially, assigned, to this case, we would receive not one penny, in compensation, for any of our work. After all, the Brown Agency only pays for work it assigns people to perform. On this, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, are in complete agreement.
I would, however, be allowed another forty-eight hours, to rest, from my "rest", before being re-assigned, to another case. Tami would promise that she would do the "preliminary" work, while I rested.
When my head hit the pillow, I had to shake the image, of Tami, embracing me, and kissing me "Goodnight" (And PRAY that Mr. Brown NEVER found out). My main desire would be dream-LESS sleep.
By the time I would wake up, my phone was "ringing up a storm". As soon as I saw the Caller I.D., I KNEW what it was. Whoever coined the phrase "No rest for the wicked", must have known that, one day, Tami and I would be mated, as a team. Oh, well, back to work, is what I thought as I picked up the receiver...
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
In the time, following the Man-O-War incident, and the Hessian's attack, on the police station, in which Jennifer Mills had looked the Horseman of War, directly in the eyes, without flinching, it would seem that the Hessians had "pulled back", and were re-grouping, for some new offensive. What it was, no one knew.
All that the police captain could report, to "Homeland Security", was that the Hessians were just as well-armed, as the police were. In fact, even with the feds newest "toys", the police had, barely, held their own.
When "Homeland Security" had, stupidly, asked "Is this a terrorist cell?", the captain had to stifle a laugh as she thought "Not EVERY group, of trouble-makers, are "terrorists, you idiot". All she could report was that the Hessians were as well-trained, and equipped, as any military group. Federal, or not.
While the captain was trying to offer a generic explanation, for a group which, history claimed, had not existed (not OFFICIALLY, anyway), for centuries, the Mills sisters took Ichabod Crane to Sleepy Hollows newest, Italian, restaurant.
Although Crane had "promised" to be polite, he needed only a taste, of the "real home cooking", to ask staff "Are you, really, trying to pass off this pre-packaged stuff, as "home cooked"? When the manager came to the table, to ask Crane about his culinary skills, Crane took one look, at the man, and asked "Are you, really, trying to pass, for Italian?"
When the owner questioned "Are you questioning my integrity?" Crane would say "I am questioning your alleged background. By your accent, I would say you are from nowhere near either Italy, or Sicily. In fact, I would place you between England, and the Continent."
When Abby would whisper "Knock it off", and Jennifer would ask "Is he, always like this?", Crane would say "This establishment is a mockery of Italians, everywhere. You, my good sir, are nothing but a cheap charlatan."
This is when Abby would say "Time to go", then gave Jenny the signal, to draw Crane out of the restaurant.
Outside the restaurant, Abby would be reminding Crane, of his promise, while he argued that REAL cooking was nothing like that establishment, when Jenny would suggest "If you think you can do a better job, why dont you try cooking, yourself" When Crane would say "Perhaps I shall", Abby knew what THAT meant.
The last time Ichabod Crane had promised to "cook from scratch", he had taken DAYS, just to procure fresh ingredients. When Abby mentioned "We DO have places, called supermarkets, you know", Crane would retort "Yes, places where over-ripened, and pre-packaged, food-stuffs are passed off as genuine staples".
Crane had, then, taken a full day, making all of the ingredients, by hand. Sure, the end result tasted better than anyone could have expected, but the bad part was that both sisters ate too much.
Three days, of "modern exercises", it had taken, for the Mills sisters to work-off the meal.
Later that evening, after leaving the Iltalian restaurant, the trio had stopped by a fast food place, to replace the dinner they had missed, thanks to Crane, and Jennifer received a call, just as Abby did, and, soon, both sisters were off, for appointments. Both on the same matter, yet to different destinations.
At the police station, Abby would take part in a conference, about possible movement, of "radical" cells, in the Sleepy Hollow area. "The problem" as the captain would point out "Is that we have too little information, to act upon. We KNOW that there are groups, in the area, including some mercenariees, referred to as Hessians, and that there are crates, of supplies, heading in our direction. The problem is that we dont know WHO is ordering, WHERE the crates are heading, and WHO is in charge. Homeland Security thinks this might be part, of another 9/11 style attack"
When a beat cop would say "Homeland Security thinks -EVERYTHING is a terrorist plot." When the captain would say "Thats probably true", another officer would quip "Homeland Security probably thinks my grand-mothers home-made jelly is an explosive, too" The captain would say "Back on subject, Homeland thinks we should be on our guard, for "Anything Suspicious".
When a detective would ask "Captain, would you define "Anything suspicious, please?" The captain would say "Just keep your eyes open".
When Abby would ask "Just what is it that they are shipping in? Guns, ammo, what?" The captain would say "An intelligent question. All Homeland will tell me is "powerful stuff". I am guessing that does NOT mean water pistols, and chewing gum". When Abby would ask "Military, or civilian, grade?", she knew what the answer would be, before she asked. All the captain would say was "Homeland says it is dangerous. I have nothing more to give you".
As the meeting broke up, both the uniforms, and the detectives, agreed that the meeting was as "informative" as a "stoolie", sky high, on drugs, and only able to recall their name. In short, the police were to be on the "look-out" for who-knows-what, coming from who-knows-where, and going to I-dont-know.
Abby would return home, feeling like she had just failed a snap-test. A test she had not known was coming, and on a subject she had, never, studied for. She just hoped that either Crane, or Jenny, would have more information, since Abby had no idea what she was looking for.
Back at the cabin, it would seem that Jenny knew more, about what was going on, than even Homeland Security did. What concerned Abby was HOW much MORE Jenny knew, than the police knew.
As Jenny reported "My call was for a group, which is training, and preparing, for a coming battle. They are looking for SKILLED fighters. NOT suicidal fanatics, but trained, disciplined, soldiers." When Abby would ask "Why did they call you? Dont they know that mental patients are mentally un-reliable?" Jenny would say "Very funny. No, actually, they know WHY I was "inside". Thanks to Rick, I have been invited to train, with the group."
When Abby would ask "With what, where, and when?" Jenny would say "They are expecting a shipment, in a few days. Military-grade weapons, explosives, the whole thing." When Abby would ask "What is their target?" Jenny would say "No one said. All I know is that, if I sign up, we start training, within the next few days."
When Abby would say "Tell me WHERE!" Jenny would say "IF I am accepted, they will call, when things are set up" When Abby would ask "Would you tell me, if you knew?" Jenny would come back with "Why wouldn't I tell a COP?"
A few days later, and after a train, possibly loaded with weapons, seemed to "vanish, into thin air", it would be Crane who would lead the Mills sisters to a rail track, which had been abandoned, overgrown, and, carefully, cleared, so that only trained scouts could find it.
The three had no "back-up", since the police captain said law enforcement did not need Cranes "Hocus pocus", to find a train. This is the reason why, while the police searched modern rail lines, Crane, and the Mills sisters, would walk away from the modern lines, even as Crane would reminisce about the crude, but clever, ways in which the colonies, under General Washington, had worked, in secret, laying rail lines, and building storage sheds, in places the British would, never, think to look.
By mid-afternoon, Crane would stop, at a spot, along the tracks, and call out "I know you are there, just to the right of me. In future, you might do well to provide better cover, for your post." When no one answered, and Abby asked "Crane, whats going on?" Crane would say "There is a gentleman, approximately thirty feet to my right, poorly hidden in those bushes. He has one of your modern rifles. I believe you call it an M-16." Then Crane would call out "Sir! Am I correct!"
As if "out of nowhere", the man came forward, asking "WHO is this guy, and HOW did he spot me?" Crane would only say "Your pathetic concealment would not fool even the most green, among the British garrison. You would not have survived a single day, during the war".
Abby would, no-sooner say "Enough!", when Jennifer would step forward, saying "Walter?" When Walter would ask "Jenny, is that really you?" Jenny would say "Yes, Walter, its me. Where is Pete, and the rest?" Walter would ask "I know who your sister is, but who is this guy (Crane)?" Jenny would say "I will explain later. For now, just lead the way".
After Walter marched ahead, Abby asked Jenny "WHO is this Walter?" as the sisters, and Crane, followed the man. When Abby persisted, Jenny would whisper "HE is one of the ones I was telling you about. On of the guys who proposed" When Abby was about to ask, Jenny cut her off, saying "Walter wanted a house-wife, and a mother, for his children. I declined him, as gently as I could".
As the group reached the training center, Crane spotted the place, even before Walter said a word. When Walter asked "How did he know?", Jenny would whisper "He (Crane) knows LOTS of things".
Inside the camp, Abby was amazed that security was as tight, as at any army base. These people were no fanatics. They were disciplined soldiers. Abby just did not know whether to feel frightened, or relieved, when she saw Hessians, in the camp. She just wished she hadn't seen how much fire-power they had, at their disposal. Compared to what was in this camp, the police might as well have water-pistols.
When Walter halted the three, and told Abby, and Crane "This is as far as the cop, and Mr. Whoever goes. Only Jenny can go on, from here." When Abby asked "Jenny?" Jenny would say "I will be fine. Meet you at home, later."
Abby would have been concerned except that she saw Rick come to her sister. Abby knew how CLOSE the two were, so she left them to their activities.
On the way home, Abby worried, though, about all the weapons. About all that Abby had not seen, at the camp, were Apache attack helicopters, and howitzers. She just hoped that Jenny would be okay.
Later, at about the same time, when Abby, and Crane, were involved in a police briefing, Jenny would be suiting up, along with up to 24 other recruits, all standing by, and awaiting their turn, at the groups firing range.
Then, the impossible had happened.
At the police station, when Abby heard the fool, from "Homeland Security", rattling off his claims, of what "intelligence" SAID the "radicals" had possession of, Abby tried to suppress a smirk, as the "Homeland Security" representative would spout things like "We BELIEVE that they are eqiupped with tanks, field guns, tacticle missiles, and even nuclear warheads".
When Crane would mutter "Please", and the captain saw Abby doing a horrible job, of trying to conceal her laughter, the captain would ask "Officer Mills, is there something you would like to add to this discussion?"
Abby would say "I dont know who THIS man is (pointing at the Homeland official), but what I do know is that neither I, nor Mr. Crane, here, saw any heavy armour, nor did we see missiles. Yes, they have mortars, and a few helicopters, but, most of what we saw was hand-weapons".
When "Homeland" would ask "HOW do you know this?", the captain would ask "WHERE are they located. The patrols found nothing".
When Abby would admit " I REALLY dont know. Off the main rail lines, deep in the woods." Then she would turn to Crane, asking "Was I close?" Crane would say "Remotely." then add "The garrison you seek is located on Stebbens fields. They are utilizing Master Stebbins land, for its vastness of land, and resources".
When "Homeland" looked confused, and the captain asked "This Stebbins person. Where did he live?" Crane would remark "At the Stebbins homestead, where else?Just west of Wolf Creek".
When the captain, and "Homeland" looked completely stumped, at the references, Crane asked "Shall I draw you a map?" What Abby noticed, but did not mention, was how Crane drew the "map", using reference points, from his own time.
The police were ready to head out, on their own "hunt", when the call came in. A report that a young woman had been kidnapped, with there being almost two dozen witnesses. When Abby, and Crane, heard the reference points, they had a terrible feeling, about what they would find.
When the police arrived, in force, at the location, Crane was the only one able to deduce how close the hidden weapons were, to the firing range. The Sleepy Hollow Sheriff's department had no clue how close the munitions were.
What everyone was focused on was the un-believe-able story, which the shooters told. According to the shooters, Jennifer Mills had just suited up, and had her vest checked, by another member, then, as the group sat around, talking, about families, and jobs, while resting on boxes, they saw the impossible. Each would swear:
"I never saw WHAT took her. All I saw were these "paws", which came out of thin air. They grabbed Jenny, first, then grabbed the boxes she was sitting on, and around."
When the police asked the shooters "What was in the boxes?" The answer was, always, the same: "This is a shooting range. The boxes contained ammunition, for the guns. Any other, stupid, questions?"
When "Homeland Security" began asking about terrorist cells, planned attacks, and so on, the sherriff's department tried to ignore such stupidity. Whatever this was, it was NOT about attacks. This was a kidnapping, pure and simple.
When "Homeland Security" pressed the terrorism angle, and the shooters began to ask "What about Jenny Mills? Aren't you even going to investigate?" "Homeland Security" gave the worst, possible, answer, saying "In due time". (Even the police would, never, tell witnesses, or victims families, that a search would take place "In due time")
Back at the police station, the captain would allow "Homeland Security" to pursue their "phantom terrorists", while the police would begin an organized search, for the missing woman. Somehow, though, Abby knew that they would not find Jennifer. This is when Abby asked Crane to ask Katrina's coven for another "favor".
While all of this was going on, in the twenty-first century, Jennifer would find herself shoved through a "door", and shoved to the ground, in what appearred to be a forest. Moments after she "arrived", boxes were hurtled out of thin air. From where, she could not tell.
When Jennifer checked the boxes, she found that these were the same boxes which she had rested upon, back at the firing range. Boxes of pre-packaged rations, ammunition, and so on. In fact, every crate, which had been within ten feet of her, at the firing range, was jumbled about her, now.
From years of training, Jennifer knew that her first task was to "hide" the supplies, which she did, by camouflaging the crates. On the positive side, even if she was in "enemy" hands, she had atleast two months worth of food.
After she had hidden the crates, Jennifer set off in a direction which, she was certain that Sleepy Hollow was located.
By this time, deep in the netherworld, which was Moloch's domain, a group, of lower-level demons, was receiving a rather vicious disciplinary reprimand, from Moloch, itself. The reprimand was simple:
When Moloch has given the orders, for Jennnifer Mills to be taken, Moloch had meant that it wanted Jennifer taken from her bed, and in the depths of night. Even Moloch knew that human law does not allow a missing persons report, for up to seventy-two hours.
During this time, Moloch knew that Abby would be too distraught, over her missing sister, to function, as a police officer. Moloch was counting on this, to give its forces time to group, and attack. One of the "witnesses" would be out of the way, and Crane could be handled, by the horsemen. The KEY, though, would be the missing woman. It would throw the humans into turmoil, for almost three, human, days.
Moloch realized its mistake when its workers had reported in, that the "snatch-and-grab" had gone so smoothly. Not one, of the witnesses, had raised a finger, to help the woman. Since Moloch had given orders that Jennifer Mills be taken, whole and complete, the demons had also taken those crates, which had been around her (to make sure they had ALL of her).
When Moloch checked with its human contacts, it had verified that Jennifer Mills was listed as an abduction victim. This meant that the police, as well as "witness" Grace Abigail Mills, would be on HIGH alert. A sneak attack would be impossible, at this time. A new plan was needed.
While Moloch was reprimanding its servants, Abby, and Crane, received permission, for another visit, to the coven. The high priestess had suggested that the two visit the coven, since the covens power was grounded, and most powerful at its current location. The priestess was just not sure of how Abby would take the news, of her sisters status.
Ofcourse, Jennifer, herself, was un-sure, of her own sanity, as she used the digital binoculars for visual recon, on the village, before her. She had problems getting her bearings since much, of what she knew, including landmarks, and businesses, did not exist.
Jennifer could not locate any of the Starbucks, nor the designer clothing store. When she tried examining the skyline, she could not believe that she did not see the cell-phone towers. And WHERE was the traffic?
When Jennifer decided to check on the one place, which she KNEW existed, since colonial days, Jennifer would be shocked at what she saw, at the police station.
Instead of the black asphalt, on which the police cruisers sat, Jennifer saw a stable, and a few horses. When Jennifer called out, over her radio, to see if the men, wearing star-style badges, and six-shooters, were real police, she had to zoom in, to see that these men had NO radios.
It was when she realized that the men were dressed, as cowboys, and that there were not even any McDonalds, in the area, let alone any streets, for cars to drive on, that Jennifer would back off, into the woods, and ask herself not "WHERE am I?" but "WHEN am I?"
At the coven, back in the 21st century, when Abigail Mills would ask "Why bother sending my sister back into the deep past? What is this guy afraid of?" The priestess would suggest "We have become aware that your sibling had, in a recent incident, shown her willingness to stand before this demon, and not hesitate in her convictions. It is believed that Moloch arranged her transportation, not just to remove her from the current battlefield, but in the desire to throw your forces into dis-array."
When Abby would ask "What do you mean?" The priestess would say "The sisterhood is well aware that, regardless of any darkness, the two of you seem to harbor, for one another, in your hearts, you are of one soul, one heart".
When Abby would ask "How does this change anything?" The priestess would say "It is believed that Molochs original plan was to cause your sister to "vanish", in such a way as to leave you in turmoil."
When Abby would say "Okay, so he failed. Whats his next move?" The priestess would say "At this time, this is unknown to us." When Abby would ask "Will you atleast tell us HOW to bring my sister back, to the present?" The priestess would say "This is under due investigation, at this time."
Back at police headquaters, when some "Homeland Security" fool would rush, into the police station, saying "Armed helicopters, headed this way", and their supervisor would ask "How soon?" The fool would say "Twenty minutes, maybe".
Just as the "Homeland" supervisor would tell their forces "Prepare for full-scale attack", the police captain would say "Hold it!" then turn to the fool, asking "The "attack helicopters" you say you have seen. Would they happen to be Bell Hueys, with side mount ledges, and thirty calibur machine guns, nounted off the edges?" When the fool would say "Why, yes". The captain would ask Painted either dark green, or dull metalic?" The foool would say "yes", then add Closing fast"
When the "Homeland Security" supervisor would ask "Just what are you getting at, captain?"
The police captain would say "The "attack helicopters", your person spotted are well-known, arund Sleepy Hollow" This is when a detective would say "Yes, that is true. They are training, for deployment, in the Middle East invasions"
When the fool would say "BUT, they are COMING T-H-I-S WAY!" The captain would inform the "Homeland" supervisor that these flights have been using Sleepy Hollows skies, for over a decade. Its part of their training, for urban combat. They will fly, low, over buildings, land in a couple, of parks, to simulate retrieval, of wounded, then fly back to base."
When the "Homeland" supervisor would ask "HOW do you know all of this?" The captain would say "The army ASKED the mayor for permission, YEARS ago. The helicopters carry only blank ammunition, and props, painted, to appear like missiles."
Sure enough, by the time this conversation was completed, the very helicopters, being discussed, passed overhead, right on schedule. The lead pilot even threw the police captain a salute, as his helicopter squadron passed overhead.
While homeland security passed over the city, the helicopters did exactly what the captain said they would do. Fly low, over roofs, to local parks, where some soldiers would remove mobile cots from the helicopters, then lay upon the stretchers, while other soldiers bound the "wounded", then placed the stretchers on the wing extensions, before flying back out of town.
When a detective checked his watch, and said "Best time, yet", a co-worker would say "Just wait until they are under "emeny fire", in the Middle East. THEN, you will, REALLY, see them hustling". The captain would say "Enough of fun-time, back to work"
While "Homeland Security" continued its desperate search, for "terrorist cells", which, they were certain, "just HAD" to be plotting another 9/11, the local police continued to process its own paper-work, while Abbie Mills, and Crane, would return to the coven, hoping for an update. What they received was not exactly what they had hoped for.
When a coven sister would come forth, saying "Through the combination, of various skills, the sisterhood believes that we have located your sister. Our current field of inquiry is to verify her precise location. Only after this would the sisters be able to begin our process, of recovering the young woman".
When Crane would ask "WHERE is she located?" The sister would say "It is our present assumption, that Jennifer Mills is located in the general vicinity, of colonial Sleepy Hollow".
This is when Crane would ask "How have you come by this information?", and Abbie would ask "What difference does that make?" Crane would respond "Remember, I was STATIONED, in this vicinity, during colonial days. I remember NOTHING of a girl, from the future, landing in the colony."
When Abbie would suggest "Maybe, your memory is NOT so perfect, after all", Crane would give her a LOOK, which maybe her say "Sorry, I guess you got up, on the wrong side of the bed, this morning". When Crane would say "I would prefer that you no-longer use said passage, since it is of no meaning. After all, there is NO "wrong" side, of a sleeping space".
When Crane would re-direct his inquiry, towards the sister, she would say "Master Crane, not even the colonists, themselves, knew MUCH, of the happenings, of the area. After all, even you were not aware that your own partner was a member, of our coven." Crane would bow, deeply, to the sister, as he would say "I stand, humbly, corrected".
By this time, another sister would come forward, announcing "We have determined the womans whereabouts. She has, wisely, chosen to remain secreted in the forest, just west of town."
When Abbie would say "Great!", then add "Now, how doo we get her back?" The sisters would say "Therein lies the difficulty. Since she was delivered, into the previous era, due to demonic forces, we must prepare an agent, whose power exceeds that of the demonic one. Our preparations are underway, however, completion may be sometime, hence".
When Abbie would say "Just make sure that "hence" is sooner, rather than later". When the Wiccan would look upon Abbie, in confusion, It would be Crane, would would give the Wiccan the appropriate "Thank You", with a bow, before pursuing Abbie, out of the covens headquarters.
By the time the coven had the right spell, and ingredients, prepared, Abbie would have learned, due to a surprise visit, from Rick, that the group was NOT training, to attack Sleepy Hollow. They were training, for the next attack, by the horsemen.
What no mortal knew was that the horseman, of War, was planing a bit of a surprise, of its own.
Since the minions had FAILED, so horrribly, in their mission, of throwing the humans into total chaos, Molloch, and the horseman, made a deal, which, if all went according to plan, would toss the humans into enough of a "baffling situation", that human response, to immortal actions, would be slowed, by 80%.
When the plan was approved, and set into motion, Jennifer Mills would, deep in the past, find a broom-stick tapping her shoulder. When Jennifer would, hesitantly, turn around, to see who had disvered her concealment, she would find herself facing a broom-stick, which appearred to be acting of its own accord.
Before, hesitantly, accepting the broom-sticks "offer", Jennifer would check the surrounding area, for any wires, twinne, or other things, with which to make the broom "perform".
Finding no such traps, Jennifer would turn, to the broom, asking "Now, what?" When she did not understand the wooden sticks gestures, the broom-stick would woosh around, behind the woman, slip between her legs and, leaving several thousand dollars worth of equipment behind, Jennifer Mills would find herself airborn, in a way which NO one would believe. Her only concern was "I hope no one takes a shot at me".
Although she could FEEL the wind on her face, Jennifer would look down, to see something she could not bring herself to believe.
She seemed to be watching the development, of Sleepy Hollow, from a small settlement, and into its current form. Also, it seemed like the city was sitting, still, while she flew overhead.
Jennifer did not realize that she was back, in the modern day, until she, first, saw a laser-targetting dot, on her broom, then heard the report, from a modern, assault, rifle.
At the sound, of the shot, several locals, including police, looked into the sky, to see what semed to be a person. (But, riding a broom?).
When Jennifer flew over the police station, she called "Abbie, Crane, HELP!!!!". Shortly after this, when Abbie, Crane, and some other officers, came out of the police station, and saw what was happening, Jennifer would call out, to Crane "How do I stop this thing?", he looked at Abbie, who, then, jumped another officer, whom, it seems, was prepared to shoot, saying "Thats my SISTER!".
Soon after this, Crane would suggest a variety of maneuvers, with Jennifer calling out "Sorry", after almost taking off Cranes head.
It was when Crane would suggest, to Abbie, "If only the coven were present, I am sure that they would provide a resolution, to this dilema", when a voice would call out "We are aware of the situation and, with your permission, will draw this to a successful conclusion".
When Crane would bow, then back away, saying "Proceed", the priestess would make some finger gestures, which brought the broom to its senses. The priestess then brought the broom in, for a safe landing.
When Jennifer thoughht she was in for a "scolding", for riding the broom, the Wiccan sisters would inform Jennifer "Fault was not upon you, since you were not allowed a choice. We visioned the broom sweeping you off the ground, then flying through time."
When Abbie would approach the Wiccans, asking "Okay, whats up? Brooms doo NOT just pick people up", the Wiccans would admit, "Under normal circumstances, this would be perfectly honest. This broom, however, is NOT normal. It was enchanted, and sent to find your sister".
When Abbie would ask "WHY?", the Wiccans would say "To throw you mortals off-balance. After the errors, committed, in Miss Jennifers abduction, the horseman, and Molloch, decided to ty a different tact. They decided to find out how you would reacct if Miss Jennifer were returned, to the present, but in a most unusual manner."
When Abbie would ask "What is it that they hoped would happen?" The priestess would suggest "The proposal was for your sister to be slain, by someone, who was fearful, of old legends. When they saw someone, riding a broom, the hope was that the rider would be shot down".
When Jennifer would add "I, nearly, was", the Wiccans would say "The key, here, is "nearly was".
When, with Crane, and her sister, back by her side, Abbie would ask the Wiccans "What is Molloch's next move?"
All the Wiccans would say was "You must be prepared, for you will not expect its next move.", to which Jennifer would say "Oooh, cryptic".
When Jennifer would visit Rick, and company, at the camp, asking "How soon do we mount up?", Rick would say "The last we heard was something about a Blue Moon?" Whenn Jennifer would say "The moon is, nnever, blue. What do you think it means?" Rick would say "We have people working on that, right now".
When Rick would add "By the way, what happened to all of the gear, which went missing, along with you?" Jennifer would say "No room, on the broom. The supplies are about two centuries away, in the past, that is."
Jennifer, Rick, and the rest, of the soldiers, would continue their preparations, for the coming battle, while their leaders would try to interpret "Blue Moon" (Beyond the classic song, that is), and the police would be issuing a statement, saying that Jennifer Mills had been on the "flying broom", as a test of a prop, for an upcoming attraction. However, since locals had taken shots, at the prop, and at Jennifer, the police had ruled the prop "too dangerous". No witches would fly, so long as people were willing to shoot at them.
As for "Homeland Security", although they would pack up local operations, once Jennifer was located, the agency annoyed the police by saying "We WILL be watching, for further signs, of "terrorist activity"."
After "Homeland Security" had departed the building, most of the force would agree "They really DO see terrorists, EVERY-where, dont they?" Others just nodded their heads.
Then, the captain would say "Back to work, people. We have a community, which is paying for our time. Lets give them SOME-thing, for their money." With salutes, and "Yes, sir!'s", the staff would return to normal duties, even as both Crane, Abbie, and the soldiers, at the camp, would know that a new plan was being devised, as everyone went about their lives, and duties.
What WAS the next step, in the plan? Who know's?
With the conclusion of the case, of the "ghost, who did not know", Tami and I would pack up, board our plane, and return too home base, this time via the local airport.
Upon landing, our pilots supervisedd the maintenace, re-fuelling, and re-supply, of the planes food supply, even as a company driver would show Tami and I too a waiting, motor vehicle, then drive the two of us to the company's offices, in a building, where the Brown Agency was stationed.
Inside the building, and inside the agency's outer offices, Tami took one look, at Mr. Browns face, and her response was "This must really be a bad one", especially after she saw the file the boss had, in his hands.
When Mr. Brown guided the two of us to a conference room, Tami would prevent the boss man from handing us yet another case, as she would ask "Are we really the only investigators, which you yhave, at your disposal?"
Mr. Brown would respond with "You should feel honored that our clients continue to request your services, on a regular basis".
When Tami would agree, saying "I know, and I Am flattered by the attention, however, dooes your agency have no one else, who is capable of handling atleast some of these cases?"
Mr. Brown would, flatly, say "No one else, whoo will take the work as seriously, as the two of you. No one else would be willing to stake reputations, or licenses, oon this kind of work."
(Ofcourse, it was true, that even Tami and I hhad knoown many chharlatans, and other fakes. People who just accepted ayment, yet provided no real services. Still, I would agree that Tami and I just did not want to be the "Go To" guys, for all things, "paranormal").
I think that what both surprised us, and dreew our attention, to this case, was the fact that the case had been referred by none other than the very same Wiccan coven, whose members had provided aid, and assistance, anytime Tami and I sought aid. Even I knew that we had contacted the Wiccans far more often than I would have liked to admit.
According to the file, the local coven was asking our assistance, this time. Aid, being requested, for another coven.
According to the file, it would seem that a young Wiccan, who was workinng to become a disciple, in the covenn, was being accused oof being in league with "evil", due to the "fact" that the Wiccan was, reportedly, been observed, in two seperate places, at the same moment, while people and property, were being attacked.
The problem, with the claims, being mmade, against the young woman, included the accusation that the young woman was altering her appearance, to make herself look as much ass thirty years oldeer than hher current age.
Then, there was the accusation, that the young womans "victims" had insisted that the young woman was causing damage, in one part of town, despite the fact thhat friends, and neighbors, made reports, stating that the young woman was with THEM, in another part of town.
Then, there was the differnce between an artists renderinng, oof the "attacker", and an accompanying photograph, of the accused.
Some oof the differences, betweenn the two women, were obvious, even to me. For example: The attacker had scraggly, dark, hair, while the accused had flowing, brunette, hair, very similar to Tami's own, flowing, hair.
In fact, about the only thing, which the "attacker", and the "accused" seemed to have, in common, was the surname, and the given name, of "Taniqua". Beyond the name, though, even the coven reported finding no other "commonalities", between the women.
This, it would seem, was where Tami and I would come in. The coven suspected that an imposter was attempting to dis-credit the coven, by making it appear that a coven member was causing the probblems. Tami and I were being asked to expose the imposter.
Since the coven had, in the past, been willing to aid us, in our cases (and our benefactor, was willing to coontinue to cover our expenses), Tami and I agreed too accept the case. We actually, flt certain that we could solve this case, in noo time. That is, until we met, first, with our locan coven, then, later, when we met, with the coven, which needed our assistance.
Although our plane was, fully, fuelled, and provisioned, for the flight, it would seem that our lift-off time was being delayed, while some military transports arrived, at the airport, "took ccarre of bbusiness", then departed the airort. As to the aircrafts purpose, even our own pilots would not hazard a guess All that the four of us knew was that our flight, among dozeens of others, was delayed, for hours, with the only "explanation" given, by authorities, being "Un-defined militarry necessity".
During this "holding period", our pilots did what other pilots would not even consider. They powered down the planes systems, then the four of us grabbed some lawn chairs, from the hold, then sat just outside the rear hatch, while resting, watching the "traffic", and awaited clearance, for lift-off.
Once our pilots heard the tower giving the first, civilian, planes permission, for lift off, our pilots instructed Tami and I to load the lawn chairs, in the hold, while the pilots brought the plane back up to power. When our turn, for lift-off, came, our pilots continued to ignore thhe comment, from the tower, about "Good Ghost Huntinng".
(What we would noot know, until later, was that other, commercial, aircraft, which had kept systems on-line,for passenger comfort, while keeping engines idling, to provide passenger compartment climate control, had to returnn to the airport, soon after lift-off, when the already hot enngines had over-heated, between the strain, of waiting, for hours, on the runway, then the strain, of lift-off. As a result, many flights were delayed, while other planes were returned too hangars, for engine cooling.)
Ghost Ship One would be the ONLY, civilian, jet, that day, NOT to return to the airport, for engine repair.
Although our plane could fly, at over 1,000 miles per hour, it would seem that the Wiccans, who travelled by road, in their mini-vans, had arrived, at the destination, far ahead of our own, hours later, predicted, arrival, time. By the time we, finally, arrived, on-site, it seems that the coven had even prepared a space, for our plane to settle down.
After landing, and debarking the plane, a junior Wiccan would lead Tami and I to the inner chamber/cavern, whhere thhe coven met, for meetings. It would be here, within the safety, of the coven, that Tami and I would meet the accused, face-to-face.
For Tami and I, the very first question would be "HOW could this, young, woman be mistaken for a woman atleast twice her age? In answer to this question, the coven priestess would produce another "Mist of Truth".
As Tami and I entered the "mist", along with the Wiccan, who had been chosen to be our guide, Tami and I were shown a scene, from several centuries, before.
Acording to our guide "This is a time, during the period known as the "Drak Ages". A time when fear, and superstition, ruled the lands. During this time, the wisest, among the covens members, practiced, in total secret. Those, wo believed in Wiccan ways, came to us, seeking eithher knowledge, or healing. Most came, for medical purposes. It is during this time that a proud family, with a long, and vibrant, history, saaw its "power", and "position", dissolve, when the current generation produced only female children. As you know, women, regardless of nnationaility, or culture, had no real "rights", prior to the 1960's. As a result, in this time period, local men tried every channel, possible, to lay claim to the family's lands. What the men never expected was for a woman to defend both herself, and her property."
When the guide informed Tami and I of the Wiccan, in questions, name, Tami and I looked at one another, as if to say "Coincidence?"
The guide then informed us that, during the womans own years, of Wiccan training, the woman had place unusual effort into reaching her goal, of becoming a "disciple".
The guide would say "Our order had hoped that, one day, the woman would take a place, as a leader, within the coven. If only we had known what she was capable of, the order NEVER would have trained her."
When Tami would ask "If she was so powerful, and so well trained, what caused her to turn "darK"?" The guide would say "This"
The mist then showed the woman, with a man, who was acting very obnoxious. As we listened in, on the peoples conversation, Tami, myself, and our guide, heard:
"Woman, you have a choice. Either marry ME, and turn all of your wealth over, to MY control, for "safe-keeping", OR, I turn you over, to the church, as a witch".
When the "head-strong" woman would say "Go ahead. I fear not thy empty threats".
The next thing the mist showed us was the man, inside a church, telling a priest "By my true faith, in the Lord, our God, Almighty, I give witness that the woman be a witch".
In response to this, the priest gathered a possie, which rode, with the priest, to the familys lands, to order the "witch" to "Be Gone", from the community. The woman, however, surprised her attackers, by saying the ancient version of "Take your best shot!".
The guide would inform Tami and I "The coven had no way of knowing just how far the sister was willing to go, in order to protect her familys belongings".
When torches were lit, by the priests orders, with the order given, to prepare to burn the witch out, the woman called upon the element, of water, which brought enough rain, upon the possie, to douse the torches, before the woman said something like "You wont burn ME out of my home!".
When the mob, next, tried to rope the woman, she called up a simple spell, to cause the ropes to fall to pieces.
When, next, the priest came forward, and doused the woman, with Holy Water, while chanting, the woman would say something like "Will you stop that. You are getting me all wet". (What none, among the mob, paid any attention to was the fact that, even when doused, with the Holy Water, the woman neither fizzed, nor melted).
When the mob realized that they could not harm the woman, with simple, direct, brute, force, the priest called upon local archers, who lit arrows, dunked in some goo, then shot the woman, with the flaming arrows, penetrating her body, numerous times, until she cried out, in mortal agony.
With her dying words, and as the flames consumed her, the woman shouted a curse, of something like "No matter how long it may take, my name shall have its revenge, upon my murderers!"
Once the womans body was burned to ash, the priest "purified" the land, which was, then, turned over, lock, stock, and barrel, to the womans accuser.
Since the coven realized that the woman had, indeed, been powerful, in order to accomplish such feats, of magick, the coven decided to "Take no chances", with the womans dying promise that "My name shall have its revenge.." The Wiccans would make certain that the womans name was stricken, from existance.
When Tami asked our guide "If the woman was the VICTIM, then why was her name struck, instead of the names, of her acccusers?" The guide would explain "The sister used dark magick, to defend herself. This, even after the coven offered to aid in her esccape".
When Tami would ask "Where was the Justice System?" (My partner had forgotten that, in this ancient time frame, there was NO "justice system", No America, and even the thirteen colonies, were, still, centuries into the future).
Our guide would remind Tami of these facts. In the past, a womans only hope, of avoiding death, was to flee trouble, and start a new life, elsewhere.
When the mist faded, and we returned to the present, our first question was "WHY would the woman choose NOW, as in our present, to make her "come-back"?" When Tami added "Im CERTAIN that, over the centuries, somewhere, in the world, females would be born, with the name. What is different about this time?"
The Wiccans would say "THAT is what we want YOU to find out".
Swell! We had a name, and a history, however, we were, still, left with the question of "Why now?"
Of the next two times, when the spirit had attacked, the modern, young, woman had plenty of witnesses, as to her own whereabouts.
For one attack, the modern woman was at the local library, collecting books, and arranging to borrow other books.
During the next attack, the young woman was present, at a local theater, assisting in the set-up of props, for a benefit performance.
Despite these facts, some lame-brained idiot asked the witnesses the stupid question of "Was she (the young woman), in sight, every single second?" Both library staff, and theater staff, said the only time the young woman was out of sight was when she was using the "Ladies Room".
When the idiot asked "For exactly how LONG was she out of your sight?" Most witnesses would say "Three minutes, maybe five. We really dont count time, when a person is "doing their business".
Still, this left the question of "IF it was NOT the young woman, then who was pretending to be the older woman?"
When Tami and I checked some of our own copies, of her notes, against various, magick, sources, we were able to verify that, in fact, some of the magick, being used, was, indeed very "Dark" magick. Then someone tried to play a really lame joke on Tami and I.
Just inside the tree-line, near our plane, someone had placed what must have been red-tinted decoration lights, along with a sound recording, of an animal, growling.
It was after sun-set when the jokesters set off the stunt, presumably thinking that Tami and I would run for cover. What the pranksters did not realize was that, after cases, such as the kidnapping, of the werewolves children, in a previous case, Tami and I felt certian that this was just another prank. This is why we descended upon the tree-line, hoping to catch the jokers, in the act. However, both Tami and I were surprised when, upon entering the tree line, we found no evidence, on the ground, or in the tree's. Nothing, anywhere, except for a dark mass, which seemed to be retreating, from us.
As "it" retreated, Tami and I heard some more growls, and what sounded like "huffing", and "puffing", like a person, running out of breath. Strange thing was, after a distance, Tami and I stopped our pursuit, when we heard something like a "howl", on the wind. It was LONG, like it was "calling out", or something.
After this, for a moment, the night temperature, suddenly, plummetted enough that Tami and I felt chilled, almost to the bone. This is when I noticed something, which I had failed to notice, during the pursuit.
While Tami and I were chasing "it", there had been none of the normal sounds, of night creatures, such as crickets. NO "night sounds" at all. Even before the frigid air struck.
It was not until AFTER the howl faded away, and the air temperature returned to normal, that the night came "alive", with the sounds of nature.
When Tami and I returned to our plane, we found our pilots going over the video footage, from the planes cameras. The men just seemed baffled, as they asked one another "Where is it?", and "I KNOW we SAW it. We both saw it. HOW could it NOT be oon the footage?" followed by "Play it back, again. Maybe we missed it".
When Tami and I asked, the pilots reported "We saw it, frrom the cockpit, as well. We saw you chase "it". For some reason, though, the camera's did not capture an image. By the way, what WAS "it", anyway?"
When Tami would agree "No clue. It escaped".
The pilot would ask "How is it that we all SAW "it", with our own eyes, yet there is nothing on the recordings?" All Tami could suggest was "Send the footage to base. Maybe, they can figure out what we saw".
The next morning, though, the Wiccans sent US a message. Short and simple, even by e-mail standards: "We have information. Join us at the meeting place".
After a breakfast, of scrambled eggs, loaded with bits of onions, and green peppers, as well as a choice of bacon, or sausage, Tami and I travelled to the coven meeting place, hoping to learn WHO could pull such a stunt, and for what purpose.
When the priestess met with us, she would promise "It was no trick. It was a demon. An "evil scout", if you will".
When Tami would ask "How did it evade our prusuit?" The priestess would say "IT opened a portal. When it realized that you were in pursuit, it used that howl as a sort-of "key-card", to open the portal, and escape pursuit". When Tami asked "The cold air?" The priestess would say "The bitter cold,of pure evil. It is only a miracle that the two of you were not closer to the portal. If you had been, you would have been sucked in, as well".
When I would ask "Next question: WHO summoned the creature?" The priestess would say The one who is stirring up the trouble. The sisters spirit is using her magick skills to call forth creatures, like the one you saw, last night".
When I would ask "For what purpose?" The priestess would say "To frighten you off of the case. The spirit just never expected the two of you to give chase".
When Tami would suggest "If you know all of this, will you tell us WHERE to find this womans spirit?" The priestess would say "I fear that I cannot". When Tami would ask "Cannot, or Will not?" The priestess would say "Regretfully, my sisters and I am only able to observe events, in, and around, the community. The spirit has shrouded her location, using dark magick. This is why the sisters cannot see her location".
Tami might have thought "Convenient", however, Tami knew, from previous experience, that the Wiccans would never act, to ,openly, deceive. The spirit was using magick, which true Wiccans would NEVER consider using.
After Tami and I departed the covens "headquarters", Tami made a suggestion, which I had been considering, myself. The question of "What are we risking, by making contact?"
SHortly after this, the Enforcer demon showed up, saying "Just to provide information, there is no charge. If, however, you wanted me to act, that would come with a charge". When Tami would say "Just point us in the right direction. We will take it from there". This would be when "Mother Superior" would appear, advising "Children, you should not trust, so easily. Evil takes care of its own".
When Tami would inform the nun "We thought that, since dark magick was in use..." The nun would complete the sentence " you thought that "evil" was a proper starrting point?" At this, the Enforcer demon vanished, leaving Tami and I to deal with Mother Superior.
When Tami would ask the nun "Was the enforcer telling the truth, about information being at no charge"?" The nun would ask "Why do you think that I am here?" When Tami would ask "Will YOU direct us?" The nun would start to say "Begin your journey with the following..."
When I would say "Please", followed by Tami, informing the nun "Enough with riddles. Can you give us a position fix, or address? Something definite?" The nun would only repeat "To begin your journey..."
After Tami wrote down the nuns cryptic "message", we would return to our plane, where we would find an upload file waiting for us. When Tami opened the file, we found ourselves looking at the spirit, who was in the act of attacking both law enforcers, and a television crew.
Strange thing was that the spirits appearance never seemed to change. (Even I had to wonder what it was like, for spirits, Doomed to wear the same clothes, year-after-year, century-after-century).
When Tami did a quick web-search, she was able to locate the position where the broadcast had originated. While the signal suggested that the media had no idea of the reason why the woman was attacking thei crew, Tami KNEW the reason:
Law enforcement, and the media, were on lands, formerly owned by the spirits family descendants. The spirit was protecting the lands, just as she had done, in Europe, centuries ago.
Two things the police could not understand. Number one was how a woman, who appearred to be as solid as any human, could be transparent enough to allow the new generation, of Taser Gun shots, to pass right through her body.
Second, and which neither Tami, nor I, could understand, was the police rrationale that, if the stun gun did not work, that the officers bothered to fire rounds, of live ammunition, at the spirit.
Although the news feed, from the mobile camera, showed that the rounds travelled right through the spirit, non-stop, the time when I (like an idiot) said "No fair! She's cheating", was when, in return for the gun-fire, the spirit loosed two fire-balls, from her hands. Fire which, when aimed at the police cruiser, totalled the car, while sending officers scrambling for cover, as the cruiser exploded, with enormous force.
When Tami looked at me, asking "You expect a spirit to follow human rules, of fair play?" I would whisper "I stand corrected"
Tami would, however, have better news, when she would say "Look at this". I would see, on the satellite map, what we saw, in the video. This is when Tami would add "THIS is what Mother Superior meant. This spirit thinks she is, still, protecting her own property".
When a brief search, of historical records, found no evidence, of activity, in the area, for centuries, though, this left us with the question of "Why now?" What was so special, about this place, NO?"
Atleast PART of the answer, came when the young woman, who bore the same NAME, as the spirit, would visit Tami, and speak of the girls next set, of upcoming Wiccan, tests. The girl would inform Tami "It is my hope to, one day, becoming a coven priestess".
When Tami checked the records, she found vague mentions, of the previous woman being a "third level" Wiccan, working on her forth level, when the trouble had broken out, centuries ago.
Now, a modern girl, of the same name, had achieved "level three" status, and was working towards "level four".
When Tami brought this to the priestesses attention, though, the priestesss questioned our logic, saying she was certain that other girls carried the same name, over the centuries. WHY had the spirit not struck centuries before now?
In fact, for the next two days, Tami and I did little more than sift reports, and records, while downing rations.
The main problem seemed to be that the witch, from centuries ago, was burned, in Europe, while the modern woman lived in the United States. Since spirits are supposed to be "bound", to the place, where they had perished, this left the question of "What was a European spirit doing haunting, in America?"
WHAT was the connection?
When Tami next met with the young woman, and asked "Where did your parents find your name?" The woman would say "They told me it "just came" to them". When Tami would ask "Just how LONG have you been in training?" The woman would say "For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a part of a coven. My parents only agreed since atleast one, of my aunts, is an active member, of this coven".
It was not until Tami asked "Has ALL of your training, to date, taken place, here, in this town?" The woman would say "Heavens, no. I have made pilgrimages, to other covens, for my training. The coven even set a group, of us, to Europe, last year, to meet some "local" "level three's". Sort of as a way to aid our decision of if we really wanted to commit to the coven".
When Tami would ask "You didn't, by any chance, visit a place near (Name of village where witch was burned, centuries ago), did you?" When the young woman would say "Why yes, we did. In fact, a group, of us, paid a visit, to the memorial. I remember that some member, of the European coven, had suggested the visit, as a way of learning, and remembering, what happened, all those centuries ago. You understand, dont you. A way to teach the past to the present, for the future."
When Tami would ask "Did anything happen, while you were at the memorial?" The young woman would say "A few thunder claps. Nothing note-worthy".
When Tami would thank the young woman, then RUSH inside the plane, grab me, and return to the coven, Tami would ask the priestess "Show us the pilgrimage, from last year. The one the "level three's" were sent on". The priestess would say "Very well. Observing can do no harm. We will proceed".
Using a mixture, of herbs, spices, and other ingredients, which I failed to recognize, the Wiccans brewed another "mist". This one, targetted on last years pilgrimage.
When Tami asked "What about controls. You know: Stop, Play, Fast Forward, and so on". The priestess would show Tami the "control panel", then the priestess would say "If you are ready, let us begin".
In moments, Tami and I were "swallowed", by the mist, as the present faded away, and the past came into view. Tami and I found ourselves watching the young people, having a good time, as they approached the memorial, where the witch had been burned. (The Wiccans narrated most of the scene, for our benefit).
What even the Wiccans could not understand was the reason why the students decided to call out various names. Still, all seemed fine until one of the young called out the young girls name, saying "Come on, names never hurt anyone".
No-sooner had the student called out the girls name, saying something like "I call upon thee, not to be frightened", when, from our observation point, Tami and I saw what the students had not seen. The fact that, with the thunder clap, a cloud, of energy, had risen, from the ground, to full, adult, height, then solidified into the ancient witch.
It seems that the modern woman had "sensed" something, since she was the first to back away, from the memorial. She was calling her friends away from the spot.
As the students withdrew, from the memorial, though, Tami and I were surprised when the spirit, of the witch, turned, looked right at us, while stating "You do not belong here." and, with a hand motion, everything vanished, and it was like Tami and I were falling through time, and space.
While Tami and I were sent who-knows-where, back in the Wiccan coven, the sisters had watched the whole thing, then set about trying to find out WHERE, and WHEN, Tami and I had been sent.
Atleast now the coven knew HOW the spirit had come to be released, upon an un-suspecting world. The spirit had bonded her essense to the fleeing girl, who held the same name, using the girl as "transportation". THIS is how the spirit had come to America. In essence, the spirit had "hitched a ride", on another soul.
Now, however, the coven had a new problem. Two, modern day, people were trapped, in space and time.
Since the Wiccans could not afford time, and supplies, on random searches, the women set about doing their own research.
While the coven was busy, searching, for us, Tami and I were "dropped" onto some frontier land. With NO tactical vests, no gear, and no rations. Without our G.P.S. gear, we had no idea where we were. Tami would be the one to say "I hope we haven't travelled, in time, again".
Yes, we, both, remembered what time-travel was like, from previous cases. Fortunately, we had, also, learned, about fire-arms, and camoflauge, from experince.
When I noticed that we had landed, on a well-travelled path, my first suggestion was "Into the tree's. Get our bearings, then make a plan".
It was a good thing we had thought fast, since, soon after we had taken cover, we spotted a hunting party. We were relieved, though, when the party's members wore natural, animal, skins, as clothing. That, and the group used primitive weapons.
When Tami asked "Do you think they are looking for us, yet?" I would say "No doubt. Just a matter of time".
When we chanced to sneak up, on a village, for some reason, we realized that we were in the "Middle Ages", of Europe.
Thankfully, when a young boy saw us, screamed, and ran, for the village, calling out "Monsters", it was not long, there after that a group, of hunters, examined our "observation post", found nothing, and told the boy something like "Dismissed".
No matter how many times the boy said "But I SAW them", no one listened.
When Tami marked some tree's, with a symbol, saying "When we return to our own time, I want to track these tree's down. I want to find out where we have been".
Although, without binoculars, I could not be sure of what I was seeing, I THOUGHT that I saw some modern buildings, in the distance. I also thought I saw something which looked like it might have been part, of a highway overpass, at one time.
A trick of light and shadow?
When the Wiccans appearred, whispering "Time to go", and Tami and I asked "Where are we?", the Wiccans would say "You would not believe us if we told you".
Our group then walked back, into a mist, and emerged, at the covens headquarters.
After the mist vanished, Tami asked "Now, will you tell us where we were?" The Wiccans would, only say "More important matters. At this time, we KNOW HOW, and WHY, the witch came. Now, what matters most is to figure out how to put her DOWN".
Up to five days worth of research, later, and all the coven had come up with was a list, of ingredients, most of which were extinct, within the past century.
When a sister suggested "Why not use similar ingredients, only in larger doses?" The priestess would respond "Let us keep that one in reserve".
About the only "good" news, from the "past", was that the Wiccans had not only written down the vanquishing spell, but, then came the bad news. In order for the spell to work, the coven would have to summon the spirits, of hundreds of Wiccans, and combine their power, to drive the witches soul back into the depths.
While the Wiccans worked on this, Tami went off, in search of the tree's, which she had marked. She just hoped that they had not been cut down, to build log cabins.
No matter where she looked, though, she found no sign, or mention, of the tree's. When a Wiccan found Tami, and advised her to STOP looking, Tami asked "Why should I stop. Were the tree's forrested?" The Wiccan would just shake her head, and walk away.
For Tami, though, this lack of response was all she needed, to dig even deeper, into the past, looking for the tree's. Though she did not know what she expected to find, she wanted to find some mention, of the tree's fate.
Finally, after weeks, of evading my friends questions, and growing annoyed, that Tami would not stop searching, the Wiccans decided to give Tami what she wanted. They did, however, caution my co-worker "You may not like, what you are about to hear".
While most of the sisters were engaged, in preparing a spell, and others were working on a respectful way, to call the ancients forward, the covens historian would give Tami the bad news.
"The witch did not send the two of you into the past. This is why it took so long, to find you. When we looked to the past, there was no sign, of any kind."
When Tami would ask "Fine, so, did she send us to another dimension?" Again, the sister would say "No, she did not send you either BACK, in time, or to another dimension."
When Tami would say "Fine, if we were not sent into the past, present, or another dimension, then that leaves only..."
"...the future. Quite correct." The sister would say. When Tami would ask "How far? I mean, the place looked really ancient". The sister would say "About 300,000 years,, give or take a century".
When Tami would ask "In such a primitive place, why did the coven want us to be so dicreet?" The sister would say "It was a training setting." When Tami would ask "Training, for what?", the sister would say "For living on other planets. The goal is to teach colonists how to survive, in the wild."
When I joined the discussion, asking about the ruins, the sister would say "I was hoping you would not ask, about that." When Tami would ask "What? More bad news?" The sister would say "Those were not ruins, which you saw. The buildings will be a processing center, left over from a time, still long to come."
When I reminded the sister "That bridge section. It looked ancient. How old was it?" The sister would say "Best guess? It, probably wont be built, for thousands of years." This is when Tami would say "Those tree's I marked. They wont even grow, for thousands of years?" The sister would say "Let us hope that no one finds your "little marks". When I asked "If they do, so what? If they wont exist, for thousands of years..." then I remembered something.
The case of the spirit, of Doctor Donald West. A reesearch doctor, also from the distant future. The man, who had been murdered, in the past. The man who had shown Tami and I a glimpse of the distant future.
When I would ask the sister "How many, more, times, will civilization rise, and fall, before the time that we "visited"?" The sister would, only, say "Several".
As Tami and I observed, the Wiccans created as many as twenty-five, different, spells, with each one brewed stronger than the previous ones. The problem was that these were White Witches, or Wiccans, while the spirit was of a very "dark" witch.
The sisters, developing the spell, were so wrapped up, in their work that, when a sister, who was working on the "calling forth" spell asked if the sisters were ready, atleast one sister would say "Anytime".
In a scene, which no reeader would believe is true, Tami and I watched as a portal opened, and out walked Wiccans, from ages, long past. Some wore animal skins, while others wore a variety, of robes. Atleast four of them, actually wore uniforms, indicating that they had travelled, from Atlantis.
By the time the portal closed, the coven was "full, to the rafters", with the knowledge, of ancient civilizations. To my own amazement, though, it would be the Atlantean Wiccans, who would provide the solution to the problem. In fact, if the ancient Wiccan were telling the truth:
"We had survey teams bring specimens, fom other outposts, which we cultivated into Earths soil. Thankfully, all of the plants are from oxygen-bearing planets."
When the priestess would ask "What would you know, about the twelvth century, and the Wiccan, who turned "dark"?" The Atlantean would state "The coven called us forth, at that time, as well. While the coven wrote the spell, it would be our group, which provided the ingredients. No doubt, this is why YOU have summoned us, as well."
When the priestess would ask "Would it be possible to obtain the original ingredients, for the spell?" The Atlantean would place a pack on a counter, saying "A good healer is never without their wares."
Whatever that potion was, it was "monstrous", in its own way, even as it dragged the dark witch back to the coven, like she was being dragged, by a gorilla, and her spirit was returned to the depths. She howled, and screamed, all the way.
While the "ages" were assembled, Tami would ask "Is there nothing we could have done, for her. Being falsely acccused, and all?" A Wiccan, from prehistoric times, would come forth to say "Child, if we did what you suggest, thhen history would be changed, and lessons would not be learned". When Tami would state "But, she was innocent, of the charge", a Wiccan, from the "dark ages", of Europe, would come forth to say "We were, ALL, victims. It is only through our pain, and suffering, that our descendants have learned to survive. Mankind will, never, really, accept us, so we must continue to learn to protect ourselves."
When Tami would say "Its still not fair", the "dark ages" Wiccan would say "Child, LIFE is not fair. We can, either LIVE with life, as it is, or we die out, and our magick dies with us."
Shortly after this, the modern Wiccans would brew a "return passage" spell, which would open a different colored portal. Then, with "Blessed Be's" alll around, the ancient ones would return to their own times.
Since no one, in the area, was about to admit, that a twelvth century spirit had caused so much trouble, the decision was made that all claims, for destroyed property, would be listed under "Miscellanious". The young woman would no-longer be blamed, for actions she never undertook. Injuries would be listed under "Accdent: General".
Before we departed, though, a sister bbrought forth some important news. "In my investigation, of the Wiccans family tree, it seems that the rest of the family fled, before the woman did her act. They resetelled in various communities, then made their way, west, in about the sixteen hundreds." Then, to the young womans dis-belief, the sister would say "The reason why the witch grabbed attached herself, to you, is because you are a very distant RELATIVE, of hers."
When the young woman would say "great. anymore "good" news?" the sister would say "We are, still, tracing your lineage, but we think you might, also, be related to a very famous sorcerer."
Final case file notes:
As of the time when the witch was banished, it seems that most of the problems ended, with the end of her "reign of terror". Since the young woman has found levels four, five, and six, so very easy to master, she has decided to slow down a bit, and enjoy her youth, before continuing her studies. After all, as the young woman told us, before our departure "There is more to life, than magick."
About the only real change, brought about, by this case, is that the American community, where the Wiccans have their base, has decided to erect a statue, to both the "fallen", and the "un-justly accused". a reminder that Wiccans, and others, lives matter.
When Tami would submit our final report, to Mr. Brown's office, boy, were we surprised when the return message was "Well Done. Now, time for some rest. Dont want to burn my best team out. Two weeks Rest-and-relaxation, for work well done."
Tami would say "Its about TIME!"
P.S.: Although it is reported that the camera crew, from the news media, have presented their footage, of the witch, attacking the police, to everyone, from their own boss, to YouTube, it seems that the reaction is universal. No one will touch footage, which looks like it was cut from a "slasher" film. In short, no one believes the footage is real.
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