Friday, October 16, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE GHOST WHO DID NOT KNOW After closing the case-file, on the case of the werewolf clans, it would seem that the U.S. Air Force had decided it was time for an engine tune-up, on our plane. The message would be sent, based upon the ships mileage. Although all of us thought it unusual for a former air force cargo plane, to be re-called, for maintenance, however, it is worthy of note that, prior to becoming our airborn "base of operations", "Ghost Ship One", had a long, and distinguished, career, carrying all manner of freight, for the U.S. military. During the cargo haulers career, its engines had been removed, from their mounts, regularly, to have parts replaced, which were worn out, due to normal "wear-and-tear". As bizzarre as it may seem, even though the plane was purchased, for our use, somehow, the sales paper-work had been "lost, in channels", at the Department of Defense. As a result, copies, of all ships operating logs, had been forwarded to Air Force central command, for processing, and storage. This, it seems, meant that, at specific intervals, the plane would be recalled, by the nearest air force base, for "routine maintenance". Although neither Tami, myself, nor the Brown Agency, had any problem with this, our pilots made certain to have their copies, of ALL paper-work, ready, when crew-chiefs did "inspection tours". The pilots would be prepared, at any moment, to hear "If this is not federal property, then WHY is it in line, for a federal insection?" For some reason, though, our pilots were, never, questioned, about the planes status. Still, with the miles which we were placing on the plane, all of us agreed that the "routine maintenance", of a "tune up", on the jet engines, was a good idea. Personally, I would have thought that such an inspection, and parts replacement, would take days, to complete, our pilot promised Tami and I that, if this was a regular, air force, procedure, then there would be re-built jet engines, waiting to be installed. After all, the U.S. Air Force was not known as a "Rapid Response" unit, for having planes, sitting on the ground, waiting for spare parts. "Rapid Response" meant "Ready to fly, at a moments notice. Anytime, anywhere. Day, or night". Still, our planes position, in the waiting line, was behind three, fighter, aircraft, as well as another cargo hauler. Still, this wait, in line, gave Tami and I time to review our latest case. According to the case-file, it would seem that a man was searching for his family. The file contained plenty of reports, all saying that the man had been seen, all around town. What made the reports so bizzarre, though, was that all reports said that the man seemed honest, in wanting to seek out his family. The file did make a point of indicating that the man never seemed to want to, intentionally, frighten people, however, he had a reputation, for appearing, as if "out of the blue". Then, there were the reports, entered by a shaken family, who said the man frequently entered their home, and walked through walls, and down corridors, after dark. The family had reported that the man was seen, sometimes, walking into what was, now, a pantry, and storage room. According to the file, locals knew of this man, since police reports stated that the mans features had changed, very little, over the years. When Tami withdrew the black-and-white, and grainy, photo's, from the file, Tami would state that she was amazed that some unknown person had taken the time to add names, and dates, to the photo's. Ofcourse, the file also contained photo's, of the family's home, as well as an aged copy of the "floor-plans". What no one could understand was the REASON why the spirit stayed behind. Especially when reports stated that the mans wife, and children, had been happy, and cared for, during their lifetime. In fact, had it not been for the tragic fire (later ruled Arson), locals would have thought the family would have been voted "Most happy family, in the area". According to the report, the husband had been working late, one night, when he received a message, stating "Come home, NOW!". By the time the husband rushed home, though, the local fire brigade was waging a losing battle, against a fire, which would rage on, for hours. The cause would be ruled, to be Arson, after it was found that window covers had been wedged in the closed position, while the doors had been, crudely, barred, with pieces of iron, attached from the exterior of the building. According to the file, it was "reported" that the arsonist had been captured, approximately two weeks later, and after he had burned another house to the ground. Once drunk enough, the man had boasted that, THIS time, he had made SURE the whole family was present, before setting the fire. Once local sheriff's deputies had heard of the mans boasts, the man had been dragged, to the local jail, where he would sober up, to find himself facing murder charges. Since the sheriff had a history, of knowing drunks, who either confessed to crimes, not committed, or who bragged about crimes, committed by others, the sheriff had waited until the man was sober, then had questioned the man, about the Arson. What had made the case even easier to prosecute was the fact that the man had been reported SEEN, in both locations, at about the time of the fires. The Arsonist would face public hanging, once convicted of the capital crime of Murder. As for the man, whose family had been murdered, the file was filled with rumors that the man had spent his final days searching for his dead family. It is, also, believed, but NOT verified, that the man wears the same clothes, now, that he was last seen wearing, when alive. Although it is believed that the man died, while searching for his family, the problem is that, since no human remains were, ever, recovered, that there was no burial. The man had been listed, simply as "Missing, presumed dead", for atleast a century, now. Now came the part which the public just could not figure out. The question of: If the man is, LONG, dead, then WHY does he continue to "haunt" the area, searching for a family whose members have been deceased, for a century? Well, atleast on this case, Tami and I had more to go on than just classic horror films. This time, we had names, dates, places. In short, solid leads. Once Ghost Ship One cleared all air force inspections requirements, the plane was released, and our pilots returned the plane to our designated hangar. By the time we, later, had clearance, for lift off, Tami had me now wondering if this spirit was even intentionally haunting a community Could it be that he did not know he was dead? Was he just a grieving widower, who wanted to find his family? What more powerful motive, could there be, for "staying behind", than true love? As the plane approached the designated coordinates, the pilots ran into more of the "usual". While some people WANTED us, and our investigation, others, including some government officials, definitely, did NOT want "ghost-busters" on the scene. As a result, the plane was required to circle three, different, locations, while the pilots explained, for the twelfth time, that this was a CARGO plane, NOT a one man glider. It was only after "authorized landing area four" turned out to be a community lake, that another voice came over the radio, saying "Ghost Ship One, proceed to these coordinates, for landing". Naturally, our pilot would ask "Who is this? Identify yourself", yet the voice would only say "A friend". Well, atleast "un-authorized landing area five" was large enough for our jet. That, and the fact that we must have been expected, since some one had set out signal flares, to guide the planes approach. Shortly after touch-down, a local came to our side hatch, to tell us "Dont worry about the airport, or the sheriff. No one bothers to come out, this way. When the pilot would ask about fines, the local would say "I aint seen no offica peoples, in many years." While we waited, almost twelve hours, to see if anyone would come around, to reprimand the pilots, Tami interviewed our contact, while I prepared to scout the area, on my bicycle. At eleven hours, I decided to set out. After all, the plane was not that far, from the nearby town. I was certain that, if there were any trouble, the sheriff would have had no trouble driving the distance, in fifteen minutes. Since no one came by, to run us off, we agreed with the local. While preparing my bike, I listened to part, of the interview, as Tami asked the local "Why would you think that we would not be welcome, here?" When the local would say "Because, we been told you look for spooks, and the mayor dont want no ghost news spreadin" When Tami would ask "Why would the mayor be opposed to an investigation?" The local would say "The mayor be thinkin that stories, of ghosts, drive down property values, and drive off visitors". When Tami would ask "You mean tourists?" The local would say "Exactly". While Tami would continue to do what she did, the very best, I would head out, on my two-wheeler, to find the location, of the house, where the spirit was seen entering, at night. When I did not find the house, I had to remind myself that the house, in the photo's, had been burned, a century before. When I tried to ask some locals where a certain family lived, all I received, for my inquiry was "Why do you want to know?" While I rode around, scratching my head, as to where the property was located, Tami was making much more progress, with the local ladies group. The way I knew my partner was making progress was when I received the cell-phone call, telling me to pick up bail money, at a local store, then bail Tami out of jail. (If there is one way to know when we were on the "right track", it was when the police would arrest us, on charges such as "Disturbing the Peace") The sheriff, of this place, though, was a "crafty devil". Although bail had been set, at a specified amount, when I collected the money, the sheriff would say "That amount was set hours ago. This is the new amount." When I asked "What will it be, in three hours?" The sheriff would ask "Will you be leaving, after the bail is paid?" I told the man "We are here, on a job. We will leave when our work is done" The sheriff would say "In that case, I cannot guarantee what bail will be, by the time you return". When I returned to the lane, and contacted Mr. Browns office, the man just smiled, at me, when he said "I will take care of it". Come morning, state troopers would arrive, at the plane, to take me to town. The sheriff MIGHT have stood his ground, with the state police, but only until told, by a patrolling deputy, on the radio,that "We got federal incoming. Looks like Huey's, backed by f-16's." It was only when the sheriff found himself facing armed, federal, helicopters, that he gave in, and released Tami. When Tami would ask the state troopers how long they would be staying, the lead trooper would state "Ma'am, we are assigned, for as long as you need us. It seems that your employer even has enough "muscle" to convince the governor to assign the federal unit, until you finish your work. It was only when federal law enforcement took over policing the community, and the sheriff, and the mayor, decided to "take a vacation, until it was all over with", that our investigation really got started. Back at the plane, when Tami uploaded her notes, and compared reported sightings, to the lunar cycle, the rsults were un-mistake-able. Nearly every, confirmed, report, had taken place during the full moon. Only the un-confirmed reports took place, on other nights. Most of these "reports" were little more than "ghost stories", as well. As a result, Tami would estimate about twenty days, until the next sighting. During this time, Tami would meet with the current property owners, while I checked the house for any, normal, explanations, for the visions. With the husbands assistance, I would check the homes wiring, which I found out, and the man admitted, was only "up-to-date" some sixty plus years ago. When we returned to the ladies conversation, the wife would be telling Tami "Oh, my dear Lord, no. Our home is only the latest one, on this property." When the woman would ask her husband "How many homes have been on this land?" The man would ask "Overall?" I would suggest "Sir, if you could limit to the number, of homes, built, since the fire, of about a century ago". I dont know who was most surprised when the husband would say "Atleast a dozen, I would think." When Tami would ask "What happened to all of them?" The husband would say "Nothing to worry about. You see, three, of the homes, collapsed, shortly after completion, and before they could be sold". When Tami would ask "What caused the failures?" The husband would say "The builder wanted to see if some designs would work. My brother worked on the construction, and he said it was a wonder the homes did not collapse, during construction. No support, for load bearing walls. That kind of thing." When I asked "What happened to the others?" The husband would say "Three were "hit", during tornado season. Two were swept away, by heavy rains. One was knocked down, by a neighbor. Rumor has it that the home owner did not pay a bill, so an angry client brought in some wild animals, and let them ransack the place, whie the family was away." When Tami asked "The final three?" the husband and wife would agree "Blown away, in high winds, so the legend says." When Tami and I asked "Legend?" The wife would say "Yes, most of what we know is from legend. We are not old enough, to have been there", and her husand would add "After the homes were blown away, by the winds, our grand-parents begann anchoring the homes in place, first with heavy stones, then by building walls, under the homes." Whenn I asked the husband if the ghost follows a set path, both he, and his wife, would say "Not really. Sometimes, he heads directly for the pantry, yet other times, he seems to look around, as though looking for something." After Tami and I bid the couple a farewell, and left the house, Tami would say "Fit's the profile I have been hearing about, as well. Some people say that the man moves, like clock-work, while others say that his moves change, from visit to visit." When I suggested "Or, maybe, it just depends upon who's around?" When Tami would ask "What do you mean?" I would suggest "Okay, the file says that the spirit has never TRIED to scare anyone, right?" When Tami would say "Right." I would suggest "What if the man is AWARE of his surroundings, and of the people he has met. What if he knows enough to know which people frighten most easily." Tami would add "And he doesn't WANT to frighten people? But WHY stay around. What is the purpose?" I would suggest "Maybe he IS just looking for his lost family, and he just needs help, in finding them?" When Tami would suggest "If they died, in the fire, then they passed from this Earth, didn't they?" I would give her a look, as if to say "Remember all of the other ghosts, even the good ones, who stayed behind, to protect places, and people?" Tami would slump her head as she would say "I just hope that this is NOT another, of those places, where ghosts have gathered, "forever"." I would smile at her as I said "Doubtful. Remember, the fire was only one century ago. Most, of the other homes, were brought down, by nature. Even if anyone was present, they would be gone, by now". (I HOPED). Still, we had a full week, before the next full moon. If Tami was correct, we would, soon, have enough material, to write a book, on "ghost hunting". While awaiting the full moon, though, Tami performed some interviews, which caused others to question her sanity. It would seem that, without knnowing it, Tami would interview a deceased mail carrier, a baker, a seamstress, a farmer, and a municipal worker. (Yes, spirits can be crafty, alright. Spirits can appear so life-like that only those, who knew the deceased, knew the person was dead.) As for myself, I would swear that I photographed atleast three, beautiful, settings, which I planned to use as screensavers. Two had either cabins, or houses, on them, and the third was a meadow, full of flowers. When I returned to the plane, though, I found that the frames were blank. The camera checked out, fine, but the pictures just did not turn out. As for the investigation, the more that Tami and I developed the case, including iinterviews, legends, and recorded, landscape, details, a real picture began to evolve, surrounding the mystery of the spirits movements. Acording to our investigation, it would seem that, in life, the spirit had not only been a husband, father, and businessman, but he, and his wife, had been an active part, of their community. In fact, whenever the wife was noot tending to her own family's needs, the wife was off, in the community, aiding other families, in a variety of ways. As it would turn out, the husband was a "leader", in the community. The man had aided, in developing several businesses, as well as using tax money for local projets. In summary, it would seem that the man had been a regular "fixture", in the community. Tami would agree that it only made sense that a person, so involved, in life, would leave a powerfull essence behind. It was no wonder that the man was being observed all over the community. After this, came the next "reports", of the man being "seen", by two couples. It was not, really, that we doubted that the couples had observed SOME-thing. The problem Tami and I had, was with the couples reactions, to what they had "witnessed". After all, Tami and I had experience, from an extensive variety, of former cases, to draw upon, and Tami and I had observed people, who had been scared, to the point where all the "witnesses" wanted was to RUN as far away, from what they had seen, as possible. In fact, I, still, remember the look, on that deputy sheriifs face, during the mystery of the home, for un-wed mothers. The LOOK, on the deputy's face, when she saw that "gorilla", of a monster, weilding that axe, and walking right toward the deputy. Terror, and Horror, mixed with the "fight/flight" instinct, as the woman drew her revolver, and warned the "monster" that she would open fire. The deputy's fear had dissolved into mindless confusion, as the monster stepped to the property line, then vanished, before the deputy's eyes. The deputy's look was that of a person, truly terrified, for their lives. This was the look which the current couples completely FAILED to "manufacture". The couples emotions were too "force", and the couples, un-like real event "witnesses", were too excited, about SHOWING people what the couples had seen. Although Tami and I had humored the ccouplee, by following the couples, to the "site", Tami and I noticed how calm the couples were, even as they described the "event". It would be Tami, though, who deserved the credit, for making the "bust". Although the couples had doone a halfway decent job, of trying to hide the "evidence", of their actions, by covering the conatiners, with leaves, the problem was that the purple, blue, and orange, packages, caught Tami's female attentioon, even moore than the alleged "foot prints", which the "witnesses" had wanetd us to see. Naturally, with Tami being a woman, she would decline to touch either the torn packages, or the used contents, of same. As a result, I was given the "priviledge", of putting on the gloves, taking out an evidence bag, and collecting the condom wrappers. When I showed the evidence bag, to the "witnesses", and said "Let me guess. You were out here, doing "it", and were "caught, in the act". Probably by a local person. MMore than likely, the person had a weapon, and they warned you to grab your clothes, and "git". Am I right?" Althought he couples said nothing, a man, with a shot-gun, stepped out of the nearby tree's, saying "Mister, you got most of it right. The only part you left out waas that some kids was passin by, and heard sounds. They came to git me, thinkin someone was needin help. When I git here, though, I find these trespassers, doin things, on my land, which I wont mention, in a ladies presence" (Indicating Tami). The man then looked at the couples, asking "Where's that other kid? The one who tried to hide them things?" he asked as he pointed at the evidence bag. As Tami and I departed the "event location", thee couples would follow us, saying "If our parents find out, we will be in, deep, for sure. We need you to back our story". To which Tami would, politely, say "Thats your problem". After that, Tami and I would return to our plane, to verify our results. After all, nothhing is, really, "evidence", until it is verified. At the plane, and using modeern, dating, mothods, I placed the packages, and the products, through examination. The conclusions were about what we had expected. Maybe 70%, of the packaging, and its contents, had, only recently, been used. The remainder dated back, maybe a year, or more. Our coonclusion: The site was a "make-out" spot, and the couples were, in fact, "caught in the act". When I asked Tami why she had not been concerned, when we investigated the "site", Tami would giive me one of her "patented" smiles, as she said "The full moon remains three days away". Over those three days, Tami and I continued to place sensors, most discreetly, around the community. It was our hhope that atleast one, of the sensors, would register something. On the very first night, of the full mmoon, a man, possibly THE man, whom we sought, resolved into human form, even as he approached us. He would say "I have been watching you, as you have spoken with friends, and neighbors, inquiring about myself, and my family. I thought I would stop by, to ask your aid". When Tami would ask "How can we help you?" The man looked sad as he said "I have lost my family, and I miss them, so very much. If you would only help me to locate them, I would be most greatful, indeed". I think that Tami was about to ask if the spirit could see the modeern world, when, instead, I would ask "Sir, would you show us th world, through your eyes?" When the man asked Do you not see the world, for yourselves?" Tami would focus my question, by saying "We would appreciate it if you would shoow us the world, through your eyes". When the man would say "Very well", Tami and I watched as the world, around us, changed, into the world of the past, complete with a local road dissolving into a trail, for horse-drawn carts. To our amazement, Tami and I witnessed an elegant, multi-story, house as it seemed to resolve, into full vision, and just a short distance away. In fact, it was at that very mmoment when Tami and I realized just how close we, actually, were, to the living couples house. When our "host" lead us up the walk, and into the beautiful home, he would say "Normally, my beoved would greet us, at the entrance, welcoming us to the home. The children would be playing, in their rooms. How I wish I could find them. It has been soo LONG since I have seen them. I wish I knew if they are alright". When Tami managed to convince our spectral "host", to join us, in a walk, to the church, suggesting "Your pastor would knoow where everyone is, correct?" The man would say "Of course! Pastor Wilson knows the parish just as well as that old witch, Agatha, does". (Tami and I made a point of noting both "Pastor Wilson", and "witch" "Agatha", for later referencing). Using thhe path, leading past the local cemetary, Tami hoped too shoow the man where his family's burial plot was located. The odd thing was that, although the man had been right behind us, discussing a variety of topics, on the way up to the cemetary, once Tami and I entered the cemetary, though, the man vanished, before we even reached the locatioon, where his family's markers SHOULD haave been. No-sooner had we noticed that thhe markers were missing, when we turned to ask the man "Whoo wouls etal head-stones?", when we realized the man had vanished. Then, we heard another voice, asking "May I hhelp you?" and, as we turnned, to the new voice, Tami and I watched as the past changed back into the present. Tami was just about to ask the man (probably the care-taker), just who would steal head-stones, and for what reason, when we looked at the previously vacant spot, and saw that the head-stones were right in place. When Tami would ask the mann (whoo had identified himself, as the care-taker) "When were the head-stones placed? I mean, how soon, after burial?" The care-taker would say "Sorry to tell you, miss, but the stones were not added, for years. The church had to wait until the family came to visit. Then, the paster had to give the relatives the bad news" When Tami asked the care-taker "You mean, the husband was not around, forr his own family's funnerals?" The care-taker would say "Sorry, miss, but the man up and disappearred, after thhe fire. Some say he run off, and started a new family, but none of us believes this. No proof. Just gossip". After we thanked the care-taker, for his time, then returned to the plane, Tami did a "web-search", oonly to verify that there had been a "Pastor Wilson" at the churcch, back in the day. Also, according too the records, Pastor Wilson had been a "junior" pastor, at oonly 35 years of age, and assigned too thhe parishh just five years before the fire. Since the senior pastor had been out, on county rounds, and would not be returning, for up to twoo months, Pastor Wilson had presided over the funeral services. As for "the old witch", history actually says that the woman was a healer, and a teacher. History also claimed that Agatha LOVED to joke, about the idea that people considered her to be a "witch". In her day, Agatha had been a community healer, as well for those times when the county doctor was out, on his rounds. Agatha was known to teach people various things, when the people asked, however, history said Agatha just laughed at the notion that she cooked, and ate, children, as well as thhe idea that she bathed in the childrens bblood. When Tami would say "About normal, for the day. Anti-witch hysteria was rampannt, in those days. No doubt, locals, probably, even accused Agatha, when crops went bad, or when the weather turned foul". I would add "And dont forget. If people got sick, or died, the "witch" was an easy oone to blame. She was an all-purpose "scape-goat", just as Osama Bin Laden was". After three more evenings, of trying to lead the spirit to his families final resting place, Tami took the next, logical, step, and turned to the coven, of our hometown. When contact was made, the priestess, of our hometown covenn, would inform Tami that the coven had contacted a coven, near our current position. The priestess would caution us, though "Be ccautious, when approaching the coven. They live, and work, in the shadws, ever since the Roman-Catholic church arrived, in the area." According to the background information, which our local prietess supplied Tami, "witch-hunnts", in the area, which we were investigating, had only ended after the local oven had cast a "shroud" spell, over thoose members being detained, and tortured, by the church. This action was taken only after atleast five Wiccanns had been, brutally tortured, into "givinng up" their sister Wiccans, on the promise of the cchurches mercy. Onnly after detainee's minds were "wiped", of the covens identity, would the church be forced to resort to even cruder, and far less reliable, methods, for "detecting" witches. As a precautioon, though, the coven had gone into "hiding", and, even despite the "new age", of the 1990's, covenns still knew that, givenn the least provocation, neighhbors would "turn", on Wiccans, in a second. This theory was, presumably "proven" by the fact that Hollywood was, still, making movies, using the "classic model", of witches doing evils bidding. Until this, and other forms, of prejudice, were eradicated, from the public consciousness, the ovens would remain hhiddenn. To our relief, though, the local coven was only a couple of hours drive, from the event location. That, and the fact that the prietsess had informed us that the local coven had been otified of our pending arrival. Thhis left only two questionns: The first being: SInce Tami and I weree not, officially, Wiccan, how would the coven receive us, if at all? The second question would be "Would thhe coven be willing to aid us, in helping the mans spirit find peace" After all, it was noon-Wiccans, similar to Tami and I, who were responsible for so much torture, and death, in the past. This left me wondering if the coven would consider torturing Tami and I, out of pure revenge, for the torture, and murder, of their former sisters? When I asked, Tami's only response, to this question, was "Lets find out, when we arrive". Although I would not say that our "welcome" was "warm", when we arrived, at coven "headquaters, the sisters did inform the ccoven of our arrival. That, and the mention oof our purose, in seeking an "audience". A senior sister would make one thin g clear, to us "Normally, the coven would have nothing to do with your kind, especially after the suffering, and death, which mortals have visited upon the coven. Your kind have hunted us, tortured us, and burned us, alive, just becu\ause we are "different". And all of this in the name of your "One, true, God". Fact is, most of your kind remain in fear, and loathing, of the covens, even though we mean you noo harm. Still, you continue to mock our ways, in your novels, movies, and television shows". At this point, the Preistess would step in, saying "It is our desire, to enlighten you, regarding the reasons for what, under normal circumstances, be our reluctance, to aid your cause". When Tami would ask "But?" The priestess would say "BUT, the coven have been watchful, of your actions, ever since you attended the "Mystery weekend", at the castle. It is your actions, since this primary experience, which have lead the coven to the conclusion that your hearts are pure. It is the only explanation for the reason that your local sisterhood has agreed to aid your cause, on various quests. Since you have shown that your hearts are pure, our coven has agreed to aid your current quest. Now, how is it that you would wish the ccoven to aid your quest?" (Several cases ago, I know that Tami would have asked "What are they talking about?" Now, however, and after dealing with covens, angels, spirits, and even demons, Tami had become quite comfortable (even more so than I), with the proper forms, of the English language. When Tami would say that she was uncertain of just how to proceed, I would ask the Priestess "What actions would you recommend, as most appropriate, at the present time? Wuld it be most proper to travel to HIS time, to aid his acceptance, of his demise, OR would it be more prudent to aid his assension, in the present time frame?" When the priestess would caution "To re-allign the passage, of time, even in order to reduce suffering, is a dangerous portent." When I would agree, saying "Alright, we aid the mans departure, from the present time. Now, just how do we accomplish this task?" One, of the sisters, would answer, saying "A portion, of the sisterhood, is prepared to aid your quest, and will rendezvous, with you, at that plane of yours. Our cover story will be the same as yours. We will be an extension of the creative team, working on the landscaping, and architecture, article". When Tami and I agreed to the covens terms, what disapointed Tami, most, was the covens form of transportation. For some reason, Tami had, almost, hoped to see a version, of "Harry Potter", in which characters straddled brooms, to fly through the sky. I have to admit that I was impressed with the womens subtlety. I mean, who would suspect the members, of a witches coven, to not only travel by day, but in mini-vans, as well? Talk about "undercover". Well, just like our airplane, our motor vehicles approached the area, with locals showing about as much "interest" as they would, in watching grass grow. Since the time was nearing morning, there was no doubt that we had missed the chance, to speak with the man, this night. This is why, once introductions were made, between the Wiccans, and our pilots, we, all, decided to "sack out". That is, AFTER Tami showed the women the supply room (in case anyone was hungry). As the Wiccan leader would say "We will have little need, for food, before the "ceremony". Normally, we only need to re-fuel after a ceremony has been completed." After Tami showed the women the basic parts, of the plane, reminding the women that the cockpit was, un-officially, off-limits, to everyone except the pilots, then we bedded down, for the day. As I dozed off, I remembered once seeing some show, or movie, in which, when a spirit is informed that they are deceased, they go on a rampage, attacking the living, and destroying property, while denying being dead. I just wished I remembered the ending of the (movie). Still, the man Tami and I had met seemed sad, and regretful, more than angry. Plus, I had to remind myself that on-screen rampages are great for generating ticket sales. Hollywood just LOVED making films, of the "bad" guys blowing things up, while the "good" guys are trying to stop the bad guys. Shoot-em-ups, massive explosions, fist-fights, and bodies, torn to pieces. These were the elements which Hollywood believed that the public wanted, for their ticket money. Only once, in a great while, did a film maker dare to produce a thoughtful movie. Plot-driven, instead of body counts. Ah! For the "Good, old, days", of black-and-white films, and actual plot lines. Later that day, when our "group" "emerged from hybernation", it would seem that the Wiccans were not as fond, of our ration packs, as Tami and I were. As a result, a sister drew out some sort of box, from her bag, opened the box, and the women began taking "sprinkles", and "pinches", from the boxes contents. When one, of the sisters, saw the expression, on our faces, the woman would give Tami and I a humorous look, as she said "Spices. Never leave home without them". This is when I thought "Ofcourse!" Even modern grocery stores have entire spice secctions, or isles. The only difference was that these spices were, obviously, home-grown (I could tell, by the fresh scent), and selected by color, shape, and texture, rather by factory labels. Next, came the issue of clothing. While Tami and I had grown accustomed to wearing modern, combat-style, vests (for carrying extra supplies), we learned the reason WHY the Wiccans wore those hooded robes, while in practice. I have to hand it to the robes designers. Those robes were so ingenuiosly crafted that, by comparison, our vests looked like jokes. I mean, really, WHO would have THOUGHT to place pockets into the lining, of a robe, in the time before World War One? And, it was just amazing the amount of supplies, which each robe could handle, as well. When Tami would ask how UN-comfortable a "fully loaded" robe was, one of the sisters offered Tami the sisters own robe, saying "See, for yourself".. When Tami stepped into the robe, then tied it around her body, the bumps, and bulges, which she expected to feel, from the loaded robe, were nonexistant. In fact, Tami would inform the sister "I feel like I could wear this robe, all day". When the sister said "Precisely", this is when I realized that, if anyone would "stand out", in the local community, it would be Tami and myself. From the Wiccans point-of-view, however, it would seem that our first "test" would take place when a state trooper would stop by the plane, for a "progress report". The trooper would say that they had heard that we had some "new friends". The trooper just wanted to know who was operating in their vicinity. When I introduced tthe ladies, to the trooper, saying "These people are part of our support crew. They have come on-site, to aid our investigation, should we find anything, which we are noot prepared to deal with." When the trooper, cleverly, pressed "Such as?" Tami would enter the conversation, saying "If we knew the answer to THAT question, we would not be in need of the support team, now would we". Although the trooper "got the message", he, also, made a mental note, of the uniform, brrown, robes/cloaks, whicch the woomen wore. After that, the trooper returned to their cruiser, and departed the plane. When our group went out, on our own patrol, that nighht, the Wiccans reported feeling "power", and "a presence", yet none was certain of the source. Later that night, when the superstitious would claim "The ghosting hur has passed", the Wiccans, also, "packed it in". Although one sister would report tracing the "trail of energy", to a local house, where she reported seeing a dark figure mixing a brew, the womans more senior sister would remark "Mortal law would, never, consider that "evidence. For all you know, sister, the figure was brewing beef stew, or chili". When the younger sister would ask "Should we not, atleast, observe", and learn of the truth?" The senior sister would ask "Have you, ever, heard of STALKING?" The younger sister would, simply, ask "All I am asking is that we learn what kind of recipe produces green, yellow, or bright red, lights" The senioor sister would inform Tami and I that AL information would be presented, to the High Priestess, for review. Unless something VERY unusual happened, sooner, the sisters were prepared to return on-site, for the next, full moon. Still, when Tami did a web-search, for the ccolors the young woman said that she witnessed, in the figures "pot", and the fact that the others sisters had "felt" something was being kept hidden, from them, th young woman had suggested atleast a basic, web search. Problem was, with the key-words, which the young woman suggested, all that the internet gave Tami, in response to her request, was screensavers, rumors, and gossip. Tami had to outright LAUGH, at atleast one rumor. The one, about "hypnotic birth control". According to the entry, "legend" held that a mixture, brewed, with certain ingredients (See web-site for list), produced a "tonic", or "potion", which left young girls both in a sort-of "trance", and, while the effects, of the "potion", the girl was immune to conception. Ofcourse, there was also the mention that, while under the potions effects, the "child" would obey any command given her. For Tami, though, the "real kicker" was that the potion was a sort-of contraceptive. The one part, of the rumoor, whichh Tami found way too "convenient", too believe, wass that the rumor said that "AFTER an attack, the victims retain NO memory, of the attack". Allegedly, this meant that victims never remembered being attacked. This is the reason why Tami had laughed. This rumor seemed to "cover all the bases". Hypnosis. Sexual attacks. Birth control. victims memories wiped "clean". This is would fit "The Wizard of Oz", "Sleeping Beauty", or "Snow White", oh, so easily. Just as it could have covered other, classic, movies. This is why Tami had laughed. The person, who started this rumor, had "Covered the bases, oh, so well". It was the "perfectly scripted crime". Still, even Tami would admit that this was not the only rumor, in the world, or on the internet. It was only the rumor which Tami laughed, the hardest, at. When I asked Tami to do a web-search, for the ingredients, which a person might use, to brew such a potion, saying I was just curious about if the ingredients grew, locally, Tami would show me the results, which said that most, but not all, of the ingredients could be found, locally. Three ingrediennts, however, could only be found, at a local, herb, shop. When Tami opened the shops web-site, though, she not only found the complete list, of ingredients, for a wide variety of spells, but, also, recipes, which the herbs would enhance. Meatloaf, Beef Stew, Chicken, Salads. You-name-it. Th shop even had a downloadable (for a price), menu. This, so that customers could chhoose ingredients, for ANY, chossen, meal. I had to agree, with Tami, though. This shop COULD have been supplying the WRONG people, without ever realizing that crime was being committed. (Sure, it was a LONG-shot, but it wass worth looking at, anyway). While Tami and I set out, to visit the herb shop, th Wiccans agreed to "brew up" a spell, before they departed. A spell which SHOULD answer atleast some of the questions, reegarding this case. Just as Tami and I had suspected, when we visited the herb shop, the owner was as normal as anyone. The woman even admitted that she grew much, of what she sold, in her shop. In fact, thhe only ingredients, which she, ever, ordered, were for those herbs which did NOT grow, locally. When Tami asked if the owner might know of anyone, who might mis-use the herbs, the owner promised that she kept a short list, of those persons, who wanted herbs to do harm. The woman was adamant, though, that her herbs, and spicees, be used ONLY for positive purposes. Ofcourse, the woman would say that she could noot GUARANTEE what happened, to her stock, AFTER she sold the goods. This is when Tami and I reealized that this statement was just as true, for herbs, as it was, for guns. As Tami and I had, previously, agreed, fire-arms manufacturers could not be held responsible for the actions, of purchasers. Especially not after a sale was complete. When Tami and I returned to thhe plane, we found the Wiccans had been even busier than we had been. The women had collected local herbs, plants, and roots, then performed some "casting". This is why the performance was ready, upon our arrival, at the plane. Brewing somthing, I think the Wiccans called "The mist of truth", Tami and I watchhed as the distraught man had returned, to the scene, of the fire, to search for his family. It would seem that the sedatives, the man had been given, had affected his mind, allowing him to convince himself that his family remained alive, and awaited his locating them. It would seem that, for some time, after the fire, the man had searchhed, and re-searched, the area, many times. If the mist were accurate, the man did not stop, to rest, until exhaustion overcame him. AT a point, when he was too tired, to go on, the man had set down, to rest. His plan was to continue the search, once he had a chance to rest. Maybe even after a meal. What the man had found "odd" was how, following his rest break, he noo-longer felt either hungry, nor tired. Even months, after his "rest", the vision showed that the man paid no attention to food, drink, or rest, first for months, then years. The "mist" also showeed us that the man never intended to harm or frighten, anyone. He was just so desperate to be re-united, with his family. I would have been surprised when the Wiccans never asked "If we tried to show the man his familys burial plots", but the mist answered this, for us. Still, this left us with the question of HOW to draw the spirit into the cemetary, so we could SHOW him his family's resting place. Maybe then, the man could "Rest In Peace", as well. All the Wiccans could say was "Working oon it". Later, in town, Tami would hear some gossip, which would make her suppress a laugh. Someone was suggesting that there were actual WITCHES, in town, at that very time. This gossip was "squashed" by another person, who would ask "Have you SEEN any brooms flying in the moon-light?" "People, and their superstitions", was Tami's thought. When Tami returned to the plane, to tell the Wiccans about this "news", saying "Would you believe it? They think you would use brooms, in this day, and age". The Wiccans were not amused. What Tami had yet to learn was that, even in the modern day, Wiccans, still, used brooms, for some ceremonies. Just not for basic transportation. Later, during a group conference, Tami would find something, which she had not noticed, previously. It was the fact that no oone, in the community, was afraid of the "ghost", since everyone seemed to know the man. The question was "HOW could this be, if the man died a century ago?" After the conference, and while the Wiccans were working on a spell, to bring the man TO us, Tami decided that another visit, to the local church, was in order. After all, she had noticed that the caretaker seemed to know that the grave-stones were noot placed unntil family had visited the community. This, however, left the question of "HOW could he know, of events, from before he was, even, born?" It would be the churches senior priest, who would provide the answers, which we sought. As he would explain, to Tami: "Yes, it is true, that the church found the mans body, and buried him. As for why the church did not bury him next to his family, this was not, I assure you, out of "spite". It was, simply, that, when his family died, there was just enough room, between two, other, families, plots, to house the graves. The man was buried where the church could space." When Tami would ask "Would you show me where he was buried?", the priest agreed, and lead her to a space, some distance away from the family's graves. When Tami asked "Why does the family have such elegant markers, yet this mans is so plain?" The priest would, only, say "This is what the church directed. Even priests must follow orders, you know." This is when Tami returned to the plane, to inform us of her news, and her idea. Tami would suggest "Why not call the man to his final resting place, instead of this plane." When the senior Wiccan would ask "Sisters, WHY did WE not think of that?" It seems that the Wiccans had been preparing a spell, to draw a spirit to the plane. Now, they had a new plan. The senior Wiccan would suggest "If we brew, to lure the spirit, to his grave..." Another sister would say "We would not need half the ingredients, or the power". What no one could have suspected was what would happen, in the cemetary. Although the potion was brewed for just the one mans spirit, when the mix was applied to cemetary soil, it seemed to act as some sort of "spirt magnet". Soon, other spirits were seen returning to their graves, even before our "target" spirit materialized. When the man asked, first "Have you located my beloved family?" and Tami would say "We have located YOU", the man would say "I dont understand. What am I doinng, in the cemetary?", the Wiccans would watch, silently, as Tami explainned the mans demise, to him. It was moments after he asked "Will I, ever, see my beloved wife, and my children, ever?" Suddenly, the Wiccans stood at firm attention, as they looked past our ghostly meeting. When Tami, then I, looked at what had the womens attention, I suggested the man look where we were looking, as I suggested "I THINK they may have found YOU". Sure enough, not ten feet away, stood a radiant beauty, of a woman, dressed in the finery of her day, and, around her, stood the couples children. When the man stepped to his wife, took her hannd, and whispered "MY beloved", the women would whisper "It has been too long, my love". Then, to us, she would say "I would like to thank you, all, for helping my beloved husband. It has been such a very long wait, for our reunion. Now, our family is together, once more. For this, we are eternally grateful." When the Wiccans would, in unison, whisper "Blessed Be", Tami and I would repeat the words, ourselves. With that, the family would dissolve, into thin air, like the end credits of a movie. Moments later, our own stomaches would begin to growl, like we hadn't eaten, in days. This is when the senior Wiccan would say "Now, we re-fuel". As our group began the walk, back to our lane, though, we would hear a growl, which sounded from a nearby cottage, then a scream, for help. Turns out the junior Wiccan was atleast part right. She had suggested that something was going on, and she was correct. The problem was that, un-like the man, our group had no preparation, for this one. As best as any of us could figure out, the "mixer" had brewed a potion, which should have brought him powerful magic. The problem was that he had made a mistake, in the ingredients, and had summoned a huge, dark black, creature, with burning, red, eyes, and cclaws, and fangs, so sharp, that a single glance would, probably, kill. The stupid fool had thought himself safe, simply because he had some crosses, close at hand. Now, with a demon looking him square, in the eyes, the man cowered, in fear, as the demon looked upon the cross, as if to think "Does this fool really believe that a hunk, of metal, wil protect him?" While the fool kept the demon distracted, the senior Wiccan grabbed his notes, saw his mistake and, banding with her group, sent out a silent "prayer", calling forth the spirits, of Wiccans, past. The senior Wiccan knew that it would take the united power, of dozens, of Wiccans, to banish this beast. Mavbe this cottage was not large enough, for dozens of bodies, but even Tami and I felt the presence, of generations, of the ancient craft. We, also, felt enough energy, within the cottage, to blow up an entire state. Since the beast could only hear audible noises, the Wiccans cast through "spell", using what I can only assume was a form of telepathy. The "spell" was sure power, though. Man, I dont think I ever felt so much power, in one place, before. It did the trick, though, and that was what was important, as the spell dragged the monster back to the cooking pot and, after the last of it dissolved, into the vapors, of the pot, three Wiccans kicked the pot over, spilling its contents onto the floor. When the man recovered, the senior Wiccan would ask "What were you thinking?", The man would say "I was only trying to make a friend notice me. Maybe evenn find a job." The Wiccan would groan "Dont you know how dangerous it is, to mix spells?", When the man would say "I didn't think..." And the senior Wiccan would say "Thats right, you didn't THINK". When the man asked "What happened?" The senior Wiccan would say "By mixing two spells, used for different reasons, you created a window, for that THING to come through." then the woman would ask "By the way, whats with the cross?" The man would say "Protection, from evil". Even Tami and I would roll our eyes, at that one. Some many people thought that a chunk, of metal, or wood, was enough to save them from evil. When would the fools ever learn that it is NOT the jewelry, but the HEART, that matters. Priests are "powerful" because they have the FAITH of the heart and soul. The same goes for Wiccans. After leaving the fool, to contemplate his potential fate, our group would, finally, return to the plane, where the women would add various spices, to the rations, to make them more edible. Man, did these women have discriminating palates. After the women drove off, in their mini-vans, Tami and I had a discreet meeting, with both the mayor, and the sheriff (BEFORE telling the state troopers that the case was resolved). Only after the town had been informed that its resident "ghost" had been "Put to bed", and Tami and I had our plane packed, and ready, for lift-off, did we inform the state police of our departure (Along with a generous "Thank You", for their aid). Still, even with the "crisis" passed, the sheriff wasted not one second ordering us out of town "Five minutes ago". Tami filed our report, enroute, yet, when the secretary gave the affirmative, that our report had been received, she cautioned Tami "Be warned! There is a BIG one, waiting for you, when you get here." After the tele-conference, when Tami asked me "How BIG can they get?" I was afraid to let my imagination wonder, too much. Oh, well. A family had been re-united. What more could we ask for? Based upon the message, though, we realized that our services remained in HIGH demand. I think that Tami was joking, as she said "Spirited spooks beware! Ghost Ship One is "on the case"" Onward, to the next case...

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