Wednesday, October 21, 2015


SLEEPY HOLLOW # 3 In the time, following the Man-O-War incident, and the Hessian's attack, on the police station, in which Jennifer Mills had looked the Horseman of War, directly in the eyes, without flinching, it would seem that the Hessians had "pulled back", and were re-grouping, for some new offensive. What it was, no one knew. All that the police captain could report, to "Homeland Security", was that the Hessians were just as well-armed, as the police were. In fact, even with the feds newest "toys", the police had, barely, held their own. When "Homeland Security" had, stupidly, asked "Is this a terrorist cell?", the captain had to stifle a laugh as she thought "Not EVERY group, of trouble-makers, are "terrorists, you idiot". All she could report was that the Hessians were as well-trained, and equipped, as any military group. Federal, or not. While the captain was trying to offer a generic explanation, for a group which, history claimed, had not existed (not OFFICIALLY, anyway), for centuries, the Mills sisters took Ichabod Crane to Sleepy Hollows newest, Italian, restaurant. Although Crane had "promised" to be polite, he needed only a taste, of the "real home cooking", to ask staff "Are you, really, trying to pass off this pre-packaged stuff, as "home cooked"? When the manager came to the table, to ask Crane about his culinary skills, Crane took one look, at the man, and asked "Are you, really, trying to pass, for Italian?" When the owner questioned "Are you questioning my integrity?" Crane would say "I am questioning your alleged background. By your accent, I would say you are from nowhere near either Italy, or Sicily. In fact, I would place you between England, and the Continent." When Abby would whisper "Knock it off", and Jennifer would ask "Is he, always like this?", Crane would say "This establishment is a mockery of Italians, everywhere. You, my good sir, are nothing but a cheap charlatan." This is when Abby would say "Time to go", then gave Jenny the signal, to draw Crane out of the restaurant. Outside the restaurant, Abby would be reminding Crane, of his promise, while he argued that REAL cooking was nothing like that establishment, when Jenny would suggest "If you think you can do a better job, why dont you try cooking, yourself" When Crane would say "Perhaps I shall", Abby knew what THAT meant. The last time Ichabod Crane had promised to "cook from scratch", he had taken DAYS, just to procure fresh ingredients. When Abby mentioned "We DO have places, called supermarkets, you know", Crane would retort "Yes, places where over-ripened, and pre-packaged, food-stuffs are passed off as genuine staples". Crane had, then, taken a full day, making all of the ingredients, by hand. Sure, the end result tasted better than anyone could have expected, but the bad part was that both sisters ate too much. Three days, of "modern exercises", it had taken, for the Mills sisters to work-off the meal. Later that evening, after leaving the Iltalian restaurant, the trio had stopped by a fast food place, to replace the dinner they had missed, thanks to Crane, and Jennifer received a call, just as Abby did, and, soon, both sisters were off, for appointments. Both on the same matter, yet to different destinations. At the police station, Abby would take part in a conference, about possible movement, of "radical" cells, in the Sleepy Hollow area. "The problem" as the captain would point out "Is that we have too little information, to act upon. We KNOW that there are groups, in the area, including some mercenariees, referred to as Hessians, and that there are crates, of supplies, heading in our direction. The problem is that we dont know WHO is ordering, WHERE the crates are heading, and WHO is in charge. Homeland Security thinks this might be part, of another 9/11 style attack" When a beat cop would say "Homeland Security thinks -EVERYTHING is a terrorist plot." When the captain would say "Thats probably true", another officer would quip "Homeland Security probably thinks my grand-mothers home-made jelly is an explosive, too" The captain would say "Back on subject, Homeland thinks we should be on our guard, for "Anything Suspicious". When a detective would ask "Captain, would you define "Anything suspicious, please?" The captain would say "Just keep your eyes open". When Abby would ask "Just what is it that they are shipping in? Guns, ammo, what?" The captain would say "An intelligent question. All Homeland will tell me is "powerful stuff". I am guessing that does NOT mean water pistols, and chewing gum". When Abby would ask "Military, or civilian, grade?", she knew what the answer would be, before she asked. All the captain would say was "Homeland says it is dangerous. I have nothing more to give you". As the meeting broke up, both the uniforms, and the detectives, agreed that the meeting was as "informative" as a "stoolie", sky high, on drugs, and only able to recall their name. In short, the police were to be on the "look-out" for who-knows-what, coming from who-knows-where, and going to I-dont-know. Abby would return home, feeling like she had just failed a snap-test. A test she had not known was coming, and on a subject she had, never, studied for. She just hoped that either Crane, or Jenny, would have more information, since Abby had no idea what she was looking for. Back at the cabin, it would seem that Jenny knew more, about what was going on, than even Homeland Security did. What concerned Abby was HOW much MORE Jenny knew, than the police knew. As Jenny reported "My call was for a group, which is training, and preparing, for a coming battle. They are looking for SKILLED fighters. NOT suicidal fanatics, but trained, disciplined, soldiers." When Abby would ask "Why did they call you? Dont they know that mental patients are mentally un-reliable?" Jenny would say "Very funny. No, actually, they know WHY I was "inside". Thanks to Rick, I have been invited to train, with the group." When Abby would ask "With what, where, and when?" Jenny would say "They are expecting a shipment, in a few days. Military-grade weapons, explosives, the whole thing." When Abby would ask "What is their target?" Jenny would say "No one said. All I know is that, if I sign up, we start training, within the next few days." When Abby would say "Tell me WHERE!" Jenny would say "IF I am accepted, they will call, when things are set up" When Abby would ask "Would you tell me, if you knew?" Jenny would come back with "Why wouldn't I tell a COP?" A few days later, and after a train, possibly loaded with weapons, seemed to "vanish, into thin air", it would be Crane who would lead the Mills sisters to a rail track, which had been abandoned, overgrown, and, carefully, cleared, so that only trained scouts could find it. The three had no "back-up", since the police captain said law enforcement did not need Cranes "Hocus pocus", to find a train. This is the reason why, while the police searched modern rail lines, Crane, and the Mills sisters, would walk away from the modern lines, even as Crane would reminisce about the crude, but clever, ways in which the colonies, under General Washington, had worked, in secret, laying rail lines, and building storage sheds, in places the British would, never, think to look. By mid-afternoon, Crane would stop, at a spot, along the tracks, and call out "I know you are there, just to the right of me. In future, you might do well to provide better cover, for your post." When no one answered, and Abby asked "Crane, whats going on?" Crane would say "There is a gentleman, approximately thirty feet to my right, poorly hidden in those bushes. He has one of your modern rifles. I believe you call it an M-16." Then Crane would call out "Sir! Am I correct!" As if "out of nowhere", the man came forward, asking "WHO is this guy, and HOW did he spot me?" Crane would only say "Your pathetic concealment would not fool even the most green, among the British garrison. You would not have survived a single day, during the war". Abby would, no-sooner say "Enough!", when Jennifer would step forward, saying "Walter?" When Walter would ask "Jenny, is that really you?" Jenny would say "Yes, Walter, its me. Where is Pete, and the rest?" Walter would ask "I know who your sister is, but who is this guy (Crane)?" Jenny would say "I will explain later. For now, just lead the way". After Walter marched ahead, Abby asked Jenny "WHO is this Walter?" as the sisters, and Crane, followed the man. When Abby persisted, Jenny would whisper "HE is one of the ones I was telling you about. On of the guys who proposed" When Abby was about to ask, Jenny cut her off, saying "Walter wanted a house-wife, and a mother, for his children. I declined him, as gently as I could". As the group reached the training center, Crane spotted the place, even before Walter said a word. When Walter asked "How did he know?", Jenny would whisper "He (Crane) knows LOTS of things". Inside the camp, Abby was amazed that security was as tight, as at any army base. These people were no fanatics. They were disciplined soldiers. Abby just did not know whether to feel frightened, or relieved, when she saw Hessians, in the camp. She just wished she hadn't seen how much fire-power they had, at their disposal. Compared to what was in this camp, the police might as well have water-pistols. When Walter halted the three, and told Abby, and Crane "This is as far as the cop, and Mr. Whoever goes. Only Jenny can go on, from here." When Abby asked "Jenny?" Jenny would say "I will be fine. Meet you at home, later." Abby would have been concerned except that she saw Rick come to her sister. Abby knew how CLOSE the two were, so she left them to their activities. On the way home, Abby worried, though, about all the weapons. About all that Abby had not seen, at the camp, were Apache attack helicopters, and howitzers. She just hoped that Jenny would be okay. Later, at about the same time, when Abby, and Crane, were involved in a police briefing, Jenny would be suiting up, along with up to 24 other recruits, all standing by, and awaiting their turn, at the groups firing range. Then, the impossible had happened. At the police station, when Abby heard the fool, from "Homeland Security", rattling off his claims, of what "intelligence" SAID the "radicals" had possession of, Abby tried to suppress a smirk, as the "Homeland Security" representative would spout things like "We BELIEVE that they are eqiupped with tanks, field guns, tacticle missiles, and even nuclear warheads". When Crane would mutter "Please", and the captain saw Abby doing a horrible job, of trying to conceal her laughter, the captain would ask "Officer Mills, is there something you would like to add to this discussion?" Abby would say "I dont know who THIS man is (pointing at the Homeland official), but what I do know is that neither I, nor Mr. Crane, here, saw any heavy armour, nor did we see missiles. Yes, they have mortars, and a few helicopters, but, most of what we saw was hand-weapons". When "Homeland" would ask "HOW do you know this?", the captain would ask "WHERE are they located. The patrols found nothing". When Abby would admit " I REALLY dont know. Off the main rail lines, deep in the woods." Then she would turn to Crane, asking "Was I close?" Crane would say "Remotely." then add "The garrison you seek is located on Stebbens fields. They are utilizing Master Stebbins land, for its vastness of land, and resources". When "Homeland" looked confused, and the captain asked "This Stebbins person. Where did he live?" Crane would remark "At the Stebbins homestead, where else?Just west of Wolf Creek". When the captain, and "Homeland" looked completely stumped, at the references, Crane asked "Shall I draw you a map?" What Abby noticed, but did not mention, was how Crane drew the "map", using reference points, from his own time. The police were ready to head out, on their own "hunt", when the call came in. A report that a young woman had been kidnapped, with there being almost two dozen witnesses. When Abby, and Crane, heard the reference points, they had a terrible feeling, about what they would find. When the police arrived, in force, at the location, Crane was the only one able to deduce how close the hidden weapons were, to the firing range. The Sleepy Hollow Sheriff's department had no clue how close the munitions were. What everyone was focused on was the un-believe-able story, which the shooters told. According to the shooters, Jennifer Mills had just suited up, and had her vest checked, by another member, then, as the group sat around, talking, about families, and jobs, while resting on boxes, they saw the impossible. Each would swear: "I never saw WHAT took her. All I saw were these "paws", which came out of thin air. They grabbed Jenny, first, then grabbed the boxes she was sitting on, and around." When the police asked the shooters "What was in the boxes?" The answer was, always, the same: "This is a shooting range. The boxes contained ammunition, for the guns. Any other, stupid, questions?" When "Homeland Security" began asking about terrorist cells, planned attacks, and so on, the sherriff's department tried to ignore such stupidity. Whatever this was, it was NOT about attacks. This was a kidnapping, pure and simple. When "Homeland Security" pressed the terrorism angle, and the shooters began to ask "What about Jenny Mills? Aren't you even going to investigate?" "Homeland Security" gave the worst, possible, answer, saying "In due time". (Even the police would, never, tell witnesses, or victims families, that a search would take place "In due time") Back at the police station, the captain would allow "Homeland Security" to pursue their "phantom terrorists", while the police would begin an organized search, for the missing woman. Somehow, though, Abby knew that they would not find Jennifer. This is when Abby asked Crane to ask Katrina's coven for another "favor". While all of this was going on, in the twenty-first century, Jennifer would find herself shoved through a "door", and shoved to the ground, in what appearred to be a forest. Moments after she "arrived", boxes were hurtled out of thin air. From where, she could not tell. When Jennifer checked the boxes, she found that these were the same boxes which she had rested upon, back at the firing range. Boxes of pre-packaged rations, ammunition, and so on. In fact, every crate, which had been within ten feet of her, at the firing range, was jumbled about her, now. From years of training, Jennifer knew that her first task was to "hide" the supplies, which she did, by camouflaging the crates. On the positive side, even if she was in "enemy" hands, she had atleast two months worth of food. After she had hidden the crates, Jennifer set off in a direction which, she was certain that Sleepy Hollow was located. By this time, deep in the netherworld, which was Moloch's domain, a group, of lower-level demons, was receiving a rather vicious disciplinary reprimand, from Moloch, itself. The reprimand was simple: When Moloch has given the orders, for Jennnifer Mills to be taken, Moloch had meant that it wanted Jennifer taken from her bed, and in the depths of night. Even Moloch knew that human law does not allow a missing persons report, for up to seventy-two hours. During this time, Moloch knew that Abby would be too distraught, over her missing sister, to function, as a police officer. Moloch was counting on this, to give its forces time to group, and attack. One of the "witnesses" would be out of the way, and Crane could be handled, by the horsemen. The KEY, though, would be the missing woman. It would throw the humans into turmoil, for almost three, human, days. Moloch realized its mistake when its workers had reported in, that the "snatch-and-grab" had gone so smoothly. Not one, of the witnesses, had raised a finger, to help the woman. Since Moloch had given orders that Jennifer Mills be taken, whole and complete, the demons had also taken those crates, which had been around her (to make sure they had ALL of her). When Moloch checked with its human contacts, it had verified that Jennifer Mills was listed as an abduction victim. This meant that the police, as well as "witness" Grace Abigail Mills, would be on HIGH alert. A sneak attack would be impossible, at this time. A new plan was needed. While Moloch was reprimanding its servants, Abby, and Crane, received permission, for another visit, to the coven. The high priestess had suggested that the two visit the coven, since the covens power was grounded, and most powerful at its current location. The priestess was just not sure of how Abby would take the news, of her sisters status. Ofcourse, Jennifer, herself, was un-sure, of her own sanity, as she used the digital binoculars for visual recon, on the village, before her. She had problems getting her bearings since much, of what she knew, including landmarks, and businesses, did not exist. Jennifer could not locate any of the Starbucks, nor the designer clothing store. When she tried examining the skyline, she could not believe that she did not see the cell-phone towers. And WHERE was the traffic? When Jennifer decided to check on the one place, which she KNEW existed, since colonial days, Jennifer would be shocked at what she saw, at the police station. Instead of the black asphalt, on which the police cruisers sat, Jennifer saw a stable, and a few horses. When Jennifer called out, over her radio, to see if the men, wearing star-style badges, and six-shooters, were real police, she had to zoom in, to see that these men had NO radios. It was when she realized that the men were dressed, as cowboys, and that there were not even any McDonalds, in the area, let alone any streets, for cars to drive on, that Jennifer would back off, into the woods, and ask herself not "WHERE am I?" but "WHEN am I?" At the coven, back in the 21st century, when Abigail Mills would ask "Why bother sending my sister back into the deep past? What is this guy afraid of?" The priestess would suggest "We have become aware that your sibling had, in a recent incident, shown her willingness to stand before this demon, and not hesitate in her convictions. It is believed that Moloch arranged her transportation, not just to remove her from the current battlefield, but in the desire to throw your forces into dis-array." When Abby would ask "What do you mean?" The priestess would say "The sisterhood is well aware that, regardless of any darkness, the two of you seem to harbor, for one another, in your hearts, you are of one soul, one heart". When Abby would ask "How does this change anything?" The priestess would say "It is believed that Molochs original plan was to cause your sister to "vanish", in such a way as to leave you in turmoil." When Abby would say "Okay, so he failed. Whats his next move?" The priestess would say "At this time, this is unknown to us." When Abby would ask "Will you atleast tell us HOW to bring my sister back, to the present?" The priestess would say "This is under due investigation, at this time." Back at police headquaters, when some "Homeland Security" fool would rush, into the police station, saying "Armed helicopters, headed this way", and their supervisor would ask "How soon?" The fool would say "Twenty minutes, maybe". Just as the "Homeland" supervisor would tell their forces "Prepare for full-scale attack", the police captain would say "Hold it!" then turn to the fool, asking "The "attack helicopters" you say you have seen. Would they happen to be Bell Hueys, with side mount ledges, and thirty calibur machine guns, nounted off the edges?" When the fool would say "Why, yes". The captain would ask Painted either dark green, or dull metalic?" The foool would say "yes", then add Closing fast" When the "Homeland Security" supervisor would ask "Just what are you getting at, captain?" The police captain would say "The "attack helicopters", your person spotted are well-known, arund Sleepy Hollow" This is when a detective would say "Yes, that is true. They are training, for deployment, in the Middle East invasions" When the fool would say "BUT, they are COMING T-H-I-S WAY!" The captain would inform the "Homeland" supervisor that these flights have been using Sleepy Hollows skies, for over a decade. Its part of their training, for urban combat. They will fly, low, over buildings, land in a couple, of parks, to simulate retrieval, of wounded, then fly back to base." When the "Homeland" supervisor would ask "HOW do you know all of this?" The captain would say "The army ASKED the mayor for permission, YEARS ago. The helicopters carry only blank ammunition, and props, painted, to appear like missiles." Sure enough, by the time this conversation was completed, the very helicopters, being discussed, passed overhead, right on schedule. The lead pilot even threw the police captain a salute, as his helicopter squadron passed overhead. While homeland security passed over the city, the helicopters did exactly what the captain said they would do. Fly low, over roofs, to local parks, where some soldiers would remove mobile cots from the helicopters, then lay upon the stretchers, while other soldiers bound the "wounded", then placed the stretchers on the wing extensions, before flying back out of town. When a detective checked his watch, and said "Best time, yet", a co-worker would say "Just wait until they are under "emeny fire", in the Middle East. THEN, you will, REALLY, see them hustling". The captain would say "Enough of fun-time, back to work" While "Homeland Security" continued its desperate search, for "terrorist cells", which, they were certain, "just HAD" to be plotting another 9/11, the local police continued to process its own paper-work, while Abbie Mills, and Crane, would return to the coven, hoping for an update. What they received was not exactly what they had hoped for. When a coven sister would come forth, saying "Through the combination, of various skills, the sisterhood believes that we have located your sister. Our current field of inquiry is to verify her precise location. Only after this would the sisters be able to begin our process, of recovering the young woman". When Crane would ask "WHERE is she located?" The sister would say "It is our present assumption, that Jennifer Mills is located in the general vicinity, of colonial Sleepy Hollow". This is when Crane would ask "How have you come by this information?", and Abbie would ask "What difference does that make?" Crane would respond "Remember, I was STATIONED, in this vicinity, during colonial days. I remember NOTHING of a girl, from the future, landing in the colony." When Abbie would suggest "Maybe, your memory is NOT so perfect, after all", Crane would give her a LOOK, which maybe her say "Sorry, I guess you got up, on the wrong side of the bed, this morning". When Crane would say "I would prefer that you no-longer use said passage, since it is of no meaning. After all, there is NO "wrong" side, of a sleeping space". When Crane would re-direct his inquiry, towards the sister, she would say "Master Crane, not even the colonists, themselves, knew MUCH, of the happenings, of the area. After all, even you were not aware that your own partner was a member, of our coven." Crane would bow, deeply, to the sister, as he would say "I stand, humbly, corrected". By this time, another sister would come forward, announcing "We have determined the womans whereabouts. She has, wisely, chosen to remain secreted in the forest, just west of town." When Abbie would say "Great!", then add "Now, how doo we get her back?" The sisters would say "Therein lies the difficulty. Since she was delivered, into the previous era, due to demonic forces, we must prepare an agent, whose power exceeds that of the demonic one. Our preparations are underway, however, completion may be sometime, hence". When Abbie would say "Just make sure that "hence" is sooner, rather than later". When the Wiccan would look upon Abbie, in confusion, It would be Crane, would would give the Wiccan the appropriate "Thank You", with a bow, before pursuing Abbie, out of the covens headquarters. By the time the coven had the right spell, and ingredients, prepared, Abbie would have learned, due to a surprise visit, from Rick, that the group was NOT training, to attack Sleepy Hollow. They were training, for the next attack, by the horsemen. What no mortal knew was that the horseman, of War, was planing a bit of a surprise, of its own. Since the minions had FAILED, so horrribly, in their mission, of throwing the humans into total chaos, Molloch, and the horseman, made a deal, which, if all went according to plan, would toss the humans into enough of a "baffling situation", that human response, to immortal actions, would be slowed, by 80%. When the plan was approved, and set into motion, Jennifer Mills would, deep in the past, find a broom-stick tapping her shoulder. When Jennifer would, hesitantly, turn around, to see who had disvered her concealment, she would find herself facing a broom-stick, which appearred to be acting of its own accord. Before, hesitantly, accepting the broom-sticks "offer", Jennifer would check the surrounding area, for any wires, twinne, or other things, with which to make the broom "perform". Finding no such traps, Jennifer would turn, to the broom, asking "Now, what?" When she did not understand the wooden sticks gestures, the broom-stick would woosh around, behind the woman, slip between her legs and, leaving several thousand dollars worth of equipment behind, Jennifer Mills would find herself airborn, in a way which NO one would believe. Her only concern was "I hope no one takes a shot at me". Although she could FEEL the wind on her face, Jennifer would look down, to see something she could not bring herself to believe. She seemed to be watching the development, of Sleepy Hollow, from a small settlement, and into its current form. Also, it seemed like the city was sitting, still, while she flew overhead. Jennifer did not realize that she was back, in the modern day, until she, first, saw a laser-targetting dot, on her broom, then heard the report, from a modern, assault, rifle. At the sound, of the shot, several locals, including police, looked into the sky, to see what semed to be a person. (But, riding a broom?). When Jennifer flew over the police station, she called "Abbie, Crane, HELP!!!!". Shortly after this, when Abbie, Crane, and some other officers, came out of the police station, and saw what was happening, Jennifer would call out, to Crane "How do I stop this thing?", he looked at Abbie, who, then, jumped another officer, whom, it seems, was prepared to shoot, saying "Thats my SISTER!". Soon after this, Crane would suggest a variety of maneuvers, with Jennifer calling out "Sorry", after almost taking off Cranes head. It was when Crane would suggest, to Abbie, "If only the coven were present, I am sure that they would provide a resolution, to this dilema", when a voice would call out "We are aware of the situation and, with your permission, will draw this to a successful conclusion". When Crane would bow, then back away, saying "Proceed", the priestess would make some finger gestures, which brought the broom to its senses. The priestess then brought the broom in, for a safe landing. When Jennifer thoughht she was in for a "scolding", for riding the broom, the Wiccan sisters would inform Jennifer "Fault was not upon you, since you were not allowed a choice. We visioned the broom sweeping you off the ground, then flying through time." When Abbie would approach the Wiccans, asking "Okay, whats up? Brooms doo NOT just pick people up", the Wiccans would admit, "Under normal circumstances, this would be perfectly honest. This broom, however, is NOT normal. It was enchanted, and sent to find your sister". When Abbie would ask "WHY?", the Wiccans would say "To throw you mortals off-balance. After the errors, committed, in Miss Jennifers abduction, the horseman, and Molloch, decided to ty a different tact. They decided to find out how you would reacct if Miss Jennifer were returned, to the present, but in a most unusual manner." When Abbie would ask "What is it that they hoped would happen?" The priestess would suggest "The proposal was for your sister to be slain, by someone, who was fearful, of old legends. When they saw someone, riding a broom, the hope was that the rider would be shot down". When Jennifer would add "I, nearly, was", the Wiccans would say "The key, here, is "nearly was". When, with Crane, and her sister, back by her side, Abbie would ask the Wiccans "What is Molloch's next move?" All the Wiccans would say was "You must be prepared, for you will not expect its next move.", to which Jennifer would say "Oooh, cryptic". When Jennifer would visit Rick, and company, at the camp, asking "How soon do we mount up?", Rick would say "The last we heard was something about a Blue Moon?" Whenn Jennifer would say "The moon is, nnever, blue. What do you think it means?" Rick would say "We have people working on that, right now". When Rick would add "By the way, what happened to all of the gear, which went missing, along with you?" Jennifer would say "No room, on the broom. The supplies are about two centuries away, in the past, that is." Jennifer, Rick, and the rest, of the soldiers, would continue their preparations, for the coming battle, while their leaders would try to interpret "Blue Moon" (Beyond the classic song, that is), and the police would be issuing a statement, saying that Jennifer Mills had been on the "flying broom", as a test of a prop, for an upcoming attraction. However, since locals had taken shots, at the prop, and at Jennifer, the police had ruled the prop "too dangerous". No witches would fly, so long as people were willing to shoot at them. As for "Homeland Security", although they would pack up local operations, once Jennifer was located, the agency annoyed the police by saying "We WILL be watching, for further signs, of "terrorist activity"." After "Homeland Security" had departed the building, most of the force would agree "They really DO see terrorists, EVERY-where, dont they?" Others just nodded their heads. Then, the captain would say "Back to work, people. We have a community, which is paying for our time. Lets give them SOME-thing, for their money." With salutes, and "Yes, sir!'s", the staff would return to normal duties, even as both Crane, Abbie, and the soldiers, at the camp, would know that a new plan was being devised, as everyone went about their lives, and duties. What WAS the next step, in the plan? Who know's?

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