Saturday, May 14, 2016


A WARLOCK'S JOURNEY Rick Masters was a Wunderkind. Born into a "moderately middle income" family, Rick paid little attention, to life, especially during childhood. According to his parents, William Masters, and Monica Robins, there was nothing unusual about their son. Not even in pre-school. Although Ricks parents shared the same house, his mother, Monica, was strong-willed enough to post-pone marriage, to her childrens father, atleast until she made a moderate attempt, at her OWN life's ambition. Succeed, or fail, Monica was determined to reach for her dreams (When not tending her children, or their father). Monica never protested, nor corrected, those who "just assumed" she was married to William. Monica just allowed people to think what they CHOSE to think. While the Master's household was, basically, "average", in every way, both Monica, and William, were amazed at how often their son, Rick, predicted when prices, of various foods, would rise, at local food stores. Then, there was the bicycle, which Rick saw, on television. An incredibly expensive bicycle, which could perform all manner of stunts. Ofcourse, the bicycle, shown on t.v., was "heavy duty", and, in very small print, at the bottom of the screen, was listed as "Modified" to "take anything which children could throw at it". When Rick asked his parents about a bicycle, William Masters presented Rick with a "no frills", coaster bicycle. Not a "flashy" unit, but, as his father pointed out, rugged, and easy to repair. Although Rick accepted the "gift", Rick left the bicycle sitting in the garage, and just watched as his friends parents bought the other kids the "super deluxe", television, bicycle. When Rick Masters had seen one, of the "super deluxe" bicycles, on display, in a store window, along with a display which read "Win this bicycle. Astound your friends!". Rick did not think anything, of it, at the time, but, whenever he saw that bicycle, in the store window, he began to visualize himself, riding the bicycle. After un-expectedly winning the bicycle, when Rick rode the bike, he noticed not only how light the bike was, but how much the frame flexed, in response to pot-holes, and other hazzards. Since Rick feared his parents, potential, anger, if Rick "broke" this bike, as well as realizing how "whimpy" the bike felt, Rick pulled his regular bike out of the garage, and packed this "super deluxe" bike away. Rick loved the feeling, of "power", "durability", and "endurance", of basic bikes. Coaster bikes could really take a beating, and keep on going. Rick also noticed how, when his friends put the "super deluxe" through the very same "paces", shown on television, that the "super deluxe" seemed to fall apart, even after as little as two stunts. Although the children really did not understand it, when parents presented the "super deluxe", while cautioning children "I have paid $500.00, for this bike. Take CARE of it". What had surprised the children was how upset parents became, when, after bicycles broke down, and parents called bike shops, for replacement parts, that parents received the bad news. According to repair shops, it would seem that repair parts, for the "super deluxe", would have to be ordered, from overseas. This meant international shipping, and handling, costs, since there were NO American parts distributors. When parents learned that replacement PARTS would cost even MORE than the bikes, themselves, had cost, fathers told children "Well, you broke it. Thats all there is to it. I am NOT paying out, more than $500.00, for replacement parts, just so you can break the bike, again". As a result, Rick's friends were left to WALK, from place to place, even as ruined bikes sat, in the rear of garages. Rick was the only boy, among his friends, to have a bicycle, for a long while, after this. Rick was the only boy riding the area. When William had noticed the "new" bicycle, sitting around, just gathering dust, in the garage, William had asked Rick his thoughts, about the bicycle. When Rick told his father "It is pretty, but it just feels cheap". William, and Monica, agreed that their son did not want the "super deluxe", after all. This is when the parents put the "super deluxe" up "For Sale". When bidders offered William only $10, $20, even $25.00, for the bike, all William would say was "Come back, when you have a REAL offer". Sure, William knew that he would, never, receive "show room" value, for the bike, but the parents decided to find out just how MUCH people would be WILLING to pay, for the bicycle. It was not until the highest bid was $250.00, that William turned the bike over, to its new owner. What surprised Monica, about this, was how William then turned around, and used this money, to buy extra inner tubes, and outer tires, for the very bike, which Rick used, daily. After his experience, with visualizing winning the bicycle, Rick had "played" a secret, personal, "game", a few times, in class, and with subjects, which Rick really hated. Rick visualized upcoming tests, and found, in the process, that he could not only see the tests, but he could see the answers, as well. When the tests actually came up, Rick was surprised when he received some of the highest grades, in class. Not that he CARED about American Independence, nor the Civil War. Rick, like most students, could not care, LESS, about people who had been enslaved, more than 150 years before the modern children had been born. All Rick Masters really cared about was attending regional bicycling events, and seeing how bicycles could be modified, and what kinds of stunts various models could perform. Then there was Angela. A pretty teenager, whom Rick had known, for years, but whom he did not dare ask out, since he did not know if the two could remain friends, if Angela declined his offer. Then, there was the fact that, even in this "new age", of "affirmative action", anything, beyond friendship, between black and white, was deterred. Still, when Rick saw how a black student had grabbed, at Angela, and slapped her bottom, like Angela was a dis-obedient child, Rick would have been, totally, prepared, to defend Angela, even though her "companion" was atleast twice Rick's size. Thankfully, the guy stopped bugging Angela, before Rick got mad enough to attack. Still, Rick fantasized, about how HE would treat Angela, IF the two were a couple. Rick just never expected that, after just three months, of visualization, Angela would approach Rick, asking "What are you doing, after school?"" Rick was thrilled when the two went beyond friendship, and into dating. (Rick just hoped that Angela never sensed when Rick had casual thoughts, about other girls) In fact, until Rick was assigned, to a group project, which was to study "witchcraft", Rick had, totally, respected Angela's FEAR of the dark. (A FEAR, fostered by her own parents bed time stories, about dis-obedient children) When Rick informed Angela, of the class project, Angela seemed relieved ONLY when Rick told her "Its a class project." Angela would tell Rick "My own class project is the review of womens fashions, from the 19th, through 20th centuries". In Ricks case, although he may have enjoyed his friends mocking, of such "research material", as old movies, this humor lasted only until Rick saw, on-screen, how people could do things, with only the "power" of their minds/thoughts. While Ricks classmates went out, after school, laughing, and making more, bad, jokes, about "witchcraft", Rick had decided to check the schools library, and find out more, about "witchcraft". Rick wanted to find out HOW the "witches" did what they did. As a result, while his class-mates were out, sneaking beers, and partying, Rick was in the library, reading up on telepathy, and telekinesis. During this research process, Rick learned that there was no such thing as either "black", or "white", magic. The so-called "white witches" were, more formally, known as Wiccans. These Wiccans, as Rick was to learn, used their skills to improve life, and health, even while advancing their own knowledge, of the world, around them. Un-fortuantely, for Rick, his research took so LONG, to complete, that all he had were "draft notes", even as the "leader", of his group, had stood before the class, wearing the worst looking "witch" costume Rck had, ever, seen. Ofcourse, the presentation did have the desired effect. The class had laughed, at the students portrayal, of the Wiccan community. After the class had let out, the teacher had called Rick aside, asking "Why did you not submit you work?" When Rick had said "My work is not finished. It is just notes. Not even a report". When the teacher asked to see the work, anyway, Rick handed over his notes. Once the teacher viewed the quality, of Ricks notes, the teacher sent the young man to see a librarian, at the public library. The teacher promised that, if Rick were serious, about his study, the public library would be a great place to start. During the next, class, session, the teacher would point out, to the class "Before we proceed with further reports, I would like to share, with you, the kind of actual research work, which this school is TRYING to teach you. Though, admittedly the work is not complete, it is the best EFFORT I have seen, to date. Not even Rick knew whose work the teacher spoke of, until the educator began the recitation. By the time the teacher was finished reading, and informed the class "This, admittedly rough draft, is the finest example, of research, which I have seen, so far. THIS student is, actually, researching the subject matter. This student is taking the assignment seriously, and the rest of you should make note of their efforts". When a student asked "Whose work is that?" The teacher would ask "Does that matter?" When a few students murmured "Must be a "brown-noser", the teacher looked, directly, at the students, and said "A week of detention". It would be after class when the teacher would bring Rick aside, asking "Your work shows great promise. I am curious, though, about your purpose, in compiling such detailed work?" When Rick would say "I guess that I am more than a little interested, in the subject." When the teacher asked "Would you like to know more?" When Rick agreed, the teacher gave Rick a location, saying "Stop by, when you have time. There are wonders to behold". When Rick did visit the location, as per the teachers directions, Rick would be surprised to find something, which he, never, knew existed. Oh, sure. Rick had dreamed of this place, several times, yet he thought that this was nothing more than the result, of watching classic, horror, movies. Th odd thing, about this place, was that it was so UN-like the places, shown in movies, and television. This place had no skulls, skeletons, or dead animals, hanging about, as "warning" signs. Nor did the place have actual warning signs, which might say "Stay Out". As Rick obsered the general area, he remembered playing childrens games, with his friends, nearby. Rick also remembered the many walks he had taken, with Angela, right near this spot. Yet, despite being so close, so many times, Rick had no idea that this place was here. The place just looked so natural, that Rick realized that it COULD have been here, forever. What left Rick equally speechless, was the way in which a robed figure seemed to seperate itself, from the surrounding woods. When the robed figure came before Rick, asking, softly, "Why have you come?" Rick would say "My teacher sent me". When the figure held out a hand, Rick presented the directions, which the teacher had provided, and which the figure seemed to study, for a moment. Then, extending their other hand, the figure would ask Rick "Follow me". When Rick asked the figure "Where are we going?" The figure would only say "That depends upon how far you are willing to go. " Then the figure asked "Shall we proceed?" When Rick accepted the figures hand, he watched when, as either by special effects, or some form of magic, the woods closed in, around the two, and Rick found himself inside some kind of cavern, or tunnel. What made this place "different", from the "traditional representations", of covens, was that the tunnel was not lit, by candles, set in wall sconces. This place was lit by soft, recessed, L.E.D. lights. After walking a distance, through the tunnel, in a place which Rick never knew existed, he observed how he, and his "guide" passed atleast two, side caverns. In one, side cavern, Rick noticed a kitchen set up. Only this place had no pot-bellied stoves, or even wood burning units. It would seem that this group liked electric appliances, including microwave ovens, and electric stoves. In the cavern, on the opposite wall, from the kitchen, Rick caught a glance, at what he THOUGHT was the largest library, which he had, ever, seen. When Rick's giude was called aside, by another, coven, member, Rick could not resist the temptation, of reviewing the library's contents. (What Rick did not know was that, even at this moment, he was being "tested", in order for the coven to learn if his intentions were sincere). In a nearby cavern, a Wiccan would be observing the young mans actions, via closed circuit camera's. The monitoring Wiccan would make a list, of the volumes, which Rick thumbed through, versus which volumes Rick stopped, to actually, READ. When an elder entered the monitoring room, whispering "report", the monitoring Wiccan would say "He only appears mildly curious, about the volumes, concerning dark magic. He appears to be studying only those volumes, which cross-reference Wicca." When the elder would whisper "Very well", then depart the monitoring area, the monitoring Wiccan knew where the elder was headed, next. When the elder joined Rick, in the library, asking "Are you enjoying your reading?" Rick would say "Great library. Mind if I visit, from time to time?" The elder would say "That depends". When Rick would ask "On what?", the elder would say "Upon whether your heart is true". When the elder would, softly, say "Come", Rick followed, without hesitation. When the elder lead Rick into the main coven, chamber, Rick would say "Incredible. Just as I dreamed it would be." The elder would say "Yes, we are aware of your previous visits. You are an Astral Projectionist. A natural, if I am not mistaken." When Rick would ask "Hold on. Previous visits? Astral? I dont understand". At this point, another, robed figure would come forth, to say "Yes, we understand that you are un-trained. This is the reason you were invited to visit the coven. It is our desire to offer you the chance to train, with us". When Rick asked "Train? For what?" The robed figure would pull her hood back, exposing her face, as a local woman. In fact, a woman whom Rick had known, since childhood. A woman who would smile as she said "A chance to develop your skills, and became a "witch", or, in your case, being a man, a warlock". When Rick would say "Nothing doing. My parents would freak if I turned to evil". The women would laugh, heartily, as they would say "Not a DARK sorcerer. A warlock. A MALE, who practices Wicca". When Rick would ask "So you are..." and the women would say "Yes, we are Wicca. Commonly known as "witches". Since we are female, we are referred to as "witches". Since you are male, you would be a warlock". When Rick would ask "What can you teach me? How to zap people?" The Wiccans would laugh as they agreed "Too much television, and movies.", then the women would grow serious, even as another, robed, figure would approach, saying "If you are willing to step beyond the "everyday", then, to Ricks surprise, this woman pulled back her hood, to reveal the face, of a fellow student. A blonde haired girl, and one of those who had heckled Rick's report, in class. When Rick said "You?" The woman would say "Sorry for laughing, in class, but secrecy IS the only way for us to survive, in your world". When Rick asked "Why me?" The elder would say "Our sources, within both the school, and public, libraries, report that, out of your entire research team, YOU were the only member to, truly, research the subject of Wicca. This, even as the rest of the project just laughed at the entire topic. Your teacher has, also, been monitoring your report, and has informed us of how devoted you have been, to your research. Combine this with your latent abilities, and the coven forsee's a powerful future, for you." This is when another robed figure would ask "Are you prepared to step beyond the world, which you know, and understand?" When Rick would say "Why not? How hard can it be?" His class mate would say "Famous, last, words". Although sworn to secrecy, by the coven, Rick found a way to inform his girlfriend, of the coming project. Instead of simply telling the woman, of his decision, though, Rick asked Angela how she would FEEL, if he joined the Wiccan community. Even in Angela's eyes, Rick saw how the very idea seemed to terify the woman, even as Angela asked Rick not to even DISCUSS the matter. When Rick asked "Why?", Angela would say "You know my family are good Christians. If my parents heard you even suggest the topic, they would command me to dump you, and seek a good Christian, boy". It was soon, after this, that Rick learned that other people, whom he had considered close "friends", withdrew, at the very mention of the idea of a man joining an "evil cult", of "witches". When Rick asked an elder if solitude, and loneliness, were the price, of Wicca, the elder smiled as she said "Dear boy, those who FEAR us simply do not UNDERSTAND us. This is the reason covens exist. To allow like-minded people to form new friendships, and lasting bonds". As Rick's training progressed, he learned why a group, of class mates did their best, to "hide" in the background, during school years. It would turn out that these people were, also, "Wiccans, in training". Learning how to "vanish", from the public eye. These were the students who, like Rick, ended up spending their free time, in Wiccan classes. Yes, while other students were out, practicing various vices, and developing the begininnings, of low-profile, petty crime, records, the Wiccans were teaching students how to have both control, and to extend, each students abilities. When one student asked an elder "Why are only certain people "gifted", with abilities?" The elder would say "All people have these abilities. Most people, though, CHOOSE to ignore the gifts, and go about their "normal" lives." When the student would ask why people did not WANT to practice, the elder would say "Ours is not to question. Ours is to learn, control, and grow with, life. We are, in a manner of speaking, the "Jedi"." Over the following years, Rick would learn the REAL meaning of "The COST of Wicca". While Rick had grown up, with the "pop culture" notions, that Wiccan rituals included blood sacrifices, drinking blood, and passionate intercourse, under the moon's shining embrace, it would not be long before Rick would learn the TRUE "cost", of a mind, awakening, to its fuller potential. When Rick, un-expectedly, developed the ability, to read minds, this came at the cost of finding out who his TRUE friends were. The coven would have to teach the young man the discipline, of how, and when, NOT to read minds. This was, never, more evident than the night, when Angela broke off, with him, officially. After some of the best sex the couple ever had, Rick had imagined how Angela would look, floating, above him, like an angel. It was not until he heard her scream, that Rick opened his eyes, to find Angela actually floating, above his torso. Angela then watched, in blind horror, as Rick closed his eyes, and let her down, as gently as possible. The most hurtful part, of all, though, was when Angela grabbed her clothes, and cried out "You are a servant of Satan!" This just before rushing away from Rick. When Rick had tried to follow, and explain, Angela pepper-sprayed him, while saying "Return to your Satanic master. I never want to see you, again". A few minutes later, as Rick was dressing, an older MALE appearred, informing Rick "NOW, you know the "cost" of Wicca". When Rick asked the man "How did YOU handle it?". The man would say "Son, there are plenty of Wiccan women. Just remember to treat the women with love, and respect, and you will be fine". Although high school graduation had become less than meaningless, to students, such as Rick, he, and other, coven students, observed the regular customs, finishing high school, and receiving worthless diploma's. After high school graduation, though, Rick made the innocent mistake, of asking senior Wiccans "How long before we graduate Wiccan training?" The seniors, both male, and female, just smiled, as they announced "There is NO "graduation", in Wicca. Ours is a life-long experience." Sometime, thereafter, when Angela visited (the first, of several, visits), Rick enjoyed holding Angela, and even kissing her. Each time, however, the moment would only last until Angela would whisper "I, still, love you. Are you ready to give up the Devil worship?" This would be the point when, sadly, the couple would part, since Rick could, never, convince Angela that Wicca was NOT "evil". To Rick, he knew that he had found the place, where he belonged. He was not about to give up his exanding, new world. Not even for a woman he, still, loved. Later, while most of the senior Wiccans, of the coven, were away, at a regional conference, discussing the status of a coven, Rick was one, of the few adults, who was left behind, to "mind the store". The issue, before the regional coven, was the question of how to handle a covens "exposure". IF the exposure was coincidental, there was little to be done, other than re-locating the coven. IF, however, the coven had grown lax, and allowed its discovery, then the regional groups would have to DEAL with the membership. In this case, however, the problem was not just limited to religious symbols being burned, at the entrance, to the coven headquarters. It was the fact that the arsonists had gone INSIDE the coven, and set fire to everything, including the library, kitchen, and so forth. The covens library had been burned to ash. Centuries, of accumulated knowledge, torched, by those who did not understand. This left the regional covens with the question "How do we protect our members, from such fanaticism?" With most of the coven off, at the regional meeting, Rick was left to handle the message, regarding a member, who was visiting, from another coven. The member was coming to town, to advance her own studies. While Rick was un-certain of what to expect, either on the drive, to the airport, or inside the terminal, Rick just hoped he masked his feelings, well enough, especially when he met the young woman, at the airport. When the woman, discreetly, mentioned "You dropped your shields, as soon as you saw me. I take that as a compliment. I just wish I had time, to fulfill your dreams. For now, however, we must be off, to meet with the coven". On the way to her motel, though, Rick informed the lady, about the conference, including the fact that coven headquarters was all-but-deserted. She whispered to him "Keep your mind on the road". When Rick delivered the woman, to her motel room, she had to stop Rick at the door. This is when she whispered "No way! I need to prepare to meet with the coven, upon their return. I wont be ready, if you come in". When Rick asked "Am I, still, broadcasting?" The lady only smiled as she said "The loss is Angela's. You will find another, when the time is right. For now, goodnight". Later, Rick would learn that the woman was NOT in town, to learn local,coven, ways, but, rather, to learn how coven members reacted to something called "The Fire Dance". Although Rick had, specifically, requested to be "excused", from the performance, the visitor would, only say "THAT is why you MUST be present. You must learn to CONTROL your emotions". Personally, Rick was just happy, when the ritual was done. During the ritual, Rick could not tear his eyes, from that "Heavenly", ebony, body, to save his own life. By the time the ceremony was at an end, and before the visitor dressed, though, she came over to Rick, her brown body seeming almost dream-like, in its beauty, while whispering, to Rick "I envy her. The woman who owns your heart". When Rick had another "accident", right in front of her, the lady smiled, kissed Rick, then, casually, collected her clothes. Later, when Rick went before the local council, to give his apolgies, for his lack of self control, the council reminded Rick "We, too, were young, once. None of us is "perfect". We continue to grow, with each passing day". When Rick was "nominated", to take the woman to the airport, for her return flight, the woman whispered, to Rick "I may be back, soon". Rick would only whisper back "Dont tease me". Still, Rick remained, at the terminal, and saw the woman off, on her flight. Later that night, Rick had the most realistic "dream" of his life. He dreamed of an encounter, with the visitor, and that the passion only ended when Rick's alarm clock went off. What Rick could not figure out was things like "If I just had a full nights sleep, why am I not refreshed, in the morning?" When he checked, and found his body covered in sweat, as it was, when he was with Angela, what was missing were any stains, on his sheets. Rick was left to conclude: Wow! What a dream! It was not until the elders discussed something called "Astral Projection", that Rick wondered if the "dream" were, really, a "dream". When the elders would not committ, beyond saying "All things all possible", Rick was left to wonder. What Rick DID know was that, in its own way, Angela's life was just as hard as his was. Angela's first marriage was annulled, under federal law, after it was found that her fiance had three other wives. Not ex-wives, but current wives. Angela had to leave her second husband after she realized that she could not change the mans abusive nature. After the man beat Angela, twice, while drunk, Rick paid attention, to the feeling, when he knew the man was about to beat Angela, again. The third time, though, Rick responded in time to prevent the man from doing more than just slapping Angela, a few times. When Rick broke in, on the beating, and belted the man, hard enough to leave him on the floor, bleeding, Angela faced Rick with "How DARE you." When Rick offered "I was just trying to protect you". This is when Angela would say "Just because I, still, love you. That does NOT give you the right to come barging in." When Rick responded with "Sorry that you missed a beating", Angela would grab her hair, as she said "Men! Just because I, still, love you, you think you can just "ride to the rescue"". Then added "WHY do I, still, love you? WHY?" When her husband came to, and was trying to figure out what had happened, Angela lead Rick out the door, saying "Lets take a walk". It was during this walk that Angela tried to explain things, to Rick, yet she made an awful mess, of it. No matter how much she tried to tell him that it would, never, work, between them, not with his belief system, Rick noticed how often Angela blunted her words, with soft kisses. The "worst" part, though, was the next morning. The time when Angela woke up, snuggled to her mans side. Just not her husbands side. She knew she should feel terrible, married to one man, yet happy with another. HOW would she explain this, especially to her family? When her husband filed for divorce, Angela told him "Go right on ahead." She didn't care, one way or another. Her main concern, at the moment, was what to do about Rick. Angela wanted to let him down, easily. She just couldn't define what would be considered "easy". Angela remained convinced that Wicca was "evil", and no way was she being involved in anything un-Christain. Still, she had real feelings, for Rick. A man she had hoped, more than once, to reconcile with. The question, for Angela, was "HOW do I get him away from that "evil"? Much as she loved Rick, no WAY was she going to marry a "worshipper" of "evil". When Angela could not resolve the conflict, within herself, she went to her church, asking for guidance. All that church staff would say was "Bring him by, and lets see what happens". When Angela cautioned "But what happens when his "evil" steps through the churches doors?" The minister would only say "Lets wait and see". While Angela was sure that Rick would object, to going to church, she was surprised when Rick told her "Just let me know when". Angela was, then, shocked, down to her toes, when Rick showed no hesitation, to enter the church, or meet with staff. After the meeting, the minister would, only, inform Angela "That boy is not "evil". He just has different beliefs, from us." The problem, which Angela had, over the next, few, months, was trying to retain the fear she had felt, the night when Rick had levitated her. She noticed that it became more difficult, as time passed. Angela even got to the point where she had to start writing herself letters, reminding herself, of why she feared Rick's life path. Rick, however, had problems of his own, including how to encourage his beloved to understand that he was NOT "evil", and neither was Wicca. All that the elders would say, each time Rick inquired, was "This is, ALL, part of your training." By th time Rick became a white-haired elder, of the coven, Angela had her own lifes wish. She produced Rick's family and, to her relief, her wish, to be the only ebony member, of the family, was fulfilled. Angela's primary concern, though, was over the fact that her children wanted to follow in their fathers path. Angela did not think much, of it, while the children were young, and considered Wicca "just a game". It would not be until the young came into their teens, and began attending Wiccan ceremonies, with their father, that Angela began to wonder if allowing the practice, of Wicca, in her home, had been such a good idea. Sure, Angela heard the stories, over the years, of blood being spilled, by the coven. While the rumors claimed that Wiccans sliced themselves, then drank their own, or each others, blood, Angela knew the truth. She had to, since her whole family was involved. The so-called "blood-letting", was, actually, the result of construction accidents. Rick, being an elder, had encouraged the coven to come, discreetly, "out of the shadows", and build a more accessible, and open, meeting place. During construction, Angela was one, of several, "nurses", whose job it was to bandage cuts, from everything from nails, to dropped tools. These injuries were "determined", by some people, to be "intentional blood letting". As for the "drinking of blood", Angela knew, from direct experience, that almost everyone licks wounds, when cut. The idea, of deliberate slicing, and sucking, like a vampire, was nothing more than camp-fire tales. When the new Wiccan headquarters were complete, Rick had informed Angela that there would be a vote, to decide who would lead, as the elders began their passage, to the next world. It would seem that Angela knew, even before RIck, himself, did, that the coven was prepared to elect him leader. Since the "children" already knew, as well, Angela had to ask them to remain silent, until the votes were cast. Angela just came to accept being in love with a warlock. She did, however, over time, come to laugh, at the movies, and television, which portrayed witches, and warlocks, as "servants of evil". Angela knew her children were not evil, just as she knew that Rick was not evil. And, as for those hokey special effects, including showing witches summoning demons, and bowing to Satan, Angela wondered WHEN people would come to accept Wiccans, as just normal people. Gifted, yet normal. The one thing that Angela knew, for certain, was that Rick, strictly forbade his children from using abilities for the purpose of cheating. In fact, Angela knew of a number of times, when Rick could have used his powers, to his advantage. Angela was proud whenever Rick would say "The world is what it is. I will not use magic to alter outcomes". Although her own family never, fully, accepted Rick, partly due to race, partly due to his "religion", what Angela knew was how different Rick was, from so many, other, local, men. While Angela watched, as several husbands went from being young, strong, and vibrant, to being middle-aged "slobs", with enormous belies, and could, barely, walk, anylonger, Angela noticed that Rick, like other, coven, males, maintained health, almost ritualistically. Yes, un-like other wives, who had to cook husbands meals seperately from their own, due to content of the meals, Angela was thrilled when Ricks diet was about the same as her own. It would seem that the stories, of Wiccans, taking care of their bodies, were true. While Angela was not surprised, when some men went into wheelchairs, and went on disability, since excess obesity caused limited range of motion, Angela had no such worries, about Rick. He may not have been "Mr. Universe", but he was mobile, and could still make his own way. Un-like how the movies portray warlocks, as power hungry womanizers, etc., Angela noticed how reserved her husband was, with his affairs. Rick allowed coven members to "flex their muscles", after cautioning care. In fact, the only time, when Angela would be spooked, by Rick, would be when Rick's time, on Earth, was coming to and end. When, at a gathering, at coven headquarters, Rick would whisper "I am leaving you." When Angela would ask "WHY?", Rick would say "Not in that way. It is just the way of the world. Remember that I love you". Angela did not know which spooked her, more. Watching her husband fade into nothing, during the ceremony, or when, later, his spirit came to her, whispering "I promise to wait for you, when the time comes". Angela did have one, more, thing, "going for her". All of the couples children had joined the coven, so Angela would have a CHOICE, when her time came. Like Rick, and other, coven, members, Angela had no intention of "wasting away", inside a nursing home. When each persons time came, the ritual would send their remains out, to the infinite, while the spirit would move on, to the next plane of existance. The one thing Rick's spirit knew, as he went before the "ultimate" judge, was that he did not half ten percent of the regrets, which other souls would carry. Funny thing is, when Rick went before the judge, and his "life-story" was played back, before him, and Rick saw himself as an obese couch-potato, who spent his off-hours drinking himself into a coma, when not off, having sex, with women, other than Angela, Rick's question was "When did this happen?" When the judge looked at Ricks toned soul, then reprimanded the projectionist, with "You put on his alternative life story. I need his REAL life story". When the projectionist would say "Sorry, nobody's perfect", the judge would roll his eyes. Yes, Rick would admit to "occassionals", with Angela's friends, however, as Rick would point out, it was "payment for services". When the judge asked "What "services" would those be?" Rick would say "Payment for assembling kit furniture, rides, even translating mail. All types of services". When the judge said "But, you had a wife, didn't you?" Rick would say "Yes. Angela was, or is, the best" The judge would look confused, by Rick's answers. Rick did stand proud, when he reminded the judge "For the record, Angela is the mother of ALL of my children". The record would show that, while Rick was not "perfect", by any means, his lifetime "track record" was much better than many Bible-bangers. Since Rick had abused neither Angela, nor their children, nor anyone else, and his record was clear, of booze, drugs, etc, the judge decided to try Rick, in the "Struggling Souls" department. A part, of Heaven, where people, who wanted to be Heaven-bound, were just having a hard time making their journey work, on Earth. Ricks assignment would be to aid those, who felt that only by living, strictly, by the word, of the Bible, was the ONLY way to gain entrance. His job would be to show that the Bible was a "guide-book", for those seeking the path. It wasn't a "Do this or go to HELL" manuscript. It was meant as a way, to enrich life. Boy! If Rick thought his life, on Earth, was something, his education was just STARTING...

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