Saturday, May 14, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE LONG SHIP Boy! Talk about a "FAKE", as in "terrible" reproduction, this case had one, such, item, which was too fake to be believed. And this is what Mr. Brown wanted Tami's, and my own, opinions, on. A case of fraud, on a "massive" scale. Having completed our most recent, "haunted house" case, via one of Tami's, remarkable, compromises, a house, once built, and occcupied, by a radical Puritan, was, now, safely, in the hands of another, spiritual, family. As for Tami and I, our biggest mistake, was thinking that we had a "few days off", coming to us, after this case. That is, until Mr. Brown gave us THAT smile, while asking "Before you take your rest period, I would appreciate it if you would review this case-file, and just provide me with your thoughts". As a result, while Ghost Ship 2 was returning to base, both to deposit us, at the Brown Agency, and to report for air force re-fuelling, and other, routine, maintenance, our ships hold was being restocked with our favorite, military surplus, rations. While all of this was going on, at an air force hangar, Tami and I were inside the Brown Agency offices, reviewing a case, of fraud, which was so obvious, it wasn't even funny. The file claimed that, persons unknown, had not only constructed a "fake-looking" Viking Long-ship, but, worst of all, the con artists had, foolishly, named the ship after another, "famous", VIking, ship. One which was, currently, on display, in a museum. Sure, the original ship had been a chance discovery. According to the file, the story behind the REAL ship, is that, when a doctor ordered a patient to take up a less "dangerous" hobby, than sky diving, the patient had been "shopping around", for a new "hobby", when the patient discovered some "trinkets" web-sites. What offended many people, about atleast a "few" of these web-site, was how cartoonish the objects were displayed. When the patient had mentioned "Even I could do a better job, than that", a friend had suggested that the patient "Put their money where their mouth was". The patient should create their own pottery collection, and observe the results. When the patient accepted the challenge, and began collecting materials, for the task, tha main benefits, of living in that particular area, were that, when manufacturing LEFT the area, to find "cheaper labor", elsewhere, the manufacturing process had left behind a "mountain", of clay. A "mountain", which city government remained in dis-agreement over whose responsibility it was, to clean up the "mess". Well, as long as the clay was available, and state officials had ruled the material "Not hazzardous to human life", the patient had set up a "work-shop", in an un-used part, of a friends garage, and began work on producing their own pottery collection. The problem, though, which had driven the patient, into psychiatric care, in the first place, was the fact that the person did not just want to "do a job". They wanted their work, always, to be superior. They wanted to be the "best" at whatever they did. In time, this self-imposed stress had caused the patient a psychotic episode, which left them completely, mentally, shut down, for a period of time. Now, the patient was in recovery, and their doctor wanted the patient to take life easier, until they were "ready", to take on more. Based upon having several people look at the mound, themselves, it seems that almost everyone agreed that the patient could work, from this "mountain", maybe for years to come. The patient would not need deliveries, of clay, for years to come. In order to prevent the clay from hardening, once the softer, inner, parts were exposed, the patient asked a sculptor how they kept thir own clay pliable, for sculptures. Once the patient had the necessary information, they built a make-shift shelter, over the "mountain", then began soaking the clay down, just enough to keep it flexible. Without any deadlines to meet, the patient began work and, although, even the patient had admitted that their work was "far from perfect", it would seem that customers, seeking custom crafts, thought differently. It would seem that the patients growing love, of pottery, craftsmanship, and attention to detail, soon turned a "hobby" into a thriving, internet, business. The local city, though, had some, equally, good news. It would seem that, the more crafts, which the patient made, and sold, the smaller the pile, of discarded clay, became. Sure, it took the patient almost two years, of work, to bring the "mountain", of clay, down, level with the ground, but then came another "revelation". The realization that this "mountain" was not just "discarded" clay. The actual deposit ran deep underground. This, locals presumed, meant that, when the clay was, originally, found, the corporation decided that there was no problem with dumping more clay on top of what was, originally, there. The file, also, asserted that the REAL long-ship had not been discovered, for a few more years, even as the patient dug some twenty feet, into the clay, for pottery material. When the patient dug down, far enough, and discovered the artifact, the patient had reported this, to the authorities. This, ofcourse, resulted in a temporary loss of access, to their primary material. The good news was that, while a team, of archeologists, was digging out the ships hull, the patient/potter just hauled away all of the excess material. The potter may have lost two weeks work, while the diggers set up, but the potter was back in business, once the digging started, in earnest. Fortunately, for the potter, the excavation had to dig out HUGE lumps, of clay, to expose what would turn out to be a MASSIVE ship. Without expending an ounce of labor, the potter, now, had access, to a few more YEARS worth of clay. The REAL problem, for the archeologists, would turn out to be the carbon-dating. While Carbon-Dating placed the age, of the clay deposit at around 1,000, to 1,200, A.D., the structure, of the ship, itself, vastly pre-dated this, perhaps by centuries, or even millenia. As a result, long BEFORE the Brown Agency had been contacted, the media would have reported "Further evidence un-covered, of PRE-Columbian presense, in North America". Just like the concept, of "For every action, there is an equal, and opposite, reaction", the "war of words", between the Christians, and the science community, just escallated, to an even higher, fever, pitch. The Christians were determined that Christopher Columbus, a Christian, remain the official discoverer, of America. This, despite the fact that science was willing to compromise, saying "Fair enough. Columbus discovered the new land, on behalf of the Christians. This, just as Leif Erickson discovered the land, for the Vikings." Over such ideas, the Christains were prepared for all-out war. When science had responded, to Christianity, by asking "What does it matter WHO came, first?" When the Christians would not relax their position, even a bit, science decided just to "blow them off", and focus on efforts to recover, and preserve, the VIking long-ship. A ship which, NOW, sat, on public display, inside a wing, in a museum, and which allowed visitors to observe the craftsmanship, of the ancient builders. As for those, who had constructed the "fake" ship, they may have gotten the basic look, right, but boy! Did they mess up, on the details. While history widely records that the VIkings were masters of sword, bow-and-arrow, spears, and so on, the two things, which the Viking's never had were deck guns, and machine guns. As for how the Vikings propelled their ships, history records this as being a combination of wind power, and enormous sailors, manning dozens of oars. (The idea, of steam engines, remained centuries away). While Tami and I would be attempting to understand the reason why anyone would go to all the trouble, of building what COULD have been a 5th Century, B.C.E. Viking Long Ship, only to foul up the design, by the addition of a deck gun, and a machine gun, and a modern engine. It would seem that our original contact, for this matter, was not only the person(s) who were interested in the ships design, The secretary would inform Tami and I that, while out, on a maiden voyage, and testing the latest re-construction, of Viking technology, a group, of Swedes, would make a report that, while rowing generally North West, via a sun compass, the honest replica had come upon the fake ship. The captain, of the replica, would send a team aboard the fake, and would report finding more in-consistencies, with Viking design. One of the main, of these finds, which the fake was missing, were the hull openings, for the ships oars. When the fakes bow was checked, the team found that the deck, which housed the guns, was made of metal, not wood. It might have LOOKED like wood, but it was metal. The replica's crew would report rapidly abandoning the fake ship, after odd sounds, similar to mortar sounds, would be heard, coming from beneath the oceans surface. Once the replica's crew pushed OFF, from the fake, atleast five, of the replicas crew members, as well as the ships captain, would report looking into the water, between the two ships, and seeing a dark blob, beneath the hull, of the fake ship. What startled the replica's crew was when some, of the crew members thought they saw yellow "eyes", which seemed to appear, along the dark blob. While atleast one replica crew member pannicked, concerned that "it" MIGHT be a "sea monster", when the captain took a closer look, and watched as the "eyes" closed up, the captain would log in a report, which stated "Viewed yellow lights, from what I believe were submerged crafts portholes." "Since lights came into view, only AFTER unknown engine sounds detected, and the ship has no sails, or oars, I question if surface ship anything more than "decoration"". It would, also, seem that, within two hours, of making his report, the captain would observe a U.A.V., cruising, along the projected course, of the fake ship. At the Brown Agency, copies, of the U.A.V.'s photo's, and video, would have been preseented to Tami and myself. Although the photo's, and the video, showed some churning, of the water, to the rear of the fake, it was not the kind of churning, which a ship, close to the surface, would make. This was deeper. When Mr. Black would feed the footage, through the agencies computers, the closest match, for the wake, was a submarine. At a depth of, maybe, 100 feet. It would seem, though, that the Swedish government was un-concerned, about an obviously fake ship, crruising the worlds oceans. That is, atleast until the fake ship opened fire on a Swedish naval vessel. It was when the Swedish naval captain would report that his ship was under attack, seemingly by armour-piercing rounds, that Stockholm became interested. This, and the fact that thhe naval captain was requesting permission, to return fire, on the long ship, that the Swedish Historical Commission became interested. In fact, it was just as command was giving permission, for the naval captain, to return fire, that the ships captain would make a most unusual report. The naval captain would report "I know this will sound strange, however, I must report that the air, around our vessell, seems to be becoming filled, with some sort of oil. The substance is transparent, yet it feels like thick oil". Moments later, the naval captain would report "Oily air, soon, followed by dense fog bank. Fog bank came into visual range approximately twelve meters to the stern of the long ship". The next report would say "Going to radar guidance. Fog has become so dense that, not only is long ship no longer visible, but neither my crew, nor myself, can see anything, eyond our ships railings. Fog is not, I repeat, NOT, natural". Ten minutes later, when the fog had dissapated, the naval captain would report "The long ship is gone, along with the fog". When the naval captain requested permission, for a grid search, command would ask the historians "How could a long ship have covered atleast twenty miles, of ocean, in just ten minutes?" The historians wwould have said "Impossible. The ships wer sturdy, and well-built, but even oarsmen could not produce that kind of speed". While the Swedish government, without a doubt, had many, very fine, archeologists, any of whom ccould investigate, and define, any object, which was excavated, as well as the Swedish military was more-than-capable of defending its people, froom attack, What not one of these groups, was prepared for, was an attack, by a relic, of a long-by-gone age. No one had an answer for "Should it be sunk? Should it be seized, and hauled into port? HOW should the government inform the people that an ancient, long ship, had shot holes, in a naval vessel?" Here is where our "reputation", as "ghost busters", came into play. As reports flowed into the Brown Agency, the scenario became clear. Even sources, within the U.S. government, admitted that "oil based" camoflauge was "under development", to date, however, the substance reemained prohibitively expensive. (An attachment would state "Use ONLY in a CONTROLLED environment" Reason: The "oil" had the nasty side effect, of clogging the air-holes, of air-breathing, marine, life.) Still, this left the question of "Even IF the ship could produce such a mist, HOW could the long ship have vanished, so rapidly?" Atleast PART, of the answer, to this question, came from orbital satellites. It seems that tha operators, of the long ship, either did not know, or did not CARE, that satellites were overhead, when an attack was launched, against a cruise ship. Although no warnings were given, the fake ship fired upon the cruise ship, destroying several, luxury, suites. Shortly after the destructive display, and the cruise ship captains S.OO.S., to any friendly ships, however, the loong ship "vanished", into ANOTHER, oily, fog. While military craft had RUSHED to assist the cruise ship, the cruise ships captain would broadcast the long ships approximate cours, and speed, to all friendly forces. Most un-fortunately, however, the cruise ships captain would be required to report that the long ship had "vanished", into the fog. From orbit, however, a satellite, cruising the area, would find the fakke ships silhouette, in a most un-lokely place. If the satellites equipment was functioning normally, and its readings were correct, then the long ship had "submerged", to a depth of about 300 feet. This informatioon, however, only served to confirm what Tami and I had been speculating about. The idea that the long ship was, actually, attached to the deck of some sort of submarine. This is the only way which we could account, not only for the sub-surface turbulance, but for how the ship could "vanish", under water. Despite this new information, the Swedish, American, French, EEnglish, and other governments, ALL wanted to know WHO, and more importantly, WHY, of the long ship. If someone had an underwater craft, with surface mounted arrtillery, then WHY "hide" the artillery behind the guise of an antique, Viking, vessel? These were among the many questions, which even Tami and I had no answers for. Ofcourse, the agency received word, that the museum had planned to close down the loong ship exhibit, atleast until the criminals weree loated, yet this left th question of "Why bbother?" After all, the REAL ship had been on display, being viewed by dozens of visitors, during thhe time of each attack, at sea.. In the end, though, the museum decidedd that it would be foolishh, to close down the exhibit. After all, even though the attaccking ship had stencilled the name, of the displayed craft, on its hull, there were MORE than enough witnesses, to verify that the exhibit never left the museum. After the first few attacks, however, it seems that the ocean went, mysteriously, quiet", for about three months. Some sources thought that this might have something to do with an upcoming, announced, expedition. All that IS known is that,a class, studying Icelandic history, had decided to prove, oonce and for all, just how FAR a Viking long ship could carry its ccrew, across the ocean. Thhese students, however, were no fools, nor were their teachers. Everyone agreed that a long shhip would need a support fleet, including supply ships. With the combined assistance, of an enormous group, of students, historians, and those, just interested, in the project, an "armada", or "convoy", of Viking ships, was prepared for a trans-Atlantic voyage. Since no one knew WHERE the fake long ship was, currently, located, it would seem that N.A.T.O. would use the voyage as an exercise, in convoy escort. No less than eight destroyers, and escort, ships, would be, officailly, assigned to long ship passage. The military commanders, however, would be instructed to give enough distance, with the loong ships, for the crews, of the loong ships, to experience the "full taste" of the oceans power. And, man! What a send off, that Europe gave the convoy. Enough celebration, and racket, to wake even the long dead. Most of the voyage, however, was so un-eventful, that ships captains used time to conduct "battle-stations" drills, in order to prevent crew members from becoming lax, in their duties. It was not, however, until the convoy was in sight of Lanse Au Meadow, that the fake ship appearred. After spending weeks, watching the REAL Viking, ships rising, and falling, with the currents, the lead destroyer captains would note "Mystery ship not affected by waves, or other, sea conditions. Ships behavior more similar to that of a submarine." While the military went to battle-stations, for REAL, this time, the orders remained clear. "Do NOT fire unless fired upon". Since the fake ship did not fire open fire, on the destroyers, ALL the ships could do was close ranks, with the long ships. Those shhips, which were behind the fake ship, waited until close enough, to the long ships, that the destroyers could not openn fire, upon the attacker, withhout sinking the long ships, in the process. Only when the attacker knew they had the military at a disadvantage, did the attacker open firee, on the long ships. With surpisingly precise accuracy, the attacking ship blasted each long ships keel, snapping the boats in half. (Surprisingly, though, the machine gun never fired a round. Just the deck gun, which fired at the hulls.) It was when a couple of destroyers turned their guns, on thhe attacker, in order to cover rescue operations, that thhe oily fog began to emit, from the rear quarter, of the attacker. Before the fog could thicken, enough, to distort visability, though, a French destroyer captain took it upon himself, and put an armour-piercing shell, throughh the attackers stern. The resulting explosion reminded the task force of memories, of watching, as frieghters, full of munitioons, had been blown up, by enemy torpedoes. The black cloud wass such a delight, for all to see, even as the oily substance dissipated, and a cheer arose, throughout the convoy. The destroyer captains, though, were amazed, as in astounded, as they watched the fake loong ship dive, beneath the surface, like a submarine, diving to attack depth. It seems that what the attackers had not counted on were the Swiss, German, and British, submarines, which had been, more discreetly, following the convoy. While the long ships "mother ship" was constructed of some material, which gave the vessel the sonar reflection, of nothing more than a rubber life raft, the attacking subs had no problem tracking the enemy. This was, especially, evident, since the attacked had a Viking ship attached to its "roof". The submersible, however, did withstand SEEVERAL, direct, torpedo, strikes, before taking the same actioon, which any out-matched sub would take. The naval submarine, commanders would report that, AFTER the eighth torpedoo struck the submersibles hull, it would seem that the submersible crew followed the same procedure, which ANY submarine crew, would follow, when surroundeed by the enemy, with no chance to escape. Whern the sbubmersible crew found tiself surrounded, by ballistic submarines, with no hope of escape, the submersibles detonation, and associated, concussion, wave, shook, rattled, and rolled, the N.A.T.O. ships, causing all manner of equipment failures, and minor leaks. This while, oon the oceans surface, a geyser, of water, shot into the sky, topping out at eighty feet, and even the rescue crews took a moment, from rescuing the survivors, of the replicas, to watch the explosion. After this moment, however, rescue operations continued, as the destroyers took on the survivors. Within just a few hours, of the attack, however, a group, well-known, for protecting the tale, of Christopher Columbbus, being the first European Christian, to reach America's shores, would make this announcement: It has, not, been verified that, as with previous attempts, at altering American history, that the latest journey has ended in failure. TThe pagan Vikings did NOT preceeed the Christian, Chirstopher Columbus, to America. When the media asked ""isnt it true that the Viking ships were shot out of the water, by an unknown attacker? An attacker who used vintage, Woorld War Two deck guns?" Not surprisingly, the Christians avoided the question. When the scietific community presented the suggestion, that Europe make another atttempt, at the occean crossing, N.A.T.O. commanders would send forth their own recommendation. One which stated "GIve us permission to atttack any vessel, which threatens to harm the convoy. The question was "Is this radical militarism? OR, is it protection, of the convoys charges?" Was there any real difference? Thhe question became moot when agents, whoo had infiltrated the Christians, reported that ANNOTHER, stealth, ship, was under construction. When Tami heard about this, she asked "All of that time, money, and resources. All just to prevent the public from questioning a Christains role, in the discovery of America?" Mr. Blue would reemind Tami "Just think of what would happen, IF it were, officialy, recognized, that the Egyptians, Vikings, and other societies, madee regular voyages, to the America's, LOONG BEFORE the Christians set sail. Can you imagine the chaos?" When Tami would counter with "You DO understand that you are speaking about events which occurred atleast 700 years ago, right?" Mr. Blue would remind Tami "Jesus Christ died, over 2,000 years ago, yet th spirit, of his work, lives on". Well, noow that the lng ship was proven to be an obvious fake. A fake, master-minded by those people, who INSISTED that Columbus be reognized as the first European, to come to America, Tami and I would have thought that our part, of the case, was completed. Tami and I wer, actually, preparing for whatever hauting case, which would come our way, next. That is, until Mr. Brown would come to us, saying "You are not finished, yet." When Tami would ask "What do you mean?" Mr. Brown would say Reports indicate that ANOTHER, Viking, ship, has been launched, and is cruising, between Iceland, and Lanse Au Meadow." When I would mentioon "Big deal? We KNOW that the radicals are building another, attack essel. No doubt, these sightings are just a "dry run", or "shake doown cruise". Mr. Brown would say "I wuld agree, however, witnesses report seeing actual men, on the decks of this ship. Oars, being pulled through the water, and a canvas sail, in the rigging." When I asked "Could it be another replica?, Like those which had been attaked?" Mr. Brown would say "THAT is what you are to find out". Within six hours, Tami and I were aboard G.S.2, cruising towards Lanse Au Meadow. Now, if G.S.2 were a standard, American, bomber, it would have been impossible for the plane to land, anywhere near the subject area, or the settlement. Since G.S.2 WAS equipped, with vertical capability, however, we could land within a mile, of the location. To our relief, Tami and I were met, upon arrival, by a young woman, whose grasp, of Slavic dialect, was incredible. The woman would even curtsey, while saying "Welcome to Lanse Au Meadow. My name is Inga. I will be your guide, during your visit". While I was examining the lay-out, of the area, Inga would provide Tami with a rich, and vivid, history, of the settlement. As Tami would, later, report, to the Brown Agency "Inga is WONDERFUL, at her job. This woman really brings Viking history to life". This, even as I scouteed the nearby coast line, looking for places where a long ship could be moored, in both privacy, and security. (I followed the womens conversation, via our ear pieces.) If Inga was to be believed, it would seem that ANOTHER long ship was being seen, in this area, and on a regular basis. Inga even informed Tami that the ships duty was to sail down the coast, for two weeks, then return, both with nature supplies, and trinkets, from various settlements, down the coast. Inga would say "Ofcourse, ALL of these items would be stored, in a warehouse, until our next ship, in-bound from Mid-Gard, arrived, with supplies, for the colony. The ship will, then load with local crafts, and return to Mid-Gard." If Inga's information was accurate, the Atlantic Ocean had been a "freight highway", even before the Egyptians began crossing the waters. When Tami inquired of the return date, for the "coastal" ship, with its latest cargo run, Tami was not-at-all surprised when Inga would say "Normally, under the first, or second, of the full moons." This is when Tami realized that "There it was, again. Spiritual activity, linnked to the full moon". After a grand, and magnificent, tour, and an oral history, which Tami doubted that she would forget, as well as a recitation, of the Viking ways of life, Inga would excuse herself, saying "There is much work to be done. Please excuse me". When Inga curtseyed, before departing, Tami did likewise, and I offered a bow. Inga then departed, and entered one of the large buildings. Sometime, after this, another woman, obviously middle-aged, and toned, by the elements, came up to us, and introduced herself "I am Magda. My apologies for noot meeting your plane. I was working at another site, and only just received word of your arrival". When Tami said "Dont worry, Inga gave us a wonderful tour, of the place." When Magda asked "Pardon?" as though she did not understand what Tami was saying. Tami would say "Yes, IInga. Lovely young woman. With a dialect, and grasp, of Viking history. I am sure you find her a true asset". When Magda would ask "You say her name was Inga? You say she spoke, with a strong accent?" Tami would say "Why, yes. And her costume. So authentic. If I didn't know better, I would say that she was a REAL Viking". This is whehn Magda would rub herr chin, look thoughhtful, for a moment, then ask "You say her name was Inga?" Wwhen Tami would ask "Yes. Whats wrong? Did Inga do something wrong? Was she supposed to wait for your arrival?" Magda would ask us "Wait here, for a moment. Magda would, then rummage about, in her land cruiser, and bring forth soome drawings. When Magda lay thhe drawings, on the hood, of her cruiser, and ask us, Tami and I would point out the lady we had been talking with. Magda would, then inform us "I dont know hoow to tell you this. The woman you saw, and say you spoke with, has been dead, for, maybe, 800 years." When Tami said "Thats impossible! Inga just wwalked into that building, right over there. Just a few minutes ago". When Magda asked "Show me", Tami lead the way, to the building, saying "Inga said this was one of the store houses. Supplies were stored here, for outbound ships". Magda would, only say "This much has been proven". When Tami entered the building, calling out "Inga? Where are you? We brought someone to see you". Magda would expand her explanation. "Ma'am, it is of no use, calling out her name. Inga will not return, now that you know that she is deceased." When Tami would ask "HOW do you know this?" Magda would say "Inga has a LONG history, with this colony". When Tami would ask "In what way?" Magda would say "As far as we can discover, to date, Inga lived in this colony, sometime between 800, and 1,000, A.D. Inga was born here, lived her life, harvesting crops, and weaving/mending clothes. As near as we cn discover, Inga was one, of a very few, Viking, women, who neither took a mate, nor produced children. Atleast, none that we are aware of, or recorded. Inga did, in fact, spend most of her life, in this very building, especially after the former "inventory controller" passed away. We have discovered scrolls, which suggest that Inga took on the job, "temporarily", until Midgard sent a replacement." When Tami asked "How LONG was the woman allowed to keep her post?" Magda would say "According to the scrolls, three men were dispatched, by Midgard, over the course of a decade. Un-fortunately, ALL of these ships fell under enemy attack, by rival clans." When I asked "So, Inga retained the post for what? 20, 30 years?" Magda would say "As far as we can discover, Inga held this job, and title, among other jobs, for the remainder of her life". Wwhen Tami asked "A WOMAN? In those days?" Magda would say "A POWERFUL woman. Eventually, she even became a village elderr." Tami would whisper "Imagine that. And all in a male-dominated society, as well". When I asked the "stupid" question of "If her life was so full, and complete, WHY does she remain?" Magda would say "Who knows? All that we know is that Inga has been seen, walking the area, around the settlement. And this is even BEFORE we excavated the place. Now, Inga seems to great new arrivals, from time too time." Tami would suggest "Onga is LINKED to the land." Magda would ask "Why not? Inga was born, and raised, right here. So far, though, we have, yet, to discover her burial place." When I would ask "This information. HOW do you knoow that it is "linked" to this, particular, woman?" Magda would say "From the scrolls. The woman is described, in as much detail, as any chief would have been. In fact, about the OONLY thing we doo NOT have, of Inga, is a color portrait, of her." When Tami would bring us back on topic, "We were dispatched to leearn about some rumors..." and Magda would say "...about the ship, which plies these waters, at regular intervals. Yes, I know. That is why you were called in. We are archeologists, not "ghost busters"." When Tami would ask "What do you know, of the ship?" Magda would say "Appears about every two, or three, full moons. Classoc, square-rigger design. We have counted 18 oasr, on the side we could see. My staff figures a crww, of about 45. Battle shields, along the hull. Silent as midnight, but, OH, that pendant, on the sail!" When Tami would say "Let me guess. YOU have seen this, yourself?" Magda would say "Several times. Its strange, though." as Magda lookeed thoughtful "I only see the ship when I am, totally, engrossed in my work. The more focused I am, in thinking about how the Vikings managed to come so far, and achieve so much, only to have history all but forget them". As Tami and I listened, Magda would add "It is when I contemplate how much Viking history we are, just now, un-covering..." Tami would say "...and this is when the boat seems to appear." Magda would say "Yes, this is why I do not report my own sightings. I do not want to risk a "Leave of Absense", for "imagining" a Viking long ship." When Tami would ask "If you are not reporting your sightings?" Magda would nod as she said "Some of the students, visitingthe site, have shared their own visions, with others. THAT is why they are no-longer on-site." Tami would say "Let me guess. Disciplinary Transfers." Magda would nod, then add "I just wish I knew HOW that ship could make its pendant glow, in the dark. It really looks like the pendant is out, in front of the ship, leading the way. It is, truly, remarkable. I hope you are around to se it, for yourselves". Well, after all, Tami and I had been ASSIGNED, yo verify if this long ship really existed. With only two dozen students left, after the disciplinary transfers, Tami, naturally, volunteered OUR assistance. (I swear, there is NOTHING my partner will NOT do, to secure information, regarding a case. Not even if it means donning coveralls, and getting dirty). As for me, I was "assigned" to the survey team. A group whose concern it was, to check local caves, both for relics, and to determine if any caves could have been used, to house long ships. What we found was that, several, at the mid-tide level, contained enough water, for a small yacht, to achor to. The problem, with these caves, was HIGH tide. At HIGH tide, unless the caves had an airlock, of some kind, to keep the water out, the caves would be flooded, to the ceilings. As for the higher caves, th same water, which flooded thhe lower caves, barely reached the lip, of these, higher ccaves. This is the main reason why most of our work was in the excavation area, with the others. The main "compund", of the settlement, may have, long-since, been excavated, re-built, and presserved, but it was the extended community, which the teams were working in. The areas of farms, and livestock processing, which remained under excavation. I may be wrong, but I would swear, on a Bible, that, over the next month, the group excavated four, square, acres. One night, though, after a shower, and some filling rations, Tami and I would find ourselves looking out, over the settlement, towards the sea, while contemplating "What does it matter WHO came to America, first? Plymouth Rock, Boston, and even Salem Massachussettes, remain credited, correctly, to the Christians. What does it matter if Martha's Vineyard was, originally, discovered, by Vikings?" I had no-sooner said "I know. It SOUNDS stupid. Arguing over who came, first, and when they came". Tami had no-sooner, snuggled up, to me, as she asked "I wonder how much MORE history we will, eventually, end up discovering?" When, from behind a point of land, came a beautiful, long, ship. Even inthe glow, of the moon, the ship was as majestic as any ocean liner, could hope to be. When Tami and I grabbed our binoculars, and telescopic lenses, for our video recorder, we found that the amount, of detail, on THIS ship, to put so many others to pure shame. This majestic "lady" must have been the pinnacle, of VIking, marine science. She was so sleek, and graceful. It was not until Tami asked me "Take a look at the stern. The rear watch station, and tell me what you see". When I looked to the rear, of the ship, I was surprised to see a telescope, looking BACK, at US. When Tami asked "Do you think he see's us?" I would say "I really dont know. Especially after our encounter, with Inga". When our pilot called, on the com, asking "Do you want us to pursue? We can have the hovercraft ready, in five minutes." Tami would say "Thanks, but hold that thought, for a few minutes. I want to see what that ship actually does". The pilot would say "Roger that. Keeep us posted." Tami would say "Roger that". It was just awe-inspiring, watching that ship glide across the waves, like a bird, gliding on the air currents. For half an hour, we Tami and I watched, as the ship sailed across the open water, then rounded the opposite point, of land. When Tami said "Lets go, I want to see where that ship went". Fifteen minutes later, Tami and I rounded the point, of the land, on foot, only to find the long ship vanished. On our return path, Tami called the pilots, asking Which would be faster? Driving around the bay, to the opposite side, or using the hovercraft?" The pilot would say "Hovercraft deployed, and ready for action". Well, considering how powerful those hovercraft engines were, I remained surprised at how whisper-quiet they operated, when used in "stealth mode". Once Tami and I had joined the pilots, by slipping into some black ops night gear, the pilots took up station, and the boat, itself, seemed to turn into nothing more than a black dot, against the back drop of night. The pilots suggested a "sneak attack" approach. This way, no one would know we were there, until we wanted it known. Even using night vision gear, though, all the four of us found, beynd the first point, were the old Rune Stones, which workers had told Tami about. There was no sign of docks, piers, moorings, or anything else, for that matter. Not even an altar. When we returned, the next day, to the stones, a student gave us a rough translation, of the stones. "I, Hagar, dedicate this temple to the might, and power, which is THOR. May all, who travel this path, pay heed, and praise, to THOR" In the middle, of the Rune Stones, sat the remains, of what MIGHT, at one time, been a fire pit. One, of the students even suggested "We believe that, at one point, this area was enclosed, more like modern temples. However, with the passage, of time, and nature, over un-counted millenia, it is impossible to say WHAT the truth was". Back at the excavation, it was not surprising that more, Viking, relics, were turning up. Objects, inlcuding a once-brightly polished helmet, a breast plate (which seemed to bear the image, of the settlement), and a silver, hinged, box. Its contents included an exquisitely carved, bone, comb, eye-lash, and nail, devices, and what looked like a "personalized" sewing kit. For a people, whom history refers to as nothing more than "savage marauders", there seemed to be plenty of evidence, at this site, alone, to suggest that the clans were a sophisticated society. Why they were all-but-erased, from history, is anyones guess. Over a dinner, which translated as "Sirloin tips, and fried potatoes, with grilled onions", Tami offered me a wager. "Would you like to bet that, like our other cases, each night, of the full moon, plays a larger part, in the mystery". I knew what Tami meant, since I remembered the very same cases. It seemed that the one, consistent, factor, in ALL of our "ghost/spirit" cases, was the lunar cycle, of the full moon. The first night, of the full moon, the dead put in a single appearance. The second night, two appearances. On longer, summer, nights, the dead might put in as many as seven appearances. This is why I said "Wager NOT accepted. Whats your plan?" Tami would say "We watch, for the first passage. After the ship shows up, we un-load the hovercraft, and sneak around the point, to see where th ship launches from." When I asked "After we know this?" Tami would suggest "We follow the ship, to its dock". I agreed to Tami's plan, simply because I had nothing bettter to offer. As a result, on the second night, of the full moon, Tami and I took up one vantage point, while our pilots took up another. What astonished the four of us was how the long ship did not wait, until midnight, to make its appearance. This time, the ship made its first "run" just after sun-set, and as the moon rose over the horizon. At what some might call "warp speed", our veteran pilots had the hovercraft ready to "roll", even before the long ship completed even one quarter of its first appearance. Still, Tami and I waited, until the ship passed out of sight, before launching the hovercraft. With the silence, of a group of cat-burglars, the four of us, in the hovercraft, rounded the primary point, set up our gear, then waited for "act two". For two hours, we waited, before a combination, of events, took place. First. On shore, a fire appearred, in the middle of the Rune Stones. Next appearred a group, of men, seeming to be sitting, close, to the fire. Second, on the water. The long ship seemed to appear, bit-by-bit, from thin air. The ship was off-shore, ofcourse, but it appearred just as majestic as ever. Third, and what baffled both Tami and I, was the reason why a man stood, from beside the fire, picked up a lantern, walked to the waters edge, and signalled the ship. Soon, the ship responded, with its own signal lantern. Even as the ship headed for the point, and its second, public, appearance, of the night, the four of us loaded into the hovercraft, and, in silent pursuit, followed the majestic ship. The hovercraft followed the long ship beyond the point, past Lanse Au Meadow, and beyond the next point. It ws just beyond the second point where, right in front of us, we watched as the ship dissolved, into the night. The next day, when Tami and I asked Magda about the signals, Magda brought forth a student, named Stefan. Stefan would inform us "My study group has been analyzing Viking signalling systems. We believe that what you witnessed was the equivalent of an "All Clear to Proceed" signal." When Tami asked So, there was an "All Clear" signal. What about a "Danger" signal?" Stefan would say "We are sure there was such a signal. We just have yet to discover it". We COULD have been left, to ponder the ships "routine", in-definitely, except for what Inga had, previously, told us. "The ship travels the coast, two weeks out, then two weeks in. She returns with the full moon, to deliver cargo, and load ships stores" This left us with the question of "WHY was the ship still on patrol?" as well as "WHY was Inga remaining, and giving tours?" This, next, part is so un-believe-able, that, had Tami and I not been present, at the time, and actually witnessed the events, ourselves, we would have doubted the story, totally. When another convoy, of Viking long ships, set sail, from Sweden, enroute for America, the president, of the United States, as well as the leader, of Sweden, backed by N.A.T.O. high command, put forth this announcement: "An historic voyage is, now, underway. An intrepid group, of sailors, under an experienced hand, is headed to sea. If successful, this will be the first trans-Atlantic passage, which our distant ancestors travelled, so very far, in the past. We wish these fine people a safe, and smooth voyage, and an un-eventful passage. Let it be known, to one and all, that any interference, with this voyage, WILL be met, with lethal force. Let us hope, in our hearts, that this will not be necessary. Let us extend our thoughts, and prayers, for a successful voyage". Somehow, using his vast "powers of pursuasion", Mr. Brown arranged for Tami and I to be "guests", on one of the American destroyer escorts. This is how we "earned" our "front row seats", to the coming action. As to the reason why the radicals did not launch their second ship, until after the European convoy launched, this remains debatable. Some sources thought that the ship just wasn't ready, until the convoy launched. This, while others believe that the radicals held the ship, in reserve, UNTIL the convoy launched. What is NOT debatable was the response, to the fake ships attempted attack. While the destroyer escorts had the fake ship on radar, and were locking weapons, onto the craft, another group, of five, Viking, warrior, craft, drifted into being, maybe two miles aft of the fake ship. As the modern battle-ships watched, in awe, the Vikings drew their ships alongside, and around, the fake ship. As a result, our convoy commander ordered all ships to "Halt, and Hold Position". Even as our captain obeyed the order, and brought his ship to a halt, we witnessed the action, as the Viking warriors stormed the fake ship, from both sides. It would seem that, because the fake ship had shown no mercy, in its previous attacks, the VIkings showed no mercy, as they assaulted the attackers. As to what REALLY caused the fake ship to explode, this, too, is debatable. What IS known is that, after the fake long ship, and its support, exploded, the Vikings, who had entered the ship, re-appearred, on the decks, of their own ships. When the captain, of the lead, Viking, ship, gave a "victory" signal, to our convoy, our captain returned the gesture. After this, and with incredible speed, the VIking ships did an incredible 180 degree turn, then raced forward, ahead of the convoy. Just HOW the warriors managed to outpace our diesel engines, I will, never, know. IF information, which was relayed to our ship, hours later, was acccurate, the video seemed to show the radicals base, under severe attack, by what appearred to be Viking warriors. As the U.S. Navy sailors watched the video, they were heard to say "Damn good costumes. I almost think they ARE Vikings." That, and the crews praise, for how the "Vikings" were following the "Rules of War". Un-like Abu-Ghraib, and Guantanimo Bay, Cuba, where the U.S. "rule" is "Anything goes, as long as it results in information, gathered" On the video, the broad-shouldered, muscular, men, who were attacking this base, obeyed the same "Rules of War", which all, regular, soldiers follow. On the video, we watched as the entire construction facility was destroyed, even as the camera person had continued to film, from their hiding place. By the time the video went "viral" (whatever that means), the convoy would have reached its destination, of Boston Massachusettes. Here, the long ships were met with a combination of celebration, and protest. While much, of the general public, had turned out, to see the magnificent ships sail into harbor, there was ANOTHER group. A group which, despite all evidence, insisted that there was NO PROOF that these ships could, or had, traversed, the Atlantic Ocean. When the media had asked "What about the escorting destroyers? The ones dispatched, by N.A.T.O., for convoy security?" The group leader had growled "There is no PROOF, that these ships crossed the Atlantic, either today, or in history. Certainly NOT PRIOR to Columbus." The radicals then walked away, from the media, whose membership then began interviewing the intrepid voyagers, after their long journey. To the voyagers, the question was not "Did/could Vikings have sailed, to America, prior to Columbus?" Instead, the question was "How does it feel, having crossed the ocean, in this craft?" The crews response was only "We did it! We proved these ships COULD have made such trips, and quite regularly." And so, the "fire storm", of debate, raged on. The Christians, pounding their fists, and shouting "We DEMAND that OUR version, of history, is the only correct version! NOTHING else matters". To the scientific community, however, the fact that Delcon's village HAD been discovered, and authenticated, as well as the fact that the Egyptian frieghter had been discovered, and preserved, only lent more value to the fact that the Vikings, as well, had a place, in continental history. Maybe not in American history, but in the history of the continent. Science was no-longer willing to be "bullied" into silence, by radicals, who insisted that only the Bible was Earths "true" history. When a radical tried to declare scientists, and researchers, to be "devil worshippers", for excavating, and documenting, pieces, of history, which the radicals did not agree with. In fact, the radicals would have been most happy if the items had been left in the ground. In the scientific community, however, the question would be "HOW is it devil worship, to document the verifiable past?" Tami and I did not hang around, for the "shouting match". We returned to Lanse Au Meadow, in the hope of documenting both the phantom long ship, and the young, spirit, woman, Inga. Shortly after returning to the settlement, though, Tami and I found the researchers huddled around something. When we asked "Whats going on?" The students parted the way, enough to show us that Inga had, in fact, paid the group another visit. Inga would, again, curtsey, in the traditional fashion, while saying "Welcome, my friends. My kinsmen, and I, thank you for your efforts, on our behalf. So long have we awaited this day". When Tami would ask "Your kinsmen? HOW is it that you speak English, better than we do? If you are, indeed, a Viking, HOW did you become aware of our language?" Inga would say "One of the "perks" of being deceased. We may speak to anyone, anywhere, in your world, and speak the local language." When Tami would ask "Where are your kinsmen, now?" This is when a poweful voice called out, from behind us, saying "Why, we are right here, lass. Why do you ask?" When our group turned toward the voice, we found ourselves looking upon a group, of men who, in life, could, without a doubt, have flipped modern cars, with little effort. Tall, broad-shouldered, and full of muscle. Many, but not all, had beards. Though the men appearred fearsome, their speech was as friendly as any public servant. When Tami asked the warrior "Do you know the reason the ship has been crossing the point, for so many years?" The warrior would say "Aye, lass, but it were not "endlessly", as thy would say. Our ships were coastal ships. We sailed up, and down, the coast, of what you, now, call America. W surveyed the land, for those who followed us, trading for crafts, and information." When Tami asked "Trading, for crafts? Please explain". The Viking warrior would say "The gods do not favor those who, simply, tell tales, of places visited. To win the favor, of the god's, a man must show proof of his deeds, and travels. Such is the way of the Vikings" At this point, a student came forward, saying "He speaks the truth. Viking law gave no merit to stories told, around the "great fire". Not unless the warrior provided evidence, of their deeds." The Viking warrior would say "Aye, laddie. Ye have learned thy studies, with merit". When Tami would say "Okay, so you traded with locals. What did you trade for?" The warrior would say "Jewelry, fabric, crafts. Our fine lady made many voyages, both along the coast line, and along many, of the in-land waterways. Such beauty. After our second trip, inland, we brought an artisan along, to make pictures, of what we found." When Tami would ask "What became of these pictures?" First the warrior would say "Who knows?", then Magda would shrug her shoulders, as if to say this was the first she was hearing, of any drawings. When Tami would ask "Now that we have found you, will you be able to find your own way, to Asgard?" The warrior would say "We will continue our patrols, atleast until your kind ceases telling its tales, portraying the Viking as nothing more than butcher, and rapists". Tami would say "I see. Well, thats a pretty tall order". The warrior would say "All we desire is to go before THOR, and let the truth be known". When Tami would ask "Would THOR not, already, know of your deeds?" The warrior would say "Proof, lass, proof. Neither Odenson, nor THOR, will accept a tale, without proof." When Tami would ask "Do you intend to attack shipping, or land-ports, while you are here?" The Viking would chuckle as he asked "Why would we do that? Unless they attack us, first. Why waste the supplies?" Tami would have one "monster", of a report, to make, to the Brown Agency. A group, of spirits, would not go, to their final rest, until the world ceased viewing them as savages. Talk about a TALL order. Mr. Browns primary question was "Just HOW are we supposed to change the worlds view, of the Vikings?" Tami would say "I really have no idea. All that I know is that neither the Vikings, nor Inga, are going anywhere, until mankind recognizes the truth, about Viking society" After terminating her report, to base, Tami would call out "Mother Superior. WHERE are you, when we REALLY need you?" To Tami's surprise, Mother Superior did not answer the question. In fact, the nun did not appear, at all. Tami and I were being left to solve this one on our own. The closest that Tami could come, to an answer, would be a suggestion, made by a malado, Indiana, woman. The womans suggestion would be to chart the cargo ships course, down the Atlantic side, of the U.S., and try to find more evidence, of Viking outposts. The woman, named Tracey, would suggest "Maybe, if we could prove that the settlements DID exist, then we could try to prove that the Vikings wer settlers, and sailors, not barbarians". When Tami asked Magda about this, Magda would say "Couldn't hurt". When Tami asked Magda "By the way, what IS Tracey's field of study?" Magda would search her records, then say "Tracey is doing her dissertation on the blending of cultures. It seems that her thesis is a mirror of her own life. Her mother being negro, and her father being white." I was about to add "Boy, did the flavors blend, deliciously", but I said nothing, since I did not want another, gender, reprimand, from my partner. Later that day, Tami and I reviewed Tracey's thesis, aboard G.S.2. Even as we did so, Tami was first to admit the work was well thought out. In summary, the thesis covered what little was known, of the destinies, of cross-cultural children. It would appear that the work stretched back, atleast as far as the Egyptian pharoahs, and revealled what became of the children the rulers fathered. I think, however, that it was someplace, around page fifty, that Tracey showed how, at times, "mix" children were "sacrificed", to various, pagan gods, in return for the god's supposed "blessing". The Christians, true to form, made a regular habit of "ex-communicating" members, for having mixed race children. It was somewhere near page 150, that Tracey made extensive notes, of how similarly that even modern America treats cross-cultural children. Sure, on the SURFACE, everything SEEMS legal, level, and accepting. However, even in northern states, mixed race children are treated with QUIET disdain. As a result, even I will admit, freely, that Tracey was so much more than just a beautiful woman. When Tami made Tracey's suggestion, to the Brown Agency, no one, and I mean no one, was prepared for the computer results. Using as much information, as could be gleened, from the saga's, the computers came up with 270, to 510, possible sites. This was the point where Tami offerd the spirits a deal. If the Vikings agreed to make no more attacks, on ANY targets, th Brown Agency COULD fund Magda's research team, to investigate the Eastern coast. Magda would remind us, though "This type of thing could take YEARS. Between locating, targetting, and digging, I will, without a doubt, be retired, by the time we reach Florida." It would be Tami, and Tracey, who would suggest "We dont have to dig every site. Just enough to prove the theory." When I asked the ladies "Even if we do find what we are looking for, HOW do we convince the world to change its mind?" Tracey would suggest "By doing what I did, to break free of the ghetto. Just continue to submit hard data, until it is accepted". When I asked "May I inquire how LONG it took YOU, to escape from the ghetto?" When Tracey said "If you mean rise beyond the idea that women are nothing more than baby-makers" I would say "Yes, how LONG did it take you to become an acknowledged student?" Tracey would say "Ten years. And, NO, I am NEVER going back". With Traceys aid, Magda, Tami, and myself, presented a proposal, to the Vikings. To our surprise, the Viking captain said "If we can wait, for 1,650 years, I suppose a few more years wont matter". Both Tami, and Tracey, would promise to keep the warriors informed. In fact, Magda would suggest that the VIkings aid the search, by pointing out where the re-supply ports had been located, during the days when the ship was on patrol. Although this cooperation would reduce the list, of potential targets, by as much as 75%, Magda just wondered HOW she was going to word her final, field, report. If Magda reported "Based upon the assistance, of the souls, of long-dead VIkings", Magda knew that she would lose her degree, her position, and her professional status. She would be a "laughing stock", and would, NEVER, be allowed on another excavation. Tami would use her "all-purpose" solution, to such problems. At the end of each case file, Tami made a point of naming sources, including rank, and occupation. (Tami would leave out birth dates). Tami would list cities of origin, training, and so on. Tami would only provide DATES, if DIRECTLY inquired. (The Brown Agency did a remarkable job, of covering Tami's "tracks", by "vetting" all requests.) As a result, Tami, Magda, and Tracey, would complete an "acceptable" version, of the activity. A version, of the "truth", which even the Viking captain, Ingvar, would "sign off" on. Tami would be left, to report, to the Brown Agency "This case is FAR from resolved. I, really think that all we did was "buy some time", for the team to perform some research. (In private, Tami would ask me not to "pant"/"drool", so much, over Tracey. Tami would say "She is a competent professional. She does not need you un-dressing her, with your eyes, every moment"). When I asked Tami if I should apologize, to Tracey, Tami dis-couraged this, saying "It will only make her feel more un-comfortable". When I asked "Should I leave the site?" Tami said "NO. That would be interpreted as her having driven you away". When I said "I cant win", Tami said "You're a guy. You will, never, understand". (Thankfully, that was the end of that discussion). Inga would promise to do her best, to keep her kinsmen "in line", while we searched for evidence. I just want to make it clear that, although Tami and I remained, on the excavation, for atleast another week, I never asked to work with Tracey. It seems that Tracey and I were paired off, after a smelting operation was discovred, along with several containers, of broken metals. It must have been a LARGE operation, since we dug up atleast five, smelting, ovens. Tracey and I were paired off, to look for an altar, which the Vikings said had been used for ceremonies. (I just forgot to ask what KIND of ceremonies). Tracey would tell me, enroute, that she suspected the altars were for sacrifices, to the gods. When we found the altar, which the project was looking for, the way Tracey said "OH, N-O!', made me ask "Whats wrong?" Tracey would tell me "This is a fertility altar. That Viking sent us on a hunt, for a bordello". When I said "Big deal. That was ages ago." Tracey would tell me "Legend says that any woman entering this place, with a man, will become pregnant". When I reminded her "Tracey, thats just legends, folk-lore. Maybe to keep kids away. We are, both, adults. We KNOW how women get pregnant". Still, for some reason, Tracey went "into heat", and ran from the cave. When I caught up to her, outside the cave, and she said "I hope I am not pregnant", I just had to sit down, and have a good laugh. We never even took our clothes off. HOW could she think she was pregnant. When we reported in, to the command tent, Tracey went right up, to Ingvar, saying "If you were alive, I would belt you, as hard as I could" When Tami asked "What happened?" I told Tami, and Magda, "The cave Ingvar sent us to was the Viking equivalent, of a bordello". To which, Tracey, half-panicked, said "Any woman who enters, with a man, becomes pregnant". When the living, who were present, laughed, at the very notion, Tracey told Ingvar "If I give birth, to HIS (MY) child, I promise you there wont be a place, on Earth, where you can hide". The biggest problem, around the camp, that evening, was that someone, who was passing by the tent, heard PART of the conversation, and thought this meant that, while Tracey and I were supposed to be searching, for the altar, that we had, in fact, used the altar, for passionate love making. Whn we exited the command tent, later, and Tracey heard rounds of "Congratulations", which none of us understood, Magda pulled a team member aside and asked "What this for?"" When the worker said "Haven't you heard. Tracey is pregnant, by the ghost-buster". Magda wasted NO time, in pulling everyone, including the current shift, of diggers, together, for a moment. When Magda had everyones attention, she made it clear "Yes, they DID follow the Vikings directions, and they DID find a fertility altar. Of that there is no question. As for the rumors, that Tracey is pregnant, by our guest, this is just idle gossip. Tracey is NOT pregnant, at this time." After that, all Tracey heard was plenty of apologies, over the fact that she was NOT pregnant. When a few people said "Better luck next time", Magda said "That will be ENOUGH! I want no more talk, on this subject". Later, just before Tami and I packed up, to return to base, Magda would stop by G.S.2, to inform us "If we thought the DEAD were a problem, we forgot about the living". When Tami asked "How so?" Magda would say "Between what we found, here, and elsewhere, it seems that the debate is more fiery than ever. There is even talk of terminating our grant." When Tami would ask "Why?", and "For what reason?" but we already thought we knew the answer to that question. As Magda would point out "It is not just the religious debate. It seems that, before I called the meeting, to stop the pregnancy rumor, someone contacted people, via e-mail, to announce Tracey's pregnancy. I have been on the phone, promising the dean that nothing happened, yet all the dean kept asking was WHY I paired your partner off, with a woman, for research. Tracey has been ordered back to school, for a compulsory pregnancy test." When I said "No sweat. She can pass it, easily." Magda would say "I am not so sure". While I did not like the fact that the debate, over the Bible, versus archeology, was raging, like a forest fire, I, also, did not like what Magda was suggesting. This is when Magda told us "Confidentially, Tracey told me that, if she, ever, had a chance to be alone, with you..." When Tami would say "Tracey complained, to ME, that she did not want my partner near her, unless it was for work." Magda would say "Ofcourse, she told YOU that. You are his PARTNER." When Tami looked at me, I could only say "I cant win". Before she left the plane, Magda would promise to keep Tami and I informed. This is when, as we packed up our gear, Mr. Blue would contact us, on the video link, saying "Dont stop for gas, coffee, or snacks. Just come on home". Once the plane went vertical, above the tree lines, I would ask Tami "I wonder what Mr. Blue wants?" Tami would say "Me, too. Especially since Mr. Brown wont let Mr. Blue deliver our work, since that previous incident." True, nowadays, Mr. Blue was only allowed to provide support, so we had to wonder what was ahead, for us. Oh, well, beats sitting around the house, taking drugs (medications), and watching life pass us by. EPILOGUE: Dont ask me why, but, a week later, Tracey sent me a sorrow-filled e-mail message, saying "I'm sorry. I just hoped..." When I looked at Tami, she would say "That means she hoped you would have acted more like a frontiersman, or a Viking, among others. She had hoped you would want... Well, she had hoped for less of a gentleman." Tami read my expression and said "Dont worry. she will be okay. You arent her first, and you wont be the last". I just let it "hang". No proper response, to this, anyway.

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