Wednesday, June 8, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: THE LIGHT HOUSE MYSTERY It would seem that the Native Americans were just as pleased, with our investigation, as the Brown Agency had been. After all, Tami and I DID assist, in putting a stop, to Native American vandals, who were desecrating indian lands. To the tribal council, the vandals reasons we of no consequence. What the tribal council DID emphasize, was the issue of the extensive nature, of the repair process, which would be needed, to restore Anasazi lands, to their original condition. Since no one was able to explain, or define, just HOW Tami and I had managed to travel back, in time, thousands of years, to visit with the Anasazi tribe, Tami ommitted the side tunnel "incident", from her report, to the tribal council. As for her report, to the Brown Agency, Tami would only report "UN-specified rumor, of UN-known tunnel, which, reportedly, leads to UN-specified location, and time period, when UN-specified tribe, of indians, maintain a settlement. At this point, however, verification remains impossible. This, due to the fact that no less than five, subsequest, attempts, at locating aforementioned, have proven UN-successful". "What IS verified, however, is that "Lost in Spacce " props have been returned to owners. Also of note, the fact that the full size prop, of "Jupiter 2", sustained severe damage, prior to delivery, to customer. Details: It would appear that, in an effort to swindle buyer, out of millions of dollars, the prop ship had been attached to a boom crane, via the use of fishing line. It is reported that, while attempting to make it appear, that the ship was flying, under its own power, that the boom had become lodged, in some tree's, while attempting to "fly" prop onto buyers property. When boom was snagged, in tree limbs, fishing lines snapped, prop broke free, fell to the ground, and cracked, into several pieces, upon impact. Shortly after this, when "buyer" was shown "insides" of Prop, as well as fishing lines, dangling from hull, buyer withdrew bid. (Prop has, since, been returned to studio owner, while con artists await trial). While Tami and I had felt honored, to be named "honorary" tribal members, we just never expected the bonus, which the tribes authorized, for both our assistance, in capturing the vandals, as well as for aiding in silencing the rumor, that space ships were landing, on indian lands. For the skeptical, who refused to believe that the case was nothing more than a "cover up", for a REAL, alien landing, Mr. Black, and his team, would create a video, showing how each step, of the deception, had taken place. When the video was presented to the tribal council, the council would list this video as "educational material". Following the conclusion, of this case, Mr. Brown would inform us that another case was "developing". Mr. Brown would say that the next case just did not "sound" right. When Mr. Brown showed us the requet for aid, asking "What do you think?" It didn't take long for Tami and I to consider the report a complete "phonery". WHY? While a hearse CAN have its engine "revved up", to elude police, who ever heard of a hearse, racing the police, while a couple was having sex, in the rear of the hearse? The contact even claimed that the hearse never stopped, to pick up its riders. As the car passed, it would just "swing past" the couples, with its rear door open. The couple would, then, LEAP into the rear. Later, when the couple was "finished", the hearse would "jettison" the couple, by the road side. Tami and I agreed that this sounded, surprisingly, similar, to a recent comedy movie. A movie about some moonshiners, running whiskey, in hearses, even while being chased by revenuers. In the movie, though, no one was "tossed" into the rear, of the hearses. In fact, each bottle, of moonshine was, carefully, packed, and placed on a "conveyor belt". As for the "dumping", of the moonshine, it would seem that, prior to "launch", hearse drivers would be provided a list, of addresses, where to deliver to. As the hearse would pass each location, the "specified order" would be jettisoned, from the hearse, wrapped in a shock-proof package. What made the movie so funny was how, as the hearse drivers ran their rounds, the drivers would sing ditty songs. Between this, and the pure comedy, of the chase scenes, were laughable. Ofcourse, critics would condemn the movie, for its complete lack of morals, values, and ethics, audiences loved watching law enforcement wreck their own cars, then having to report, to their base "We've lost them". Truly classic comedy. While awaiting our next case, though, Tami received an invite, from an old friend. It seems that the friend had a husband, and the two had purchased a light house. The friend wanted to show the place off, to mutual friends. When Tami would ask her friend "Do we need a boat, to reach the light house?" Her friend would say "Heavens, no. We are on dry land". When Tami showed me some photo's, of the place, and asked "Nice place to relax, atleast until our next case?" I would agree. While we offered our pilots a break, saying that we would fly, business class, I was surprised when our pilots would ask "Whats wrong with Ghost Ship 2? Not good enough for your friends?" Tami would say "Ofcourse not. We just thought you might like some time, to see your families". When the pilot suggested "Why dont we drop you off, THEN, go see our families? After all, you never know WHEN the next case will turn up". (Personally, I was suspicious of the mans smile.) As a result, of this discussion, however, Tami would contact her friend, Beth, informing Beth to expect our flying wing. When Beth would inquire "How will you land? We have no airstrip, near the light house." Tami would Promise "You will see, when we arrrive". Three hours later, AND with a promise, to stay in touch, with headquarters, Tami and I bid Mr. Brown farewell, just before G.S.2 lifted off. About an hour laterr, our pilots had circled the light house, found a suitable landing area, and performed an excellent, vertical, landing. Tami just could not resist the LOOK, on Beths face, as Beth asked Tami "WHERE did you find such a plane?" Tami would, casually, say "United States Air Force". When Beth looked stupified,, Tami suggested "We should step away from the plane. This plane may glide, like a bird, but those engines have the power of a charging rhino". Once I had our equipment un-packed, and Tami and I threw a salute, to the veterans, G.S.2 lifted off, and vanished from sight. Once G.S.2 was gone, even I had to admit that both the light house, and the landscape, were beautiful. I could, also, see that this place was NOT of official, federal, design. This was obvious since the tower was covered with decorator tiles, with the center, of each panel being a cross, indicating German design. Still, the tiles were beautiful, bright, and colorful. The light house keepers home was no utilitarian structure, either. In fact, it was a finely crafted, two-story, home, which held the appearance of being as welcome as any prairie home. I just do not know WHAT I found so CAPTIVATING, about this place. Was it the soft sound, of the waves, in the background? Maybe it was the weathered rocks, and boulders, which dissipated the incoming waves fury, before the waves reached landfall. Maybe, it was the tranquil beauty, of the bay. Maybe, it was the antique, or rustic, nature, of the light tower. All that I know is that Tami, "suddenly" came to my side, saying "Its lovely, isn't it?" When I agreed "I'll say", Tami would tell me "Would you believe it, Beth, and her husband, secured this place, under a land development grant? The family will retain ownership so long as they maintain the land". I would reply "I can think of WORSE places to live". Tami would agree, saying "It is beautiful". I would add a whispered "And no ghosts to chase", Tami would be quick to "shush" me, as she whispered "Just enjoy it. No telling how soon Mr. Brown would have another case ready". I must add that, after months, of eating filling, but not really flavorful, military rations, when I tasted Beth's home cooking, I had to agree, with Beth's husband. THIS woman knew HOW to cook. Just DONT ask me HOW the dining converrsation came around to couples having children. The best I could do was fein interest, as Beth and her husband, agreed that they were putting off starting a family, just until the basic work, on the property, was completed. (No use having children around until ALL of the lead, and other, hazzards, had been removed, from the property.) During an after-dinner stroll, as Tami and I walked along the shore, of the bay, Tami pointed out a spot, where Beth had said a pier, once, stood. This was another goal, of the couple. Restoring the bay to its previous glory. I just have no idea whay Tami mentioned "This would be a good place, to raise a family". I just let my partner have her thoughts. As for myself, MY thoughts were on what types of ships might have sailed into, and out of, this sheltered bay. In fact, in my imagination, I could, almost, "see" the enormous, square riggers, sailing into the bay, on the breeze, to put supplies ashore. The graceful woodwork, and those beautiful lines, of an age gone by. The intricately carved figures, on the bow, and the elegance, of the captains cabin, on the stern. Ships, rising and settling, with thhe passsage of the tides. Ships held at port, by sturdy ropes, tied to dock piers. Yes, I would wager that these "grand ladies", were the "grand beauties", of their day. It was only when Tami would ask "Dont you agree?", and I would ask "Agree with what?" Tami would emphasize "I was SUGGESTING that this would be a great place, to have a home, and raise a family". I ws not about to get into THAT conversation. Not about wanting a family. Still, I would, cautiously, agree "Yes, nice place, for a home. Quiet nights, soft breezes, gentle waves". The next day, while I set out, to survey the landscape, and to marvel at how the tall, green-leaved, tree's offset the boulders, of the shore, what I was un-aware of was the conversation, which Tami and Beth, were having, inside the caretakers home. Over some coffee, Beth would inform Tami "Just wanted to remind you, and your friend, that, due to the age, of this property, you will, no-doubt, hear what sounds like footsteps, or wrapping, on walls. You may even think that you see shadows". When Tami would say "Yes, I am familiar, with all of these things, from visiting other places. Its no big deal". This is when Beth would say "Good, then you know to ignore the strange, and unusual. This way, you will enjoy your stay, even more". When Tami would mention "Since almost everyone knows that old places have their share, of quirks, why bother mentioning this, to me?" Beth would say "In case you go into the village. There are some people who enjoy good ghost stories. I suggest you ignore them." Tami would promise "Not a problem". (After all we had seen, and done, since joining the Brown Agency, Tami had lost any fear she might have had, of "things which go BUMP, in the night") Whn Beth would ask "By the way, HOW did you come by that unusual plane?" Tami would say "A person, who was happy, with our work". When Beth would ask "What KIND of work is that?" Tami would do her best to cover us, by saying "We do research work, for hire. People hire us to verify information, and sort rumors, and heresay, from facts" When Beth would say "Sounds fascinatting, but HOW does that lead you to having that plane. It looks so very expensive. WHAT did you do, to merit such payment?" Tami would say "NOT what you are thinking. A client was just happy that we cleared up a mystery, about the past, and they wanted to show their appreciation". When Beth would say "Quite a show, of appreciation. I thought that only the military had vertical lift planes, so far" Tami knew it was time to shift the subject, so she asked "Why did you want to express your concern about my fear of the unusual?" Beth would say "Well, WAY out here, sometimes, the weather plays tricks, with sight, and hearinng. I just did not want you to be scared, is all". As for myself, since we were "on vacation", I did not think anything of it, when I met a beautiful, ebony, woman, on the beach. When she intriduced herself as Lysia, and she informed me "I am studying the history of this area". I, soon, found out that Lysia was not only beautiful, and polite, but educated, as well. I was, also, happy, when Lysia wanted to snuggle, as I whispered, to her "Just how much are you studying, and how far, into the past, is your study taking you?" Lysia would speak, softly, as she said "I am working to document the bay. Starting with the earliest, colonial, days, and working my way up, to the present". When I suggested "THAT could be A-LOT of ground to cover." Lysia would say "Its not so bad. The locals have been friendly, since my arrival, and people are aiding me, by filling in missing details, of history". Lysia and I walked along the shore line, as she related the history of the area. This information would include which group of German setlers, had built Beth's light house. (This is when I would come to understand the style, of the cross). I know that it was well after night fall, yet I, honestly, have no idea what time it was, when Lysia and I stopped strolling, so that she could show me some star constellations. Lysia was reminding me of how ships, at sea, had used the positions, of the stars, to know their position, on the water. This and to be certain that they were making for the correct port. I did not even think about how soft my voice went, when I told Lysia "Just think. Before Global Positioning, sailors sat back, and studied the stars, to find out where ships were". Lysia smiled at me, softly saying "It must have been wonderful, being on deck, with a soft breeze, and the stars, overhead". As to when Lysia and I went from discussing star navigation, to sharing an embrace, and a deep kiss, I have no idea when this moment came. All that I knew what that, one moment, Lysia and I were discussing the Heavens, and the ships, which navigated by the stars, and the next moment, Lysia and I were sharing a very tender moment. Later, Lysia suggested that we take a dip, in the waves, before dressing. What I dont understand is the reason why, just because Tami saw Lysia, and I, coming out of the waves, that my partner go so upset, even as I tried to introduce the ladies. Sure, I referenced Tami, was my partner. Why shouldn't I? I just have no idea of WHY Tami stalked away, towards the light house. Whn Lysia would whisper "Sorry, I didn't know you had a "partner"", as she dressed, I corrected Lysia, stating "We are partners, in a detective agency." When Lysia seemed confused, I mentioned "You know how police have partners?" When Lysia would say "ofcourse", I would say "Same thing." I was just surprised when Lysia would mention "Have you told HER that?" It was my turn, to be confused. When Lysia would say "She, obviously, wants you. That is why she is so angry". When I reminded Lysia that, overall, Tami had remained a respectful distance, from me, since our first time, working together, I admit that I was confused when Lysia used the expression "Men", just as Tami, often, did. (Like something should be, totally, obvious, to us males). When I asked Lysia "Will I see you, again?" Lysia would, only, say "We will see. It depends upon how SHE feels". After I departed Lysia, with a delicious kiss, I went to "square things", with my partner. Problem was, Tami could neither "see", nor "hear", anything, beyond what she saw, on the shore. When I saw Tami twisting her own ring, I removed my own ring, saying "I THOUGHT we were a TEAM. I dont know what going on, but I WONT deny that I enjoyed this evening". With that Tami slammed her ring, on the table, and rushed out, I have no clue about what she was thinking, feeling, or doing. When Beth saw Tami rushing away, from the light house, and asked what was going on, I gave Beth the brief summary. Meeting Lysia, on the shore. Talking of shipping, and star navigation. As to how these things lead to other "activities", then how Lysia had suggested a dip, in the waves, before dressing, then seeing Tami. When Beth would say "I see. And this is what Tami saw?" I promised Beth that Tami had NOT been around, for anything leading up to our coming out of the waves. When Beth gave me THAT look, and I asked her "Please tell me that Lysia IS, REALLY, a researcher" Beth would say "Ofcourse. I know her. She is here, on a research grant. She stopped by the house, a few times, for background information, on past light house keepers". When I suggested "So, Lysia IS studying the history, of the area, and for a report, or something similar, right?" Beth would say "Ofcourse. She has a room in... Well, she has a room. A place she has been using, since her arrival. "She has an amazing grasp, of history. Even told ME which German settlers built the light house". When I would ask "If Lysia is exactly what she says she is, then I dont see Tami's problem." Beth would, only, say "Being a man, you wouldn't". When Beth saw the rings, on the table, she said "We should not expect Tami back, until morning, at the earliest". The next day, I did not know that Tami waited, and watched, until she saw me leave the home, and begin surveying the area, before Tami went to see Beth. When Beth saw he old friend, Beth would say "You, REALLY, tied one on, didn't you", to which Tami would say "Even worse". When Beth would ask "Coffee, or shower, first?" Tami would say "Shower". It was not until after a LONG, HOT, shower, and clean clothes, that Tami would admit "I did something, really stupid, last night". When Beth would say "I'll bet. How many drinks was it, this time?" Tami could only say "Enough to make whats-is-name look attractive." When Beth would say "let me guess. Your head was spinning, then you blacked out. You woke up, next to this guy, in the morning". Tami would down some more coffee, as she said "Worse. I KNEW what I was doing, all along. I just couldn't get the sight, of the two of them, out of my head". Beth would say "Yes. You saw your partner, coming out of the waves, with Lysia". Tami would say "Worse. They had the NERVE to smile, like they were proud of it". Beth would say "And, this is why you "tied one on", and got some of your own. To get even". Tami would say "I was hoping that, if I did the same, my partner would understand how I felt, seeing them" When Beth would ask "DID he see you, on the way in?" Tami would say "Give me SOME credit! I AM a private investigator. I KNOW how to AVOID being seen". When Beth would say "So, he hasn't seen you. He doesn't know what happened, overnight." Tami would groan, and down more coffee. When Beth would ask "When are you going to tell him?" Tami would say "When the time is right". When Beth would ask "When will THAT be?" Tami would say "The moment I catch him, with whats-her-name, again". If Beth thought Tami meant the next time Tami "caught" Lysia with me, Beth was wrong. When Tami decided to confront Lysia and myself, it was at the time when I was promising Lysia that none of it was her fault. **I** had been out of line, and let the romance, of the moment, get the better of me. When Lysia went all soft, and snuggly, whispering "Dont apologize. I was there, remember. I dont recall you "taking advantage", and you sure did NOT rape me. In fact, it was some of the best I have had, in a long time". This is when, out of the blue, behind us, Lysia and I heard Tami saying "GOOD! You can HAVE him. Oh, and by the way, my dear PARTNER. I got SOME, last night, as well". Lysia knew what it meant, when Tami touched her own head. My partner was, still, hung over. Lysia doubted my partners sincerity, especially when Tami had to duck, behind a boulder, to be sick. After Tami washed her mouth, with sea water, Lysia would ask "What do you care? Besides, WE are doing research", When Tami would say "Sure, if thats what you call "research"" Lysia would ask "WHAT is YOUR problem? I am not pregnant. Would you stop, and focus, for one moment. After all, your partner was, simply, aiding me in expanding my horizons". When Tami would NOT move past the memory, of Lysia and I, together, in the waves, and Lysia found that Tami was acting like a wife, who was throwing her husband out, over a simple visit, to a hooker, Lysia decided to put Tami "straight", and I mean "straight". Knocking my partner to the ground, and taking a handful, of Tami's hair, Lysia would say "Listen up, girl! Your man was the best lay I have had, in over a year. That does NOT mean that I want him, for life." Lysia would say this, even as Tami "struggled" beneath the woman. Lysia would tell Tami, straight to her face "I may have him, some more, while I am here, but I DONT expect a lifetime". What I could not understand was why, with all of our training, Tami did not use her self-defense skills. Tami should have had no trouble knocking Lysia off of her. WHY was Tami playing at being "defenseless?" When Tami would spit, in Lysia's face, whispering "whore", I could not believe Lysia's response, had I not seen it, myself. Lysia responded to Tami's gesture, with a deep kiss. In fact, almost a lovers kiss. (If I were in Tami's place, I would have ENJOYED that kiss). Afer Lysia let Ttami up, I would have thought that is whole situation would have been at an end. I would have been wrong, ofcourse. The next time Tami found Lysia, and I, together, Tami grabbed some man, and told me "If you can do it, so can I". After that, Tami marched the guy away, I turned to Lysia, and she kissed me, then whispered her thoughts, in my ear. While neither Tami, nor myself, would use the light house property, for any such "activity", Beth did notice our smiles, when Lysia and I shared a goodnight kiss. Beth, also, made sure I was present, when Tami dragged in, the next day, more hung over than the day before. It was only after Tami had a HOT showeer, followed by two pots, of black coffee, that Tami would look at me, saying "Now, you know how I feel". When I would ask "HOW should I know how you feel? We are not on a case". Tami would ask "How many times does it take? How many men?" I would remind Tami "What you do, with your private life, is your own cconern. That was our deal, remember? You told me that, LONG ago". I could tell that Tami was, still, out-of-focus, since she, obviously, did not remember. Funny thing was, when Tami told me she was requesting re-assignment, she asked ME what HER codes were, for the Brown Agency. Tami, still hung over, then had ME write up her "Request for Transfer". Tami said she had me do this, since she could not see, clearly enough, to write. When I informed her that the message was sent, Tami walked off, and fell into bed, while muttering something about my "whore". Beth would have to explain that, to Tami, Lysia was my "whore". A short time later, another event, that I, never, would have believed, would happen, DID happen. Never, in my life, would I believe that Mr. Brown would, actually, take the time, to show up, on-site, to "slap some sense" into my partner. As Mr. Brown would say "Whatever is going on. Get beyond it! The two of you are my FIRST, successful, team, of ghost hunters. I will NOT break up this team, over something like this. You are, both, adults. I suggest you start ACTING like it". To my surprise, Tami would inform Mr. Brown "In that case, I submit my resignation". Tami would, then, rise, and depart this "meeting". The, Mr. Brown would leave me with the cryptic phrase "Fix it". Since I did not know HOW to "Fix it", with Tami, I decided on "Full Disclosure", with Lysia. It was a beautiful afternoon, and Lysia's beauty was, firmly, stamped upon my memory. I had wanted to tell her, during our stroll, but Lysia had kissed me, whispering "It can wait". And WAIT, it did. It waited until I left her smiling, brightly. This is when, as I carressed her, I gave Lysia the complete story. Starting with the castle case, and the spirit world's "revelation" that, for crimes, not prosecuted, by human law, the spirits would take revenge. While I gave Lysia the story, I let her enjoy touching me, as intimately as she wanted to. I did my best to inform her of how I had become a private investigator. For some reason, though, instead of being scared off, especially by talk, of Mother Superior, and the Enforcer Demon, all Lysia would do was smile, as she whispered "Baby, I have seen, and spooken with, spirits, as well. I even conversed with my dead grand-mother, when she told me that I would meet a special, and loving, man, on this trip. Until you showed up, though, I wondered if Grand-mother ws right." When I asked Lysia "So, you aren't afraid, of spirits?" Lysia would kiss me as she whispered "Whats to be afraid of? They are just departed". I guess that my "mistake" was in offering Lysia more, of my love. Before I knew it, moonlight had turned into sun rise. After Lysia and I played, in the waves, for awhile, then returned to our clothes, Lysia kissed me as she said "I'm going to miss times, like this, when you are gone". We, then, headed back, and, after I left her, at her car, I returned to the light house, where I found Tami's letter, saying "I have taken a business flight home". I had no doubt Tami would be back home, by the time I read her letter. While I was certain that things, between myself, and Lysia, were no-more, I called the pilots, to collect both me, and my gear. Before I departed, Beth provided me with Tami's credentials. Now, if anyone thought this was the "end", of the story, they have forgotten about our "immortal connections". Tami was no-sooner home, when Mother Superior arrived, switched off the television, and, as Tami would, later, report, Mother Superior would use her "I am in command" voice, and would give Tami a severe "dressing down". No matter how many times Tami would say "Its over. Done. Finished." Mother Superior would say "Child, there remains WORK, to be done". When Tami would suggest "Then, let HIM use his (Lysia) on the cases". Mother Superior would say "Child. You must, REALLY, love him, to get so far bent out of shape". When Tami would say "I DONT want to talk about it", Mother Superior would "command" say "THATS exactly why we ARE going to discuss it". When I reported, to the Brown Agency, alone, Mr. Brown would assign me to the first, of three, "replacements". The first was a man. A man who, IF it was possible, had even LESS social skills than even I had. On our first, and last, case, together, the man antagonized a spirit, into such a rage, that the spirit destroyed all of a family's possessions. When the man tried to show how "tough" he was, by telling a wailing ghhost "Bring it on", the spirit did just that. The spirit not only beat the human, black and blue, but then tossed the man out, through a window, as well. When Tami read a review, of the incident, on a web-site, her thought was "How stupid can a person be? Antagonizing a spirit? Causing massive damage to property." The second "replacement" was a woman. A female, who was so stupid that, once we understood that we were dealing with a male spirit, the woman had the nerve, to remove her bottoms, while saying "Come get it". The spirit not only came, to the woman, but tossed her out, of an open window, throwing her bottoms out, after her. When the spirit, then, turned to me, saying "Get out", I complied. When Tami read the on-line copy, of the "report", she shook her head, then scratched it, and ran her fingers through her hair, as she thought, aloud "WHERE is Mr. Brown finding these idiots?" For me, number three was the "final straw". All that a spirit had to do was appear, in front of the woman, and she "ran", to the media, saying "I was raped, by a ghost". (Only the tabloids would run her story). Tami was just shocked when, not only did Mr. Brown visit Tami's unit, but that he was accoompanied by no less than both Mother Superior, AND the Enforcer Demon. When Tami asked Mr. Brown "Since when do you employ idiots?, and brain deads?" Mr. Brown would say "Wrong question". When Tami would ask the immortals "What are you, two, doing here?" Mother Superior would be first to say "The chairman is most dis-pleased with you." The Enforcer Demon would add "As is Lucifer". When Tami would ask the Enforcer "I thought you said there are no "welcome mats", waiting for me, in Hell" The Enforcer would say "Lucifer is dis-pleased that you are no-longer performing your assigned duties." Mother Superior would add "As is the chairman". When Tami would ask "What do they care? I am just one, of billions, of humans, on this planet". Mr. Brown would look at each immortal, who would nod, then Mr. Brown would say "Tami, on direct ORDERS, of both Heaven and Hell, you are to return to duty". When Tami would ask "If I DONT?" The Enforcer Demon would show Tami vivid details, of Lysia, and myself, "together", inside Tami's mind. A place where she could not close her eyes, to avoid the images. Then, verbally, the demon would say "Unless you want that vision, playing, in your head, everytime you close your eyes, you will stop pitying yourself, and get BACK to WORK!" When Tami would look at Mother Superior, asking "Do you agree with this?" Mother Superior would say "In regards to this matter, the chairman is in FULL agreement". Mr. Brown would, then, produce Tami's credentials, placing the documents on her table, saying "Let me know". With that, the three would depart, as though off to attend a business meeting. When Mr. Brown would ask Motherr Superior "Do you think it will work?" Mother Superior would say "Patience, my son". "Patience" didn't seem to take long, especially once the latest spirit found out that I was on my own. The Victorian-style house, suddenly, lit up, like a Christmas tree, before I was pushed OUT thhe front door. Not thrown out, mind you, but more like "escorted" When Mr. Brown would tell me "Its not your fault. I guess I just have to find someone else". As if "out of nowhere", Tami would place her badge on the conference table, suggesting "Where would you be, without me?" Without the slightest hesitation, Mr. Brown would say "If its fixed, time to go to work. I expect a full report, within twenty-four hours. Understood". When Tami and I boarded G.S.2, and the pilots said "Welcome back", Tami would tell me "Nothing to fix. I just forgot that we are cow-orkers. I just assumed you would, always, be there, when I was ready. Now, if you ARE ready, lets see what the spirit world has for us". HOW Tami does it, I will, never, know. Tami just seems to have the ability, to place anyone at ease. At the Christmas Tree house, Tami talked the ghostly band members into releasing their hold, on this house. Then, at the house, where Mr. Macho had been thrown out, Tami negotiated another deal. This one, for the dead to leave the house, to the living. In the case, of the "rape victim", the spirit insisted that the woman recant, and admit that she had panicked, yet was, never, attacked. Althought this was, officialy, supported, by hospital records, which showed no evidence, of either violence, or sex. The woman stood by her story (and her $200,000, in profits, from the publishing, of her story). Still, Mr. Brown sided with authorities. Tami, then, negotiated a deal, to deliver a message to the mans next of kin. Tami would find out why the "Come and get it", girl had been tossed from the home, followed by her bottoms. Simple fact was, the spirit, in this house, was that of a minister. When the minister saw the "exposed" woman, inside his house, he decided to make sure she knew that such actions were SHAMEFUL, in this house. In this case, Tami had to enlist Mother Superior, to aid the minister on, to his destination. By the time Mother Superior had taken the minister before the chairman, Beth was asking Tami to return to the light house. When Tami asked "Whats up?" Beth would say "You remember what we spoke of, before?" When Tami would say "I remember. Has anything changed?" Beth would, only, say "You need to see, to believe". When Tami would ask "Mr. Brown, with your permission?" Mr. Brown would say "Why not? We are, still, developing the other cases". When Tami would ask Beth "Is Lysia still around?", Tami was not sure of WHAT to make, of Beth's silence. When G.S.2 arrived, at the site, a second time, and Beth showed us what she would not discussed, on the link, even Tami never expected to find Lysia in the morgue. Based upon the condition, of the body, the coroners conclusion was "Death, by torture. The rest is post-mortem". When Tami would ask "Who would do this?", the coroner would speculate. "I would say it was a jealous lover", as he looked at Tami. When I went to ask the police for a copy, of Lysia's research, The officer would say "Nothing in there, to help find a murderer. It is nothing more than the history of the area. Common knowledge. Nothing to kill over." When I asked "Who is collecting the remains?" A check, of files, reported "Her remains are to be shipped to her family. She will be kept here, on ice, until the next transportt. Then shipped to a receiving terminal. Family can collect, from there." When I asked permission, to deliver the body, the police would say "Now, hold on. Your boss, Mr. Brown, may have a LONG reach, but this is official business." I would say "Very well". And, wouldn't you know it. The transport would break down, and Lysia would have to stay, on ice, for a prolonged time. When Tami saw my look, as I viewed the body, and she asked, I would say "I dont know how, but she LOOKS different, in some way". I know that I could not "pin it down", but, after being so close, to this woman, I just KNEW there was something different. Even as Tami and I returned to the light house, and observed the scene of the crime. I dont know why, but there was something "different". While Tami noticed the lack of a struggle, within the property, what I noticed was something, similar to "fragrance". When I asked Tami "I know that women wear perfume, but I am wondering about natural fragrances. Doesn't each woman have her own?" Tami would say "Ofcourse. This is one of the ways, which we use to KNOW when our men are cheating." When I would ask "And, NO two, women, have the same scent, right?" Tami would say "Thats true, but WHY are you asking?" I would remind Tami of how CLOSE I had been, to Lysia. Then I would add "Shouldn't I KNOW her scent?' Tami would agree "Yes, you should". I would ask "Is it possible for a woman to change her scent?" Tami would say "It would be about as "easy", as changing a cat into a dog". Over the next three weeks, even as Tami and I reviewed Lysia's notes, as well as the crime scene, ALl that we found were endless references to a variety of ships, which had come to port, and the goods the ships had delivered. Sure, there were a couple, of ships, which made more regular stops, but, in colonial days, this was not unusual. After all, for many colonies, river boats were even faster than overland freight. Then, there were the ships, from Europe. Ships which docked only two, or three, times per year. Ships bearing fabric, china, and engraved silverware. Oddly enough though, very FEW boats ever carried printed books. In fact, according to Lysia's research, for centuries, the only books any ships carried, were the personal collections, belonging to passengers. Still, fabrics, dinner plates, silverware, and books, did not seem worth killing over. WHY had Lysia been killed? What had she found, which made her such a threat? When Tami suggested "Maybe, some Puritan group found out about you two, and decided to "make an example" out of her". When I would say "Dont be cruel. She was a good woman. Besides, interracial relationships are nothing new". Tami would suggestt "Maybe, they are ACCEPTED, but does that mean that people APPROVE?" This is when I would, next, suggest "Next thing you know, you will be suggesting that Lysia was pregnant, by me, or atleast RUMORED to be pregnant, and she was killed, for being pregnant, by a white man". Tami would, only, say "We should not rule anything out, without evidence." I do recall that Tami found a section, of the notes, which attempted to detail the position, of some cave. A place where Privateers were rumored to have stored loot, when not off, raiding shipping. Lysia had made a variety of notes, on the subject, as well as five, hand-drawn, maps. The notes indicated that the woman was trying to find the cave. And it was no wonder, considering the amount of references to the cave. When Beth admitted hearing of the cave, and agreeing with Lysia, that the cave was nearby, the researcher had gone off, looking for the place. Beth would admit, though, "I really dont know if she found the cave, or not. All I know is that she spent some time, searching this general area." With Tami's approval, and a caution, from Mr. Brown, I would descend to the area, in question, and begin searching for the cave. Maybe Lysia was killed, for searrching, for the cave, or MAYBE, she was killed, for what she found, in the cave. Still, something seemed "different", about the corpse. It just did not seem like the woman I had loved, more than once. While it took me most of the day, just to find the cave, and mark the entrance, I was surprised, speechless, when a familiar voice would call out "WHAT are you doing? I wanted to keep that secret, until I finished exploring it". When I looked behind me, and saw Lysia standing there, big as life, she asked "WHY are you looking at me as though you have seen a ghost?" I would tell her "You would not believe me, if I told you." When Lysia would say "TRY me", I would give her a short summary, of the crime scene, and the body, in the morgue. When Lysia would remind me "As CLOSE as WE have been. You didn't know it wasn't me?" I promised her "I FELT it was different, but I just did not know HOW". When I brought Lysia to Tami, and Beth, Beth had to be revived, from a dead faint, even as Tami stammered, like a school girl. When we brought Lysia to the morgue, and the police department, then showed her the body, Lysia fainted as well. To law enforcement, the "spontaneity", of the faint, was too natural, to be practiced. Lysia was, ofcourse, questioned, as to the reason WHY someone would do this kind of thing. Lysia had no answers, nor did she have any trouble, with locals. Not even after word got around, about us. It would seem that, since neither of us was from this area, no one cared. When Tami asked Lysia about her research work, and if this might have been the cause, of the "stunt", Lysia would only say that her notes, so far, were of general knowledge, of the area. Anyone, with an interest, in history, could find the same information. Lysia would add, though "I have requested some records, from a collection. Some ship captain, whom, IF history is correct, had as many as twenty families, spread across the colonies." When Tami would ask "I wonder if that could be a reason?" Lysia would say "Not, unless he was a Puritan. You know how radical they were, about purity." Tami would say "that is true. In fact, I, sometimes wonder if they might have been the forefathers, of the Ku Klux Klan". Lysia would say "That is a pretty distant LEAP." Two days later, and we had some more news. This time, direct from the police testing labs. The tech would promise us "We ran the tests, three times, to be absolutely certain. We did not want to say a word, until we were tottally certain". When Tami would ask "Certain, about what?" The tech would say "The body, in the morgue. When we tested the D.N.A., we found it was Lysia's, BUT" When Lysia would say "But, WHAT?" The tech would say "We did not believe it ourselves. This is why we tested it, three times." When Tami would say "Just relax, and tell us what you found". The tech would say "Lysia, we KNOW, from your medical records, that you are over twenty-one. This is why you are allowed to drink, at local bars." When Tami would ask "What about the body?" The tech would say "I dont know HOW, but someone managed to create a clone, in a matter of a few months. The body, in the freezer, is about four months old." When I would ask "How is this possible?" The tech would say "I have no idea. That body is centuries ahead of our most advanced work". This is when I would ask "I wonder. Have you verified that it was alive, prior to its arrival, here?" When the tech said "No, we haven't", Tami would ask "WHAT are you thinking?" I would ask the tech "Would you check on the status of the organs.". The tech would say "yes, ofcourse, but WHAT am I looking for?" I asked the tech "What would you look for, in a used car?" When the tech would say "Wear and Tear. Why?" I would suggest "Check the body like you would if you were looking to buy a used car". Two days later, when the police brought me the results, they asked "HOW did you know?" I told them "I have seen this copied, in both cartoons, and in movies." Usually, creating a clone was easy. Just grab some skin cells, without the "donor" knowing, then clone a body. The hard part would be bringing the body to life. But, WHAT if all you needed was a body? When Lysia was asked about any "unusual experiences", over the past months. Maybe even some lost time, Lysia would admit "Yes, a few months ago. I had to take two, sick, days. I felt sick, like I had a severe case, of the flu. As I recall, I passed out, I THINK, on a tuesday, and awoke on thursday." Well, NOW we knew WHEN the sample was taken. The question was WHY. That and why leave the body inside the light house? Was someone trying to leave a message? If so, WHAT was the message? So many questions, and no answers, to any of them. Where did we go, from here? Without ANY doubt, I am the "dumbest" man, on Earth. WHY? For some reason, Tami was un-easy, being anywhere NEAR Lysia. Okay, so I will go even farther, and say that Tami seemed most un-happy, when I invited Lysia to JOIN our investigation. My rationale, for having Lysia join us was purely, academic. After all, Lysia HAD been "On-site", longer than Tami and I had, and Lysia had done most of the background research, as well. In fact, I would have thought that Lysia's assistance would have made Tami's job easier. For some reason, though, my partner was, at best, hesitant, to work with Lysia. Beth would, privately, suggest, to me "I think is it because the two of you, are lovers." When I would, equally privately, inform Beth "Dont be silly. I would, NEVER, do such a thing, right in Tami's face. I have more respect, for her, than that". Beth would say "Maybe, but even I can see the "chemistry, between you and Lysia. I would be surprised if nothing happens, within the next fourty-eight hours". When I would add "If you are implying that Lysia and I would do such a thing, with Tami in the vicinity" Beth would say "You two could be 100 miles away, yet Tami will, still, KNOW." When I would ask "Oh, really? Do YOU intend to tell her?" Beth would say "I wont have to. You will be covered in Lysia's scent." When I would ask "What if I SHOWER, afterwards?" Beth would say "You men are all alike. You think a shower will "erase the deed"." When I asked Beth "What would you suggest? Should I inform Tami, beforehand, of what MIGHT, POSSIBLY, happen?" When Beth would say "You, still, dont understand". I would fall back on "No wonder men cant win, with women. You have us tried, and convicted, even before a crime is committed." As for Tami, I noticed how, as the work progressed, she gave, hesitant, approval, to Lysia's work. According to Tami "It would seem that "your woman" has, in fact, done a most commendable job, of researching the subject. So far, I can find no fault, in her work. I guess she really must LOVE you, to be so attentive to details." When I reminded Tami "For one thing, Lysia is NOT "my woman". She is young, and beautiful, yes, but I never laid claim to her. As far as her work goes, I should remind YOU that Lysia was on-site, for an extended time, BEFORE we even knew of this place. HER notes are a result of her studies, NOT our romance". What I could not believe was when Tami asked me if she should have the pilots place more insulation, between our spaces, on the plane. When I asked "What for?" and Tami suggested "So that, when you and "missy" decide to do your "thing", I will not have to listen, through the walls." At that moment, I was ready to belt Tami, so hard, it would have knocked her teeth out. I decided NOT to do this, not only because I would have to answer, to Mr. Brown, but because, if I DID strike Tami, I figured that Beth would distort the strike, into my planning to replace Tami, with Lysia. I mean, could I help it if Lysia had done such a fine job, of researching the past, that her notes read like Mark Twain, or Robert Louis Stevenson? The woman had done excellent work, and I felt that this should be hailed, not heckled. I did find out one reason why Tami was so annoyed, with Lysia. It was the fact that, the work, which Lysia had done, PRIOR to our arrival, was 99% of the work, which Tami, normally performed, when starting a case. Tami was, even, annoyed that Lysia had placed emphasis, on proven facts, while marking rumors, and lore, as that. (Also, while Tami would, NEVER, admit it, she understood why I had enjoyed kissing Lysia. Lysia had the kind of kiss, which invited recipients back, for MORE) Still, when Tami looked at herself, in a mirror, she did not see an "aging has-been". She saw a maturing woman whom, she was sure, many men would, still, want. Even without a heavy dose of booze. Sure, she had kept me at "arms length", but she was certain that I understood that this was a "test". A test, to see when I would assert my manhood. When Tami called up some photo's, which she had taken, from Lysia's profile, and compared herself to the photo's, the only difference, which Tami saw was that she was ivory, and Lysia was ebony. Beyond that, Tami was just as toned, and shapely. When Tami joined Beth, on a terrace, overlooking the shore, and saw Lysia and I, taking a walk, Beth would say "Fifty dollars says he doesn't come back, until morning." Tami did her best to be non-chalant, as she tried to look away, as if it did not matter. Sure, down on the shore, Lysia and I DID snuggle, as we walked along the shore. I had to agree with Lysia when she said "I just had to get away from the work, for awhile. If I dont, I lose all perspective." I thought "Funny. How many times Tami had said the same thing." On THIS evening, Lysia did all we could, to AVOID talk, of the romance, of the sea, and how it had captivated sailors, for centuries. It was just not so simple, with the ocean just 20 feet, or so, away. The waves, a continuing reminder, of where we were. When I asked Lysia "If we were back in those times. I mean, the times of the square riggers, what do you think our lives would have been like?" Lysia would say "Simple. You would have been working in landscaping, and I would have been a slave. Probably working in a brothel". When I asked "What makes you so certain?" Lysia would remind me "Black people did not have many "options", in life. Young, attractive, black, women, worked in whorehouses, seeing to mens "pleasures". If I were, supremely lucky, I would have been purchased, to work in the home of a wealthy person". When I asked "So, you think that I would have been working in landscaping work?" Lysia would say "Based upon your love, of the land, I have no doubt that you would have worked on a landscaping team." When I asked "Do you think we would have, even, MET, in those days?", Lysia would say "Hard to say. It was the men, with the most money, who got the pick of the women. The average man just got "what was left over". When I wanted to sit, and rest, for a moment, Lysia said "Not here". When I asked "WHY?" She said "Have you forgotten. This was our first, third, and fourth, times." When I would say "Looks different, before sun-down". Lysia seemed to sniff the air, then say "I can, still, smell us". When I sniffed, all I smelled was the sea, the tree's, and so on. When I suggested, playfully, "Then, you, my dear, will find us a place to rest". Lysia would roll her eyes, as she lead me to another spot. A spot which, atleast to me, seemed right out of one of those classic movies. The kind of spot where people proclaim love, and more. When Lysia would say "Soft enough, and plenty of room. We can rest, here." When she saw my look, Lysia would say "Come on, we have our clothes on. WHAT could happen?" By morning, Lysia and I were washing, in the waves, having fun, and just being great company. By the time we gathered our clothes, and headed back, to the light house, Tami was just washing her own evening off of her. When we gathered, at the computers, and opened the incoming mail, we were just reviewing information, on a captain, who, allegedly, had kidnapped women, from other settlements, then sold the women, along his route, when, to my annoyance, my stomach let out a loud growl. I hadn't even thought about eating, so I told the ladies that I would go to the kitchen. I just could not believe how hungry I was, until I saw the food. When Lysia joined me, in the kitchen, I kissed her, then whispered "I am going to the plane, for some food. I dont want to give anything away, to Beth." When Lysia asked "May I come?" I told her "Why not? You are working with us. You have shared your work. The least I can do is share ours". I decline to list what happened, at the plane, beyond showing Lysia our food stores, and computer system. All that I will state is that, when the conversation turned to food, Lysia told me I would have to be satisfied, with rations. She could not give me what I wanted. By the time Lysia and I departed G.S.2, and re-joined Tami, at the light house, Tami would report that the tales, of the man, stealing women, was just a camp-fire story. When Lysia asked about WHY someone had staged her death, using a "double"? Tami would say "No such luck, yet. About the only mention, of you, in any of this, is local speculation, that you will, eventually, marry my partner". This is when I would suggest "Why dont we give up the internet, for the day, go into town, and you ladies can do what ladies do, best, while I scout the place." While Lysia seemed happy, with the idea, Tami was, surprisingly, UN-happy, about it. It seems that, for once, my partner was NOT thrilled, to go into a town, and talk to its population. While the three of us entered the town, like professional co-workers, I think I found out why Tami was hesitant to come into town. Some local guy, named Hank, came up to Tami, took her into his arms, and said "Baby, it wasn't nice. You leaving, while I was asleep. I thought we HAD something, there." While Tami tried to deny knowing the man, Lysia could "see" that Tami DID know him. No doubt, Hank was the reason for the hot shower, that morning. When I split off, from the ladies, to give them some "breathing room", Lysia met the other men Tami had "met", while on her own "nights out". The men who were the reasons for Tami not returning to the light house, until sun rise. When Tami would say "If HE can do it?" Lysia would correct Tami, saying "HE has been with ME, YES. Not half the town." When Tami would say "It hasn't been HALF of the town", Lysia would say "You know what I mean. HE has been with ME. One woman. I am not sure I want to know how many MEN are on your list". When Tami would say "Mind if we focus on the case, and find out who wanted people to think you were dead?" Lysia would smile as she said "Fine, lead on, McDuff". (Tami just hoped that Lysia did not try to KISS her, again) While the women were off, I examined the area, and found, what locals confirmed, had, at one time, been "anchorages". Places where boats could tie up, for the night. Our first, real, "break", in the case, come as a result of the coroners inquiry, regarding genetic materrial. From what the coroner would inform us, ALL samples, of genetic material, are required to be logged. There was, even, a national database, where samples were logged. When Lysia would ask "Why, on Earth, go to ALL that trouble?" The coroner would ask "Have you, ever, viewed the "Star Trek episode: Space Seed", of "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan"? When Lysia would say "Who hasn't?" The coroner would say "Thanks to Ricardo Montalban's excellent performance, the scientific community has been trying to PREVENT Khans creation, as well as the alleged "Eugenics Wars". When Lysia would say "ALL of this, over some science fiction plot-lines". Tami would remind Lysia "You know, back in the 1960's, the idea, of the "Communicator", was laughed at. Radio's were so LARGE, due to operating on vacuum tubes, that the very idea, of a communcations device, which could be carried, on a belt, seemed impossible" When Lysia said "So what? Its just science fiction." Tami did something she LOVED to do, when faced with a denial that science fiction could become fact. Tami took out her flip phone, and talked into it, saying "Kirk To Enterprise". When Lysia would say "Okay, so we have communicators. The last I read, genetic engineering is, still, centuries away from cloning a viable product." When Tami asked the coroner "What did your search turn up with?" The man would say "When I sent out a copy, of my results, as well as a picture of Lysia, I mean, the subject, I was amazed when a genetic engineering facility contacted me, saying they had discovered a theft". When Tami and Lysia, would ask "What KIND of theft?" The man would say "It seems that someone entered the research facility, and removed genetic unit Jane Doe 375." When Lysia would ask "Jane Doe 375? Didn't they have a better name?" The man would say "All samples are anonymous, for security reasons. The facility did not know who/what they had, until my request went out, nationwide." When Tami would say "Let me guess. Jane Doe 375 is a match, for Lysia." When Lysia would ask "WHEN did they get my D.N.A.? I dont remember authorizing anything." The coroner would say "It is standard procedure, nowadays, to take genetic samples, at regular intervals. This way, even if a body is mangled, the D.N.A. can, still, be tested." Still, this left the question of WHO, annd WHY. The coroner would say "I suspect a prank. Someone THOUGHT it would be "funny", to "stage" a murder scene. Remember, there were no signs, of violence, where the body was found. The product was HUNG up, yes, but there was no evidence of a struggle." When Tami would ask "Even if ALL of this were true, WHY choose Beth's light house? Why not another property?" The coroner would say "I SUSPECT that is because this is the closest place, to the research facility. The next, closest, light house, is 150 miles away. I SUSPECT that the pranksters did not want to risk being caught, with the "body"." When I would ask "So, they steal a body, from a research facility, and drive it to this light house, where they string it up, like a murder? Where is the profit motive?" Lysia would suggest "Maybe they THOUGHT someone was on to them, and they wanted to dispose of the evidence". When I would ask "IF that were true, why not just dump the body. Either in a river, or on the road side" The coroner would suggest "Maybe they did not THINK to wear gloves, and figured that a hanging victim would not be finger-printed". I would say "It still seems a stretch, just for body theft." The coroner would just be saying "Maybe so..." when his phone would chime. When he looked at the incoming message, he would say "...Or, maybe, they thought that no one would "dust" the corpse, for finger-prints." A few secoonds later, the man showed us the screen, on his phone, where a message read "Finger-prints indentified". Below this were the pictures, of three men. One, a worker, at the genetic facility, and the other two, petty thieves. Both thieves had an arrest record, for a bizzarre type of crime. Both admitted preferring sex, with dead women, claiming that live women complained that the men "took too long", to have sex. Both men were, currently, in therapy, for this "condition". It was when Tami suggested "Too bad we cannot interview them. Find out the reason why they CHOSE to steal this particular body" The coroners phone chimed, again, this time, notifying the man "Suspects in custody. Shall we hold, for further interrogation?" The coroner would text back, saying "Yes. Hold on possible "body snatching" charge". He, then asked our group "Shall we?" Two hours later, the three, of us, were behind one of those mirror windows, as police questioned the men, about the crime. Both men agreed that they had paid the lab worker, and both insisted that the worker had "stiffed" them. The worker had promised the men a "wholesome, WHITE, teenager", "fresh" from some where. When detectives asked "If you wanted a white girl, WHY did you accept a black girl?" The men would say "That lab creep told us to keep the cover on, until maybe twenty miles, beyond the gate. He claimed that, if we took the cover off, sooner, some alarm system would trigger." When the detectives asked "Okay, so what did you do, when you checked the contents" One of the men asked "What did we do? When we found we got stuck with a nigger?" In the observation room, Tami and I saw Lysia flinch, at the racial insult. Lysia then whispered "You would think, by now, that I am used to this insult." I would inform Lysia "Dont worry about it. Even I still get upset, when black people insult me with the equally offensive term "honkey". In the interrogation room, when the detective asked "What DID you do, when you found out you had a black woman, and not a white woman?" The one man said "I wanted to throw her ass out, by the road side", then the other man said "I thought that would be too risky. What if someone saw us? How would we explain it". When the detective would ask "What DID you do, with the body?" the other man would say "I knew we had to find a place, where no one would think to look, for a body. It took a bit, but we found that light tower." When the detective would clarify "You mean, the light HOUSE?" The other man would say "Yeah. That place." When the detective would ask "Why did you choose the light house?" the first man would say "Stupid, even in prison, we get news, of outside. The news tells us that the light houses are all machines, now. No people around, except for twice annual, maintenance. NO one SHOULD have found that body, for months! That is Gods own truth." This is when the detective would add "So, the news didn't tell you that some of the light houses have been privately purchased, and renovatted into homes?" When the thief would say "You bull shittin me man. Those places is owned by the "Big Guy"." The detective would say "Only some of them are. And even some of those have been sold." The thief would say "No way! Next thing you know, you will be tellin us, prisons are being sold, as well." The detective would say "I dont know about prisons, but old missile silos are being sold, as are other properties." When the thief would say "But, we scouted the place, for HOURS. There weren't no one around. The place was empty. We checked." When the detective asked "Did you see any furniture?" the first thief would say "Yeah, plenty of that OLD, antique, junk. Man, that place hasn't been used, forever." When the detective would suggest "Maybe the new owners LIKE antiques. Ever thought of that?" The second theif would ask "You mean, we dumped the bitches body INSIDE SOMEONES H-O-U-S-E?!" When the detective would say "That is correct", all three of us saw the looks, on the thieves faces. The look of "Holy SHIT!". When the thieves did a double-take, saying "Man, we, really, didn't know. We thought the place was deserted." The detective would say "Guess what." For some reason, the primary thief would ask "There weren't no kids, who saw what we done, was there?" The detective would say "Fortunately, for you, the owners have no children, yet." Tami and I just could not believe it when it seemed that the thieves breathed a sigh, of relief. Well, atleast we could tell Beth the reason why a body (would a genetically engineered specimen, which had, never been alive, be considered a corpse?) had been found, in her home. On the way back, Tami had me stop, so she could buy some wine, to celebrate with. Tami wanted to toast the home owners, while telling them "Your house is NOT haunted. It was a joke, gone, terribly, wrong". Lysia would say that she wondered HOW she would write this up, in her notes. Tami would suggest "Write it up as "Stolen body, dumped, to avoid arrest"". When Lysia asked MY opinion, I would say "Listen to my partner. She KNOWS how to write reports." Still, Lysia would have to understand that the body was not "dumped" because of her. The body was dumped because the thieves wanted a white girl, and they got a black one, instead. On the way back, another event happened as well. After Tami shut down her phone, she told us "You will, never, believe this. That genetics worker, who sold the body. He tried to run. The police picked him up, awhile ago." When I asked "Is he talking?" Tami would say "Didn't say. It seems the police ran the finger-prints, then staked out the mans house. They think he found out, about the arrests, and he was trying to "skip town". By the time we arrived, back at the light house, I did not have to awaken either woman, due to the commotion, coming from inside the house. When we found the couple, standing outside the house, looking on, in dis-belief, and Tami asked "Whats going on?" At that moment, all sound, and lights, stopped, then a frisbee disc flew out the door, and dropped at our feet. When Tami would ask "What is this, Beth's husband would be first to grab for the disc, saying "Its nothing". When Tami would look at Beth, Beth would be quick to say "Dont look at me. HE rented it". Even as her husband would say "I think that BOUGHT would be the correct term, now". When the man showed us the disc, and we saw it was porn, about "wife-swapping", Tami, naturally, asked, "Has this happened, before?" Beth would say "HE never played porn before." Her husband would only saw "Action/adventure, comedy and so on, until tonight". Tami would look at me, suggesting "field test"? I would say "Roger. Just wondering: male porn, or female porn?" When Tami showed me the destroyed disc, and say "How about as close to this as you can get". I told her "Roger that". Lysia would say "If Tami does not mind, I will stay with the ladies." When I looked at my partner, Tami would give me that hand-gesture, of "Shoo". The husband would, then, say "You should NOT go to (deletted name), since they WONT be happy that their property has been destroyed". I would say "Got it". Instead of renting another video, I would drive to G.S.2, and choose, from my own collection (downladed to a disposable, flash drive, ofcourse), and return with this. Tami, Lysia, and I, then, "stationed" ourselves, about the room, before Tami had Beth start the video. Probably, for the five time, in many years, a video was played, for NO audience. No sooner did the credits roll, and the "action" started, when some man, dressed in an old fashioned "uniform", took shape, in the doorway, leading from the light house, and, in a fit of rage, ripped the computer monitor from the desk, and smashed it, on the floor, while saying "I will not have such filth inside my light house." Before the man could vanish, Tami would step forward, asking the man the usual questions. His name, title, and so on. When the man would say "I am Jesiah, and I been watching this place, since the great war." When Tami would ask "You mean World War Two?" Jesiah would ask "World War Two? Whats that?" Tami would back track, using her knowledge, of history, to name previous wars. It was, not, however, until Tami mentioned the French-and Indians War, that Lysia would ask "Sir, what do you know of the Stamp Act?" Jesiah would say "Thats proving terrible for the area. The king is charging extra duties, on EVERYTHING, from food, to seed. I dont know how LONG we can hold out." While Tami was engaging Jesiah, in conversation, Lysia sent me out, for my own laptop computer. When I returned, with my unit, Lysia plugged her own flash drive, into my unit, then called up a file. When Lysia began offering the names, of subsequent light house keepers, Jesiah would, only, say "Them fellers never cared about the place. Always off, in town. In fact, I am the one, who kept the light burning, through three, major, storms." When Lysia, and Tami, asked "How did you do this?" Jesiah would say "While them boys be in town, doing their "thing", I guess you ladies would call it, the storms blew in, and I, alone, was left to close up the light house, and keep the lamp running." For a moment, Jesiah seemed to be looking around, then, he suggested "Dont tell anyone that I told you, this, but old Larry Thomerson. He was the WORST, of all the fellers." When Tami would ask "In what way?" Jesiah would say "That boy only came to the light when he KNEW them inspections fellers was coming. Rumor has it, Larry had a "spy", at the head office. Someone who TOLD him when instpectors was coming." When Lysia would ask "Was this, ever, investigated?" Jesiah would say "Larry, he came from propertied family. He only came here when ships was due, or when the light went out, due to empty fuel tanks." When Tami would ask "How long did he have the job?" Jesiah would say "About fifteen years. Nobody checked, much, during those years, since the war was going on. In fact, it weren't until five, federal ships crashed, on the rocks, just outside the bay, that an investigator snuck in, caught Larry, and fired him." When Beth would join in the questions, asking Jesiah "Do you happen to know who has been leaving those wet foot prints, in my house?" Jesiah would say "MY house. Yes, some of those prints are MINE." When Tami would ask "You said SOME. Who do the others belong to?" Jesiah would say "There are five of us, in regular residence. We play cards once each week. We try not to bother those "interlopers". (Indicating Beth, and her husband). When Lysia would ask "Jesiah, you said five, in regular residence? Who else comes by?" Jesiah would include the name, of a local businessman, whom, according to Jesiah, accused Jesiah of an affair, with the mans daughter. Jesiah would say "Can you believe it? That man went to his grave, thinking that his first grand-child was by me?" When Tami would say "I take it this is not true." Jesiah would say "I may not be the most fashionable man, about town, but I do have my ethics. I only had that girl up here, a few times, when she wanted to see the view, in different weather. I just dont know why, atleast twice, once we was up in the light, that, when we went back down, I had to force the door open. Never could find a problem, with that." "And the child?" Jesiah would say "Dont you go telling anyone, but I KNOW that the two of them went down to the shore, a few times, before they was married". When Lysia would ask "WHERE, on the beach?" Jesiah would say "Follow me, to the light, and I will show you". Although Lysia was horrified, that "our" spots, could be viewed, from up here, I was relieved, to notice that only the general area could be seen. It wasn't like we were on stage. When we headed back down, Lysia asked me "You dont suppose it was, all, just our imagination?" I told Lysia "I KNOW that what I felt, was real". When Lysia would ask "But, was it OUR real, or their real?" When I suggested "If you have to ask", Lysia would say "Forget I said anything". While Tami found it, relatively, easy, to send Jesiah "on his way", she found that Jesiah was corrrect, about Pendelton. Man, that guy was an OX. Even as a spirit, he had attleast as much attitude, as Mother Superior, and was as stubborn as a mule. In my personal opinion, Pendelton could have forced a storm to change course, simply by telling the storm "I DARE you to strike here!" He was a bear of a man, and, unless I was wrong, the man could have "taken all comers". It would take the combined efforts, of all three ladies, to encourage the man to depart. It would seem that Malcolm was the most stubborn of all. Sometime, during the 1800's, Malcolm had become fascinated with the light, as a boy, and had worked with the light keeper, for YEARS. First as an "assistant", then as the main keeper. It seems that, after the official keeper passed away, and the village reported the death, it was YEARS before anyone was sent, to check up. By this time, a local woman had made Malcoolm his own uniform, and Malcolm tended the light, until his death. (This, despite the fact that messages were sent, every few years, that an "official replacement" was "enroute"). Malcolms only dis-appointment, with this place, was that neither his children, nor his grand-children, were interested, in the light. After Malcolms death, the light was allowed to wink out, for nearly ten years, since no one wanted the job. As a result, locals had to have supplies delivered, from the next, closest port. When some children became interested, in the old place, Malcolm had appearred, in human form, befriended the boys, and showed them how to make the light work, again. Since the land was, never, officially, claimed, by anyone, after the Germans moved on, the boys were never charged. Instead, the local magistrait would "sentence" the boys to tend the light, until an adult could be found, to do the work. When Tami would ask Malcolm, "Since the light has been in operation, for over a century, now, why did you remain?" Malcolm would look at Beth's husband, saying "Until I find a man, who is as devoted, to the light, as we were, I will remain." When Beth's husband would ask "Whats wrong with my watching my movie?" All Malcolm would ask was "You call THAT a "movie"?" The man would say "Fine, its porn, and I rented it. Big deal. Its MY money". Malcolm would say "But this is OUR property. We, who have tended the light, for so long. We dont need to see, or hear, that trash". This is when Tami would enter the discussion, asking "Hold it. Malcolm, is it your position that you dont want "this" on the property, or just not in public area's?" Malcolm would say "Sir! If you must view such "filth", take it to thy room. This is a family gathering place. We take our meals here." Tami would clarify "You are saying that this man" indicating Beth's husband "May view what he wants, so long as it is not in the public area's, such as the living room, dining room, or kitchen?" Malcolm would ask "You forgot the nursery. In my day, such "things" were, never, allowed, around children". Tami would add "So, if he wants to view his "movies" he should do so, in the master bedroom?" Suspiciously, just as Malcolm was agreeing, all three of us saw Beth give silent thanks, as well. Since the destruction, of the "wife-swapping" video, was, obviously, part of the case, and part of the reason why the spirits had become so active, Mr. Brown agreed that the Brown Agency would compensate the video store, for the loss. After all, it wasn't like the husband had, intentionally, destroyed the disc. To me, the most hurtful part, of the case, was the fact that Lysia questioned what we had shared. Sure, we had been together, in the same places, where others had been, over the centuries, but I qustioned if this dimished the importance. Lysia suggested removing our numbers, from each others phones, then she told me "Lets give it a year. If it is REAL, then we can come back to it. Besides, by then, I MIGHT have my research work done." To my surprise, Tami told Lysia "I wish you the best, with that. There is, plenty, of work to be done". Lysia would say "Tell me about it". While I re-packed the plane, to return home, Tami took on the task, of reporting in, to Mr. Brown. While reporting in, Tami would be talking, to herself, saying "I hope our next cases WONT involve multiple ghosts." This is when Mr. Brown's voice would come, over the monitor, saying "What fun would that be?" When Tami would ask "Sir?" Mr. Brown would ask Tami "Would you remind your partner that, the next time he shuts down a computer, to wait for the signal "Shutdown Complete", before shutting down. When Tami asked "Beg your pardon?" Mr. Brown would say "When your partner accessed his "collection", to draw out the spirits, he forgot to shut the system down. We have hours, and hours, of dead air space, on recording". When Tami would ask "Back to the point. You asked "What fun would that be?" What did you mean?" Mr. Brown would say "One of the cases we have been developing. Something like that home, for un-wed mothers." When Tami would ask "Something like?" Mr. Brown would say "We have had a request, for the two of you to investigate another "hospital"." By this time, I would have joined Tami, asking "What SORT of hospital?" Mr. Brown would smile, when he said "Just the kind of place to make you, both, feel right at home". When Tami would say "Sir! Spill. What KIND of hospital is it?" Mr. Brown would say "Former mental hospital. Details are all inside the packet. Good hunting. I am depending on the two of you". When Tami would say "I am beginning to HATE this job." Mr. Brown's voice would say "Remember to turn OFF the boom microphones, when you dont want to be overheard". Since neither Tami, nor I, knew how to do this, we had our pilots show us the switches. After that, the pilots would log in our next destination. While the air force veterans did this, Tami and I would set to work, on the case file. If G.S.2 had "frequent-flier" miles, Tami and I would be so very rich. Since the plane was "kind of" U.S. Air Force property, though, no such luck. In fact, the only good news our pilots had, for us, was that, after our next assignment, G.S.2 was going back on the maintenance block, for an engine upgrade. Something about an experiment with combining super-sonic speed, power, and stealth? With some of the "toys" we, already, had, on-board, NOTHING would surprise us, anymore. (We just remembered Mr. Blacks words: Without civilian field-testing, of equipment, the military would not know how to modify its gear, to make SURE that equipment, and soldiers, survived, in battle.) Well, Since Tami had relatives, on active duty, and I had family, who had served, in the past, maybe our work would help save the life of someone we knew. At present, with everything locked down, G.S.2 would amaze Beth, and her husband, as well as some "visiting" ghosts, as our wedge-shaped craft went vertical, lifted off, then sailed off, into the day...

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