Wednesday, June 29, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE VAMPIRES What had surprised both Tami and I was how, after the mental hospital case, we were, actually, allowed to relax, on our way back, to our home base. In fact, our biggest concern, while travelling home, was over an issue, which was threatening to cause a riot, among taxpayers. The media reported that these tax-payers were furious over the fact that state government was more-than-willing to approve billions, of dollars, in tax-payer financed loans, for the construction of even MORE gambling casino's. This, in contrast to the fact that state government was adamant abut NOT spending a single cent, on factory jobs. While the government was saying "No way!", to as little as $50 million, to finance an assembly plant, which would have provided secure jobs, for hundreds of workers, the same, state, officials, were more-than-happy to approve one hundred times the $50 million, for gambling. Now, after decades, of empty promises, it seems that the general public was "taking a stand", with their demand of "No more gambling!", as well as the slogan "We want REAL jobs. SECURE jobs". If the media were anywhere near truthful, it was being reported that, when a group, of politicians, openly, stated "Manufacturing jobs are a thing of the past. We MUST accept the pain, of transition, to a service economy. An economy which will, in time, lead to what SHOULD, eventually, become a brighter future". What made first Tami, then myself, suspicious, of the reported acts, of vandalism, which were being blamed on former factory workers. No, rational, reason was given. Just the statement "It MUST be the former factory workers". In response, when Tami and I consulted, with Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown agreed that something was suspicious. After all, the very first attack, on a residence, had come within just one hour, of the politicians anti-worker statements. Less than one hour was just not enough time for anyone to create the Molotov Cocktails, which had been hurtled, at the politicians house. Sure, it was POSSIBLE that the guns, and ammo, might be available. But the homemade explosives? It just wasn't possible. Mr. Brown had opened a case, on this subject, especially after some, of the offending politicians homes were set on fire. In Mr. Browns opinion, back by his staff, this was all just happening far too quickly to be the work of enraged un-employed. In preparation, for a perceived request, for assistance, Mr. Brown had, already, assigned seven operatives to learn just how "coordinated", the insulted un-employed were. While the politicans families were being "driven underground", for personal protection, from potential attacks, the radical politicians, openly, fuelled worker outrage, by saying "You may KILL us, but factory jobs are NEVER returning to this nation!" When the enraged crowds became too large, for local police to handle, (especially since those departments had faced severe, personnel reductions, since the radicals REFUSED to tax the rich), th police were forced to withdraw, and turn the situation over the the federal military. The radical was telling the media "People had, better, face facts. This is, now, a GAMBLING state. NOT a manufacturing state. Gambling is staying, period!" Just a moment, after this message, a brick was hurtled, from off-camera, and struck the radical, in the head, causing a massive injury. When the camera man turned on the brick-thrower, the man said "Yes, I did it! I threw that brick. That creep doesn't give a DAMN, about our families". While the crowd cheered the brick-thrower, the man, defiantly, stated his name, and address, to the camera. The close-up, of the brick-thrower, then went, to black, as riot police TRIED to force their way into the crowd. From overhead, a helicopter camera man was the closest thing, to live television, as the riot police clubbed demonstrators, to the ground, while the people protected the brick-thrower. Mr. Brown's only response, from inside his officce, was "No way will this end, in a civil fashion". Mr. Brown was right. When the squad, of riot police, found themselves facing an enraged mob, which was angry enoughy to kill. The police had done the worst thing, possible. With the terrible idea that, seeing his family in danger of police captivity, might compell the brick-thrower to surrender, to police, this had the exact opposite effect. Once the enraged workers saw that the police had taken the brick-throwers family hostage, the police found themselves being beaten, into submission, by the enraged masses, even as the brick-throwers family was hustled off, to safety. The worst part, of all of this was over the fact that state government had REFUSED any funding, for factory jobs, even as the same politicians insisted upon approving billions of dollars, for more gambling. Mr. Brown would say "Even money says that, within 24-72 hours, law enforcement will, officially, call us in, for an "on-site evaluation"". When Tami would ask "Does that mean that the agencies cover will be blown?" Mr. Brown would say "Not if I play it, right". When Tami would ask "What do you want US to do?" Mr. Brown would say "I have another case, for you. And not from an un-known source, either. This case is a special request, directly from a pride leader". When Tami would ask "The werewolves? What would they want, with a couple of humans? I mean, we know WHAT, excuse me, WHO they are". Mr. Brown would say "It seems that is exactly WHY you have been requested, by NAME". When I would ask "What would werewolves want, with us?" Mr. Brown would say "According to the contact, the werewolves are requesting your assistance, with aiding a group of...are you ready for this?" When Tami would say "After our previous cases, we are ready for anything". When Mr. Brown would ask "Including vampires?" Mr. Brown saw Tami cringe, and pull her collar UP, to which he laughed saying "Relax, its still daylight". My concern, over such beliefs, was that, far too often, in our cases, myths were proving un-reliable. Case in point: Among the myths, which Tami and I had witnessed, being shattered, was the myth that "demonic" Gargoyles could neither stand the suns life-giving rays, nor could the creatures stand before a church, without being struck down. When one gargoyle actually stood, before a church, for fifteen minutes, then asked "How LONG should I stand here, waiting?" To this, humans, standing, nearby, had let out a laugh. When Tami would ask Mr. Brown "Aside from a snack, any idea what vampires would want, from us?" Mr. Brown would say "First. I want you to take this case seriously. Second, an attachment, to the contract, states that, while working the case, your safety will be insured, from ALL immortals". When I would ask "Okay, so, whats the case?" Mr. Brown would say "Near as anyone can figure out, either a member, of a hive, has gone "rogue", and is hunting, with OUT the hives permission, or, knowledge, OR". Tami would finish the thought "OR, someone is attemping to make it APPEAR that the vampires are on the hunt. This leaves the question of WHY?" Mr. Brown would say "THAT is what you are tasked with learning. IF it is a rebel creature, it seems that both the vampires, and the werewolves, want the "rogue" stopped, before the hive is exposed". When Tami would ask "What will happen if the trouble-maker turns out to be human?" Mr. Brown would say "Let us hope it does not come to that." When Tami would press "Sir, what will the vampires do, IF the suspect IS human?" Mr. Brown would say "We have two choices. Take the offender away, in shackles" When Tami would press "OR?" Mr. Brown would say "I have been informed that, if human justice fails, the offender will be burned, alive, and at the stake." When Tami would ask "HOW do we know this will not just be a frame up? A way for the vampires to retaliate, against humans, for countless centuries, of hunting their kind?" Mr. Brown would say "Most of the information is in the file. Just remember that these clients have requested you, by NAME. Take it as a compliment, and treat that compliment with respect". Before we departed agency offices, Mr. Black would present each of us with a "gift". A collar, on whose reverse side was printed "For those fools, who, still, believe in vampire lore". On-board G.S.2, Tami would suggest "If its all the same, to you, I will work this case from INSIDE the plane". I would, only, say "Suit yourself". Upon review, the case file made as little sense as the case, of the look-a-like had. In this case, though, people were being attacked, by what appearred to be vampires. This, however, could not be true since it would seem that, nowadays, even immortal creatures were much more computer literate than I was. The file even suggesetd that some of the main "evidence", for human tampering, was the fact that hand written signatures, on hive entry, and exit, journals, had been replaced with electronic print readers. Sure, hive members could, still, come, and go, as they desired, but a computer logged all movement. What caught Tami up, short, was the part, of the file, concerning the communities leading industry. According to the file, it would seem that the vampires had recruited a firm, which was pioneering blood plasma technology, to build in the community. The firms stated primary goal, was to create an altervnative blood supply, for hospitals. The goal being to create new strains, of blood, which would strengthen victims, of even severe blood loss. It was being supposed that this would allow patients a better chance, of surviving care, and even surgery. What baffled Tami, though, was the fact that the blood facilities employees were listed by species. Vampires were listed, in a seperate column, from humans. When we touched down, and met with the mayor, the man would say "Dont worry. Short periods, of daylight, do not harm us". Then added "Most, of my day-shift staff are humans." Inside the mayors office, when Tami asked about the blood processing facility, the mayor would laugh as he said "Typical human. You just cant see past Bela Lugosi's fangs". When Tami would admit "I cant help thinking about Barnabus Collins". The mayor would say "My dear girl. This is the twenty-first century. We dont hunt humans. In fact, we, hardly, ever did, except, ofcourse, in the movies." When Tami would ask "The blood facility? Local use only?" The mayor would let out another laugh, then ask "Dear girl, would it put you at ease to know that, maybe, 5% of blood production is consumed by the population?" When Tami would ask "And, the remaining 95%?" The mayor would say "We have contracts, with major hospitals, across this nation. Our blood plasma SAVES lives, everyday. WE make humans stronger, and more resilient". When Tami asked "For what purpose?" The mayor would say "You really are hung up, on those vampire movies, arent you?" When Tami would ask "Answer the question, please". The mayor would say "The answer is NO. We are NOT planning any "harvests". We understand that stronger, and healthier, humans are more productive, and produce higher quality products. In this case, well-nourished humans have increased the value, of the blood supply, to the point where one of your hamburgers is as filling, as three plateful, at a smorgasborad". When I would suggest "So, you weined your people OFF of the public blood supply, now that you have your own supply." The mayor would smile as he said "And, to make it even better, a HUMAN even came up with the idea of adding all kinds of flavors". When Tami would ask "Such as" The mayor would say "Would you believe it? Strawberry, Peppermint, even steak, and potato. This list is, almost, endless." When Tami would say "So, there is no need to hunt. WHY, then, are people being attacked?" The mayor would correct this, by saying "Not just WHY, but, also, by WHOM?" When Tami would ask "Why us?" The mayor would say "After your efforts, for our brothers, of the pride, we decided you would be our best option, for fiding the truth. We need to know WHO, and WHY, before the hive is exposed". When Tami would ask "Dont you have your own staff?" The mayor would say "For local matters, yes. We need outsiders eyes, on THIS case, in order to ensure that no one even suspects a lynching". When Tami agreed that we would do our best, the mayor no-sooner showed us out of his office, when his secretary would hand us a couple of iPad, or smart-phone, type devices, while, casually saying "The places, marked with a "V" primarily serve vampires, while the "H" locations serve, primarily, humans". When Tami would suggest "Modern segregation?" The secretary would say "HARDLY! We are very integrated. Some humans, and vampires, just prefer their own kind. We, even, have specialty shops." When I would suggest "You mean, like video stores, book stores, and auto parts stores?" The secretary would say "Precisely. Oh, and dont tell anyone I said so, but, the best auto mechanic, in town, is a vampire. He started back in the days, of horse-and-carriage, and just kept up with the times". Tami and I would thank the woman, for the information, then proceed with our work. Outside of city hall, Tami would suggest "No matter what anyone says, I prefer to be safe. I am going to buy some garlic". Since I knew we would be "under surveillance", since we were outsiders, I just took it in stride, let Tami buy her garlic, while I began examining the area. During this case, the only "difference", which I noticed, between humans, and vampires, was the senses of sight, smell, and hearing. While regular bats are blind, and fly via radar, it would seem that vampires have a night vision which would put the militaries best devices to shame. Vampires could, also, smell scents, which were far beynd human ability to detect. As for vampire hearing, when tested, a guide would verify what I had said, from ten miles away. The only trait, which ONLY the young vampires seemed to flaunt, was the glowing eyes. Our guide would inform us that, when eyes glowed, the vampire could see through any creature, just like an ex-ray. Tami also noticed that these vampires had, also, abandoned the use, of capes, with high collars, as well as tailored suits. Nowadays, it seems, the well-dressed vampire was just as leisurely as for human adults. As Tami was to find out, "admittance", to the vampire community, was HEAVILY regulated, by the vampires, themselves. It would seem that the hive wanted to be certain, of a persons convictions, prior to transformation. As the vampires would inform Tami, this was especially true, after the tale, of a young woman, who had wanted to join the hive, for the purpose of "exposing" its members. It was not until the woman realized that she was no-longer human, that she caused a laugh riot, among the vampires, by waiving crucifixes in front of the creatures, as well as spraying potions, and chanting, from the Bible. When the vampires were finished laughing, at the fool, she had asked "What do I do, now?" The head vampire would suggest "Let us watch the sun rise, together". Come sun-rise, the experienced vampire would watch, from the shade, as the in-experienced human would call out, to the rising sun "Lord, I am ready to return to thy home". Moments later, as the sun had begun to warm the sky, it was the FEAR, which killed the girl. This, she did, by fearing God's vengeance, to the point, that her heart gave out. Later, a member, of the hive, would drive the body into town, to the coroners office. At this point, Tami began to FEAR that her own reports, to the Brown Agency, were beginning to sound like re-hashes. The only, real, exception, to this, would be the vampire, who worked at an herbs, and vegetables, shop. A woman whom, when Tami had asked about the freshness, of garlic, the vampire had said "Fresh this morning. Still smells wonderful". When Tami realized that garlic was just an old tale, about vampires, Tami went back to her research, hoping no one was looking for a "snack". Contract, or not, Tami was not about to be anyones "snack". The problem, which Tami encountered, most often, was in telling the species apart. Un-like mmovies, where vampires skulk about, in the shadows, and the dark, preying on un-suspecting passers by, these, modern, vampires seemed just like anyone else we knew. It was the elder females, who were willing to take Tami on a "stroll down memory lane". Tami would be informed of how, after centuries, of being hunted, all over Europe, hive members had concealled identities, and signed on, as crew, on ships, sailing to the West. Hoping to "blend in", the vampires found that, even in colonial America, there was just so much suspicion. According to one female, history would recall that one, colonial woman was lashed, then burned, at the stake. Her crime: Holding her husband "accountable", for bearing a child, by another woman. When Tami began to question this, the female would remind Tami "Remember. We are talking of colonial America. There was NO Constitution. NO 19th amendment. Even human women were at the mercy, of their men". When Tami asked HOW the hive coped, with such practices, the female would say "For awhile, our members fed on the hobo's, and criminals." When Tami asked "What changed?" Another female would say "People began asking questions". When Tami asked "Why bother?" The female would say "It seems we took a life, which was prepared for the church." When Tami would suggest "I'll bet THAT went over, real well". The female would say "Hunting parties, torches flaming, clubs, to bash the heads, of the suspected". Another female would add "Dont forget how many mortals were bashed, by one another, just because the humans suspected one another." When Tami would suggest "You, obviously, survived, to tell the tale. How was this possible?" A senior female would say "That is simple. You humans FEAR what you do not understand. To survive, all the hive had to do was move into the shadows, of the wilderness. The farther we vanished, into the wilderness, the less chance, of being hunted." When Tami would ask "Please forgive my curiousity", the female would say "Yes, human. We have dietary needs, just like you. Un-like your horror movies, though, we maintain much more control, over our lives". When Tami would ask "Before the blood facility...?" The first female would say "Would you believe it. We raised cattle". When Tami would ask "For slaughter?" The female would say "Heavens, no. We kept the stock alive, for many years. We fed, and tended, them, and they provided for our needs". Another female would join the group, saying "Thank Heavens the research group wanted to develop more potent blood. I was geting tired of having to eat, three times per "day"." When Tami would ask the lady "You said "Heavens", then Tami asked the other woman "You said "Thank Heavens" I thought your species was as far from Heaven as possible". The elder female would ask Tami "Child, have you, never, cursed an injury?" When Tami would admit that she had, on occassion, the female would ask "Did those words make you "evil"?" Tami would say "No, ofcourse not". The woman would say "So, there you have it. Words are just words, unless you place MEANING on them". Another woman would add "Or, FEELING". The previous woman would continue "behind the words". When Tami looked baffled, one of the women took out a Bible, and held it in her hands. When Tami asked "HOW", the woman would say "To me, it is just ink on paper". then added "You know, I can even recite the Lords Prayer, from memory". When Tami looked around her, the vampires would say "They are just words, to us. No different from saying "Hello". We, simply, did not INVOKE the words". When Tami would ask "Invoke?" A female would say "For example: IF I were to place emphasis, on the words, such as "In Jesus name I pray, Amen". If I placed PASSION behind the words, as Christians would do, I would be "toast". After spending a few days, coming to know the vampires, Tami decided to try the "other" direction, and interview some humans. To Tami's surprise, most, of the humans had no complaints, about the vampires. In fact, most humans considered the vampires to be good co-workers. Tami DID learn, from a human supervisor, "We are, still, trying to come up with a type of blood, strong enough to treat terminal blood loss. The goal being to aid more humans, in surviving tragedies. Also to allow vampires to reduce their need to feed, to a single dose, daily." When Tami suggested "Sounds like vitamins", the human would say "Essentially the same idea". Tami did learn that the main topic, which neither species WANTED to speak of, were the recent attacks. The vampires were convinced the perpetrator was a human. Purpose: Drive away the hive. The humans, however, were convinced that the vampires were covering, for one of their own. A "rogue". A vampire, not happy with pre-packaged food. Problem was that, without more evidence, either side COULD be correct. The one thing Tami knew was that the perpetrator was clever enough to avoid all surveillance camera's. There just wasn't a single, clear, photo, of the criminal. In fact, the closest thing, to a "clear" photo, was taken at a recent festival, which had been celebrating something to do with vampire history. In order for humans to attend the procceedings, though, the humans were required to dress as "classical" style vampires. As a result, a criminal might have been right in front, of everyones eyes, and no one saw the criminal. It would be I, myself, who would submit an idea, to the city council. The idea being that, if we had not, already, captured the criminal, before the next celebration, that we would have the celebration, suddenly, go dark, and for just long enough to see which eyes glowed (either with youth, or in-experience). When a council member would say "Sir, indoors, that would not work, since our vision is much better than yours" When I would ask for other suggestions, the council member would say "I know I will regret saying this, however, what about having the human butcher supply a rack, of spare-ribs. Un-cooked, and un-washed, ofcourse". When another council member would suggest "That would lead to a feeding frenzy". The council member would add "Not if we eat, first. That way, only the blood will attract our outsider". The council member would, then, ask me "Human, HOW do you intend to proceed, once this is done?" I would suggest "Once your hive is accounted for, Tami and I can move on, to checking the humans". When a council member would mention "Not all, of the hive attend such functions", I would ask "What would you suggest, to bring the hive out, enmasse?" The council member would say "A burning body". Later, once we had all of the details worked out, I mapped out the area, showing where each species should gather. My hope was that someone, human or vampire, would "slip up". Maybe even a cheer, for the burning, of a vampire. My well-conceived plan fell through, though, the very next day, when yet ANOTHER body was found. For some reason, though, Tami would say "I dont like the looks, of that wound". In the morgue, the coroner left the exam room, to bring in the police, to remove Tami from the morgue. During the time, when the coroner was bringing the police, Tami would shoot as many three-dimensioonal pictures, as she could, prior to the police asking her to leave. At police request, Tami left the morgue, now that she had the pictures. Back at G.S.2, Tami shared her suspicions, with me, in person, and with Mr. Brown, via video conference. Mr. Browns own examiner would agree with Tami "At first glance, these marks DO appear to resemble fangs. Dog, bar, even bat, varieties. On closer examination, though, we find either metal, or aluminum, in the wound. Moving even closer, we see marks, indicating not so much a needle, nor tooth puncture, but more like a claw. Maybe even a hand. A ripping effect". As Tami documented the evidence, which was presented, I surveyed the area, around the actual crime scene. If, as thought, the victim had struggled, prior to death, there SHOULD have been evidence, of the struggle. Shortly after Tami made her daily report, to the Brown Agency, a message arrived, at G.S.2, from Mr. Brown's office. After police officers lost enough members, to the blood rage, of an embittered population, the chief of police, along with the state police, received a "gag order", from a judge, who was condemning any mention, or suspicion, that the police were "inciting people to riot". It seems that the judge was more than willing, to issue this order, after the radical had suggested that the un-employed WORK, for food, clothing, and shelter. When social services agencies had pleaded, that there was not enough work, for all of the un-employed, the radical had no-sooner said "Let them STARVE, then" When the judge, a conservative, themselves, though not as VOCAL as the radical, issued the order. The radical would be forced into "underground" silence. This, after no less than five, maybe ten, angry, shooters, had taken shots, at the radical. While the radical had demanded that all of the shooters be listed as "terrorists", when police stormed roof-tops, they found shooters, resting, comfortably, hands raised, in surrender. Their rifles, maybe five feet away. Mr. Brown would add "Now, that the loud mouth has been gagged, maybe things will begin to cool off". When Tami asked "Any chance of manufacturing jobs returning to the area?" Mr. Brown would, only, say "Dont get your hopes up". While one situation had been diffused, by the gag/muzzling of the radical, this left another question. One not so easily answered. So far, Tami had only one "body", to work with. Even then, Tami would report that the evidence seemed to be pointing towards a "frame job". Still, the Brown Agencies medical examiner would caution Tami "Just because this killer got careless, this does NOT mean that the others were, as well. Until we have more samples, to compare, I remain hesitant to draw any conclusion". Shortly, after this, Tami got a "lesson", up close, and personal, by a trio, of vampire females. The vampires had donned the "traditional", movie-style, clothes, of vampires, then flew in, appearing right before Tami. When Tami looked upon the fangs, and the gaze, in the womens eyes, Tami no-sooner pulled her collar up, when the lead female would say "Told you. This human has seen too many vampire movies". All three, vampire, females, would give a hearty laugh, at this. After this, and while retracting her fangs, the lead vampire would explain, to Tami "In reality, we, NEVER, hunt from up front. It pumps was too much of that nasty adrenalin into victims blood. Makes blood barely palpable. Sort of like when you have one drink, too many". (This, Tami understood, from experience). When Tami would ask "In the movies..." The vampire would say "Thats show business. Give audiences a cheap thrill. In real life, our victims NEVER saw us coming. This way, blood was normal. That is, back when we hunted, for food." When Tami would ask "Do you THINK it COULD be a vampire?" The woman would say "Doubtful. Only a child, or a newly turned, could be so careless. This is why maturity is mandated, for entrance into the hive". When Tami would ask "What about the humans? Do you think?" The vampire would say "Heavens, no. We depend upon one another. The humans supply blood, and do the research, by day, while we take the night shift". When Tami would ask "Level with me. WHAT IS the real, ultimate, aim, here?" Thee lead female would say "That should be obvious, even to a human." Then added "We want to AVOID public scrutiny. This is why you, and your partner, were chosen. You have aided dozens, of immortals to avoid the media circus". When Tami would ask "Can you think, of anyone, in particular, who WOULD be so careless?" The vampires would consider this, long and hard. When one suggested "What about..." then added "Forget it. He's not bright enough". When another would say "What about..." The leader would say "NO! I told you. Its NOT him. He was out-of-town, during five of the attacks". When the third would say "What about..." The leader would say "We have been over this, already. It COULDN'T be HER since she was up, in Canada, for atleast two of the attacks". When Tami would ask "Canada?" The lead female would say "Our product is becoming so successful, in the U.S., that Canada is considering an import/export license, to allow sales, of our product, to Canadian hospitals. The female, in question, was in Canada, negotiating, during several of the attacks". When Tami would say "I thought that ALL vampires could change into bats, and wolves". The lead female would suggest "And bats, and wolves NEVER tire? Is that your cinematic rationale?" Tami would say "I never see a tired vampire, or werewolf, in the movies". The second female would say "THAT is because humans use up to a dozeen, seperate, animals, in your movies. The animals look fresh, since they are "swapped out", between scenes." When Tami would ask "Just how far CAN you fly?" The second female would say "Twenty-five, to thirty, miles. That is, between rests". Knowing how FAR Canada was, from our current assignmment, a bat would have needed a jet-pack, to make the trip, in the time alloted. With our list, of suspects, growing shorter, by the hour, even as alibi's were cross-referenced, and verified, Tami and I realized just how important the blood facility, and the town, were, to one another. In short: If one did not survive, then neither would the other. Add to this the reaction, if the general public were to learn that humans, working with vampires, were dying, "common sense" would be cast aside, as humans took up arms, against the "murderous" vampires. This is why Tami decided to pursue another angle. She decided to start with the towns "roots", and work her way forward. Tami was certain that, somewhere, along the way, answers would be forthcoming. As for me, I continued checking the physical lay-out, of the area, for signs of un-rest, between the species. While I did locate a partially constructed castle, buried in some nearby woods, a human would appear, saying "Dont worry. It wont harm you". When I asked "What is it?" The man would say "We made an attempt, at building our own version, of a haunted house. We thought we had enough money, for the whole thing. Turns out, we had enough money, for the foundations, but what we needed was an arts grant, to finish construction. We, almost, had it, too. That is, until a reviewer visited, and noticed our definition, of a "house". You know, in the Middle Ages, castles WERE, in fact, peoples homes." When I agreed "That is true", the man would say "Not according to the arts foundation. They decided that we were attempting to de-fraud taxpayers. As a result, the grant was withdrawn." When I asked "How bad was it?" The man would say "We had to cancel dozens of purchases, and the town was left to pay "cancellation" fee's. That is the reason why the project was abandoned". When I asked "Just curious. Whose land was this?" The man would say "Dont worry. Harry Wilcox drove himself so far, into debt, with his gambling, that he could not even pay his taxes". When I would ask "What happened to him?" The man would say "Harry died, after losing his last hand, of poker. He felt that another player had cheated him out of his last few acre's of land". When I asked "Did Harry Wilcox kill himself?" The man would smile as he said "No, sir. When Harry Wilcox drew his gun, on the other man, demanding another draw, of the deck, Harry Wilcox found himself with five pistols, all pointed at his head. When the others saw that Harry was about to shoot, they saved the other gambler, by shooting Harry Wilcox. Harry had a bad temper, dont you know". When I would ask "What will become of the land?" The man would say "Still up for debate. Some people want to restore the woods. Others want to finish the castle. Some just want the land left alone". When I asked "Where do YOU stand?" The man smiled as he said "Not my problem. Not my land. I'm just out, for a walk". When the man turned to leave, I stated my name, to which the man would say "I know." When I asked "May I knnow YOUR name?" The man would look at me, smile, and say "Harry Wilcox". With that, he dissolved. When I returned to G.S.2, to search "Harry Wilcox", I could not believe how different the man looked, in spirit form. IF local rcords were correct, Harry Wilcox had died, appearing three time his actual age. But NOT from disease. Records showed several attempts, at rehab, as well as a LONG history, of gambling, and heavy use of alcohol. The records portrayed the man as making Ebenezer Scrooge looking friendly, by comparison. The records claimed that Harry Wilcox began his gambling "career", by trying to win enough money, by wagering pieces of land, which his family still owned, in an effort to buy back land, which an ancestor had pawned, to pay taxes. Early on, Harry Wilcox had been married, however, as his wife saw their property being gambled away, she warned Harry to stop gambling. When Harry informed Natashia that he would only stop, when he regained every acre, of his family's land, his wife left him. Anything, which Harry Wilcox did not gamble away, he pawned, to cover his expenses. While the record stated that Harry WIlcox had started out, as a young, happy, man, he had died a bitter death. Result, the man I had "seen" must have been a younger, spirit, form, of Harry. It seems that Tami had some ghostly time, as well. She would report: "I visited with the madam, who operated a roadhouse, for travellers. According to Miss Anabelle, most of the really tough characters were just "passing through" the area, while trying to avoid the law. Miss Anabelle would tell me that only five travellers, that she remembered, came into the area, and she never saw them leave". When I asked "Any murderers among them?" Tami would say "Miss Anabelle would say only one that she knew of. Seems this one paid for a woman, for a whole night, and killed her, when she didn't perform, to his satisfaction." Tami would continue "Miss Anabelle said that the man came down stairs, gun drawn, saying he wanted a more feisty woman. Miss Anabelle gave her bouncer a "signal", and the bouncer let loose a single shot, from a twelve gauge rifle". When I would ask "Were the vampires here, at that time?" Tami would say "Not that I have noticed. It seems that, since some men liked to take walks, with ladies, prior to sex. No one disappearred, that way. Atleast no one recorded". When I asked "Which house, in town, was Miss Ananbelles?" Tami would say "None of them. I was told that, when the railroad came through, she lost all of her business. She, then, burned the house down, when some, sleezy, man wanted to demand that she marry him, just so he could take over the property". When Tami asked about my own report, I gave her what I had, then suggested "Unless its a descendant, this leaves us only with spirits, or the vampires". What we needed was a motive. Some reason WHY people would WANT to kill. I, then, had the crazy notion "What would happen if the blood facility closed down?" Tami would say "The vampires would starve" I would add "Unless". Tami would say "Dont even think it. These people are just as modern as we are". I would suggest "As long as food remains plentiful. But what if food vannished? What would starving vampires do?" Tami would suggest "Return to feeding off livestock?" I would say "Maybe". When I posed this same question, to the city council, it would seem they had not even considered the question, themselves. To my amazement, some members, of the city council, actually cringed, at the thought of returning to the old ways. Later, when a human woman was attacked, in the parking lot, of a local store, all that witnesses could tell police was that the attacker was wearing a dark cape. This was the best description the police had, since the parking lot lights "just happened" to be off, at the time of the attack. When police found the stores night clerk, in the darkened basement, of the store, and questioned the clerk, the human would say "I KNOW the lights are out. THAT is why I am down here. By the way, may I use your flashlight". When the officer askeed "Where is the flashlight, which the owner keeps, behind the counter?" The clerk would say "Dead batteries. Thats why I need YOUR light. I need to find the fuses". With the police flashlight, the fuse box was found, easily. It did raise more questions, especially when the fuse box was found not to have two burned out fuses, but two MISSING fuses. When the clerk opened a fresh box, of fuses, and installed two new ones, the basment lit up, and the clerk would say "Let there be light". When Tami interviewed the few witnesses, to the incident, th "best" descriptioon she, or the police, received, was a "figure, in a cape". Atleast two people wanted to call it a dark cape, but Tami stated that, in the darkened lot, ANY colors, other than white, yellow, or orange, would appear "dark". While the police checked the store, for any signs, of forced entry, Tami and I considered HOW the vandal could have entered, when the only way, to the fuse box, was walking past the clerk. How did the vandal gain entry? As for the WHY, of the fuses, that part was easy to figure out. The vandal must have grabbed the fuses, to the parking lot lights, during the day. This, to make sure the parking lot would be cast, into darkness, after sun set. The basement fuse, ofcourse, was taken, to prevent reset, of the parking lot fuse. (To buy the criminal TIME, for the attack). When myself, and the police, checked the stores flashlight batteries, we could see that these batteries were "old as the hills". When the clerk said "No way! I just changed the batteries, two weeks ago. Fresh, new, ones". When the police handed the clerk a battery, asking "Fresh and new?" The clerk would say "I didn't know they still made this brand of battery". When Tami composed her report, to the Brown Agency, Mr. Blue would come on the vid-link, asking "Tami, are you copying data, from the look-a-like case?" Tami would only say "There are similarities. In this case, though, someone wants us to THINK the vampires are behind local problems." When Mr. Blue would ask "Didn't vampires settle the area, first?" Tami would say "That right. Humans were invited in, both to supply blood, and to work at the facility, during the daylight". When Mr. Blue would say "It makes no sense. If the vampires were there, first, and built the town, then WHY would humans, whose jobs depend on the vampires, want to frame their employers?" Tami would ask Mr. Blue "Does it not seem strange that someone went to all the trouble, of blacking out a parking lot, just to frame the vampires?" By the next noon, the city council gave Tami and I some news. It seems that the same, store, clerk, whom we spoke to, last night, DID remember seeing someone going into the basement, during the day. The clerk just hadn't paid any attention, at the time, since the delivery was the usual stock. This is why it had taken the clerk overnight to remember that the delivery MAN was different. Once the delivery man was identified, and his house was searched, the fuses were found, even as the man insisted "I am being framed". When the police asked the man "Then, WHY did you make the delivery? Why not the regular man?" The man would say "I dont know about the fuses. I got a call, yesterday. Company said the regular driver was sick, or something. I took his delivery, fo the extra CASH". When the police would ask "HOW did the stores fuses get into your place?" The man would say "I dont know". Even while the delivery man was being processed, that evening, someone, in a cape, and, reportedly brandishing fangs, attacked a human, outside a local tavern. When the police, Tami and I, arrived, at the scene, the victim gave his statement, even as police were asking the bar owner "Whats up with your security lights?" When the bar owner shrugged, as though the light should be on. Tami would discover the problem. When Tami called the police over, and showed police the freshly cut and, still shiny, wires, a photographer would take several photos, then another officer would re-connect the wires. Sure enough, the parking lot was, soon, bathed, in artificial light. After the police took down the basic information, Tami kept the bar owner talking about the day and, during the conversation, the bar owner would say "Funny thing, though. When a few, of my inside lamps went out, and my replacement bulbs would not light, I called the service. Strange thing is, they didn't send Eddie". When Tami would ask "Who is Eddie?" The police would say "Edward Hoskins. Works in the local electrical shop. Does most of the towns small repairs. Even done some work, at the police station". This is when the bar owner would say "I didn't think much of it. The guy they sent had an electrician uniform, just like Eddie wears. The man came by the bar, adjusted the lights, then did "What do you call it?" "A perimeter check"". When Tami would ask "Any problems?" The bar owner would say "The guy said "Just some lose wires. It happens as buildings age". When the police would ask "Did the security light work, before the electrician arrived?" The bar owner would say "I guess so. I think. I really dont know". Pretty common answers, for the normal breed of person. Nothing rehearsed. It was not until the mayor was attacked, with a message, written in blood, across th mans body, saying "Die, vampire, die". Tami was abut the only person present, who noticed that the security ligths, around the mayors car, were out of order. The body was cast in shadow, and the person, who found the body, had been out, walking a dog. The finder thought the body was a homeless person. As Tami was writing her own, daily, report, Mr. Brown sent US a message, saying "Things, back home, are coming back to normal. The loud mouths have been evacuated, and locals have cooled down". Soon, after this, Tami found an article, on the internet, where someone was trying to explain, in civil terms, the reason why America could NEVER be a manufacturing nation, ever again. "Americans just expect too HIGH of wages. Wages which are in direct conflict with the wages, of other nations". Tami COULD have posted a response, about the level of PRICES, however, it seems that twenty-five other people had done so, already. It seems that, now that the state had gone silent, on the jobs matter, not only were those, convicted of the attacks, aiding in the clean-up, but so were other citizens. No manufacturing jobs were going to come into the area, but, on a positive note, neither were casino's. For Tami and I, however, the question was "WHO was trying to frme the vampires? and WHY?" Sure, our investigation turned up the fact that a handful, maybe more, of HUNTERS, had passed through this area, however, none had paused, or taken notice. After the events, of the look-a-like case, Tami waited until AFTER she had made her own, internet-based copies, of the video footage, before submitting any official requests. It was a good thing Tami made her own copies since a member, of the city's own security force was found erasing the footage, instead of cataloging it. The suspect, a human, would say that he was offered $10,000, just to erase the video. WHY? By WHOM? The man did not know. While the camera footage was "grainy", at best, by the time Mr. Black, and his crew, finished, the video was as clear as a DVD. Despite this, no one recognized the attackers. Two men, and one unknown. For the first time, in many cases, **I** was able to point out something, in video, which my partner had "ignored". When I had Tami look at the video, then asked her "What do you see?" Tami would state the obvious. "Young woman, wavy hair, brunette, white skin, or make-up, wearing classic vampire cape. What else IS there to see?" This is when I would show Tami close ups, of most of the female vampires, which I could locate, on short notice. I DID have to wonder if my partner was testing ME, as I showed her various, constrained, vamps. When I emphasized "Look at the size of the breasts", with the footage showing many of the actresses costumes barely containing their chests. I, then, showed my partner the actresses large rears. When Tami would say "I hope there is a point, to all of this". I used another monitor, to show "our" local, female, vamps. Like I told my partner "I do not believe this woman knew she was playing a part. If she did, she felt it was a bit part". When Tami would look at the video, of the attack, on the mayor, asking "Why? Just because she does not have" I would say "Exactly. This actress must have been cast, last minute. I would wager that she never played a vamp before". When Tami would ask "Even if all of this were true, WHY go to all the trouble, to produce fake vampires? Especially in an area where two-thrids, of the population, are REAL vampires". I would suggest "I THINK the perpetrators, of this act, are hoping that FEAR will make regular people lash out, against the vampires". But WHY? After all, the vampires are the "heart" and "soul" of this town. They BUILT this place". I would suggest "Maybe a spurned lover. Maybe, someone who wanted to JOIN the hive, but was rejected. Maybe, the church is tied in, somehow." Tami would run off my options, saying "First of all, the church would, NEVER, be so open. They prefer to operate "behind the scenes", just like us." "Spurned lover?" Not quite so far-fetched, since we, both, know how FAR people are willing to go, for love". "As for the idea that someone, who the hive rejected?" That is one angle I have not yet considered I wonder?" Tami and I spent our next three days digging into records, starting with most recent, and working our way back, into the past, over the centuries. At times, when Tami noticed that some of the people were listed as "snatched", Tami sent me out, to the local church, to check grave markers. When a minister "caught" me checking head stones, I asked the man about the "sanctified" graves. When the minister would say "Church records state that each person was given confession, and communion, and declared "sanctified", before death. When I asked for generic information, such as reasons, for "sanctification", the minister would say that peoples souls were heavy, with grief, or regret. When Tami took the "sanctified" list before the vampires, the hive members verified which names, on the list, had been turned away. The hive members even told Tami the reason, for each rejection. While some, of the "sanctified", were regular people, just looking to be free, of either guilt, or remorse, there were those, who thought they needed to be "sanctified", just for wanting to become vampires. One of the male vampires, who was, also, a computer programmer, would remark "Remember that one person. I forget their name. They thought that beccoming a vampire would make all of their trubles, in life, go away." Another, hive, member, would say "Now I remember. His name was Alex. When we researched his history, and found that he enjoyed beating on, and terrorizing, people, the hive rejected his request, for immortality". When Tami would ask "Why would such a monster want eternal life?" A vampire would say "A way to chat your Justice system. After all, once a person is turned, and is immortal, a life, or even a death, sentence, becomes meaningless." When Tami would ask "What happened AFTER you rejected him?" Tami would be informed "He TRIED to take revenge, by pouring gasoline into the hive, and setting the members on fire. He, then, waited, by the hive entrance, with a shot gun, ready, to execute our members, as they fled the fire." Another vampire would say "Only one problem. Alex forgot that we are immune, to normal bullets. When members emerged, from the hive, Alex emptied the shot gun, into our membership. When none of us fell, to the bullets, Alex grabbed a dross, and began chanting "Please, Lord Jesus. Protect me from the creatures". When Tami would ask "Should I ask what you did, with him?" A senior vampire would say "We did NOTHING to him, except detain him, until the police came". "Alex is, now, serving a life sentence, without chance of parole, and not just for the Arson, either. He is serving, for attempted Murder, and for a rap sheet, which makes the hive look Heavenly, by contrast. When Tami would ask "Any other radicals?" A vampire would mention There was a human girl, named Sarah. She, somehow, had the idea that, if she gave BIRTH, to a vampires child, that she could use this as her way IN, to the hive. Ofcourse, the hive turned her away. After all, everyone knows that immortals are mortals, who were TURNED into immortals. No one is born immortal. Where you humans get such ridiculous ideas, is beyond the hives understanding". When Tami would ask "What if I were to ASK to be turned?" The vampires would tell Tami "Forget it. Your heart is way too pure, for our way of life. You would "fit in", better, as a angel. You would, never, make a good vampire." When Tami would ask "Would it be possible for a human to turn themselves?" The vampires would let out a hearty laugh as they said "We have not heard that one, in 45 years." When Tami would ask "Please, Explain". The vampire leader would say "Its been almost 50 years, since we, last, rejected a human, who only wanted to be a vampire, for sexual reasons. The fool had read about the allure, of Vampirism, and he wanted to try it out. See if being turned would make him a great lover. When we explained the details, which the process entailed, the man told us that ALL he wanted was the sexual prowess. When we turned him away, he vowed that he would turn himself, and we just laughed, as he stormed off. Last we knew, he had found some spell book, and was practicing on himself." When Tami would ask "Is it possible that one, of these people, or, maybe a decendant, might be seeking revenge?" The vampires, generally, agreed that it WAS possible. When the ruling came back, from the coroners office, on the mayors body, we were not-at-all surprised to learn that the wounds, on the body, were packed with garlic, and other, anti-vampire, concocktions. In fact, the duty coroner, also a vampiree, would say "No question, the mayor was tortured, before he was killed". When I asked "Might you determine what TYPE, of weapon, was used, or who the killer was?" The vampire would say "Best guess. Either the sloppiest vampire, in history, or a human, trying to give the impression, of a vampire". When Tami would do our best, to follow up on the "sloppiest vampire", angle, firsy, this angle lead to nothing more than outtakes, from movies, and television. Outtakes, which showed fangs falling off, and fake, body, parts, falling to pieces. The GOOD news was that Tami had been able to I.D. our petite, female, "vampire", who was filmed during the attack, on the mayor. The human was a hostess, on a childrens t.v. show, and she spent most of her time teaching children how to read, write, and clothe, themselves. As for her "performance" experience, this was limited to some "bit-parts", in movies, as well as some talent searches. In fact, according to her resume, the woman was hired, by the childrens show, one day, when the regular woman had to be hospitalized, for some reason. While producers went to face a mob, of howling, screeching children, the producers wer amazed when they found that the woman held the children "spell-bound", with a book of fairy tales. Producers enjoyed the womans performance, so much, that, even without a college degree, in Childhood Development, the woman was hired, to fill in, for the regular host. (Atleast until the regular woman was out of the hospital). While the National Education Association might have been "Up, in arms", that a college degree had not been chosen, for the job, the N.E.A. backed off, when the network promised that the woman was only a temporary fill-in. "Temporary", however, was very LOOSELY defined as "While regular host remains under medical treatment". Result: Our young "vampire" had a complete season, under her "belt", and was working on a second season. When the police called the woman in for an "interview", she acted so natural, and she did not hesitate, one bit, when asked abut the vampire role. As the woman said, as she withdrew the print out, of the message, which contained the offer "I was paid $100,000 to dress up, like a vampire, for a single night". When police asked the woman "Weren't you suspicious of the offer?" the woman would ask "Why should I be? After all, my temporary job, as a childrens show host, pays just $10,000 per episode. WHY should I be suspicious when someone wants me to play dress up?" When the police checked the message, even the police were surprised at just how MANY, anonymous servers the message had travelled through. When the womans bank account was searched, it was shown that $100,000 had been deposited, and that this brought the account UP, to a balance of $150,000. Over the next two weeks, while I was examining the physical lay-out, of both the community, and the blood facility, Tami would be typing away, on her keyboard, with "endless", internet, searches. Tami was, really, becoming annoyed by the fact that, no matter which "search engines" she used, the same information just continued to "pop up", time-after-time. The whole world seemed convinced that a vampires sole purpose, in "life", was to seduce the innocent, while murdering adults, via draining blood through neck wounds. When Tami was about to file ANOTHER "No progress, yet" report, to the Brown Agency, our co-pilot would place my partner onto a new, and different, "path". The co-pilot, would do so simply by asking "Aside from the blood suckers, and the hospitals, who ELSE would be interested in the blood supply?" Tami would consider game hunters, however that made no sense, to her. This is because it is a known fact that hunters use animal blood, to attract game. Tami considered "Satanists", but ruled them out. After all, like any other "religion", Satanists have rituals, and ceremonies. Satanists would not bother with security lights, and they would not risk "exposure", by attacking victims, right in front of the general public. When the co-pilot would ask, again "Other than blood suckers, and hospitals..." and Tami would cut him off, saying "The term is vampire. NOT blood suckers." When the air force veteran would say "Excuse me, but, besides the VAMPIRES, and the hospitals, who would CARE about a blood processing facility?" This is when Tami would, no-sooner, say "Who knows what kind of competition there is..." then Tami told the co-pilot "Thank You. Thats just what I needed." When the co-pilot walked away, looking stumped, and wondering "WHAT DID I say?" Tami smiled, and switched her search, from the past, and into the present. She began searching for research grants, start-up companies, and so forth. Tami would be astonished by just how MANY people, and groups, all seemed to be in some sort of "race", to discover would could PATENT the most potent blood, on the market. Tami, soon, realized why these other groups were so far behind this community. The research indicated that only HALF of the staff, of most facilities, were working to improve blood quality. The OTHER part, of such groups, seemed, discreetly, focused, and involved, in seeking un-trace-able persons, as "guinia pigs". While Tami could not be certain, she thought that the idea, of using homeless people, as a source of blood, might have been for the purpose of supplying suspected vampires with "poisoned" blood. Add to this the fact that SOME, of the European competitors were only adding chemicals, to blood, and were not even considering "flavoring" the blood, and Tami found a basic foundation, for her research work. For her next report, to the Brown Agency, Tami would list her suspicions, as to WHY other blood supply groups would be willing to go so far as attacking, and killing, victims. Tami would include the information, that there was, alledgedly, a contest, with a prize, of $500 million, which would be awarrded to the person/group, who created a more durable blood supply. When Mr. Blue came on the link, asking Tami "Do you, really, think the Europeans are so desperate that they would hire actors, and mercenaries, JUST to win the competition?" Mr. Brown would come on the link, saying "I have had cases where people have done much worse, and for even less motive". When Tami would caution "Sirs, remember. The competition does not pay out a cent until the award is, actually, made. Until that point, all expenses come out of the competitiors own pockets". When Mr. Blue would suggest "You CANT be serious" Mr. Brown would say "Run it down. Find out who would stand to profit". Tami would say "Already on it", then sign off. Thanks to the co-pilots suggestion, Tami would find no less than seven, MAJOR competitiors, all working for the prize. Tami would report that she was AVOIDING those who only wrote reports, on the POSSIBILITY. Tami was focused on those who were pursuing actual testing. When she was "stone-walled", by atleast one companies computers, a quick call, to Mr. Black, and the agencies cyber-hackers had a "super-user" password, for Tami's use, within minutes. (Ofcourse, Mr. Black would make a complete report, to Mr. Brown, as to the reason for the hacking). Tami found out why the company, in question, maintained such tight security. Acccording to the files, which Tami accessed (and were decrypted, by Brown Agency software), it would seem that one, of the competitors, was not looking for a blood supply, at all. The companies goal was to trick vampires into sampling "marchandise", which was, actually, nothing more than triple-blessed, Holy, water. Red food coloring was added. If company projections were correct, the vampires should perish, once the Holy water was consumed. Ofcourse, two, of the other contenders, were doing nothing more than trying to bond greater amounts, of various substances, to the blood. When Tami took this information before the city council, asking "Does any of this seem familiar, to you?" The council members, all, looked to one member, who would ask Tami "May we speak in private?" Tami hoped the vampire would be quick, especially since two, more, human,bodies, had been located, with puncture wounds. The wounds were reportedly, so crude, that the medical examiner had ruled "Whoever this person is, they could not have done a worse job, with kitchen knives". Now, a vampire was confiding in Tami, as he started by saying "Back, in the day, over 1,000 years ago, more or less, when our kind fed on your species, one of my ancestors was accused of raping, then murdering, a young woman". When Tami would ask "HOW did they know she was raped?" The vampire would say "My ancestors accuser was a loyal member, of the church". When Tami asked "Why was your ancestor accused? Was he found over, or near, the body?" The vampire would say "No, he was not in the area". When Tami would ask "Then, how?" and the vampire would say "A member, of the church, gave a description. They were ready to swear, on your Bible, saying that they SAW the attacker". When Tami would say "Okay, so how does this tie in?" The vampire would say "The humans decided that, since search parties were un-able to do more than "nick" my ancestor, with bullets, the humans decided to take revenge, by attacking places where the humans THOUGHT we had a nest". When Tami would ask "Were they right?" The vampire would say "More or less. Maybe a third, of those, executed, were actual vampires." When Tami suggested "So, the family has their revenge. Why carry it on, for so long?" The vampire would say "The villagers did not just want to hunt down ANY nests. They wanted any vampire, who was even remotely related, to the criminal, dead. In short, I would say 75-80% of the destroyed hives were among my family. Since that time, and over the centuries, the victims family has sworn never to rest, until my ENTIRE family is wiped out". Tami would add "So, you think that one, of the competitiors, is using the contest to, what, get back at your family?" The vampire would say "IN my heart, and soul, I believe that they are trying to lure me out, into public, so that I can face public execution". When Tami would inquire "But, you have said that all of this happened, hoow long ago? Over 1,000 years? Could the need, for revenge, STILL, exist, after so very LONG?" When the vampire would suggest "Why not? YOUR species has been killing, in the Lords name, for over 2,000 years. Why should this be any different?" While Tami had no answeer, for this, she thanked the vampire, for the information. When Tami returned to G.S.2, and reported in, Tami was relieved when she learned thaat Mr. Brown had placed Mr. Black into research efforts. If there was an electronic trail, of documentation, to be found, Mr. Black would find it. The man was a "blood hound", when it came to data. While Tami was awaiting the results, of Mr. Blacks internet search, she would decide to take a walk, in the general direction, which I had, previously, informed her I would be doing my reviews, that morning. After spending weeks in this town, Tami no-longer feared the dark, not even when she saw another woman, on the street. Tami just hoped that she would "blend in", to the background, enough that the man, who would, soon, attack the woman, had not seen Tami Tami felt she had the "drop", on the man, thanks to the "tacticle night vision" camera, which Mr. Black had supplied her with. While Tami was impressed with the way in which the caped man drugged his victim, un-conscious, what Tami was NOT impressed with, but recorded, anyway, was the way the man used a small, battery-powered, drill, to penetrate the victims neck. No wonder the vampire coroner had remarked "This is either the work of the sloppiest vampire, in history, or it is a humans failed attempt, at impersonating a vampire". In hopes of saving the victims life, Tami would rush the attacker, knocking him off of his victim. When Tami sent her most powerful, left cross, into the mans mouth, not only did the mans fake fangs fall out, but the man cried out, as he spit out two, of his own teeth. Tami had no-sooner said "You are NO vampire", when her world went black. Whenn Tami awakened, and a voice said "Thank God shes alive. We dont need another body, on the list". When a paramedic would say "Easy, miss. You have received a blow, to the head. A nasty one, at that. Do you remember what happened?" Tami would recall the events, then the medic would say "Yep, a cordless drill would match the bruise nicely". When Tami would ask "What about the victim?" the paramedic would say "Too late for her, by the time we found you". While Tami was being patched up, in the E.R., while telling the sheriff "I'm telling you. I jumped the attacker, and gave him a left cross. His fangs gell out". When the sheriff would ask "Dont you man his TEETH?" Tami would say "NO! I dont mean teeth. I mean Halloween-style, plastic, fangs". When the sheriff would ask "Why do you think this person belted you?" Tami would say "Because I found out that he is human, and not a vampire". When the sheriff would suggest "Let me get this straight. You go for a walk, looking for your partner, and end up viewing a crime, in progress? You jump the attacker, who clubs you, for noticing that he is a human, and thats ALL you remember?" Tami would say "Thats all I remember". When the sheriff left Tami's exam room, he told his deputies "Just to be on the safe side, check out all costume rental stores. I doubt this human would have bought something, locally, but check it out, anyway". A while later, Tami received another message. "You were right, about the drill. The coroner confirms it was the weapon, which was used to kill the victims, AND it was used, on you". Tami was just recovering, from her failed rescue attempt, back on G.S.2, when Mr. Black, via Mr. Brown, sent more news. "I thought you might like to know that your camera footage was enough for a positive I.D., and an arrest warrant, against one Phillip Herman. His history is that, primarily, of a bit part player, in a LONG list, of movies." When Tami would say "That fits, with th quality, of his cape, and his fangs. What I dont understand is WHY he was mixed up, in these murders". Mr. Brown would say "Like I said, his history is, primarily, acting." Then Mr. Brown would add "According to his record, though, when acting roles are few, and far between, and he has bills to pay..." Tami would say "Part time criminal". Mr. Brown would say "Correct. And not a very good one, either. His rap sheet shows he is in, and out, of jail, practically since grade school." When Tami would ask "I wonder why he took this job?" Mr. Brown would say "That is the simple part. It seems that one of our "vampire" friends old creditors bought up ALL of the actors old debts, then froze the mans accounts. Wont even let the man work until the vampires are slain. (For real, not Hollywood style) When Tami would suggest "Too bad we cannot nail the creditor." Mr. Brown would ask "Why not?" Tami would say "Most likely, some one like that has an entire legal team, on permanent standby". Mr. Brown would say "Maybe so, but, he did make one, critical error, which Mr. Black found". When Tami would ask "What mistake?" Mr. Brown would say "It would seem that, while Mr. Herman did not know, to save his copy, of the e-mail, and it self-destructed, Mr. Black used some data terms, which even I dont understand, and Mr. Black FOUND the original message. It details how Mr. Herman is supposed to dress, as well as what make, and model, of cordless drill, Mr. Herman is to use, in the killings, and so on. In effect, Mr. Herman was just a "puppet, on strings". When Tami would touch the back of her head, she would say "Didn't FEEL like a puppet, to me". Mr. Brown would say "Mr. Herman sends his apologies. He only intended to knock you out. Not to give you a head wound". Tami would mutter "Comforting, but how does this bring us closer to solving this case?" Mr. Brown would say "Once Mr. Black did his "magic", I called some of my own sources. Rumor has it that a European was hoping that, once enough bodies piled up, that not only would the humans abandon the blood facility, but that investors would pull out, as well. The company would go bankrupt, the vampires would be blamed, and hunted down." Tami would add "Then, this European walks in, and "saves the day", by purchasing the blood facility, for "pennies on the dollar". When Tami would ask "Is more potent blood REALLY such a profitable commodity?" Mr. Brown would ask "Does $20 million, per year, just in American sales, alone, sound profitable?" When Tami would mention "The mayor said they were in negotiations, with Canada?" Mr. Brown would say "Quite correct. While the Canadians, Germans, Russians, and so on, have been working, on this problem, the longest, none of these people work with vampires. It would seem that the inter-species cooperation is the key to American success." When Tami would ask "How much, in international sales?" Mr. Brown would say "Somewhere, in the billions, I would say". Tami would ask "Tell me, is it the money, or the revenge, which the European is after?" Mr. Brown would say "Hard to say. He enjoys growing his future, however, my sources say that he has been known to punch people, for even suggesting that creatures, such as vampires, are people, too." As a result, of this new information, the vampires, as well as the werewolves, would contact the local, Wiccan, coven, whose members would cast a spell. A spell deesigned to protect Phillip Herman from the European, by making the man impossible to find. It seems that, once a connection was made, however, the European would evade interpol, yet the man would fly, directly, to the vampires town. Arriving before police bulletins were posted. Tami and I were just sharing a drink, with our clients, now that we were hopeful that no more deaths would follow, when the European appearred, as if out of nowhere. The European would swing something at the vampire, clubbing the creature, then announcing "THAT is what you get, for murdering my ancestor". When Tami asked the man "WHEN was your ancestor murdered?" and the European would say "1,200 years ago." This is when the vampire would gather himself, and say "Sir, I will have you know that **I** was not even born, until several centuries later. I played no part, in any such murder. I was not born until 1735, and I did not turn vampire, until 1765." When police deputies arrived, to take the European away, deputies dragged the man away, even as the man screamed "Murderers!" This is when Tami would ask "Do you mind my asking?" The vampire would say "While I was born, and raised, human, I failed to see any "future", in the human race. I mean, all people did, in those days, was raise families, and plant crops. Any FOOL can make children. Its not "rocket science". I wanted MORE out of life. This is why I joined the vampires. I wanted to find out what man was capable of, eventually, becoming". When Tami asked "What do you think, so far?" The vampire would say "Mankind still has a very LONG way to go, however, I DO see promise. If I live long enoughh, I see a great future, before us all". The next day, Tami and I received a combination of good, or bad, news (Depending upon ones view-point). With the European owners arrest, for un-provoked assault, as well as the possible "tie in", with recent murders, the European mans blood manufacturing company would face a stock sell-off, at such levels that the company could not afford to give full re-payment. Result, hundreds of workers would be left un-employed. On the "other side", of the coin, the Europeans personal possessions were going to auction. Specculation would be that, at most, auction would just cover what investors were owed. For the American blood factory, the plus-side was that Canada agreed to a six month importing trial. While Tami and I would have thought that our work was wrapped up, Mr. Brown would contact Tami, directly, saying "I have a "personal favor", to ask, of you". When Tami asked "Whats the favor?" Mr. Brown would say "You remember that politician? The one who incited the riots?" When Tami agreed that she remembered him, Mr. Brown would say "The state has sent in both negotiators, and therapists, to try to reason with the man, however, he remains adamant. He insists that the states workers just get used to being paid just minimum wage, while living in a world where prices are based more on $200.00 per hour." When Tami would ask "What do you need me for?" Mr. Brown would suggest "I was HOPING that, with your success, in communicating with spirits, that you might be willing to talk to this man". When Tami would mention "But, I DONT AGREE with his views" Mr. Brown would remind Tami "How many times have you dealt with spirits, whom you did NOT agree with? Yet, you heard each one out". Tami would say "Thats different, and you know it. Those spirits needed their voices heard, to be free to move on". Mr. Brown would say "Then, just hear this guy out, and report. The exact same procedure you would use, with any spirit. Let him talk, then report in". When Tami would mention "You say he wants to speak to the public?" Mr. Brown would clarify He, specifically, wants to videotape a message". Now, Tami saw what was going on. Her response, to this proposal, was "After this, our next case BETTER be a simple haunting". During the videotaped session, with the radical, Tami wanted, so very much, to take a block of wood, a pipe, or even a pipe wrench, and smash this mans head in. The radical just ranted, on and on, about how the states work-force HAD to learn to work 24/7, at minimum wage, to pay bills, in a $200.00 per hour world. While Tami really did not dis-agree with the idea that the able-bodied (and able minded) should work for their keep, the problem, which the radical REFUSED to acknowledge, was the fact that almost half of the states job market had departed both the state, and the nation (ALL for cheaper labor). When Tami provided the radical a list, which she had downloaded, and which showed which companies had taken away jobs, when they left the state, then Tami asked the radical WHERE millions of people were supposed to find work, with factories demolished, to make way for boutiques, and salons Tami was ready to belt the radical, when he said "Not my problem. I say "Whip them, like the dogs they are. Whip them until they are willing to work 24/7". After what seemed, to Tami, like an "eternity", the recorder called "Thats a wrap" and, with all the dignity, and grace, Tami could muster, she rose, ignored the radicals out-stretched hand, and departed the intrview. Tami was just surprised when she found Mr. Brown, outside the recording studio, wearing work-out clothes. When Tami no-sooner said "I need a drink, or to hit something" Mr. Brown would suggest "Why dont we hit the gym?" Tami just had no idea that, after she dressed, for a work-out, and entered the gym, that Mr. Brown had "tricked" her. Mr. Brown had not only had the radicals picture taped, to the punching bag, but copies, of his statements, as well. Tami felt like punching Mr. Brown, as he gestured her to the bag, and, smiling, said "Have at it". While Tami vented her rage, on the punching bag, Mr. Brown vented his own feeling, on free weights. Mr. Brown, as well, had felt insulted, when the radical had claimed that office workers were, also, lazy "good-for-nothings", as well as the blue-collar people were. Sure, Mr. Brown spent most of his days behind a desk, however, it was from this desk that Mr. Brown controlled the actions, of hundreds of people, and thousands of cases. Not to mention millions of pieces of data. Mr. Brown could call on resources, around the state, the nation, and the world, all from his desk. Sure, "officially", Mr. Brown did not exist, and he had no "clearance", for anything. UN-officially, though, Mr. Brown was a confidant, to everyone from the mafia, to drug dealers, to the White House. Name a place, or a group, and Mr. Brown had connections. This is why, when Mr. Brown heard the radical calling one of his best operatives as well as his agency a "group of lazy dead beats", Mr. Brown decided to "hit the gym", instead of the man. While Mr. Brown was quite comfortable, with his own work-out, he watched Tami "beat the daylights out", of the punching bag. Mr. Bown focused on his own work-out, until Tami gave up punching the bag, took a drink, of water, and said "I HOPE the next assignment is better than this". When Mr. Brown would ask "If you had your choice, which would you prefer? A Russian ghost? A German ghost? A Norweigan ghhost? An English ghost?" Tami would say "As long as the spirits speak English, I will be fine". Mr. Brown would laugh as he said "I will, TRY to remember that". While this was going on, and G.S.2 was undergoing routine maintenance, I would ask our pilots how their families felt, abut the military life. As the pilots informed me, the smartest soldiers only dated, and married, people who understood was "Call of Duty" meant. While the co-pilot had not married, saying he remembered how often his won faater, also an air force man, was off, on duty The pilot was the opposite. The pilot had married a woman, whose own father had been career air force. While regulations prohibited officers from dating one another, regulations said NOTHING about civilian dependants, of military personnel. While the pilots wife-to-be was not enlisted, her family was as well-known, to air force bases, as ministers are, to churches. In fact, it would seem that, after just a few dates, "skuttlebutt" had the woman prepared to say “Yes”, even before the officer proposed. In fact, upon return, from a training flight, the pilot had found a folder, inside his locker, marked “Top Secret”. Inside the folder, the pilot had found enough information, on the woman, that he KNEW she was right, for him. (He, later, learned that his “target” had received the same information, about him). Once the two were married, the pilot kept his promise, and only went off, on duty, when the phone rang. And, yes, his fighters had been shot down, a few times. Each time, though, he was able to make a “belly landing”, then avoid capture, in various parts of the world. The pilot would inform me “While my wife was at home, dealing with dirty diapers, colds, flu, and other, childhood “ailments”, I was busy, either training, or evading enemy patrols. My wife did her best to keep me up-to-date, on the childrens progress, while I was away. To my surprise, though, even when I wasn’t around, as much as I wanted to be, my kids turned out fine. Incidentally, my boys are air force, as well, and my grandson wants to enlist, when he is old enough.” Like I would suggest “A proud history of service, to the nation” The pilot would say “That is why, when I retired, and got bored, just sitting around, and the call came, asking for a retired pilot, for your first plane, my wife said “Go”, even before I asked her”. When I suggested “You will be air force, until the day you die” The Pilots would say “A-Men!”. I have no doubt that, when their times come, there will be no question that these men will be buried at Arlington National Cemetary. Their careers have EARNED them this right. As for Tami and I, who knows if we will be remembered, at all. Oh, well, life, AND death, goes on...

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