Thursday, July 7, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: THE "HUNTERS" BECOME THE HUNTED? While neither Tami, nor myself, considered ourselves to be "hunters", I guess that, under some definitions, that is what we were. I guess that we never considered ourselves "hunters" simply because, in our work, we neither used guns, nor did we take "trophies". Still, even without knowing it, Tami and I became recognized, as "hunters", and this, by a "group", which was very UN-happy, with our record. While I examined landscapes, to learn their history, Tami's main job was to research, and communicate with, the deceased then send the deceased on their way, to either Heaven, or Hades. What not even the Chairman had felt important enough, to have Mother Superior mention, to us, was the fact that there were some "forces", which liked our world just the way it was, before Tami and I began "tampering". In short, the more souls, which Tami freed, from Earthly bonds, the fewer souls, which some "forces", had available, to enjoy terrorizing, and tormenting. While Mr. Brown was not surprised, when the red Chinese "acquired" a temple, then brought a case, before the Brown Agency, claiming that the temple was "haunted", Mr. Brown WAS surprised that the Communist Party would, even, recognize a case, of spiritual activity. This is because, from what Mr. Browns agents had told the man, for YEARS, the Chinese Communists not only did not believe in God/Allah/Jehovah, etc., but that Chinese children were taught, during early school years, that THIS life was ALL there was. There was NOTHING, beyond. The reason why Mr. Brown marked the file "SUSPICIOUS", was because the Chinese woman, who came, requesting our assistance, was not wearing regulation, Chinese Communist, clothing. She was dressed more like a multi-millionairres "trophy wife". When the Chinese woman noticed Mr. Browns suspicious gaze, she would, in a cold tone, inform him "I am on assignment, in your country. I am a dedicated Communist. What you see, before you, is nothing but a appearance. An appearance, which I wear, while on assignment, for my beloved homeland". What Mr. Brown noticed was that, while the woman was not "full-bodied", she, also, did not have the half-starved look, of most Chinese, whom the world knew of. When Mr. Brown gestured the woman, to a seat, and the lady sat before the desk, she laid out the situation, in clear, concise, verbal, notes, even as Mr. Brown made his own "notes", as well. "Notes", which included the fact that the woman would NOT reveal WHO had referred her to the Brown Agency. "Notes" about how, suspiciously, well-informed the woman was, and not just about Tami and I, but about Ghost Ship 2, its pilots, and their families. For an agency, which prided itself on anonymity, this Chinese woman seem to know enough, about operations, to make it seem like the Brown Agency had been front-page headlines. It was only AFTER his meeting, with the Chinese woman, was at an end, and she had been escorted out of the agencies offices, that Mr. Brown asked Tami and I into the "Security Control" section. Once inside Security Control, Mr. Brown offered Tami and I a seat, while he wrote a note, on a pad of paper, then gave the note, to another agent. The agent, then, left the room, and returned, with four, other, agents, ALL of whom were armed with detection gear. After five sweeps, of the room, in silence, the agent gestured, to Mr. Brown, for us to speak. Mr. Brown would inform us "A woman has just departed my office. An admittedly Red Chinese agent. She says her government is requesting our assistance, since they seem to have a ghost problem". When Tami would ask "I thought that the Communists, all over the world, denounced God, Heaven, Angels, and spirits". Mr. Brown would say "So we have been informed, for most of the past 50 years. I should, also, mention the following: The woman was neither severely dressed, as Communists are portrayed, nor did she have the LOOK, of near-starvation, which regular Chinese are supposed to have. She, further, claims that she is in Amerrica, on assignment, and that her healthy appearance, and her clothes, are all, nothing more than a "costume". Something for her to use, while on assignment". When the agent gave Mr. Brown the "All Clear" signal, then the surveillance team left the room, Mr. Brown would say "Now, we may talk, freely". When Tami asked "About what?" Mr. Brown would relate how much Top Secret information the woman had presented Mr. Brown with. Mr. Brown, also, showed us surveillance footage, of how "revealling" the womans clothing had been. Mr. Brown would, then say "I would not be surprised if this were a trap. This whole thing "smells"." When Tami would ask "What did she tell you?" Mr. Brown would say "She told me that, in some place, called JIng Jong Province, there is a village, with a temple, I THINK, where locals are having a ghost problem". When I asked "Jing Jong? Sounds made up to me. Has Geography verified its existance?" Mr. Brown would say "Working on it. There are just so many provinces, and villages, in China." When Tami would ask "If the Communists are, devoutly, anti-Christian, and anti-spiritual, they WHY contact us, at all?" Mr. Brown would say "That was one of my very FIRST questions. The woman insists that this is NOT an OFFICIAL, party, request. The Party, she says, wants total deniability". When Tami would ask "Then, WHY have an agent contact us? Why dont the Communists just bomb, or gas, the place?" Mr. Brown would say "Another, very good, question. We are working on this, as well". When Tami would ask "What HAVE you been told?" Mr. Brown would say "Only that, during the time, since renovations, to the property, have commenced, that noises, sightings, and so on, have been observed. There are, also, UN-verified RUMORS, of locals being dragged, inside the temple, by un-seen forces. While the abducted have failed to re-appear, bones, PRESUMABLY human, have been found, around the area." When Tami would ask "Where? Around the buildings". Mr. Brown would say "No definitive information, either on LOCATION, or SPECIES, of the bones." While the three of us were discussing how few facts were available, with this case, (apart from the fact that the property was, presumably, in Communist China), an agent would make a "report", on "Jing Jong" Province. "While we have been un-able to verify its very existance, we have used the video, from Mr. Brown's office, and narrowed the search to between seventeen, and twenty-five, possible, sites". When Mr. Brown would say "Seventeen, to Twenty-Five possibles? Thats like saying the place COULD be anywhere between Moscow, Russia, and Cairo, Egypt." The agent would say "Best we can do, with what little information the lady provided you". Tami, then, had a thought, placed a call, and asked our pilots to join us, at agency headquarters. A short while later, both men agreed that they had, from time to time, over-flown Chinese territory. They had, at times, been shot down, and required to make their way, by foot, around various villages. The pilots reported that some of the villages had "very bizzarre" (to Americans) names. Neither man, recalled a place, named "Jing Jong", though. When the pilots asked "Are you SURE you have the name right?" Mr. Brown would play back the womans own words. When our co-pilot would say "She SOUNDS sincere", Mr. Brown would say "Never mind what she SOUNDS like. Do you think this place, actually, exists?" The pilots would shrug their shoulders, as they said "Anything is possible, in that part of the world". Mr. Brown also, did not like the way these, and other, staff, members seemed to be "hedging bets". No one was willing to COMMIT. Mr. Brown had been committed, throughout his career, to retaining people who gave simple "Yes", or "No", answers. Either some thing WAS. Or, it was NOT. Since no one would commit, on this topic, Mr. Brown would inform Tami and I "Until we KNOW, more, I am closing this file. Beautiful, Communist, woman, or not. I just dont like the vast number of unknowns". That night, though, Mr. Brown would have an exceptionally vivid "dream". He was in a bed, with the Communist woman, having sex, yet, after the act was done, the woman turned her face, from Mr. Brown, exhaled, and died. When Mr. Brown looked at his surroundings, he did not see his own bedroom. He was in a bedroom, which he did not recognize. Moments after this, Mr. Brown heard fists, pounding on a door, and words, in (Chinese?). Just as Mr. Brown was trying to figure out where he was, and what was happening, the door burst in... And Mr. Brown awoke, in his own bedroom. As he looked around, at his familiar world, his body informed him that he was hungry. Like after sex hungry. He was hungry, and he felt like he had just had the most UN-fulfilling sex, of his life. When he went to his bathroom, and looked himself over, he was surprized to find the same kinds of marks, on his body, as he had, from a date, with a woman, nicknamed "The Claw". In that case, he had learned, the HARD way, why the woman was referred to as "The Claw". It seems that, when sex was "satisfying", for her, the woman dug her nails, DEEP, into her lover, drawing blood, to mark the event. From the rumors Mr. Brown had heard, however, if the womans lover was UN-satisfying, "The Claw" carried a steel claw, on her person, which she used to rip mens throats out, while the men rested. The question, which Mr. Brown had, was "HOW did I get these, fresh, marks, on my body, when I went to bed, alone?" After a "meal-sized" "snack", Mr. Brown returned to his bed, where, once sleep came, the dream returned. This time, though, during the act, the agent whispered, to Mr. Brown "Send them to Jing Jong Province. Oh, yes! Thats right! Oooh. Send them to Jing Jong Province". When his alarm clock went off, and Mr. Brown prepared, for the new day, he HOPED that the dreams were just his way of processing his concerns, over the case. That is, until he was ready to depart, for work, only to find the police at his door. When Mr. Brown invited the officers into his house, and he was asked about the woman, Mr. Brown told the truth. "Yes, she came by my agency offices. She wanted to hire a team, to go to someplace called "Jing Jong Province". When the investigating officer would ask "For what purpose", Mr. Brown would say "Rumors of a place being "haunted"." When the officer would ask "And, what was your response, to this woman?" Mr. Brown would say "I agreed to discuss the matter, with my staff". When the officer would ask "DID you discuss it?" Mr. Brown would say "I began to discuss the case, until my staff could not verify that this "Jing Jong" place, actually exists". When the officer would ask "What did you do, then?" Mr. Brown would say "I closed out the file, pending additional information". When the officer would ask "What did you do, after that?" Mr. Brown would say "I checked in, with some active agents, finished some paper-work, went to dinner, and came home". It was when Mr. Brown realized that the police wanted TIMES, and NAMES, that he asked "I know this procedure. Something has occurred. A mugging, rape, theft, maybe murder. Which one?" When the officer would ask "Why did you mention murder?" Mr. Brown would say "So, someone was murdered. Must have been overnight". When the officer would ask "Why do you say that?" Mr. Brown would ask "How LONG have you been in the police force?" When the officer would say "**I** will ask the questions. Now, WHY do you say "overnight"?" Mr. Brown would say "Son, as you grow, in experience, you will learn that the only murders, which do NOT make front page headlines, are those which happened overnight. I would suggest that, currently, the victim is on a slab, in the morgue, awaiting the medical examiners knife". When the officer would say "You seen to know the procedure, very well." Mr. Brown would produce his Private Investigators credentials. When the officer would ask "The Brown Agency? Never heard of it." Mr. Brown would, proudly, say "Because my "key", to success, is keeping cases, and clients, OUT of the media." When the officer would say "You say you had dinner, then came home. Can you verify this?" Mr. Brown would say "Only my security system." When another officer came forward, saying "Security System was activated, at the time indicated. No glitches, so far." When the officer would say "Thats all, for now", and Mr. Brown would say "Now, hold on. **I** have answered YOUR questions. NOW, its MY turn." The officer would say "Maybe another time." It would not be until Mr. Brown arrived, at his agencies offices, that he would find out what had been going on. With the secretary, still, working to verify information, Mr. Blue would give Mr. Brown the "highlights". "According to police reports, it seems that Miss Chung Lei Seng, I HOPE I said that right, was found, dead, in her room, early this morning. Police were alerted, by Miss Seng's neighbors, of exceptionally vocal, sexual, activity. It seems that sounds only ceased, when police broke in the door, only to find Miss Seng, dead, in her bed, naked. While police reports state there is no evidence, to suggest Rape, get this, police report seeing a white male, in Miss Sengs bed, when they broke in". Mr. Blue would, then, smile, as he said "Get this, the man, in the bed, supposedly, looked, directly at police, then dissolved, into thin air". Mr. Brown would have considered Astral Projection, but then he wondered about something else. Could it be that either Miss Seng, OR her killer, had been THINKING, of Mr. Brown? Could it be that Miss Seng hoped, or even WISHED, it was Mr. Brown, who was having her? When Mr. Brown checked, with some sources, these verified that "mental links" were possible, but that the one person had to have really POWERFUL desires, for the other. What spooked Mr. Brown, though, was when his source asked "What is this "Jing Jong Province?" WHY does this person want your team to visit the place, so very much?" When Mr. Brown returned to his office, the secretary would say "Good news. We have located this place. Or, whats LEFT, of it, anyway." When Mr. Brown would say "In the conference room", the secretary would put up a projection, on the wall screen. She would say "The reason why this place was so hard to find, is that it has been abandoned, for CENTURIES. As to the reasons why it was abandoned, the best guess we have is that it was a breeding ground. A place where un-wanted children went, for "training". When Mr. Brown would say "Go on", The secretary would say "The UN-wanted boys were trained, and sold, as either manual labor, soldiers, or gladiators. The girls..." Mr. Brown would say "Let me guess. The girls were trained, either as maids, or as whores. The girls were, then sold, either to rich households, or to "houses of pleasure". The children would be worked until they died, then vanished, without a trace." The secretary would say "The place operated, for centuries, before the people moved on. No defined reason. Just endless rumors. Jing Jong has been abandoned, for, maybe, 300 years." When Mr. Brown would ask "Why now?" The secretary would suggest "The place was only found, recently, and quite by accident. A survey crew, which was sent, to map the location, for a new hotel and casino. It is reported that the sounds, sightings, and so on did not begin, until workers began clearing the location." Mr. Brown would clarify "Nothing was reported, for three centuries, since the place was abandoned. Now that developers want to bring in gambling, the place is coming to "life"." The secretary would say "That about sums it up." When Mr. Brown would have a discussion, with Tami and I, about his dreams, and asked our thoughts, especially about WHY, in the dream, the woman kept panting "Send them to Jing Jong". Then Mr. Brown would ask "Whats so important about sending the two of YOU? Why not "You MUST send agents, to Jing Jong." Tami would suggest "It seems that something is waiting. Especially for US." Mr. Brown would suggest "A trap?" Tami would say "One things for certain. I am too OLD to be a hooker. Beyond that, I have no clue". When Mr. Brown asked about his dream, Tami said the same thing which the other source had said. The woman wanted Mr. Brown, in a BIG way. So much so that she must have visualized Mr. Brown, while another man was with her. Tami would add "What I dont understand is why? I mean, the Communists are, reportedly, so dedicated, to their cause, that they ignore their bodies human desires, to remain focused on long-term objectives." Mr. Brown would say "Thats what I thought, as well". When Tami would say "Must have been a dream." Mr. Brown would suggest "I have had BETTER dreams." Later that day, even though his alarm system, and his neighbors, verified that Mr. Brown had been at home, on the night in question, Miss Seng's autopsy, and D.N.A. samples, showed the womans body to be full of Mr. Brown. A man whom even Miss Sengs neighbors agreed they had not seen, before. Combine this with the fact that no finger-prints, from Mr. Brown, were found, at the crime scene, and everyone was baffled. HOW could a woman have sex, with a man, who was ACROSS town, at the time? Mr. Blue, and Mr. Black, began to think it was a "set up", especially when an incoming message, from "Sender Unknown" told Mr. Brown "It was wonderful. You were my best man, yet. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it. If our nations were not at war, I could find myself saying "I love you". The "P.S." is what got the agencies attention. "My love, remember. Send the indicated agents to Jing Jong Province. Do this, and I will know that you love me." When Mr. Blue would ask "Are we tracking this, yet?" Mr. Black's team would say "Working on it." This is when Mr. Blue had an idea, asking "If the coroner still retains possession, of the body, ask them to check for genetic manipulation." When Mr. Black would ask "You really dont think...?" Mr. Blue would say "Only one way to find out". Later that same day, when another message came, saying "My love, WHY have you not sent the agents, to Jing Jong, yet? I thought you loved me." Mr. Blue would mutter, under his breath, "Whoever you are, we will find you, soon enough." A few days later, however, Mr. Blue would, practically, have to use a crow-bar, to force the county to release the results, of the D.N.A. testing. Only after the Brown Agency had possession, of the test results, though, did staff realize why the county had NOT wanted to release the results. According to the D.N.A. tests, while the corpses D.N.A. was a perfect match for Miss Seng, the problem was the AGE of the corpse. While Miss Seng was between 25-30 years of age, the D.N.A. samples, from the corpse, were, only, SIX MONTHS OLD. This could, only, mean one thing. The corpse was a trick. Miss Seng was out there, and ALIVE. While the corpse was, in fact, verified, as Miss Seng's clone, what did not make sense was the clones lack of genetic production numbers. Every country, in the world, retained its own brand, of genetic production markers. While most nations used markers, printed in English, the Chinese use markers, written in their own language. A Chinese clone SHOULD bear genetic markers which, basically, read "Made in China". The problem was that this clone had NO markers. This was a clear violation, of international law. While the product was, clearly, Chinese, without genetic markers, even Mr. Blue, and Mr. Black, knew that the clone had to have come from an illegal source. The question was "WHO would WANT to clone Miss Seng, and WHY?" When Mr. Black was able to obtain copies, of the police reports, including the reports of what REASON brought the police, to Miss Seng's aparttment, Mr. Black, then hired a Chinese, cultural, exchange student, then made a recording, of the sounds the neighbors were reported to have heard. While the exchange student would say that the recording was the weirdest thing they had, ever made, Mr. Black agreed, thanked the student, then paid, and escorted her out, of agency offiices. It was not, however, until Mr. Black played the recording, for Miss Seng's neighbors, each of whom asked "How were you able to reccord that?" Mr. Black would, then, present Brown Agency staff with the facts, as Mr. Black BELIEVED them to be. While projecting the photo, of the clone, on a wall, Mr. Black would re-play the recording. (Ironically, only Tami, and another, female, agent, who was present, would say "Thats disgusting".) When Mr. Blue would ask "What does this mean?" Mr. Black would say "Based upon police reports, it was the SOUNDS, of passion, which brought police. Not banging on walls, beds, or even tables being knocked over". When Mr. Blue listened to the recorded moans, for a few moments, than asked "Are you suggesting that someone brought the clone into the room, and set up a recording?" When the female agent would ask "Sir, must we listen to that recording?" Mr. Blue would say "Very well, Mr. Black." at which point Mr. Black switched off the recorded moans. When Tami would ask "WHY go to all the trouble, to produce a clone, as well as those recorded "sounds"? What would the source have to gain, from all of this?" Mr. Black would say "I believe that the people, who want YOU to go, to Jing Jong, were hoping to blackmail Mr. Brown, into sending you." When Mr. Blue would ask "Have the police made a POSITIVE identification, of the man, allegedly, in bed, with the clone?" Mr. Black would say "No, sir. Only the officers, who entered the unit, claimed to have seen the man". When Mr. Blue would ask "Then, HOW can this be "connected", to the Brown Agency?" Mr. Black would say "As far as I can tell, the only "link" is Miss Seng's office visit." When Mr. Blue would say "You ARE joking, right?" Mr. Black would say "I wish I were". When the information was presented, to Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown would laugh as he said "This makes as much sense as it would if a person accused me of Statutory Rape, of an under-age girl, based. solely, on the "evidence", that I live in the girls neighborhood". Mr. Blue would caution "Sir, according to the pathology, the womans vagina WAS found, FULL of YOUR D.N.A." Mr. Black would say "Big deal! Nowadays, all that a qualified lab would need, to produce sperm, is a sample of your D.N.A.. The samples would be easy to culture, from there." then he would add "Unless the samples are fresh, or, recently, "deceased", this proves nothing". When neither the police, nor the county, would release any records, to Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown assigned a payrolled, master, thief, to retrieve a copy of the records. Not surprisingly, the samples showed signs, of LABORATORY, not biologic, growth. As a bizzarre "twist", on the case, another "case" came to light. A case, in which an agents neighbors daughter was acccusing an agent of Statutory Rape. It was only when Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, spoke to the teen (with a female police officer present), that the girl made a startling revelation. "If you want the girl to drop the Rape charge, against Mr. Scott, you WILL send the designated agents to Jing Jong Province, in China". When Mr. Brown would ask "How do you know of this?" The young woman smiled, deviously. When the police woman would ask "What is this Jing Jong thing?" The girl would say "We want the designated agents dispatched, to Jing Jong. If the agents are NOT dispatched, then Mr. Scott goes to prison, for Statutory Rape, of this, young, woman". When the police woman would ask "WHY is she referring to herself, in the third person?" Mr. Blue would say "That is because it is NOT the young woman we are speaking to." When the fmale officer would ask "I dont understand", the young woman would say "Fool! You will, also, not understand the reason why your husband will return home, tomorrow morning, fresh from raping, then beating, a high school girl". When Mr. Blue would ask "What is it you want?" The girl would, first, say "I WANT YOU to have sex with this girl. Powerful, animal, intense." When Mr. Blue would ask "For what reason?" The girl would say "It has been so very LONG. I want to FEEL a MAN, again". When Mr. Brown would ask "IF Mr. Blue agrees to your proposition, then what?" The girl would say "SEND the DESIGNATED agents to Jing Jong Province!" When Mr. Brown would ask "Why them? Why there?" The girl seemed to lose focus, then, in front of police, and investigators, she would rip off her clothes, shouting "RAPE!" Once a blanket was brought into the room, and thrown over the young womans body, the girl would be taken to solitary confinement, shouting "RAPE!" all the way. Early, the next morning, the police officers husband would awaken, from a nightmare, to inform his wife "You wont believe this, but I just had a nightmare, in which I raped a high school girl, repeatedly. After raping her, I punched her". When his wife would ask "Do you remember the reason WHY you punched her?" Her husband would say "I think it was because she was "pure", and "delicious"?" When the woman asked her husband to recall the details, of the dream, she, then, called the station, only to verify that a teen had been found, having had sex, multiple times, and that she had a bruise, on her cheek. While the details matched the dream, to a terrifying degree, the question remained "HOW could the man have departed his home, driven acrross town, had sex, with a minor, then driven back home, without his wife noticing his absense?" While D.N.A. evidence was, again, a match, Mr. Brown consulted a source, at Motor Vehicle Control. If the man was to be convicted of Statutory Rape, Mr. Brown wanted PROOF that the man had been seen, OUTSIDE his home. When both the husbands, and wifes, vehicle images were fed into the traffic camera computer, the final, recorded images, from the previous evening, were of the two people travelling home, for dinner. When a suspicious person suggested the man might have BORRROWED a car, to commit the act, AND throw off suspicion, Mr. Brown had the husbands face run through facial recognition softwarre. The results, however, were un-changed. Then, there was the "victims" story. The "victim" claimed that a "beautiful gentleman" had stopped to ask the girl for some complex direcctions. The girl said the man was so nice that she had no fear, either of entering his car, nor of when he kissed her. The girl INSISTED that the evening was so "beautiful", that she presented herself, to him, as a "Thank You". When a police officxer asked the girl "Dont you know that sex, with a minor, is a crime?" The girl said "Big deal. All I know is that he was so good that I gave him all he wanted". When the police asked "WHY did he strike you, if you were so good?" The girl would smile, brightly, as she said "He thought I was so pure, so innocent. The TOUCH was to remind me of what happens, to pure, sweet, girls." As for the girls "description", of her "attacker", her description was so vague that it could match 90% of the men, in town. What surprised the girls "interviewers" was when the girl asked "What is Jing Jong?" When the police asked "Why do you ask?" The girl would say "It was strange, but, while he was loving me, and whispering his pleasure, he, also, several times, whispered "Jing Jong"." "When I asked him "Baby, what do you mean?" What is Jing Jong?" He just looked at me as if he didnt understand. It was like he remembered praising me, but not saying Jing Jong." When the police asked the girl "Had many other men?" the girl would smile, as she rubbed herrself, then whisperred "Only..." then shut up. What made this even more suspicious was when the D.N.A. sample, which would have convicted the officers husband, vanished, from the lab. Some, in the department, wanted to blame the police officer, for trying to protect her husband. There was a problem, though. The officer, and her partner, were across town, on a "Domestic Disturbance" call, at the time of the theft. No less than eight people SAW the officer, at the scene, with her partner. Even with the sample gone, and even without the girls cooperation, the girls parents wanted to press charges. Without D.N.A., and without the girls cooperation, though, prosecution would be impossible. Add in the fact that there were NO witnesses, to the act, and the case was "iffy" at best. Once the Brown Agency triple-checked the surveillance footage, the case was dropped, due to "Lack of Evidence". When the police woman would ask Mr. Brown "WHY would the girl mention the man saying Jing Jong? HOW could she have known?" Mr. Brown would suggest "Have you, ever, viewed the movie "Excalibur"?" When the police woman would say "Once. I was a fan, of the "Merlin" character". When Mr. Brown would ask "Do you remember the scene, roughly 2/3 of the way, through the film, where Morgana casts a spell, tricking her brother into having sex with her, by making him THINK he was with his wife, during the sex"?" The police woman would say "Pretty sick material. I could, never, have sex, with my own brother." When Mr. Brown would ask "What if you were under a spell, and made to believe that the man you were with was the man of your dreams?" The police woman would say "I would KNOW my own brother, regardless. Like I said, that was some sick stuff". Mr. Brown would wonder "I wonder of you, I, or anyone else, would wonder, especially if we were not aware, of the spell, at the time". When the police woman would ask Mr. Brown "WHY would anyone dress, like my husband, just to have sex, with a school girl?" Mr. Brown would respond with "WHY would an "attacker" whisper "Jing Jong" to his lover? Would that not be like telling the sex partner "By the way, while we are having sex, HERE is my HOME ADDRESS"?" When yet another teen was "attacked", Brown Agency staff sensed a definite pattern forming. ALL, of the "victims", were high school girls. ALL were undr the age of fifteen. ALL of the girls remembered their "attackers" mentioning "Jing Jong". Yet only one girl, who was studying China, for a class project, regarding the rise of China, then the impact, of Communism, in China, seemed to know anything about this "Jing Jong". As the girl would inform the Brown Agency "IF history is correct, Jing Jong was a clever place. Buildings, which appearred to be temples, to the Buddha, were, in fact, slave camps, where children were tortured, and molested." When Mr. Brown would ask "How do you know it was not, actually, a temple?" The girl would say "While the church gong was sounded, at appropriate times, there was no record, of anyone, over 14, entering the grounds." When Mr. Brown would ask "Before the Communists came on the scene, HOW do you know this was not just a scouts camp?" The girl would ask "Since WHEN do the scouts present minors, on a platform, nude, before prospective purchasers?" When Mr. Brown would ask "Your basis for this?" The girl would say "I found some scrolls which stated that UN-wanted children were sent to a place called "Jing Jong". Here, the children were "trained", then sold." When Mr. Brown would ask "With proceeds benefittting?" The girl would say "If my translation is corrrect, by the time the scroll was written, Jing Jong had used its profits, to purchase even MORE children." When Mr. Brown would ask "How was each purchase made?" The girl would say "As far as I can figure out, Jing Jong PAID off families debts, then took children as re-payment". When Mr. Brown would ask "How do you know that the scroll was not "invented", perhaps for a Communist, horror, movie?" The girl would say "I have copies, of reference materials. I can SHOW you where I THINK Jing Jong might have been located." By the time Brown agents, and the girl, returned to the girls home, however, the home was a raging inferno. A Brown agent had to tackle the girl, who either wanted to save her family, or her research. It would not be until AFTER the girl found her parents, safe and sound, and she looked at the fire, saying "There goes ALL of my work." When Mr. Black would mention "Too bad you didn't back up your work, maybe on flash-drives. Even on the internet." When the girls mother would ask "What are these "flash-drives", that I keep hearing about?" The girl would say "I keep telling you..." the girl would say, as she pulled a plastic bag from her back-pack "These are "flash drives". Otherwise known as USB drives". The girls mother would tell Mr. Black "This girl is incorrigable. Everything she sees, and find, she uses that photo-machine, and copies to those things." When the girl would say "Mother, I told you. That photo-machine is called a scanner." When Mr. Black would ask the girl "Do you keep a copy of EVERYHING, on those drives?"" The girls mother would say "You name it. Her birth certificate, Social Scurity card, even her ex-boyfriends letters." When Mr. Black would ask "Home work, as well?" The girl would say "Yes, its ALL on these." Mr. Black would ask "May I review them?" The girl would say "Sure, just DONT laugh at the birthday video. THAT was my mothers idea." Back at the Brown Agency, Mr. Black would scan the drives, avoiding the "personal" entries, and, as Mr. Blue, and Mr. Brown, watched, vague pictures, of Chinese locations, would appear in-screen. Yes, there was what appearred to be a temple. It was just so overgrown, from centuries of abandonment, that the forrest had overgrown the place. With this new information, though, Geography would be able to reduce the search area, to around two miles. Geography would caution, however "Remember that, in the jungle, two miles is differrent from two miles, of open road. In the jungle, a mile can seem as long as ten miles." To the agencies surprise, it would be ONLY AFTER Mr. Brown presented the agencies request, to the Communist leaders, that the REAL Miss Seng would make another appearance, at agency offices. Miss Seng would be holding a copy, of Mr. Browns request, while stating "I THOUGHT I informed you that the party wants total deniability". When Mr. Brown would counter with "Just WHAT is it, about this Jing Jong place, which fascinates everyone? WHY do you want specific agents, to travel to this place? WHY, by the way, did you FAKE your own death?" The only question, which Miss Seng would answer, was to deny faking her death. According to Miss Seng "I was on assignment, at the time you are claiming. I was on Oahu, doing surveillance work." Mr. Black would say "Big deal. Even the Communists have military aircraft, which COULD have brought you, round trip, AND with time to spare." When Miss Seng would ask "HAVE you decided to send the agents to Jing Jong?" Mr. Brown would say "Yes, I have dispatched agents to Jing Jong." When Miss Seng looked at Tami and I, asking Mr. Brown "WHY are THEY here, if they are on assignment?" Mr. Brown would say "Because I sent OTHER, local, agents." When Miss Seng would say "This is most UN-acceptable." Mr. Brown would ask "Why? The agents are competent, for the job, and they are fluent, in your native language, as well." Miss Seng would say "We wanted these..." to which Mr. Brown would ask "WHO is WE?" Miss Seng would gather herself, then tell Mr. Brown "You will regret your decision, by morning." When Mr. Brown asked "Why?" No reesponse, even as Miss Seng turned, and walked out of agency offices. Come morning, though, the news, out of China, was terrible. The agents, which Mr. Brown had dispatched, to find Jing Jong, were discovered when their bodies were dumped, at the entrance to the American embassy. To prevent the American retaliation, of another American invasion, this time, of Chinese territory, the Communist Party would agree to drop some kind of "flash fire" device, on Jing Jong. A device, which was designed to burn away anything (or any ONE), living in the direct vicinity. This would include the Chinese security staff, who had not received the evacuation order, before the device was dropped. Updated, satellite, recon now displayed an ancient temple COMPLEX. Not just a temple, and barracks. This Jing Jong place had a central plaza, fountains, and other, out, buildings. If this place had, at one time, been a "slave market", it must have been one of the finest, in the world. While the high school girl worked, with Mr. Blacks team, on translating the Chinese scrolls, Mr. Brown, still, wanted to know WHY, and WHO, it was, who wanted Tami and I, specifically, to visit the site. Two days, of translations, later, and, IF the scrolls were genuine, the scrolls spoke of just how MANY girls, between the age of 12, and 14, had been purchased, at Jing Jong, under purchase agreements, which stated that any children, produced, by the girls, following purchase, would become the property of Jing Jong. These children would be returned to Jing Jong, for "training", and then, for sale. Once house-broken, ofcourse. To Brown Agency staff, the thought was that IF the scrolls were not just fictions, produced to entertain tourists, it would seem that several girls had, reportedly, struggled, to retain children, while another group, of girls, had simply run away, while pregnant. As to whether, or not, the girls were hanged, for refusal to turn over children "Violation of Contract", or whether the girls committed suicide (for a variety of reasons). All of this is just anyones guess, as to how much of the information was factual. That remains the saddest part, of human history. So very much, of what we know, of the past, is based upon the biased view-points, of the authors of history. How much, of Jing Jong's history was truth? How much was just movie dialog? Who can say? When Mr. Brown knew to be FACT was that he would have the most un-pleasant task, to contact the fallen agents families, and having to express condolences. While preparing to perform this task, Mr. Brown gave Tami and I some very DIRECT instructions. "You are to make contact, with both mortal, and immortal, sources, in order to obtain information, about this Chinese place.." While Tami and I contacted the immortals, Mr. Brown was making contact, within the United States military. Requests which I would, never, have thought possible. A request, for three squads, of Special Forces? Not at all beyond the talents, of a man, like Mr. Brown. What I, never, would have thought possible was the approval, of Mr. Browns request, for depleted uranium, for Ghost Ship 2's automatic defenses. Mr. Brown's rationale: "If we make the Chinese (and other parties), aware that you are being sent in, ready to defend yourselves, I am hopeful that this information will discourage any attempts, being made, upon the mission." While Tami and I awaited replies, from our own sources, we would, each, be fitted, with flak-jackets, which had been tested, by high power rifles. As for the reason for this, that was simple. "The "code", for this mission, was to be "Better safe than sorry". I must say, however, that, while Tami was opposed to violence, once our co-pilot informed Tami that she might have to defend herself, I must say that the thought, of potential rape and/or being sold, as a slave, seem to placce my partner into a mood which made her a better shot then even I was. I think that what really "spooked" both Tami and I, was when an ammunition truck pulled up, to G.S.2, and a squad, of armed soldiers, surrounded the plane, even as containers marked "Special Ordinance" were un-loaded, from the truck, and loaded onto G.S.2. When our pilot used "manual override", to lower the first turret, I must say that it was frightening, how efficiently the soldiers replaced our normal ammunition cartridges, with the "Special Ordinance". The soldiers then informed our pilot "YOU are responsible". The soldiers then shared a salute, with our pilots, and departed. And, just as Mr. Brown had predicted, "radio chatter" was at "all time highs", with word that G.S.2's "Special Ordinance", as well as our "Special Forces" teams, were on the way. Mr. Blue had to laugh, at the "radio chatter", when it claimed that no less than three, nuclear, aircraft carriers were to be stationed, just off of Chinese shores, as "additionnal back-up". In fact, by the time we were ready for take-off, rumors were circulating, that the entire American, Pacific Fleet, was to be at our call. While both Mother Superior, and the Enforcer Demon, had very limited information (which either was WILLING to share), the Wiccans provided the most, useful, information. While it WAS true, that Jing Jong Province HAD paid families, for un-wanted children, it was NOT true, that children were seized. In point of fact, impoverished families SOLD children, to pay off outstanding debts. The Wiccans would inform us that, while it was TRUE, that a percentage, of the girls, were sold, as sex-slaves, that this activity accounted for only approximately 10% of sales, of females. This, while the other 90%, of the females, similar to the males, were sold as "generral labor". As for the idea that the young were marched out, onto platforms, nude, for the sale, it would seem that this mythology came into existance, over the centuries. Sort of like an "What would it have been like, if..." scenario. The Wiccans did caution ALL of us that "Deception is at play, in this issue. Trust no one. Never assume. Remember that bright smiles often hide sharp knives." When I asked about immortal danger, the way the Wiccans looked at me, spoke "volumes". Fortunately for us, our "Special Forces" teams had been equipped with jet powered aircraft. When our three jets reached Chinese airspace, the U.S.S. Saratoga would come on-line, warning "You are entering Chinese air space. Do you speak the language?" Our pilot realized that this meant that the Chinese would be monitoring the conversation, which is the reason why the pilot would say "Not even enough for take-out food". Saratoga would say "In that case, watch yourself. The Chinese are a proud people". After our pilot would say "Roger that, Saratoga. We will be careful." Then the pilot switched to the internal comms system, saying "Note: We are, NOW, in enemy territory. The word is ALERT!" While I am certain that the Chinese MUST have detected our support craft, on radar, to our surprise, no fighters tried to intercept us. In fact, if I did not know better, I would say that the Chinese were ignoring us. The question was "WHY?" What we did not know, until we reached Jing Jong, was that our support planes, also, had vertical lift capability. When the three planes reached the "meadow", Tami and I followed orders, remaining inside G.S.2, until Special Forces had "Secured the area". Tami and I had agreed, before take-off. "Officially, the Special Forces were under OUR control, however, where safety counted, Tami and I were happy to let the militarry take the lead. WE would act ONLY under THEIR command. As for Jing Jong, itself, the place looked like it had witnessed the presense, of wrecking balls, centuries ago. What paint, and color, which was left, clinging to walls, was what the building materrials had absorbed, over the centuries. Strange thing was that there was no sign, of any ancient battles. Even after days of searching, we found no evidence, either of devices, for torture, past or present. Sure, we located some dripping faucets, but no evidence of anything other than working, or eating, spaces. When we searched the area's, known as "cells", we found no evidence, of bars, or iron doors. What we DID find was evidence, of wood-working. While Tami suggested that we seek out the source, of the water flow, for the fountains, I suggested that we start by freeing the fountain basins, of the over-growth, which had, somehow, managed to survive the bomb. While Tami and I did our best, to understand this place, the soldiers would "take out" two snipers. Our Special Forces commander would suggest "I think I know WHY we encountered no resistance, upon entering Chinese air space. These men" Indicating the corpses "Were, no-doubt, assigned to this post." When Tami would ask "HOW van you be so certain? couldn't they be farmers?" The Special Forces commander would show Tami the rifle, with its extended clip, saying "The Soviets only issued these, to proven, graded, snipers." When I would ask "Just curious" The commander would suggest "Which is easier, to explain away? Shooting down three, American, aircraft, during peace time? Or, the "accidental" shootings, of civilians, on the ground." It was obvious that Special Forces knew what they were doing. What neither Tami, nor I, could figure out, was what WE were supposed to do, inside this abandoned location. Since there were no locals, for Tami to interrview, and all I was finding were centuries old potterry, paitings, cups, and dishes, I had to wonder what purpose our presense served. By day, Jing Jong was about as interesting as a desert set, from a classic, western, movie. By night, and even with our night vision gear, once the sun set, Jing Jong appearred about as "inviting" as a graveyard. If there were any souls arround, hopefully THEY would make contact, before Tami and I were "bored to death". About the most "exciting" thing, about this case, was wondering HOW the Special Forces maintained strict silence, around the clock. I wont even pretend to understand HOW the soldiers seemed to "vanish", even during the day time, and into the terrrain. Atleast to me, this was more of a mystery than what Tami and I were doing, in this country. Then, one night (I dont recall what time it was, locally), when, after the latest "sweep", for spirits, that Tami and I passed out, from sheer boredom. I knew that I was dreaming when I found myself inside a dark, Victorian, style, home. No light, other than moonlight, yet a breeze carressed the sheer curtains, of nearby windows. While the breeze was a bit cool, it was tolerable. When I checked my person, the first thing I noticed was that my flack-jacket was missing. When did I remove it? WHY? For that matter, where was the rest of my gear? When I heard sounds, like walking, I followed the sounds, hoping to find some answers. What I found, room-after-room, was no one present. The house MUST have been atleast three stories tall, since I had to walk down two flights, of stairs, just to reach the "public area's". When I did so, and checked the living room, and dining room, I wondered where everyone was. It was not until I began questioning the reality, of this place, that I heard sounds, like people playing board games, coming from the parlor. When I opened the sliding doors, to the parlor, I saw the most remarkable sight, of my life. Ghosts/ghouls/creatures, were, actually, playing an actual board game. Saying nothing, I moved around the perimeter, trying to get a "feel", for these things. I was wondering what these creatures were doing, in my dream. After I completed a full circle, of the table, one of the creatures looked away, from the game, and at ME, asking "Have you figured it out, yet?" When I asked "Figured WHAT out, yet?" The creature, whose flesh was green, even in the blue, of moonlight, and whose peircing, green, eyes, cut through me, like a knife, said "Human, for one, reportedly so "smart", you are, sure a disappointment". When I asked "WHY am I a disappointment?" Another creature would ask "Is this, REALLY, the human we are after?" The other creature would say "I am beginning to wonder". When I asked "Wonder? about what?" The second creature would say "It is astonishing that HE has not asked where he is, yet." When I would inform the creatures "When I dozed off, I was among the ruins, of the province of Jing Jong, China. Now, however..., Looking about me, I would say that I am inside an older home". The first creature would say "Not so bright as we were lead to believe". When I asked "Why is that?" The creature would say "We dont mean WHERE are you at?" We mean WHERE are you?" then follow up with "Do you know where you are?" When the second creature would ask "HOW has this human taken so many souls from us? He isn't even smart enough to know WHERE he is." Just as I was asking "WHAT have I taken, frrom you?" The first creature would say "The OTHER one is our key objective. She MUST be the BRAINS, behind this operation." Just as I was asking "What operation?", Another creature stamped up, behind me, saying "Move". When I looked at the creature, I realized that, compared to this "thing", even the Predator seemed downright nice. When the creature growled "MOVE!", I asked "Move, where?" The creature pointed toward a door I had not seen, before. The creature then SHOVED me over, to the door. When the creature growled "Open it", I did as told, and stepped across the threshold... ...and back into the 1960's. Back to my original grade school. Back to the days when life was simple, and my teachers struggled to teach students everything from the A.B.C.'s, to numbers, and even the months of the year. Back to the days when the boys restrooms actually had real stalls, and the urinals were REAL (not cut in half oil drums). In fact, the ONLY way in which this "vision" differed from my actual life, was one, very important difference. During my youth, when I fell off the overhead bars, I broke my left arm. I landed on it, after my hand fell under my body, after being "sizzled", by a red hot bar. As a result, I wore a cast, on my arm. One, heavier than I was, and which could act like a club, if need be. For three, LONG, months, I wore that cast. (No "fun" at all). In this modified vision, though, I did not break my arm. If I did, it was the least of my problems. This is because, in the visions I was shown, my neck snapped, upon collision, with the school yard. My body would be laid to rest, in the community cemetary. I would never live to see my parents divorced, or life, in the duplex. My whole life would be erased. My question, though, would be "HOW could this be? If I had, never, grown up, and done what I had done, then HOW could I be in this place, to begin with?" How could a dead child be around to see how he had impacted life, around him? When the creature, with me, growled "ACCEPT IT! This is what you have brought upon yourself". When I asked "What is it that I have done?" The creature would say "You have taken too many souls, from us." It was then that I thought that I heard Tami's voice, asking "WHAT have we taken from you?" When another voice would say "SILENCE!", I knew that, where ever this was, Tami and I were, "here", together. What I did not know was what was going on, where ever Tami was. I had no idea that, while I was being "stricken", with sudden death, Tami was being shown an alternative "life", as well. A life where, when she was, barely 12 years old, and just beginning the change, from childhood, to womanhood, that Tami had been run over, while riding her bicycle, and by a drunk driver. When Tami had stood before one of the creatures, saying "I dont remember ANY of that! WHEN did that happen? More importantly, IF I died, young, HOW could I have joined the Brown Agency, and flown to China?" When the creature growled "ACCEPT IT! THIS is your future". When Tami looked upon her grieving family, which was laying the mirror image, to rest, Tami just kept asking "HOW can this be? I have lived, to become an adult. HOW could I have died, just into my teens?" In my own "sector", I was, un-relentingly, asking the creatures the same questions. IF I died, as a child, HOW could I have lived, in the duplex? HOW did I live, to take my driving test? Then, it occurred to me. Maybe, the answers had something to do with what the creatures had said Tami and I had "taken", from them. At that moment, I put aside thoughts, of my own "demise", and began thinking "What would Tami do, in this situation?" Even as I began considering this, Tami found herself considering how I would sort through her research, looking for clues, which no one else could see. Tami thought it so funny, even now, the number of times, when Tami would say "Men", when I would fail to see what was obvious, to a woman, such as herself. This, even as I was considering how often Tami aided myself, in sifting "puzzle pieces", together. How many times we had acted, as one, to solve mysteries. In the "other place", the creatures were just celebrating their "victory", over us, yet, even as a creature would say "Here is to our victory over the "ghost busters." When a creature would enter the room, saying "Not so fast. I think we have underestimated the humans." When the primary creature would chuckle, as it said "Let them hope, and dream. Reality will set in soon enough." The creature would caution "According to the overview, the humans are neither skulking, nor stewing, nor wallowing in despair." When the primary creature would ask "Then, WHAT are they doing? Partying?" The surveillance creature would say "Much worse. They are referencing one anothers thoughts, on how the situation has developed, and how to resolve the situation." When the primary creature would say "Let them hope. Eventually, they will accept their new fates, and we will be "back in business"." It was at about this moment, when Tami and I were remembering one of our debates, overr information, currently at hand. It would be as we reflected upon this debate that we realized that we were, now, looking at one another, face-to-face. Moments later, there was a weird sound, like nothing I, ever, heard, before. When Tami would suggest "lets make ourselves scarce." I would say "Fine", then, waiving my hand about, I would ask "Where are we?" Tami would say "I have a thought." When I would suggest "Lay it on me." Tami would suggest "Remember how the creatures kept saying that we stole/took something, from them?" When I would agrree, then ask "What did we take, from them?" Tami would suggest "Not WHAT, but WHOM." When I would say "Okay, now I really AM lost." Tami would suggest "What the creatures are referring to the souls we have aided, in crossing over?" When I would suggest "You CANT be serious. We have only aided maybe 7,000 souls. The creatures CANT be angry, over that." This is when Miss Seng would appear, before us, asking "Why not? After all, it is our JOB to keep these spirits suffering." When I would ask "And, HOW would a human know..." And Tami would say "Caution, I dont think..." And Miss Seng would say "So, you ARE the BRAINS, behind this operation." When I would look at Tami, Tami would "spell it out". "Miss Seng is no more Chinese than you and I are Negroes. Miss Seng is, in fact, one of the creatures." When Miss Seng would say "Bravo!" even as her appearance altered, from a young, Chinese, woman, into a creature. Tami would add "This is why Miss Seng told Mr. Brown that the Chinese Communists did not want direct contact, and that the government wanted full Deniability. The Chinese do not even know what is going on." When I would ask "Our plane, and the snipers." Tami would add "The creatures clouded the minds, of the Chinese, until we landed. As for the snipers, I give 50/50 they are creatures, as well". When "Miss Seng" would say "Bravo! Your reputation IS well-earned. Now, tell me the reason WHY we can, never, allow you to leave." **I** would suggest "The time-line. Our deaths. No-doubt, if you retain us, long enough, the new time-line will take hold, and our lives will be erased." When Tami would ask "What about ALL of the souls, which we have aided? What will beccome of them?" The creature would say "Without your professional services, these souls will remain Earth-bound, for all eternity." When I would ask "Our planes, and pilots?" The creature would say "Silly fool. Your planes will rust away, in the "junk yard". Your pilot, who lives for the thrill, of flight, and involvement, will hang himself, when the boredom, of retirement, becomes too much. Your co-pilot will be even less fortunate. He will drink away his retirement, until his body gives out." When I would suggest "ALL of this depends upon our staying here?" Tami would ask "For how LONG?" The creature would give an evil smile as it said "For ALL eternity, naturally. Now, for the next order of business. Splitting you two up, again." What the creature had not counted upon was our professional bond. In many ways, Tami and I WERE like a married couple. Each supporting the other. When the creature tried to pull us apart, it would ROAR, then growl, at its inability to seperate us. Then, with a high-pitched wail, the creature would dissolve. This is when Tami would, casually, say "Step one, completed. Now, step two." When I would say "I'm all ears", Tami would ask "HOW did you come to be here? Do you remember the trip?" I would have to say that I did NOT. When Tami would say "Me, neither. All I remember is falling asleep, under the stars." I would agree, saying "thats right. All I remember is falling asleep, beneath Chinese stars, and waking, here." When Tami would say "I wonder", then I would add "You dont think this is just a nightmare world. An illusion." Tami would ask "You remember the finale scene, from "The Wizard of Oz"." When I would suggest "Dont tell me you want us to chant "There's no place like home". Tami would ask "If you have any better idea's, I'm all open." I would suggest "You know my normal way, of waking, from nightmares? I either fall, or jump, in the dream, and awaken, before impact". When Tami would ask "Fall from where?" I would indicate a nearby window. Still, this left the question of the creatures. HOW would we prevent them from repeating this situation, over and over? While Tami and I were pondering what was, or COULD, be done, about the creatures, another creature would appear, before us. This creatures gravelly voice would inform us "Humans, there is no sense trying to solve what cannot be solved." When Tami would ask "How do we stop these creatures from wreaking havoc, on the world?" The creature would say "Such a request is impossible to grant. Like love, hate, and so on, evil MUST continue to exist. To try to destory evil would be the same as destroying good. One cannot exist without the other." When Tami would ask "What about all of the "frame-ups, on Earth?" The creature would say "Now that we understand your desire to aid those in need, I can promise that these creatures will, never, bother you, again." When Tami would ask "What about other creatures?" The creature would ask "Can a coin have only one side?" When Tami would say "Ofcourse not", The creature would say "You have your answer. Just remember that NONE of the worlds is "perfect". It is, now, time for you to return to your OWN world. I will DEAL with these creatures." When Tami would ask me "Are you ready?" I cautioned her "I am NOT about to chant "There's no place like home". Tami would say "Suit yourself. I will be waiting." When Tami closed her eyes, though, I noticed that she did NOT chant one word. In fact, I was amazed at how, just moments after she closed her eyes, her form vanished, as in dissolved. When I decided to focus on her inquiries, about HOW we departed the temple site, and arrived, in this place, I remember focusing on the Chinese site, and what the place looked like, when I saw it, even as I closed my eyes. For a moment, all was dark. Then I began hearing voices. Voices, which I thought I recognized. It was not until I heard a womans voice, saying "Dont you DARE die on me, now. I dont WANT to train a new partner. You come back to me." When I thought I opened my eyes, I knew I was dreaming, since I saw my body, lying, peacefully, below me. When I looked off, to the side, however, I saw the last creature, looking like a "prison guard", with the other creatures in shackles. With a nod, of our heads, the creatures vanished, and I figurd that it was time to return to my body. Just as someone was saying "We're losing him", I woke up, and said "Says WHO?" After Tami turned in another, CAREFULLY worded report, Mother Superior brought us some news. It seems that the Chairman was so pleased, with our work, that the Chairman agreed to COVER our exit, from China. The trouble, with this case, was that we had no "client", so there was no reward. Since even Miss Seng was not human, there could be no victory party, since no one had been saved. The most, that Mr. Brown could do was write off the expenses, as "Miscellanious". After all, it wasn't like there was a "creature" charge card, out there. In fact, there was nothing to charge. The tragic part was that the Chinese government gave full permission, for the destruction, of the temple complex, so that the casino could be built. Chinese workers would demolish thhe temple complex, then build the casino-resort. A resort which would be staffed by English-speaking Chinese, yet would not cater to the Chinese. As far as anyone would inform us, the creatures, involved in our ambush, would be held in some sort of "prison", for a few thousand, human, years. The rest, of the demon world, would, allegedly, be informed that Tami and I were "off-limits". Mr. Brown would,, also, inform us that all of the arrest, and incident, reports, from this trap, vanished, as soon as the creatures were taken into custody. HOW all this had happened, no one knows. When Tami asked Mr. Brown if we should be even MORE cautious, in our future cases, Mr. Brown would say "I did not HIRE you, to "play it safe". I hired two of the best people I could find, to handle unusual cases. I see no reason to change how you operate, just because some "people", are dis-satisfied. Life goes on, you know. And so does work...

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