Friday, July 15, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: THE DECEPTION OF GERMANY With the demons, of Jing Jong, safely, in the "hands" of immortal law, Tami and I, along with the U.S. Special Forces, would be in the process, of packing up, to leave China. While the Special Forces soldiers would agree that they were not "thrilled", to be in this country, they WERE thrilled, to be LEAVING the nation. After all, the Communists remained in power, in China, and the United States had, never, been welcome, in ANY Communist nation. While our groups packed, to depart China, Mother Superior did bring us some GOOD news. The Chairman, of Heaven, had agreed to "cover" our departure, from China. Just HOW the chairman planned to do this, was not revealled, to us mortals. All that Mother Superior would say was "The Chairman has arranged for your departure, from this nation, to go UN-noticed, by the Chinese." When Tami would say "Great! Back home, to the U.S.A." This is when the Special Forces commander would say "Maybe for the two of you, but not for us." When Tami would ask "WHY?", the Special Forces commander would say "Our trip, to this point, was on the way, to our final destination". When I would ask "Would it be a violation, of your orders, to tell us WHERE your unit IS bound for?" The commander would say "No secret, sir. We were bound for Frankfurt, Germany, all along. This trip, to China, was, more-or-less, on our way." When Tami would ask "What IS your mission, in Germany?" The commander would say "THAT, ma'am, WOULD be a clear violation, of orders." Still, by the time the planes were packed, Tami offered the soldiers a "farewell" meal. M.R.E.'s, but with good company. It was as we were, all, resting, and the pilots were checking the planes, for departure, that, while the Special Operations soldiers would only admit that they had no idea how long they would be in Germany, that Tami would stun us, all, by saying "The birth place of the Third Reich". It was not until several people stared at her that Tami remembered my own, German, heritage, then atleast five, Special Ops soldiers, would reveal their own, German, ancestry. When Tami would ask "How can ANY-one be proud to have come from Germany? A place which murdered six million Jews?" A soldiers would say "Ma'am, your history is flawed, if you do not account for the hundreds, of thousands, of Germans, whom the Third Reich executed, for alleged "dis-loyalty". When another soldier would ask "Why do peple, STILL think that all Germans endorsed the actions, of the Third Reich?" When Tami would say "History books say that the Germans elected Hitler". The soldier would say "Pardon, ma'am, but the Germans elected the man, as Chancellor. The average German had NO idea what plans Hitler had, for their country." When Tami would ask "If the Germans were opposed to the actions, of the Third Reich, WHY didn't the German people kick Hitler OUT of office?" The soldier would say "For the EXACT same reason why Americans did not kick George Walker Bush out of office, despite what he did, TO America. You dont just kick power-hungry people out of office." Another soldier would add "Remember that, when Hitler was elected Chancellor, his first act was to, somehow, wipe out the German Constitution, and appoint himself leader, for life. I, STILL, dont understand how". When Tami would suggest "I guess that you believe that the German soldiers, who rounded up the Jews, to be sent to the death camps, were "just following orders"." A soldier would say "Thats right, just like WE followed orders, and escorted you, to China, instead of flying, directly, to Germany. Soldiers follow orders." It was when Tami would say "Atleast we blasted that place off of the map. No more power. No more cities. No more, radical, ideas. Thanks to people, like my grand-father, Germany will, never, raise an army, again." It was while the soldiers looked puzzled, by Tami's statement, that our com-link came to life, with an incoming message. When Tami brought up the viewer, and Mr. Brown came on the line, it seems that Mr. Brown was a bit surprised to see soldiers on-board our plane. I guess that this is why Mr. Brown asked "Have you been commandeered?" The commander would say "No, sir", then Tami would add "Just sharing a farewell dinner, before we go our seperate ways." When Mr. Brown would ask "May I ask where the soldiers are heading?" The commander would say "Frankfurt, Germany. Possible assignment, or enroute, to another base". To our shock, Mr. Brown would ask "Would you mind if my agents accompanied you, to Germany?" The commander would, no-sooner, say "No problem, sir", when Tami would ask "Whats in Germany? The place has been bombed, to the ground". Everyone, including Mr. Brown, stared, at my partner, wondering WHAT she was talking about. When Tami would explain "My grand-father fought, in the war. He told us that the allies pounded Germany into the ground. Made certain those Nazi's could, NEVER, launch another attack." On the screen, Mr. Brown, suddenly came erect, like a stern school-teacher, as he said "First of all (and used Tami's full, legal, name), Germany was neither "pounded into the ground", as your grand-father claims, Nor was the Nazi Party "endorsed", by average Germans. I would suggest, for this, next, case, that you LEAVE your racial hatreds in your locker, on the plane. Next, Germany has been, fully, re-built, by the average Germans, into a peace time economy, which began with the Allied Kommandantura, after World War Two ended. Third, despite your families obvious racism, the fact is that the average German, DURING the war years, had no more "freedom", than the prisoners, inside concentration camps. Germany, itself, under Hitler, was a nationwide prison camp. No freedom of speech, or any other rights. Finally, in the years since Germany was liberated, from the Nazi's oppression, the Germans have re-built their nation. Not just the beer industry, either. I wont go into the details, but Germany has made MANY, peace time, contributions, to the world. This is why I want to be certain that my agents go into this case, with OPEN minds, and with-OUT prejudices. Is that understood?" When Tami would say "Sir, you are, completely, understood. I will treat this case like any other. What is the case?" Mr. Brown would look at the commander, saying "I hope you dont mind, but I have asked your command if we might retain your services, for awhile longer". When the commander would say "Sure thing. If command agrees then we are in. Whats the job?" Mr. Brown would say "The same as China. Watch over my agents, while they do their job". When Mr Brown vanished, from the viewer, and the file down-loaded, while the soldiers returned to their planes, preparing for take-off, Tami would mention that she was amazed that we were being sent to Duseldorff. When she asked "What is there, beyond bombed out buildings?" I would remind her "Tami, World War Two was SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Germany has been re-built." I can only think that my partner was concerned, because of the stories, which senior citizen veterans tell, of the horrors, of the war. Too bad these veterans only tell the allied side of the story. Always make the Germans look like the purest form, of evil, itself. If only the veterans were willing to give BOTH sides equal lip-service. If I had one, overriding, question, abut this, whole, situation, it would be the question of HOW the Chairman managed BOTH our stealthy departure, from China, at the same time that all RAPE charges, against the men, just vanished. In fact, the Chairman arranged it so that it was like the events never happened. As to the HOW, of our, three, massive, military, planes, could exit Communist China, with-OUT anyone noticing, I had to salute the Chairman, on that one. Another question, which Tami composed a "most delicate" answer to, was that of when the pilots asked us "IF, in the other time line, neither of you survived, into adulthood, what happened to the two of us?" Tami had chosen her words very CAREFULLY, then informed the pilot "According to the DEMONS, and IF the DEMONS can be trusted, the DEMONS allege that, once retired, you would grow so bored, with retirement, that you will take your own life." The retired, air force, pilot would shrug his shoulders, then say "This IS all that I know, after all." When our co-pilot would ask "What about me?" Tami would, AGAIN, caution "AGAIN, according to the DEMONS, you would have drunk yourself into your grave". The pilot would say "THAT, I CAN believe. After all, I have SEEN you "tie one on", in the past". When the co-pilot had said "Okay, maybe a few times". The pilot would say "A FEW? Man, how many times have you been grounded because you were too drunk, to fly?" The co-pilot would say "Well, thats all in the past. I haven't been drunk, in YEARS." The pilot would add "Only because the flight director warned you "Drunk, one MORE, time, and you are OUT of the air force". At this point, Tami would express our gratitude, that the men had survived, to retire. After all, WHERE would Ghost Ship be, without these capable men? When we opened the file, I think we were, BOTH shocked, to find out who the source, of the request was. The German Chancellor, themselves. According to the file, Berlin was asking for a discreet investigation, of what the Germans were refering to as "disgusting" pranks. It would seem that Germany was a contender, in a contest, to built a brand new generation, of tank. It would seem that the world was impressed, after all, with the capabilities, of the Tiger, and the King Tiger. And with good reason. During World War Two, it was a well-known fact that the only way, for the allies, to "defeat" the Tigers, was to run the German tanks out of gas. Sure, the Tigers had superior armor, and weapons, but the tanks "achielles heel" was terrible gas mileage. The Tigers could out-fight anything, that the allies had, as long as the allies were within weapons range, and the German tanks were within German re-fuelling range. This is why, at the battle called "The Battle of the Bulge", the allies had drawn the German tanks beyond the Germans ability to re-fuel. Without fuel, even the most powerful tank is nothing more than an over-sized paper-weight. Once the Tigers had run out of fuel, the Germans were left with no choice, except to abandon the brutes, and WALK back to Germany. Ofcourse, modern tanks are no better, on fuel economy. Even the M-1 Abrams is a terrible gas hog. This is why several governments had begun a competition, for a new breed of tank. The governments wanted the fire-power, and durability, of a tank, similar to Dr. Ferdinand Porsche's MOUSE tank, but with gas mileage, far beyond the 370 feet, which the MOUSE could travel, on a gallon of fuel. The file, also, said that history students were working, with engineers, who were refurbishing the World War Two Tigers, in an effort to learn what WOULD work, in a tank, and WHY. The idea was to use the marvels, of war time design, from yesterday, to create a tank, for tomorrow. Ofcourse, it was, well-known, that Germany was not just restoring tanks, but that the nation was restoring prison camps, as well. In a program titled "Germany's Darkest Hour", the Germans were determined to restore the past, as a lesson, of what to AVOID, in the future. The government had decided that it was NOT enough just to outlaw the Nazi Party. Berlin wanted the Germans to understand the REASON WHY the Nazi's were out-lawed. Now, however, it would seem that Germany was BACK in the tank business. It seems, however, that there was a problem. IF the file was correct, persons unknown were dressing, in Gestapo, and S.S. costumes, and, allegedly, driving restored Tigers through the countryside. On atleast a few occassions, it is reported that traffic was snarled, for hours, when a column, of Tigers, blocked a highway. According to "witnesses", the column had ten, to twenty, tanks. The problem was that, even in united Germany, there were just not even ten Tigers, which were, even whole. The surviving Tigers were in pieces, both for study, and for restoration. The Chancellor even included a statement, saying that they had the Volks Polizei (German Police) check on the tanks, and hand-count the units. The reports showed that only three tanks were capable of motion. The rest were in pieces. The Chancellor, however, had contacted the Brown Agency, only after some of the tanks allegedly opened fire, with machine guns, on citizens. Now, the Chancellor had a simple request, for the Brown Agency. "If this is a hoax, or a terrible, practicle, joke, the perpetrators are to be exposed, and turned over, to the polizei, for prosectution. IF, however, on the outside chance, that we are dealing with the "ghosts, of W.W.2", Germany requests a discreet solution. Since your agency has a reputation, for discretion, the German people request your able assistance". Okay, simple enough. Go in, find the pranksters, and turn them over, to the police. What even I wanted to know was "WHERE would anyone hide a Tiger tank?" The brutes were not only noisy, but bulky, and cumbersome. Not something one can hide, in a family's garage. As our planes crossed, into German air space, we received the same kind of reception, which Sweden had given us. A flight, of escort fighters. When our pilot radioed "This is United States Air Force 09-09-17-25. Requesting permission, to enter German air space." When the Germans would issue the response of "Stand by for verification", then add "United States Air Force 09-09-17-25, you are cleared into German air space, along with your escorts. Luftwaffe 227, and 229, will escort you to your destination." Our pilot would radio "Grateful for the company. Now, we wont have to stop, and ask directions". While our pilots had done a pretty good job, of setting us on course, for Duseldorff, air control would give more precise headings. For some reason, though, when Tami looked upon the ships camera's, of Frankfurt, below, I was surprised when she said "The city looks un-touched, by the war. Did World War Two, somehow, avoid Frankfurt?" I would remind her "Tami, World War Two was SEVENTY-FIVE years ago. Germany has had decades, to re-build." When Tami would say "But my grand-father makes it SOUND like the war just ended, recently." I would say "Given time, and we will make the same mistakes." I just did not know what to think, when Tami kept checking the monitors, looking for, of all things, tank tracks, and gun-emplacents. It was like she, really, believed that World War Two ended, just a few years ago. Boy, did her eyes go wide, and her jaw drop, as we approached Duseldorff. It seemed like she could not find what she was looking for. When I asked, she would say "Grand-father says the allies bombed this place, right off of the map. HOW could the "krauts" have re-built the place, so beautifully, and so rapidly?" I would caution her "NEVER call Germans "krauts". It is as offensive as calling you a slut." Still, when our planes landed, even the ground crews tried to hide smiles, and smirks, as Tami asked "How is all of this possible, so soon after the war?" Air Force personnel would remind her "Ma'am, the war ended 75 years ago. The Germans have had over seventy years, to re-build. The nation is quite beautiful." It would seem, though, that my partner just could not see beyond the Nazi's, and the Third Reich. Thankfully, we found an air force car, AND driver, awaiting us, at the gate. The driver even knew where we wanted to go. Talk about efficiency, in the service. On the way, to the tank factory, the driver would tell us "After the war ended, it was years before Germany was able to hold her own, even in peace time. Allied bombings had levelled so much, of the nation, that supplies could not be brought in, fast enough. People used what they found, to construct temporary shelters, until supplies came available. While the Berlin Wall did, dramatically, decrease the area, which the Allied Kommandantura had to re-build, the effort, to repair war damage, would take years. For many Germans, the construction business became their new life-style. It is just tragic that some many families were torn apart, just because Soviet leader Joseph Stalin wanted Communist planning, in the Soviet zone, of Germany. The zone known as the German Democratic Republic. "Democratic". Talk about an oxymoron. Thanks to the re-unification, however, the nation is stronger than ever". The driver gave Tami a questioning look, when Tami asked "Do you think they are strong enough to launch another war?" When the driver would ask "WHY would they do that?" Tami would mention the Nazi's, and be reminded, again "Ma'am, you do KNOW that World War Two ended seventy-five years ago, right?" Still, Tami said nothing. At the tank assembly plant, which looked as modern as any, American, plaza, Tami and I would arrive, to hear a foreman giving a worker directions, in German. It would not be, however, until I mentioned "Such a beautiful language, and dialect. I wish I could master it". The foreman would say, in English. "You must be our American guests. I am honored to make your acquaintance." When I would suggest "I believe that we have an appointment, with the plant manager." The foreman would say "Ofcourse, right this way". (When I heard workers speaking my ancestral tongue, I really wish I had the patience, to learn this language.) It would be the plant foreman, who would give us the basic tour, including showing how Tigers, from the war, had been disassembled, cleaned, and measured, to transfer the units over to the assembly areas. As the plant manager would say "The Nazi's were ruthless, but they DID inspire the German people, to great things. The question is: "Can we learn, from their mistakes, and make a better tank?"" When I would inquire, about the tank program, the manager would tell me "While we understand the value, of armor, the problem is fuel. Our tanks could blast anything, on the battlefield, but only so long as fuel was available. Like your M-1 Abrams tank, our tanks suffer from terrible fuel economy." When I would inquire "How would you propose to solve the problem?" The plant manager would suggest "We are working to develop an alloy, which will render armor plating obsolete. If we are successful, we can give a tank a skin, of protection, which weighs only twenty tons, yet gives the crew the protection, of 150 tons. If we are successful, the world will have the first battle-field tank, with an M.P.G. of 50 miles. We just need to learn WHO is going around, with a vintage tank, scaring the population." When Tami would ask "WOULD it be possible for someone to have kept a Tiger in working order, for over half a century?" The plant manager would suggest "Why not ask your own, Hollywood, props department. They have World War One Mark One tanks, such as the tank, shown in "Indiana Jones, and the Last Crusade", which are, fully operational. While Tami and I had, both, viewed this movie, at various times, even I thought that the tank was just a mock up, on a trailer. (It would not be until hours later that my inquiry would confirm that the tank, in the movie, was REAL, and that its actual crew, not shown, in the movie), were trained, in the tanks operations. Only the scene, where the tank went over the cliff, was Computer-Generated. By the time I confirmed this information, Tami and I had been invited to watch a test-firing, of the new armor. If it worked, it would mean that light weight armor could be just as effective as heavy armor. With the plant manager present, as well as members, of German government, the armor was put through its paces. The first part, of the test, was to show that the hatches, and mounts, were, fully, operational. Only after the inspector confirmed that all was correct, was the turret turned, on its side, facing the howitzer, directly. This was part two. Placing the turret directly in the path, most dangerous. For part three, everyone put on ear-guards, since the howitzer was so loud. While three shots were fired, at the turret, and none penetrated, the problem was that the turret had failed the test. In order for the armor, to pass the test, it was required to take direct hits, with-OUT denting the surface, and leaving all hatches, and mounts, fully operational. This unit failed since, not only was the armor dented, but the hatch, and mounts, were jammed in place. When the test was completed, the plant manager was heard to say "I really wish we could tap into some of that old, war time, brains". When Tami asked "He doesn't, seriously, want a return of the Nazi regime, does he?" I would clarify "The man wishes he could tap into the brain power, the intellect, which made the old tanks so invincible." By the time the new tank test was ruled a failure, Tami was receiving word, via our plane, that a King Tiger had just been spotted, maybe fifty miles away. According to witness reports, that tank was fully operational, and fully equipped. Since tanks are, never, very fast, Tami accepted a ride, on a Luftwaffe (German Air Force) helicopter, which was hoping to catch the tank, before it moved on. Un-fortunately, the crew, of the tank, had thought their plan through. Their first target had been a communities telephone lines. Once communications had been cut off, the tank had made a "blitz-kreige" attack, then drove away. It seems that the only reason why a report was sent in, at all, was because a German veteran remembered his days, as a radio officer. While everyone else was running for cover, this man had remembered the old, phone, lines, which the Reich had used. He found an ancient, phone line, pulled it out, of a covered spot, and called Berlin, on the ancient line. When Tami had inquired about cell, and satellite, phones, dozens of phones were brought out, all of which said "No Signal". When Tami tried her own phone, the same results. To remedy the problem, Tami watched as the German military brought forth what looked like an old fashioned, radio, detector unit. A German officer would say "The Nazi's may have been evil, but they left us some terrific "toys"." Within an hour, the Nazi radio detector brought the search team within five feet, of the modern, electronic, jammer. What puzzled the Volks Polizei, as well as Tami, was HOW the King Tiger, weighing in at close to eighty tons, had come through the area, and not left a single, tread, mark. When Tami would ask the police "Are the witnesses SURE it was a King Tiger?" The officer, in charge, would say "You see those, elderly, women, over there?" When Tami would say "Yes." The officer would say "During the war, those women saw the tanks, up close, and personal, as they rolled through the town, on their way to the front." To Tami's surprise, she would not even need an interpreter, to speak with these Germans. This is when Tami went into conversation/interview mode. Even as the women spoke, Tami noticed how accounts, which began with "I have not seen anything so terrifiying, since the war", began to "morph", as, first, one woman, then more, began saying things like "You know, as I remember it, the Tigers, during the war, shook our homes, like earthquakes." When another woman would ask "What of it?" The prior woman would say "These Tigers made noise, and made the ground rumble, but do you recall if they made your walls shake?" A third woman would say "Thats right. Herr Hitlers tanks, practically knocked our homes down, they shook the ground, so badly." When Tami would ask "Why are these tanks different?" A woman would say "Child, you are too young to remember the war. Those monsters shook our village, nearly to pieces." The first woman would say "Thats right. These Tigers just rumbled through, making noise. I only noticed because I HEARD them, through my window." When Tami would suggest "Shock absorbers?" The ladies would laugh as they asked "On tanks?" While the federal police were hand-counting every, remaining, Tiger, tank, in Germany, I would be assisting the federal police, in their investigation. While the federal police were, indeed, most thorough, in examining the evidence, at hand, I did hear more than a few comments of "this is not correct", and "this does not make sense". When I would ask officers what they meant, a few would say "You are a civilian, and not the media, so I presume it is safe to tell you." When I would half-whisper "Tell me what?" The officers would say "These tracks may LOOK like Tiger, or King Tiger, but they are just not as DEEP as a Tigers would be." Another officer would mention "This tank, which attacked. Its top speed is only about 15-20 miles per hour, in American standard."" When I would say "Thank You, but what does that mean?" The officer would say "At seventy-five tons, I fail to see how the tank left this area, before we arrived. The Tigers had awesome power, but they were slow as caterpillars. After all, they weighed close to eighty tons." Then, there was the mark, on a broken, tree, stump. When the federal police examined the stump, they seemed baffled, by the damage. This is when an officer would tell me "Sir, this tree was not mowed down, by a Tiger. It is more like it was pushed over, then broken, under a heavy weight." When I would ask, an officer would tell me "The Tiger, and King Tiger, were heavy enough that they actually uprooted tree's. This was more like the tree was PUSHED over." By the time Tami was finished, with interviewing the local women, and was preparing a suspicious report, for Mr. Brown, a signal would draw me back, to the plane, as well. It seems that the Chancellor's call, for ALL Tigers, and King Tigers, to be hand-counted, had travelled beyond Germany's borders. Reports came in, from Russia, France, Belgium, and so on. It was the reports, from Poland, and France, which worried the Chancellor. According to Paris, and Warsaw, it seems that, when police went to verify where the remaining Tigers, in their countries were located, it was Paris, and Warsaw, which reported that Tiger tanks, formerly on display, had vanished. Displays, and memorials, were missing. About the only "good" news, the Chancellor received was that every German tank, in Germany, WAS accounted for. Still, this left the question of HOW the tanks had been moved, and WHY no one reported the tanks, in movement. Then, there was the question of on-site evidence. The federal police were certain that the tracks, being made, by the "attacking" tank, were NOT of the seventy, to eighty, ton class. The track marks were just not deep enough. It would be two more weeks before the next attacks came. As to WHY the attackers chose Hamburg, that is something very few people understand. All that witnesses, including police, could say, was that the tanks had come across one, historical bridge, coming INTO town (blowing the bridge to pieces, after they crossed), then blasting away, at the cities buildings, for a total of five minutes. While citizens were running for cover, persons unknown, had taken down several, of United Germany's, flags, and replaced them with Swastika's. The tanks had, then, used another, stone, bridge, to exit the city, blowing this bridge, to pieces, once the tanks were across. The federal police would tell Tami and I that this was suspicious. After all, whomever had staged the attack had to know that the federal police would react, within ten minutes. The question, which the federal police would have was "Why bother blowing up the bridges?" When I would suggest "Was this not a tactic, which the Nazi's used, to prevent the allies from following the Germans?" The unit commander would say "Sir, you are speaking of a seventy-five year old tactic. Everyone knows that todays tanks are able to traverse rivers". When I would suggest "Does it not seem odd that this group is employing not only Nazi machinery, but flags, and tactics, as well?" The commander would ask "You are NOT suggesting that the Nazi's are trying to take over Germany, again?" I would suggest "Maybe, that is what SOME-one WANTS you to think." When the commander would ask "But, why?" I would suggest "Your nation IS in a competition, to build a better tank." Two weeks, of research, later, and Tami, working with federal investigators, would find the possible source, of the Tiger tanks. According to some "Request for Parts" orders, it would seem that Germany had requested that some, derelict, tanks, be transported, to Germany, so that parts could be used, to replace what time had rotted away. The parts requests had been made of France, Poland, and Belgium. Since the tanks were just "antique eye-sores", the governments held no suspicions, when the Germans asked for parts. This is especially since Germany had asked for tank PARTS, NOT operational tanks. To save time, and money, on labor, and freight, however, the countries just packed the complete tanks, on flat cars, and sent the tanks on their way. The problem, which Tami, and the Germans, found, was that there was no record of the tanks arriving at German depots. No record at all. In fact, no record of the tanks, at all, after crossing the German border. What caused the German, federal, police, the most concern was that the total number, of missing tanks, was 35. This was, roughly, two battallions worth. The police would caution, about any judgements, saying "Remember that, since the war, ALL orders, of tank parts, are logged, and reported. No one wants a repeat, of the war." When I would suggest "What about using parts, from various tanks, to build a few, operational, units?" The police would say "Mandatory, national, alert. If someone IS building functional King Tiger tanks, they must be stopped, at ONCE!" Still, this left the question of "WHERE does one hide a King Tiger tank?" You cannot just park the thing in a parking lot. When Magdeburg was shot up, with machine guns, and cannon fire, with more Swastika's left behind, it seems that the culprits were "up to something". They were usong classic tactics, but they were not weighting their tanks down, in order to leave behind the tracks a classic tank would. Still, by the time the federal police, and U.S. Special Forces, arrived, the tanks were gone, and the city was in ruins. Despite all of this, a "ham-radio" operator swore he picked up a transmission. He just did not know what dialect it was in. He would say "It seems that someone was saying "Mission Accomplished"." When Tami, and the federal police, did a search, of the internet, they did find an interresting purchase order, for 500 Swastika's. The seller did not pay any mind, since the customer paid, well, and the goods were being sent to America, NOT Germany. The seller would promise "If I knew the goods were bound, for Germany, I would not have sold them. I would have called the police." Tami would promise th seller "There is no way you could know what your buyers will do, with your merchandise." By the time the federal police placed a warning, with Interpol, about any unusual, fuel purchases, Tami would inform the federal police "This has been in preparation, for some time now. I would say that the parties, behind this, had purchased enough fuel, already, that they can "lay low", for awhile, without worrying about fuel." It was two months after our arrival, that the tank restoration workshops, across Germany, were attacked, almost to the second of one another. Every tank part, undergoing restoration, was stolen, in a "blitz-krieg" attack, which left the federal police as shocked as we were. By the time the tank development factory received news, of the attacks, and sent requests, for more security, to both Berlin, and N.A.T.O., the requests were just being processed, when the tank development factory was attacked, and ALL of its world war parts, were stolen. The plant manager would not comment, on the materials, still under development, until after he, himself, checked ALL of the prototypes. Only then would he ask us "Why would anyone want to steal parts, left over, from seventy-five years ago?" No one had any more answer, for this, than we had an answer for the fact that the tanks, which were attacking German towns might RESEMBLE Tigers, but the police, and the High Command (German Army), verified that these tanks weiged in, at UNDER twenty tons. It would be three weeks after the attack, on the tank factory, that a member, of the Volks Polizei, would be making a routine search, of the area, around an attack, on Straussberg, that the officer would find some evidence, which he could NOT explain. When he brought in his unit (with me tagging along, to observe), the police officer would note the odd marks, on the ground. To the casual observer, it seemed that, at one point, a motor vehicle had pased this point, while, at another point, a tank had passed. The problem was that, when the marks were scanned, the database showed each set of marks had been made, within moments, of the other. When the officer suggested "Maybe, the criminals had a trailer, waiting, for the tank? Maybe that is how they fled the scene, before we arrived?" The officers superior would reply "It seems that you are not as well-versed, in our nations history, as you thought you were". When the officer would ask "Sir, why is that?" The supervisor would say "If you had studied our history, especially regarding the tanks, of the Third Reich, you would remember that the 70, and 80, ton, Tigers, and King Tigers, took HOURS to prepare for shipping. Not only that, but, with so much weight to tow, the engines had to use up to half an hour just to build up speed." When the officer looked puzzled, by this information, his superior would say "Granted, the tanks MAY have arrrived, HOURS before the attack, and set up, before anyone knew they were around, however, since we arrived, within ten minutes, of the attack being reported, just HOW could ANYONE have loaded the tank, for travel, before we arrived?" The people, of Stuttgart, also, were making nearly identical reports, about the tanks, that other Germans had made. Elderly Germans were most suspicious, since they remembered living THROUGH the "march" of columns, of the tanks. Tanks, whose passage caused so much, local, rumbling, that several homes collapsed, and occupants had to be dug out, after the tanks passed. As one German woman would note "My lord, when those nasty Tigers passed, headed for the front, not only did the walls shake, but dust flew everywhere. Mother and I had to dust everyting off, annd wash all the dishes, everytime those things rumbled past." When Tami asked "Would you compared the tremors to an Earthquake", the answer was, always, "Yes, child. Like a moderate Earthquake". This was, always, followed up with "I wish they would have chosen a different route to take, to the front." As for the tread marks, under analysis, even when tank manufacturers were consulted, the answer never changed. Almost everyone agreed that the tread marks were from the same vehicle, in each case. This left the question of "Why would a tank be equipped with road tires, as well as tracks?" How could road tires be expected to suspend a fully loaded tank? It was not until after an attack, on a river-side town, that a local fisherman would report seeing something which brought back his own nightmares, of the war. The man would report "After hearing the sounds, of battle, from the village, I was trying to find a hiding place, in case the Gestapo came my way. Nasty lot, they were. Took away my best friend, and I dont know what happened to him". When the police would ask "Sir, you said you SAW something, after the attack" The man would say "On my honor, as a loyal German, I watched as a tank rolled right by where I was hiding". Wwhen the police verified "You mean today, NOT during the war." The man would say "Dunkoph! I know the difference between then and now. I am telling you what I saw, just hours ago". When the police would say "Proceed", the man would say "The tank stopped close to the river and, while the S.S. men was filling some canteens with river water, I watched as the others flipped some switches, or some thing. After that, I heard a hissing sound, and that monster rose, off of its tracks. When the S.S. man returned from the river, that THING drove away, like a dump truck". When the police had the man look at a catalog, of truck models, even I was impressed when the man chose the make, and model, of truck, which the police had been suspecting. While the hydrolics would make sense, for a faster escape, HOW could the pumps lift a 70 ton King Tiger tank? That is, IF the tank, being spotted, WAS a King Tiger. According to the reports, which were "piling up", everyone, over the age of sixty-five, who SAW the tanks, maintained that what they saw was in the SHAPE, of a King Tiger. The key factor, though, was that the seniors, all said it was so odd that they HEARD, these, new, Tigers coming, but, unlike the Tigers, in the war, no houses shook. While Tami was un-sure, of WHAT to report, to Mr. Brown (or the Chancellor, for that matter), I had my own suspicion, which I submittted, indepent of Tamis official report. I would inquire, of Mr. Black, "How difficult would it be, to create a copy, of a Tiger tank, but something which is easy to transport, and maneuver?" Mr. Black would reply "As easy as popping microwave popcorn. In fact, a movie is, currently, under production, in which trucks, made to resemble the Tigers, along with the collapsable wheels. The wheels are retracted, during filming, and used for ease of storage." When I would ask "Can you ask around, and find out if anyone, other than the movie company, has ordered these vehicles?" Mr. Black would say "Give me 24, and I will send you a purchase list." True, to his word, Mr. Black sent me a copy, of the material, in question. While my suspicions were confirmed, I did not like the idea of what I was reading. The mistake, which the thieves would have made was in not "covering their tracks" well enough. Ofcourse, WHO would have suspected that this religion would go this FAR, in trying to discredit United Germany? The Jews THOUGHT they would be so "cute", using an antique, Israeli, transmitter. One which was too old, to be tracked, using modern day equipment. Problem was that, while the transmitter had not been found, during the war, since its original, Jewish, operators knew to keep the power down, to avoid detection, someone forgot to tell the next generation how to AVOID detection. Between this, and the fact that the group used a stolen copy, of a Hitler speech, one about the Jews being "sub-human", and it was easy for Germany, and N.A.T.O. to trace the broadcast. After American Special Forces raided the place, and arrested the Jewish conspirators, Germany, and N.A.T.O. hit the transmitter, with enough ordinance, to level a large city. The transmitter would, NEVER, work, again. During the ensuing trial, the Jew's INSISTED that they were the victims, and that Germany must NEVER be allowed to "rise", again. Not so long as there was a drop of Jewish blood, in the world. What the international, Jewish, faith, found so difficult, to believe, was that religious funds had been used, to build bunkers, under German soil, where the Tigers would be stored, when not in use. That, and a purchase order, for several, of the modified vehicles. It would seem that the criminals had thought that, by ordering the Tiger bodies, on 10-ton trucks, that no one would notice the weight difference. Add to this a request to "borrow" some war-era machine guns, for the purpose of "filing a video, about weapons of war", and the evidence was "triple-checked", both by the Brown Agency, and by Berlin, to ensure that there was no question, of the authenticity, of the reports, and we were left with a report, which even Mr. Brown was hesitant to file. When Jewish, then federal, accountants, went over the religions funds ledgers, the American Jewish Federation would be outraged, to learn that their own members had stolen millions, of dollars, for the "Disgrace Germany" project. Amalgrams, of Jewish names, would be found, on purchase orders, as well as tank transport orders. As for the culprits, they maintained that they, and the Jewish community, were the victims, in this case. They insisted that Germany be excluded, from the tank competition. The Jews actually seemed obsessed that Germany would use the competition to launch the next world war. For the damage, which they had caused, and the lives they had taken, the culprits would be sentenced to "Life-without chance of parole." While the international court found that neither American, German, nor other, Jews, could be held legally accountable, for the culprits actions, the court did suggest "Why dont we make it known, once and for all, that World War Two ENDED seveNty-five years ago. It is dead, and buried. Let it Rest in Peace?" The very next day, a Jewish on-line newsletter would respond with "NEVER! Not until every last KRAUT, and their descendants, is either dead, or in prison. The dead, from World War Two, continue to cry out for "Justice". Germany MUST be held responsible, for its actions. The nation must NEVER be allowed to rise, again! NEVER!". After spending almost two months, inside Germany, Tami would contact her grand-father, asking "When the war was over, did you, actually, talk, as in speak, or converse, with any Germans?" When her grand-father would say "Girl, dont you trust those dirty Nazi's. They killed my closest buddies, in combat. We should nuke that place, until every single Nazi glows in the dark." When Tami would ask "How do you KNOW they were, all, Nazi's?" Her grand-father would say "Girl, you be careful. Them Gestapo, and S.S. fellers, they dont play fair, nor do they care whom they kill." When Tami's mother would come to the man, saying "Father, your blood pressure". The man would say "Hang my blood pressure. Damn Nazi's tryin to brain-wash my grand-daughter." After her mother lead the man away from the computer, then returned, asking Tami "Why did you dredge up those old memories. You now how your grand-father feels, about the Germans. He fought them, you know." Tami would say "I know, but does grandpa realize that was seventy-five years ago?" When her mother would ask "That LONG?" Tami would say "I am visiting Germany, at this time, and I have a hard time seeing these people, as blood-thirsty killers." When her mothers only response was "Seventy-five years ago. Has it, really, been that long?" Tami would say "You should see the nation, now. Not a sign of the Nazi Party, anywhere." Tami noticed how her mother would say "Seventy-five years." When Tami wrote her report, to the Brown Agency, even Mr. Brown would say "Has it, really, been seventy-five years? And people are, STILL, holding grudges. Remarkable." Tami would remind Mr. Brown "Sir, when the Jews attacked the tank factory, they not only stole out-of-date tank parts, but they caused over one hundred million, in damage. The development program is out of commission, for years to come." When Mr. Brown would ask "What thoughts does the Chancellor have, on this?" Tami would say "As far as I know, the Chancellor is hoping for an extension, in the contest, stating that the work was sabotaged." When Mr. Brown would say "Your report says that all of the materials, including uniforms, have been confiscated." What is to be done with these materials." Tami would say "A public burning. Another, public, reminder, of what Germany must NEVER allow to happen, again." Mr. Brown would say "Such a waste of material, though. Could any of it have been recycled." Tami would say "I suppose the uniforms could, but who would WANT to wear something, which resembled a Nazi uniform." Mr. Brown would say "Oh, well, such is life, I guess. So, how soon will you be returning to the U.S.?" Tami would say "The Germans want to thank us, for exposing the fraud. A going away party. I hope it also honors those Germans who perished, in World War Two." Mr. Brown would say "Although I do NOT expect you to rush back to the states, I would appreciate it if the two of you would look over a case-file, which I am not even sure is possible." Tami would say "Ofcourse, we will get started, as soon as we say Goodbye to the Germans."

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