Friday, July 29, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE BLACK MASS When Tami and I opened the case file, while Ghost Ship 2 cruised, towards America's West Coast, it would seem that this was the kind, of "standard" haunting, which Tami and I had come to specialize in. If the file were correct, a property had been abandoned, for years (no number specified), until a preservation group decided to renovate the property. The groups rationale: Since local children were using the property, for initiations, and Halloween pranks (and a few children had been hurt, in the process), the preservation group had decided to renovate the abandoned house, mostly since not even chain-link fences seemed successful, at keeping the young off of the property. While the property was NOT as "ancient" as the thirteen colonies, it was atleast a century old. Maybe more. As to the properties original use, that was debatable. Some stories said the place was used, by the Northern Army, during the Civil War. Others said it was a guest house, for people, visiting the property owner. What the records, and the file, showed, was that the property was closed down, for years. (Again, no reason given.) More recently, between Halloween accidents, and the fact that the property seemed to be driving local property values down, due to age, and lack of maintenance, the decision had been made, to "deal" with the property. The problem was that the property DID have historical significance. The record showed that "events had occurred", on the property, over its years, of habitation (Or, COULD it have been AFTER the place was closed down?). Events not easily defined. All that local tax records showed was when the property went on the tax roll, and the construction price. $100,000.00 ( in late 1800's dollars). Tami found the section, which interested her. The section, concerning WHOM the living thought MIGHT be haunting the property. The "list" ran the "gambit", from "deceased soldiers", who had, supposedly, perished on the property, to former owners. Those who had cared for nothing except for making profit. Those, who tended the land, and did their best to make the land "fruitful, and abundant". There was a tale, about a sailor who, after a few drinks, enjoyed duelling. There was a tale, of a detective, whom neighbors saw enter the land, but never leave. There were tales, of maids, whom owners executed, allegedly, for the womens becoming pregnant, with the owners child. Tales, of owners having sex, and even producing children, by their own daughters. Tami would scratch her head as she said "This looks like a cross between the corporate lodge, and that Castle." When I would say "I HOPE it is not like the castle case. Remember how LONG it took, for you to process ALL of those spirits". Tami would say "Dont remind me". We, both, remembered that case. Especially the part, where the current owner produced a bill-of-sale, telling an outraged spirit "This castle is MINE! I bought it, fair and square. If you, and the other, resident, "spooks" do NOT vacate, and I mean NOW!, then I will have the courts evict you". Both before, and after, this case, Tami and I had been asked "Would it be possible to evict the ghosts?" Neither Tami, myself, or even Mr. Brown, had any clue to whether it was even POSSIBLE to EVICT a spirit. Now, we were going into a case, where historic renovation was attempting to make an "eye-sore", safe, for entry. One, positive, note, about the file, was that the black mass was not harming, or killing, anyone. It just seemed to be trying to scare people. (Or, was it trying to communicate?) It seems that seven, work, crews had abandoned the job-site, after workers saw the black mass. None reported being attacked, but all felt "un-easy", at the site. As for "descriptions", of the black mass, some "witnesses" claimed that the mass had a "triangle", or "bump", shaped, hat (Like the classic "spy-versus-spy" comics), while others claimed it was just a black mass, moving about, seemingly on a breath of air. About the only thing, which ALL of the "witnesses" agreed upon was that the thing was so BLACK that nothing could be seen, through it. And another, annoying, thing. This mass did not just show up, in one place. Not even one corner, of a room. No, it was reported, all over the property. Tami and I were going to get our exercise, for sure, on this one. As for the property, itself. It was standard, for the 1800's. Ornate decorations, molding, and panelling, which would make modern wood-workers "drool", with envy. From the file photo's, the place must have been beautiful, at one point. It was easy to imagine that the crumbling posts, steps, hand-rails, and other decorations, had, at one time, been the most beautiful, in the area. Thankfully, the place was only two stories tall (Not including the high-pitched roof line). I could not tell much, about the foundation, though, since the pictures did not show much, below the majestic wood-work. Even Tami agreed that this case would involve foot-work, since there seemed to be no attempts at "communications", as yet. Only the sighting of the black mass. While Tami's search, of the internet, turned up most of the basic information, including the builder, construction firm, purchaser, and the rest of the usual, technical, stuff, the problem was that the records contained no mention, or detail, of those who might have DIED, on the property. This was the information, which Tami sought. Basically, the "Who's Who", of WHO might have died, on the property. Our pilots, though, had much better news, when we reached the site. Just as both the pilots, and myself, had hoped, when the construction crews had departed the job-site, the crews had left behind an area, of trampled ground, more than large enough to set G.S.2 down on. (Just like Delcons village). Departing the plane, Tami and I met with the guide, from the local, preservation, group. This time, though, Tami and I would notice that the guide seemed to be in no hurry, to show us about both the property, then the house. The woman was, even, good enough to review what we knew, about the homes restoration, saying "Yes, this place has been around, long enough, that our children think of it as the "ultimate playground". The city has posted several notices, but the young just ignore the warnings. I cannot even count the number, of times, the police have visited this place, just to run the kids off. This is why we have decided to renovate." When Tami would ask "Why not just demolish the place?" The guide would say "We considered that, but only until we had five, seperate, inspectors, look the place over. Would you believe it? This place contains more asbestos, and carcinagens, than ten tobacco plants, lined up. If we demolished, we would, first, have to have all of the dangerous materials removed, by licensed contractors. The COST! When the town realized that demolition would cost four times as much as restoration..." Tami would say "Restoration costs much less". The guide would add "As an added bonus, we keep a part, of local history, alive. Sort of a two-for-one deal, you might say". The guide seemed completely at ease, as the three of us strolled the Victorian-style home. No, this was one of the calmest guides Tami and I, ever, had. When Tami would mention this fact, to the guide, the woman would say "I was born, and raised, in this area. I have known about this house, since my childhood. I have, yet, to see either a ghost, demon, or black mass." When Tami would ask "So, you dont believe in the stories?" The guide would correct Tami, saying "They make great ghost stories. Great fun for camp-outs, and sleep overs." While Tami and the guide began sharing their experiences, including Tami answering the womans questions, about our unusual plane, I would be doing my usual activity. Checking the grounds, for any signs, of things like headstones, grave indentations, or even religious markers. What would impress me, most, however, was the skill, which the stone masons had used, in setting the stone foundation, for the house. The foundation was a "work of art", in itself. What I just dont understand is the reason why, although I felt like I was being watched, I felt no foreboding. It was more like idle curiousity. When Tami would ask me inside the house, then we would travel, to the upstairs bedrooms, and Tami would ask me "WHAT do you FEEL?" I would admit that I did not feel anything like dread, or fear. It was more like "Home is where the heart is" (For lack of a better explanation) In atleast two, of the smaller bedrooms (Where Tami said she felt "un-easy"), I would mention "Thats odd, since I feel right at home. Like this is my own bedroom." In another bedroom, Tami would carress herself, as she said "I can FEEL it. This was the GIRL's bedroom. Totally feminine." I guess that she was right because I felt just as un-comfortable, in this room, as Tami felt, in the boys room. In the master bedroom, though, I THINK that our imaginations got carried away, because Tami and I, both, imagined seeing the shadow, of a couple, having passionate, sexual, intercourse, on a phantom bed. When Tami and I returned, to the main floor, we watched as the guide, named Mary, strolled into the house, like it was her own home,carrying some "gift supplies" which, Mary said "These are a present, from the town. Should make your stay more comfortable." Then Mary would add "If you find you need heat, dont bother with that old boiler, in the basement. It has frustrated twenty, of the finest repairmen, in the county. My suggestion. If you need to keep warm. Long Johns." Once Mary seemed to have un-loaded all she was supposed to bring, to the house, **I** was surprised when the first thing Mary did was check the place, like she was making sure that we had everything, then Mary would hand Tami her card, saying "If there is anything else you might need, feel free to call upon me." After Tami thanked Mary, and Mary strolled away, as though from an old friends house, "Tami would ask me "Remember Lanse Au Meadows?" I would ask "You dont think?" Tami would say "Only one way to be certain." With that, we headed over to G.S.2. Shortly after Tami entered Mary's, full, name, into a search, though, I would hear my partner say "Grrr". When I would ask "Good, or bad". Tami would say "I just ran Mary's information, and VIola!". On the screen was all the information, which Mary had shared, with Tami, including Mary's picture, which was totally identical, to the woman we had been talking with. The credentials matched, to the last letter. Mary was as much flesh-and-blood as we were. This is when Tami would suggest "Time to get to work". While our retired, air force, pilots, checked the perimeter security, I laid the usual gadgets, on the property, even as Tami did our "base-lines", for the interior. I just dont know why, but the house seemed such a comfort. Like it was part of us? While our pilots monitored security, and I surveyed the land, Tami would grab a bag-ful, of flash-drives, and set out, to interview the community. What Tami would find would shock her. Not only did the whole community KNOW about the house, but most people spoke of the house like it was a next door neighbor. As for the black mass? Some said yes, while others asked "What black mass?" In her daily report, to the Brown Agency, Tami would mention that this was the very FIRST location, which she and I had visited, where no one FEARED the location. (Some, of the local boys offered to show Tami their favorite spot, on the property. Tami, however, was not so "old", that she had forgotten what the "real" invitation was). Two days into our investigation, and Mr. Brown sent us a message: "Dispatching assistance. Researcher, who has done extensive work, on your location. Should prove most effective, in aiding your investigation." Tami would ask "Since WHEN does the boss NOT include the researchers information? No credentials?" I had to wonder, as well. Especially since I, too, knew our boss, and the man did not withhold information. When the new researcher arrived, the next day, even I could see Tami's, internal, conflict, as Lysia would say "Thanks for having me back". I have to give Tami credit, though, in the fact that she remained polite, as we travelled to the plane. Upon arrival, at G.S.2, Lysia made no hesitation, in taking her bags directly to my cabin, before setting us down, and asking "How much have you learned, so far?" When Tami gave the short summary, Lysia would say "Just about where I started, as well." Lysia would, then expand upon our research, with stories, about un-married couples being "plagued", by un-seen forces. (Especially while trying to court). Then, there was the story, of the time when the basement door jammed shut, and it was not until a repairman opened a basement window, only to smell the strong odor, of leaking gas, escape, through the opening. Lysia would say "The story goes that, even when the man tried, from inside the basement, the door would not open, until AFTER the man found the source, of the leak, closed the leak, then turned back, to see the door, to the kitchen, open, as easily as a puff of wind." When Tami would suggest "A protective spirit?" Lysia would say "Dont bet against it". When Tami would ask Lysia "How do you know so much, about this case?" Lysia would admit "After the "case", of your friends, at the light house, and the exposure, of the fact that a clone facility was, illegally, selling genetic material, it would seem that my research skills were noticed. I was requested to check on another location, but it took me less than half an hour to find out how the culprits had rigged another, old, house, to scare people away. Cheap, Halloween, tricks. After that, and somewhere between your trip, to China, and its follow up, in Germany, I was assigned to investigate this location." When Tami would ask "What conclusions have you drawn, to date?" Lysia would suggest "It would seem that almost, if not ALL, of the activity, in THIS house, is linked to activities, regarding passion". When Tami would ask "You dont mean...?" And Lysia would correct Tami, saying "No, I DONT mean that it is all connected to sex. Some, probably. I mean PASSION. Like the passion, to pursue a goal, or achieve an award. Something SPECIAL. Something a person must WORK to achieve. Individual recognition." When Tami would state "We have been here, for two days, and nothing. What would you suggest we try, next?" Lysia would say "First, lets make sure we are, all, on the same page. I am here, not because I, still, FEEL, for this man (me). I am here, to do research, and aid your search, for a solution, to this haunting. THAT is my focus. Anything else is just (with a look at me) what happens." When Tami would mention "But, NOT on the plane, right?" Lysia, and I, as one, would say "Definitely not", then look at one another, and laugh. For my personal journal, I just wish this case were along another sea shore. It had been so easy, with the sea in the background... As Lysia joined Tami, with the interview, and conversation, process, I did my best to find out more, about the geography, of the area. About the best, of what I found, were several, abandoned, and crumbling, foundations. I figured that the buildings were either from homes, or businesses, since I found horribly out-of-date heating systems. That, and plenty of lead pipes. I, also, found atleast two very wide ditches, or gorges. While one had a "trickle" of water, at its base, I doubted that this could have caused such a vast ditch. The other was filled with weeds, tree roots, and a few flowers. When I found an elderly, local, man, named Harvey, Harvey would, first, tell me he KNEW I was an outsider. He even knew that I was with that "plane", which sat near the house. When Harvey asked "Where did you get that thing? Aliens?" I told him "No, sir. United States Air Force Stealth Reject." When Harvey would ask "You mean that the government IS building U.F.O.'s, after all?" I would correct Harvey, saying "It was supposed to be a stealth bomber. You know. A plane which radar cannot see." Harvey would suggest "You mean, like them "foo-fighters" that we seen, during the war". I would suggest "Similar idea." Then I would re-direct Harveys attention to the gullies, asking "Any idea what made them?" Harvey would say "Son, any idea? Why, I was AROUND, when them storms caused the land-slides, which made these things." When I asked "What happened to all of the soil?" Harvey would say "Some of it washed down, on the highway, over yonder. Blocked the road, for a couple of days, until some tractors come along, and dug the road out." When I asked "And, the rest?" Harvey would say "Went down the sewers. Clogged up some pipes. City had to bring in shovels, wheel-barrows, and used an old fashioned hoist, to clear the sewers. Boy, you should have SEEN what them fellers looked like, at the end of the day. The fire department drenched the fellers down, with hoses, before the workers went home." When I would mention "You remember this, very well. About how long ago was this?" Harvey would give a soft laugh as he would say "Sixty years, more or less. I gots me a good memory, dont you think?" I would suggest "Better than most people I know". When I would follow up with "Who should I speak with, about that old house?" Harvey would look about, then whisper "Dont bother with them, that holds the deed. They haven't wanted a thing to do, with that house, for "ages"." When I would ask "WHO?" Harvey would tell me a story. When I returned to G.S.2, however, Tami was, already, working on the very SAME information. She was, however, rubbing her belly. When I asked "Where is Lysia?", Tami would say "Last I saw her, she was headed for your bunk." When I went to my bunk, and saw Lysia passed out, I asked, and Tami said "Dont worry. She will be fine, in the morning." When I asked "What happened?" in a soft voice, Tami would reply "Lysia may be good, at research, but she has a LOT to learn, about interviews. Eespecially when to say "WHEN"." In short summary, while Tami was accepting cake, cookies, and tea, while declining alcohol, Lysia decided that "a FEW drinks couldn't hurt". While Tami promised that Lysia was NOT drunk, when the alcohol was added to the sugar, in the cookies, and cake, (several doses of each), Tami had decided that the two had enough research material, for one day. Tami suggested that the women head back to the plane. Once Lysia visited the on-board toilet, then asked Tami "Where may I rest, for a moment", Tami had, casually, montioned, toward our bunks, and Lysia headed directly for my bunk. When I asked Tami "Do you think she will be hung over, when she awakens?" Tami would say "More like sick to her stomach, from all that sugar". (I KNEW where this would leave ME sleeping, that night). While Tami and I reviewed the material, which we had collected, we were just not certain of where it all lead. The one thing, which Tami was certain of was that the stories, of fathers raping daughters, were just as FALSE, as the reports, of daughters, being dis-owned, for becoming pregnant. The whole community denied this, as pure "fairy tale". In fact, even according to official records, the community had not even suffered a single rape. Barn burnings? Yes. Public Discipline? Yes. Murder? Perhaps. Home Invasion? A couple of times. Drunk and Dis-Orderly? YES. There was, even, a story, about a teenage boy, who had been ORDERED to marry another boys "sweetheart", or face a "necktie party". Reason? The girl hadn't wanted her REAL boyfriend blamed, for her pregnancy. She had no problem with accusing the other boy. The story went that the girl was more than willing to blame the innocent boy, when all she thought would happen was a public whipping. To her horror, when the town council judged that, for the "crime", of despoiling an innocent girl, the penalty was that the girl was ordered to marry the boy, the girl had tried to re-cant her testimony, but only until informed that "Bearing False Witness" was an even worse crime. She had "Made her bed. Now she had to LAY in it". After an exceptionally quick marriage, the girl was not even past her honeymoon, when she was "caught", with her REAL man. In order to save her "reputation", the girl had grabbed some poison berries, than told her boyfriend "I hope this works." Within the hour, the girl, suffering extreme abdominal pains, was rushed to the local healer, who gave the girl a generic potion. By morning, the girl was well, and some people thought it suspicious (but said nothing) that the girl was so happy NOT to be pregnant anylonger. When the couple went before the council, again, the council ruled that it was "Gods will", that the child had not come to term. As to the question, of who was happier, when the "marriage" was dissolved, that is debatable. After all, the girl went back to her boyfriend, after ORDERING her "husband" NEVER to tell a soul, that she had DENIED him a wedding night. And this was just one, of many stories, which had "floated about", being re-told, generation-after-generation. By the time Lysia awakened, and returned to the toilet, Tami and I had lost all track of time, having spent our time cross-referencing information. After Lysia cleaned up, and joined us, at the computers, saying "Even being pregnant CANT feel THIS bad." Tami would suggest "Dont bet on that." Tami would, then, smile, as Lysia would suggest "I almost wish I were pregnant. Atleast then I would be justified, in how I feel". When Lysia thought of food, as in breakfast, she RAN for the toilet, again. This time, though, Tami brought Lysia some stomach medication. Military surplus, yes, but, as our pilots could vouch, from YEARS of experience, the liquid could calm anything short of a nuclear detonation. Sure enough, within half an hour, of taking the liquid, Lysia was ready to join us, for breakfast. While Lysia was, audibly, thanking, Tami, for pointing out the on-board choices, for breakfast, Lysia was passing me a note, under the table. When I excused myself, took the note outside, and away from the planes camera's, I opened Lysia's note, Which was quite simple: "I need you. My body yearns for you. I NEED my man. Let me know, SOON!" As I returned to the plane, the ladies informed me that something had happened, down at the boatyard. I did notice how Lysia asked Tami "Should I, as a "junior" member, of the team, stay behind, and process the data?" Tami would surprise me when she said "Dont be ridiculous. Mr. Brown said you are a member, of our team. Take my partner, find out whats going on, and report in". When Lysia and I followed Tami's directions, we found that what SHOULD have been a short, ten minute, drive, turned into a two hour drive, even as Lysia called Tami, only to verify that traffic was, almost, at a stand-still. Lysia would inform Tami "We may not be there, for some time." After that, the ladies dis-connected. By the time my "pass" got us through the barricades, I had to remind Lysia to be quiet, about her urges, even as she realized that she was touching herself. (Believe me, I WANTED to be the one, touching her, however, THIS was business). We could, both, understand what the commotion was about, when we reached the scene, and found what resembled the after effect of a LARGE ship, having crashed into the dock. Even on-location detectives said "This makes no sense. Our harbor is NOT deep enough, for such vessels." By the shape, of the indentations, on both the pier flooring, and the "shape", crunched into the side, of a pier-side shack, the ship, which wrecked, here, MUST have been over 100 feet tall. When Lysia and I back-tracked, to the beach, we found more police, here. All standing over a DEEP, V-cut, in the beach. We listened as the police compiled notes, while asking "HOW could a ship, no less than 100 feet tall, even enter our harbor, let alone do this damage?" When I asked "Just curious. How deep is the harbor?" An officer would say "At LOW ride, maybe ten feet deep. At HIGH tide, forty-five, to fifty, feet." When Lysia would ask "No one SAW the collission?" The answer, not surprisingly, was "Negative". When Lysia would ask "How is that possible, with such a large ship?" The police would say "Heavy fog, last night. All craft were at moors, by sun-down. By sun-set, you could not seen two feet in front of you." While Lysia KNEW that the drive back would take HOURS, at the rate traffic was moving, Lysia was the one to call Tami, and transmit our information back to the plane. Lysia and I, then, strolled the beach, along with others, all wondering HOW a ship, atleast 100 feet tall, could enter a fifty foot deep harbor, without bottoming out. HOW did it get in, ram the pier, then get out, all without being seen, or heard. While I would have preferred a more conventional lunch, Lysia talked me into something I did not expect. To her, atleast, the lunch had the desired effect. It must have been near dinner time, by the time Lysia awoke me, with a kiss. I figured that this was true since, when I looked about the area, I noticed that the on-lookers, from the pier, were gone. Lysia just smiled at me as she said "It was good." When I asked "How long was I out." Lysia said "Dont worry. She hasn't called, to check up, yet." Back at my rig, I called Tami, for an update. When she asked "How's it going, at the pier?" I would say "More questions, than answers." Tami would say "I will just bet. After all, how often does a 100 foot tall ship slip into a fifty foot deep harbor?" When I would ask "Any sugestions?" Tami would ask "What would you like, for dinner?" I would say "I meant, have you contacted regional ship yards, to find out about this ship, yet?" Tami would say "Working on it. Will you be back, soon?" I told her "By the looks of traffic, we should be back, within twenty minutes. Leave the landing lights on, okay?" When I joined Lysia, inside the rig, we took a good, long, moment, just to share a kiss. After that, it was back to the plane (and, no doubt, Tami's wrath). Strange thing is, when Lysia and I returned to the plane, all Tami would say was "You are a grown man. What you do, with your time, is YOUR business." (Lysia just wished she could wipe her smile off her own face.) That evening, Lysia had me drive her to the local hotel, where she had a room on reserve. While we had bunk space, on G.S.2, Lysia would say that it would be better if she did not stay on-board. She would be back, come morning. For the record, I really did not plan on staying, with Lysia, all night. We just began talking, about how the ship had managed its feat and, soon, we were discussing the house, and the black shadow. Lysia's main request, that night, was that, IF she did encounter the shadow, she hoped that I was close by, for her to run into my arms. The last question I had, that night, was "How was a ship, crashing into a pier, connected to a black mass, which was "scaring workers out of a house?" WAS there a connection, at all? Could these be seperate hauntings? All I knew was that I was in for a "world of trouble" when Tami found out WITH WHOM I had spent my night. How could I explain that it had not been "planned"? Lysia and I just started talking, about the case and, the next thing I knew, it was morning. When Lysia and I reported to G.S.2, Tami would report "That ship, that crashed into the dock?" When Lysia and I would ask "Yes? What about it?" Tami would say "No ships, that size, reported in the area. Not even at anchor." When I would ask Tami "Then WHAT crashed into the dock, and gouged the beach bottom?" Tami would say "The $10,000 questions". What "feaked" me was when Lysia voiced my thought, suggesting "What did locals do? Go out, in the fog, sabtotage the dock, AND dig the indentation. ALL on a fog bound night?" Tami would say "So far, its the only thing that makes sense." I was about to ask, when Lysia voiced my question "What does ANY of this have to do, with our "haunted house?" Tami would say "So far, I cannot find ANY connections. Would you care to join me, at the computers?" Over the next week, when NOT working on available "leads", the three of us would learn, more, about the project, by aiding the latest group, of restoration workers. A group which, it seems, had reviewed our "ghost problem". According to the teams foreman, the idea was "As long as the ghost dont bother US, we wont bother it/them." Tami, and Lysia, would aid in coordinating supplies, while I performed any "odd job" which needed doing. I would have PREFERRED to say that Lysia and I kept our "secret" well-hidden, however, in this type of community, NOTHING remains private, for very long. Just as everyone, in town, knew who had arrived, in the mysterious craft (G.S.2), so it was common knowledge of the evenings, when I spent the night, with Lysia. To locals, it did not seem to matter, that Lysia and I were following up, on leads, and developing the case-file. All that people CHOSE to see was a white man, spending his evenings with a black girl. Ofcourse, to hear Lysia talk, it was, mostly, "Who cares what people think. We KNOW what we are doing." Based upon the information, which Lysia would e-mail Tami, once I passed out, each time, Tami was certain that we were, in fact, persuing the case. It would seem that the one "edge", which Tami had, on Lysia, was in regards to the ship, in the fog. Tami would conclude that the fog was not natural, at all. Just as I knew she would, my partner double-checked the available weather forecasts, for the area. While a fog HAD rolled in, on each night, and been documented, by patrols, there just was no weather-related reason, for the fog. While Lysia would suggest a situation, similar to the "classic" movie "The Fog", Tami would mention "I have found no evidence, to support such a conclusion. There are no official records, of any such craft." Tami and I found it odd, as in strange, that Lysia was called away, to work on another project, right after she began work, on written ledgers, regarding maritime incidents. Personally, I had my doubts, about this angle, especially since the damage, caused to the pier, was, obviously, made, by a steel-hulled vessel. Aside from the ironclads, of the civil war, vessels were, still, being constructed, of wood, until World War One. Still, even Tami thought it odd that, just as Lysia was researching maritime records, that she was called away. And, granted, OUR main objective, was the house, and the black mass. Tami just found herself wishing that Lysia had remained, until THIS project was finished. While working with the restoration, ourselves, both Tami, and I, THOUGHT we saw a black mass, a few times, per viewer. Most of the time, however, "it" was gone, by the time we had a chance to react. When Tami had contacted the Brown Agency, about Lysia's "transfer", all the agency would report was "Word has reached this office..." Tami would inform me "I believe that it is the agency's point of view that, when ON DUTY, agents shall be focused on ASSIGNED duties, and NOT on "personal pleasures"." I would have argued that Lysia was making a REAL contribution, to the case, but Tami cautioned, against this. "If you try to defend her, our critics will, only, see an enamoured man, trying to aid his lady love. Best to let it rest". One day, during lunch period, Tami had a prolonged conversation, with a man, who seemed to know much of local history. He, also, seemed to know about some un-recorded shipping accidents. It was not, however, until a worker approached Tami, asking "Who are you talking to?" that Tami looked at the man, only to find the space nothing but air. Thankfully, Tami had her recorder on. Later, at Ghost Ship Two, when Tami played back the recording, sure enough the mans voice was on the recorder. Tami, also, found something in the background, of the recording. While Tami knew that other workers were on the job, while she took her break, the sounds did not seem so much the sounds of tools. Unless Tami was mistaken, the sounds were more like children, playing. She knew what I would say, about this. "Ofcourse, there will be sounds, of children, playing. After all, old homes had provided shelter, for MANY a young family." When the Brown Agency sent a "Request for Information", asking "Why has the investigation slowed down?" Tami would reply "Because Lysia was re-assigned. SHE was the primary investigator, and a real bonus, in my research work. Now that I am working, ALONE, research takes longer." When the Brown Agency would ask "WHERE is that "partner" of yours?" Tami would respond "He is WORKING, just as I am. Will report daily progress, in regular report." For the next three weeks, Tami and I ignored the stories, of "fog-ships", and focused on our black mass. That is, until one evening, when we were invited to a seafood restaurant, for dinner. The sky was clear. The stars were bright. The night was warm. The seafood was delicious. Then, as if either out-of-nowhere, or from some horror movie, a thick fog rolled in, and, in a matter of minutes, not only did the waters, of the bay, vanish, into the "soup", but so did the end of the pier. In fact, as the fog rolled in, thick, water-front businesses sounded classic, ships, bells. This, as personnel rushed to close up shop. Our restaurant had asked Tami and I to return, inside the business, but Tami and I wanted to know WHY people were afraid, of some moisture. We had to be careful, in FEELING our way, along the pier, as visibility was down to inches. No way did we want to "take a swim", in this "pea-soup". I really dont know how far along the dock we were, when something, like a search light beam, shown through the fog. Nothing menacing, probably just searching for any stranded craft, which had not made anchor, before the fog appearred. Then, out of the fog, came the outline of some sort of freighter. Definitely more modern, by the shapes, of the bridge. This was NO wind-powered ship. It was, definitely, either steam, or diesel. It was as the shape grew more defined that we realized the ship was headed for the pier. As it closed, it grew larger and larger. While Tami and I were ready, and willing, to use ANY of the items, in Mr. Backs "bag of tricks", to identify the vessel, all that we could see, through the fog, was a dark hull, topped with a light paint. (Only a few million, such, craft, in the world). Tami and I watched the ship tear into the pier, and groan, as its hull gouged the bottom of the bay. This was an ocean-going ship, not an in-land vessel. As the ships hull tore into the pier, and the beach, Tami and I heard a male voice call "All back, full!". This would be followed, moments later, by "Report all damage", and "What did we hit?" Maybe five minutes later, the fog retreated, and a whistle was heard, from on-land. Tami would ask me "An ALL-CLEAR signal?" As Tami and I continued our investigation, of the black mass, Lysia would contact us, via e-mail. It would seem that her "punishment", for our personal activities, was to be assigned, to several cases, which a first grader could figure out. Since Lysia was growing bored, with her assignment, she kept in touch, with us, via the internet, sharing any information, which she had discovered. While Tami and I had been pondering HOW a fog, on a local waterway, could be connected to our subject property, Lysia had continued her own investigation. An investigation which lead to the conclusion, that the two hautings were UN-related. Not surprisingly, when the Brown Agency learned that the three of us, remained in close contact, Mr. Brown, and I reached a compromise. The terms were clear. The MISSION was to take priority. That, and I was NOT to impregnate Lysia. (My own time was my own, but nothing was to "happen", aboard G.S.2) I found signing the agreement to be the easiest thing I had, ever, done. After all, the stated goals had been our goals, all along. When Lysia returned, to G.S.2, she said she found it funny that her version, of the agreement stated that she was NOT to become pregnant, ON-BOARD the plane. Out of respect, for Tami's feelings, Lysia and I had NEVER. Especially NOT on-board. No, if we did, it was away from the plane. Soon, the women were working the computers, like the worlds greatest hackers, and, sometimes, coming up with some whacky ideas. As Tami and I, KNEW, from EXPERIENCE, sometimes, the best solutions came from the whackiest idea's. While the women re-traced every inch, of the homes past, ruling out everything which could be explained, one way, or the other, and Tami, eventually, declared "That place is so "squeeky clean", it makes my mothers home seem "dirty", by comparison." This is when Lysia would ask "I wonder if we are looking in the wrong place?" When Tami would ask "Where would you suggest we look?" Lysia would say "We have gone over everyone, and every-THING, about THIS house, since it was built, until the present." When Tami agreed, Lysia suggested "What about what was here, BEFORE this house?" Tami lit up as she said "You are suggesting a protective haunting?" Lysia would say "I am suggesting that either some spirit, from the past, is not happy, with either the current home, or the restoration team, or that the spirit is not happy, that this home was built, on THEIR land." Tami knew what this meant. BACK to the church archives. Yes, the records, stored in the basement, of convents. A "filing system", which preceeded any government system, by millenia. Tami just wondered if Mother Superior (the living woman), had kept her promise, and placed the volumes in chronological order. When Tami had suggested this idea, it seems that, prior to OUR using the archives, that volumes were brought to the "crypt", then just placed where there was room. When Tami had suggested listing the volumes, by century, Mother Superior would go another step, and suggest labelling, by location. When the ladies approached the convent, Tami needed no introduction. The sisters knew her as well as they knew the pope. Lysia was allowed entry, under Tami's supervision. When Mother Superior welcomed Tami back, the nun would say "I think you will be impressed with our progress." When the women entered the records vault, Tami was stunned, speechless, when she saw that, not only were the volumes "coded", not just by century, but by geographical location, as well. Sure the crypt would, never, win a "five-star" rating, for good housekeeping, but the sisters had done an excellent job, of placing history in order. As Mother Superior would note, to Tami "You were correct, child. The sisters, and the church, spent so much time, just trying to locate information, that this is why even an hours worth of research, sometimes, took days, just to find the notes." Mother Superior would say "Now, with your suggestion, we can find what we need, in minutes, instead of days." For the church, this was GREAT news. For Tami, and Lysia, however, it only provided a starting point. The women, also, had to remember that, in history volumes, what was recorded was not, always, facts. Sometimes, it was "Gods own Truth" (or, Artistic License, as Tami called it). The GOOD news, for my ladies, was that the church had place all five, of the volumes, on the homes general area, on the SAME shelf. This meant that, instead of hours, spent just serching for the materials, the ladies could spend their time actually researching the materials. This, however, prompted another problem. One which, on seperate dates, and in various, locations, had slowed research to a crawl. Since none, of the three of us, spoke, or read, any language, other than English, we were required to ask the sisters for translations. This time was no different. When Mother Superior viewed the pages, in question, she would tell the ladies "My French is not so good. Let me find a sister, to aid you." Tami and Lysia, had been expecting this, since all three of us expected that the house was built by immigrants, in the days when the only "true" Americans were the indian tribes. While a single visit was all, to the convent, was all that was required, this time, to acquire the needed information, the real problem was with the property, itself. Some man, with a long, dark, beard, continually materialized, on the site, barking, at Tami, Lysia, and any, other, females, working on the site "This is MANS work! Women got no place working with these tools." When Tami would ask the man "WHY? Dont you think that women are capable?" The man would, only, say "There are just some jobs only men should do. You females should stick to what you are better at. Raising babies, and keeping your man happy". Now, while most, modern, women, wouild have been offended by the mans suggestions, Tami and Lysia went the exact opposite way. They asked questions, and "pumped" the man, for as much information, as they could. (Before he vanished). In Tami's, daily, report, she would state "Atleast one spirit, on the property, has been indentified. His name is Dirk, and he was employed, doing construction work, in the mid-1800's. It seems that Dirk has the "typical" mind-set, of an 1800's era male. Namely, women are only good for keeping house, and raising children. Dirk HAS offered to abandon the property, on the condition that only MEN be employed to do this work. Dirk considers women "just too danty", for such work." When Mr. Brown would ask "Doesn't he understand that such views are sexist, and even illegal?" Tami would remind the boss "Sir, you must remember that this man lived decades before the 19th amendment was passed. He does not understand sexism, or even racism." When Mr. Brown would ask "Suggestions?" Tami would suggest "Once we have identified the rest of those, at the site, I reccommend a conference. Negotiate a deal, and send them, ALL, on their way". It was just a few days later, when Tami would ask the project supervisor to thank a woman, named Alice, for taking such care of the workers. Alice seemed to know exactly when, and what, workers needed. Food, drink or massage. Alice was ready to be of service. When the supervisor would say "Sorry, ma'am, no one, on this site, by that name." When Tami checked the internet files, on the area, she found out why no one knew Alice. The woman had been a devoted wife, and home-maker, 160 years ago. Then, there were the two men, in the coveralls. The men who, when some supplies fell on the workers, the men had come forth, and the crew thought that the men were site supervisors, the way they took control, moved the materials, and recued the workers, with only minor injuries. Dont ask me how, but, once the workers were rescued, and were being tended, when the crew turned, to thank the men, for the excellent job, we found that the men had "vanished", just as quickly as they had appearred. Later, still, a supervisor had a fifteen minute argument, with a man, who insisted that an area was dangerous, and that something was not, properly, supported. The supervisor had the man escorted, from the property, by security. Just as the security men were escorting the visitor, to the property line, there was a thunderous crash and, in the time it took the guards, to look back, at the project, see the damage, then look back, at their charge, they found only empty air before them. When the supervisor insisted that they had no knowledge, that the area was un-safe, several workers came forward to remind the supervisor that the man HAD tried to warn him. When the guards returned to the scene, asking if anyone had seen the man, they were to escort, from the property, no one admitted to seeing the man, since the guards led him away. On yet another occassion, a woman came to provide the most wonderful, home-baked, cookies, any of us had, ever, tasted. Talk about style, as well. The decoration, of the cookies, was masterful. It was not until the woman left us three plates, of cookies, then departed, and a supervisor asked what we were doing with the snacks, the supervisor shook their head, when workers mentioned the lovely woman. Back, at G.S.2, a simple name, check, revealled that what the site-controller had told us, in private, after the cookies "incident", was correct. The woman, who had provided the cookies, was the wife of the second, to last, owner, of the house. While she was a true "artiste", with her baking skills, she had put aside her ambitions, and taken a womans "proper" roll, for her day. Even in the early 1900's, women, simply, did NOT have careers. Only homes, and families. When Tami tried to conceive of how restrictive life was, for women, just a century ago, I had to remind my partner that life was little better, for men. Atleast until 1910, or 1920, employers could, actually, DICTATE how men spent off-duty hours. While married men could have an after-work drink, and card, and board, games, single men were required to be sober, polite, and to practice "proper courting procedures", during off-duty hours. Some employers even regulated workers bedtime, and what religion workers either could, or were required, to belong. And, above all else, courting couples were chaperoned, regardless of age. Pre-marital sex was considered as much a blasphemy, in that time period, as a modern couple would be considered, if they had sex, in church, on sunday, on the altar. When Tami would ask "How could people live, and work, under such conditions?" I would suggest "Generations of conditioning. Just becomes habit." When a most polite, young, woman, with a beautiful, southern, accent, came to the site, asking for a gentleman, it was easy to inform her "Sorry, dear lady, but there is NO Victor on this project." Tami was, no-sooner, speculating "She must be one of the roving characters, trying her act out, on us" when, just a moment later, another worker would ask "Did you see that?!" When Tami turned, asking "See what?" The worker would say "That pretty woman just "vanished, into thin air"." In Tami's, daily, report, to Mr. Brown, she would report "This property has MORE than a haunted past. It is more like a "ghost motel". The worst part is, we dont seem to be able to tell the living, from the dead, until we search personnel files. This is, definitely, NO residual haunting. These people KNOW humans are present, and some, of the spirits, are downright helpful. That, and courteous. I just wish we could find out WHY they are present." When Mr. Brown would suggest "So, you dont think that they are "protective?". Tami would report "There HAS to be more to this. I can feel that there is a story, here. I just need to find out how to communicate, with the spirits." While the black mass seemed to be "keeping its distance" from the crew, Tami and I asked a favor, of the crew. A favor, normally NOT part of a restoration crews job. Tami handed out some digital recorders, asking each worker to carry one, on their person. When the workers asked "What for?" Tami would say "This way, if someone, especially someone you do not know, tries to converse, with you, about history. You wont have to take notes. You, simply, turn on the recorder, and record the conversation." When a worker would ask "What good will that do? We are just here to fix up the place. The ghosts are your concern". A co-worker would say "Dont you get it? We turn in the recorders, and they figure out who the spooks are." Tami would add "Once we know who they are, we can send them where they belong, and you can finish your work." While Tami's plan DID work, there were a few "minor" complications. One of these was when workers deecided to have sex, on the job-site. One of them must have forgotten to set aside their recorder, since, at the start of the passion, their actions switched the unit on. Thanks to G.S.2's computers, though, once we heard the sounds, of passion, Tami programmed the machine, to block out designated voices, and leave only the other sounds. The couple must have, really, been "going at it", since the computer picked up a "For shame", and an "In broad daylight". Thanks to the computers voice-profiler, it would be only half an hour, before the computer listed "Voices Unknown". While Tami was pondering this, Lysia reminded us "I told you. Acts, of PASSION, bring the spirits forth, with more potency." then she added "I would bet that, if he (me) and I were to step into the house, remove our clothes, and just snuggle, we would receive a reaction." When Tami asked "Why not step inside the house, and just kiss?" Lysia would say "Remember, this house reacts to acts of PASSION. I doubt a simple kiss, or even a whispered "I love you", would bring the spirits forth". While I understood that Lysia had a point, based upon real research, I, also, knew that Tami was thinking as a professional would think. Start small, and build. When I explained this, to Lysia, I laughed, when Lysia asked "What makes your partner more of an "expert", than me?" I would support Tami, by saying "Maybe one hundred cases, of handling spirits, including communication, and negotiating between the living and the dead". When Lysia would ask "You have handled a hundred locations?" Tami would correct her, saying "Maybe fifity locations, but about one hundred souls". This is when I would add "We will begin with Tami's plan. Start slow, and work up." When Lysia would ask "What happens if "slow" does not work, and the spirits get annoyed, and leave?" I would suggest "Then, we move on". In preparation, for the evenings activities, after the crew left the job site, I would have preferred to wear my coveralls, but Tami had me change into shorts, and a tank top. Like she said "The idea is to DRAW OUT the spirits." When Lysia came forth, in a G-string bikini, Tami would say "WAY over the top. We need to tone it down." Still, Lysia reminded Tami that the spirits, in this house, react to passion. Tami, however, would have Lysia change into shorts, and a halter. When Lysia would say "Not very sexy". Tami would remind Lysia "We are trying to draw the spirits out, not infuriate them". As Lysia and I prepared to enter the house, I would ask Tami, over the comms "Which room would you suggest that we start in?" Tami would consult the floor plans, then say "Why not try the Sitting Room." When I would agree, then ask "Which room is it?", Tami would say "Just ahead, on your left." Inside the Sitting Room, when Lysia found a couch, and went to get comfortable, Tami would suggest "The Love-Seat would be a better choice". Tami and I, both, suppressed a chuckle, as Lysia said "Party-pooper". Lysia was correct, about one thing. A simple embrace, a kiss, even soft words, barely, elicited a response, from this house. When Lysia would suggest that I carress her breast, while french-kissing her "Tami would say "Worth a try. Nothing to lose". It was not until my actions brought forth moans, of both joy, and passion, from Lysia, that the house reacted. Boy! Did it react. Furniture, books, lamps. The whole place seemed to "come alive". This is when I would call, to Tami "Round One, in action. Ready for Round Two". A few minutes after I THINK I heard Tami say "Roger that", that my partner entered the house. Once Tami entered, the house seemed to quiet down, for a moment. This is when Tami suggested that Lysia and I return to our actions. Maybe that would bring the spirits out to "play". When Lysia said "No way!", in a frightened voice, I realized that Lysia was much better, at research, than at actual interraction. This is when I asked my partner "Are you game?" Tami would say "We were sent here, to do a job. Mr. Brown expects results". When I joined Tami, in the hallway, I did not know it but Lysia watched, in annoyance, as Tami and I engaged in a DEEP kiss, and tender carress. Well, if we thought that my kissing Lysia would spark a response, we were in for "You aint seen nothin yet", when Tami and I shared a tender moment. The more fuss the spirits made, the deeper that we took the moment. Tami and I did not subside our actions, until a proper, female, voice would ask "Do you mind. This happens to be a family home." When Tami and I ceased our french-kiss, and Tami asked the woman "Are you ready to speak to us, now?" When the woman, dressed in a full, Victorian, dress, would say "Really". and Tami took that as a "No", we resumed kissing, atleast until the lady would say "Let us take this into the parlor. That is the only decent course of action, to be taken". When Tami broke, from our kiss, she had a smile, on her face, which put Lysia's smile to shame. In order to "provoke" more, of the spirits, into coming forth, in the parlor, Tami made a point of snuggling up, to me. (She also made a point of activating BOTH of our recorders.) Lysia was proven correct, about one thing. This house was NOT the first, built on this location. A minister would come forth, saying "I remember the days, when a chapel sat on these grounds. And not just any chapel. A chapel, which was ornamented in gold, and silver. Those were the days. You know that the crew, who built the chapel, constructed the building to amplify my voice." When Tami asked "May I inquire what became of the chapel?" The minister would say "We were divested, from the holy church, after an "inspector" saw the gold, and silver, and said we were withholding, from the church. We weren't. I swear. All of the metal was donated." When Tami would ask "What did the inspector do?" The minister would say "He called upon the loyal daughters, and sons, of Christ, to rip the gold and silver out of the building, and send it to the holy church. Once the church was stripped, he gave the command "In the name of the Lord, our God, I command those, present, to burn this sacriledge, to the ground". When Tami would whisper "Oh, my God. You were not inside the church, were you?" The ministers silence "spoke" volumes. As did his comment of "This was all I had. May God forgive me." After the minister came an interracial couple, who told us "My husbands, ivory, family, disowned him, completely, once they found he was making a life, with an ebony woman." Her husband would say "We wanted to make our own lives. We even moved away, from the village, to avoid racial tension. All we wanted was to be happy". When Tami asked "What happened?" The husband would say "I guess that we did not move far enough, away. A group came by, one night, while we slept, and burned the house down. By the time the fire was dying down, I dont know how, but I saw one of the fire-setters making the sign of the cross, then say "Let God's justice be done". Then, our hostess would say "The woman, who served you those cookies" When Tami would ask "What about her?" Our hostess would say "She was condemned since, on a single occassion, when her husband was away, for a few years, on a land-purchasing trip, she accepted another mans company. While she did her best, over the remainder of her life, to attone for the sin, the community never forgave her". When Tami would question "If her husband was away, for years, what did people expect the woman to do? Become a nun?" Our hostess would say "You do not understand our ways, anymore than we understand yours. In our world, couples took the words "Forsaking all others, keep thee only unto thy mate" most seriously." When Tami would ask "Just how LONG was the husband away? A year? Two years?" Our hostess would say "More like ten years." When Tami got excited, asking "Ten YEARS? What did people expect, of the woman?" Our hostess would say "He DID write. Atleast once per month. Oh, and dont worry. The wife did not bear a child, by her lover. She may not have been faithful, but she was proper." When the phantom crew-men, who aided with on-site accidents, appearred, as well as the man, who had argued, with the site-supervisor, Tami would learn that, in life, the men had done their best, to look after the wife, even after she took another man, as a lover. The men did her home repairs, and accepted meals, in return for their labor. When Tami asked our hostess "What happened to you, and your family?" A tall, broad-shouldered, solid, man appearred, at the womans side, and she told us "This is my husband. We had many, happy, years, in this house. Raised our children, and cared for our grand-children. So many happy, and joyous years. We love this place." Her husband would say "A-Men!" When Tami would ask "Do you not wish others to share in your joy, and happiness?" When the hostess would ask "Whatever do you mean?" Tami would suggest "If you let the crews finish restoring your home, then others might visit, and share in your joy". While the husband seemed un-certain, the wife would say "Please, pardon my impertinence, but I hope you are not refering to those im-polite brutes, which have been coming around, in recent years." When Tami would ask "That bad?" The woman would say "Such language, and from children, yet. Where have proper manners gone?" When Tami would suggest "A new world?", the wife would say "I prefer the old one. Maybe life was strict, but people had good manners. Children were behaved. Everyonne knew their place". The husband was nodding, in full agreement, with his wife. When Tami would ask "If you had a message, or a deal, with the local community, what would you like your neighbors to know?" The husband would say "We want our home RESPECTED. The only permission, for what you call "trash-talk", shall be for injuries. The times when I, myself, used im-polite language. If those children, from town, want to visit our property, they must learn RESPECT. This is NOT a brothel. We raised our family, right." When Tami would ask "Are you aware of any additional souls, which reside on this property?" The wife would say "Only travellers. People seeking a place, to rest, for a day, or two. Most of the spirits, within these walls, are what you call "transient". They move on." When Tami would ask "The black mass?" The husband would admit "My fault, I fear. I only wanted it to drive away those shameful children. I set it loose, when profanity exceeds what my beloved wife can stand." When Tami would ask "And, the workers?" The husband would say "Same thing. "trash talk". I was just hoping to draw someone, like you. Someone with whom my wife and I could make our complaints known. We do not mind the living, as long as they dont mess up the place. We just dont want our family to have to listen to such filthy language." The husband would, then, ask Tami "Miss, is that really too much to ask?" Tami had no answer. Shoot, neither did I. When Tami took the family's offer before the towns-people, it seems that the isssue "ripped" the town into different sections. One section, primarily comprised of the elderly, whom, from conversations, Tami knew were more in favor of the old days, and proper use of language. Then there was the other group. These were the people who insisted that they had the right to say, or do, anything, that they wanted to. I wont include their actual language, here, but I will say that the general concept was "We earned the right to talk however we want, and to do whatever we want. The law says so. No spooks gonna make us "bow down". When the construction contractors agreed that it might be a refreshing change, to hear regular words, used on the job-site, and less vulgarity, a few workers would announce their resignation, saying "Nobody gonna tell me HOW to talk". Tami would spend the next week, moderating the discussion, between the two sides. What she would report, to the Brown Agency, was "It will seem odd, however, I am noticing more people coming to support the family's side. Maybe I am just imagining it, but, those who insist they have "rights" are falling into the minority." (It should, also, be noted that, once Tami began her communications, with the spirits, from this house, Lysia packed her bags, and took a flight out. Lysia expressed her doubts, that the spooks would abide by any agreement.) And why should they? After all, mortal law was useless, against them. This is why Tami ended up moderating the agreement, even as a spirit came to me, saying "That is some woman you have, there." When I thanked the spirit, the spirit would ask "When are you going to make an honest woman out of her?" I would tell the spirit "I am not her type. She would be much happier with Conan the Barbarian". The spirit cheated me out, of a response, as they no-sooner asked "Are you sure?", then they dissolved. This is when I remembered how often the spirit world enjoyed tampering in human affairs. When the negotiations came to a point, where some, of the protesters would converse, with Tami, asking "What should I do. We fought, so long, and hard, for freedom of speech. Now, we are being told to give away that freedom". When Tami would ask "What is it that you are giving away?" the protesters would say "I guess, the ability to act as we want to?" When Tami would ask each protester "You mean that you WANT to talk like trash?" Each protester would seem lost, in thought, even as Tami would point out "You know, WE are having a discussion, and we dont need trash talk, to do this, do we". By the end of the month, Tami would be relieved to see that most of the protesters would be discussing things, with their "rivals". Less than a handful, of protesters, remained adamant that they had "rights". To cap the deal, some relatives, of the protesters, would appear, asking protesters "If you want to live your life, your way, why not move to a place, where there are people, like you?" When the protesters remained firm, saying "We have as much right, here, as anyone". The relatives would correct them, saying "You have the right to live your life. You are not required to live here". For reasons, which few people could understand, the last, of the protesters not only packed up, to move out, but what no one could understand was WHY did they burn their residences down? As for the home renovation, the contractors signed the same agreement, that workers signed. Everyone, involved, with the project, agreed. The use of foul/vulgar language would be limited to stressful moments. When Tami and I saw the spirits, of the home-owners, smiling, as work proceeded, and Tami saw the wifes bright smile, it was only then that she realized that she had snuggled up, to me. Tami, discreetly, moved a short distance away. (Was that dis-approval I saw, in the ghost wifes face, when Tami parted from me?) When it seemed that the black mass was no-longer being seen, Tami would file our report, with the Brown Agency. When Mr. Brown asked "Where did the last, of the protesters go?" Tami would say "It seems they did not want anyone to know. They left no forwarding address". The WAY Mr. Brown would say "Good work! Both of you." Tami and I knew what was coming. Even before Mr. Brown would say "I am forwarding a file to you. Our team, in a village, somewhere near Fallujah, are requesting a review. Something is happening, and they want your take, on the matter". When Tami would say "But, sir, Americans are about as "welcome", in the Middle East, as the K.K.K. would be welcome, at an NAACP meeting. They have hated us since Washington D.C. invaded their nation, in 2001." When Mr. Brown would ask "Would it help if I were to tell you that American Invasion Command is willing to guarantee your safety, should a case develop?" I would "intrude", responding "Sir, if you give us a direct order, then we must obey. Personally, I would rather wait until the invasion is over, and locals fury, at America, has died down." When Mr. Brown would ask "And WHEN would that be? Remember that Washington has declared that the invasions wont end until the last, of the anti-American resistence, has been CRUSHED into the ground. Who knows how many CENTURIES that may take". Tami and I agreed to just review the file. After all, WHO wants to live "forever"?

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