Tuesday, August 2, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: DECEPTION OF THE SOUTHERN STATES While it is a proven FACT that the origin, of the Ku Klux Klan, was to have its members dress, in white sheets, and riding, on horse-back, there were, in fact, historical precidents, for each of these concepts. For example: The primary reason, for the white sheets, was due to the fact that not only African, but, also, Jamaican, Negros, historically FEAR the supernatural, and that even the "toughest", among Negroes, turn pale, when seeing what they believe to be spirits. The simple reason, for the use of horses, goes back to the fact that, at the time, when the Klan was formed, automobiles remained science fiction. In the days, of the Ku KLux Klans founding, everyone, black AND white, either rode horse-back, or in horse-drawn wagons. In those days people, of BOTH ethnicities, WALKED everywhere. In fact, neither the telephone, nor the modern post office, would exist, for decades to come. In the days, of the founding, of the K.K.K., homes, not lit by candles, or lanterns, were lit, after sunset, by gas, which was pumped through a homes walls, via metal piping. (Piping which was, discreetly, buried inside a homes walls. The gas was pumped into wall sconces, and these were lit, each evening, using matches. The normal time, to light the sconces, would be twilight. It is, also, important, to note that, in the days, of the K.K.K.'s foundation, that NO person, black, OR white, dared enter another persons property, without being formally invited. While, for men, such invitations were, mostly, verbal, in nature, and made in a public setting, women, on the other hand, often penned highly artistic invitations. Invitations, inviting other women to ones home, either for tea, knitting, conversation, or, for the literate (those able to read), personal reviews, of the latest texts, which had arrived, from European printing houses. It CAN be argued, that the K.K.K. was ALLOWED to flourish, since local law enforcement was non-existant. Neither, for that matter, did county sheriff's exist. In point of fact, sheriff's, like judges, rode "circuits", around a very large area. Maybe as large as 500 sqaure miles. This is why a sheriff's, or judges, visit, to each town, was only for an overnight stay (unless there was a case, to be heard). Otherwise, a judge might visit a town, only four times per year. As for the reason why the Klan burned crosses, this would be similar to asking a soldier why they wear a uniform. According to the latest case file, the state, of Mississippi, was having some most unusual K.K.K. problems. The report stated that the K.K.K. had, apparently, switched over, from riding horses, to riding motorized cycles. Cycles, which appearred to "glow", after dark. Reports also said that the cycles were as silent, as an evening breeze. (To this report, Mr. Black had added a notation. "there is no "secret", that both motor cycles, and automobiles, can operate, silently. This technology is referred to as "Electro-Transportation". These units may be purchased either in-line, or at speciality stores.) What seemed to concern Mississippi, most, however, was what was missing, from these attacks. Traditionally, the K.K.K. either left biblical references, on target property, or K.K.K. riders would announce scripture passages, to frightened victims. This is why Mississippi was concerned that these "new", Klansmen, were only using the K.K.K. as a cover. The impersonators got the glory, and the K.K.K. took the consequences. Mississippi was willing to pay a substantial reward, in return for a simple request. Like Germany, and those fake Nazi's, Mississippi wanted to find out WHO the cycle riders were, and why the riders were impersonating Klansmen. IF, in fact, the riders turned out NOT to be Klansmen, after all, the state would handle arrest, and prosecution. Nowhere, in the file, was the question of "What if the riders ARE REAL Klansmen?" The question seemed to have been overlooked. The one thing, about the case which relieved Tami, was the fact that "Atleast these people are staying with the K.K.K. manifesto. They only seem to be targetting Negroes." I would suggest "Good point. Narrows down the field, of both suspects, and potential victims." When Tami did some on-line research, she was, also, relieved to find that the Klansmen retained their traditional rationale, for each attack. In three cases, Negroes were forced out of their homes, before the homes were torched. In two, of these cases, it was suggested that Negro women were dating, and mating with white men. In a third case, not only was a Negroes home burned down, but the young, Negro, male, occupant, was tied to a tree, and horse-whipped. His crime? Impregnanting a white woman. In the modern day, it would seem that the motorcycle riders seemed to want to instill FEAR, of the dark, in the Negroes. This, Tami noticed, since the riders had been witnessed, on multiple occassions, and always after sun-set. The riders threw bricks, at car windows, while "bumping" into pedestrians, hard enough that the walkers dropped what they were carrying. The most common factors, in each incident, seemed to be the bed-sheets, and the fact that all of the victims were Negroes. While Tami and I reviewed the case, Mr. Brown would come to us, saying "The Grand Master has contacted ME. He says he wants this crime solved, as soon as possible". When Tami would ask "HOW do we know that the K.K.K. is not, actively, involved, in this?" Mr. Brown would say "I can tell, from the mans voice. The man is upset, and concerned, that someone is using the K.K.K., as either a "shield", for their crimes, OR that this is copyright infringement". When I would ask "WHO would WANT to distort the image, off a nationally-recognized group, of racists?" Mr. Brown would say "THAT is what Mississippi wants the two of you, to find out. IF it IS a fraud, you are to follow state law. In order to avoid any suspicions, of "racial profiling", the governor has placed the states national guard on stand by. Whether these criminals are Klansmen, or not, the national guard will take jurisdiction, over all arrests, and prosecution." Tami would add "What would you want to bet that, no matter WHO we find, behind all of this, their defense will be "I am on a mission, from God. Mortal law does not apply to me". Mr. Brown would say "In that case, it will be your task, to prove them WRONG." While Tami worked to develop a list, of locals, for the interview process, Mr. Brown would pass on some information, to me. Information which, when I shared it, with Tami, we found that we, borth, felt relieved that we had rejected the Fallujah case. It would seem that, despite ALL of Washington D.C., and the Pentagon's, reassurances, that the Middle East was "safe", for Americans, both in the air, and on the ground, the REAL story, in the Middle east remained the same. "Rebels/patriots", using American, surplus, equipment, had shot down the planes, carrying two U.S. senators. Both on their way into the region, for an on-the-ground assessment. The very same "rebels/patriots", who had, previously, shot down American fighter-bombers, and, now, had shot down the senators escort fighters, as well. Out of retaliation, for these planes being shot down, American Invasion Command had ordered the complete levelling, of ALL villages, in the vicinity, which were even "suspected" of harboring the "anti-Americans". Add to this the fact that the media would be forbidden to report that, as villages were being destroyed, dozens, of suicide bombers, were being prepared, to strike BACK, at the invaders. Blood, and Destruction, had become common-place, in the Middle east. For this reason, Tami and I considered ourselves "blessed" with the understanding that we were safely, as far from the fighting as possible. On the other hand, dealing, with spirits CAN be just as deadly, as dealing with "terrorist/patriots". I would say that the only, real, difference, between the two, would be that, under most circumstances, Tami and I could tell the difference between the living, and the dead. I do recall one afternoon, when Mr. Brown shared some news, with Tami and I. It would seem that one, of the senators staff members, had negotiated a deal, with the "rebels". Five bars, of American gold, for the senators safe return. The problem, the other senator was having, was their standing rule, of "No Negotiations, with "terrorists"." Since this senator was, also, on the board, of the treasury, which oversaw America's gold supply, the senator had standing orders "I will let those devils KILL me, before I will have America BUY my freedom." Easy to say, from an office, deep inside the security net, of Washington D.C.. Not so meaningful, when strapped, to a table, in some underground shelter, with people preparing to slice your body open. While the immediate response, from Invasion Command, would be to begin yet another series, of devastating attacks, against the local populace, under the message "We will stop attacking YOUR people, when you return ours." The senators body parts would be left out, for soldiers to find. The body was cut into seven, equal, parts. The note, left with the body, stated (In Arabic) "Invaders! Because you have destroyed seven of our villages, and killed who knows how many, of our people, we return the favor. Each, of the seven parts, of this body, represent a village you have destroyed." When, inside the Brown Agency, Mr. Brown could see the question, on our faces, he, politely, said "Dont ask. I am just thankful that you did NOT accept the Fallujah assignment". That night, aboard Ghost Ship 2, I recall bedding down, and, I THINK, I fell asleep. The reason why I am not certain, of this, is because I found myself standing INSIDE Fallujah. To be precise, I found myself standing on a rooftop. When I sensed someone beside me, I turned to my right, and found my partner, standing beside me. When Tami asked "Where are we?" I would say "From the looks of the place, we are standing in Fallujah." When Tami would ask "WHAT are we doing here?" Another voice would say "An excellent question, young lady." When Tami turned to the voice, and saw a man, in uniform, she asked "WHO are you?" When the man introduced himself as a general, and Tami asked "You know our language?" The man would smile as he said "I thought you were told, LONG ago. In the land of the spirits, we ALL speak all languages". When I asked "May we know your name?" (I wont insult the spirit, by trying to pronounce his name), the spirit told me his name. What the man DID tell us was "I have died a most noble death. I died, defending a village, from your invasion forces." When Tami would ask "Our invasion forces?" The general would say "Yes. You are American, are you not?" Tami would correct the man, by saying "Our GOVERNMENTS invasion forces" The general would shrug his shoulders, and say "Same difference". This is when Tami would remember her grand-fathers words, about both Germany, and Japan. Since the man served in the war, his opinion remained, to this day "A Japs a Jap, and a Krauts a Kraut." Now, Tami was coming to see that Americans were NOT the only nation, which held this prospective. To the Children, of Islam, who had lived, under daily bombardment, by American forces, for over a DECADE, America was, in fact, the Great Satan. Old Glory had taken so many, of their lives, since the turn of the century. Islam no-longer cared what the average American thought, of the invasion. All that the Children of Islam knew was that America was pounding their villages, daily, un-relenting in our "determination" to "Shove Democracy down the peoples throats, no matter how much blood-shed was involved." At this point, Tami was not half as concerned, with what view-point, that the public had. She wanted to find out WHY the general had not moved on, after the death of his body. When the general would say "I remain for more than one reason." When Tami would ask "How many reasons?" The general would suggest "Allow me to numerate them, for you. First, of all, I want my family to understand that I died, with honor. My unit fought off the invaders, until our last breath. Praise be, to Allah, that, by the time the invasion forces took the village, there was nothing left, but bombed out buildings. When Tami would, quietly, say "Next?" The general would say "I want my body found, and NOT by the invasion forces. I will give you the location, of my remains. In Allah's name, I wish you to have my FAMILY recover my remains. I do not want to be "dumped" into a mass grave, as others have been. I want my family given the full burial rights, accorded by Sharia." When Tami would say "We will do our best, however, may I ask you something, in return?" When the general would ask "What is your request?" Tami would ask "Would you be willing to discuss a cease-fire with your fellow soldiers? Allow the violence to come to an end?" Tami would be surprised when the general would, in return, ask her "If it were possible to return, to the days, of America's Revolutionary War, would YOU be willing to ask General George Washington to surrender the thirteen colonies, to oppressive, brutal, British rule, just to save some lives?" This is when Tami recalled a conversation, which we, once, had, with Mother Superior. A conversation, in which the nun had asked "Isn't the differrence between a "terrorist", and a "patriot", just a matter of where one is standing, at the time?" When Tami had asked "What do you mean?" Mother Superior had asked "If you had been alive, in the 1770's, how do you think that Parliament would have referred to the rebel colonies?" Tami would say "I never thought about it. The history books never mention that." Mother Superior would suggest "What if I told you that, while George Washington, and his "crew", were being hailed, as heroes, in the colonies, back, in Parliament, the "Founding Fathers" were considered the lowest form, of rebel filth, in world history. Every obscenity, known, to the English language was applied to these men. In the colonies, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and the others, were hailed, as heroes. This even as the Crown, of England, considered these men "terrorist scum", and other terms which I choose not to use." Now that the general had made his wishes known, other soldiers came forward, asking almost the same thing. They did NOT want enemy soldiers "desecrrating" their bodies. they wanted proper burial, according to Sharia. Even to ME, this made sense. After all, what American soldier does NOT want a proper burial?" I really do not know how long the "vision" lasted, but, man, by dawn, I felt like I needed a nights rest. When Tami joined me, in the galley, she agreed that the "vision" made her feel like she had been awake, all night. When we found a note, on the computer station, (written in Arabic, ofcourse), Tami would ask "Do you suppose these are the coordinates, of the bodies?" When we ran the list, through the computer scanner, then went for some breakfast, half way through breakfast, the computer had the results. It turns out that the list was not just a list of names. It was a list if dates of birth, rank, and so on. When Tami ran the list, of locations, through the ships computer, to find out where each body was buried, this proved to be useless, since, shortly after American forces had declared "victory", and were preparing to move on, fighting erupted, again, as the arab version of "Body Collection" came into the remains, of the village, to search for the bodies. Since the grave-diggers were armed, fighting had restarted, and the village was, again, under heavy attack. (Tami wondered if, by the time the fighting was done, that there would be anything LEFT, to find). By the tiime G.S.2 received clearance, for lift off, Tami had arranged meetings, with several of the people, in Mississippi, who had SEEN the so-called Klansmen. Tami and I had agreed that, until the invasion was over with, there was no use, in forwarding the information. After all, ANYONE, who entered the battlefield area, was subject to immediate attack. Best to focus on Mississippi, instead. Atleast no one was shooting up THIS place (yet). While all of the attacks, in Mississippi, seemed focused on the Negro population, Tami wondered if the Negroes were the TRUE target, or if it was a distraction. The criminals were being so open, in their actions. Their only cover was the moonlight. (Could it be a renegade branch, of the K.K.K.?) By the time G.S.2 arrived, on scene, it would seem that five more homes had been torched. When we inquired, of the police, though, the officers said that MOST of the actions fit right into the M.O., of the K.K.K.. All agreed, though, that something was missing. IF these were K.K.K. crimes, WHERE were the scripture messages? As one officer would tell us "I was born, and raised, here. I KNOW how the Klan operates. They NEVER attack ANY target, without leaving a message behind." When Tami would ask the officer "How many methods do the Klan use?" The officer would say "Always paint. Bright colors. Sometimes spray. Sometimes brush, but Always, paint. Always a passage, from the Christian Bible. That is why these burnings dont make sense." When Tami would return, to G.S.2, and contact Mr. Brown, suggesting he examine race-hate groups, Mr. Brown would say "Already done. My sources tell me that, if this was race-hate, the perpetrators would be celebrating. Since no one is celebrating, even the race-hate groups are wondering WHO is behind the attacks." Barely two weeks after this, the arsonists pulled the stupidest move, in history. At the very time, when the bed-sheets torched a black-oriented church, then rode away, Mr. Brown had agents checking out a Klan rally, in which every member, of the K.K.K., from three states, was present, and all with the same questions. "Who was doing the burnings?" and "Was this action sanctioned?" Mr. Browns Agents, among the Klans membership, were able to verify that, except for two Klansmen, who were in hospitals, for health reasons, EVERY Klansman, within three states, was at the rally. The K..K.K. could NOT have set the church fire! This left the question of "WHO is impersonating the K.K.K.?" If Tamis interviews, with locals, were any indication, the fact that, all witnesses saw were the bed-sheets, Tami was left to conclude that the perpetrators could be ANY-one. After all, how HARD is it to come by a "ghost costume"? While the NAACP was howling that the crimes were being done, by the Klan, the Brown Agency was NOT convinced. To prove our point, Mr. Brown had Mr. Black's effects department put together a dozen, Klan "uniforms", then marched the agents into the center, of the town. When a few black voices called out "KILL the Klansmen!", Mr. Brown would say "Silence! You think, just because a person has a bed sheet on, that they are K.K.K.?" When the voices called out "If they are not Klan, then WHO are they?" Mr. Brown would say "Now, that is an intelligent question." Mr. Brown would proceed to removing each agents cowl, and identifying each, including their primary functions, at the agency. When the crowd would ask "Are you f*ing with us?" Mr. Brown would ask "Why would I do that?" Another voice would ask "If the people doing the violence are not Klan, then WHO are they?" Mr. Brown would say "My staff are on that trail, as we speak." In another location, some miles away, a report would be recived, yet the receiver would NOT be happy, with what they were hearing. The way, in which the receiver was saying "G*dd*mit! G*d f*cking D*mmit! They are ruining all of our f*cking plans. Everything, that we have been working for. I would like to KILL their f*cking asses!" When another person would look at them, the receiver would say "Those northern f*ckers. They are convincing the f*cking local population that a bed-sheet does NOT make a person Ku Klux Klan." When another voice would ask "What do we do?" the primary voice would say "We have got to get those m*ther f*ckers OUT of here. They are going to blow the whole, f*cking, plan!" While the others, present, were not in favor of the language, which the primary speaker was using, they knew better than to mention it. Not at a moment, like this. No, better to let the speaker calm themselves. Once calm, more correct language would make itsself present. It was only during times, of rage, that the speaker spoke in a way which offended even those present. Yes, the immediate goal had to be to get the Brown Agency OUT of Mississippi, so that the plan could move forward. The group needed racial dis-trust, more than anything. They had to set black AGAINST white. They could not risk the public uniting behind a common solution. The next act, of their "leader" would be something which the group would regret, for the rest of their days. Less that a week after Mr. Browns demonstration, tensions had begun to cool, and locals had begun to relax, when an attrocity, so un-thinkable, some would say that only Satan, himself, could have perpetrated the violence. When local police, and fire, departments, reported to the scene, of a fire, the department members froze, in sheer dis-belief. The fire, completely forgotten, as the humans watched what none could comprehend. When a police officer thought to call the station, saying "Chief, you have to see this". When the chief of police radioed "What is it" As soon as the officer said "NOT on the radio", this is when the chief brought Tami and I along. Personally, I was not suprised, at all, over the fact that, when Tami saw the scene, she got just as sick, as the emergency personnel, on-site, had been. How could any one NOT be "moved" by the site. There, on the front lawn, of a home, which was for sale, stood a wide variety, of K.K.K. emblems, all bright, and fiery. In the center, like a gross display, were four crosses, each containing the body, of a mutilated, black, child. When someone called out "How much more proof do you need?" Another called out "It doesn't make sense." When the previous voice would cry out "What doesn't make sense, H*NKEY?" The chief would order "SILENCE! He is right. This does not make sense." When Tami would ask "What do you mean?" The chief would say "I have seen Klan burnings, before, but, NEVER, and I mean never, have I seen so many effigees. Its like someone is determined to make us believe that the K.K.K. did this, no matter what". This is when a fire-fighter would ask "Since WHEN does the Klan kill children? I thought that children were considered sacred". The Police chief would say "They are, even to the Klan." This is when Tami would state "I THINK that the purpose, of all of this, is to set us at one anothers throats. The violent deaths, of innocent children. This is meant to set the population rioting." When the effigees burned out, their light was replaced with portable, crime scene, lights. The bodies would be taken to the local morgue, for examination, even as local churches were contacted, for family notification. When the fire captain would ask "What do we do, now?" Tami would suggest "We keep a lid, on this. No one, here, talks to anyone, without written permision." When the captain asked "What about our famiilies?" Tami would say "Especially, NOT one SOUND, to your family. As far as this area is concerned, the house caught fire, and the fire department did its job. NOT one word, in the media". Later, when the police chief called us into his office, asking "Alright, little lady. Suppose you tell ME whats going on. Why do you insist this be kept a secret" Tami would ask "What do you think your Negro citizens will do, if they find out that four Negro children have been murdered, then placed on public display?" When the chief would mutter "I dont even want to THINK about it". Tami would say "Precisely! Your town will destroy itself, with race hatred. Negroes are, already, convinced that the K.K.K. is responsible. If people find out that four children have been murdered, this county will become an American version, of the Middle East. The blood shed will not end untill everyone, including bystanders, is dead." Suddenly, the police chief seemed so much "smaller" than usual. He was like a small child, seeking an answer to a puzzle. When Tami checked the Klan's movements, at the time, of the fire, most were either at home, with family, shopping, resting, or out of the area, completely. Even the members, in the hospital, were verified. This is when I would suggeest "Why dont you try the opposite direction?" When Tami would ask "What do you mean?" I would say "I mean, we have triple checked every, WHITE, race hate, group, within five states. Mr. Brown has cleared them all. I think its time we began looking into the "other side, of the coin"." When Tami would ask "You cant mean?" I would use the Sherlock Holmes line "When you have discarded all of the most likely, what you are left with, no matter how un-likely, may be your solution (or simething similar)." When Tami would ask "Why would Negroes kill their own?" I would ask "In such an event, WHO would be the LEAST likely suspect?" Tami would seem shocked, at the very idea. It would only be when we would turn our investigation away from white hate groups, and begin reviewing Negro, hate, groups, that a terrible truth woud emerge. Not only had there, recently, been seven, seperate, sales, of "ghost costumes", to Negro heritage group members, but Tami tracked the sales, of seperate units, of electric cycles, as well. Before we would accept this information, Tami sent our findings to Mr. Blue, for cross-check, and verification. Tami and I wanted to be "bullet-proof" certain, before we took our information before the community. We were NOT about to leave a single "gap". After the information was cross-checked, and verified, Mr. Brown instructed us to vacate the area, and that the agency would send the report, via courier. Our boss understood that, if the information came from outsiders, our chance, of leaving the area, alive, were less than zero. Under strict orders, not to make a sound, or alert anyone, the four of us slipped aboard G.S.2, and we exited the area, while the community slept. Even the lone, third shift, duty officer, at the police department, had no idea we were leaving, until after we were gone. When the sheriff shared our final report, with the authorities, it was not long, after this that, at an un-specified location, the group responsible, for most of the crimes, had asked their leader "HOW could you?" When the leader said "It HAD to be done" When a member would say "But, those children were innocent. HOW could you do that?" The leader would say "It HAD to be done. We NEEDED the racial tension.. We needed something, so shocking, that people would react, emotionally." When the membership saw the leader sitting in their chair, as happy as if they had just cornered the market, on a commodity, which everyone needed, the next thing the leader heard was "We are NOT "taking the fall", for this one." When the leader said "Cowards, what are a few childrens lives, compared to the strife we have sewn?" First one, then more, members would stand up saying "What YOU have sewn. We only wanted racial TENSIONS. NOT the murder of children." When the members began walking out of the room, the "leader" would call after them "remember, if you go to the cops, you WILL hang, for this, as well". Still, the others walked out. Their plans ruined. How would they attone, to the Lord? All they wanted was racial tension. To seperate the whites from the Negroes. Black Power would have risen, just as it had, after Roots did, in the 70's. Why had the leader ruined their plans? What the membership never counted upon was just how psychotic their "leader" actually, was. In the "board room", the leader watched the "traitors" leave the building, and enter their cars. With a smile, the leader would pull out a remote detonator, flip some switches, then smile, even wider, as their former associates were blown to pieces, by plastique. Come morning, the media would be full of stories, claiming that the K.K.K. had, somehow, "learned" of the groups location, and decided to do away, with a potential "enemy". This while, in Mississippi, the results, of our investigation would be kept a closely guarded secret. Even the governor knew what would happen if it was learned that an anti-WHITE group was responsible, especially for the childrens deaths. The state would tear itself to pieces, and civil war would lead to even more blood shed, as the military would be required to kill many civilians, in order to cause enough terror, to restore order. The governor agreed with Mr. Brown. Best to say that a group of psychotic killers had played on recent, anti-K.K.K. publicity, to cover their criminal actions. As for the burnings, and vandalism, it was best claimed that it was just a group, of teen pranksters, hoping to hide behind the "front" of the Klan. Even as Tamis report had indicated, the "witnesses", to the various crimes, had, all, reported, seeing the bed-sheets. Even the sheriff would not make any arrests, based upon "bed-sheet" evidence. No, pranksters, and psychotic killers, were the best, and safest, bet. When the governor asked "What will happen when people want to SEE a body?" Mr. Brown would say "Its in the works, as we speak". Sure enough, by the time the governor went public, with the "deranged killer" story, Mr. Black had used his connections, and secured a body, from the genetic facility. A body which, to almost anyone, would look like a deranged killer. With a clever bit of artistry, the body was made to look like it had died, in a "hail", of gun-fire. Before Mr. Brown sealed the file, however, he asked Johnson, and some, other, staff agents, all of them Negroes, for their honest opinions, on the case. None could believe that anyone would do such a thing, to members of their own ethnicity. When the response, from all staff members was complete shock, Mr. Brown would say "THAT is the reason why this file is going under the heading of "Do not open, under ANY circumstances". Then he would conclude with "Thank You for your attention. Now, let us return to our assigned duties". At the hangar, and inside G.S.2, Tami and I would be surprised when the general, from our "vision", would appear, before us. To our surprise, the man would ask "Would you do myself, and my comrades, a favor?" When Tami would ask "comrades"?" I would mention "Comrads, in arms. Fellow soldiers" A term which Tami, being a woman, would not be familiar with. When I would ask "What is it that you wish, of my partner, and I?" The general would say "Our bodies have been discovered", then he would look ay Tami and say "Not so good." When I would ask "If you have been found..." The general would say "We were NOT discovered, by own our families, or even by Graves Registration. Our bodies were dug up by some traders. We are on our way, to market, to be sold, one by one. Maybe even in pieces." I would say "let me guess. You want US to find your bodies, and return them to your families" The general would say "May Allah praise your actions, and offer you his divine protection." When Tami and I would look at one another, then she gave me our "universal" symbol for "Why not?", the general seemed to "read our thoughts" as he said "GO safely about your work. My comrades, and I will oversee your protection. May Allah be praised". When Tami and I took the generals request before Mr. Brown, the boss would say "Hired, by the deceased, again, huh?" Tami would suggest "Shouldnt that be considered "noble". Helping our fellow man". Mr. Brown would say "Well, its not the first time. Just see if Mother Superior might arrange some kind of gratuity. After all, jet fuel, and provisions, are not cheap". When we said "Thanks, boss", then left his office, Mr. Brown would ask "Dead people hiring my workers. Whats next?" After a quick review, of our past cases, he, powerfully thought "STRIKE THAT!" As for Tami and I, we were off, on ANOTHER, body, hunt. Collecting the remains, of the departed, for family members. After this, WHAT could, possibly, top the list, for our bizzarrre assignments?

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