Tuesday, August 16, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE DRIVE IN'S While Tami DID contact her family, and we DID find out that the local drive-in was playing some classic movies, what we had no idea of was what we were flying into. All that Tami's family would say, over the phone, was "We have something, which might interest you." (Tami just hoped it was NOT ANOTHER attempt, to send the two of us, on a lovers weekend). Tami's mother was the "worst" of all. The woman never stopped hoping, that Tami and I would make our "relationship" more official. From what Tami had figured out, her mother not only wanted grand-children, but the woman wanted to see her "rebellious" daughter, wearing a wedding ring. This, while, although her grand-father liked me, as a person, the man, always turned "cold", with hatred, when reminded that my ancestry was German. After telling me "You krauts killed my best friends, during the war. This is why I will hate you, forever". His daughter would remind the man "Father, this man was not even BORN, during the war years". Still, I did my best, to steer clear, of the man, and the conversation. While Tami had been annoyed, at her mother, for continuing to ask when she and I were going to make "it" official, even as Tami had secured little more, during the conversation, than the titles, of the movies, as well as the start times. When I asked what time we should start out, to find the best parking, Tami would smile as she mentioned "I guess that I forgot to tell you." When I asked "Tell me what?" Tami would say "MY mother has been on the governing board, ever since the last, of my siblings, grew into adulthood. After spending thirty years, raising us, now, she is looking after the community." When I asked about the drive-in, Tami would say "As a member, of the governing board, my mother not only has a say, in which movies are being played, but our family does not have to PAY gate fee's. On top of this, we have reserved parking." It would not be until Tami had, again, arranged, with a neighbor, for Ghost Ship 2 to land, on a neighbors farm, that we landed, and un-loaded our cars, and supplies. Once we were un-loaded, G.S.2 would lift off, leaving us to the mercy, of Tami's family. On the way, to the family home, Tami suggested "IF my mother offers us the guest bedroom, I think we should TAKE it. It would make a great H.Q., should we need one". When I would remind Tami "I thought we were here, to relax. Re-live old drive-in memories." Tami was correct, about her mothers hopes, for us. Her mother even annoyed Tami, by promising me "My daughter is a real catch". It would not be until later, when mother and daughter wer discussing the movies, and how profitable the drive-in had become, that mother "dropped a hint". The way her mother would say "No one is supposed to know about this, so, if anyone asks..." Tami would say "You never said "A" word". (It would seem that there was some dispute over the drive-in). Tami's mother would say "A few, of the board members, would like to bring in more MODERN films". When Tami would say "I hope that "modern" does not mean what the last owner did". When I appearred curious, Tami would say "Before the committee took over operations, at the drive-in, all that the owner would run was XXX-porn. The more graphic the sex, the better the owner liked it. The man even sold condoms, booze, and hookers, at the "refreshment center". Mother would add "After awhile, such "awful" material lead to a decrease, in patronage, to the point where only about a dozen cars were showing up, for each movie." Mother would add "When the owner filed for bankruptcy, **I** was the one who formed the group, which bought the drive-in, and brought it back to life. Sure, we, mainly, showed black-and-white movies, and brought in donated, kitchen, supplies. It was my group, which turned the refreshment stand back into what the name, originally, implied." When Tami would add "Maybe it not a multi-million dollar operation, but as long as revenues exceed costs." This is when mother would sat "Too bad both the Roxbury, and the Tremont, are not faring so well". When Tami would ask "Whats up? Bad management?" Mother would say "I WISH it were that simple." When I would ask, Tami would say "The Roxbury, and Tremont, drive-ins, reportedly had to close down, years ago. Patrons claimed they were seeing ghosts. Get this: Some people actually claimed they heard a childs voice, on the clunky, box-type, speakers, calling "Help me" Mother would say "If it were up to me, I would suspect the land developers." When I would ask "Why is that?" Mother would say "The developers keep trying to buy up the drive-ins. The developers want to build more shopping malls. Like we, actually, need more shopping." When Tami would mention "But the Roxbury, and the Tremont, were in even better condition than ours was." Mother would say "That was before the developers started sending in actors, to impersonate dead people. Imagine, watching a western, on the movie screen, when a person, maybe a woman, in a victorian dress, come up to your car window, asking for directions." When Tami and I seemed baffled, mother would say "The woman is deathly white, of color, and is made up to appear as if her throat has been cut, ear to ear, and is bleeding." Mother would continue "Then, there are stories, of children, in the playground, after closing time, and wandering the parking lot". When I would ask "What makes you think it is the developers, and not just some pranksters?" Mother would say "After the developers offered land owners only 20% of land value, and the owners declined, this is when the "ghosts" began showing up. Before this, nothing". When Tami looked at me asking "Worth a look?" I would suggest "On sunday. On saturday night, all I want to do is relax, and enjoy a movie". Tami, however, had decided not to wait. While her mother was preparing for the evening movie, Tami was on the computer, reviewing the history, of each of the drive-ins. This, using our Brown Agency computers. These devices were approved, for every search mode, short of government web-sites. Tami, soon, found that, either her mother was not being "totally honest", or that something was going on. When Tami asked her mother "Why didn't you mention the remodelling, which the owner, recently completed?" Mother would say "That stuff? No big deal. Just some updating". Tami would emntion "The ground was excavated, for the remodelling." Mother would ask "So what? The ground was excavated, for the new, sewer, pipes." When Tami would ask "When was this?" Mother would say "Remember, you were just entering high school." When Tami would ask "Any ghost stories, then?" Mother would say "No more than there were, when you were in the forth grade". Not remembering much, of forth grade, Tami would ask "What happened, at that time?" Mother would say "Remember? The playground was closed, for two weeks, while broken, and worn out, parts, were replaced. Remember? The had to dig up then re-plant, the swing set, and the sliding board". When Tami asked "More ghost stories?" Mother would say "If you believe in such things". That evening, it was a good thing that I decided to drive my Jeep, to the drive-in. Ofcourse, we used one, of the family passes, to gain drive-in entry. What I noticed, though, was that, only about twenty-five minutes into the first movie, when even Tami was relieved that we had brought my Brown Agency modified Jeep, to the movies. While most of the rest of the audience was captivated, by the on-screen performance, Tami and I were using our digitally-enhanced binoculars, to observe the commotion, in the distance. (I would NOT consder it "Earth shaking", however, it DID catch our eyes) When I saw a brightly colored, luminous, cloud, in the distance, and asked Tami "What is over there?" After Tami viewed the scene, through the digital distance meter, she would say "That is where the Roxbury, and the Tremont, are located". Personal Note: I would have been surprised, when we had pulled up, to Tami's hometown drive-in, and found the drive-in was named "The Constellation", until I remembered that this was similar to a favorite, childhood, drive-in, which I remembered. This one, titled "Star Lite" Tami and I might have tried to ignore the glowing patch, of sky, except for the lightning bolts, which kept drawing our attention. It was, almost, like the properties were "calling out", to us, saying "Pay attention to ME". While we were too far away, from the event, to use our instruments, when Tami asked her parents about the sky display, Tami could tell, by the way her parents said "Not our concern", that they, also, were suspicious. Thankfully, the display ended, before the movie ended. It, also, did not re-appear, during the second feature. I think that what amazed me, about this drive-in was that, despite the fact that the movies were "classics", the drive-in, still, packed a full lot. As to whether it was the drive-in experince, or the classic movies, I cannot say. What I CAN say is that, after the movies were completed, and movie-goers were headed home, Tami would alert her parents that we would see them, later, at the house. When mother asked WHEN we would be there, Tami would not commit to a time. It was mother who would advise us "Be careful. You never know who you might run into, after dark". While the road, back into town, was bumper-to-bumper, with happy movie-goers, the route Tami and I drove, in the opposite direction, was so vacant, that only my Jeeps lights illuminated the roadway. Ofcourse, after so many "ghost hunts", Tami and I were as accustomed, to the dark, as a vampire, or werewolf, would be. Since the Roxbury was the closest drive-in, Tami and I decided to check it first. When Tami pulled out her laptop saying "I wonder whether the locks will be electronic, or touch-screen". Moments later, when we pulled up, to the entrance, of the Roxbury, Tami would be saying "I dont understand. There is nothing listed, on the security". I would mention "I KNOW why". When Tami would ask "Why is that?" I would inform her, as I stepped from the Jeep, and examined the lock "Its just a standard pad-lock". When Tami would join me, asking "Is THIS what they call "security"?" When I looked about the area, I could see the reason, for the lax security. Aside fom the huge, projection, screen, and a "refreshment center", which was on the verge of collapsing, there was nothing, present, which was worth stealing. Even so, it was not long before each of us felt a familiar feeling. There were spirits, on this property. No doubt about it. Thanks to Mr. Blacks ingenuity, we did not even have to pick the pad-lock, to gain entry. Mr. Blacks "All Purpose Lock-Picks" could pick just about ANY lock, that man could devise. (A set, of these lock-picks, had been standard equipment, with both my original, and replacement, Jeeps). Retrieving our "state-of-the-art" night vision glasses, from the Jeep, Tami and I found it easy to un-lock the pad lock, even at night. It was just as easy as it would have been, during the day. Once inside the property, Tami and I not only felt the energy, of life, which was present, but we heard the children, playing, as well. Nothing visual, but we could hear the children playing, on invisible, playground, equipment. When we used our electronic "sampler", on some playground equipment, we found little more than the residue, of human sex. By the state, of the playground, just one, or two, more storms, and the place would fall to pieces. We did, however locate what appearred to be some half-buried foundations, along the edge of the property. What the foundations had been for, even Tami did not know. It was not, however, until an invisible child took hold, of Tami's hand, asking "Want to play, with me?" That Tami knelt, to a childs height, and whispered, to the air "Whats your name?" This is when an adult womans voice would reprimand the child, saying "Angelica, what have I told you, about talking to strangers?" When Tami told the air "No harm was intended". It seems that the spirits were, now, ignoring my partner. I, on the other hand, had been listening to a group, of boys, playing "tag". Tami and I documented as much as we could, here at Roxbury, then headed over to Tremont. (We were careful not just to lock the pad lock, upon exiting, but to wipe it of our fingerprints.) Since our eyes were accustomed, to the dark, by now, I did not use the head-lights, on the path to Tremont. At the entrance, to the Tremont drive-in, however, we were stopped, by a police cruiser, and asked our business. Even when Tami and I displayed our credentials, however, the patrolman, simply, pointed back down the road, saying "Go on home. There is nothing to see, here". While we DID depart the Tremont drive-in, we stopped, nearby, and used the binoculars, on the drive-in. Sure enough, in night vision mode, we saw a priest moving about the drive-in. When Tami brought out our audio sensors (Which we had tuned, to their lowest power), Tami and I listened, as the priest chanted an incantation, along with incense. After repeating the incantation, atleast three times, when another figure would ask "Is that ALL there is, to it?" The priest would say "Remember. This is only protection from, and vanquishing, evil". The figure would say "Just as long as this place remains "quiet", until I can "dump", the land". Later, back at her parents house, Tami and I spent most of the remaining hours, of the night, researching the properties. While Tami had not been surprised, to hear children, playing, near a playground, she was suspicious, of the foundation woork. Come sun-rise, and while mother was serving up coffee, Tami would mention the foundations, mother would say "Ofcourse. I remember. It was before you were born. I was only a child, myself." When Tami would ask "What was it?" Mother would say "After the school lost its sources, of funding, the property, including the childrens school, were sold to some real estate developer. If I remember, correctly, the man wanted to build the "newest thing", in American advancements. A strip mall." Mother would continue "As I recall, the man bought the land, at auction, kicked the children, and faculty, out, then bulldozed the school to the ground. Funny thing was, there was no trouble, at the property, until that time. It was not until the real estate developer sank the foundations, for the shopping mall, that rumors, of ghosts, and other, weird, occurances, drove away investors. As I recall, the property went back, on the market, for years, before the drive-in opened. The new owners had hopes that, with minimal improvements, the drive-in would "make a killing", with the land. Problem was, the owner forgot that theater patrons need restrooms, and snacks, just as the projector, and the speakers, need power. Add in the cost, of the movies, and the owner realized that the drive-in would only suppliment their income. You know, I even recall when attendance began to drop off, even as I recall the reason." When Tami would ask "What was the reason?" Mother would say "The owner taped off the restrooms, due to plumbing problems". When Tami askeed "What happened, after that?" Mother would say "When the audience asked the owner to install more than just snack machines, as "refreshments", the owner closed the refreshment center, instead.". When Tami would ask "What happened, next?" Mother would say "As the cost, of both motion pictures, and family-style movies, increased, the owner was so determined, to show a profit, that, despite a shrinking audience, the owner transferred the once-beautiful Roxbury drive-in into a porn theater." When Tami would ask "Why did they do that?" Mother would say "Porn was cheap, even then. The owner did not even care, if audiences were having sex, on the playground equipment. No children were allowed, into the theater, by this time, you understand." When Tami returned to the computers, and researched local history, it seems that, when the owner, eventually, wanted to use the drive-in, as collateral, for another investment, the owner was informed that the land was, basically, worthless. As a result, and with only eight, to twelve, regular customers, the owner decided to close the Roxbury. Currently, the only "people", who seemed to be about the grounds, were the children, and the staff, of the school. When Tami asked her mother "What will become, of the drive-in, now?" Mother would say "That, my dear, remains un-decided". When Tami would ask "Why doesn't YOUR group take over the drive-in?" Mother grew serious, as she said "First of all, "The Constellation", is just covering its costs. The drive-in generates just enough income, to pay its utilities, and taxes". When Tami would admit "Okay, so it is NOT a multi-million dollar enterprise. What else?" Now the mother knew she had Tami's attention, would say "Then, there are the stories, of the ghost children. Add in the stories, of people, hearing the children, crying for help, through the audio speakers, and you have a real drag, on potential business". When Tami would ask "What if the spirits could be placed at peace, and eternal rest?" Mother would say "The Roxbury is NOT the place you remember, from childhood. That property needs so much work, that it could not show a profit, for maybe, ten years". When Tami would ask "What if the money WERE available?" Mother would say "Look. I know you mean well, and you, and your guy, got lucky, with helping Crystal. THIS, however, is NO "haunted house". It is not a place, where you can just "run off" the "ghosts". When Tami would ask "What if I COULD give the ghosts Peace, as well as arrange the financing?" Mother would, then, say "A delightful dream". Mother would, then, ask "What would you do, about the Tremont?" Tami would suggest "I was hoping to focus on the Roxbury, first". Mother would caution "If you work, on the Roxbury, people will EXPECT you to work on the Tremont, as well". When Tami would ask "What would the Tremont need, beyond the quiet, from the dead?" Mother would say "Since the owner did not want to follow the Roxbury's example, the Tremonts owner shut the drive-in down, after VHS tapes had people sitting at home, watching movies". When Tami would ask "What kinds, of Ghost Stories, does the Tremont have?" Mother would say "Just the local, camp-fire stuff. Odd noises, and wild imaginations. Claims, of ghostly figures, swinging blades, at the un-wary. Typical, pranks." By mid-afternoon, Tami felt like she was a school girl, asking her mothers permission, to visit a friends home. This time, however, Tami wanted her mothrs support, in allowing US to investigate the Roxbury. As Tami would inform me "I think it would be more discreet, to have the UN-official permission, of a member of the board of directors, for the investigation, than to try for court permission". By the time Ghost Ship 2 was calling, asking if we were ready, for pick-up, Tami would say "We have something, in the works, right now". Knowing what this meant, the pilots agreed to bring G.S.2 to our assistance. This way, in casee we needed our equipment, everything would be on-hand. To Tami's surprise, gaining the boards permission was easier than gaining her own mothers support. As Miss Lydia would explain "Remember, child. That woman gave birth to you. She was there, from the delivery room, through first steps, to first words. Dont tell her that I told you this, but your mother knew, all along, about that boy disguise, of yours." When Tami would say "She never mentioned it" Miss Lydia would say "Your mother realized that you were growing up, from the moment you held your ground, over the hair issue. She understood, the first time you had your heart broken. She even knew that she felt like a failure, as a mother, when you left home, to make your own life". When Tami would ask "Can you blame me? Nearly twenty YEARS, of rigid scheduling. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, chores, even bathing. Everything, according to HER schedule". Miss Lydia would say "Actually, it was not your mothers schedule." When Tami would ask "What do you mean?" Miss Lydia would say "Child, you are much too young to remember, but, when your mother was young, she tried ALL of the new, "Raise your child this way" stuff. All of it only to find that her life was in complete chaos, while giving you children more freedom, and individuality, than any child needs. I told your mother that this stuff was just a load, of crap. Children need discipline, and schedules, in order to succeed. **I** taught your mother, from my own experience. This is the primary reason why you lived, long enough, to "rebel". When Tami would suggest "I just wish she would treat me like an adult." Miss Lydia would say "Child, to your mother, you will, always, be the child she gave birth to". When Tami asked me what I thought, I told her "Miss Lydia is right. 100% Look at what remains, of my own "family". To them, I am, still, an eight year old boy, who needs to be regulated, and cared for. They will, NEVER, see me as an adult". When Tami would mutter Family, who needs it". I would tease her, saying "Keep trying. You just MIGHT convince yourself". With the boards permission, I had Tami agree to say nothing, when we re-entered the Roxbury property. (One, sad, point of note. Mr. Black's pick-lock keys worked better, in the pad-lock, than the official key did.) Thankfully, Tami had, again, secured her neighbors permission, for G.S.2 to land in the farmers field. This, to provide more convenient access, in case we needed our equipment. While Tami and I did not, find any additional evidence, of spirit activity, on our second visit, to Roxbury, Tami had an idea, for drawing the spirits out. After a donation was made, to the Restore Roxbury Drive-In fund was made, a work-force was assigned, to the site. When the workers, casually, asked about the ghost-stories, Tami and I would suggest "Let US handle anything, which goes "bump, in the night"." Based upon our experience, with cases, such as the corporate lodge, Tami and I remembered how much spirits hate it, when the living begin to change the "haunting grounds". As far as anyone was concerned, the old, refreshment stand, building, was scrap. Tami and I were reviewing plans, for a replacement, when we lucked out. A "portable shelter" manufacturer had an "excess kit", which they were willing to part with. Sure, the building was "compact", but, on the plus side, it was three stories tall. The building was designed for the first floor to be a restaurant, while supplies storage would be in the second floor, with an owners office, on top. From what Tami was able to research, the manufacturers story was correct. The original purchaser had been so confident, of securing th necessary land, for the building, that they had ordered, and paid, in advance, for the building. This even BEFORE completing the land deal. When the sellers price exceeded what the financiers were willing to pay, support vanished. Now, the manufacturer had a load, of building supplies, custom made, and no client to deliver to. When we asked the company's price, for delivery, the company bid just fuel, and work-mens labor. This is how the Roxbury Drive-in added a BRAND NEW refreshment center, at only ten percent of normal cost. The ONLY reason why the old, speaker, wire, had to be removed, was because it was so thread-bare, and in far to many places. It would seeem that, over years, of traffic, the top layer had been worn off, leaving the wire exposed. While the wiring contractor would say "Its no big deal", to remove the wire, and that, all the contractor had to do was assign a few workers, just to lift, and coil, the age old wire, it was just for safety. The playground equipment, though, HAD to go. Not just because of what the parts were "coated" with, either. Simple fact was, lack of maintenance had left the parts ready to crumble, during any coming storm season. Add in the lead paint, from so long ago, and it just made sense to replace the parts. While Tami and I, both, remembered how rough the ground had felt, as children, when we, as adults, viewed the "trenches", around the toys, and remembered skinned knees, and elbows, once the ground was levelled, in the modern day, We decided to try some construction mats, on the "floor" of the playground. The goal being not just to keep clothes clean, but allowing the hard rubber to take the abuse. I have to hand it to my partner, her plan, for the rehab, showed REAL, and phantom, results, in almost no time. Aftre the construction workers departed, at the end of the work day, the spirits came forth. Most of the spirits wanted to know "What is that tall thing (the refreshment center) doing in the middle of our sports field?" When Tami tried exlaining, both to the chilldren, and to some adults, that the childrens school no longer existed (and hadn't, in over a century), the children, ofcourse, would insist "I am NOT over 100 years old. I am (5,6,7, or whatever age each spirit was, when they lived, at the school). A matron would, also, and most adamantly, state "Young woman. **I** have been a matron, at this school, for only fifteen years. I am only fifty years old. Are you trying to suggest that I am well over 100?" What Tami would say "I have no doubt that was your age, a century ago, when you LIVED here". The matron would say "If you are trying to convince ME, that **I** am over a century old, I would insist that you prove it". When Tami would ask "Okay, for starters, what YEAR is it?" The matron, proudly, announced "It is 1875. What a silly question. Why would you ask such a silly question?" When Tami would ask "What if I told you that it is the twenty-first century?" The matron would say "I would say you need such lies washed out of your mouth. Maybe even a good hiding (whipping)." A moment later, when the matron would glance beyond Tami, asking "What IS that thing? What is it doing, in our sports field?" Tami would look at the building, saying "In your time, this did not exist. In MY time, that top level is called a projection booth." When the matron would ask "To project what? and where?" Tami would say "A projector sends pictures, through the air, to that large, white, wall, over there". Now, as if seeing it, foor the first time, the matron would look, at the projection wall, its white panels, which made up the screen, and wonder. When the matron would, then, look in the direction, of the school, and see a cellular phone tower, instead of the school, the matron would ask Tami "What IS that thing?" When Tami would point, at the tower, saying "That? That is a cell-phone tower".. When the matron would ask the all-too-familiar question, of "Why would prison cells have things, like telephones?" Tami would be left to explain one of the "wonders", of the late twentieth century. "Actually, it is called either a "cellular phone", or "cell-phone", for short". When the matron would ask "WHERE do you plug that THING in?" Tami would say "You dont". While the matrons spirit was difficult, to convince, Tami would find the children much easier. What baffled my partner, though, was the REASON why the children were present. After all, upon reaching adulthood, most children leave such places. When Tami asked the children WHY they remained, each child would say "This is the only "home" I, ever, knew". Realizing how easily a childs feelings could be hurt, Tami was about to call upon Mother Superior, when the nun appearred, on her own. Tami only wished that she knew HOW Mother Superior could encourage cooperation, from ALL whom she was involved with. Maybe, like her boss, the Chairman, immortality had its "perks". Cooperation being one of those "perks". With Mother Superior pointing the "way", a matron would stand, at the front, of the line, of children, with the remainder, of the schools staff bringing up the rear. Mother Superior would begin singing "Jesus loves me", and, at this signal, the matrons, and the children, would join in. Tami could not help but smile, as the line, of children, walked into the distance, dissolving, into thin air, while singing "Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to HIM, belong. They are weak, but he is strong". When a tiny voice (which Tami figured was a boy), said "Down right", Mother Superior would slap the childs head, saying "Respect, for the Lord, our God"." Then, the children continued, more or less, in unison "Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible..." Then, the voices faded out, and Tami found herself whispering the ending, of that very old, and traditional, childrens song, with "The Bible tells me so". While the remodelling crew would have no, further, problems, with the Roxbury, the REAL PROBLEM would be the Tremont. Not only were the "inhabitants", of the Tremont, un-friendly, to visitors, but so were the local, and very much ALIVE, police. Tami would find that even her own neighhborhood officer was about as helpful, in regards to information, about the Tremont, as it would be, for Tami to talk to a brick wall. This is why Tami was relieved that Ghost Ship 2 was available. Since neither the police, nor the city council, were forthcoming, with information, Tami had to use Brown Agency software, to find out what she could, about the Tremont, on the internet. This, while I surveyed the grounds (And almost fell into a deserted well, which was "capped" with rotted planks.) While I not only found the remains, of some stone foundations, I, also, met a few less-than-sober, male, spirits. While I accepted a mug of ale, and asked the men about this place, atleast one, sort-of-sober, man would "shhh" me, whispering "Friend. Take care. The kings men are all around. We must be careful, as to how we speak. The Kings ears are everywhere." While I KNOW that I did not even SIP the ale, it must have been the FUMES, which made me imagine the woods, the gulley, and even the drive-in vanishing, from my view, to be replaced with this 15th, to 17th, century inn. This place must have WANTED to appear loyal, to the crown, of England, since "red coats" were treated as friendly as possible. While I was astounded, that the booze was served, in wooden cups, I would have considered this a health hazzard, but only until I remembered that, in places, like Boston, Philadelphia, even New York, booze, in public houses, was served, in lead mugs. Only the very rich, and politicians, could afford brass, drinking, glasses. THIS place did not even have its candles, in reflective sconces. The candles were bare, on the tables. At this point, I used a tip, from my partner. Shut up, and listen. Listen: More important than talking. While trying to place the current year, of this public house, I figured that, with no talk, of revolution, or of independence, I was in the 1600's. One thing is for certain. This public house was biult in the days before indoor plumbing. What history books fail to mention is that, un-like todays mens rstrooms, where the simple emptying, of ones bladder, and bowels, was the "norm", by contrast, in colonial days, men did, at times, discuss farming, land purchases, and whose son might marry whose daughter. While I did need, to step outside, for some fresh air, I was happy when, upon departing the public house, I did not return to the present. This was how I learned about "mens rooms". There was too much information, which I needed to gather, in the past. Information, which was DEFINITELY NOT in the history books. Information, such as th bar owner being as huge as a bear. Information, such as the owner, chasing a drunk away, with a wooden baseball bat. Including the threat that, if the customer ever attacked a waitress, again, the bar owner would "run the man through", with his cutlass. I should, also, remark that, atleast at this public house, men seemed to drink, to relax, and enjoy good company. (NOT for the purpose of getting drunk) Out of, maybe, fifty men, that night, I saw only three staggering home, drunk. I did, however, have to dodge the British patrols. It was not until I heard the bar announcing "Closing time. Pay your tabs". I dont know why, but I reached for my own wallet, to make sure my own cash and I.D. were prsent. Then I remembered "If this is the 1600's, then my money, I.D., even my Social Security card, were worthless." The Founding Fathers had not yet, even been born. Then came th question "What if I am stopped, by a patrol? All I have are my 21st century identification, and money. HOW would I explain myself?" Since even Washington D.C. did not exist, yet, the Social Security Administration would not exist, for centuries to come. No, until I was finished, with my research, best to follow Tami's example. "Blend in, as well as possible". I did, however, offer my praise, to the Lord, for the Mission Vests, which Mr Black had created, for agency personnel. After spending two weeks, in the past, I felt that I had more than enough intell, on the Tremont roperty. This is when I made contact, with the nearest, Wiccan, coven. Naturally, the Wiccans asked me for proof, which I supplied. Proof, in the form of codes, which only Wiccans used. Codes, supplied to Tami and myself, on previouis cases. While I understood the reason why the Wiccans wanted me to wait, outside the coven, I knew when the spell was working, even as I watched the scenery change, and when the sound, of diesel engines, came into my hearing range. When I returned, to G.S.2, I informed Tami "Once I get cleaned up, I have some news, for you". After a shower, and a couple of rations packs, I informed Tami of what I had learned, in the 1600's. While Tami agreed, that local history did not span, as far as the 1600's, Tami HAD found references, to a place called "Tremont". When I informed her "The reason, for the name, was because, originally, there was a group, of tree's, on a mount. While a family would, eventually, clear the tree's, and build a house, the family kept the name "Treee Mount", for the property." When Tami would add "Some time between 1725, and 1775, the house burned down. The property reverted back, to the forest". I would add "The reason why the spirits seem so angry, and so willing to fight, is because these men, in life, knew only violence. Killing, stealing, and so on." Tami would add "During the 1800's, another house was built, and the land was planted, with crops. Problem was, tavern customers kept passing out, in the fields. When the owner fenced the fields in, drunks just jumped over the fence. While the landlord, whose name I have yet to find, rallied locals, to close down the public house, the customers responded, by burning down the homestead. The land, however, remained in the same family, until the invention of motion pictures. In fact, the original name, of the drive-in, was the Tree Mount. I am not sure of just when it happened, but, somewhere, along the way, a couple of letters fell out, of the name. The drive-in then became known as the Tremont." I would add "As far as I can tell, the spirits are happy, where they are. Most still think it is the 1600's. They have, only been attacking, due to the noise, of automobiles." Tami would suggest "To bad we cannot just put up a sound barrier." When I would remind Tami "Spirits can walk through walls. What makes you think they cannot HEAR, through walls?" It would be when Tami would suggest "To bad a solid, concrete, wall, with tree's, and shrubs, as decorations, would not work". This is when a man, whom I had met, in the 1600's, would ask "Kind sir, might I inquire as to why the little lady's suggestion will not prove effective? For myself, it would be considered an excellent idea". When Tami would ask the spirit "Can you egt the other spirits, to agree?" The man would say Kind lady, we will discuss the matter". By the time Tami finished the negotiations, the deceased would only agree, to stay on THEIR side, of the wall, IF we, humans stayed on OUR side. That, and if the wall were raised to a height, of 100 feet. While the idea, of tree's,and shrubs, would be welcome, the 100 foot height would be for the spirits privacy. While the Tremont "refreshment center" practically fell down, in front of us, the manufacturer was willing to give us another unit, at cost, plus ten percent. This deal, because the public was happy with the recently re-opened Roxbury. The new "Refreshment Center" would, also, have brand new equipment, just as the Roxbury had. Over a four day span, the 100 foot wall would take shape. (Workers just wondered what people, dressed in colonial clothing, were doing, watching the cement pour). Once the wall was set in place, and the tree's, and shrubs, were planted, the public houses customers came by, to shake my hand, and kiss Tami's hand. To our surprise, though, the owners, of the former homes, even stopped by, to wish us luck. They seemed pleased that the land would be in use, again. While local theaters, and video stores, complained, about loss, of weekend revenue, it seems that families began enjoying the classic entertainment, of drive-in movie viewing. As Tami's mother would caution, though, "As long as we can cover operating costs, we will be fine. I just hope that we can generate enough income, to keep all three drive-ins operating." By the time all three drive-ins were "squared away", Mr. Brown would be on the satellite link, asking "While I commend your ethics, and desire, to aid your community, may I remind you that our agency operates on the money, generated by satisfied customers?" When Tami would agree "Yes, sir. Understood". Mr. Brown would ask "Have you begun your review, of the current, ACTIVE, case?" Tami would say "Sir, I am not so certain, of this case." When Mr. Brown would ask "Why?" Tami would say "According to the file, people are being thrown into a watery channel, between two land masses. Other people are being strung up, in tree's." When Mr. Brown would say "All you have to do is verify whether those, involved in the throwing, and tying, are human. If so, the police will take over". After Tami gave her family, and neighbors, ANOTHER farewell, G.S.2 did its "trademark" , vertical, lift-off. On-ward, to the next, light house case. (Personal note: Six months after the renovations, to the Costellation, Roxury, and Tree Mount, drive-ins, my mother reports that both attendance, and revenues, have, never, been better. Mother also reports that, each time a movie is being aired, the local, video, store, prints out an ad, detailing the contents of the movie. The video store has, even, been providing some movies, in return for a share, of the gate fee's. Maybe, the "good OLD days" may, never, return, but that wont stop my mother from making the best of the "Good NEW days".)

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