Saturday, August 13, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: AN ENGLISH HAUNTING Where will it end? Thankfully, that was Mr. Browns decision. I was just thankful that the decision had come just as things were about to spiral, out of control, in the Middle East. After the bomber crew directed Tami and I to the location, of the downed bomber, I would say that it was a miracle, that we found the airplane, at all. Just from viewing the extent, of the damage, to the composite fuselage, the B-2 bomber must have been flying "on the deck", and low enough for rifles, and other, automatic, weapons, to punch holes, in the composite material. The bomber pilot would inform us "The last thing I remember, I was looking at my air crew, and I was shocked to find only dead eyes, staring out, at nothingness." When Tami asked "Why were you flying so low?" The captain would say "Orders, ma'am." Just by visual observation, alone, it would seem that, once mortally wounded, the bomber had plowed into the sand, similar to a childs, plastic, shovel. When the bombers co-pilot provided Tami with the number, for Graves Registration, she agreed that we would mark the location, for a body retrieval team. After that, we moved on. The next group, of pilots, had been flying some Apache attack helicopters. While the pilots agreed that ground fire had not damaged the helicopters engines, the ground fire HAD "taken out" the helicopters "heart-and-soul". Due to the helicopters HEAVY reliance, on computer technology, a few shots, into the delicate circuitry, had caused the helicopters downfall. Without computer control, the "fly by wire" system was useless. Just a few, lucky, shots, into each helicopter, was all that were needed, to send the flying "marvels of science", spinning into the ground. While the cockpits might have been bullet-proof, NOTHING could have protected the crew, when the helicopters went "belly-up", plunging the helicopters engines into the sand. The impact would drive the engines through the cockpit, even as the nose dug its way into the ground. After another call, to Graves Registration, and a new list, of coordinates, for body retrieval, Mr. Brown would call US, asking "WHEN are you coming home?" While Tami and I could see a long line, of both Americans, Afghani's, and Iraqi's (In a continually GROWING line), all awaiting our assistance, Tami remembered that Mr. Brown was the man who controlled our paychecks. If Tami and I wanted to retain our pretty plane, our expense accounts, and other benefits, we did what the boss said. When Mr. Brown would say "I want you to "pack it in", and head for England. The on-site team has something they want you to look at." When Tami asked "What about the dead, from the war?" Mr. Brown would say "As long as the war continues, as endlessly as it has, there will be no end, of need, for the deceased." By the time Tami was thinking "I wish Mother Superior was here". SHE would know EXACTLY how to handle this. Sure enough, as if in answer, to Tami's thoughts, Mother Superior DID appear. The woman might be an angel, but she could be a ruthless tyrant/warden, when a situation called for such measures. Even I do not know what Mother Superior said, to the spirits, but, the spirits must have understood. The gathering, of war dead, dissolved into thin air, before Mother Superior came to us. The nun would say "Just like ALL of God's children, you just need to show when a FIRM hand is needed." To this, Tami gave a curtsey, while I gave the nun a bow, even as we thanked the nun. This is when, to our surprise, the nun would say "Your next case will be something, of a joy. I would hope that you treat it accordingly". Tami and I were just about to wonder HOW the nun could know about our next case, even before WE did, however, this was only until we remembered WHO her boss was. It would seem that, being the Chairman, of Heaven, had some major advantages. When Mr. Brown downloaded the case-file, Tami and I sighted a problem, right away. According to the case-file, the events were taking place within a community, where no one, of legal age, was allowed to remain, unless married. In fact, one, of the rules, of the community, was that no one was allowed INTO the community (including staff members) unless the people could PROVE that they were married. This lead to the question of HOW, on Earth, could we, two single people, even gain entry, to the community? When Mr. Brown would only say "Working on it", Tami and I began working on our review, of the file. If the agents, on-scene, were correct, then so was Mother Superior. IF the case turned out to be, what it APPEARRED to be, it would be nothing more than verifying "residual haunts". Nothing, for people to be concerned about. When the secretary contacted us, a couple of days later, the secretary informed us "Good news. Mr. Brown has arranged a compromise. The community has agreed to allow you access. All we have to do, to comply, is to provide "proof" of your "intent" to become engaged". When Tami would ask "What KIND of intent?" The secretary would say "Just as simple announcement, in the media. Dont worry, though. The agency is covering the cost, of a license". When Tami would gasp "A license? For what?" The secretary would say "A marriage license, of course". When Tami would say "Now, hold on. We agreed to WORK together, but this is going TOO FAR". The secretary would say "Relax. It is all for show. You dont have to set a wedding date. All the community has requested is proof of INTENT." When I would ask the secretary "Just curious. What happens when the community learns that we are NOT, actually, getting married?" The secretary would say "Relax. By that time, the case will be concluded, and you will have moved on, to your next case". The one thing I just could not puzzle out was the question of if Tami was, actually relieved, over this news, or, if she only wanted to appear relieved, by the news. For Tami and I, the biggest concern was the question of what do to, when locals questioned us, about our wedding plans. Both Tami, and I, had been through this nightmare, before. In each case, all, that either of us, had done, was to ask people what it might be like, to be married, to either of us. The next thing each of us knew, we were "running for cover", as people POUNDED us, with questions, regarding marriage. NIETHER of us wanted to undergo that NIGHTMARE, ever again. While the secretary would say "It is, ALL, being arranged", Tami made a point of contacting her mother. Tamis concern was that her mother would take the announcement, seriously. In fact, Tami had no doubt, at all, that, unless she explained, to her mother, first, the elder woman would take the announcement seriously. In fact, Tami had no doubt that, unless Tami got to her mother, before the news arrived, that her mother would begin making wedding preparations, including invitations, securing a church, and even having a wedding dress prepared, for her daughters arrival. Un-fortunately, just as Tami predicted, no matter how often Tami would inform her mother, that we were WORKING, her mother only had "wedding bells", on the brain. I guess that this is why, before hanging up the phone, Tami had told her mother "Think what you want. **I** know the truth. After Tami cut the line, she would inform me "As far as my mother is concerned, I am, already, your wife". I told her not to worry. That, if my own sister, and I, had been on speaking terms, my sister would have reacted no better. Still, Tami HAD hoped, to let her mother down, easily. The elder woman, however, wanted no part in this. Tami's mother wanted GRAND-children, period. As a result, Tami decided on her OWN course, of action. Tami just would not visit her parents, until her mother had this "marriage business" out of her head. This is why I was thankful that I had no such problems, seeing as how my own family was about as "close" as Earth is, to the Andromeda Galaxy. As for the case at hand, if it turned out to be nothing more than the residuals, which we were expecting, then we could "clean it up", before anyone got "wise" to us. As it would turn out, SOME, of the spirits, were just residuals. A few children, who, still, played the games, of their youth. A couple of adults, whose routine Tami had down, pat, after just a couple of days. Most important, of all, was the fact that these "residuals" paid no attention to the humans, around them. Even when we stood in the spirits path. the spirits just moved through us, like we were not even there. Tami was able to verify that two, of the children, were from the same family. As far as anyone knew, however, the children had died, of "Natural Causes". What was sad was that ALL of the children had died, of conditions, now, totally, preventable. As for the adults, community staff had verified that two, possibly three, of the spirits, were of deceased workers. Even in death, the people still carried on, with their duties. Everyone was in full agreement, that there was nothing to be done, with the "residuals". What made Tami and I most grateful, was the fact that, once the community was informed that we were on-site, to investigate the spirits, and try to send the needy on, to meet their maker, this meant that neither of us was "badgered" with marriage questions. About the most questions, that we encountered, were about G.S.2. People never ceased to be astounded, by our plane. Granted, while most planes are painted, more like the sky, except for passenger jets, which were painted a wide variety of colors, our jet was painted dull black, and for good reason. While Tami engaged local women, in the normal conversations, about the past, including how the community came to be, the young, especially the boys (and a few "tom-boys"), could not stop admiring the jet. While this community was nowhere near as "backward", as the Amish, it would seem that our plane was a temptation, which the young could not resist. Now, granted, in SOME ways, the planes sleek shape DID resemble some of the bat-man planes, from recent movies, I would only promise the boys, and some men, that our plane had been designed, and built, in the days before the modern movies. When some of the men asked "Is that thing armed?" I would emphasize "Only for defensive action. We have no offensive capacity". When one man would ask "What is the difference between offensive, and defensive?" Our pilot would step forward, saying "Sir, while this plane is fully capable, of defending itself, from a variety of hazzards, we have no capability, nor orders, clearing us, for attack." When the man would suggest "Potatoes/Po-tah-toes", the pilot would say "No, sir. Without direct orders, it would be illegal for us to initiate an attack.. I am talking YEARS, of jail time." When another man would say "Even still, it would be best if we kept the children AWAY from the plane". The pilot would say "An excellent suggestion." While Tami was conducting her interviews, I would be pursuing my main task. That of surveying the grounds, and finding out what was here, past, and present. While a local, land, surveyor, was willing to give me a "grand tour", I suggested that the man accompany ME, on my "rounds". This way, instead of a "package tour", we could look at the places, most people avoided, whenever possible. Okay, so I will admit that, when we went, to examine a pier, from underneath, we happened upon a young couple, who were "involved". Once they saw us, they ran. What astonished me, however, was that the surveyor was correct. The wooden piers, which held the pier together, were not sunk into the lake bottom. At low tide, it was obvious that the supports were mounted inside what looked like stone, or marble, cubes. The surveyor would admit that no one knew what had been here, before, however, once the dirty lake water was cleaned up, it was found that the stones rested atop a long, stone, structure. Its purpose was unknown. As to what the holes, in the stones, were, originally, for, was anyones guess. About the only place the surveyor would NOT enter, with me, was an ancient cave. Sure, the place held the appearance, of being pre-Columbian, maybe even pre-Viking, but that was about all there was to it. No carvings. No paintings, No scrolls. While myself, and my guide, were being disappointed, by Mother Natures use, of the landscape, Tami would be learning about the history, of this, supposedly, "old", community. Over several, home visits, coffee, tea, cookies, and cake, Tami would learn that this community was nowhere near as old as we had thought it would be. In fact, as communities go, this place was, practically, a "grade school child". Tami was to learn that this place had happened, not by accident, but by design. It was not some backwoodsman, who hoped to be left alone. No, this place had a purpose. What Tami heard, time and again, was how people had become so revolted, by modern "values", which included mate-swapping, three-somes, and even voyerism, that a large group, of persons, brought together their life savings, and purchased this land. And, no. Aside from some ancient tales (which no one believed), the people, who took on this land did not do so, for "mystical powers". This area was built, for those who respected one anothers privacy. This area was built, for those who wished for a return of the days, when neighbors trusted one another, and community meant something. Tami was to learn that one of the charter rules, of this community: "No excessive foul language, or vulgarity", was founded in the fact that several, of these families had come from places, where profanity was in such wide-spread usage, that locals were ashamed to call the area "home". There were others, who came here, from places where, when a person purchased something, that another person wanted, just to say "I have it. You dont", the thief would, simply, put a knife, or gun, to victims, and say "I am TAKING it". Those, who fought back, found that jail cells, were the cost, of this fight. To the law, it didn't matter that the "victim" had a receipt, for purchases, all the police cared about was filing charges, of Racial Mis-Conduct, against those who tried to keep their own property. Another reason, for the marriage clause, was the fact that, in atleast a few neighborhoods, single mothers let children run, wild, round-the-clock. It did not matter what the children were doing, as long as they were out of mom's "hair". When locals had filed a complaint, against one welfare woman, for, at seperate times, giving birth to over a dozen children, saying the woman was a drain, on community resources, all that local government had told the petitioners was "YOU can leave anytime you want to". What the communities had NOT expected was for large numbers, of locals, to finally, accept this "offer". What government had HOPED for was a gradual reduction, of local population. Something, explainable, by the loss, of jobs. What communities had not planned for was wholesale migrations. Migrations, which could not be explained away, by job losses. From what Tami was able to piece together, from her conversations, people began coming to this area, when they heard about a new community being built. A place, where RESPECT meant something. During one conversation, alone, Tami would find out that, even while the place was being purchased, people were willing to "camp out", just to be away from the trouble areas. The community would, actually, be constructed, by those who would live there. Tradesmen were brought in, to oversee work, but the majority, of the work was done by people, who, now, LIVED here. By the time my guide was showing me the boundary marker, for the community, I noticed that it was less a marker, and more of a guard tower. My guide would promise me "As you can see, the guard is angled AWAY from the community. While the tower is more for "show", the guards, all retired law enforcement, have permission to shoot anyone, who tries to break in." What I noticed was that, while the guard tower had powerful search lights, that there was a hill, between the tower, and the community. When I asked my guide, they promised "If you notice, the lights are low enough, as not to be viewed, by the community. We want our residents to feel SAFE, not incarcerated". By the time Tami and I re-grouped, back at G.S.2, Tami would tell me "I hate to say it but I think I could enjoy living here." When I reminded her "I thought you did not like rules, and regulations. I thought that was why you left home, originally. To get away from the "rigidity"." Tami would clarify "At first, I thought that living my life, on my terms, would be so great. No one telling me what time to eat, or go to bed. I thought that life, on my own, would be the answer to my prayers." I would suggest "Let me guess. Life got in the way." Tami would correct me, saying "I did not realize why my parents were so strict, until I got out, on my own. I, never, considered that the world runs by its own clock, NOT by my clock." I would add "Not by mine, either." Yes, it was true. Life did operate, by its own clock. A clock not based on person needs, but upon community needs. In a world where, more and more, people were even rioting over the idea of "**I** am special. Bow to me". Tami and I had entered an area, where community was the center of life. Children were in bed, at a sensible hour, and adults sat out, on porches, on warm evenings. Anyone, who wanted to listen to music, was encouraged to either wear headphones, or close their homes windows. Excessive noise was a great, and easy, way to get kicked out of this town. What Tami and I found relaxing, about this place, was the fact that, like the vampire community, and the case, of the look-a-like, after ten o'clock (22:00 hours), the city became so quiet that a nearby river could be heard. Couples strolled, and people walked pets. It was hard to imagine that any spirit would WANT to haunt such a beautiful place. Tami and I were on-site, maybe a week, when security had to eject a trouble-maker, from the community. A person who had shouted "I have the same f*ing right, to be here, as you (deleted) have". As security dragged the trouble-maker off of the property, where a police car awaited, Tami was just making a joke, with a local woman, asking "Another satisfied customer?" The woman would whisper "Caution. Do not make such comments, out in the open." When Tami would ask "Why?", the woman would say "As a visitor, you will be shown some leniency. In this community, we do not heckle others. Not even such dregs, as that one. Heckling others is a sure way to be put on the street". Shortly after this, and while I was out, surveying the land, to better understand this place, Tami was being introduced to the "Application Center". A place, which was founded, shortly after the community opened, and some trouble-makers conned their way in. As Tami was to learn, people did not just buy, or rent, land, in this community. Prior to entry, each applicant filled out a background sheet. Something like a criminal background, only more comprehensive. In this case, not only were credit bureaus contacted, about legal trouble, but banks, landlords, and other groups, were contacted, about a persons bill-paying habits. The best way, to gain entry, was by having a solid record, of paying bills, on-time. Add in no more "criminal record" than an occassional parking ticket, and entry would pass, easier. So far, though, several groups, had been launching lawsuits, demanding access, to the community. Some applicants, even wanted subsidized housing. Thee problem the courts had, with these suits, was that the community had no federal, or state, grant money. All land was purchased, via mortgages. There was NO rental land, especially for low-income people. When Tami had asked "What happens if someone loses their job, due to factory closings, etc.?" A senior would say "We dont throw them out, if thats what you are implying. We aint no monsters. If a person falls on hard times, we try to help them out. The only people we would PUT out would be those who, when they lose something, they just sit back, and relax." Tami was not certain but this place sounded more, and more, like her parents home, every minute. After six weeks, on the case, Tami was extending her exercise sessions, saying "Coffee, Tea, cake, and cookies, might be great, for conversations, but my waist-line. I will be lucky if I do not gain twenty pounds, from all of this food." I only said nothing since, in my own "battle", with weight, I was working harder, and harder, to keep my body firm and trim, yet I remained much larger than I wanted to be. I would not mind having the build, of either Arnold Schwarzennegger, or Lee Haney, but, solid as I was, I remained larger than I wanted to be. Muscular, yes. Large: I could do without. What I did remind Tami of was that her efforts were not in vane. Thanks to Tea, and cookies, Tami had learned that most of the spirits were not of those, who lived in this community. The place was just not old enough, to have its own, ghostly, population. Tami knew what this meant. Time for the Hall of Records, and, Heaven forbid, back to the convents records. This, while I visited the county, title, office. While the development was in the newest part, of the titles section, since the community was the "newest" thing, in town, I had to remind the clerks that it was the older records, that I wanted. I wanted to know what was there, BEFORE the community was built. The clerk would caution me "Be careful. THOSE records are, nearly, as old as the county. Some, of that paper. It will crumble, in your fingers." While I was examining records, which looked like they had crossed the ocean, with Columbus, Tami was on a "head-hunt", as well. By the time we converged, on G.S.2, we were so tired, from examining documents, which were older than America, that we just chose meal packets, at random. As for what time we drifted off, to sleep, that was anyones guess. All I remember was eating dinner, then waking up, in the early morning. Sometime, before sun-rise, Tami and I finished feeding the footage, into the ships computers, then we ate breakfast, as the sun-rose. I dont know why, but I never got tired, of watching the sun-rise. No matter what country we were in. There was, always, an occassion, to watch the sun rise. By lunch time, our computer had done its best, so Tami decided to feed the information, to the agencies computers. Maybe Mr. Black could make something out of the data. Tami returned to her duty, of interviewing locals, while I returned to trying to figure out what had been at this location, in the past. As near as I could figure, at one time (who knows when), there had been a previous settlement, at this location. I am just not certain of exactly WHAT had been at the location, of the current pier. All I think is that the holes, the piers were set into, were NOT designed to hold wooden poles. When Mr. Brown supplied me with the latest version, of Black Ops diving gear, suggesting that I "jump in the lake", I did as the boss suggested. While some locals warned me, that there were some heavy rocks, in the water, and to avoid getting fouled, since "We dont want to have to call for a rescue team. It might make the community seem un-safe." I made my promise, hoping that I could keep the promise. Personally, I have no idea of why the government turned these units down. My pack held everything a diver could want. (I just wish I knew how that flashlight could light up objects, without harsh glare.) While I was relieved not to find any sphinxes, grave yards, or other, spooky, stuff, in the clear waters, of the lake, what I DID find was obvious, construction debris. No qustion about it. At some point, this place had been a dumping ground, for marble. When a member, of the town council would say "Impossible. There has, never, been marble, quarried, in this area." I would suggest "Pull some up, and see for yourself. If that is not marble, I will eat this tank". When a local handed me some yellow mustard, and I suggested "I prefer spicy brown. Makes the metal taste better". Laughs went up, all around. After the town council member would go on, for four hours, insisting that there had, never, been a quarry, in this area, the local tow truck driver would decided to put an end to the conversation. Backing his monstruously large truck down to the edge of the lake, he would hand me a cable, saying "Hook me a BIG piece. If you are right, I want something I can be proud to say "I hauled this in". While it took me over an hour, to hook a piece, by clearing away the soil, and water growth, when I gave the tow truck driver the signal, I noticed that the man was not alone. It seems that dozens of people had showed up, to see what we would haul up. Even before the slab broke the surface, I could see that it was carved. When the council member would look at the carving, claiming "You carved it, before you lifted it. That is what you were doing, underwater, for so long." When this was, openly, laughed at, especially by the resident carver, of the community, who would say "You are crazy. That kind of work would have taken months", the council member would be silent. When I asked "Can anyone tell me what this says?" The pastor, of the closest church, would come forward, saying "It looks like Latin, but it could be Greek. Too hard to tell, until it is cleaned off." The pastor would turn to the truck driver, who would say "I can have it to the church, in about half an hour. I just need to make sure it is secure, for transport." The pastor would say "Very well. I shall see you in about thirty minutes. No rush, though. Safety first". The driver would say "Yes, father". Later, at the church, I would find the minister, going through violumes, as church members would whisper "He is, still, trying to find a reference point, for the language." After awhile, the minister gave up, and threw down the oldest transcription, that anyone knew of. This, the minister did as he said "I give up. Not a single reference, to be found. Blasted internet. Supposed to be a "one stop shopping center", for everyones needs. Everyone, but me, so it seems". When I looked at the cleaned up slab, I would mention "Father, I know how weird this will sound but..." When the minister would say "Out with it, my son. In the house, of the Lord, ALL are welcome". I would suggest "These markings. They look like what science fiction writers would carve, on props, like for shows like Stargate, Star Trek, maybe even Battlestar Galactica." When the minister would say "My son, I hope you are not suggesting aliens" I would correct this, asking "Have any movie production companies been in this area?" The minister, and the locals, would agree "No movies, or production companies, that I know of". When a local would ask my reason, I would suggest "IF a production company HAD been in this area, that would explain the writings. Especially if the movie were science fiction." When the minister would say "I dont follow." I would suggest "What is easier, after a movie is complete. Haul everything, back to the studio, OR just find a body of water, and dump the props". During a closer examination, the following day, when I had HOPED to find evidence that the marble was, actually, some cheap substance, made to look like marble, no such luck. Even the analyzer, which Tami brought, from the plane, confirmed that this marble was REAL. As to the reason WHY the marble was dumped, this remained as much, of a mystery, as WHO the previous inhabitants had been. There was no record, in the county courthouse. Even after Tami checked the convents records, no luck. All that anyone knew was that, when the town was established, the land went on the record. As to the reason why no one developed the land, this was more superstition, and legend, than fact. Just because a few people had drowned, in the lake, there was fear that "monsters" lived in the waters. Monsters, which pulled people under. I had to laugh, at that one. Especially when I asked "If there be monsters, WHY did they not drown me?" No one had an answer. While myself, the minister, and some locals, were attempting to make some kind of sense, of the carvings, on the marble, Tami had decided to turn the investigation, into a different "heading". What Tami would tell no one, except myself, was that, even while she had been examining the towns historic records, a Negro male had approached her. Tami would report "I dont know where he came from, but I DO know that he was a senior citizen. His kinky curly hair, and his mustache, were as white as paper. While he seemed generally polite, he seemed FIRM, when he told me "You are looking in the WRONG place". Tami would say "When I asked him how it was wrong, with searching the records, he smiled, at me, as he said "You are looking at the LEGAL stuff." When I asked "Why would legal be the wrong direction", Tami would say "Not legal. Dont look for legal" These are the words the man used. When I asked "Did he say anything else?" Tami would say "The man said to look into scrappers, and haulers. That kind of thing." When Tami would say that "As soon as I "changed gears", in the investigation, the man tipped his head, then vanished." When I asked "So, WHAT did you find, under "il-legal?" Tami would say "Plenty. I found a group, of men, who had been un-employed, long enough, that the men were willing to work for cash, to pay outstanding bills." Tami would continue "Based upon the records, the men have spent the past few years, travelling around the area, offering to remove debris, which state law would charge twice as much, to haul away." "The men pack up their truck, with debris, then find the nearest, water, source. Something which has murky waters. Once they found this, they dumped the debris." When I would ask "What does this have to do with the haunting, of this community? Its water source is as clear as drinking water". Tami would correct me, saying "NOW! It is clear. When the dumping was going on, the water was as "clear" as coffee, or soda." When I asked "How does the marble fit into all of this?" Tami would say "According to regulations, the marble is subjected to strict, and very expensive, regulations". I would add "In come the haulers". Tami would say "Thats right. In return for gas money, and some "pocket change", a quarry, from another parrish, eliminates its rubble, at, maybe, 3% of normal cost". When I would ask "So, what happened?" Tami would say "Simple. The haulers had to stop dumping, when, first, police set up check-points, then the community began construction, including a water purification plant." Even so, I had to wonder HOW the team got the larger chunks into the water. I just could not see a small group, of men, muscling the pieces about. Slabs, and chunks, maybe. But not pieces, the size of the lake pier foundation. When I asked Tami "Does the record say anything, about the writing, which is etched into some of the slabs?" Tami would report Those are what stone carvers would call either "test pieces", or "learning tools". Stone carvers practiced, and refined, various writing styles, as well as other engraving, in these stabs". When I would conclude "So, this was just an un-authorized dumping ground, before the community was built." While the community had WANTED to salvage the marble, for community use, it seems that parrish regulations were just as strict, on salvage, and re-use, as the regulations were, on disposal. The remaining marble would remain in the lake. The parrish regulators set such a high price, on salvage, of the derelict pieces, that it would cost the community LESS money, to quarry fresh marble. It was AFTER Tami reported, to the Brown Agency, HOW the debris came to be in the lake, that a Negro male, named Oscar, would visit Tami, for a discussion. While Oscar admitted that he had lived several meters away, from this area, Oscar would, also, admit "I loved this place, so much. Ever since I found it. It is so nice, and quiet. A man can relax, and be alone, with his thoughts." While Oscars wife had THOUGHT he was having an affair, with other women, the woman had grown furious, when Oscar had told her "Think what you want. I am going, to be alone". When his wife followed Oscar, finding him completely alone, and resting, at the waters edge, his wife had challenged Oscar, saying "This is a cover-up, isn't it". Oscar admitted walloping his wife, for "Disturbing the Peace". This is when his wife toold Oscar "Once the kids are raised, I am gone, as well"". From that time, on, everytime the wife threatened to leave, Oscar would say "Fine by me". Oscar would say "Eventually she DID take the kids, and moved in with some guy. He had an expensive car, and a really fancy way of talking." When Tami would inquire "Why do you remain here?"" Oscar would say "I LOVED this place, all of my life. Thats why, when this new group, of people, moved in, I presented my services, and they hired me. This way, I would be able to keep my lake as beautiful, as possible". When Tami would ask Oscar "How long did you stay?" Oscar would say "I never left. Once I saw how peaceful life was, here, I just stayed on. One, of the property owners even built me a cottage, for my labors. I have lived in that cottage up until now". When Tami would, gently, inquire "You do know that you have passed, from this life, dont you". Oscar would say "I will remain until the community finds another keeper. Someone who LOVES the land, as much as I do. Only then will I depart". This is when Tami proposed her BIG ask "If you knew of any of the other spirits, inhabiting this land, WOULD you introduce me to these spirits?" Oscar would ask "Whats in the deal, for us?" Tami would promise "I can forward any final messages, to your loved ones." When Oscar would ask "What about the property owners?" Tami would say "I can give them messages, as well". When Oscar would ask "WHY should these people trust your generation? All that profanity. Just stealing what you want." Tami would correct the man, saying "We are NOT all like that", then she would add "Ofcourse, each of you will provide me with something, which only the receiver will know about, and understand". Oscar would say "Allow me to consider your offer." While Oscar was "considering", Tami joined a community member, in attending the latest round of hearings. There were held at the county courthouse, and the charge, each time, was: Racism. The accusers were complaining that the "closed community" simply refused to allow Negroes to enter into the "white paradise". The current hearing was, again, to decide whether the charge was, in fact, accurate. While the prosecution made a PASSIONATE case, for Negro rights, saying that Negroes should be allowed to live anywhere they chose, Then came the community's chance to respond. At this time, a resident attorney would inform the hearing "While the presentation, you have just heard, does, in fact, assume that the community is "Racist", I would wish to point out the following facts, in evidence." When the attorney listed the complainers FIVE evictions, just in the past three years, and all listed as "Non-Payment of rent", the attorney would, also, list even MORE canncellations, of utilities. Reason: Non-Payment. Not partial payments, but NO payments, at all. Then, there were the complainants cell-phone bills. The attorney would inform the hearing that the applicant had charged up three, seperate, phone bills, before being ordered to switch over to Pay-As-You-Go. To each, of these charges, the accusers attorney would object, asking what grounds this held, on the CURRENT case. When the chairman, of the hearing, told the defense lawyer to proceed, the attorney spoke of the complainants "maxed out" credit cards, as well as the complainers "maxed out", public credit. Later that day, after the hearing let out, Tami, and her guide, watched as a woman chased a group, of foul-mouthed children, away from the downtown, with a stick. When the woman called, after the children "I will teach you mannners", and Tami would say "Wow! I have not seen such discipline, in decades". Her guide would say "Its no wonder. That woman died, in the 1970's. She died after her children left home, and her husband fell, to a heart attack." It was as Tami, and her guide, travelled back, to the secure community, followed by some "local" kids, who used very foul langauge, on the ladies, that Tami was more than a little relieved when the ladies re-entered the gated community. It was only as the ladies approached, that a gate guard emerged, from a guard shack, that the kids ran off. Whether it was the guards imposing presense, or his fire-arm, which scared the trouble-makers off. That is debatable. Inside the closed community, Tami remained hopeful when atleast two, female, spirits came forward. It seems that atleast one, of the spirits, knew the lady, with the switch. (The woman who charged after the foul-mouthed children, with a stick). As the woman would inform Tami, "That would be Bertha. I remember her being a "task-master", with her own children. She would not even allow her children outside, to play, until all chores, and homework, were completed." When Tami would ask "What about her husband?" The woman would say "Bertha was much gentler, than her husband. When a child needed severe discipline, her husband showed no mercy." When Tami would suggest "So, the childrens lives were, strictly, controlled". The woman would say "Heavens, no. As long as the children obeyed rules, and their manners, play-time was plentiful." The other woman would come forth with "Bertha was, also, the leader of our sewing group. She didn't just want us knitting, just to be knitting, while gossiping. Bertha wanted us to try new patterns". When Tami would ask "So, she was a task-master?" The ladies would say "Heavens, no. Bertha just wanted us to aid her in learning new patterns. If we took up the same skill, along the way, all the better". When Tami would ask "How many patterns did Bertha intrioduce, to the group?" The second spirit lady, named alice, would say "By the time the fever took me, I think I could knit atleast 235 patterns." The first lady, who asked to be called "Matty", would say "As I remember, it was 237." By the time the community hearing re-conveined, two weeks later, no one was shocked, at the hearings decision. The hearings administrator would inform the complainer "We have reviewed your records, and general, credit, history, ourselves. Since the prime rule, for acceptance, into the gated community, is a prolonged credit history, of TIMELY bill payment, something which you do NOT have, this hearing finds that, regardless of race, you do not qualify, for entry, into the gated community." Later, when the rejected tenant brought together a mob, of other, rejected persons, these people gathered at the communities gates, but not just to hurtle trash over the communities gates. The rejects actually began scaling the communities walls. Once inside the community, five, of the trespassers, began spouting obscenities, at residents, in statements such as "We have the f*ing right to be here!" This is when Tami got a familiar feeling, and the air was filled with something Tami recognized, My partner KNEW what was about to happen. As the trespassers begna vandalizing the "Visitors Area", while shouting racial obscenities, at residents, such as "Whatch gonna do about it, huh?" The vandals, with their foul language, watched as first one, then more, of their foul-mouthed, leaders, suddenly rose, into the air, then "flew", as though tossed, back across the gate. They would land out, in the parking lot. As something began throwing out the intruders, community members began put out the burning trash fires. When, after three trespassers were thrown out, of the community, and the remaining trespassers decided to ATTACK the community members The community members would be astonished, when un-seen defenders began grabbing the trespassers, dragging the trespassers, to nearby trees, then tying the hoodlums, to those tree trunks. From the distance, beyond the gates, police would watch, and record the events. The police chief, however, would have to reprimand a Negro officer, who would say "These h*nk*eys are attacking the brothers". When another officer would suggest "Looks to me like the other way around." The Negro would say "It figures that a "whitey" would look at it, that way." Inside the community, as the last, of the trespassers, was tied to tree's, massively-built, pioneer-style, men, would appear, bowing to community members. When the tied-up trespassers would hurtle vulgarities, at the community members, shouting "Just wait until we get lose". It would seem that the spirits had more than enough, of this, vulgar, language. The spirits would gag the trespassers. When security allowed the police into the community's gates, community members would be shocked, first when the police asked "Do you wish to prosecute?", then were told "Since this was, obviously, a RACIAL matter, IF you prosecute, then we are required to file charges, of Racism, against the members of your community." This is when a former police chief would appear, asking "Since WHEN do we prosecute VICTIMS, for protecting their own rights, and property?" When the live officer would say "Ever since Affirmative Act..." This is when the officer realized that the man he was talking to had died, decades ago. When the officer continued "It is the LAW. Negroes MUST be considered the victims..." When the chief would say "Regardless of the Negroes OWN actions?" The officer would say "Its statutory law. I can do nothing about it." The deceased chief would say "Rubbish. I knew you grand-father. We grew up, together. He would, never, stand for such ignorance". The officer would remind the spirit "My grand-father lived, in a different time..." To which the spirit, of the police chief would say "Seems to me, it was a BETTER time." When several patrolmen asked the senior officer "What do we do, with the trespassers?" the ghost police chief would say "Take them in, book them, on felony trespass, vandalism, and attempted assault". When the stunned officers would ask the live officer, they saw the mans own hesitancy, before the younger, live, officer, would "whimp-out", saying "Okay, book them". Then, the living officer would inform the ghost "According to Affirmative Action, I am required to book these community members, as well". When the deceased chief would ask "On WHAT charge?" The officer would say "Violating Affirmative Action". When the deceased chief would ask "Just WHAT is this Affirmative Action, you keep talking about?" The officer would say "In short, it says that, if a white person accuses a Negro, of a crime, the white person MUST be charged with Racism". When the ceeif would ask "For defending their own homes? What nonsense". When the case came to trial, and it was found that the only three judges, in the local vicitnity, were white, the NAACP demanded that th case be moved to a Negro jurisdiction. The claim was made that white judges would not be im-partial, in racial proceedings. Tami would, later, report "Case-file update. While the prosecution, of the trespassers/vandals HAS been moved, to the court, of the Honorable Franklin Johnson (A Negro), it would seem that Judge Johnson could not care, less, about the racial issue. Over the vocal opposition, of Negro rights groups, Judge Johnson ordered the playing, of both police, and security, recirdings, in the courtroom. During the procedings, atleast five, of the defendants, were required to be gagged, and hauled out of court, for excessive profanity. Based upon the video evideence, Judge Johnson found it easy to sentence the trespassers/vandals, to ten years, per vandal. Whil no one doubted that the fine would, ever, be paid, Judge Johnson ordered local, Negro heritage groups to pay a $100,000 fine, for taking NO action, to prevent the criminals actions. Judge Johnsons final decree was that he found NOTHING, in the communities intake charter, which prohibited Negroes from mving in. In fact, the judge would rule that race was neither written, nor implied, at any point. Tami would add "Point of note. Over two dozen, WHITE, peoples applications, have, also, been rejected. Reason: Bill payment "history". Three, of these, white, applicants, were rejected, due to chronic alcohol abuse, while others were rejected, for drug abuse. The rest, of the rejects, had such terrible, bill payment histories. These people, both white, and Negro, were so perpetually, "on the move", that their list, of recent residences, was pages long. This in a clear contrast, to those, whom the community accepted. Those, who were accepted, had five, to twenty, years, at a single residence. Also of note is the fact that, after the attack, community members did not wait for the city to begin the clean up operation. Community members, themselves (Point of note: I have noticed atleast a dozen spirits aiding the clean up), performed the clean up, over night (while their children slept). What Tami could not help noticing, about both the living, and the dead, is how little, if any, talk, of racism, there was. In fact, Tami noticed that race was mentioned only when distinguishing people, who had the same name, but different skin color. Other than this, no one spoke of race. Everyone, living AND dead, held high hopes, that their community would serve as a model, for other communities. Sure, a few men had joked, about a "profanity prison". A place, where profaners, vandals, and thieves, would be placed behind 50, to 100, foot walls, and left to "feed" off one another. When a few women would say "For shame! To speak that way, of our fellow man". The men would, only, say "Just making conversation". I Do know, of another group. One which was "crushed", by the news of the marbles. This was a group, of "Aliens are among us" believers. It would seem that this group had been diving the lake, over the years, found the writings, and had been hoping the carvings were proof, either of Atlantis, or of extra-terrestrials. When word got around, that the marbles were just "practice pieces", the alien enthusiasts had been "crushed". While there were no surviving records, to support his claim, a Lord Mountbatten would come forth, to explain what had been, at this location, before the modern practice, of record keeping, had been created. According to the spirit, "In MY day, there was a beautiful mansion, on these grunds. The flicker, of gas-lamps, made the main house seem almost spectral, after dark. We even had a decoratively carved pier, on the lake." When Tami would ask "How much did all of this cost you?" Lord Mountbatten would say "Dear Lady. I financed very little, of it, other than my food, and entertainment, expenses". When Tami would ask "Then, how?" Lord Mountbatten would say "I was born, and raised, on these grounds. I spent my life, on this property. I even met my demise, on the premises. You see, the Mountbattens owned this land, for centuries. I think it was about 900 years, more or less." When Tami would ask "So, you INHERITED?" Lord Mountbatten would say "It humbles me to admit this, since I had older sisters, and younger brothers. Now however, our society had its rules". When Tami would suggest "The eldest SON is first, in line, to inherit". Lord Mountbatten would add "I wish it known that, while I inherited the title, and manor, any stories, of my "throwing my family out", are just camp-fire stories. For example: My sisters moved on, when they married" Tami would remark "In those days, respectable women had NO careers." Lord Mountbatten would continue "My brothers went into the trades. We did try to keep in touch, both brothers and sisters, over the passage of time. Eventually, though, we drifted apart". When Tami would ask "You say that you inherited ALL of this. WHO did the actual work?" Lord Mountbatten would list the names, of ancestors, each of whom added to the value, of the land. This, until a small, humble, farm, became a lavish estate. Lord Mountbatten would caution, though "Never let Leopold know that you are, in any way, connected, with the estate." When Tami would ask "WHY?" Lord Mountbbatten would say "My ancestor, Leopold, spent his whole life, in the bottom of a mug of ale. He did, at one point, nearly bankrupt the family. It would take YEARS, for his own children, to pay off his outstanding debts. Only the good Lord, himself, knows why the family did not just dis-own Leopold." When Tami would suggest "A skalawag, huh?" Lord Mountbatten would say "I never understood how he found time, or energy, to create a family". What Tami would ask "What, eventually, happened, to the estate?" Tami asked this as she motioned about the changed scenery. Lord Mountbatten would say "Time passes. That which was important, fades, with time. Just as the long, flowing, gowns, of the 13th, through 19th centuries, eventually fell out of style, so, too, aparently, have good manners, and community." When Tami would mention "Not everywhere". Gesturing at the renaissance community. Lord Mountbatten would say "In my day, good manners were not hidden behind walls, and guard towers. Property was respected, even without walls, or fences. The citizens were delightfully polite, towards one another." Tami could agree that the modern world had LOST so much, of the beauty, and charm, of the Victorian era. And WHAT had we given it up, for? The right to vote? The "right" to be as profane, as possible? Sure, we have smart phones, and electronic fuel injected cars, home computers, stereos, and microwave ovens. The question is "What did we LOSE, for these "gains"? Prior to his departure, Lord Mountbatten would bow, and kiss, Tami's hand, even as he said "I am grateful that I did not have to live to see what has become, of my beautiful world. I am also, grateful, for your splended company.". When other spirits came forward, to speak of the days, when men bowed, to women, and men even tipped hats, while public conversation regarded civic improvements, gardening, cooking, etc. Men, reportedly, built, and maintained, property, and engaged in sports, such as baseball, tug-of-war, and so forth. The days when "overnight music" was the sound of crickets, and grasshoppers. The days when, if men had personal differences, arm wrestling, or even full-body wrestling, was the preferred solution. ALL "fights" were governed, most strictly, to something called the "Maques of Queensbury" rules. The more Tami heard, about the old days, the less she liked living in the 21st century. Oh, sure. We had Ghost Ship 2, and we could fly anywhere. Thanks to the inventions, of VHS, and DVD, people could enjoy entertainment, at their leisure. Not like the old days, when families had to plan meals, around show times. Still, after speaking with several spirits, Tami felt her own wave, of nostalgia. A piece, of the past, which her hometown was "fighting" to preserve. The final two drive-in theaters, located at the edge of town. Sure, the places were not "money machnines", however, over the years, the drive-ins had changed. In fact, according to Tami's grand-mother, the changes began even before computers took over factory jobs. It would seem that, when locals got tired of racing, for a good place to park, before movies started, someone had come up with the idea of adding picnic tables to the grounds. When some women had protested that children got filthy enough, in the dirt, of the playground, the idea, of laying a covering came to light. When the ideas had been presented, to the drive-ins owners, however, all the owners could think of was COST. The owners even rejected talk, of donations. When the owners abandoned the drive-ins, claiming that they were "losing" money, a local group was formed, which took over the lands, and began the work, themselves. Nowadays, in between the drive-ins, there was a park, for adults to rest in, and a picnic area, for those who wanted to be outdoors, before the movies. The playground was "overhauled", but not modernized. The old, rusted, steel, and iron, which had corroded, over the years, was replaced, with modern parts. Eventually, even the clunky, box, speakers, were replaced, with wireless radio transmissions. As Tami's own family agreed, the drive-ins were as much a part, of the community, as the church was. Now that Tami was interviewing spirits (And some live people), about the "glory days", of yesteryear, Tami wondered if society had "gained" more than we LOST. Even the spirits wondered if Affirmative Action was worth the LOSS, of good Manners. Yes, since the trespasser/vandals had forced their ugly way onto the property, the spirits wanted their stories, of the beauty, of life, to be told. The spirits wanted OUR world to remember how beautiful the past had been. Even the spirit, of a condemned witch, came forth, saying how beautiful the village had been, and how sweet, and aromatic, the gardens, and landscape, smelled, during her morning walks. Tami would ask "How did you feel, when your neighbors denounced you, and the holy church burned you, alive, for witchcraft?" The spirit would say "Child, I have no idea where you get such ideas". When Tami would say "From history books", the spirit would ask "WHOSE version of history?" The spirit would, then, inform Tami "It was neither my family, nor the village, nor even our church, which condemned me, for witchcraft", When Tami would ask "Then, by WHOM?" The woman would say "A man, with a book. The title, of the book, when translated, from Latin, to English, reads..." Tami would asnwer "The Witches Hammer. The lynch mobs "guide" to exposing witches". When Tami would ask "If your people did not betray you, then why did they not aid your escape?" The spirit would remind Tami "In those days, the church held even MORE POWER, than it does, in your time. In MY time, the church could end a war, just by saying "It is God's will". After discussions, with over two hundred humans, and over one hundred spirits, Tami came to the conclusion, which she submitted to the Brown Agency. "The spirits, in this area, are not malignant, or malicious. The spirits are PROUD of these people, and what the community wants to re-create. The spirits are, even, willing to aid, if they are able. This is why locals are viewing the spirits so often. The spirits want to aid the living, in making the community a success." As for the rejects, I doubt they will stop trying to "pull this place down", until the rejects die off. They just cannot stand the thought of others having more, or living in peace. While one of Tami's now-famous agreements, would be very easy, to reach, between the community, and the dead, it is doubtful that the rejectes will, ever, accept any compromise. All the rejects care about is "being the last man standing". When Mr. Brown would suggest "Why does the community not just pull up stakes, and come to America?" Tami would say "Same reason". Atleast in England, the people KNEW who the opposition was. Then, there was the fact that, atleast FIVE attempts, at starting such communities, in America, had ended in rioting and arson. Those, whom the communities rejected, for records, of violence, only proved the criminal records correct, by breaking into communities, and setting fire to anything which the trespassers could not steal. Five beautiful, and peaceful, communities, burned to the ground, by those who just cannot stand peace, or to respect the property, or person, of other people. While Tami and I knew, that there were hundreds more souls, available, for interview, it would seem that, once Tami submitted our report, to community leaders, we were given a "Thank You", dinner, before our departure. On-board G.S.2, when Mr. Brown would, via conference call, ask "How would the two of you like another, light house, case?" When Tami would ask "What IS it, with ghosts, and lighthouses?" Mr. Brown would suggest "If you believe the ghost-hunting groups, from around the nation, these people believe that the combination, of water, and centuries old buildings, give spirits the "stimulus", to appear." When Tami would ask "Is this spirit civil?" Mr. Brown would say "Hard to say. I want you to review the file, of this case, and submit your recommendations, as soon as possible". When I suggested "Why dont we just BUY a light house? Let the ghosts come to us?" Tami would say "Dont even joke about that. I am just fine, with Ghost Ship 2." I would add a smirk with "And, our "frequent-flyer" miles". By the time G.S.2 lifted of, leaving England behind, I found Tami reviewing NOT the case-file, but the history, of her hometowns local drive-ins. When I asked, Tami would inform me "The spirits spoke, so much, of the "good old days". I was remembering my own family's outings, at our drive-ins. How much fun we had, especially on saturday nights." When I recalled some of my own, favorite, memories, of drive-in visits, Tami would ask "Do you think we would get into trouble, if we just visit my home town drive in?" I would suggest "You should call your mother, and find out what is playing". When we consulted our pilots, it took about five secoonds, to gain the retiree's support. The suggestion, was, even, approved, that the pilots would deliver us, to Tami's home, then the pilots would visit their own homes. It was a joint decision, that the latest spirits could wait, until monday, maybe tuesday. After all, how LONG had they waited, so far???

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