Tuesday, December 6, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE PYRAMIDS Dont ask me HOW Tami and I became involved in the still-heated debate, over HOW the pyramids, of Egypt, were constructed. Tami and I had just completed the "Crystal Cathedral" case (With almost NO ONE approving of our "conclusions"), when Mr. Blue would contact G.S.2, asking "Might I interest the two of you in a trip, to the Giza Plateau, of Egypt?" When Tami would ask "Why Giza?" Mr. Blue would say "It seems the Egyptians are having some spectral problems." When I would ask Mr. Blue "What do they need US for? Egypt has some of the finest minds, in the world, available, to them. What can we do, that Ph.d's, Doctorates, and professors, cannot do?" Mr. Blue would say "Cairo is asking that the two of you have a "chat", with some restless spirits. Its all in the file. I hope you choose to accept. Cairo has even agreed to extend every hospitality. The condition is that Cairo is asking that the two, of you, handle the case". As Tami and I considered that, at present, we were only 3,000 miles away (And even further away from America), our veteran pilots had been awaiting our decision, before filing the flight plan, and engaging the engines. After all, why burn fuel, if a course change is being anticipated? The retired pilots just relaxed, and checked the planes systems, from the cockpit, as Tami and I began the review, of our latest case. IF the case file were correct, "traditionalists", of Archeology, were "coming to blows", with "modernist" Archeologists, over the question of HOW the pyramids had been built. The file stated that Cairo had become concerned, when it was announced that WEAPONS had come into play, regarding the age-old mystery, of HOW the pyramids had been erected. Sure, there remained conflicting theories, however, to date, the debate had been civil. While one group remained adamant, about the "long ramp" theory, another group was just as passionate, about the "simple ropes, and pulleys" theory. While there were additional theories, including three, which the Egyptians favored, these were just a few, among many. Then, ofcourse, there were the "Aliens are among us" theories, which included suggestions that tractor beams, and shuttle-craft had been used, to lift stone. Until recently, however, each group had published their own theories, and allowed leading scientific panels to "weigh in", in each theory. Recently, however, something was changing. Persons unknown had "upped the ante", by using Egyptian spears, daggers, cross-bows, etc., on opposition members. Atleast, this is what the Egyptian police were puzzling over. According to the security sections reports, soldiers, who patrolled/guarded the Sphinx, and the pyramids, were convinced that someone was using pharonic weapons, to kill several people. What the police commissioners could not understand was "Why use pharonic weapons, when modern weapons are easier to use, then dispose of?" This, as well as the question of "HOW did the debate, over the pyramids construction, become so lethal?" The file also contained several "reports", made by Egyptian locals, all of whom claimed to have witnessed the god, Anubis, walking the streets, of Cairo, and the Giza Plateau. The file stated that Egypts request was simple. If modern day HUMANS were impersonating the gods, of Egypt, the police, military, and government, of Egypt, wanted those responsible "exposed", and prosecuted. What surprised Tami and I was the part, of the report, which stated "If your marvelous Ghost Ship will grace our humble nation, with its presense, Egypt is prepared to offer your plane a "front row seat", to the pyramids." Tami and I would have wondered HOW the Egyptians even knew about us. That is, until we remembered the "Mystery of the Egyptian Artifact". Now, what we could not figure out was the reason why we were being requested to deal with an issue, involving the living. After all, our "field of expertise" was communications, with the deceased. What could WE tell the Egyptians, which science had not, already, told the nation? The answer, to this, it seems, lies in some spiritual "hocus pocus". The case file stated "We have had several incidents, of one persons research being found in another persons hotel room. While the accused denies the claims, the evidence is hard to disprove. Then, there is the problem, of the threatening notes. Notes written NOT in English, or modern Egyptian, but in Heiroglythics. Then, there is the question, of HOW a viper appearred, in a scientists bathroom. Then, add in the question, of HOW a vessel, filled with aged, pharoanic, wine came to appear in another hotel room. Note: the wine was spiked, with poison. Desite the best efforts, of the police, and even when hotel employee's provided descriptions, of unknown persons, these descriptions were of little value, to the police, since the descriptions seemed to match any, of 500 people, living, and working, in Cairo, and on the plateau. And this is not even to mention some "extra's", who were employed, in the latest, Hollywood epic, about Egypt. It is interesting to note that the deaths, deliveries, and threats, as well as the sightings, did not become so frequent, until the production company arrived. Coincidence? Publicity? A criminal, trying to hide behind the "mask" of the movie production? When Tami asked me "Why not? We have nothing else on the agenda, at this time. That, and we are "in the area". Some time, in the desert, might be nice." When I agreed, our pilots filed the flight plan, and Ghost Ship 2 soared into the sky, on its way to HELP Egypt, this time. After all, HOW would we have handled the "Mystery of the Egyptian Atrifact", had we not had the aid, and assistance, of the Egyptians, in sorting fact from fiction? Now, it was OUR turn, to aid Egypt. When Ghost Ship 2 cruised, over the Great Pyramid, Tami and I viewed the constructions, from portals, as the plane passed over these ancient wonders. (Even I never ceased to be amazed, and to wonder, HOW the ancients had constructed these treasures.) It was as we were preparing to land, that the spirit, of an ancient Egytian priest appearred, on our plane, asking Tami and I "Do not be deceived. The souls, of Giza, wish no harm to fall upon the innocent." When Tami would ask, the man would say "I was a priest, of mighty pharoah. A supervisor, of temple construction, to use your modern terms." When Tami would ask the man "What do you mean "Do not be deceived"?" The man would say "There are those, among the living, who would wish to deceive. These living people HOPE that superstition will win the day." When I would suggest "You mean that the living are trying to frame the dead, for acts of violence?" When the spirit would ask "Frame?" Tami would correct my mistake, saying "My partner means The living are trying to blame the dead, for the actions, of the living." The spirit would add "While my fellow souls are not innocent, in ALL of the recent activities, by my faith, and bond, with my pharoah, none, of the souls, currently present, in this area, are responsible for the mortal deaths." Once on the ground, a security jeep would drive Tami and I to police headquaters. It would be at police headquarters where Tami would need to question rampant speculation. When the police commissioner would meet with us, saying "We have checked each hotel room, and found only finger-prints, from the occupants, and hotel staff. There is no evidence that the living entered the rooms. This is why we have requested your assistance. The Egyptian governent would like to know WHY the spirits, of our ancestors, are causing so much trouble." When Tami would ask "How do you KNOW the deceased are responsible?" The commissioner would show us security recordings, showing lapses of electronic surveillance. The man would, then, inform us "We, in Egypt, honor, and revere, our ancestors. Usually, we ignore such lapses, as these tend to match with sightings, of the honored dead." When Tami examined the preliminary list, of the times, when objects "appearred", in hotel rooms, and compared this, with lapses of video, Tami would no-sooner ask for a copy, of the video, when this was produced. As the commissioner would remind us "The Egyptian government wishes to extend every assistance." Back at G.S.2, it would take precisely ten minutes, after Tami uploaded the video, to Mr. Black, for the Brown Agency tech master to respond: "No question. The tampering is electronic. Over-the-counter type stuff. Just modified to suit users needs. Your "ghosts" are "off-the-hook", on this one. Tell the Egyptians that I will have make, model, and purchase date, within 24 hours." When Tami thanked Mr. Black, then signed off the link, the Egyptian priest would appear, saying "With the gratitude, of pharoah's loyal servants", with a regal bow. When Tami would ask the spirit "DO the spirits have ANY idea WHO is doing this, and WHY?" The priest would say "All that the spirits know is that your, human, debate, is, currently, disprupting our rest." When Tami would ask "If you know you are deceased, WHY do you not join pharoah, in the after-life?" The priest would say "Egypt is our home. We were born, and raised, beneath Ra's all-seeing eye. I served pharoah, for many years. Not because of fear. Because I loved our land. We, Egyptians love our desert land just as much as you love your own land." When Tami would ask "How can we help?" the spirit would suggest "If you can encourage the living to end the violence, and hostility, then the dead may return to our rest. This is all that we ask for." When Tami would promise "We will see what we can do." With that, the spirit bowed, then dissolved. Later, while meeting with a group of researchers, Tami would notice that the opponents set aside differences, to discuss rationales, in regards to the deaths, and the threats. Tami and I had, no-sooner, overheard some scientists arguing over the "ramp" versus "lever", theory, when I would suggest "Why dont they just put it to the test. Build another pyramid, and videotape the construction." One scientist would respond "Too expensive. In todays money, such a project would cost, I would say, $200 billion, in U.S. dollars." The other scientist would ask "Why NOT build another one? PROVE, to the world, who is right, once and for all." The monetary scientist would explain "Even if the Egyptians COULD afford such a project, WHERE would we find enough stone? The quarries were tapped out, millenia ago, in order to build the current pyramids." When I would suggest "Who says the pyramid MUST be built of stone? Why not use concrete, instead?" The scientist would say "Young man, you DONT just go out and say "I want to build a pyramid. There are permits, and proposals. Not only that, but you would need plenty of labor. Not to mention materials. Like I said, it would cost billions." When the other scientist would say "I think it would be a GREAT idea. I will begin writing the proposal, later today." This is when Tami would ask "About the debate, WHY has it become so heated? I mean, its not like the pyramids are some, brand new, fad." The scientist would say "While the pyramids are wonders, of the ages, the problem is mans vanity. Everybody wants to be right, about how history is written." When Tami would ask "What difference does it make HOW the pyramids were built? I mean, from what I remember, from school, the pyramids are, what, 4,000 (plus) years old. What does it matter if the Federation, Vorlons, Atlanteans, Martians, or whoever, built the places. Everyone, who worked on the places, have been dead, for millenia." The dynamic (not monetary) scientist, would suggest "Just think. If some super-advanced civilization DID build the pyramids, then this leads to the question of "WHAT could they teach us, now?"" The monetary scientist would suggest "I must agree with the young lady. The people, who built the pyramids, are, long, dead. It is our duty, now, to understand what they did." The dynamic scientist would ask "HOW can it NOT be important the questions of HOW and WHY?" The monetary scientist would say "There is no way any government will agree to finance a fourth pyramid. Even if it were pre-fab, it would be too expensive. We need to focus on what we have, in front of us, to understand what we have, at hand. We do not need to go off, building another one." When Tami would bring the men back on track, asking "Can you think of anyone, who would profit by the killing, and threats, against other scientists?" Both scientists would laugh, then say "Young lady, Archeology is NOT a "to the death", field of work. While we have differences of opinion, we, certainly, would NOT murder one another, just to be able to claim the title of "last man standing". When Tami would ask "So you know of anyone who might think differently?" Both men would say "Competition is part of the trade. While we race one another, to the latest finds, we do NOT kill one another." When Tami would ask "What about from OUTSIDE the field? Maybe someone, with a vendetta? Maybe trying to cover their crimes, with a "veil"?" Monetary would say "Young lady. Such conspiracies only happen in movies. In real life, people do not dress up, like the dead, commit crimes, then dispose of costumes." Dynamic, however, had an alternative view, on the matter. "What if it IS someone, looking to use Archeology as a "cover"?" Monetary would say "Dont be ridiculous. Do you know how MUCH such a plot would cost?" Tami would ask "What if it were someone, who wanted to make their "mark", on history, no matter what the cost?" Monetary would say "Mere speculation. Dont you UNDERSTAND how expensive such a venture would be? We are not speaking of childrens, Halloween, costumes, and toy weapons." This is when Dynamic would ask Tami "Say, for a moment, that you are correct. What MOTIVE would a person have, to commit the crimes, in question, then place the blame on the spirit world?" Tami would say "THAT is what I think my partner, and I, have been summoned, to figure out. WHO would PROFIT, HOW, and WHY." This is when Monetary "got on-board", saying "Suppose, just suppose, you are correct. HOW would we go about exposing the perpetrators, of these crimes?" Tami would say "The first thing we need to do is develop a "time-line". Understand what "they" have been doing, until recently. We need to learn when this started. After we have established this, we can move forward." When I looked at Tami, we would say "Research", as one. Both monetary, and dynamic, would add "Anything we can do, do not hesitate to ask." Back at G.S.2, Tami would spend the next two days, compiling a time-line, even as I surveyed the report, of a recently assassinated local. According to the M.E. report, the weapon, of choice had been obvious (especially since the killer had left the weapon embedded in the victims body). The victim had been executed, in traditional, pharonic, style. Even the M.E. agreed that the weapon was a good copy. Add in the fact that Rigor Mortis had yet to set in, and the M.E. concluded that either the killer had been in a hurry, to continue on, to something else, or that something had interrupted the killer. Even so, this left the question of "WHY kill an Egyptian citizen? Especially when, up to this point, only those persons, involved, in the pyramid debate, were being targetted. While my "normal" job, on most cases, was landscape surveying, in the effort to learn if the landscape might have something to tell us, about the investigation, in this case, there was no need, for surveying. Not with the number, of highly qualified researchers, who had visited the area, over more than a century of time. It would not be until I met a man, named "Lord Booker", that I realized what had happened. The police, around Giza, had cautioned me, that Lord Booker was a member, of one of the groups, which maintained that the pyramids were of extra-terrestrial design, and construction. This group held the primary position that the primary purpose, of the pyramids, was as power generation stations, as well as landing beacons, for in-coming, space craft. Lord Booker's group maintained that, after being abandoned, as power stations, that the Egyptians, only LATER, "re-purposed" the pyramids, as tombs. This would occur centuries, if not millenia, AFTER space ships ceased visiting Earth. While the Giza police had cautioned me NOT to be surprised, with what I saw, in Lord Bookers residence, nothing could prepare me for the sight, of Lord Booker, himself. If a person removed Lord Bookers English gentlemens suit, and replaced these clothes, with "arab" clothes, his lordship could be the identical TWIN, of the most recent, murder, victim. I will admit that it was "blind curiousity", which caused me to inquire, of his lordships staff, if Lord Booker, ever, travelled about Cairo, or Giza, in local apparrel. When Lord Bookers maid would bring me aside, saying, softly, "You must tell no one that I met with you." When I, softly, said "I understand", the maid would inform me "No one else knows this, except me. I only know because I aid his lordship, with his costume." When I suggested "Let me guess. His lordship goes out, dressed as a local, but for what? A prank? a woman?" The maid would say "No, sir. When his lordship goes "undercover", he is seeking information, on the pyramids". It was at this moment that the death, of a local citizen began to make sense. The killer had THOUGHT they had Lord Booker! When I re-joined the regular coversation, with the police, and his lordship, Booker seemed unusually "on-edge", even as the police asked about his work, with the pyramids. To my surprise, I had, no-sooner, re-joined the group, when, as the Giza police were asking Lord Booker "It is well-known, that you dis-agree, with collegues, over the design, purpose, and general use, of the pyramids. Is this not so?" Lord Booker would say "HANG the damned pyramids! Someone, out there, is killing those, who do not "tow-the-line"" When the police would ask "Maybe, someone, like yourself?" Lord Booker would say "Just because we have different VIEWS, on world history, that does NOT mean that I wanted any of these people dead." When the police would say "It is KNOWN that you have had LOUD conversations, on the topic", Lord Booker would say "Sure, we had LIVELY conversations. This is what leads to RESEARCH. We speculate, then try to prove who is right." When the police would say "Yes, but, with these other people out of the way, would you not say that your way is clear, to bring forth your own suggestions?" This is when Lord Booker would inform the police "As of this moment, and until the criminals are in prison, I am having NOTHING to do, with the pyramids. In fact, unless the police require my assistance, I am terminating all research, on the pyramids." I dont know why, however, I had the feeling that, no matter how much his lordship might have argued, with fellow scientists, it was more likely "sibling rivalry". I just did not see the man as a murderer. When I returned, to G.S.2, Tami had similar news. According to my partner: "It seems that, now, that word has spread, of these murders, as many as 75% of those, involved, in pyramid research, have brought work to a halt. Atleast until the murderers are imprisoned." I know this will sound odd, considering how passionately each person has argued their position, on the pyramids, however, now, most of the scientists are acting more like they have just lost a close, family, member. Argument, over the pyramids, has been replaced with sympathies, and remembrances, as well as plans, for burial." When I would ask "Do you think any, of them might be "faking"? You know, making it SEEM that they care." Tami would respond "If these people are "faking", it is the best job I have seen, in YEARS." I can only guess that the priests had been listening in, since the man appearred, to us, again, this time suggesting "Our cemetaries are for honoring OUR gods. Horus, Osiris, Anubis, Isis, and so on. It is the desire, of the honorably deceased, that the Christains NOT be buried, in our resting place. As an alternative, the deceased would suggest that the newly departed be interred at other locations." The priest then walked to the map, which Tami had laid out, on a work table. The priest would suggest five, seperate, points, indicating "Should you bury your deceased at these points, I am instructed to assure you that the souls will NOT interfere." When Tami would ask the priest "What if the Christians WANT to be buried, in, or near, the city of the dead?" The priest would say "IF the Christians refuse this simple request, then the souls will have no choice except to attack. Our only desire is to rest in peace, and honor our gods." Tami would agree "We will forward your suggestions. I doubt there will be any problem, however, I will make certain that your suggestions are made known." When the priest would bow, saying "May the gods be honored", then he would dissolve. I would ask Tami "Just HOW may I ask, are you going to deter the Christians, if they insist on their actions? You know the history, of Christianity, as well as I do." Tami would smile as she said "I have a plan". When we set off, to meet, with the archeologists, Tami and I made a side-trip, along the way. By the time we met, with the Archeologists, the Christians were planning the souls worst fear. The Christians were preparing to dig up, and remove, all traces, of Egyptian idolitry, replacing all of these items, with Christian idolitry. Tami brought forth Giza's resident Geologist, then explained the souls problems, with proposed, Christian, actions. The Geologist then addressed the attendance. "Gentlemen, be warned. If you attempt to excavate, where you propose, you will encounter great slabs, of stone, including sand stone. You will need excavators, and cranes, for your purposes." When atleast a few Archeologists would suggest "Sounds like you are talking about a small fortune, just to bury the dead." The Egyptian would say "In point of fact, you would need one, of pharoahs own treasuries, to finance these plans." When another Archeologist would come forward, asking "IF burial, in th city of the dead, would be too expensive, then WHERE do we intere the dead?" This is when Tami would produce the map, which the priest had highlighted, then Tami asked the Egyptian "What about these, five, points?" The Egyptian would say "Very fine selections. The Earth is soft. Shovels and picks would be most useful." The Egyptian would address the Archeologists, saying "Gentlemen, if you will honor this ladies suggestion, the Egyptian people will, gladly, assist, in preparing the burials." Well, that was one problem, out of the way. Now, the focus was on discovering WHO was performing the killings, and WHAT their reason was. The question, which stumped even the Brown Agency headquarters computers, was "Why now? Why, in the 21st century? Why wait as long as 5,000 years, to exact revenge? If "pyramid protectors" wanted to slaughter invaders, why not do this millenia ago, when the great finds were being "re-purposed"? What was different, now? What was so important, to kill for, now?" A C.I.A. agent, working undercover, with a group, would provide atleast one, possible, motive. The man would say "The group I am with, is of the belief that, if scienists come to believe in the power station, and space platform theories, that Earths governments will launch an invasion fleet, in order to discover, and deter, the aliens intentions, on Earth." When Tami would ask "After 4,000 years? If aliens wanted to attack, would it not have been easier to attack, when all humans, supposedly, had were bows-and-arrows?"" The agent would say "This group believes that the ancients will only return if mankind shows willingness, to CHALLENGE the "gods". So long as mankind believes that the pyramids are, simply, over-elaborate tombs, Earth will remain safe, from extra-terrestrial attack." When I would ask the agent "If Earth decides to believe in the aliens?" The agent would say "To prevent the dispatch, of an alien, assault, fleet, in order to preserve order, on Earth, the group is willing to use ANY means necessary. These are the kind of people we are dealing with." When I asked the agent "What happens when they find out that you have spoken, to us?" The agent would smile as he said "I am officially, on leave. There is a girl, back in my room, resting. By the time any reports go in, I will be back, with her, and she will confirm that I spent this time, with her. No one will question me." When the agent departed G.S.2, and Tami and I went to the police, suggesting that a radical group MIGHT be responsible, for the current problems, the commissioner would "wave it off", suggesting "Such groups are nothing new, even in our part of the world. The government is, currently, tracking 65 such groups. We, simply, do not have the man-power, to surveill every group. Even your own, federal, government does not have the man-power, or the resources, to track every group, within your homeland." Tami would admit "I never thought about that." Even while research was being suspended, for funeral arrangements to proceed, more, "liberal", scientists would be executed. As Tami's research would point out, the "common factor", in every case, was that the deceased supported the theory that the pyramids were advanced devices, built, either by aliens, or by very intelligent humans. What even the group could not agree on, however, was whether the pyramids were designed, as a "test", of human intelligence, and to learn if humans were prepared for interstellar contact, OR if the "test" was designed to alert the aliens, when mankind was advanced enough to pose a threat, to the aliens. Tami, also, highlighted, even in her report, to the Brown Agency, that not one death had occurred, among those scienists, who, simply studied the pyramids, and reported findings. When Tami and I attended a conference, titled "Pyramid Possibilities", only a small portion, of the room, laughed, at the idea of building a forth pyramid. Since this was a private meeting, the "liberals" had felt safe, presenting the suggestion. Accepted, or denounced, only those, present, in the conference, would know WHO was behind the proposal. Prior to the conference, Tami had suggested "Hopefully, even discussing the project will compel the criminals to come forward, and act." In all fairness, however, the original concept, for the plan, had not been ours. The spirit, of another of pharoahs's priests, had come forward, suggesting that "In the time of mighty pharoah, scouts were, often, sent forth, to expose the un-worthy. These scouts were "blessed", by the priest-hood, and listed as "doing pharoah's bidding", no matter what actions they took. The assignment? Speak, in hushed tones, among pharoahs people, and report those subjects, who did not decline such talk. While Tami and I cannot say that the practice fell out of use, after pharoahs time, Tami and I just HOPED that the process would not be suspected. While Tami conducted the usual interviews, gathering more information on WHOM would be most likely to profit, from the deaths, I would spend my time, standing at the base, of the Great Pyramid, and wonder. How LONG I stood there, I do not know. What I do know is that another voice joined me, saying "I know what you are thinking." When I turned, and saw one, of the Archeologist, standing beside me, the man said "I also wonder HOW man could lift these 200 ton stones, so high, into the air." When I suggested "I wonder if a rope, and pulley, ever existed, which could lift 200 tons." The Archeologist would say "I doubt it". When I would mention viewing such stones, being moved, in movies, the archeologist would smile, as he looked up, at the pyramid, and said "everyone thinks those were real stones." When I asked "They weren't?" The Archeologist would say "These are real. The ones, in the movies? Empty boxes, painted to look like stone." When I asked "Do you think that the Egyptians WOULD allow us to build a forth pyramid?" The Archeologist would say "Hard to say. The Egyptians LOVE their heritage. I just cant see them agreeing to allowing tower cranes to replicate what mans muscles cannot." When I asked "Do you, really, think that the project will be denied, JUST to hold myth, and legend, in place?" The Archeologist would say "The Egyptians are an ancient, and proud, people. Their heritage goes farther into history than even Great Britain." When I would suggest "I wonder just how FAR the Egyptians would be willing to go, in order to preserve history?" The Archeologist would say "Hold on. I said that the Egyptians are a proud people, with a history pre-dating even Great Britain. I never meant that the people are fanatics. Well, maybe SOME of them are. Not all. No, I do not believe, even for a moment, that local people would kill researchers, to keep their history in tact." I would say "I wish I knew who would be fanatical enough to kill, over history." While Egypt, of course, denied permission, for a forth pyramid, Saudi Arabia extended their permission. Since the Saudi's also had MILES, of open, desert, lands available, a crown prince would extend the invitation. His rationale: "I am studying, to become an Archeologist, myself. I am interested in my nations past, as well as in the world's past. The suggestion, of building a forth pyramid, is most intriguing. I, myself, would enjoy viewing this project, as it takes shape. Perhaps, I will learn something, of my ancestors true wealth, of knowledge." While a squad, of army corp of engineers, was standing by, simply to level the land, the crown prince would agree with the construction group. Start with man-power, and work the way up, to modern technology. While some unusually frequent sand storms caused human diggers to have to re-start the project, FIVE TIMES over, the construction group agreed to allow the army to prepare the site. What astonished both the Archeologists, and Tami and I, was when the army erected "crowd control barrier walls", to prevent sand from filling the site, during excavation (WHY didn't WE think of that?) Once the land was levelled, human labor provided much, of the digging. Diesel-powered cranes were only enlisted when stones, too heavy for diggers to lift, were dug out of the ground. The program was to be titled "The Ultimate Acid Test". This special filmed not only the work humans performed, but documented the reasons, for using heavy construction equipment. Once the base, of the pyramid was completed, the teams ran into international opposition, over how the stones were to be raised, to build the pyramid. While five, modern, construction, contractors, all submitted bids, suggesting heavy lift, diesel, cranes, some, team, members just kept asking "WHERE would the pharoahs have hired diesel cranes?" These opponents insisted that the project be authentic. When someone came up with a contraption, wherein a group, of workers, inside a huge wheel, would provide lift, for the stones, the problem was that the "design" only showed three, to five, people inside the wheel. When a construction contractor would mention "That would only produce about 900, to 1,000, pounds of lift. We need lifting power, of hundreds of TONS." When the design creator would suggest "Just expand the size, of the wheel." Within an hour, a computer simulation revealled how LARGE such a wheel woulld have to be, to lift up to 200 tons. The wheel would have to be LARGER than any local, village. When the idea, of a basket-crane was presented, the problem was the same. The scaffolding, to hold the basket, would have to be so large that it would seen, from nearby nations. When the most rabid Egyptologists would suggest "Why not just admit that the Egyptians used levers, and pulleys?" A construction worker would say "Show me a man, or a group, of men, who can lift, or pull, 200 tons. I will give these men a job, right now." While the review committee would break, for dinner, one evening, with contractors discussing, and rejecting, everything, which we believe, from history, the committee tent, suddenly, erupted, in flames, similar to a huge bon-fire. I had to wonder if I should have thought it suspicious that, at the time, when the blaze broke out, I was asking a rabid Egyptologist "What would be so terrible, about admitting that Egypt, once, had access, to what we consider "modern technology"?" The Egyptologist never answered my inquiry, as soldiers raced to extinguish the fiery blaze. Tami would have us RUSH back, to G.S.2, to file a report, beginning with "All personnel, of Ghost Ship Two, safe and sound. Committee tent set ablaze. Reason unknown, at this point. Fire set off while committee members at dinner. At this point, I would conclude that the tent, and its contents, are a total loss." When Mr. Blue came on the link, to ask "What do the ghosts have to say, about all of this?" Tami would correct Mr. Blue, saying "The PRIESTS spirits assure us that the souls are NOT involved, in any way." When Mr. Blue would ask "And you believe them?" Tami would ask "What would they have to GAIN, from such acts?" No, to date, the only "advice", the spirits would give was to state the obvious. That it was nonsense, to even consider that humans can lift TONS, of cargo, with sheer muscle. Mr. Blue would advise "I am sure that Mr. Brown would agree with my advising you to exercise extra caution, with this case." Later, when one, rabid, Egyptologist learned that a construction contractor had hired a tower crane, rated at 500 tons, the Egyptologist would insist "The Egyptians NEVER had access, to tower cranes. This is an abomination of history". When the contractor would ask "How so?" The Egyptologist would insist "There have, never, been found any remains, of diesel drums, tractors, or cranes". This is when the contractor would ask fellow contractors "How often do WE leave diesel drums, tractors, and cranes, behind, at job-sites, after a job is completed?" When atleast one contractor would ask "Are you kidding?" Another contractor would ask "Do you know how much that equipment cost?" Yet another contractor would say "Remember that most of OUR equipment is RENTED. If we did not return it..." In a moments time, the Egyptologists, who had insisted that machines had NOT been used, were overrulled, by the contractors. In a private meeting, even the Egyptologists would, mostly, agree. Even modern construction contractors do NOT leave multi-million dollar equipment at job-sites. Modern companies MOVED the equipment, from job-site, to job-site. The Egyptologists needed some evidence. Something which could not be moved. Un-fortunately, the only item matching that "description", would be the pyramids, themselves. Even as the tower crane was assembled, a newspaper ran a comic, showing ancient Egyptians using modern technology. Construction, on the worlds forth pyramid, would proceed, on schedule, even over the objections, of the most rabid Egyptologists. Even worse, the process, step-by-step, was being filmed, with workers telling the camera's WHY such techniques were being used. While work proceeded, Tami would ask the priests spirits "for what purpose do you, now, remain?" The priests would agree "Danger remains. The assassins have yet to be found. Workers remain in danger. Also, we want to ensure that the new pyramid is a "true" replica. When construction workers inquired what copper, gold, and other materials, inside the pyramid, were to be used for, the priests spirits would provide Tami with a drawing, showing what "religious" portals were, really, used for. When the contractors committee was presented with these drawings, and had computers simulate, and try to debunk, the drawings, the exact opposite happened. The computers provided three-dimensional plans, of how each machine would operate. It would only be when, with the permission, of both the Egyptian, and Arabian, governments, that the information was released, to the public, that we learned WHO was responsible, for the recent trouble, as well as the reason WHY. Turns out, the so-called "experts" had gambled both reputations, and careers, on THEIR version, of ancient Egypt. When challengers had arrived, on the scene, offering alternative views, the "experts" had panicked. Fearing the loss, of their careers, the "experts" had resorted to hiring ex-soldiers, to perform "dirty work", while the "experts" were engaged, at parties, portraying ancient Egyptians as nothing more than cave-people. This was, never, more proven that the night, just prior to "exposure". On this night, two, of the former soldiers, had been assigned to set explosives on the hull, of Ghost Ship 2. What the soldiers had, never, been told to expect, was G.S.2's multi-million dollar automated defense system. As the soldiers approached the plane, a machine gun turret deployed, from the planes wing, and laser-targetting locked on the soldiers. The planes automated voice would warn "You are in violation of this aircrafts safety perimeter. You have two minutes to withdraw." While the soldiers thought that the targetting dots were just a bluff, when the machine gun began spooling up, to open fire, the former soldiers knew this "mission" was NOT worth their lives. Still, the one soldier DID arm, then toss, the explosive, at G.S.2, only to have the machine-gun turret blow the explosive to bits, in mid-air. After diving behind a barrier, the soldiers watched, through binoculars, as the defense turret withdrew into the planes wing. In all of their years, of raping, pillaging, and plundering, including leaving dozens of women, with father-less children, the soldiers had never encountered anything, like Ghost Ship Two. The soldiers would be captured, maybe five minutes later, when a military jeep, responding to the explosion, not only found the men, walking back, to their car, but... When Tami provided the legitimate soldiers access to our planes video security system, the real soldiers made a copy, of our video recordings, then took the ex-soldiers into custody. Thanks to G.S.2, the soldiers careers, as mercenaries, were over with. Not surprisingly, in return for "lighter seentences", the ex-soldiers identified their employers. The most rabid, of traditional Egyptologists. Yes, the former soldiers HAD been hired, both due to their dis-honorable dis-charges, from the military, for "doing what needed to be done", and for the mens skills, learned in combat. It would turn out that the ex-soldiers "weapons" were imported, from an oversea's firm. A firm which produced replica's, which museums could place, on public display, in places where real antiques might face a higher risk, of being stolen. The manufacturer was real, and licensed. Its owners had no idea what the customers did, with their creations. As a result, of the former soldiers trials, the "experts" would be deported, back to their homelands. When Tami was prepared to submit our final report, to the Egyptian government (which was prepared to deny the contents, of our report), it would seem that my partner had some "special back-up", as she presented the report. The leaders, of modern Egypt, would be left speechless, when the spirits, of pharoahs priests, would escort Tami into government chambers. As a result, and with no comment, the government would accept Tami's report. A document which, clearly, stated that it was HUMANS, not spirits, who had been at work, causing all of the trouble. Pharoahs priests had only been observing, until the "right people" came along, for the spirits to report to. While the government, of Egypt, was, completely, opposed, to re-writing their history, the international media had no problem portraying the Egyptians as a technologically advanced people. (The media never knew about the deaths, which we had investigated, or other details. Reporting was limited to resolving the question, of HOW the pyramids had been erected). Did the Egyptians REALLY have Colonial Battlestars? Federation Starships? Or, were these suppositions, based, solely on the result of a reporters imagination? All that Tami and I cared about was that the deceased were no-longer being blamed, for the actions of the living. The dead had enough regrets. They do not deserve to be blamed for the actions of the living. On to the next case.

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