Tuesday, December 6, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL While Tami and I were reviewing our latest case-file, which covered something about an ancient fuel/power source, Tami, also, "peeked" into what our co-workers, at the Brown Agency, were working on. While Tami found that many, of the firms agents, were working cases, such as "missing persons", "robbery", "assault", and so on, Tami noticed that, in some of the cases, "events" had occurred, just days before. This, while, with other cases, information was YEARS old. This is when Tami realized that the Brown Agency was even MORE active, than even we had been lead to believe. While awards, and citations, were non-existant, the Brown Agency was the "go to" group, for getting things done. Both "quickly", and "silently". Mr. Brown was correct. Clients were willing to pay fortunes, both to recover stolen items, AND to remain OUT of the public view. This remained the reason who so many, major, cases, never saw headlines. And, with this, on to our next case-file. The contact indicated that, somewhere, in Europe, and at some point, in the distant past, an un-identifed power source had operated a "city of lights". A city, whose dazzle could, reportedly, have been observed, even from space. It would seem that this was another of those "They had things which modern man scarcely dreams of..." kind of cases. Scepters, harnessing the power, of the sun, and buildings, built, of the finest crystal. What was of primary concern, to the local government, however, was the alleged "power source". The reason why Tami and I were being called in was because the regional government wanted to learn what the truth actually was. It would seem that the European Union had been opposed, to investing in this case, but ONLY until the regional government had asked "Would you rather wait until a 100 kiloton bomb drops, on your heads, or would you rather prevent the criminal from gaining access, to the bomb components, to begin with?" Result, the Brown Agency was contacted, and Tami and I were assigned to verify if the design were real. IF the power source existed, Tami and I were to report to the regional army. The orders were to be "Identify", "Define", and "Destroy". As for the contents, of the file, I had to agree with Tami. Based upon the drawings, enclosed in the file, we had as much chance, of verifying the existance of Atlantis, as we had, of finding this power source. And, what were these notations, about a leader, wearing a golden helmet? A helmet, adorned in diamonds? Diamonds which "connected" the wearer to the power source? In my, humble, opinion, this case sounded more like a 1960's, or 1970's science fiction movie, or television show, than real life. Still, investigation was at the HEART, of our job. Finding, and understanding, what perplexed others. This is why Tami and I sat, at our work stations, and began reviewing the file. According to ancient "sources", the "crystal cathedral" was so radiant that, when close, all one had to do was await either sun-RISE, or sun-SET, and the cathedral would shine "with the luster of the stars, above". Tami would suggest "Normally, I would say that we find out, more, about the "warrior-priest", whose spirit seems to guard the entrance, to the "cathedral", however, since we have no idea even WHERE the "cathedral" is, I guess that our first course of action would be to find out where this place was, even located". Over the following weeks, our pilots remained on "stand by", while Tami and I mounted more of an "Its NOT here", type of search, than "Could it be here?". At one point, Mr. Black had contacted us, saying "If it were easy, to find, Why would they need private investigators?" To Mr. Brown, Tami would report "At this point, I believe that it would be easier to verify that Jesus mother, Mary, WAS, in fact, a virgin, when the boy was born. There are just so many legends." What I could not believe was just how MANY legends involved crystals. Crystal helmets. Crystal pistols. Crystal pyramids, Crystal thrones. The list just went on and on and on. When Mr. Blue would check with satellite recon, all that he could confirm was "this crystal place, whatever it is, is NOT on the surface. It must be buried." When Tami would ask "How deep?" Mr. Blue would say "Deep enough to avoid ground penetrating radar." I must have had crystals "on the brain", when I retired, one evening, since I dreamt I was, actually, INSIDE the Crystal Cathedral. Megalyths, shining, bright as the sun. People, sitting on crystal benches. Massive, crystal, buildings, all around. Before checking the perimeter, of this place, I did notice that some men were wearing what LOOKED like golden helmets. These seemed to have diamonds embedded in the surface. At one point, I noticed what I THOUGHT was a flash, on one of the helmets. Shortly after this, the man went inside a crystal building. It was then that I realized that the "clothes", these people were wearing, were more like scientific suits, than everyday clothing. While I tried my best, to, mentally, record all that I was seeing, I did venture towards a place, which was off, to the side. After crossing what appearred to be a crystal bridge, which spanned a fiery gorge, and a distant firefall, I found myself entering an area of just regular, everyday, stone, of the side of a mountain. I was just about to enter a cave, when a voice, behind me, called "STOP!" It was a powerful, yet female, voice. When I asked "Why?" I was informed "Such questions are not permitted, here." When I asked "Where is HERE?", the woman, wearing a crystal helmet, would say "You are not one of us." When I would ask "Who is US?", the next thing I knew, the woman would make a sweep, of her arm, while saying "Be gone!". A moment later, I would wake up, in my quarters, on-board G.S.2. When I reported the dream, Tami would say "Too bad you did not enter the cave. You MIGHT have emerged at a location, which we could identify." I would inform my partner "I THINK that was why I was pushed from the dream. Those people do NOT WANT to be found." When Tami would ask "By the way, just HOW did you get there? HOW did the dream take you there?" I would inform her "If I knew that, we could plot a course, right now. My question is "What if it WAS just a dream?"" Tami would suggest "Maybe, next time, you might make it into the cave, or, maybe, look at the sky." While I would have wanted to remind Tami that dreams seldom repeat, even at MY age, I, still, at times, had dreams, of being a teen, and having my mother telling me what to do. I HATED those dreams, since the only way, to depart the dream was to remind myself that my mother had been deceased, for decades. Maybe two weeks after my own dream, of the crystal cathedral, Tami would report a similar dream. The difference was that my partner, the people-person, had conducted several interviews, while observing the sky. The "draw-back", to this "dream" was that Tami was exhausted, the whole, next day. In her own words "It was like I never went to sleep, at all." As for the star patterns, which she had "memorized", none seemed to fit modern day maps. When the Brown Agency suggested more careful measurements, in the future, Tami would look at me, saying "Next time YOU are there, make SURE you walk through the cave." Personally, I remain convinced that the "visions" are nothing more than the remnants, of our research. After all, we were chasing legends, of crystals, including a few "crystal demons". When I did happen, to have another crystal cathedral dream, I made a point of walking directly into the cave. Somehow, though, the same woman appearred, in front of me, asking "Why have you returned?" All I could think of, to say, was "I dont even know where HERE is. I just fell asleep, in my bed, and I am here." To this, the woman looked thoughtful, even as she wondered "Could they be reaching OUT, to you?" When I asked "Who are they?" The woman would say "Never mind." This time, however, I slipped by her hand gesture, reached the mouth, of the cave, then had to move back inside. When the woman would say "Now, you know." I would ask "How is it possible?" The woman would say "To use your own words, we are "Terra-Forming" this planet. Until the process is complete, and the air breathable, however, we must remain within the crystal." When I asked "ARE we on Earth?" The woman just smiled. When I asked "HOW am I here?" The woman would say "The crystals seek out those, with open minds, such as you and your "friend". The goal is knowledge." When I was about to ask about the crystal cathedral, the woman would say "In due time." When I reported my dream, Tami would say "That makes sense. My star patterns are not from any system, close to Earth." When I would ask "HOW does this aid us in locating the crystal cathedral?" Tami would speculate "What if this "cathedral" never was ON Earth? What if these stories are from another world?" I MIGHT have disagreed, except that the Gargoyles admitted being from another planet, and that, over its time, Earth had played host to many science projects. Still, the Europeans wanted to know if the cathedral was REAL, and, if so, COULD it be used as a bomb? The "closest", that Tami and I came, to an "answer", was when we found a cystal chamber, buried inside an ancient mountain. Legend said that, at some point, the crystal chamber had been some sort of "transporter", between Earth, and other worlds. Wouldn't you know it, though. The aliens forgot to leave behind an owners manual. When someone suggested using a nuke, on the chamber, a scientist stepped in, examined the chamber, then suggested that a nuke would do much more harm. This especially if, as the scientist suspected, the crystal ran, DEEP, inside the mountain. Without all of the scientific jargon, I THINK that the scientist suggested that even a 5 kiloton nuke, would have the same effect, as a 100 kiloton device. When Tami and I searched the chamber, and, eventually, found what looked like crystal-based control panels, mounted on pedistals, these things were so old, and caked, with dust, that a proper cleaning would take WEEKS. There were, also, present, crystal panels, set into the walls. What these were for was any ones guess. As for crystal-based power-sources, all that Tami could write, in her daily report, was "Nothing found, so far. Search continues." While technicians worked to clean the crystal panels, and I TRIED to repeat my expeience, with the dream, Tami was off, doing what she is best at. Interviewing people. In this case, however, when Tami brought together groups, of people, NONE were chosen, "randomly". Everyone my partner visited had reported the dream, of the crystal cathedral. Everyone Tami spoke to told the same story. Falling asleep, then waking, in the cathedral. Seeing the people, with golden helmets, and all of the crystal. Once people became exhausted, however, most fell asleep, and awoke, in their own beds. When Tami checked these stories, with on-line information, and even with ancient books, ALL of the stories told of people falling asleep, then "arriving" at the cathedral. While over two dozen reports speculated that the cathedral was located inside a mountain, that was as far as the information went. This is why we had HOPED that the crystal chamber would have held a hidden entrance, to the cathedral. While laser scanning was useless, with the crystals, present, even ground penetrating radar failed to penetrate the crystal structure. While we hated to admit it, the best that Tami and I could come up with was that the cathedral was just another myth. Just like the Garden of Eden. Myth, fantasy, imagination. Take your pick. Like Eden, the crystal cathedral had plenty of references, about its beauty, and "perfection", however, like Eden, the crystal cathedral had no coordinates. No "X" marks the spot. Tami would need to report, to the Brown Agency "A common link, between everyone, who "visits" the cathedral, is that everyone, including my partner, and myself, only seem to dream, about the cathedral AFTER doing research, on the story. I have found not ONE report, of anyone, visiting the cathedral, without first, studying the story. The best guess, of my partner, and myself, is that people read up on this legend, then, as we believe that we have, our imaginations "create" a dream scene, based upon what we have read. The only way to dis-prove this theory is for someone to provide us with the coordinates, of said cathedral. When Mr. Blue would contact us, asking "Have you found anything, even remotely resembling a power source?" Tami would respond "Not even a diagram. IF there was, anything there, it was removed, ages ago." Mr. Blue would say "That rules out nuclear. After all, nuclear weapons did not exist until the twentieth century." When Mr. Blue would ask "When do you suppose that the last people visited the chamber?" Tami would say "Based upon the level of dust, on everything, I would estimate maybe, 1,000 years." Mr. Blue would say "Alright. In that case, I can report, to Mr. Brown, that the "threat", of nuclear weapons is OFF the table." Tami would agree. After signing off with the agency's second in command, I would ask Tami "What DO you suppose that chamber was used for?" Tami would suggest "Who knows? Maybe a reading room." Maybe three hours later, while Tami and I were finishing packing the last of the information, about the crystal cathedral, Mr. Brown would vid-link with us, suggesting "Do not be discouraged. Even the best agents, sometimes, hit a dead end." When Tami would say "I just hate leaving a case un-solved." Mr. Brown would suggest "We are developing another case, which may require your expertise. Would the two of you be interested in a trip, to Egypt?" Tami would suggest "I would, rather, be in international air space, before the government learns that we did not find any nuclear weapons, or doomsday devices, let alone a crystal cathedral." Mr. Brown would say "I can arrange that. You will needed a refuelling stop, on the way, and your crew reports you can use some rations, as well." Tami would say "On our way". On, to the next case, and the next ghosts....

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