Monday, November 28, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL While neither Tami, nor I, had descended from the type, of noble families, who, normally, enroll young people, in such academies, the case file did contain some most intriguing information. One thing, which did not surprise us, at all, was that this boarding school had a length, of "history", which rivalled Buckingham Palace, for length of life-span. Tami would be the first to suggest "I would suggest that it would be appropriate for us to "brush up", on our manners, since we are returning to Europe." Yes. Manners. Something which some Americans had, completely, forgotten about. In fact, Tami and I had been working, on our own manners, since the Mystery of the Long Ship. While American "manners" would be considered "deplorable", by proper, English, gentry, Tami and I had been fortunate, so far, that our primary contacts, to date, were with groups which the gentry would know as "commoners" (The working class). This time, however, we were being summoned to assist the nobility. Now, manners, dress, and so on, would be judged, by some members which had descended from the most ancient nobility, in world history. (Personally, I thought it was, indeed, funny, that I was being requested. ME! A man, whose "highest" grade, in English class, was "D-Minus". Not a "boast" to be proud of, but a simple fact). To our complete surprise, Tami and I found the attached file an extremely comprehensive ledger, which included the names of noblemen, kings, princes, dukes, etc. Practically all of the names of the deceased, who remained in "residence", at the school. The file not only contained the NAMES, but family records, dates of attendance, etc. This file would put both, and, to total shame. If the file were accurate, it would seem that this boarding school had been in continuous operation, for thousands of years. While the file indicated that most, of the "current" buildings, on school grounds, were around 500 years old, these "recent" re-builds were the "youngest" buildings, on the grounds. Add to this the fact that atleast one, original, out-house, had been preserved, as a museum piece. This, along with several lengths, of hollowed tree trunks, and lead pipes (Originally used for carrying water, and waste.) According to the file, however, while most of the current students (and their parents), were well-informed, and aware, of the majority, of the resident spirits, it would seem that some "new" spirits had, recently, taken up residence. Un-like the maids, and butlers, who had walked the halls, for centuries, and, at times, advised the living that items were not "properly polished", it would seem that the "new arrivals" were creating a problem. Some of the problems these new spirits were creating, included waking students, at all hours, via moans, shrieks, and so forth. Then, there was the problem of the spirits tampering with the kitchens. At times, it is reported that freshly prepared food is viewed being thrown out, of kitchen windows, onto the ground. In atleast three cases, while workers had collected the traditional, slow burning, wood, to fire up the cooking ovens, for some reason, the spirits were replacing th slow-burning wood, with fast-burning wood. The kind of wood used in magic shows. Atleast one kitchen worker is noted as saying "On my faith, and loyalty, to their majesties, I do maintain that, as I ignited the wood, the blaze roared into the food preparation area. During this time, I observed a gentleman, wearing a brown, waist, coat, standing nearby, and smiling." While the document was rather extensive, in its volume, I think that Tami and I reviewed about 25% of the contents, prior to G.S.2 being permitted to enter Royal Air Space. The reason: There was a rumor, going around. This rumor, similar to the last rumor, was very specific. Rumor held that an American stealth bomber was to be ordered into British air space. The rumored "goal", was for the stealth bomber to drop a bomb-load, on Buckingham Palace. The rumor claimed that the "goal", of such action, would be to show the British what COULD happen, if the empire did NOT re-enter the American invasions, of the Middle East. (on Americas side) Allegedly, this act would be to show that ANY, and ALL locations, where her majesty, the Queen, might be protected, COULD be bombed. This, unless, and until, Great Britain agreed to re-join the "war on terror" (on America's side). As a result, of this rumor, Ghost Ship Two, while, technically, a bomber, was to be a suspected threat, to the Britons. As a result, Mr. Brown would have to "negotiate" our entry, into British air space. While most, international, aircraft, fly near, or over, Buckingham Palace, as a show of respect, Mr. Brown was required to chart us a course, as far as possible, AWAY from the Palace. (This, despite the fact that the Pentagon wanted G.S.2 to use regular flight routes.) While the Pentagon was arguing this, with Buckingham Palace, over everything from flight plans, to re-fuelling, and the exact identities, of WHO, and WHAT, would be on our plane. Tami and I were busy noticing a pattern to the hauntings. More specifically, we noticed that the sleeping quarters, for the youngest children, saw almost NO spirit activity, at all. (ONLY the older children, and the school staff, seemed bothered by the spirits). In the file, the schools head-master was quite CLEAR, on this point. "Under NO circumstances are infant pupils to be engaged in ANY frightful experiences". By the time Ghost Ship Two was "cleared", to enter British air space, we had received strict, flight orders. Orders which forbade our plane, even from mid-air re-fuelling. Ghost Ship Two was ordered to fly a 100 mile arc, AROUND London, and land, at an air force base. At the base, our re-fuelling would be CLOSELY monitored, by the Royal Air Force. During this re-fuelling, G.S.2 would be subjected to the exact same kind, of "inspection", which France had subjected the plane to. ALL because of SUSPICIONS, POSSIBILITIES, and RUMORS! By the time G.S.2 was cleared, to fly to the school, it would seem that an "incident" had caused staff to call in ANOTHER "ghost-buster". The update stated that, while G.S.2 was being detained, that some students had become trapped, inside a building, when a fire alarm was declared. The update stated that, while the "out-only" doors were NEVER locked, under English law, that neither students, nor staff, could open the doors, to exit the building. Some, of those, present, even claimed to hear a deep, mans, laughter, as staff worked to pry the doors open. The "ghost buster" had been called in, after the fire department could find no rational explanation, for the doors failure. Problem was, when the "ghost buster" used their "gear", it seems that they detected ghosts, everywhere. While they doused everything, and everyone, in holy water, it is reported that the voice just laughed at this. Right after the "ghost buster" would promise the schools head-master "Your school is, now free of any spirit activity", that everyone watched as, from the vacant head-masters office, an office chair flung itself from a window, to the pavement below. When the head-master removed the payment document, from the "ghost-busters" hand, and tore up the document, the "ghost buster" made a move, which no loyal, British subject, would make. The "ghost buster" turned their "ray gun", on the imperial flag, and torched the fabric. They departed the school, saying "Explain THAT to her majesty, IF you can." When G.S.2 arrived, at the school grounds, none of us knew why, but G.S.2's auto-defenses came on-line, the machine guns deployed, and the computer went into "search mode". When we asked our pilots, the men would say "We KNOW we are being watched, but from where? And by WHOM?" While the search lasers found no "targets", the pilots had us just sit tight, until the auto-defenses decided that there was no more threat. Only when the computer could define no threat, did the gun turrets retract, into the planes body. It was not, however, until Tami and I de-planed, that the head-master informed us "Yes, the constables report the exact same feeling, every time they visit. There is a "sense" of danger, here. A danger, which has, not, been felt, in the past. I am at a loss, to explain it." After Tami and I took part, in the normal rituals, of proper, British, society, I began to check out the property, while Tami interviewed the staff. Boy! Did Tami get an "ear full"! Especially pertaining to that so-called "ghost buster". Several staff members would suggest "That person only made matters worse." While Tami was conducting these interviews, I was checking on some "ponds". The staff referred to these as "horticulural educational units", and informed me that, normally, the ponds were three feet deep, of water. When I asked what could cause the ponds to dry into mud packs, staff were quick to say "It was that "ghost buster". The ponds did not dry up until they splashed that water, all over the place." When I asked the same question, which Tami was asking. The question of HOW staff knew it was "Holy Water", staff would say "That is what that "person" SAID it was." While no one, whom Tami spoke with, would admit even considering "snatching" a sample, of the "Holy Water", a gardener would show ME a vial, saying "Nothing happens, with the landscape, which I am not aware of. I was just preparing to send the sample off, for analysis." When I would ask "May I have the sample. Our plane is, fully equipped. You can even watch the results, as they come in." When I poured part, of the containers contents, into our analyzer, than Tami keyed in the program, it was only moments before the computer read out "No match, for any, known, church use, of Holy Water". The machine then churned, for another hour, before displaying the results, of the tests. When the results printed out, the gardener was the first to say "Blimey! No wonder that stuff irritated the skin, of those it was splashed on." The schools infirmary, soon, verified that several cases, of skin irritation, had come to light, since the "ghost busters" visit. The nurse verified that she had been using bases, such as skin creams, to soothe the irritation. As for the so-called "blessing/chant", which the "ghost buster" had used, the music teacher would verify that it was, in fact, a mismash, of various songs, all jumbled together. Tami would be left to report, to the Brown Agency "Primary report. Events, at school, caused staff to call in "ghost buster", while British law detained our ship. "Ghost buster" used a useless variation, of over a dozen, classic, songs, as well as mildly acidic water, to "prove" the presense, of spirits. Primary investigation suggests that spirits more active, than ever, due to the insults, perceived, from the fake "ghost buster". Primary diagnosis: These spirits will take LONGER, to communicate with, since they have been angered, by humans." While Tami was making this report, I asked the kitchen staff WHY a spirit would throw food out the windows, and tamper with the ovens. This, I asked as I assisted in the latest clean up. When a cook would say "I really dont know. I mean. This food might not be perfect, but it IS better than some I have eaten, in the past." It was not, however, until I inquired, of the HEAD chef, that this man took a closer look, and sniff, of the discharged food. When the cook would say "Its alright, for them, sir?" The chef surprised the cook, when the chef would say "Serve this food, to the pupils, and watch hospital fill up, with stomach cases." When I would ask "Sir, what would the problem happen to be?" The chef would say "To your un-trained, pallet, sir, this is just day-old food. To MY educated pallet, this food is rotten." When the cook would say "Impossible. These edibles were only received, yesterday. It cannot be spoilled!" When the chef would ask "Did our normal supplier provide these staples?" The cook would say "No, sir. The accounts department had us switch to another source. Better prices". When the chef would say "Throw it all out. I will NOT serve this rubbish, to pupils. I would send them to McDonalds, instead." Okay, so the food was not exactly "five star". So what? American schools often served far LOWER "quality" "food", to pupils. Then I remembered where we were. This was not just a "primary" school. It was the place, where future rulers were trained, in the finest traditions, of British etiquette. Graduating from THIS school, for Britons, would equal graduating from Harvard, or Yale, for Americans. No wonder the chef was "up in arms", over the ingredients. When Tami and I sat in, SILENTLY, on the meeting, between staff, and management, the head-master would inform the chef "It is true, that our institution has been required, to make certain economies." When the chef would say "Governor, the empires finest have attended this school, for centuries. How might we justify serving lower-grade food, to persons who, one day, will LEAD the British Empire?" The head-master would suggest "On the matter of economies, I am prepared to inform you that further economies will be required. The New World Order is costing the empire more than predicted. If we are not judicious, in our practices, this school might end up financially embarrassing the empire." Yes, even Tami and I understood how the New World Order, was ripping nations, and even homes, apart. Management was, constantly, saying "Do more work, but with NO resources." When labor would ask "HOW are we supposed to do MORE, without any resources?" Mangement would say "Figure it out." Yes, many of our own relatives were scraping, just to meet expenses. Everyone was clinging to the promise that, "Eventually, the economy will right itself. It will just take TIME." What no one would commit to was the quetion of "How much TIME, before the economy returns?" Once the "meeting" was completed, and the chef had resigned, over the fact that the head-master wanted five-star cuisine, on a bread-line budget, Tami and I would move forth, among the staff, asking if the recent economies had made for changes. An older maid, who had served, for decades, would mention "Now that I consider the matter, I HAVE been aware, of increases, in spectral activity." When Tami would ask "Before, or after, the latest economies?" The maid would say "After. Definitely after." While the maid was explaining, to Tami, about having to "make due", with fewer maids, the gardener was informing me, about the grounds. "Yes, good sir. I have noticed changes, as well. Not that I have much time, to contemplate." When I asked the obviously, senior citizen "Due to health?" The man would say "Never, sir. It is only that, with recent economies, each, of the remaining workers, must perform the duties, of three, or four, workers. I must maintain a constant vigil." When I met Tami, back at G.S.2, she confirmed "As far as I can understand, at this point, it would seem that the New World Order, is proving to be a "death nail", for the school." When I would ask "Specify." Tami would say "My research indicates that the very industries, which had, once, made various nations "powerhouses", in the old world, are either vanishing, or becoming federal subsidies. Too many robots, doing human jobs, and too many humans, draining social services." When I would suggest "Allow me to estimate. Since robots pay NO payroll taxes, buy NO homes, drive NO cars, and do NOT eat out, the economy is bottoming out. Taxes are drying up." Tami would add "As is support, for such institutions, as the academy. The enormous profits, which the computer experts promised management, have FAILED to be realized. It is just like America. For every job, cut, five others vanish, as well." I would suggest "The computer programmers just cannot understand that un-employed people have NO spending power." Since I was certain that, by this time, my partner had performed a financial base-line, on the academy, I would ask "What does the countdown look like?" Tami would say "Five more years, and the academy will begin operating in the "red". Twenty, and the place will close." Tami would, then, add "You know, of all of the people I have spoken with, here, none seems really un-happy. Even with the budget cuts. I would consider that many peple feel this place IS home." When I would ask "If the people are so proud of this place, WHY is food being thrown out of windows?" Tami would add "WHY was the head-masters chair thrown from a window, as well?" Tami would say "I wish we could speak with the spirits, sooner, rather than later. I would be interested in the spirits rationale, for their actions." Well, thanks to the "ghost buster", our task was made even more difficult, since we would have to DRAW OUT the annoyed spirits. Whille I began surveying the property, Tami went about examining the records. Her hope was to find out what the spirits cared about, in life. If she could learn what the spirits were most fond of, my partner thought that she could use this, to entice the spirits to communicate. (We, BOTH, cursed the "war on terror", since it made our job so much harder. Atleast in America, we had only the watchful eye, of the U.S. Air Force, watching our every move. In Europe, thanks to rumor, and gossip, our actions were triple hindered. Mostly due to suspicion). Yes, thanks to the White House, and Capital Hill, constantly saying "There is the POTENTIAL, the POSSIBLE, for trouble", our international efforts were hindered, on a regular basis. Even Tami's own family had "bought" into the idea that "danger is everywhere", but only until Tami reminded her family "America has been in "danger", of attack, since 1776. The British were NOT happy, when the colonies declared independence. Neither were the Canadians happy, when the new nation, of America, attacked Canada, in 1812. Add in the Civil War, French and Indian War, World War One, World War Two, and so on, and America had been under "threat" of attack, for maybe 227 years. Yet, as Tami reminded her family "We, still, go to work, raise families, attend school.". Once her family realized this, her family breathed a sigh of relief. Now, if ONLY Americans could encourage our "government" to stop seeing "bad guys, in every shadow", the nation would be much better off. For that matter, so would the rest of the world. As for Tami and I, our job would be WAY easier, if rumors, and gossip, stopped flying. It was based upon these very types of suspicions, that our work was even more difficult. It would seem, however, that Tami received a "caller", on-board our plane. A "very distinguished gentleman", by Tami's report. While I was out, surveying the land, for any signs of past activity, a man, referring to himself as something like "head butler" would visit Tami, on-board our plane. The man was most proper in stating: "Standards have, most definitely, been allowed to decline, since my time. When I served their majesties, everything was in its place. Students were held in check, by proper, disciplinary, practices, and the staff were among the finest personnel, which the royal empire could acquire." When Tami would ask the man "Is this why your specter remains in residence? You feel that "standards" hav become far too relaxed?" The man would ask "What standards? Upon viewing the recent, student, population, I am quite certain that their majesties would take great offense, if they visited this academy. I had NEVER heard such "language", in ALL my years of service. These ruffians are making a mockery out of proper gentry." When Tami would ask "WHY have you been throwing food out, of windows, and flaring ovens?" The gentleman would say "Pardon my directness, dear girl, however, it is neither myself, nor any school staff, which is perpetrating such un-savory activities." When Tami would ask "Will you inform me of the specters identities?" The gentleman would say "The souls, which you refer to are the souls, of the very ruffians, whom I am referring to. The pupils, who have no respect, for tradition. No respect for elders. No respect, period." When Tami would ask "Classical spirits?" The gentleman would say "Hardly. These souls have only become active, recently, since they have only been departed for, at most, ten years." When Tami would ask "I dont understand. If they died a decade ago, WHY are they just appearring, now?" The gentleman would say "As with any occupation, becoming a spirit is a learning process. After all, butlers do not just show up, for work. Neither do engineers." When Tami would ask "What do you know, in regards to the spirits specific information?" The gentleman would say "These spirits have no respect, even for the departed. One boy, in particular, was so fussy, in his eating habits, that his parents had to charged additrional tuition, to cover his diet. The family, you understand, were raised to consume only the FINEST, of delicacies." When Tami would ask "Anyone else?" The gentleman would say "There was Roger. Son of the Duke of Shroudshire. Sent to the academy, to learn manners, after being ejected from three, other, schools. Quite an arrogant one, he was. Staff were compelled to drag the young man out, of bed, each morning, dress him, and WALK him, to each class. If it were my place to suggest, I would have recommended the "beast" being inducted into a reformatory. Loved to cause trouble." When Tami asked "What happened to him?" The gentleman would say "Understand that this information is not verified." When Tami would say "I understand", the gentleman would say "Hushed whispers suggest that Roger met his end in a ladies bedroom. It is suggested that the ladies betrothed discovered his mate, in a "compromising position", with Roger, and terminated Rogers existance." When Tami would ask "Any others?" The gentleman would only add a few dozen names, to the list. Most of whom, if remaining alive, were in prison, while the others were remaining in residence, at the academy, since this was the ONLY "home" they ever knew. Then, of course, the gentleman would say "There are the staff. We have continued our vigil, over the academy, for centuries. **I** am among the "youngest" of the deceased staff, who observes activities on the property." By the time Tami was completing this conversation, I came upon information, which, if true, would spell the end of the "ghost busters" career. It turns out that, after "curing" the academy, the "ghost buster" had, without the academy's knowledge, or consent, used the academy's name, as a reference, in order to gain entry into a stately mansion. It seems that the "ghost buster" had viewed too many "possession" movies, since he took one look, at a person, with an illness, and, instead of just splashing the victim, the fool POURED an entire vial, of the "Holy Water", on the victim. The victims family, then had been required to rush the victim to hospital, where the person was being treated, for chemical burns. Back at G.S.2, when Tami would ask the gentleman "Would you arrange a meeting, with Roger, for me?" The gentleman would counter with "Dear girl, the ONLY thing Roger should have a "meeting" with, is the school lash. IN MY day, dis-obedient pupils were taught MANNERS. Most by instructors, yet a few, by the lash." When Tami became curious, asking "Was th lash ever useed, on YOU?" The gentleman would proclaim "Only once, dear girl.", then added "I performed the most improper activity, of inappropriate entry, to the females shower room." When Tami said "Really". The gentleman would say "What would one expect, from a teenage boy. I received two lashes, and a month, of extra duty, around, around the property." The gentleman went into a whisper as he would tell Tami "Dont tell anyone I said so, however, it was worth the lashes, to see those un-clad females." Tami would think 'Typical teenage boy'. When she brought the conversation back on track, asking "What was your term of service, at the academy?" The gentleman would say "My parents admitted me, when I was eleven. My father wanted me to be trained, to take his place, when he retired, from the royal military. Fine record, of service my family had. Two, of my ancestors, even served with the Romans, when the empire invaded England. My grand-father served, as did my father. Only two generations, of the family, did NOT serve their majesties." Tami would ask "Did the rejects do something, to offend their majesties?" The gentleman would smile as he said "Childhood accidents. I think it was Sir Alfred, whose leg was, permanently damaged, in a riding accident. His father wanted Sir Alfred to learn to ride, so that the boy could join the mounted units. No one expected the horse to go down, breaking Sir Alfreds leg, in too many places, to heal correctly." When Tami asked "The other?" The gentleman would say "Farming accident. Father wanted to teach son what would grow, in various types of soil. Thought a soldier should know this, in case stationed, inside a foreign nation." When Tami asked "The outcome?" The gentlean would say "While father and son were working on farm machinery, the equipment went beyond their control, and severely injured the boy. Three doctors promounced that the boy would be home-bound, for years, maybe decades, to come." When Tami would ask "You did not serve?" The gentleman would say "By the time graduation was upon me, I had served enough time, on the household staff, mostly for peeking into windows, that I was offered a position. While other, young, men went off, to the wars, I was assigned to a combination of cleaning staff, and to keep clear, and accurate, records, of every, wounded, soldier, who passed through the academy's gates." While Tami was chatting with this spirit, I was investigating another case, of spiritual delinquency. This time, in regards to the groundskeepers equipment. As a groundskeeper, named Edmond, informed me, in the "past", "shenanigans" were limited to moving tools about, as well as the occassional name plate being switched. As Edmond informed me "From the time of my employment, I have been informed that the spirits do, at times, like to move hand tools around. A wrench, here. A screwdriver, there. Occassionally, a spanner (monkey wrench). From time to time, fertilizer, or seeds, are moved about. Since that bloody "ghost buster" "blasted" the bloody place, however, this is what has been happening." Before my eyes sat riding mowers, sitting upside down. Table-saws, with blades bent, at up to a ninety degree angle, and a mounted jigsaw, tipped on its end. When I asked Edmond the obvious question "Would it be possible for a group, of students, to pick the locks, and enter this space?" Edmond would say "Aye, that had occurred to me, as well. Some of the locks, on the academy, are centuries old. What I want you to explain to me is HOW the lads, or even the lassies, could have LIFTED this equipment, to turn it over. This stuff weighs a blooming ton, if it weighs an ounce" When I examined the machines, myself, I found that the machines were as real as G.S.2. No way even a group, of pupils, could lift could lift this stuff. (What was the point of standing everything on its "head"?) When I brought these questions, to Tami, and her spectral visitor, the gentleman would say "I KNOW to whom you should make these inquiries." With that, he vanished. Maybe twenty minutes later, a fierce-looking woman, with a Vikings build, "reported" to G.S.2, saying "It has been reported that there is a lapse, of discipline, on these grounds. You will state the nature, of the lapse, and I willl act accordingly." When Tami would ask "Madam, may I know your name?" The woman would say "Where are MY manners. Helga is the name. Disciplinary Administrator is my title. It is my position, with the academy, to enforce discipline, and punishment." When I would bow, before Helga, suggesting "Helga, if you would, please, follow my lead. It would be easier to allow you to view the damage". It would seem that Helga had only just arrived, at the supply shed, when she would stop, look around, and say "Henry's work, for sure." When I would ask "Henry Who?" Helga would correct me, saying "Im-proper use of language. I will let it lie, since Stanley recommended I visit you." When I would ask "May I inquire how you are aware of Henry's capers?" Helga would say "Young man, I spent YEARS attempting to instill proper manners in that boy." When I would suggest "Was Henry an extremely difficult case?" Helga would say "I spent decades, trying to encourage proper behavior, in that boy." When I would suggest "I take it that your efforts were not, entirely, successful. Helga would say "Worse. By the time the academy terminated his attendence, he was so incourigable that it is no wonder that he ended up in prison." When I would suggest "Might it, also, be possible that Henry was responsible, for the head-masters chair smashing out a window?" Helga was matter-of-fact as she said "That would be an error in judgement." When I asked "How so?" Helga would say "Crystal was the girl who, during her time, at the academy, her parents had to be billed, multiple times, for replacement windows." When I asked "What was Crystals reason, for this action?" Helga would say "While Crystal denied remembering any of the incidents, atleast one medic suggested that the girl was having "spells". What your generation refers to as "seizures"." When I asked "Was the medic correct, in the diagnosis?" Helga would say "It is impossible to be certain, however, once the medic instructed the academy, to begin giving Crystal daily doses, of some compound, Crystal all-but-ceased the destruction." When I asked "You said "All-but". May I ask your definition?" Helga would say "During the remainder, of Crystals time, at the academy, her daily doses, of the compound resulted in a decrease, in destruction, of about 90%." When I asked "When were Crystal, and Henry, students, at the academy?" Helga would say "Let me think. Was it before, or after, those thugs, declared independence?" When I asked "To which thugs to you refer?" Helga would say "You might not know them. Names like Washington, Jefferson, Adams. Thugs, all of them." When I would ask "Why do you refer to these men, as "thugs"?" Helga would say "Young man, WHO do you think made the colonies possible? Who financed the ships, which carried the colonists? Who financed the soldiers, who kept the peace, from 1492, until the 1770's?" When I would suggest "Business interests?" Helga would say "Young man. Might I suggest that you brush up, on your history." When I would agree, then ask "Who was the financier, of the voyages?" Helga seemed to puff herself up, as she proclaimed "Their royal majesties. The kings, and queens, of Spain, and England. Had it not been for substantial loans, from the royal treasuries, the thirteen colonies would, never, have existed. Then, after centuries, of support, and supplies, those ruffians decided to declare themselves EQUAL to European royalty. Declaring Independence from the very motherland which created, and nurtured, them." (Okay, so the English viewed America's Declaration of Independence DIFFERENTLY than the thirteen colonies did.) When I realized that this was one of those potato/po-tah-to, black/brown/ebony, white/caucasian types of issues, I decided to move Helga back on track. She was, obviously, dead loyal to their majesties. What Tami and I were tasked with was discovering those who were committing the vandalism. After thanking Helga, bowing before the lady/spirit, then returning to G.S.2, with the information, on Crystal, Tami would inform me "That fits with what I have found, so far. Records show that a female student went into "seizures", and, when in a "seizurees", the girl threw objects out, through window glass. Records show that staff remained baffled, for an extended time, since the girl, obviously this Crystal, could only lift the objects, while in a "fit". The record shows that the drug, which the girl was given had the following ingredients." When Tami and I reviewed the list, which had been translated, from classical English, to modern, by the Brown Agency, we found some "old friends". "Friends", such as Marijuanna, Cocaine, L.S.D., and Speed. The proportions were amazing, though. According to a Brown Agency physician "If this "recipe" is correct, including the addition of two chemicals, which SHOULD be deadly, to the human body, it would seem that this compound actually balanced the childs brain chemistry. In a proper dosage, it would calm certain parts, of the brain, while causing other parts to work more efficiently." When Tami would ask "You said two, DEADLY, chemicals?" The doctor would say "If taken in, say, a table-spoonful, or more, even calling 9-1-1 would not bring help, fast enough. This mixture, though. It seems to use the trace amounts, of the deadly chemicals, to "flush", for lack of a better term, an over abundance, of other chemicals, out of a patients system." When I would suggest "It sounds like you are saying that the dealy chemicals act like drain cleaner, in a clogged drain." The physician would say "Essentially correct. The poisons flushed the girls system, then the Cocaine, Marijuana, and L.S.D. balanced the brain functions. By the way, WHEN was this mixture, and recipe, provided to the academy?" Tami would say "Maybe around 1450, to 1475." When the physician would say "Impossible!" and Mr. Brown would ask "Why is it impossible?" The doctor would say "These kinds, of equations, and blends, did not come into even experimental use, until the 1960's. No one was using this combination, in the 15th century. This HAS to be a fraud" When Tami would mention "We received the recipe, directly from the spirit, of a former academy, employee." When Mr. Brown would ask "Does the record show how "stable" the girls reaction was?" Tami could, only, say "From what we have learned, so far, the mixture tempered the girls attitude to the point where, instead of daily, or weekly outbursts, the girl only had outbursts about every six months. Mostly while studying for final exams." (Ironically, EVERYONE, on the line, agreed, that "finals" are stressful enough to push ANY-one "over-the-edge".) In Crystals case, "finals" were a time when the girl was given a private room. This made it easier for staff to monitor her activities, and to sense on-coming "spells". Even so, this left the question of "WHY was Crystal still on the property?" The answer, to this question, came from both the living, and the dead. Both groups informed Tami and I that the academy was the best "home", they ever had. For the pupils, of "jet-setting" parents, the academy was the one place where the young remained, for any length of time. The only place where people paid attention. If these pupils were to be believed, it seems that their parents were, constantly "on the move". Constantly trading up to bigger and better. Parents just had no TIME, to spend with children. Result: Academy staff became "substitute parents". This is why alumni were so dependable, when it came to donations. To graduates, the academy WAS home. Deceased students agreed with this conclusion. For centuries, the academy was HOME. Deceased staff also agreed with this conclusion. According to deceased staff, even back, in the days, when both blacks AND whites, could be bound, into "indentured servitude", the spirits agreed that the academy was so much better than any home they came out of. This is why so many workers stayed on, even after freedom had been "purchased". It would seem that the modern, long term, economical, downturn, was, by NO means, the first down turn, in history. Over the centuries, the GREED, of the wealthy, had "crashed" economies, leading to the public losing everything, while the rich just relaxed, until governments "fixed" the markets. During these, hard, economic, times, families, regularly, sold members, to pay off debts. While the impoverished were, never, given cash, the purchaser would pay off a family's debt, in exchange for the slavery, of a family member. It was NOT that families did not work HARD. In fact, in the centuries, before public school, and child-labor laws, children, frequently, worked right alongside adults. The problem was that, with no laws, governing payment, of wages, employers could "pay" workers any amount that management CHOSE to pay. In the case, of child-labor, the parents were paid the childs wages. If a family was in debt, the childs, and parents, wages, were paid, directly, to creditor. With living conditions being even WORSE, than modern garbage dumps, there was very little objection, when members were sold into the slavery of "Indentured Servitude". Servants did not complain, for two reasons. One being that it was perfectly legal for a purchaser to whip a slave, into obedience (regardless of the slaves gender, or race). The other reason was that, when many slaves saw how much better life was, on owners property, the slaves might have paid off debts, and purchased their own freedom, however, with the images, of filthy "shelters", burned into their memories, workers felt no desire to return to former homes. And, yes, the records did confirm that, over the centuries, that the academy DID purchase hundreds of people. Mostly as support staff. Hardly ever, however, was the whip needed. As the spirit, of a former housekeeper, had remarked "WHY should we try to leave a place, which was so pleasant?" When Tami would ask "What about beating slaves, for mis-conduct?" The housekeeper would reply "Young lady. You watch way too much television. Had you lived, in MY day, you would have been happy to find such a gracious place to work. In truth, I never felt much like a slave. I was NOT dragged away, or raped. Dont ask me WHERE television got the idea, that owners treated us like trash." When Tami suggested "Boost the ratings, by showing viewers violent images." The housekeeper would say "If THAT is your idea, of entertainment, I will take Willliam Shakespeare any day." In Tami's next report, to the Brown Agency, she would report "Most of the spirits, which we have encountered, so far, seem most polite, and cooperative. In fact, if I were not aware that some are deceased, I might consider them friends. Still having trouble trying to track down Henry, the Prankster. The man the entire staff believes is responsible, for equipment tampering. As for Crystal, after three days, of trying to track her, I have decided that, when SHE wants to "talk", I will let her come to the plane. As a normal course, of note, the shape, of our plane, continues to frighten the younger pupils, but only after dark. It seems that our stealth shape does, in fact, resemble a bat. Update on case: The groundkeeper (the LIVING one), has invented a great idea, to prevent G.S.2 from scaring children, after dark. Scenery lighting has been connected, to the academy's power-plant, and turns our "ominous" shape into that of a black bird, after dark. While I, myself, am pretty sure that the culprit was Henry, I have no proof, even on digital video. The reason why I think that Henry was responsible, for the attempted tipping over, of G.S.2 is because such activity fits his M.O. What Henry just did not count upon was G.S.2's automatic levelling system. When the bomber is on the ground, the on-board computer uses an electronic gyroscope to keep the bomber level, on up to a sixty degree angle. When spirit Henry tried to tip the plane over, the computer "dug in", and would not let the plane tip more than fifteen degree's. When Crystal, eventually, came forward, to Tami, it seems that the girls first question was "Will I be required to depart the academy?" When Tami asked the girl "Dont you want to go home? Or, to Heaven?" Crystal would say "Nothing to go home, to. Heaven spooked me, even when I was alive. I mean, what happens when I go before the arch-angel, Gabriel? What if I have not dont enough good deeds? What if I am not "perfect" enough, to meet Heavens standards?" When Tami would ask "Is THAT why you remain on school grounds? The school is familiar, to you." Crystal would say "Despite my actions, this is the closest place, to "home", that I, ever, knew." While human, and spirit, were discussing what it would be like, trying to enter Heaven, I was having a bit of a time, with Henry. It seems that, when Henry decided to make contact, he was determined that it would be on HIS terms. Namely, he placed a noose-trap close to my most recent work area. An area which I THOUGHT I had checked, for any traps. It was not until I stepped into the trap, and found myself hanging upside down, from a tree limb, that Henry decided to appear. His first remark: "After all these years, the simple things still work the best." When I would suggest "Henry, I presume". Henry would bow, gracefully, saying "At your service, my lord." When I would agree "The best traps are the simplest ones." When I would add "Mind if I talk to you, for awhile?" Henry would ask "What inquiries would you like to make?" I would start with "Have YOU ever been in this position, before. I mean, upside down, in a tree?" Henry would say "Only once. I used my head, and was free, inside five minutes." This is when I would suggest "So, this is an intelligence test." Henry would say "Correct". Thankfully, Tami and I had made a point of getting even more into shape, than ever. This since we spent so much time, covering cases. We HAD to be in athletic shape, to do our job. This is why I was able to impress Henry, by scisoring my body, grabbing the rope, climbing to the tree branch, un-tying myself, then climbing down a tree, for the first time, in decades. Once on the ground, Henry would inform me "I am aware that you seek an audience, with myself. I am curious, as to your intention. Why would you want to inquire of me?" I would inform Henry "I am curious as to the reason why you have remained on the property, after your death." Henry lost his cockiness, as he said "I have no other home. This is all I know." When I said "thats fine, but WHY the tipping, and mis-placing, of equipment, and tools?" Henry would say "It is to remind staff that I am among them." When I would suggest a "Thinking of You" card, Henry would remind me "Last time I checked, spirits dont shop at Hallmark. TRY getting a clerks attention, when you are a ghost. I dare you." When I asked about the tipped over machines, Henry would say "That creep, with the zapper. The one in that funny suit." When I would suggest "The ghost buster?" Henry would say "Whatever he is, or was, after he zapped me, with that THING, it threw off my field of energy. For awhile, it was really spooky. If I LOOKED at an object, and remembered the pain that zapper caused, the next thing I knew, the object I was looking at would flip over." When I verified "And this ONLY happened, after you were zapped, correct?" Henry would say "Tell the head-master that thing STUNG! I could not control my actions, for almost twelve, of your hours." When I asked "Have the effects worn off, yet?" Henry would say "We have been conversing, for awhile, and I have been focused, on you. You have not flipped over, so I would say the effects are past." When I asked Henry "Would you consider moving on, maybe to Heaven, if given the chance?" Henry would look about the property, saying "Im not sure I would fit in, in Heaven. I mean, I am NOT a "bad" person. I just like attention. What if the Lord does not want any "competition", in his realm?" When I convinced Henry to join me, back at the plane, Henry sat next to Crystal, as Tami tried to explain that our plain was for the living. Both spirits, however, had been raised on Bible stories, which said that Heaven was a place, where only the "perfect" spent eternity. Henry would, even mention "I remember that my mother was told, by a village priest, that she could, NEVER get into Heaven, since her eyesight was bad. After my father was hurt, in an accident, and could not work, any longer, the same, village, priest, informed my father that he, too, could not go to Heaven. That Heaven was a place, only for the PERFECT." Crystal would add "While the scriptures say "Honor thy mother and thy father", I am afraid that I am lacking, in BOTH these areas. I just wanted my own life. I suppose I will not be allowed into Heaven, either. That is why I stay. No one is telling me I MUST leave school property." The four of us heard Mother Superiors hearty laugh, even before the nun appearred. When the spirits saw the nun, and backed away, saying "Mother Superior, forgive us for not noticing you, sooner." The nun would say "You have nothing to apologize for. I just wanted to hear from your HEARTS, before coming to see you." When Henry would ask "What awaits us, when we go before Gabriel?" The nun would say "I have checked your records. While neither of you is "perfect", I can promise you that Gabriel has allowed far worse to enter the gates." When Henry would ask "Will we be forgotten, if we decide to go?" Mother Superior would only say "You have, each, left your "mark". Do not worry. You are a part of academy history." When Tami would ask the nun "Will you be taking the remainder, of the spirit staff, as well?" Mother Superior would say "At this time, the Chairman has sent me ONLY to collect these two. I have no other orders, at this time." Just before the three spirits were to depart, we hard an odd ringing. Something like a fax machine. When Mother Superior would seem to listen to something, she would say "New Orders, coming in." A moment later, several, additional, spirit pupils, most of whom had gone on, to live full, rich lives, only returning to the place they called "home", upon their demise, appearred, on the plane, and Mother Superior, in her normal fashion, would gesture "Come along. Plenty of room. Your families await your arrival." Mother Superior would, then inform us "The Chairman sends his regards. While he is in no hurry, he awaits your arrival, WHEN your times come. It seems he wants to meet two, of his favorite "helpers", SOME-day." Final case-file update: With Crystal, and Henry, having gone to their fates, the academy has returned to its normal operations. The place has become so quiet that even Tami and I are afraid to make a sound. Order, and routine, have returned. Spirits, of deceased pupils, have been processed, and we forsee no problems, in the near future. When Tami transmitted this report, we had, long since, learned NOT to expect any down time. No, Mr. Brown would, soon, be on the link, and a new case would arrive. Sure enough, just five minutes after Tami hit transmit, Mr. Brown would send us our latest case. The way Mr. Brown would say "You are NOT going to believe this, but this, latest, case involves locating something called "Crystal Cathedral". Mr. Brown would be quick to add "No, I do NOT mean Cheyenne Mountain's "Crystal Palace", command center. Atleast, I dont THINK that NORAD is involved. If I understand the file, myself, someone thinks there is, actually, a crystal cathedral, in THIS world. The client is willing to pay us to find this place." When Tami would ask "I thought we were your resident "ghost busters", what changed?" Mr. Brown would say "It seems this was another referral. This time, it was Dublin, which referred the client." G.S.2 was, still, well within British air space, when the course change came through. While we remained under orders to fly AROUND London, and Buckingham Palace, our flight path would be taking us north, anyway. (Buckingham Palace, and the royal family, remained safe, from the RUMOR of potential attack). Too bad we were a PRIVATE plane. If we were commercial, I would bet we would have enough frequent-flyer miles, to buy a state. Life, and work, goes on...

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