Thursday, November 10, 2016


THE DUMBEST MOVES, IN MODERN HISTORY It was obvious, that America had a businessman, NOT a "leader", in office, in 2017, when, right after taking the Oath of Office, the businessman issued a command, to Congress: "You have just ninety days, to Repeal the Affordable Care Act, or **I** will repeal this act, under my first, executive, order. This nation cannot AFFORD this liability. Private insurers will do a fine job, of insuring those, who are WILLING to PAY. Unless this Congress acts, within ninety days, **I** WILL sign the order, myself, terminating the A.C.A. If Americans want health care coverage, let it be their PERSONAL duuty, to finance this, themselves." And, this was only the beginning. While Congress worked, to modify A.C.A., the businessman would issue another order: "This nation, simply, cannot AFFORD MediCare, and MedicAid. This Congress has just thirty days, to replace these useless programs, with private-payer systems. If this Congress fails to do this, I WILL sign an executive order". Then, HOT on the heels, of this, the businessman would issue yet ANOTHER order: "This nation has carried the BURDEN, of Social Security, for far too long. Unless Congress agrees to replace Social Security, with Privatization, by January, 2018, I WILL sign yet ANOTHER executive order". When word reached Capital Hill, that the publlic was, openly, talking about Impeachment, in the event that the businessman went forward, with his plans, to initiate a THIRD invasion, in order to reduce rampant un-employment (With-OUT creating manufacturing jobs), Congress TRIED to warn the man "America is a nation, NOT a corporation. You cannot just fire citizens, then tell them to GET OUT!" The businessman would not listen. While the businessman considered his next move a "compromise", he ordered states to reduce the number, of public assistance case-loads "At ANY cost". When the states asked the man "HOW? There are no jobs. WHAT do we do, with the people?" The businessman would say "Figure it out. Consolidate. MERGE. Just get those numbers DOWN! Marry them off, if you have to. Just DO it" When my home state reviewed this suggestion, the governnment found that only 5%, of the un-employed were involved in "stable" relationships. This is when the state took the businessmans words, to heart. Only, in the worst, possible, way. Going strictly alphabetically, my state began calling in groups, of thirty males, and thirty females, at a time. Beginning with the letter "A", in family names, the state called singles into meetings. By the time the process reached the letter "C", several, of the "couples" were conversing, about the process. In order not to violate the states mandate of "Say Nothing", some couples began "not saying" things, such as "If you think you will have, or be given, time, to think, about the decision, you are wrong." When a friend, of mine, who was due, at such a meeting, in the coming week, brought me to meet some friends, I learned MORE, from what people did NOT say, than from what they DID say. When a beautiful, ebony, woman, named Jasmine, asked our source "Does the state even give people time, to TALK, before being married off?" The married lady would say "Dont be stupid. The state does not allow such conversations." After learning everything from WHERE the meetings were taking place, to the fact that marriages were being performed, by no less than a Catholic arch-bishoop, as well as learning that, anyone, declining to marry, was ordered to sign a form, ending all public assistance benefits, immediately. This is when I would summarize "Either the couples agree to marry, or lose everything." It was when some, of the single women, would wonder, aloud "Who can I find, to marry?", that I looked at the ebony Jasmine, saying "If I had my choice, I would marry YOU." When Jasmine asked "Do you mean that?" (I had no idea Jasmine was thinking the same about me). Yes, Jasmine was beautiful. From her light brown skin (Result of an ebony mother, and an ivory father), to a figure, which made me want to pant, overall of her curves. When Jasmine snuggled up, to me, asking "You mean that?" I took her into my arms, and kissed Jasmine (To the annoyingly LOUD cries, from her friends). While Jasmines family name began with the letter "G", it seems that the businessman, in Washington D.C., felt the process, of reducing caseloads, was not going FAST enough. As a result, those, of the letter "G", were called in, these people were "dumped in", with those of us, of the lettter "H". Just as the "brides" remarked "When they take you inside, be warned. The workers are about as "polite" as attack dogs." Boy! Was the woman right. The morning Jasmine and I appearred, at the meeting, the state worker might as well have been armed, with a whip and a revolver. That is how "polite" the woman was, as she BARKED at us. The way the woman went through the gathering BARKING "Are you engaged?", it is no wonder many people backed away from the worker. When the worker BARKED at me, saying "That woman, behind you. Yours?" I BARKED right back "YES! What the hell is it, to you?" The woman BARKED back "Follow me, both of you." When Jasmine and I followed the woman, the worker had us stand before a table, as she slapped forms down, before us. When I picked up a form, preparing to read it, the worker snapped "Sign, NOW!" When I snapped "Read, first, THEN sign". The worker cursed me, profanely, then said "SIGN, or lose benefits." At Jasmines urging, of saying "Perhaps we better", I would add "Ofcourse, my love." Th worker then RUSHED us before the arch-bishop, whom, I was surprised, the woman BARKED "Marry them, NOW!", at the clergy man. After the most rapid "marriage" I had, ever seen, the worker STORMED out, and another, more friendlier, woman, took us over, from the arch-bishop. (I made a point of making Jasmines, and my own, apologies, to the arch-bishop. The worker SHOULD have shown moore respect). While the second woman ASKED Jasmine and I to sign forms, stating that we had been supplied with a housing unit, as well as transportation, When Jasmine, and I asked "Where is the place? Where are the auto's?" The woman would say "No word, yet, on either. We are, still, awaiting funding". Jasmine, politely, asked "Why should we sign off on what we have not yet received?" The polite lady was about to respond when, from inside the building, Jasmine and myself, could hear the hostile worker SCREAMING at someone. (No wonder the "meetings took place BEFORE the local office opened). Even as Jasmine and I departed the property, we could, still, hear the worker SCREAMING at people. While my "wife" and I received several, post marriage mailing/surveys, from some "qwatchdog" group, after our "marriage", with all of the mailings asking how we liked our "home", and "autos" Jasmine and I answered each mailing, honestly. We remained in wait, for appropriations. In Washington D.C., the businessman was NOT happy with the pace change was taking. As a result, the man got even MORE "hands on", as he ordered all benefits cut off, for anyone NOT married, within just thirty days. When the states asked "How?" The businessman would say "Put them on trains, if you have to. Just get them OFF public assistance." While some politicians followed the businessman, his followers grew fewer and fewer, especially when 2018 arrived, and Social Security was, still, being "negotiated". It was at this point when the businessman did something which, while very potent, and profitable, in the business world, would turn him into "Public Enemy No. 1", to the American people. Making a visual display, before Congress, the businessman tore up a stack, of Social Security checks. After this, the man said "No more Social Security. DEAL with it." Only a single member, of Congress, cheered the mans actions, even as the businessman tossed the torn up checks into a waste basket. The man, an excellent show man, then asked a stunned Congress "Have I made myself CLEAR?" Congress, silently, watched. As for the $500 million, which was supposed to be alloted to the state, for married couples housing, and auto's, the state claimed that this money "Never arrived". To say that the years 2017, through 2021, were "turbulent", would be an "understatement". The more "slash-and-burn" that the businessman performed, saying "America WILL operate, as a business. We WILL cut away the waste. This nation WILL show a PROFIT, by the time I leave office. No matter what the cost. I guarantee it!" The more agressive the man became, the more the public turned on him. When the businessman decided to increase revenues, by quadrupling hunting license fee's, then multiplying motor vehicle users fee's, by a factor of ten, as well as ordering national parks to terminate free services, and access, and ordering public libraries to charge "entry" fee's, The more the man became so un-popular that, even before the mid-term elections, members, of th mans own party, DISTANCED themselves, from the man, in hopes this would aid re-election. By the mid-term elections, the businessman was considered a "plague", on the party. By 2019, the party made it known, that they were running some more "moderate" candidates, for executive office. The businessman was, politely, told "Go back to the board room." Congress was relieved, however, when, by the mid-terms, the businessman spent ALL of his time, at his various, private, properties. Even his family had the sense, to vacate the White House. By 2019, and in order to re-gain public support, the party had to promise the public that the businessman would NOT be running, for a second term. As for the question, of those, of us, who had married, under threat of loss, of benefits, Neither Congress, nor Public Assistance, nor even the Catholic Church, knew what to do. One hundred thousand people had been married off. Not for love, or family, reasons. Now, the nation had a new problem. What was the nation to do with couples, who married, ONLY under THREAT, of loss of benefits?

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