Saturday, November 12, 2016


THE DUMBEST MOVES, IN MODERN HISTORY (PART TWO) While it IS true, that the American people, would suffer great hardship, under the businessman, what no one had, even, considered, was the catastrophic effect that the businessmans term, in office, would have, on America's military, and law enforcement. For example, when the COST, in supplies, for America's invasions, of the Middle East, were brought to the businessmans attention, Congress would be stunned, when the businessman would ask "Just how MUCH, of this cost, are the soldiers bearing?" When a member, of Congress, would mention "Sir, our soldiers lay their LIVES on the line, everyday, for us." The businessman would respond "I did NOT ask THAT. I asked how MUCH, of the COST the soldiers are sharing." When Congress admitted that soldiers are NOT charged, for food, ammunition, etc., the businessman would say "That changes, NOW." It would be on the next payday, for the military, that soldiers, in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other trouble spots, around the world, would receive notice, from Washington D.C. "From this time, forward, soldiers will, no-longer, receive tax-payer paid for ammunition, or other supplies. It will be each soldiers RESPONSIBILITY, to PAY for what they use." The soldiers would not know what to make of this, until they went to lunch, and found themselves signing "credit vouchers", while being told "This meal will be deducted from your pay." While soldiers thought this was just a sick joke, when soldiers reported, either for patrol, or for guard duty, and informed the armory of what kind, and how much, ammo, the soldiers needed, here, again, the soldiers had to sign "bills", agreeing that their PAY would be CHARGED, for the ammo which they used. The soldiers were about ready to REBEL, themselves when, as command sent orders, for patrols, soldiers found themselves signing the military version, of car rental contracts. The motor pool would inform the soldiers "The rental cost, of this vehicle, will be deducted from your pay". Soldiers would be astonished when, at the fuel pumps, the dispensers told the soldiers "Unless you have the money, to PAY for this gas, I am afraid that we are under new orders. If you pay for five gallons, thats all you get." When soldiers would ask "How are we supposed to patrol our sector, without fuel?", the operators, of the fuel depot would say "We are informed to tell you that this is NOT our problem. No more fuel is being dispensed, unless soldiers PAY for the fuel." When soldiers reminded command "We SERVE our country, at sub-poverty level wages, and, NOW, we are being CHARGED, for everything, from food, to fuel?" All command would say was "New administration. Washington D.C. is determined to show a profit, no matter what the COST." When invasion base "Freedom" came under attack, and requested arial support, all that command would say was "You are on your own. We have used up our months supply, of fuel, and arms. Washington D.C. says "No more supplies, until NEXT month." And, if the public thought that our invasion forces were in a desperate situation, the public knew less than half of the story. Since the businessman was determined that America show a PROFIT, before he left office, the businessman would issue another executive order. "From this point on, federal employee's will, no-longer use tax-payer resources, to fund activities. From this point, on, I am ordering that all Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Homeland Security, the Secret Service, and other, federal, agencies, will no-longer use vouchers to cover expenses. From now on, ALL federal employees will PURCHASE ammunition, as well as other supplies, out-of-pocket. This nation will no-longer carry such debts. If agents feel the need to travel the nation, for ANY reason, each worker will cover ALL travel expenses, out of their OWN, personal, paychecks. No more "free rides". All weapons, ammunition, air travel, rental cars, meals, and so on, will be paid for, out of workers own, personal, income. This nation cannot AFFORD to cover such expenses, any-longer. This nation WILL operate, as a fully functional business, so long as I am in office. America WILL show a PROFIT, no matter what the COST. While America would lose three bases, over the next two weeks, the businessman would insist "NO additional weapons, or support, until NEXT month. Those soldiers stand, or fall, on their OWN." When the first, of the month came, and America had lost a total, of five bases, within just two weeks, the businessman would tell the Department of Defense "CHOOSE two of the bases, to re-occupy. This nation cannot AFFORD to re-occupy all five bases." This news came on the "heels" of even MORE "good" news. It seems that Homeland Security was "desperate" for funds. Not only were the Afghani's, and Iraqi's, taking advantage, of Washington D.C.'s refusal to provide support, but so were internal groups. While Homeland Security would report that the number, of threats, against the businessman, were, dangerously close, to matching the number, made against against a recent leader, when the businessman would say "Deal with it." Homeland Security would say "We need funds, to send in agents." The businessman would growl "I said NO! Tell your FAT, over-paid, workers to get out there, and stamp out these threats. NOT on the tax-payers "dime", either. Understand?" When Homeland Security would say "Yes, sir.", the agent would return to their agency, saying "No go. The man wont release a dime. He insists that we use our own, personal, resources, to do our job." As a result, while the businessman would remain in office, all that federal agencies could do was collect reports. It would, also, seem that the new month was even worse, on the front lines. Soldiers, who, normally, received monthly pay, were, instead receiving "overdue" bills, primarily for rations, consumed, during duty. (Sure, soldiers consume three, or four, times as much food as civilians do, however one must remember that, while most of us spend our days, sitting around, soldiers days are spent WALKING, MARCHING, and CARRYING AROUND as much as 100 pounds, of Ammo, and support, supplies.) Along with the "overdue" bills came the same order which a leader, from the 1980's had tried to impliment. The order of "Just ONE helping, for each soldier. NO seconds, or re-fills. One package, of rations, per soldier, per meal, and that is ALL!" In civilian terms, this would be like telling an athlete "You must run a Decathalon, but you will only eat a cracker, and a single sip, of water." While the businessman HOPED that his actions would lead to far less debt, from the invasion forces, truth was, the man ended up facing endless reports, of soldiers, REFUSING to go out, on patrol, without food, ammo, and fire-power. Afghanistan, alone, produced three, American, divisions, of soldiers, whose members were refusing to go out, on patrol, without a decent meal, ammo, and support. When the businessman would go live, on military monitors, telling soldiers "This situation is just too expensive! You MUST make do with what you HAVE. America just cannot AFFORD to provide more." Pious words, but ineffective, against hungry soldiers, who did not have any ammunition, or support. When one, international, reporter snuck into a stockaid, and interviewed soldiers, via the internet, the reporter found that the soldiers WANTED to serve, but that they needed the supplies, with which to serve. When the reporter asked about life, back home, several soldiers would report that, in order to reduce operations costs, at American bases, civilian housing had been shut down. Families were being told "Finance your OWN housing, out of YOUR pocket. This nation can no-longer AFFORD to house you." The reporter was relieved to here that atleast a few military families had been "taken in" by relatives. When the reporter asked "Any messages, for those you have left behind?" Nearly to a soldier, the group would tell the camera "Vote Democratic, in the next election!" While the public may have listened, to the nations finest, the problem was that the businessman still had executive powers. During ALL of 2018, and 2019, Congress fell just one vote short, of a veto-proof majority. The businessman would sign executive order after executive order. The businessman gave the Internal Revenue Service the same powers, which Adolf Hitler had given the Gestapo. Now, the I.R.S. could, legally, torture anyone, into confessing, to anything. Homeland Security was given the legal right simply to smash into homes, even if (evidence) was based upon nothing more than rumors. As for the public school system, when the businessman saw how much money the government was spending, on "free" lunches, for low-income children, the businessman would sign an order abolishing the lunch program. His response, to criticism "If parents want children to eat, then parents can PAY for the childrens lunches!" In reference to the problem, of how much busing children, for school, was costing the nation, the businessmans next order would be "No more free ride. Let the children WALK to school. I did! If parents want children to ride buses, let the parents PAY for the buses, fuel, and maintenance." Throughout his term, in office, the businessman would say "This nation is GOING to show a PROFIT, by the time I leave office. Is that understood?"

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