Friday, November 4, 2016


THE FALL GUY (A work of fiction?) After Osama Bin Laden had been executed, as the "scape goat", for September 11th, 2001, This left the problem that, in 2017, Washington D.C. needed another "fall guy". The reason: After Hillary Clinton won an even BIGGER landslide, than Bill Clinton had, in 1992, not only did Donald Trump, openly, and publicly, refuse to accept his loss. The man went so far as to go on national television, and was arrogant enough to say "If that woman is allowed to take the Oath of Office, America is doomed. Radicals will attack America, from every direction. Only strong, Republican, leadership, will prevent these attacks." By this time, the media did not need to ask the Republican Party, for comment. It was, widely, understood that the Republicans were distancing themselves, from the "self financing" candidate. On Inauguration Day, 2017, Limo One FOLLOWED the family, as Bill and Hillary, WALKED the route, to the podium, waiving to cheering crowds, as they strode the avenue, towards the podium. This, even as Donald was trying to gain media attention, by making even more dangerous comments. The problem, which the Justice Department had, with this situation, was that "justice" could not "touch" the multi-millionairre. Even if Mr. Trump were detained, the man had enough MONEY, to make prosecution all but impossible. No, Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency, needed a "fall guy". Someone, with-OUT the resources, to defend themselves, against charges. In order to make such a "statement", to the American people, the C.I.A., and the Justice Department, would "comb through" the volumes, of threats, made against former KING George Walker Bush. Since it would seem that I was among the more VOCAL opponents, of his majesty, I would, ofcourse, be detained, on a "charge" of "suspicion". I must admit that the Central Intelligence Agency, and Homeland Security, did an excellent job, of "creating" documents, which implied that we "suspects" had plans to kidnap, torture, and even kill, Mrs. Clinton, soon after the woman took the Oath of Office. Yes, these were true "master-works". Our defiance, of KING George was, masterfully, re-directed, to imply that we intended harm, to Mrs. Clinton. Shortly after the inauguration, each of us was arrested, and brought to detention. While in detention, each of us "suspects" was presented a "choice". We could either sign confessions, skillfully created by the C.I.A., and stating that each of us intended to act, against Mrs. Clinton, or we had an alternative. Each of us could accept a "free trip", to GITMO. Once at the detainment center, each of us, not willing to sign the confessions, would face "enhanced interrogation", in order to elicit confessions. What remains questionable, atleast to me, is whether or not three, of my fellow suspects, committed suicide, or if their deaths were "assisted". All the same, it would seem that the "honor", of being the "fall guy" fell to me. This, it seems, is because I refused to answer to the charges. This, and the fact that, while the media discovered that I had a bitter opposition relationship, with KING George, that, in opposition, to this, I had a history, of regular correspondence, with the first, Clinton, White House. Result, even as Mr. Trump receeded, from the national scene, and returned to his board room, his comments, about renewed attacks, on America, continued to receive media coverage. This even amid the media question of "Would a woman (Mrs. Clinton) be STRONG enough, to give the order, to attack another nation, or group, in order to prevent attacks, on American soil?" As for the C.I.A., and Homeland Security, in a final, desperate, attempt, to "save face", these groups would RUSH my prosecution past the courts, and issue the order, sentencing me to 50 years, for "Conspiracy to Assassinate the President". As a result, of this "conviction", I would be sentenced, to fifty years in Super-Max. This while Donald Trump returned to his television, and real estate, careers. As to what became of the other detainees, all I knew was rumor. Some rumors said that the other suspects had "committed suicide", while other rumors stated that, when threatened with torture, at GITMO, the other suspects had decided to save their lives, by signing the confessions. Just like Osama Bin Laden, I had become the "fall guy". Someone to "pin the blame on", should America be attacked. Yes, a very nice set up, indeed. IF America were attacked, again, I could be blamed, and executed. There would be NO trial, or appeal. Any attack, on American soil, and I would be executed. All because Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency, needed a "fall guy."

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