Monday, October 31, 2016


THE RETURN OF BLACKBEARDS GHOST (KREE KRUE VERGO GEBBA KALTO KREE) The very, mystic, words, which had summoned the ghost, of Blackbeard, the Pirate, so long ago. The question was: COULD these words aid a new generation, in time of need? Yes, even "Ishmale" had been astounded, as the ghost had departed the shore, behind the pirate inn. Through a misty type of fog, all present, that night, on the shore, had caught vague glimpses, of Blackbeards ship, and crew. Over time, the events, of that night, had turned to legend, as the story was told, and re-told. Each retelling becoming more embellished, for the thrill of the listeners. In fact, by the time the last, of the senior ladies passed away, due to age, the last, of the senior women had laughed as she heard a version, of the tale, wherein one of her compatriots had been proposed to, that evening, by Blackbeard. The story claimed that the pirate had offered the woman "immortality", if she agreed to become his bride. My, how stories do become embellished, with the passage of time. In time, the inn, itself, would be taken apart, crated up, and stored away, as a historic treasure. While there was plenty of TALK, about re-building the inn, at another location, no one could agree upon WHERE the inn should be re-built. While some claimed it would make an excellent "tourist attraction", bringing in needed dollars, to keep the community alive. Others felt that it would be stupid to build a pirate inn, in the middle of town. These people wanted the inn re-built, along the water-front. While there were some choice properties, which would have made EXCELLENT locations, for the inn, the owner, of said property, was asking more than the city could afford. This is why there was TALK, of developing some waste land, which had set, un-used, for decades. While neither developers, nor land owners, had any problem, with this, the media would report that the COST, of making the land usable, would be equal to meeting the property owners price, for available land. This is when, for some reason, the people began to wonder what would happen, if Blackbeards ghost DID return to the area. Would the pirate scare the land owners into a realistic selling price? As if by "magic", when the city council began reviewing titles, and ownership, of the area, a "document" materialized, which seemed to be a classic treasure map. At first, everyone thought it was a fake, due to the fact that a local person, and a local restaurant, had "kids meal" "treasure maps", which followed, more or less, an old legend, about Blackbeard. The legend claimed that Blackbeard not only took a wife, but that he buried some booty, near the area. Most locals just put the story down to camp-fire tales. This since, every spot, where Blackbeard may have walked, was searched, many years before. IF the booty was stored in the classic wood, and metal, chest, which pirates were known for, then metal detectors would have picked it up "ages ago". When found, by a records staffer, the "map" would be filed away, to be returned to the business, when the clerk had time. While the next couple of days presented both plenty of rain, and plenty of opportunity, every store, that the clerk visited, all denied issuing that particular map. After all, all modern maps are made of disposable, recyclable, paper. It was only after four shops noticed that the map was written on parchment, that the clerk would wonder "Who would pay CASH, for parchment, just to print a "map", on it?" When the clerk took the parchment to the local church (One of those who was in favor of re-building the inn, by water-front ), the priest would ONLY verify that the ink APPEARRED very old. That, and the parchment APPEARRED genuine. When the clerk asked "How do I find out whose property this is?" The minister would say "Give me until sunday mass. I will mention it to my members, and see if anyone has lost it." When the clerk agreed, still, they took the parchment to the university, with the question "Could this be real, or is it just an elaborate fake?" What the clerk had no idea of was what the university student would do with this find. In fact, the university student had done such a fine job, of creating a fake copy, in the hopes of luring funding to the area, that the clerk never saw the "switch" taking place. All that the clerk knew was that, when the student ran the tests, the student told the clerk "No question. You have a "re-production" there. One of many, I would presume." After the clerk departed, looking dis-appointed, the student would smile, brightly, knowing that THEY had information, which NO one had, at the time, of the original story. While the original research started out as a punishment exercise, for failing to draw proper conclusions, on a history exam, when the student was ordered to do a complete thesis, on Blackbeard, the student had decided only to START with LOCAL records. To show the teacher that the student could do QUALITY research, the student "cast thier net" far and wide, for information, on the pirate. While most, of what returned was little more than rumor/legend, some of the leads turned into promising information. One item, which the student REALLY savored, was the story, that one, of Blackbeards wives, had stolen some of the pirates hair, then had a witch make a charm, of the hair. If the witch were being truthful, then, anytime Blackbeard was in port, his wife could control his actions. Like an animal, or a child, on a leash. It may have taken the student a few months, but they managed to locate the amulet. Using "re-directed" funds, from the university, the student had paid for the amulet (with the intention of re-paying, should Blackbeards treasure be found.) Now, thanks to the historical society, the clerk, and some well-placed payments, the student had all they needed, to summon Blackbeards ghost. The spell, the map, and the amulet. The only question left was if Blackbeards spirit was in the proximity. If it were, the student could control it. If not, the student would have to re-pay the university, out of their own, limited, resources. It was as simple, as that. While the county clerk awaited word, on the document, the student would take the document, spell, and charm, to the nearest shore-line, and repeat the words. Everyday, for a month, the student repeated the process. What the student could not understand was the reason WHY the spell worked, the first time, for the coach, yet not for the student. It was not until the student realized that Blackbeard was NOT coming, that the student called out, to the water "You coward! Why dont you show yourself! You little creep!" After this, the student recited the incantation, once more, before walking away from the waters edge. The student would curse Blackbeards name, all the way back to the university. The student knew that their only choice was to return the document, claiming that they could not translate it. It would not be until the student returned to their work area, and were preparing to close up, for the night, when they would see a worker, whom they did not recognize. When the student would ask "WHO are you?" A massive hunk, of man, dressed in pirate garb, would turn, to the student, asking "Who be YE?" When the student would say "**I** work here. WHO are you?" The pirate would ask "Would thy name be Derek?" And the student would ask "Who wants to know?" The pirate would say "Ye have summoned me, yet ye not know why?" When the student would say "Mister, either get out of here, or Ill have security throw you out." The pirate would say "Oh, will thee really. Do ye want a bar-room brawl? Tis been such a long time." When Derek would say "Either identify yourself, or I am calling security." This would be when the pirate would say "Do you think the constables will be believing ye?" When Derek would ask "What are you talking about?" The pirate would say "Kree Krew, Vergo Gebbe Kalto Kree", then add "WHY did you summon Blackbeard, from my immortal rest?" When Derek would say "Impossible! Blackbeard was a fat, drunken, sot. You, sir, have your character all wrong." When Blackbeard would draw his sword, asking "Now, matey, what were ye saying?" as the pirate held the sword to Dereks neck. While Derek thought that the pirate would not see his movement, towards the push-button alarm, Blackbeard had made his career, on piracy, by noticing details. A smile even came upon his face, as Derek pushed the button, three times. When security charged into the room, Derek was surprised when the officer asked "Whats going on? A prank?" When Derek looked at Blackbeard, saying "This looney has me, at sword-point." When Derek saw Blackbeard laughing, and asked "Whats so funny?" The guards would warn Derek "You know, prank week is not for another two weeks, yet". When Derek would call out, to the guards, asking "Dont you see him?" The guards would ask "WHO?" Derek would point at Blackbeard, saying "HIM!". The guards would say "Fun is fun, but we are going back on duty. Dont buzz, again, unless there is a real problem." After the guards left the area, Derek would ask "WHY didn't they SEE you?" Blackbeard would hand Derek the spell, saying "You never, actually, READ it did you?" When Blackbeard would shove the paper, into Dereks face, saying "READ it!", Derek would do so. Derek would do so, saying "To bring the deceased into the sight, and sound, of onesself". When Derek would say "I dont understand." Blackbeard would say "Now, who is the stupid, little pip-squeek?" When Derek looked confused, Blackbeard would "lay it out", for the student. "Even with all your fancy book-learnin, you dont understand a simple spell. It means, by thunder, that ONLY YOU can see, or hear, me." When Derek would mention "There is nothing, in the story, about that." When Blackbeard would ask "What tale do ye speak of?" Derek would relate the story of the university coach, whom Blackbeard had aided, so long ago. Blackbeard would say "A fine lad, that one was. Full of spirit. Noble as any gentleman I ever knew." Only at this point, did Derek remember the amulet. When he pointed the amulet, at Blackbeard, saying "By the power of the sorcerer, Asmodi, I command thee to do my bidding." When Blackbeard reached for the pennant, Derek would say "Did you hear me? You MUST do my bidding, as long as I hold this. You cannot harm me, either." To Dereks shock, Blackbeard reached out, took the pennant, sniffed it, then said "Its Hilda's work, alright. Tell me, young sailor, where did ye come upon this?" When Derek looked like a kindergartener, first day in class, Blackbeard would repeat his question, then, remembering the funny, new, version, of English, which the coach had used, Blackbeard would ask "Where did you FIND this trinket?" When Derek would ask "What does that matter? It is supposed to make you heel." Blackbeard would say "Make me heel?! No one makes Blackbeard heel! Do ye hear me?! No one!" When Derek would say "But, I thought that track-and-field coach had you on a short leash." Blackbeard would draw his sword, while saying "Watch thy tongue, matey. Coach Walker be a fine lad, even if he did need a wee bit, of gusto. No, I sailed, by his side, because of Aldeetha's wretched curse." When Derek would say "Sure, the curse which has bound you, in limbo, for centuries." Blackbeard would say "And I thought I was out-of-date. You, matey, are even further off-course, than I was." When Derek would ask "How is that?" Blackbeard would say "Matey, Coach Walker freed me from that dreadful curse, before you were, even, born." When Derek would say "Impossible! Aldeetha's clan had very powerful magic. No way could a mortal break her spell." Blackbeard would say "Laddie, you failed to learn the entire curse, then, did you?" When Derek would ask "WHAT entire curse?" Blackbeard would say "The curse stated that I was bound, in limbo, until I undertook some measure, or repentence." When Derek would ask "So?" Blackbeard would say "MY matey, Coach Walker, aided my quest, for eternal rest. I have performed my deed, and have been at rest, ever since." When Derek would ask "If you are "free", of the curse, then WHY have you appeared?" Blackbeard would say "I come before thine eyes, to give you this warning. Foul deeds be afoot. Thine call has brought forth another spirit. A spirit which, if not shackled, will destroy this whole area." When Derek would suggest "If I can shackle YOU, with this charm, then it will work, on any other ghost, as well." That is until Blackbeard grabbed the amulet, gave it a good rub, and sniff, then announced "Matey, thy have been shanghied. Thy have given up thy booty, for a childs trinket." Derek realized that he had been taken, when Blackbeard placed the amulet in his own pocket. The very amulet, which the seller had promised would repel, and control, the spirit. When Derek produced the map, asking the ghost "What about this treasure map. Is there, really, treasure? Or, did you tell Coach Walker the truth." Blackbeard would say "There be no treasure, around these parts. No, sir. Not one dubloon." When Derek would ask "Did you, really, spend it all, in Port Royal?" Blackbeard would correct the student, saying "I said there be no treasure, around THESE parts, and I meant that. There be no treasure, HERE!" When Derek would ask "So, WHERE IS your treasure?" Blackbeard would say "Steady, matey. Before I go giving up my treasure, I will be needing to know that thy heart is true. For what purpose do you desire the treasure?" Derek would say "Are you kidding? I could pay off my student loans, buy myself a nice home, and live off the proceeds, for the rest of my life." Blackbeard would say "Then, it is not pirate treasure you be searching for." When Derek would say "Who CARES what KIND of treasure it is? Hand over the loot, and be on your way." Blackbeard would say "Oh, dear. You have forgotten what I have informed thee of." Derek would say "Forget the fancy talk, and hand over the loot." Blackbeard would howl "Abast, ye land-lubber! Foul deeds be afoot. There will be no treasure, until ye prove thyself worthy of the booty." Over the next three weeks, and even AFTER returning the "map", to the clerk, saying it was a worthless scribble, Derek would find that he was no more "free", of Blackbeard's ghost, than Coach Walker had been, after telling the ghost to "get lost", in the tale. When Derek would, finally, tell Blackbeard "Either TELL me who this spirit is, or dry up, and get LOST!" Blackbeard would, only say "Matey, it is Ye who have called the spirit forth. Twas not of my doing". Derek would ask "Fine! If I called them up, HOW do I find them?" Blackbeard would, only, say "Not so fast, there, matey. First, I want to wet my whistle. Where be the nearest watering hole?" When Derek would say "If you mean tavern, there are four, just OFF campus." When Blackbeard went to depart, Derek would ask "WHERE are you going?" Blackbeard would say "Why, to wet me whistle, matey. Why ye be askin?" Derek would ask "How can you go out, drinking, when you dont even have any money?" Blackbbard would say "Watch me, matey." With that, Blackbeard would vanish, right THROUGH a closed door. That night, Blackbeard's ghost would make his presense known, BIG time, all across town. Everything from stealing police pistols, and a motor bike, to swiping a cruiser, while officers were collecting coffee. Atleast three taverns put in reports, saying that rum, brandy, and whiskey, bottles, had "danced" out of front doors. Blackbeard even robbed two criminals, for gambling money. Gambling money, which Blackbeard then used, in a local parlor, to run up enough winnings to buy half the town with. The old pirate even remembered the old trick, of wiring the table. The old pirate never got tired of watching the board controller "light up", when they pressed the power switch, only to be shocked, by their own device. While Derek never remembered showing Blackbeard where his place was, come morning, Derek would find himself being bumped, out of bed, as Blackbeard took the bed, for a morning sleep. (Derek was left to sleep on the sofa). When Blackbeard awoke, asking "Matey, ye have somethin for a poundin head?" Derek was about to say "Stop calling me matey", when he remembered "Wait a minute. You are a ghost. HOW can you be hung over?" That was when Blackbeard would say "Ye be right, matey." This is when Derek would say "Stop calling me "matey". My name is Derek." Blackbeard would say "Right, matey." When Derek would ask "Aside from getting drunk, did you do anything else, last night?" Blackbeard would say "Me thinks I have a clue who be here." When Derek would say "Spill", Blackbeard would ask "Spill what?" Derek would ask "Tell me what you learned, last night." When Blackbeard would ask "How about some rations, first. MY belly, she be empty as a church box." Derek would say "Would you forget about food. You are a GHOST! You cannot be hungry. Now, tell me, WHAT did you leearn?" The old pirate would say "When ye were crusing the waters, of the bay, while reciting Aldeetha's curse, it seems ye woke the spirit of old Aldeetha, herself. Her spirit be roaming these parts, in search of a life." When Derek would ask "Any life, in particular, or just anyone?" Blackbeard would say "While ye be a man, of sorts, it be your curse, which brought Aldeetha back, from the dead. It be your life she will be coming for." When Derek would say "Fine. Give me her description, and I will inform Security". Blackbeard would Howl "Abast ye! Have I not informed ye that Aldeetha be in spirit form? A ghost, like me?" Derek would ask "Okay, WHAT do I do?" Blackbeard would say "We need to find us a man of honor. A man of strength, and courage. A man, like me old ship mate, Coach Walker." When Derek would remind the ghost "Man, you have been away, for a long time, haven't you." When Blackbeard would say "Matey, if thy be insulting Blackbeard, again." Derek would say "What I mean is Coach Walker retired years ago. I doubt hes even still alive." This is when BBlackbeard would wail "By thunder! This be worse than the time I was shipwrecked, and had to give up rum, for six months." When Derek would add "Would you make sense. If Aldeetha is coming, HOW do I protect myself?" Blackbeard would say "never fear, Blackbeard is here. We shall meet this evil face-to-face. Perish if we must, but we will go out as MEN! Do ye hear me. MEN!" Derek would say "Thats fine, for you. You are already, dead. She cant harm you. I, however, am ALIVE. She can kill me." Over the next two months, while Derek made the most of his time, by searching the internet, for any informatiuon, on Aldeetha Teach, Blackbeard would spend his time out in public. While Derek had no proof, that Blackbeard was involved, the fact that a record number, of bottles, of Rum, had been disappearing, was enough proof for Derek. Blackbeard had kept atleast one promise, so far. The pirate used part, of hiws winnings, to pay back the money, which Derek had taken, for his project. While Derek was busy, at the computer, Blackbeard was busy as well. The pirate showed his "code of honor", when the only people the pirate robbed, were shoplifters, drug dealers, and even a shady banker. By the time Blackbeard reported in, to Derek, the old pirate would report "I have entered the metal case (the bank vault), and I bring disturbing news. It would seem that the lender has some dubious intentions." When Derek would ask "Like what?" The old pirate would say "There be plans, in the making, for a fire. Something called a "ware-house". 27 I believe is the number." Derek would say "Impossible. That is where the Inns parts are being stored. There are armed guards, on watch. No one could start a fire, without being noticed." Blackbeard would correct the student, saying "Lad, do ye know how simple it would be, to pass by a watch-man? I did it, plenty of times, in my day." When Derek would reemind the pirate "In YOUR day, video camera's did NOT exist. Nowadays, these camera's are everywhere." When Blackbeard would ask "Video camera's? What would these things be?" Derek would explain "Video camera's reecord visual impressions, of their field of view. These images are stored for later review." When Blackbeard would ask "Where they be stored? A strong box?" Derek would say "Try a "mainframe"" When Blackbeard would ask "A frame of main? What this be my lad?" Derek would say "Not a frame, like a picture, of window frame. We have devices, called computers, and the heart, of these devices, is the mainframe." Realizing that the pirate was, hopelessly LOST, as far as computer jargon went, Derk would say "No one can approach the warehouse, without being recorded. Niether man, nor beast." It was not until Blackbeard would ask "What about spirits?", Derek had no idea of an answer. The pirate would, also, inform Derek that there was another plan, in the works. A plan, very similar to Silky Slims original plan. At some upcoming fund-raisers, designed to raise funds, for when the inn was re-built, there was a discreet agreement, in the works. In return for what would appear to be organized crime trying to thwart fund-raising efforts, a local bank was willing to back the latest expansion, of gambling, into the state. After Blackbeard made his "report", the pirate would ask "What have ye to report, matey?" Derek would inform the pirate "There is, almost, nothing, from your day, on your wife. Just her date of birth, and the date she was burned, for witchcraft. The only "leads", if you can call them that, are from some group, claiming to be a coven. They claim to have been the enemies, of Aldeetha's coven. I will be meeting, wiith them, in a couple of days." When Derek saw Blackbeard chugging a bottle of Rum, Derek would ask "Would you cut down, on the booze! If you keep this up, you will be caught, and sent to prison." When Derek watched as Blackbeard went to a mirror, and checked his features, "Derek would ask "Why are you bothering?" Blackbeard would say "Matey! I may be a ghost, but I will look proper, while on patrol." Two days later, when Derek met with a woman, who called herself a "high priestess, of the coven", the woman would provide Derek with more information, from hand-written ledgers, than the internet could consider carrying. While the records showed that Aldeetha was no "angel", the same could be said, for the pirate. In fact, from the covens point of view, the witch, and the pirate, were "made for each other." The one piece, of "positive" "news", the woman shared, was "Our coven has been tracking Aldeetha. She has noot found a host, yet, since she neeeds a person, whose heart is as DARK as her own." When Derek would ask "In this world?" The priestess would say "Aldeetha needs a soul, as black as her own." When Derek would ask "What IF she cant find a soul?" The priestess would say "In that case, her power, in the mortal realm, would be, severely, limited." As the coven predicted, Aldeetha Teach had little patience, with the world. The woman was only willing to spend three, whole, weeks, searching, for a soul, before she decided to take on her husband, even under the restrictions, of the mortal realm. The problem was that, when the battle started, Derek found himself in the middle of the action. When Aldeetha confronted Edward Teach "Blackbeard", and Derek suggested "Time out, while innocents take to the side-lines." Aldeetha hissed "NO!", in a voice, which only the three of them could hear. Whiel Blackbeard simply danced around Aldeetha's best shots, taunting her with "Missed", and "Missed again", whhen some of the shots came un-comfortably close, to Dereks hiding place, Derek reminded the pirate "You may be immortal, but I am NOT. Draw her fire, elsewhere." Derek had no idea of HOW Aldeetha knew of him, yet, when Derek called out, to Blackbeard, Aldeetha turned on Derek, saying "YOU!", in a hiss. Derek had to jump for cover, behind a large stone, as his former hiding place, a bush, went up, in flames, courtesy of Aldeetha's fire-balls. When Derek called out, from hiding "Lady, I done nothing to you. Why you trying to kill me?" Blackbeard would call out, to Derek, "Lad you DID call her forth. That be wht ye did." Even as Derek called out "That was a mistake. I only wanted you!" Aldeetha let out some kind, of animal cry, as she hurtled a fire-ball, at Derek. One which was so hot that Derek swore that the stone would melt, in time. When Derek chanced a look, at Blackbeard, Derek noticed that the pirate was, in fact, off, to the side, making gestures, trying to attract Aldeetha's attention. For some reason, however, Aldeetha was "laser-focused", on Derek. When Derek asked Aldeetha "What do you want, lady?" Aldeetha would his, like a snake, as she said "I want the vessel." When Derek would say "What vessel? I dont have any vessel." Aldeetha would hiss "The vessssel." When Derek would call out "I dont understand." Blackbeard would say "Lad she wants your BODY. If she can inhabit you, then she can "kill" me". When Derek would call out "Sir, you are, already, dead. How can she kill, you, again?" The next thing Derek knew, he felt "eyes" on his back. When he turned, slowly, for a look, he found Aldeetha Teach standing over him, her eyes burning with fury. The next thing Derek knew, his world went black. It was, now, up to the pirate, to fix what Derek had broken. Over the next two weeks, a number, of auctions, and raffles, were held, in the fund-raising attempt. Organized crime made its presense known, yet Blackbeard made his presense known, as well. Just as the old pirate had done, in Silky Slims casino, the pirate, discreetly, removed hand-guns, from shoulder holsters. As a result, when organized crime members opened coats, to scare off bidders, all that biddeers saw, under suit coats, was empty holsters. A few people said "Nice coat", but that was all. When hoods reached, for guns, they realized that they had been dis-armed. While Blackbeard performed his "victory dance", bystanders only saw what looked like siding moving about. When Blackbeard saw that some, of the hoods, were prepared to become violent, drawing out clubs, the pirate used the hoods own guns, to knock out the hoods. While Blackbeard was busy, saving the public, from the hoods, Derek was dealing with Aldeetha's spirit. One which was determined to inhabit his body, whether he was in it, or not. The blood she used, to wipe streaks on his body, made him regret having tracked the old witch, for the amulet. When Aldeetha began carving, on his body, Dereks main thought was "WHY did I conjure Blackbeard, in the first place?" Then, he remembered the answer. Derek had been certain, from his research, that the pirate had hidden away various caches, of loot/booty. Blackbeard was not so much, of a drunken sot, that he did not "hedge his bets."" The question was: Would the pirate reach the human, in time, or was Derek bound for the "Great Beyond"? While the remaining hoods, at the fund-raisers, were busy, trying to figure out who/what they were fighting, Blackbeard was konking them, one at a time. Their own guns were knocking the hoods dead out cold. The banker MIGHT have made a clean "get away", except that the coven prevented his departure. After the coven turned the banker over to the pirate, the coven set out, to deal with Aldeetha. By this time, however, Aldeetha was invoking dangerously powerful demons, in her quest to inhabit Dereks body. While Derek promised the woman, repeattedly, that her conjuring was an accident, the woman, finally, approcached her victim, whispering "Foolish mortal. Not accident. I come, when HIM invoked." After Blackbeard would finish dealing with the shocked hoods, and sent them on their way, too who-knows-where, the old pirate would just the Wiccans, in challenging Aldeetha's dark magic. While the coven admitted that they KNEW where Aldeetha was located, it would seem that Aldeetha Teach had cast a spell, around her location. A spell, so powerful, that, by comparison, her security would make White House security seem like a joke. When Blackbeard joined the Wiccans, whoo told the old pirate "You see those black masses, around the structure? Those are demon hounds. Any mortal, who tries to move close, to the building, they will shred, to bits." When Blackbeard Would ask "You say "mortals can not get near the place?" When the priestess would say "Thats right. Not even me." Blackbeard would ask "Lassie, what about immortals?" When the priestess would ask "Wht do you mean?" Blackbeard would suggest "What about a spirit. A ghost, if you will. Would the demon hounds destroy a ghost?" The Wiccans thought about this, for a long moment, before shrugging their shoulders, then the high priestess would inform Blackbeard "We are, simply, not certain." This is when Blackbeard would throw the women a smart salute, then say "Blackbeard, at your service. Brace for attack". The Wiccans, then, watched as Blackbeard marched right up, to the demon hounds, then began dazzling the beasts, with his trickery. This is when the Wiccans realized that the hounds were directed to watch for mortals. Tha hounds did not know WHAT to do, when the spirit began "playing games". What impressed thee Wiccans, however, was when Blackbeard succeeded, in diverting the hounds attention, from their duty, then lead the confused hounds AWAY from their post. The coven then used their combined powers, to breach Aldeetha's defenses. By the time the Wiccans reached Dereks bound body, Aldeetha's voice hissed, from the form, whispering "Too late. He is MINE!". Now, the Wiccans had only one option, to be certain that Aldeetha hurt no other mortal. Since the Wiccans KNEW that, once a spirit is un-leashed, from torment , that exorcisms ONLY drive the spirit fom a single hosts body (BUT that exorcism does NOT prevent the spirit from entering another body), the Wiccans KNEW what had to be done. No one was "in favor", of "plan C", but the plan had been prepared, "as a precaution". While releasing any "tether", which Derek had, to his own body, would kill the man, the Wiccans saw no alternative. One Aldeetha had complete control, over his body, she would be nearly un-stoppable. While Blackbeard had leadthe hounds on a playful romp (even as the hounds wondered WHO they were pursuing), Blackbeard saw the blue tint, in the distance, then felt the ripple, in the air. At that moment, Blackbeard knew that he had lost another mate. Just moments later, the hounds dis-engaged, from their attack, walked away, and dissolved, into the night. When Blackbeard met up, with the Wiccans, all that the high priestess would say was "I am sorry." Later, and after Dereks body was laid to rest, Blackbeard would visit a community gathering, where the town council was trying to explain, to the public "Until the former economy returns, we need this revenue. Gambling is NOT my favorite activity, either, however, if I must shake hands, with the Devil, to do the Lords work, then so be it." When arguments went up, including "If you can find money, for gambling, then WHY cant you find money, to restore the inn?" The town council would explain "Currently, there are NO funds, for restoration, or remodelling. The only funds, currently available, are for gambling." While the town council was trying to make people understand that, in the current economy, gambling was the only alternative, locals were shocked, when a set, of blueprints, and notes, "floated" into the area, and spread out, wide, in front of the audience. When the public realized that the town council had turned away nearly $25 million, in restoration funds, on favor of the hundreds, of millions, for a gambling casino, no one found it surprising that the town council resigned. To the point of view, of Blackbeard, and the coven, while Dereks loss was tragic, it was accepted. This, because Derek had "messed with forces", which only trained Wiccans should deal with. While Derek had intended to blackmail the pirate, into turning over his treasure, Blackbeard had decide that the boy was not all "bad". Just mis-guided. As a rewsult, Blackbeard would make an anonymous donation, to the restoration fund. Blackbeard would, then hand over ALL of Dereks materials, to the Wiccans, saying "I believe you lassies are best equipped to know how to handle such matters." With a bow, and a salute, the old pirate would, once again, reutrn to his grave, in the sea.

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