Saturday, October 29, 2016


SHARON, DAN, AND I It would seem that Sharon came to me, as a sort of "last ditch" attempt, to convince her boyfriend to "get healthy". Sharon was referred to me, by a mutual friend. A woman who was just as impressed, with my physical condition, as she was deterred by my "light" voice. A voice, the woman warned Sharon "MUST belong to a homo. No REAL man has such a high voice." To Sharon, however, my sexuality did not matter. Atleast not at first. Sharons first priority was making her boyfriend understand what he was doing to his body. While the man was, only, five years beyond high school, his once-firm body had gone soft, just as his belly was "on the spread". While Dan would insist that this was just "middle age spread", Sharon would remind Dan that he was nowhere near middle-age. This is why Sharon came to me. When Sharon came to me, she admitted that one, of her main reasons, for approaching me, was because she remembered the days, when Dan was an atlete, in school. The days when Dan could have sex, with Sharon, five times, yet barely break a sweat. He had been light, on his feet, agile, and as mobile, as any animal. More recently, however, Sharon was noticing how Dan was "sweating up a storm", just trying to give Sharon a single time. Sharon even admitted that, the last time she had sex, with Dan, SHE had taken the top position. Sharon had hoped that this would give Dan more endurance. Problem was, even this did not help. When Sharon looked at me, she would find herself whispering "I wonder", before even asking me to meet with Dan. According to Sharon "Dan has decided that, since most, of the men, who he knows, are in the same shape, that he is in, that Dan thinks that this is "good health" This is why I want you to meet him. I want Dan to see how a man CAN look." Ofcourse, when Sharon presented me, to Dan, saying "If he can look this good, at his age, then why cant you?" (To be polite, at this point, I will not use Dans profanity, and profane responses) In short, however, Dan told Sharon that, if she thought I was "better", than him, Sharon should try having sex, with me. Dan, then made a "joke" claiming that, IF I could "get it up", that I would not last long. In order to teach Dan a lesson, Sharon took up Dans challenge, asking me "Are you game?" When I responded "In private", Sharon smiled as she said "Ofcourse". What Sharon did NOT expect was that, between kissing, and other, seduction, techniques, by the time I entered her body, her, natural scent was like a fragrance, filling the rooom. I did notice that, the more I attended her breasts, and her womanhood, the more, and passionately, that Sharon moaned. After awhile, though, Sharon called a "break", saying I needed to re-fuel. After an ashamedly large "snack", Sharon, then, found herself enjoying giving, and receiving "oral". If Sharons tale was believable, she claimed that Dan was so profane, during every kind of sex, that her favorite time was when he was finished. When I asked Sharon "Why do you stay with him?" Sharon would say "Even a bad lover is better than starting out, from scratch." For reasons I will, never, understand, not only did Sharon have me escort her, to Dans house, on her next visit, hoowever, I was amazed at how much DETAIL Sharon Provided Dan with, regarding our love-making. (This, even when he did not WANT to listen. Sharon told him anyway) When Sharon finished her "discussion", I was amazed when Dan decided that he would be "Back, in shape", within a single month. (Even I doubted thii, based upon how LONG it had taken ME, to get back into shape.) While Dan just wanted to set a weight-loss goal, Sharon told him "Thats not enough. You have to become atleast as toned as HE (I) is". When Dan asked Sharon for "some", as a "down payment", on his gooal, Sharon told Dan "Until you are back in the shape you were in, back in high school, I am HIS (mine)". Sharon had resorted to all of this only after she had accompanied Dan, to doctors appointments, and listened as his doctors told Dan that NO intimate activity was safe, in his current condition. Would Dan listen to the doctors? What neither Sharon, nor myself, could believe was how Dan had waited, until his weight reached 390 pounds, before deciding to go on a "crash diet". What Sharon, also, could not believe, was how, once she and I became lovers, Sharon realized just how much more EFFORT I applied, to my exercises, than even Sharon did. In fact, it was not until Sharon went, more aggressively, into her own exercise program, that she realized just how far OUT of shape she was. Now, ofcourse, I do NOT mean that Sharon was "flabby", or even "fat". Not when her own diet was as healthy as my own. No, Sharon was shapely, and beautiful. She just was not in "high school" coondition, any more. That is, not until Sharon and I decided to combine our daily exercise routines. While Dan was sitting back, eating his snack foods, drinking beer, and watching his stomach sag, Sharon and I found our "endurance" increasing, as she exercised her way back into the beautiful body she had, in high school. At the same time, I was working, even more powerfully, to return to the condition my body had been in, thirty years before. Between exercise, grilled meats, and plenty of HUGE salads, Sharon found that, for the first time, in years, she could fit into her high school clothes. This, while I would find that my belly retreated, enough, that my "bulge" was, barely, there. Another benefit, of our returning to fitness was that we could kiss, even while I carried her about a room. In Dans case, however, it would seem that he did not "see the light", until after his legs gave out, and he went into a wheel chair. Still, Dan was willing to argue that it was "not so bad", seeing as how many other men, of his same age group, were wheel chair bound, as well. In a last ditch effort, to aid Dan, Sharon had me take her into my arms, for a deep kiss. Sharon hoped that, between the kiss, and his wheel chair, Dan would, finally, "clue in". While some people told Sharon and I that we had, allegedly, move into "advanced" health maintenance, in order to remain fit, Dan insisted upon embarking on a level, of fitness training, normally reserved for body builders. All because Sharon had shown him our kiss. Well, Dans doctors warnned him, that this could be dangerous, but did Dan listen? Sure, Dan lost over 100 pounds, in just over one month, but, as my own doctor had, once, warned me "Rapid weight LOSS is just as deadly as rapid weight GAIN." While Dan did survive his heart attack, his doctors had Dan committed to "controlled care", to avoid overdoing, again. As for Sharon, what concerned her, once Sharon returned to being "high school" fit, was when she realized that her friends had lost their fitness, as well. Some of these women actually thought that "exercises", such as child crae, were enough to retain figures. When the ladies saw Sharons renewed fitness level, the women started a "pool". The wager was that, within a years time, the friends could get just as fit, as Sharon was. (The condition, for Sharon, to win the pool, was that Sharon was required to remain fit). For some reason, though, when her friends saw how beautiful, and fit, Sharon became, over that next year, the women cried "foul!". Their excuse: All Sharon had to think about was me. Sharon did not have to DIVIDE her time, between nursing, dirty diapers, and so on. All the same, Sharon became so magnificent, of body, that some people claimed Sharon seemed like "high school, re-invented". As for me, while it took much LONGER, than expected, I did, eventually, get rid of my belly, and return to being in shape. While I did shave, and let my hair grow, a bit (at Sharons request), people actually began to believe that Sharon and I were an actual couple. Maybe, one thing, which contributed, to this, was that Sharon had memorized my eating, sleeping, and drug-use habits. Maybe this was why people began to wonder about us. Sharons only real "complaint" was that, due to my affections, she was, nowadays, wearing maternity bra's. Funny thing was, however, the day she switched, she threw a bra, at me, saying "YOU did this, to me." When I looked at the bra, and Sharon said "That right!", I asked her "Do you want me to stop loving you?" Sharon came up to me, embraced me, then whispered, softly "If you do, I will cut it off." As far as Sharons friends were concerned, I think they "suspected" Sharon and I were a couple. This, mostly because, when people are single, they are, always, "on the prowl". When Sharon decided to join a group, which was more focused on events, schedules, and so forth, her friends decided that, if Sharon was not interested in "prowling", then she was "taken". Sharon would inform me that the BEST part, of this, was that, while her friends believed that Sharon was "taken", her friends told the "one nighters", and these men ceased to bother Sharon, asking for sex. Then, from what Sharon reported, to me, she heard that the "controlled environment" placed Dan into isolation, since his weight loss plan was turning him into an "enraged bear". While Dan did, eventually, make it back, to 175 pounds, before his release, from care, his doctors noted "We agree that we give Dan six, to twelve, months, before his weight exceeds 350 pounds, again." By the time Dan was released, from care, Sharon was so accustomed, to my gentle affection that, when Dan, profanely, ordered Sharon to give him what he wanted, Sharon just smiled, and walked away. After three dozen, other, women, turned Dan down, for his profane advances, Dan did exactly what Sharon, and his doctors, predicted that Dan would do. Dan "consoled" himself with plenty of booze, and snack foods. When Sharon asked me, perhaps for the seventieth time, "How can I help him?" (Sharon still held onto that vision, of Dan, as the hard-bodied, high school, athlete). When I informed her "It must be HIS decision.", Sharon playfully slapped me, saying "I thought you loved me." While Sharon debated how to encourage Dan to return to the healthy path, she thought about, then decided not, to ask her own mothers advice. Sharon was annoyed, at both her mother, and her family, over the groups prejudices, over Sharons choice, of dating partners. Even while in high school, Sharons family had said nothing, about her dates. (In a family, like Sharons, being silent was a very BAD sign.) When Sharon decided to date Dan, all her familly would say was "Its YOUR life." What really annoyed Sharon, however, was when, as a joke, Sharon had taken me before her family, in order to show that she could "diversify". Problem was, when Sharon presented me, to her family, the families questions, changed from "Is he REALLY the best choice?", and became "When are the two of you going to start a family?" After Sharon overheard her mother, and her sisters, telling me what a "catchh" Sharon was, I accepted Sharons suggestion, that I not attend any further, family, functions. While Sharon also learned to live with the fact that, being "my woman" meant that Sharon, too, was "widowed", at times, Sharon was proud of my ambition, of being an author. Besides, being "widowed", to an author, was much more interesting than being "widowed", for sports seasons. While sports enthusiasts turned away spouses, during "big games", Sharon culd "pull me away", from the computer, any time. All it took was a kiss. While Sharon and I, eventually, made it into "competition shape", when Sharon asked my plans, I reminded her "This is for you and me. Not for the world." (Sharon agreed that it felt great, being back in shape.) Sharons main concern remained over the fact that, once women began turnning down Dans profanity, he had piled the weight back on. When Dan reached 400 pounds, and his heart gave out, Sharon expressed her concern, to her mother. Sharons concern was that, while Dan had been her "boyfriend", his death just left her feeling numb, un-caring. To Sharon, it was as if a stranger had passed away. To ease her daughters guilt, mom suggested that, eventually, even I would pass away. Still, Sharon could not shake what she had seen, at Dan's funeral. Since Dan had done nothing, with his adult life, the presideing minister spoke, of Dans childhood, and high school years. Sharon would note that Dans grave had no head stone, since there were no funds available, for such things. I would "comfort" Sharon, after Dans death, reminding her that SHE, still, had so much potential. I just never realized how LONG I would be "comforting" her for. How was I to know it would be YEARS?

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