Thursday, October 27, 2016


THE TRAPS Boy! Were Stanley and Warren, real "class acts". I should have known something was suspicious, when BOTH men offered me seperate weekends, with their girlfriends. I should note that neither the ivory Sharon, nor the ebony Heather, said anything, either. The men knew, of my interest, in their women, since I had tried to "make nice", with the women, from time to time. This is how the men decided to try and frame me. I must admit that Sharon really had me fooled, going first, and spending a whole weekend making me think that there was something "real" between us. I "knew" that I should have been suspicious, when the normally-distant Sharon, suddenly wanted to cuddle up, and make "nice", with me. To say I was surprised, by Sharons offer, of a full weekend, of her love, would be an understatement. For three, fantastic, days, I hoped that Sharons moans, and smiles, were in appreciation for what I was giving her. Come monday, though, Sharon seemed almost sad, as she whispered "funs over". What baffled me was how, the following weekend, Heather acted in the same way. While I pondered the sudden changes, in behavior, I considered myself lucky, that both women were "safe", since both they, and their friends, used prescription birth conrtol. What surprised each woman, when she told me she was pregnant, was when I questioned them, about their boyfriends, yet all the women would say was "I KNOW its yours." Shortly after these proclamations, Stanley, and Warren, came to me, claiming "You knocked up my woman. You will PAY, big time." They actually thought they could scare me into admitting guilt. Neither man seemed to know what I was talking about, when I mentioned "Just wait until the kids are born. Then we will find out WHO the fathers are." For most, of the next nine months, Sharon, and Heather, seemed to avoid me, as much as possible, while Stanley and Warren, threatened to "expose" me. To the dis-belief, of all four of them, I presented a sample, of my D.N.A., for analysis, while Stanley and Warren, openly objected to the idea, of being tested. It was when the women went into labor, and I refused to sign the papers, admitting paternity, that Stanley and Warren realized that extortion, and blackmail, having failed, that both men broke their probation, by crossing state lines, then "vanishing". By the time the children's D.N.A. was analyzed, and compared with mine, the women admitted their part, in the trap. Both admitted being pregnant, BEFORE our time together. It seems that both had hoped I would be a gentleman, and accept paternity. When they realized that I would not "play father", to their children, both Sharon and Heather released newborns, to child welfare. Both women then slapped me, saying "This is ALL YOUR fault." (Why that was, I have no idea.) What I DO admit to is "using" a friend, just to verify that both, of the female children, HAD gone out, to homes, in order to be adopted. Still, it would be MONTHS before first Heather, then Sharon, returned to being my friends. This, after each one agreed that our "weekends" had been wonderful, and that monday sadness had been that, after I had loved them, that they were prepared to complete the deal, and frame me, for paternity. As for Stanley, and Warren, not only did the blackmail fail, but the two ended up robbing banks, to cover expenses, as well as to finance new identities. Sharon "confirmed" this, when surveillance video captured "likenesses", of both men. When Sharon wanted to see what an adoptive home was like, I arranged for us to visit four, seperate, homes. While none of these was "perfect", Sharon did admit that neither of these homes was any worse than her "real" home, either. While Sharon HOPED for the best, for her daughter, Heather did her best, to wipe her child from her memories. As a result, only the memory, of the pain, would follow Heather around. Sharon had another problem, to deal with. While Sharon changed her address, seven times, over the years, somehow, Warren kept locating her. While it was, never, anything more than a brief note, saying "I KNOW where you are", to me, the notes were funny, especially since Warren had multiple arrest warants pending. Each time a letter arrived, I turned it over to the police. Stanley ws much more cruel, to Heather. Stanley continually sent pictures, of a growing family, along with the message "Look what you are missing". When I asked Heathers permission, to investigate, I found out information, such as the fact of the panel number, which portrayed the front of the house. I, also, located the portfolio's, of the models, seen in the pictures. I, even, paid the photographer to replace Stanley, with myself, in duplicate pictures. When I presented this information to a grieving Heather, and she asked "Why?" I suggested "I suspect that Stanley wants to cause you pain. If he is not happy "on the run", then he doesn't want you to be happy, either." As time passsed, Sharon secure a job, as an office worker, even as Heather enlisted my assistance, in "pounding out the details", of her friends "money laundering" scheme. In fact, though, my only, real, contribution, to the plan, was to take the plan to the next level. Drawing out the details, then leaving him to handle matters. As the man told me "I have access, to thousands of dollar bills. All I need to know is HOW a successful person would change a $1.00 bill, into a $500.00" After I explained what I knew, of the process, and how past counterfeiters had gone wrong, it seems I shocked "vending machine man", when I shook his hand, wished him good luck, then kissed Heather. I did not take part in the actual process, since I wanted to make certian that, IF the plan "blew up", my "attachment" would be so minimal that, even IF arrested, I would receive, at most, probation. Maybe two months later, Heather brought me a box, of money and she smiled as she said "Your share". I only asked "No problems?" Heather would smile as she said "Not so long as everyone keeps their cool." The ONLY reason why "vending machine guy" got caught was because he went around, "spraying" money, on expensive purchases, and gambling. In my opinion, the man might as well have worn a sign, saying "counterfeitter". His actions were in complete opposition to my instructions, which were that any spending be conservative. My example had been: "If you can ONLY afford Ford, or Chevy, DONT buy a Rolls-Royce." When "vending machine" ignored my advice, and went on a spending spree, it was no time, at all, before he was nailed. Funny thing is, he was NOT arrested, for counterfeitting. He was arrested on suspicion of bank robbery. Nothing could be tied, to Heather, or I, since I made a point of having us wear gloves, whenever possible. Heather would inform me, later, that, while out of jail, on bond, and awaiting trial, "vending machine guy" was found, floating, face down, in a river. As for my share, of the profits, I used just a small part, to pay a web-page designer, to build me a web-site, then I just put the rest aside, for a "rainy day". Due to Stanleys stalking, I could understand why Heather paid out a large sum, of her share, of the take, in order to "vanish". From then on, it would be impossible, for Stanley to track her. Funny thing was, Stanley also knew where I was, and the idiot tried to threaten me, with "exposure", more than once. What Stanley just could not understand was that I had NOTHING for him to threaten. No wife. No Children. NOTHING. As for Sharon, the ONLY reason why I assisted her, out of a problem, was because Sharon used the old "You loved me, once. Could you love me, again?" line. In short summary, while performing an illegal search, to find out how her daughter was doing, Sharon got caught. Worse yet, she got caught by her own, former, probation officer. The "price", of her freedom, and the P.O.'s silence, was $100,000.00, in cash. Sharon KNEW I had the money, since my web-site was generating millions, in sales. This is why Sharon made me an offer. If I paid for her freedom, I could have all of her, that I wanted, until the "bill", was "paid". While I paid the $100,000, to the parole officer, I added another $30,000, to the due amount. This time, for a more discreet search. THIS search verified that Sharons daughter was growing into a fine, young, woman. Her grades put Sharons to shame, and the girl was the athlete, which Sharon only dreamed of becoming. Sharon DID blame herself, for the girl being born addicted to Marijuana. Even worse, it seems that the girl had some kind of rare, genetic, need for the drug. This is why the girl had been prscribed "medical Marijuana", until her addiction could be broken. When I performed some research, of my own, I located medical records, which stated that children, born of addicted parents, were, too often, either BORN addicted, or grew into addiction. This, my research showed, happened far more frequently than is reported. In the case, of Sharons daughter, the child had been taken in by a loving, and supportive, family. A family who stood by the girl. It would seem, however, that, once Sharon found out that her daughter was an addict, by birth, that this knowledge pushed Sharon into visiting a crack house, where she could wallow in drugs, and booze, while whimpering that her daughter had been born an addict, because of Sharons actions, of years ago. When I dragged Sharon out of the crack-house, then dunked her head, repeatedly, until she said "enough. Whats your point?" This is when I dragged Sharon, before a mirror, asking "Is this REALLY how you want your child to remember you?" When Sharon would cry "She doesn't even know I exist. What is to remember?" This is when I forced Sharon to sober up enough, to review some web-sites. While court records MIGHT be "sealed", thanks to computers, and hackers, some, adopted children had found parents. The drawback, to this, was that, in a majority of cases, the only thing the young wanted to know was "Why?", "Why did you give me up?" "Was I that bad?" While Heathers daughter would end up making the exact same mistakes, as Heather made, including gangs, drugs, and so on, Heather had been wondering what she could do, for the girl, when, as if by miracle, the girl became one, of about 100, chosen for placement, at Father Flanagans Boys (and Girls) Town. Heather just hoped that this would mean that her daughter would have a better life, at Boys (and Girls) Town. By the time Sharons daughter found Sharon, through one of those "Who's your mama?" web-sites, Sharon had spent weeks practicing her apologies. Trying to sound sincere, yet honest. I dont know why, but, when mother and daughter, looked upon one another, I did not need telepathy to read their emotions. Their thoughts were "written" all over their faces. Sharon looked like a child, whose parents had taken away her bicycle, as a punishment. The young woman, named Angela, was as full of questions, as any child would be. I just dont know whether to be greatful, or not, when Angela informed me "I KNOW you are NOT my father. SHE, however, WAS my "mother"." While even I could see the deadly venom, in Angela's eyes, Angela's voice was deadly quiet, as she informed Sharon "MY REAL parents made me promise, years ago, to forgive you. Well, you may have given birth to me, but you were, NEVER there, for me. My REAL mother was. I only agreed to this meeting, to let you know what you will, NEVER, have." When I asked Angela "About the man, who created you..." Angela would say "...found him before I found her. That creep has enough warrants, for his arrest, to cover his next two, lifetimes." When I asked Angela "Are your parents treating you well?" Agnela would smile as she said "They have been great. Encouraged me, all through school. Helped me become a woman. Cared for me, during my first heart-break." Angela then cast Sharon a deadly look, as Angela said "All you gave me was an addiction. One I dont know if I will, ever, out-grow. You missed it all. As far as I am concerned, you DIED the day I was born." After Angela turned, and walked away, another, older, woman, approached Sharon and I, saying "I want you to know that I TRIED, my best, to discourage Angela from finding you. She must get that determination, from you." When Sharon whispered "I missed it all." The woman would, simply, say "Yes. But, I DO thank you, for that. Thanks to your giving her up, at birth, **I** was allowed to ENJOY it all. My daughter may be addicted to a drug, but our FAMILY will take care of her, just as we, always, have." After the woman turned, and departed, with her daughter, Sharon would reflect on all she had missed. Nursing, first steps/words, so very much. When Sharon came out of her reflections, she would say "I gave her the best chance, and she made the most of it. What more could I ask?" While a search, of records, did verify that, at times, Angela DID suffer seizures, which were normal, for addicts, it was, also, true that her family stood by the girl. Since the seizures were listed as "genetic", no charges were, ever, even considered. Sharon stayed around (deep in the shadows), as Angela graduated high school, and celebrated, with friends and family. Sharons only concern was the fact that, thanks to her own abuse, of Marijuana, her daughter would have to wear a medical alert tag, maybe for YEARS to come. Sure, Angela's family might be strict, on some matters, but once Sharon knew that Angela was in these good hands, this is when Sharon did something, which I, never, expected. It would seem that Sharon found a stash, of some of the counterfeitted money, and paid to change her identity, to th point where even I could not find her. While I did hear rumors, that Sharon ended her life, living in a whore-house, the rumor, which I hoped was true, would be the one, where it was claimed that, once over the border, into Mexico, Sharon had used the last, of the money, bought enough drugs, to overdose with, ten times over, and that her body was recoverred, from a river, maybe two weeks later. The reason why I preferred the drug overdose story was because it meant that Sharon had met a quick end. As for Angela, once high school was behind her, the young woman took what SHOULD have been one of the most gut-wrenching tasks, of young adulthood (choosing a college, to attend), and turned it into a family game. Still, before Angela departed, for college, she snuggled up to her mother, whispering "I hope I can make you, and dad, proud." Her mother would, only say "We ARE proud." I cant, really, say, for certain, what happened, to Heather, either, since, once her daughter was in the churches care, Heather "dropped off the radar", as well. The women wiped out their lives, to the point where it was like neither had existed. As for me, I just went on, to build my web-business, and take my profits. I DID replace the money, from the counterfeitting, that I used, for my business, then I, never, touched that money, again. I didn't have to. My web-site generated enough, CASH, income, to make both my monthly benefits, and the "other" money, look like less than "pocket-money". I did have to wonder, though. After the MONTH Sharon spent "re-paying" me, for buying her way out of trouble, I did wonder how OUR children MIGHT have turned out. Then I remembered what a pure terror I was, as a child. No way would I wish that on ANY woman. As for the Parole Officer, it seems that, after blackmailing Sharon, and several other former, and current, parolies, the Parole Officer was captured, in a sting operation. In short summary, the feds created a criminal record, for an agent, then sent the woman out, for parole. When the Parole Officer gave the woman his "terms", for successful parole, the feds arrested the man. As for Stanley, and Warren, I really dont know more than rumors. Some say the men lived out their years, on the run, while others say that the men died, either of drug overdoses, or from gun-fire. Personally, I could not care, less. I would say that the only, remaining, question was "How would the girls turn out?" The problem is that this would be a whole, nother, story.

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