Saturday, October 29, 2016


TRUE FRIENDSHIP I would say that Sharon and I had one of the TRUEST friendships, which a man and woman can have. While Sharon had "bluffed" her way, through high school, with only a second grade reading level, atleast one, caring, teacher, had warned Sharon "You cant bluff your way through life. Eventually, LIFE will catch up, with you." Sure, Sharon had graduated under "No Child Left Behind", but Sharon was living proof of what a BLUNDER that program was. Classes, way too large, and so much content, that teachers just never had time to take questions. In short, under "No Child", teachers were required to "cram" as much as three class periods worth of work, into a single class period. What "No Child" would, ever, admit, was just how many students were failing, since information was being "shovelled" at the students, in a break neck pace. This is why, like many, of her class-mates, Sharon just bluffed, and guessed, her way, to graduation. Sharon even remembered how a few, of her classmates, marched out of school, in protest over the fact that, when teachers were supposed to be teaching students how to complete job applications, that the instruction went so fast that only the top one percent could understand the lessons. As a result, of "No Child", and "Race to the Top", many students left school understanding less than ten percent of what they needed, to survive, on their own. In the end, students, such as Sharon, were left to apply for Disability, since they could not find an education program, which progressed at THEIR rate of study. Still, for awhile, after school, Sharon had thought life was good. She had her monthly benefits check, and kept her bills paid. Sharon DID, however, wonder what life was like, beyond her small apartment. Then, there was me. One might say that I was "self-taught", since I came out of a school system where, even before "No Child", teachers raced, to fill chalkboards, with information. Once the board was filled, and for just one half second, the teachers would turn to the class asking "Any questions?" Before returning to writing on the board. By the time students caught up, to the teacher, and began submitting questions, the teachers favorite response was "We have moved PAST that point. You should have asked, before." "Natural intellect" was how I made it through adult education, and into the world. As to how Sharon and I met, that was as simple as A,B,C. From what **I** was told, Sharons "boyfriend" was charging her "excessive" amounts, of sex, for even the most minor, of tasks. Sharon was not only "paying" him for everything from "reading" her mail, to "coaching" her, on various purchases. While Sharon, openly, admitted that she was no "angel", smoking reefer, often, and drinking her share of beer, what she had declined to do, for YEARS, was to use I.V. style drugs. Thanks to her past few "boyfriends" gambling habits, Sharon had become a real "regular", at local food pantries, as well as asking charities for rent/utility money. This because, the men Sharon thought she SHOULD date, turned out to be not only boozers, themselves, but most were high-stakes gamblers. Because the men were "well-endowed", though, Sharon was willing to put up with a LOT. This included the times when the men would say "If you love me, you will give me the money". The first time I became involved, with Sharon, was the time when some group was calling her into collections court. She just did not know why. When Sharon noticed that I was reading, and "translating" some mail, for a friend, of hers, Sharon asked me about HER own mail. While some, of her mail, was just the usual, junk, mail, instead of just tossing it aside, I told Sharon was each piece was. When I came to one piece, of mail, and Sharon suggested "That looks important", I opened it, knowing what it was. Sure enough, the contents, of the envelope, which bore a fake, federal, seal, were nothing more than an offer, for satellite television. It was only the last envelope, which Sharon did not understand. The letter was from a payday loan place, and it suggested that a loan was 90-days past due. When I whispered, to Sharon "Do you know this place?" I knew what her answer would be. This, because the loan place was the most well-known, and longest operating, in the city. And, no, I did not mind, at all, when she whispered "Baby, I know this place, and, while some of its staff are my friends, I never took out a loan." When I teased her, a bit, by snuggling up, to her, and asking "Did you co-sign someone elses loan?" Sharon gave me a light kiss, as she said "Ofcourse, not." Then she looked thoughtful, as she whispered "I remember that HE did bring me some papers to sign. I didn't understand them, but he had me sign them anyway." When I asked "Did he leave you a copy?" Sharon would say "The only time, when I saw the papers, was when I signed them. I thought they were just the I.D. papers, which he said he needed, for something." When I escorted Sharon to the payday loan place, and asked to see the paper-work, which she had signed, it took Sharon all of five seconds to realize that the signature was NOT hers. Naturally, staff wanted to verify her denial, so a comparison was fed through a machine, and the results were, surprisingly FAST. In under two minutes, the machine read out "Probability of match: 50%" Naturally, the loan places next question was "Do you know where we can find him?" Sharon knew, as did others, that most, of her past men, never stayed in one place, much beyond sixty days. In fact, more than once, Sharon had footed some of the mens bills, while the men moved from place to place. The men did not CARE how often they moved, until they would find their "dream homes". Until that time, the men told Sharon "If you love me..." Currently, not even Sharon had HIS address, since he was in transitional housing, while the latest "deal" was being made, for his housing. Yes, HE did have a LARGE number, of previous places, as well as a habit of being evicted. The man was DETERMINED not to pay rent, for a place, which did not suit him. No one was, really, sure, of how many times HE had been evicted, and from how many places. All Sharon knew was that the man had lived just about everywhere, in town, over the years. When Sharon and I departed the payday loan place (after the manager had warned that, if the man tried, for another loan, he would be arrested) Sharon told me "I hope you understand that I DID tell them the truth. I wont know where he is, until the next time he wants sex." As part of my "payment", for escorting Sharon to the payday loan place, Sharon decided that some deep, french, kisses, and a bit, of "oral", was enough to cover that. In return for my escorting her, to the loan place, Sharon let me SAVOR her beautiful breasts. While she had offered me just thirty minutes, it seems that she enjoyed my attention. No doubt, this was why she allowed me two HOURS. By the end of the month, however, we came to the time, when Sharon said she hated. That last week, of the month, where her body practically cried out "I want a MAN!". While Sharon did the best, that she could, to pleasure herself, she would tell me "For some reason, its worse, this month." While she turned down my offer, saying "We dont know each other, well enough, yet." I DID notice that, when she could not seem to satisfy herself, she did not complain when I inserted into her body. In fact, all she did was whisper "bastard", then she kissed me, and had a powerful climax. We, then, intentionally, had sex, multiple times, since she wanted to see if I was a "one shot". What she hated most, was afterwards, when her body felt satisfied, while she snuggled up, to me. Later, while I wont repeat the words, which her "boyfriend" used, when, on payday, he came to her, for both sex, and cash, It was, basically, nothing more than "Hand over the cash, and strip.". When Sharon reminded him "I have company." He said something about "He can watch, if he wants to, but I want what I want." And, talk about FAST. I would swear, on a Bible, that he was finished before I would even get started. It seems, however, that, this time, he left even sooner than usual. This because not only would Sharon NOT give him her money, but she followed my directions, about not signing anything, which she did NOT understand. While Sharon sounded like she was kidding, when she said "Im all YOURS, for the month." What I did not dare hope was that she MEANT it. It seems, however, that Sharon DID mean it. Once HE was off, trying to find drinking, and booze, money, elsewhere, Sharon asked ME to aid her with her finances. This, ofcourse, after she bought herself a case, of mini-kegs, and a couple bags of reefer. While, that following thursday, Sharon asked me my weekend plans, and she smiled when I suggested "Other than loving you, I have no plans", Sharon had hoped for a better weekend, than she had, in years. On friday, when I saw she had some of that "Spanish Fly", stuff out, and asked her why, all Sharon would say was "I want you to want me ALL weekend long." When I kissed her, saying "Not a problem." She told me, softly "It had better not be.", even as she put the bottle away. While I spent the weekend making her feel more like a woman, then she had felt, in a while, Sharon did notice something "different", about that weekend. Specifically, she did not wake up, hung over, and sick at her stomach. In fact, while I rested, she found herself gazing at a beautiful sun-rise. Sharon, also, noticed that she wasn't sick at her stomach, and "studying" the inside of her toilet. Sharon spent part, of that weekend, watching families play, and couples enjoying themselves. By monday morning, when we shared a "until later" kiss, Sharon would tell me "I hope you are this good, all of the time." And, just as Sharon predicted, after HE blew his money, on long-shot bets, HE ended up spending the month inside a homeless shelter, even as social services worked on finding him another place to live. The number, of places, willing to take a boozer, and gambler, with a LONG record, of evictions, was growing smaller, by the day. Atleast, for HIM, it was. The following week, Sharon snuggled up, to me, as she whispered "I wonder if he will end up like Ray, and Frank?" When I asked, Sharon snuggled, closer, then whispered "Ray, and Frank, had so many places, in town, that NO one would rent, to them, anylonger. Their payee's had to send them OUT of town, to find them a place to live." That friday, as Sharon lit a reefer, and opened a beer, I asked her if I were that un-interesting? When she said "Ofcourse not. I just like having an occassional buzz." This is when I offered Sharon a deal. "All that I ask is that you not drink beer, when I am around. When I am not around, you can drink all that you want." When Sharon asked "What about the reefer?" I whispered "Reefer is fine, as long as you dont overdo." When Sharon would say "You sound like my mother" I reminded her "I only ask that you not be drunk, when I am around." When Sharon put the beer down, then kissed me, saying "Ill think about it", I kissed her, whispering "Thats ALL I ask." Several hours, of passion, later, and Sharon saw me out. Since she could not decide, on her own, Sharon decided to consult her mother. Sharon was just surprised when, at her mothers place, the elder woman just kept asking Sharon "WHAT is more important to you? Your man, OR your vices?" When Sharon insisted "Yes, I THINK I love him, but I am NOT giving up my fun, for him." This is when mother spelled it out "Based upon what you have told me, it does not sound like he is ordering you to give up anything. All he is doing is asking you NOT to be drunk, when he is with you." Without thinking, Sharon would ask "What if he needs me, on short notice? What if he wants me, on a day, when we have not scheduled anything ? How can I know when it is safe, to get plastered?" When her mother would say "If THAT is your concern, then, girl, you are in, and in, DEEP." When Sharon would say "Very funny. I wanted your help. I wanted to know what I should put, first, in my life." All her mother would say was "Child, follow your heart." What Sharon did not realize, for a while, was what happened, next. Without knowing it, Sharon cut back, from up to twelve bottles, of booze, during mall-meets, with her friends, to just one beer (just to be sociable.) Sharon them cut back, on her reefer, since she enjoyed being sober, around me. She did so partly because she wanted to FEEL my presence, even more, and the fact that I was asking her to review my stories, before I posted them. And, yes, this is something else which made me different from her exes. While three, of her exes, all promised only to gamble to the point, where they won a life-time supply, of money, then they would stop all gambling, another, of her exes, was a real "winner". The man came out of high school, with a "big dream", of becoming a race car driver. He, and some friends, even pooled money, to buy an old "junker", from a salvage yard. The women, including Sharon, then watched as the men shined the car up, and sent out for price quotes. When the price quotes came back, the men broke out a case of beer, and some bags of snacks. The question the men were pondering, was "HOW do we afford these parts?" When one man suggested "Our booze, and snack, money?" the others said "Not a chance." When the men began discussing bank robbery, as a source of income, the women withdrew, to a safe distance. What the women did not hear/know, they could not be charged with. Soon after this, three, of the racing "partners" were arrested, after shooting up a convenience store, to break into a cash register. Two others had a more "sane" idea, of home burglary. What made the idea "sane" was that the burglars would wait until victims were not at home, to rob the places. Since Sharons "boyfriend" was a two-time loser, he had to be much more careful. He was only one felony, or even misdemeanor, away from life, without chance of parole. By the time he issued his ultimatum, to Sharon, saying "Its him, OR ME", and Sharon responded, preferring me, he was more-or-less settled into the life of a social security recipient. While Sharon was happy to have me, she wondered how much more exciting life could be. After all, my main goal, in life, was to be a successful artist. A writer, and a builder, of crafts. While Sharon enjoyed the many times, when we just snuggled, and carressed, just "because", she did, at times, become annoyed, especially when I was on "creative streaks". While Sharons mother mentioned being a "sports widow", during the sports seasons, Sharon admitted that, at times, she felt like a "widow" as well. After all, there were times when I was so devoted, to the computer, that Sharon had to kiss me, to bring me away, for meals. What I could not understand, at all, was the reason why, when some, of Sharons friends asked my aid, in opening packages, Sharon had reminded the women "This is MY man." When the ladies said "Excuse me!", and I took Sharon aside, asking "Whats up?" I was surprised when Sharon would say "You are MY handy-man." When I would say "Okay. Yes. I am yours. What has that got to do with the package your friend wants me to open?" When Sharon would tell me "The "package" she wants you to open, is HER." When I would ask "Really? I thought she was talking about a bathroom vanity." Sharon woulld tell me what this meant, in "woman-speak." While, a few more times, Sharon was "on-guard", for some reason, there was one day, when her friend, Heather, asked me to give her an opinion, on a swimsuit she wanted to wear, to a party. Since Sharon was off, on an errand, I saw no harm, in agreeing to the offer. Since I figured that a swim suit could not be "mis-construed", I found out the truth, when Heather got me inside her apartment, and behind her locks. Her first swim-suit was a gastly green. It made her look terrible. I didn't have to say a word, for her to say "You hate it." Her second suit was more of a tan color, yet I had to tell her that it made her look like burned toast. Her third suit was my favorite. A soft red, which made her brown skin look magnificent. I told her "Thats the one I would pick." To my surprise, she whispered "One more, to show you." Like an idiot, I would say "Cant wait." When she stood before me, next, did a slow turn, then asked "How do you like this one?" All I could do was ask "You know, you are beautiful, when naked, however, do you think you should be seen, in public, like this?" When Heather smiled, then sat on my lap, giving me a kiss, then saying "This one, it is." I was just surprised when she asked "Want to help me remove it, for storage?" I will admit that I left Heather smiling, while trying to figure out WHAT to tell Sharon. Sharon, who had been right, all along. How could I tell her that a friend... Dont ask me how, but, before I said a word, to Sharon, Sharon told me what had happened. She, then, told me "Until I speak with my mother, you will have bedroom priviledges." What I could not believe was how, after just a while, with Heather, I was renewed, for Sharon. Man, did I want her, more than ever. By the time I left Sharons place, Sharon would, in a low voice, say "Dont be expecting any, for awhile." When Sharon went ot her mother, expecting support, what Sharon got was "Did he come home, to YOU?" "Did he go directly to bed, without so much as a kiss?" "Did he ignore you, or say "Go Away!?" When Sharon could get a word in, she reminded her mother of what it was like. (Her mother saw Sharon smile the bright smile, of being in love). When her mother summarized "So, he spends some time, with your friend, then he comes home, and gives you the best you have had, in awhile. I dont see the problem." When Sharon would say "**I** am his woman. I should be all he needs." He mother would laugh, even as the woman recounted how she kept Sharons father happy, for so long. When Sharon would question "You are his WIFE!" Her mother would say "I am his PARTNER, not his JAILER. You need to understand the difference." That night, Sharon would hug her pillow, wondering if her mother were right. Her mother HAD to know SOMETHING, since she had been married, for decades. Funny thing was, at about three a.m., Sharon woke, from a dream, and realized the reason why her sheets were soaked. Sharon had been dreaming of me, and our last time, together. In her dream, she must have been pleasuring herself, while dreaming of me. When Sharon reminded herself that I was on her "bad" list, for Heather, Sharon remembered her mothers words: "Remember this. If YOU dont give him what he wants, another woman will." Sharon had to learn that, while we were "committed friends", she did not own me. One thing I found hard to accept, was when Sharon gave up her hand-bag, for a purse, the size her mother carried. The very size of bag which Sharon swore, to me, she would, never, carry. Sharon used the excuse that she needed the extra space, to carry "copies", of all of the drugs I used, everyday. What thrilled me, however, was the day when Sharon told me "If you can "do" my friends, then I can "do" others, as well." I just hoped that she would express herself. She would deserve this. The bad thing was that her mother was right. Now that Sharon had me, she did not WANT other men touching her. There was only one mans body she wanted to taste, and touch. Sharon found out the truth, of this, when she TRIED for another man, only to cringe at the thought of him having her. He just wasn't me. Still, this did not stop her from visiting a friend. A woman she had dated, in high school. A time when the only girls not hounded, by aroused boys, were lesbians. Sharon just did not know how to tell the boys that she was not a virgin. Unlike her friend, however, Sharons first man had NOT been her father. In Sharons case, her first had been her brother. A boy who, when he came into his manhood, it had hit him, like a motor vehicle. After Sharon watched him trying, and failing, to satisfy his need, she had offered him what he needed, to fulfill his need. Sure, it had taken a few times, but, in the end, her brother had said "Thanks, sis." (The siblings agreed that, what their parents did not know, would not hurt the family). Still, while her brother had been "good", Sharon found that her friend was "better" in ways. The girls even joined a school-wide lesbian group. Thankfully, identifying as lesbians allowed the girls to study, for class, while the boys sought out "willing" girls. After graduation, the women turn their group over to a new batch,of girls, then headed off, to face life. Still, Sharon had remained friendship-close to a friend, and fellow "lesbian". In fact, about the only thing the women did not/could not "swap" was monthly cycles. And, no, I did not mind, or object, the day I visited Sharon, and found her, and her friend, "tearing up the bed", like newlyweds. I had told Sharon I wanted her to express herself. If this was the way she wanted to, then that was her decision. I DID have to beat down my arousal, as I watched the women, enjoying themselves. What did amaze me was that, when the woman was ready to depart, I have no idea of why, but, when Sharon saw me, she introduced me, to her friend as "This is my husband." When her friend asked "Husband?", Sharon would say "Sorry, my beloved." Her friend would ask "Whats the difference?" I would suggest "NO wedding ring." I think it was about three weeks, after this, when I bought Sharon a ring. Reason: The "men", who wanted just sex, were beginning to question how we could be together, for so long, and not be married. I even made it "official", by saying "I am, officially, proposing, to you." When Sharon would ask "So, whens the date?" I would remind her "This ring, and proposal, are to keep trouble from your door." Sharon would roll her eyes, as she said "Baby! A ring, and a proposal, dont mean much, without a date." I would tell her "Fine." Then we sat down, with a calendar, and agreed to a summer wedding. June would be the best. When Sharon would suggest "Why not June 10th. That is the date when my mother, and grand-mother, were married." (We just didn't set a YEAR was all.) Thankfully, the ring, proposal, and date, kept the "vultures" at bay. Still, Sharon agreed with her mother. It was part, of being a woman, to want children. It was a part Sharon knew she was missing. When I asked Sharon about how things were going, between us, she admitted that she had not felt so loved, since leaving home. The problem was that, for Sharon, having the bills paid, on-time, food, in the cupboards, and a regular man, in her bed, were just not enough excitement. Sharon wanted the "excitement", and the "danger", which she felt motherhood would bring. When I asked her if reviewing my stories had begun to bore her, Sharon would, only say "You are a good writer, but I need to be me". I think that what really surprised me was the day when, after a weekend, of great sex, Sharon hugged a pillow, while telling me "Baby, I just wanted you to know. My friend is back in town, and I am going to visit her." When I kissed Sharon, and whispered "Have fun." Sharon would mention "So, you dont mind my visiting my former, lesbian, lover?" I told her "I, still, love you." While I have no idea what the women did, when they met, I did notice that, when Sharon came home, she bedded me, like I did her, after Heather. Afterwards, when she lay there, smiling, Sharon would say "No one is better than my husband." Later, when we saw her friend, in public, and Sharon introduced us, the woman asked "How about a three-way?" I, simply, looked at Sharon, then whispered "Its your home, and your body." While the lady and I took turns, giving Sharon the best sex she ever had, I think that her friend was envious of how passionate Sharon and I were. When the action was finished, Sharon and I rested, in one anothers arms, while her friend embraced Sharon, from the rear. The next day, I made two mistakes. The first was leaving two, nude, smiling, ladies, in bed, preparing for more sex, while I told them to enjoy themselves. Hours later, when the police called, saying my wife had been arrested, I used the wrong term, when asking about bail. I should have asked how much Sharon's bail was. My mistake was in asking "How much is THE bail?" As for why I was called, about Sharon, that was simple. Just because we had been dating, for more than two years, first some mailing lists began sending mail addressed to Sharon, as my "Mrs.", then Sharon's I.D. renewals began coming in as "Mrs." Now, before Sharon had met me, she did, as her friends did. When bureaucrats got fresh, saying "I have a title, and that means I am right", Sharon was one of the ladies, who had been "thrown out", of various offices, for "assaulting an employee". Then, I had come along, and Sharon was controlling her fiestiness, more. Her concern was "What would happen if I needed her, while she was in jail?" When people begun screwing up her identity, Sharon asked my advice, and I embarked on a campaign, to correct the government. So far, however, all various agencies would respond with was "We are reviewing the matter". Thankfully, my web-site was a considerable success. This allowed me to place the $25,000 bail, on the ladies. It was only AFTER I had paid that I found out that only $5,000 was for Sharon. Sharon was being fined, for slapping a woman about, after the woman claimed that I could not be much, of a man, if Sharon had a woman, as well. The $20,000 came from her friend. It was a result, of the antagonist telling the women "All you need is a couple of REAL men, to set you straight." Sharons friend had attacked the woman, with gusto, and the woman was in the hospital, undergoing treatment. While Sharon had tried to back away, the video showed Sharon slapping the victim. Not beating, but slapping. It was when we arrived, at Sharons place, that Sharon reminded her friend "My husband put up your bail money. I hope you will respect that." Her friend would, only, say "Boy, jump bail two, whole, times, and you are labelled, for life". When Sharon said "Promise me." Her friend would say "Promise". Just a few days later, however, and Sharon visited her friend. This, after hearing rumors, that the woman was preparing to jump bail. When Sharon arrived, the very first thing her friend offered Sharon was a deep, french, kiss. After that, when Sharon asked "I am hearing rumors about you jumping bail." The woman would say "Would you believe it. Ever since we were arrested, people have been asking me if I plan to jump bail." When Sharon would ask "So, it is just rumor?" Her friend would say "Boy! Jump bail, twice, and you are framed, for life. NO, I do NOT plan to jump bail. You would never forgive me." In truth, I believe that the lady would have received probation, just as Sharon received, had it not been for an incident, just outside the courthouse. I was escorting the ladies in, for their court date, when some creep whipped out his shaft, and told the lady "How about a REAL man. I can make you a woman." While Sharon snuggled up, to me, her friend, fiesty as ever, tackled the man, even as she, proudly, announced her sexual preference. While Sharon and I entered the courthouse, through the main doors, her friend would be arrested, and dragged in, through the jail doors. It seems that, due to the nature of the incident, and the fact that it happened, in a public place, the court had the video sent out, to find out what was being said. When the report came back, saying that the "victim" seemed to be heckling her attackers, and that Sharon had done nothing more than slap the woman, the judge issued a surprising ruling. The judge ruled that Sharon would serve a maximum sentence, of ninety days probation, for her actions. Her friend would serve two, to five, years, not just for attacking the woman, but for resisting arrest, both on the mall, and outside the courthouse. While Sharon would say "None, of this, surprises me", she would add "My friend has, always, been fiesty. She will serve her time, easily." About the only "good" news was the fact that, since the attacker had a LONG history, of provoking others, she was ordered into treatment, in order to "learn respect, for other people". As for Sharons identification problem, we had to sign an incredible amount of paper-work, before the government would even begin to investigate. By the time everything was done (and Sharon and I had severe, writers, cramps), the government would, only, reply "It would seem possible that an error might have been committed. Should this be found to be correct, then the evidence will be revealled, and reviewed, to correct any mis-information." By the time the I.D. fiasco was resolved, Sharon had decided that nearly four years, of her love, was plenty of foundation, for a family. This is why she gave me a choice. "Give me a family, or we are through." When I went to pack, however, she whispered "Not right now." I kissed her, reminded her that I loved her, then we spent the next few hours proving that our "flame" still, burned, brightly. The mistake, which Sharon made, after our break-up, was in the fact that she made sure that ALL of her friends knew Sharon was available, for dating. This, however, lead to a problem, which Sharon had forgotten about, while with me. The "one-nighters". Men who only wanted a single night, just to PROVE that no woman was "beyond reach". No sooner had Sharon declared herself "available, for dating", when the "one-nighters" were waiving theirs in front of her face. After five, of these men did this, to Sharon, Sharon rose, from her friends table, and marched away (with another friend in pursuit). Inside the ladies room, the woman listened as Sharon would say "The nerve of those guys. I would, rather have my husband, for five YEARS, than them, for five minutes." When Sharon lit a reefer, her friend would say "That wont help. It will just, numb you, for awhile'". When Sharon entered a stall, and closed the door, her friend would call, through the panel "that wont help, either. What you need is your husband." When Sharon exited the restroom, and called me, she just hoped that her voice did not sound overly romantic. She wanted to sound like "I need your love, for today", but she did not want to sound like "I want my husband back". When I arrived, at th mall, to deliver her to her place, I followed Sharons directions, in taking her before her friends, where we embraced, while she told her friends "My husband is taking me home. I will see you later." With that, I gave Sharon a DEEP kiss, then we departed, for her place. At her place, a longer, deeper, kiss followed, then she whispered "Do you have to leave, so soon?" When I told her, softly, "No, my love. I am here for as long as you want me." By the next morning, her bed sheets were covered in our scent, as we rested, arm-in-arm. I was just happy that I was the reason for her smile. When I asked her about the mall, Sharon would say "I THOUGHT that, if I told my closest friends, that they would, only, tell eligible men. Turns out, they told EVERYBODY." When I snuggled, even closer, to her, whispering "What now?" Sharon told me "The first item, on my "to do" list, is to give my husband ALL that he wants. After that, maybe some breakfast." As a result, breakfast turned into lunch, which included a call, from her mother, saying "Barbie called me, saying your husband took you home. I HOPE you give him ALL he wants. Dont let that boy go." Sharon smiled at me as she told her mother "Dont worry. My husband is not going home until I KNOW he's happy." Over the next few weeks, Sharon made me offer, after offer. On weekends, she would spread, before me, suggesting "If you are not doing anything, on wednesday..." On weekdays, she smiled as she suggested "If you have no plans, for this weekend..." Soon, I whispered to her "Careful, my love. If we keep this up, people will assume we are back together." This is when Sharon smiled at me, whispering "Who CARES what people think?" When Sharon escorted me out, of her place, and her neighbor saw us sharing a friendly snuggle, the woman called out "Boy! You KNOW she loves you. When you gonna give her some kids?" Sharon placed a finger, to my lips, then we walked away. After another couple of years, of passionate love, Sharon made me another offer. Like she said "Being a woman, I KNOW what women look for, in a man, but you know my record." When I kissed her, whispering "Yes, my love, I do." This is when she made me an offer. The offer was simple. She would give me all that I wanted, before each date, in return for my HONEST opinion, of her date. When I cautioned her "You do understand that it is YOU who will have to spend your life, with this person." Sharon just kissed me. When I agreed, to the deal, Sharon found it most annoying when, at the start, it seemed that we, barely, got started, when it was time, for her date. When neither three, six, or twelve, hours, seemed enough, this is when I suggested a full day. This way, we could relax, and be ready, for her date. I THOUGHT it was a good plan, but only until we went right through three of her dates, without stopping. After that, I set her alarm, and Sharon snuggled up, to me, as I delivered her to her dates. While I did not mind, at all, when she snuggled, close enough, to be inside my clothes, what annoyed me was how, just as she had, when we were dating, Sharon could "read" my face, and know my thoughts, before I mouthed them. While, with her next two dates, we were maybe five minutes late, per date, while Sharon was focused on the muscle development, of the man, what I saw was the empty beer cans. A third man, whom I kept Sharon away from, was a man who, after a few beers, began making "offers" to passing women. After a few more, disgusting, "dates", Sharon told her friends NOT to set her up, for awhile. Sharon just settled back into being my "wife". Besides, she knew me better than I knew myself. This is why I didn't even TRY to keep anything from her. No question, though, what the most annoying part, of our friendship was. That was Sharons outspoken grand-mother. While Sharons mother had suggested, more than once, that Sharon halt her birth control, then tell me, AFTER she knew she was pregnant. Mothers reason: She wanted more grand-children. Grand-mother, though, was much less discreet. While mother made all suggestions, in private. One-on-one. Grand-mother was as vocal as a politician. While mother had withheld her objections, to Sharons previous men, telling Sharon "If you are happy, thats what counts" Grand-mother had told the previous men things like "Get a job", or "Cant you keep an apartment, for more than a few days?' While mother was happy, when Sharon took up, with me, grand-mother had made a point of telling me "Young man, my grand-daughter is a fine, healthy, girl. She can give you a fine family. So, GET GOING!" At hearing this, Sharon had turned so red, in blush, as she said "Grand-mother." Then Sharon kissed me as she said "Sorry, my love." The problem Sharon had was that, un-like myself, she was, still, searching for what she wanted to do, with her life. Like me, she wanted to do "something special." Something which only she could be great at. While Sharon had been considering this, I did notice how she began to keep house, and tend to me, more than ever. When I reminded her "You know. You are not my slave." Sharon would only say "I am practicing, for when I DO get married. Consider this "Home Economics: The REAL Deal" I made her promise that she would do so ONLY as long as she wanted to. How was I supposed to know this promise would hold, for years? After nearly 100 terrible "dates", Sharon gave up, on dating, and just focused on keeping house, for me. While Sharon investigated hundreds of career options, her arrest record prevented her from doing just about everything that she wanted to do. Employers just would NOT look PAST the arrest record, to the person. This is why, when her friend suggested I talk to Sharon, about joining her friend, in doing some porn, I agreed to ask Sharon. I ws just surprised when Sharon asked "You WANT other people to see your wife, nude?" I reminded Sharon "Its just a job. You are NOT "stepping out". It took a bit of romance, and some soft words, but Sharon agreed to try "just a couple." For their first three videos, the women were paid just $200.00 per scene. Sharon brought home $800.00, while her friend put down $100.00, on a bet. Was it "luck" that the woman turned $100.00 into $500.00. By the fifth video, Sharon was earning $500.00, per scene, since she had "fan mail", coming in. While Sharon was offered even MORE roles, outside the lesbian market, Sharon made it known that she would do lesbian only. (The only man she wanted was me.) While on-screen roles were, sometimes, hard to come by, I am proud to say that Sharon made herself just as useful BEHIND the scenes. Turns out, her work ethic made my wife a real "draw", for roles. When word went out, that a crew was looking for movie scripts, Sharon became enough, of a producer, to allow my script to be filmed. Low budget, yes. But even the title "Hard Times: How FAR would YOU go, to survive, in the new economy?" seemed to attract interest. By the time the movie was finished, and out, for distribution, Sharon would learn that her $200.00 would earn her a $20,000.00 return. Best of all, porn was the one field of work where criminal records were NOT a bar, to employment. By the time Sharon was ready to retire, from the industry, she had earned enough money that, when I invested it, in utility stocks, Sharon would end up with enough interest income, that she could live, work, or even DATE, anyone she wanted to. While her "change of life" came and went, Sharon knew that she HAD made her contribution, to life. She could, now, relax, knowing she had made as much a contribution, to the world, as I had. How much better could life be?

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