Saturday, October 8, 2016


THE HORROR OF WOODRUFF HIGH SCHOOL While I have, over the years, had nightmares, about the time I spent, in this place, nothing has reminded me, more, of this "house of horrors", than a recent, memoribilia, article. One of those "How have you been, since high school" articles. Yes, I remember the year I spent in this place, located in school district 150. Woodruff High School is located on the north east side, of Peoria Illinois, in one of the lower income areas, of the city. An area where, in MY day, violent students, openly, beat on peaceful students, while calling peaceful students "homo"(sexual), "lesbian", and worse. For most of my freshman class, the only way to prove ones life was of value, was by beating on, and, even, killing, other students. In my class, I was considered an "outsider", just as much as Mr. Spock, of the planet Vulcan. The only difference was that, while performer, Leonard Nimoy returned to his home, each night, to relax with his "Star Trek" paycheck, I, on the other hand, was, openly, TERRORIZED, daily, by fellow students. People who just could not live with the idea that a student, in their midst, wanted to live peacefully. As for the staff, of Woodruff High School, these people, deliberately, turned a "blind eye", to the violence, of the freshmen. In the case, of my "classmates", I am certain that my male classmates have gone through life, beating, stealing, maybe even killing, for what they want. The worst part is that this "gutter trash" is EXACTLY what management WANTS, to encourage employee turn-over, and keep "seniority" non-existant. As for my female classmates, I am certain that these "women" have gone on, into adulthood, to become the kind of "women", who enjoy be-littling gentlemen. The kind of "women", who shout, in gentlemens faces "You are NOT a man!" and "You dont deserve a WOMAN!". The kind of women who are DRAWN to the abusive type, of men. The type of women who adore men like Conan the Barbarian". While management has, openly, REWARDED the cruelty, of such students, students who punched students, openly and publicly, as well as slamming victimized students into school lockers, while using various profanities, on the victims (While Woodruff staff members look the other way) This is why my own "memories", of Woodruff High School always lead me back to the reason why I was FORCED out of this "gladiatorial arena", which was Woodruff, and into adult education. At Woodruff, I am certain that staff cheered the "Conans" brutality, while ignoring victims pain and suffering. I, also, have no doubt that this savagery was a definite amusement, for district administrators. This is why peace-loving students, such as myself, were forced OUT of Woodruff. My freshman class proved, beyond a doubt, that they were NOT evolving, toward adulthood. These people proved that they were DE-volving, back to animal instincts. I would, also, add, that I am certain that the Imperial Roman Empire would have given Woodruff High School the highest marks, in sheer, student, brutality. While most of these brutes, and bullies, no-doubt will go on, to lives, which will end in obscurity (since all that they know is violence), I will guess that most will pass away, forgotten by the community. For those, who do NOT end up in nursing homes, I would suggest that most would end up in prison (Since violence is the only life they know). As for myself, I am planning a legacy, which no BULLY can, ever, take away. A legacy, in a rich tapestry, of short story fiction, as well as my unique arts and crafts. **I** willl be remembered, by this world, LONG after the bullies, who profaned me, are long dead, and Woodruff High School, itself, has been bulldozed.

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