Wednesday, October 12, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: While undergoing our latest round, of re-supply, and re-fuelling, which included a complete, U.S. Air Force inspection, of every system, on the plane, Tami and I relaxed, and began reviewing Lysia's latest situation. In this case, however, the culprit was not a quack, who preyed on young women, to cover his criminal tracks. This time, it was another, of Lysia's friends. This friend, a recently-married man, and a man who had been planning to move into another new house. According to Lysia's research, her friend had not even known that he was an heir, to the subject house, until AFTER he was married. (It seems that some clause, in a will, about only inheriting, once married, and, therefore, "stable"). According to Lysia "My friend, and his bride, were, fully, prepared to find their own housing, until thier marriage paper-work brought forth an attorney, from a distant relative, whom the man did not know existed. The attorney brought the papers, to the new couple, just after they signed the papers, for their own place. While the couple had been, fully, prepared, to move into own housing, they had been "swayed", by the attorney, saying that, once the terms, of the will were fulfilled, the couple could SELL the subject house. What baffled Lysia, and her "team", was how the terms, of the will, were, nearly identical to the plot line, of a 1990's "comedy" titled "The Super". In the will, like the movie, a person was ordered to LIVE in a house, for a specified time. In the movie, performer Joe Pesci portrayed a slum landlord, who is sentenced to serve four months "house arrest", inside one of his own slums. He is only allowed to leave the building, for food, medical emergencies, and to arrange maintenance, of the building. That, ofcourse, was Hollywood screen writers. In the REAL world, where Lysia's friend lived, it was no movie plot. There was no going home, to a comfortable trailer, at the end of a days filming. Also, this case concerned an old house, NOT an apartment building. Tami and I understood Lysia's suspicions, about the will, especially since the movie was not filmed, until the 1990's, while the will was signed, in the 1930's. It would have been impossible for the family to plageurize a movie script, which would not be written, for 60 years. Still, the conditions, of the will, were clear. "To inherit this home, you, my heir, must move INTO the house, (with any spouse, and children), and LIVE in the house, for five YEARS. If you do this, you will become the owner." "To be clear, you MAY leave the house, for work, groceries, medical care, and for other, essential, tasks. What you may NOT do is just move in furniture, and clothes, then live elsewhere". When Tami would say "Unusually strict, isn't it? Almost like saying "You may have a currect spouse, but no ex-spouses. No less than six children." I would agree, both on this, and that the will was most unusual. When Tami and I vid-linked, with Lysia, for more information, Lysia would say "Sorry, my co-workers do not trust electronics. Probably due to the fact that they design, and build, such devices, regularly. For this reason, they understand how easily these devices may be tampered with. I do, however, promise you a FULL review, upon your arrival". Soon, however, Tami and I learned the reason WHY the U.S. Air Force wanted such a thorough review, of our plane. It would seem that, while other, stealth bombers had been in service, for years, no bomber, to date, could do what Ghost Ship Two could do. Namely, flying beyond the sound barrier, while fully loaded, and making vertical take-off's, and landings. While our plane had been modified, several times, for the needs of our cases, these changes had inspired the air force to re-examine the design. Sure, a special, experimental, spray, had been developed, which would both adhere to our composite hull, AND absorb long wave, radar emissions. Also, our "mounted in place" jet engines had been replaced with rotating engines. What our flight performance had proven was that the engines were just as stealthy, in vertical flight mode, as in horizontal mode. Aftre surviving being attacked, multiple times, with nothing more than "scratches", It would seem that the air force was re-examing the design. The air force thought that, if Ghost Ship Two could carry our supplies, including motor vehicles, freezers, labs, and so on, while remaining stealty, the plane should have no problem carrying bombs, just as easily. G.S.2 had a proven record, of "survivability", and the air force wanted to know more. What Tami and I doubted, that the air force took into consideration, was our pilots exerience. Because the men had twenty YEARS, of experience, with everything from helicopters, to cargo planes, THESE men knew how to make planes "dance". While Tami remained convinced, that 80% of the reason why G.S.2 was so successful, was due, more, to pilot experience, than to plane design. I just could not make up my own mind, if the percentage should be 70%, or 90%. Yes, Ghost Ship Two is a marvel, of engineering, however, Tami and I wondered if its record would be so "bright", with LESS-experienced pilots, at the controls. Even as we cruised, to the college town, where Lysia was based, Tami and I considered cases, handled by amateur "ghost busters". Tami and I knew of atleast twenty cases, where less-experienced "ghost busters" had done nothing, except enraged spirits, sending humans fleeing, from homes. Once the cheap amateurs had created worse trouble, experienced, professionals had to be called in, to resolve the trouble. This is why Tami and I were so relived, that the air force retirees had signed on, then stayed on, for our cases. WHERE would WE be, without them? While Lysia met the plane, at the landing area, Lysia would say "Sorry for all of the hush-hush, but my team believes it is better that the university NOT even know you are here". When Tami would ask, Lysia would say "Officially, spirits are only in whisky bottles. The university reputation is built on this" When Tami would ask "Where is the briefing to be held?" Lysia would lead us to a nearby, foreclosed, house. As Lysia said "The owners lost the house, after a potato chip manufacturer built a plant, and hired 500 locals, only to find that South America offered cheaper labor, and non-existant, health laws. After that, a telemarketting group came to town, offering workers 20.00 per hour. While the telemarketers DID secure some office space, there is no record of supplies being moved into the space. When workers, including the home owners, applied for, and showed up, for work, the workers found the office doors locked, and local police being sent in, to tell the workers to disburse. After that, the family could no-longer afford to retain the house, so they moved out, and the realtor has been TRYING to "move", as in sell, the house, ever since." When Tami would ask "How long is your groups lease?" Lysia would say "Since the realtor suggests that it will increase the homes value, being inhabited, we will be allowed to stay, either until our work is completed, OR until the home is sold." Inside the house, Tami and I found the kitchen well in hand. This, even as Lysia introduced students, from the universities cooking classes. As the lead cook would inform us "This is good for extra credit". It would seem that this project was similar to those new types, of vocational schools. The places were, instead of just memorizing the content, of text books, students no-sooner MEMORIZE a lesson, when the students learn the practical applications, of their studies. Places where forgotten lessons could, very easily, lead to an ambulance ride, to a local hospital. For Lysia's team, however, the goal was to AVOID the "ride", and use learned information, to determine IF, HOW, and by WHOM, a property might be "haunted". Tami and I would be introduced to trades students. Students, whom Lysia had requested come along, in case the "haunting" was nothing more than loose pipes, or poorly-installed wall board. The culinary students "job" was to make sure that the team had plenty of nourishing, energy, food, as well as energy drinks. When our group went into "conference", Lysia would begin the discussion, reminding attendee's "It is fine to make comparisons, with other cases. What is important is to remember why we are HERE". According to Lysia's historians, "The current house is, maybe, 95-110 years old. The prooblem is that our research has shown that this is NOT the FIRST house, built on this site." When Tami would ask "Can you estimate?" The student would say "Based upon ancient "record keeping", we believe that this is the fifth, or, maybe, the seventh, house to be built on this site". When Lysia would, patiently, say "Define that, for our guests." The student would say that, "Based, purely upon personal journals, and several, written, church, records, we have traced stories, of some of the homes, such as a seventeenth century home, which, allegedly, "lept" into the sky, and never came down." When I would ask "Tornado?" The student would say "Nothing on record. Possible, though." When Lysia would tell the student "Please continue." The student would add "In atleast one, possibly three, of the cases, it would seem that the community burned the homes down." When Tami would ask "For what reason?" The student would say "In one case, un-confirmed reports, of children being sexually molested. In the other cases, un-confirmed accounts suggest that Devil Worship was taking place." (Tami and I, never, failed to "get a kick", out of Lucifer being blamed, for mans actions) The student did seem hesitant, to mention one, un-confirmed case. A house, owned by a man who, allegedly, had great sex, with his wife, after cooking, and eating, each of their children. Tami would be first to emphasize "Un-proven and un-verified." The student would say "Correct. Nothing but journal entries, of suspicions." When Lysia would, next, turn to the Geology students, asking "What have you learned, so far?" The Geology students would say "So far, we HAVE verified that multiple structures have stood, at this site, over time. Some were larger, like barns, sheds, maybe dormatories. Others seemed to be small, like one, two, or three, room cottages. Building materials vary, as well as style. We have found evidence, of mud-brick, waddle-and-dowl, as well as mortice and tendon. In fact, I have little doubt that, if we continue, we will find the remains, of indian teepee's." When Lysia would turn to the Plumbing students, asking "What have you to report?" The leader, of the plumbers, would say "To date, our test holes have located everything from hollowed out, petrified, tree logs, to lead piping. Stone joints, here and there. Cant say we have found much, from the twentieth century, though. I should add that it seems odd that all, modern, plumbing, ends some 500 feet, from the edge, of the property, and well inside the towns land." When Lysia would ask the Landscapers "What have you to report, so far?" The lead landscaper would say "Our research has turned up that, over the years, of the 1770's, through 1850's, tenants did attempt to engage local landscapers, to beautify the property. It would seem, though, from journal entries, it would seem that the landscapers feared something, about the property. Claims of ghosts, and, get this, floating equipment." When Lysia would say "Define, please", the student would say "Some workers claimed to see not only spades, wrenches, and screwdrivers, floating about, but, atleast one source claims to have seem a steam-powered tractor levitate from one place, to another". When Tami would ask "Was it a John Deere?" The student would say "No, maam. Based upon the approximate date, of the entry, John Deere did not even exist, at the time." When Tami would say "Sorry, small joke." Lysia would tell the student "Proceed." and the student would say "As near as we can understand, from the journals, the floating unit was a European import. One of those fifty ton monsters. Heavy, iron, construction." When Lysia next called upon the Sociology students, they would report "Our research has turned up that, even though the occupants, of the homes, were, generally, well-liked, in the community, sightings, of floating masses, howling, and other, classic, horror film effects, are reported, regularly. Whether or not these are just the products, of active imaginations, is anyones guess." When Lysia turned to the landscapers, again, asking "Show our guests the map you have prepared, of the property." The head landscapers would indicate a series, of red "X's", saying "Caution at these points. As near as we have learned, three of these are depleted wells. One has a rusted, metal, cover, while the others have just been overgrown. We have marked each, with glow-in-the-dark paint, but be careful, nonetheless. While we have located some kind of "chamber", or box, in the yard, there is NO confirmation that this was a "punishment room", for land-owners children. Caution should be exercised, at all points." When Lysia would turn to the Carpenters , the lead Carpenter would state "While the house may APPEAR to be, generally, sound, we are not committed to this. The house had sat, vacant, for decades, and squeeky floors abound. Curently, we are awaiting some scaffolding, to shore up the second floor. The basement consists of nothing beyond walls, and an age old boiler, which should be in a museum. There is NO flooring, in the basement." When Tami would ask "Would anyone, on this assignment, have grown up, locally?" Even I would be suprised to learn that the cooks would say "Three, of my staff, have been here, since we were born." When Tami would ask "Besides great food, and beverages, what can your team contribute, to this investigation?" The head cook would say "I have been to the property, three times, during my life. Everytime I go near the place, I feel dozens of eyes, on me, as if watching." Another cook, a woman, would admit "I took a couple of "dare" dates, in the house. We never went half as far as we were dared to, since, on one occassion, an ear-splitting laughter scared us from the house." When Tami asked "The other date?" The woman would say "We heard what sounded like heavy footsteps, coming from above, on the second floor. When my "date" went up, to see who else was present, I heard a scuffle, and a scream, then a thud. After that I bolted." When Tami would ask "What did the police find?" The woman would say "It took me hours, to get the police to look at the house. Before they took me to the house, they sermonized me, about Trespassing, and Breaking and Entering." When Tami would ask "What did the police find, on site?" The woman would say "I expected to find my date, sitting, out font, laughing at me." When Tami would ask "What DID they find?" The woman would bow her head, then say "Signs, of a fight, but no sign, of my date, or anyone else. The official story is that the man just wanted a dramatic exit, from town. What better story, than disappearring, from a haunted house?" When Tami would ask Lysia "What do you have on the previous owners, or any others, who might be haunting the property?" Lysia would say "Thats the problem. As both of you know, from previous cases, official records did not come into existance, until the world wars. Before that, family bibles, and church archives, are the best we can do." When Tami would ask "Can you "ball-park" it, for us?" Lysia would say "As few as thirty, maybe as high as four hundred." When our group travelled, to the subject house, even Tami and I felt the "energy", eminating from the place. Some-THING was calling this place "home". I can only think that, when this place was built, it was bright, and airy. This because, behind the streaks, of rot, I could see the remains, of the original paint. Two, and a half, stories, above ground, and basement walls, which were only half buried. The windows were grimy, from decades, of not being washed. The paint was well into the process, of peeling off. The construction students would say "That "scent" you smell, is advanced rot. Filters must be worn, in-doors, at all times." When I would ask "So, you HAVE been inside the home?" The students would say "We did as much as we felt SAFE, doing, inside there. With dipped, and bowed, ceilings, and wall-board, hanging out, we felt it best to deal with the ghosts, first." When Tami would ask "What do the ghosts do?" Lysia would begin listing such things as "Moving tools about", and "Un-plugging tools, while in use." "Sometimes, the ghosts whisper to my staff". When Tami would ask "Threats?" Lysia would say "More like "If you value your lives..."" After seeing the site, Tami and I would begin our own research. The problem was that, so very much, of even American history, is not yet even recorded. Even history books are written from the authors point of view. This is why we had Ghost Ship Two, and Mr. Browns infinite resources. Tami and I would spend six WEEKS just sorting through age old "records", and trying to verify which accounts were true. I do have to admit that the cooking class students did an amazing job, of making healthy food taste flavorful. Lord alone knows how the students made coffee, and tea, taste, and smell, so good, while providing so much caffeine. While Tami concentrated on the "records", I would join the "blue collar" workers, whose job was to document, and tag, every sink hole, and well, which inhabited the place. While I was amazed, that anyone would let a well-head sink, below ground, the construction crew, and the landscapers, had an alternative theory. They thought that, originally, the well head was ABOVE ground, and that it had, simply, sunk, over the centuries. While the general thought, at the site, was that the arrival, of scaffolding, would make th place safer, for investigation, it would turn out that the opposite was true. While the flooring supported our weight, when the students tried to brace the upper floor, to make it safe, for walking, the opposite happened. As the braces were being jacked into place, not only did the ceiling NOT go up, but the floor boards, under the scaffolding, actually, sagged, into the floor. The idea, of pouring cement, in the basement, seemed practical, however, the concern was the fact that, once the cememt hardened, the force, of using even sledge-hammers, to break up the chunks, might destroy fossils. As for the idea of bring in pre-cast slabs, this idea had been considered, and abandoned. While the basement windows were spacious, there was, simply, no way to use them as an entry point. The real hold up was the fact that the team KNEW there were house foundations, underneath this place. It was not until I had the crazy idea, of suggesting "Since there is no floor, under these walls, why dont we just dig DOWN, beneath a wall section, then slide the panels in, from underneath?" Surprisingly, just as my consideration was under advisement, Tami brought us an update, on history. The very FIRST story, which she had sought to verify, was the story of the man having great sex, with his wife, after cooking, and eating, his children. Tami looked most proud as she said "Thanks to Mr. Browns sources, I have confirmed this story, or, atleast, most of it." When Lysia would say "Lay it on us." Tami would say "The story started out as a rumor. History says that, when a few, HARD, years, hit the area, that the couple sent their children away, to live with relatives. The parents did not think the children should share, in the hardship, of the frontier. The story goes that, while the couple struggled, to survive, about the only "amusement" they had, was sex. The story says that the wife gave birth, twice, both to still-born children. Children who "Vanished", soon after birth. While local records do not record the burials, of the newborns, the wifes diary states that she, and her husband, buried the children, at the western edge, of the property. The "legend", of the COUPLE, then the HUSBAND, cooking, and eating, the children, started out as camp-fire stories, and grew from there. All anyone knew was that, at two points, the wife was pregnant, then she wasn't. With no children being added to the community, rumors, and gossip, evolved, into the story." When an Architecture student would ask "What became of the couples already existing children?" Tami would say "Near as I can find out, after a number, of bad years, the couple moved on, to "more promising" land, and their children followed the parents." When a Sociology student would summarize "So, since the woman got pregnant, yet no children were seen, on the property, people begin to spin tales". Tami would add "To pass the time, during the foul weather." When the Sociologists would suggest "Can we confirm WHERE the infants were buried?" The landscapers would ask "Whats the point? After centuries, do you THINK the bodies would, still, exist?" The Sociologist would suggest "We could, atleast verify that the infants were buried whole and intact." When Lysia would ask "You REALLY think that parents would eat their own children, then bury the bones?" The Sociologist would say "Only one way to be certain." Since the journal referred to a location, where tree's had fallen, over the centuries, it would take a week to find the childrens remains. Even when the remains were excavated, atleast a few students insisted that the bite marks might be human. That is, until Lysia had the bones sent to the university lab, which verified that the bite marks were from various animals. As for the rest of the research, Tami was having even LESS luck, in verifying who was who. What Tami could verify, via research, was that the reason why several crosses, made of copper, were found, in one level, was because, at one time, this land had belonged to a Quaker man. The Quaker owner was religious enough that he had crosses, in every room, of his home. Whether he qualified as a "fanatic" depended upon ones point of view. One things for certain, and that was that history speaks of the man being able to quote the Bible, on a moments notice. In another layer, however, were found the remains of objects, which would have been common, inside a whorehouse. If the layers were correct, however, the whorehouse had stood AFTER the Quaker house was abandoned/demolished. Tami and I wondered if THIS might be the source, of the un-rest. Could it be that a Quaker was not happy, with hookers on thier property, even LONG after the Quakers death? At another point, there had been a blacksmith shop, on the location. We found evidence, of the shop, while digging UNDER the foundation wall, for the concrete panels. While Tami, Lysia, and the researchers, were busy, trying to piece together what truth there was, in the past, I was assisting the carpenters first with the digging, then laying, of the panels, then the scaffolding. In the opinion, of several of us, it would have been cheaper, just to level the place, and build, brand new. Alas, such is the case, with history. Preservation, often, costs more than replacement. In preservations favor, though, is that history is being maintained, for future generations. As w had suspected, from the start, the first floor was the only level which was safe, for access. The only places, where the second floor did not sag, were the spaces where modern scaffolding was in place. Off of the edges, of each scaffold, fell pieces of wall-board, and ceiling board. It was during the construction, of the scaffolding, that even I had an "encounter", with a spirit. While I would not call it terrifying, the spirit did suggest "If you value your life, you will leave this place." When I asked "Why? What is so terrible, about this housee?" The spirit would say "This place has not been safe, for many years. It is dangerous to remain." When I would clarify "You mean, due to the condition of the building." The spirit would ask "What else did you think I would mean?" When I reported this conversation, to Tami and Lysia, Lysia would ask "You had an actual conversation, with a spirit?" I would define "Not really a conversation. More like a friendly caution." This is when Lysia would ask "I wonder if THAT is what the other workers have been reporting. Not so much a "threat", but a caution." Tami would say "That DOES make sense. After all, atleast one of the homes, on this property, was built, and maintained, by a construction worker." When Lysia seemed "spooked", by the knowledge that there were, in fact, spooks, in the area, Tami would suggest "The question is: If the spirits are inhabiting a house, which is NOT safe, for any human to enter, then HOW do we make contact?" This is when one, of the carpentry students came up with a thoughtful suggestion. "Why not demolish this place, and let the class re-build it, as it, originally, was. New material, old craftsmanship?" Over the following days, Lysia was working, with her staff, to justify such an expense. The university trustees would want to know what the group planned to do with the house, after the project. How could Lysia explain that the idea was just to build a shell, which was safe to walk through? The "answer" arrived, just three nights into the discussion, when a severe thunderstorm ravaged the area. Yes, it was severe enough that our pilots even declared G.S.2 un-safe. Even as we raced, to pack the gear, and supplies, the location seemed to "come alive", with a fearsome groaning. When our group ran out, from cover, to see what was causing the sound, we watched as the pouring rain finally "broke the houses back". The house imploded, falling in, upon itself. One, of the construction students would mention "Dont worry, we can dig out the equipment, after the rain stops." After a furious night, of rain, followed by a slightly less powerful morning, of rain, the group returned to the site, where we found what we expected to find. A pile, of rotted lumber, which smelled, strongly, of mold, and rot. When gloved hands touched the lumber, it was more like touching soft sponges. To the groups amazement, when one of the Sociologists looked to the left, of where we stood, and asked "Who are they?" Tami was the only one, who recognnized the spirits, from old photographs. When Tami asked the spirits "May we help you?" a man, in an eighteenth century great coat would stand erect, asking "Young lady, would it be possible for me to speak with one of the gentlemen?" At that moment, Tami had to remind herself "These spirits are from the days before the nineteenth amendment. The days when women were SEEN, but NOT heard." When I joined my partner, asking the spirits "May we help you?" The spirit would ask me "YOUNG man, would it be possible to put our house back together?" When I would ask "That hunk of junk?" The man placed a commanding tone into his voice, as though speaking to an impertinent child, saying "YOUNG man, you are speaking of our home!" When I would say "Apologies, sir. Allow me to consult with my co-workers." While our group consulted, Tami and I did not mention that several spirits were "eavesdropping". This, even as one, of the male spirits seemed angry, when a construction student would suggest "Now, that the house is gone, why dont the spirits either "get lost", or find someplace else to haunt?" Tami would suggest "Its never that simple. We need to learn the REASON, which is retaining the spirits to THIS land." When a Sociologist would ask my partner "Just HOW do you intend to do that? All we have, now, is a vacant property." Tami would suggest "Why dont we try a variation, on the carpenters idea. The only difference being that we build a relica, in every detail. After we see the spirits off, the house can be sold." The carpenters would caution "While our idea, for a shell, woulkd have cost about $35,000, we should be cautious of total re-building." When Tami would ask "How much more can a complete re-build cost?" The carpenters would say "$350,000, to $400,000." Lysia would be first to say "I DOUBT that the university would go for such an idea." Then Tami had another idea. "What if we made the re-build a class project. Let students re-build the house, to learn how such homes were built, while under the direction, of experienced teachers." Lysia would, only say "I guess it cant hurt, to ask." As it turns out, when Lysia took the idea, to the university deans, the primary condition, for the project, was that the foundation be dug, deep enough, for proper Archeology to be completed. Once a firm base was secured, then the home could be re-built, on this sound foundation. It would seem that, while the spirits were in agreement, with the excavation, to be done, one man asked "Please be careful. My final request was that my body be buried, on the property. If you find my bones, I ask that they be treated with respect." Oddly enough, once the excavation began, Tami showed me the truly "odd couple", who were observing the dig. Yes, the Quaker man, and the whorehouse owner, were observing the work, like a city inspector would do. Side by side, the man and woman watched the humans dig the ground. At one point, the madam asked that the workers stop digging. When the workers asked, most turned white, when the madam came full form, reached into the loose Earth, and withdrew some kind of broach, or charm. When the spirit put the chain around her neck, the workers stood, un-certain, until the madam would say "My father gave this to me, when I was a child. I thought I had lost it. It thank you all, very kindly, for locating this treasure." The Quaker man came forward, full form, when some sort of cask, or chest, was found. The man was most proper as he asked the workers "Stand aside, gentlemen. You have located MY property." When the Quaker opened the container, even I was surprised that the container held a scroll-type version, of the Holy Scriptures. The Quaker would say "This has been handed down, through the generations, by my fathers." The next day, the carpenter came forward, when his tool chest was located. When the remains, of a mans skeleton, were found, partially inside the dig site, Lysia did as the law required, and had the bones analized, by the lab, while promising the spirit "If these are, in fact, your bones, then we can decide where to re-bury them." Twenty-four hours later, the bones were verified not just human, but a match, for the build, of the spirit. As a result, a discussion was held, about WHERE to bury the bones. The mans re-burial demand was simple. He wanted to be re-buried, someplace where he could rest in peace. Not some place we, pesky, humans would dig up, within the next 250 years. By the time the team located a proper place, for the re-burial, Tami was working, with the designers, on color schemes, while I was working with the contractor, on the "nuts-and-bolts", of the place. Using modern standards, it would have been very easy, to build the home, in a factory, then ship it to the site. The trustee's, however, wanted the students to gain the knowledge, of HOW the ancients built such homes. Result, the house would be BUILT, on-site. The one, good, thing, about the "stick-build", was that this drew out the spirits, allowing Tami to do her "thing". Conversing, and finding out WHY each spirit remained with the property. In this case, and most bizzarre, of all, Tami would be told, time and again, by spirits "I have no where else to go. This is why I remain. I mean no harm. I just feel that I belong here." Almost suspiciously quickly, as Tami suggested the thought of "Mother Superior. Where are you when we need you?" The spirit would show up, saying "My child, I am always, near you. Your welfare is my assignment." When Tami introduced our latest "band of souls", Mother Superior would surprise us when she would turn to the Quaker man, saying "Sorry, the Chairman feels you went too far over-board, with your family. Christianity is supposed to be about love, and acceptance. Aiding others, to see the light, of the Lord. It is NOT about "cracking the whip", and demanding absolute obedience." When the Quaker man would say "Madre, I did do my best, to teach good Christianity, to my family." The nun would say "No, good sir. You taught CONTROL, DENIAL, and the other, bad, parts, of our faith." When the Quaker would argue "Allow me to stand before St. Peter. I am sure he will acquit me." The nun would say "While the verdict is, already, in, I will not deny your request. I do caution you, though. Do NOT try to force the Chairman to see YOUR point of view. The Chairman is compassionate, but he has no time for fools, who translate the Word, to their own ends." When the madam would suggest "If the Quaker is not good enough, for Heaven, then that leaves me OUT, as well." All Mother Superior woulld ask was "Says WHO?" It would be to the carpenter, whom Mother Superior gave her highest commendation, saying "Sir, you are a good son, of the church. You have used your abilities, to enhance the lives, of others. You are most welcome, at the Lords table." When the man thought about the affairs he had, with two, married, women, while their husbands were away, the nun would say "The Chairman knows all there is to know. Since no harm was done, you have been allowed leniency." When Lysia would ask the nun "I thought Heaven was only for the righteous, and perfect." Tami stifled a smirk, as Mother Superior would say "How typical. How many times must I remind you mortals. Heaven is NOT some ultra-exclusive, country club. No one needs a special pass, to enter. It is what you DO, with your life, that matters." While the Quaker man would be sent to a "place of Contemplation", where he would be allowed to consider his actions, in life, and consider attonement, the other spirits would join Mother Superior, in dissolving into thin air. Tami could only guess that, with this group, there was no need, for the Enforcer Demon. No wonder it did not show up. While the house was only 25% built, when the last, of the spirits, were sent on their way, it seems that the university decided to continue the build. The idea being to show that quality construction was not a dead art. When Tami turned in our final report, on this location, Mr. Brown would say "Excellent work. Now, if you would not mind looking over the in-coming file, I would like your observations, on this one." Oh, well, life, and death, go on...

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