Wednesday, November 23, 2016


COULD HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? As readers will remember, in Decision 2000, many, predominantly, low-income, and ethnic minority, areas, of the United States, polling places were shorted, by hundreds of thousands, of ballots. This, while voters were supplied ONLY slips, of paper, to cast votes on. Slips of paper, which, were, then compacted, into trash bags, and never counted, since the ballots were not official. When George Walker Bush INSISTED that he "won" the election, the man thought that, once he DEMANDED to take to "Oath of Office", that all resistence, to his term , in office, would dissolve. Problem was, the American people, and the world, in general, did NOT agree with Mr. Bush. As a result, there are many Americans, who retain the belief that, in order to SILENCE all opposition, to his term, in office, that it was Mr. Bush, NOT Osama Bin Laden (The scape goat), who was responsible, for September 11, 2001. It should be noted that, shortly after this disaster, that Mr. Bush was VERY QUICK to announce, to Americans "Either you stand with ME, or you are a terrorist sympathizer". As a result, Mr. Bush became, to Americans, and the world, in general "Public Enemy No. 1". Since this time, America has spent sixteen YEARS, and countless American, and Islamic, bodies, fighting an UN-specified "war", against an UN-specified "enemy", for an UN-specified "goal". And, now we have Donald Trump. A self-financing, multi-millionairre, who MIGHT have won electoral college votes, but NOT the hearts, of Americans. Now, Mr. Trump is loading his White House cabinet, with people such as leaders, of the Ku Klux Klan, as well as others, who support both radical religion, and radical, military, action. Mr. Trump has, not only been rejected, by the American people, but, also, by the government, of Great Britain. How many more nations will reject Mr. Trump, is hard to say. The question is: With the American people denouncing Mr. Trump, as well as Great Britain, is it possible that, like 2001, when, after months, of heated debate, that Mr. Bush silenced his critics, following the events of that horrific September day, that America may be following that exact SAME path, heading into 2017? If the American people continue to denounce Mr. Trump, stating "He is NOT our president." Could we be looking at a complete REPEAT, of 2001? Just how FAR would the party be willing, to go, in order to ensure that Mr. Trump remains in office, until 2025? What limits will Mr. Trump set, in retaliating against those who do NOT accept him, as "leader"? If Americans remain vocal, in our opposition, to Mr. Trump, COULD we be looking at a repeat, of September 11th, 2001? Could we be looking at having Mr. Trump stand, at the podium, saying "Either you are with ME (as your "president"), or you are a terrorist sympathizer!" How can America DIVERT its course, away from the potential dstruction, and loss of life? Can Americans prevent history, from repeating itself? Can we avoid another September 11th, 2001? This is OUR nation. Can we, as Americans, steer the nation AWAY from disaster? Could it happen?

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