Monday, April 10, 2017


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE CATS CLAW If this, latest, case file were correct, it would seem that a feline (house cat), was being blamed for a series of murders. Our source indicated that the subject wanted to PROVE that their felines were NOT the guilty party. As for the "background", of the case. To my surprise, there was a rather extensive amount, of previous research, connected with the file. According to listed information, and historical legends, the "tale" began, way back, in the dark ages. A variety, of legends, tells the story, from a variety of angles. Some stories claimd that a black cat "transformed", into a black panther, when the cats mistress was attacked. While legend says that the woman survived the attack, and the panther "dispatched" the attacker, when local constables arrived, and found only the woman, and her feline, alive, word, quickly, spread, that the woman was a witch, and that she had cast a spell, over the feline, allowing the cat to dispatch the attacker. Other stories stated that the male was a suitor, of whom the feline was jealous. In these versions, the feline, possessed by a demon, changed, into the black panther, and dispatched the lady's lover. The part, of the file, which caused Tami and I to laugh, was the part where legend claimed that, after the man was "dispatched", the feline "spoke", to the woman, saying "So long as you obey me, provide me with food, shelter, and comfort, I will protect you from the world." When the woman, supposedly, asked the feline "What if I want a family?" Legend says the cats eyes glowed a firey, hellish, red, as the feline informed the woman "If you abandon me, you are DEAD." Now, sure, Tami and I had seen both television, and motion picture, felines, which talked, and had glowing eyes. What we, also, knew that, to make the eyes glow, was an effect achieved via special effects. "Talking" was achieved, by filming the felines mouth motions, then replaying the film, back wards and forwards. As to WHY the cat was so easy to blame, that was as simple, to explain, as was another legend. During the same Dark Ages, which spawned tales, of talking animals, this, fearful, time also spawned legends/tales such as the following: Anytime strangers passed through a town, especially after sun-set, legend says that these travellers were held responsible, for any illness, which befell communities. (As to HOW the traveller could cause illness, just by passing through town, after sun-set, no one had a clue. Not even Tami and I) As for the feline, the file had stated that, historically, when the village constable, and priest, arrived, at the property, to find the source of the commotion, it seems the cat "jumped" the priest, scratched the man, until pulled off, by the constable. The feline, then, ran out, into the dark of night. When the priest had accused the woman of casting evil spells, it seems that, when she responded with the equivalent of "Prove it!", the priest declared the woman to be a "Bride of Satan" (witch), and, on the priests command, the woman was imprisoned. The source would add "While the following information is NOT verified, legend says that, after the woman was "branded", villagers set about, to find the "hell-beast". (the feline), and, while no one was certain if they dispatched the correct feline, what is known is that dozens of felines were massacred, over the next couple of days. Legend, also, claims that the woman, upon her "conviction", for witchcraft, issued a curse. While impossible to verify, legend says the woman sent out a curse, stating that, until both her soul, and those, of the murdered felines, are both avenged, while being proven to be "gospel", that, at specified times, felines would evolve into panthers, and take the lives, of the relatives, of those who condemned both the woman, and the felines, to death. The file would continue that, over the centuries, clergy, and those, related, to the original mob, were being found, dead. Apparently clawed to death, by LARGE cats. When I would tell Tami "Panthers killing, I can see. But, felines?" To my knowledge, every feline I knew of, acted the same way, with HUMANS, whom the animals did not like. If an animal does not like a person, the animal stays clear of the person. Felines hiss, swipe claws, and keep their distance. This while dogs bark, and growl. If a human pushes, dogs bite. Normally, animals just dont attack, claw, and kill. Not unless the animal feels threatened. Un-fortunately, it would seem that a modern town was falling back, on Dark Ages beliefs, and for a most ridiculous reason. It seems that our proposed client was keeping house, with several cats, and she had, recently, moved to a new community. The question was "Was it coincidence, that crimes began occuring, AFTER the woman, and the cats moved into town? Could it be that the woman, and her felines, were being "framed", for recent crimes?" All that our source would confirm was that, within just three months, of the woman, and her felines, taking up residence, a number, of local bodies had been recovered. All, apparently, having been slashed, by feline claws. While our source seemed certain, that the client was being honest, about their felines being at home, at the times, of the attacks, there was growing suspicion, within the community. As far as Tami and I could tell, the felines were being accused, based upon nothing more than circumstantial hearsay. The client wanted the Brown Agency to "clear" the cats, of any wrong-doing. If we agreed to assist, then it was hoped that the felines would not face the "death penalty". During our review, our pilot would ask the obvious question "HOW does one investigate a cat?" While the three of us shared a laugh, over a classic, Walt Disney movie, titled "That Darned Cat", and its plot-line, about federal agents "tailing" a feline, on order to find bank robbers, and kidnappers, We agreed that there was no way that even Mr. Brown would agree to extend man-power, to watch after felines. No, the most logical way, to handle this, would be to cage the felines, then pursue any humans, who would continue to commit crimes (un-aware that the felines were locked up). There was, however, a problem. While the source informed us that the woman had "several" cats, it seems this term was, very loosely, applied. Once G.S.2 found a safe landing spot, Tami drove me to the womans house. Here, as we would discover, were not "several" cats, but, rather several DOZEN cats. As the woman said, when Tami asked her how the woman could AFFORD to feed so many cats, the woman had said "I just look after them. They come and go. Thats the way cats are. They have their own lives." When Tami would ask "If they come and go, then HOW do you know the cats are innocent of the crimes?" The woman would pick up a cat, asking "Look at that face. Does that LOOK like the face, of a killer?" After visiting, with the woman, Tami and I met with some locals, including the towns medical staff. As the womans doctor would caution "While I am bound, by law, NOT to disclose patient information, the womans health is of concern, to me." When Tami would ask "In what way?" The doctor would say "While I believe her to be of sound body, I have to wonder about anyone, who spends so much time with, and talking to, animals. Especially when the person thinks they can perceive honesty, from a face." When Tami would ask "Shouldn't such a person be under observation. For her own protection?" The doctor would mention "Young lady. Statutory law prohibits incarceration, without evidence of a crime having been committed." When Tami would ask "Doctor, WHAT do you THINK would happen, if the cats face a death sentence?" The doctor would, only, say "Removal, of cherished objects, has been known to cause psychological collapse. In extreme cases, even death." When I would ask "Doctor, in your opinion, what kind of mental state would cause a person to "act out", in such a way as to make it APPEAR that an attack was caused, by an animal?" The doctor would say "Generally speaking, the person would have to either have very CLOSE ties, to the animal, or..." When Tami would suggest "Or, they had a traumatic experience, with an animal." The doctor would say "It is possible. I will, however, caution, you that speculation can be just as deadly as actual violence." When Tami would ask "In what way?" While Tami already knew the answer. The doctor would say "Remember this. ANY animal, if it fears being cornered, will attack. Some animals even attack, when they SUSPECT they are being pursued." Now, Tami and I understood why Mr. Brown had asked US to review this case. It COULD be that an aging woman was trying to protect the only "friends" she had, in the world. OR, it COULD be that some, OTHER, person, was committing the crimmes, while laying the blame on the felines. Either way, the "case" was much too thin, even for a review. Tami was just about to submit our "Dont bother assigning anyone, to this case" report, when a bizzarre coincidence occurred. It was just about the time, when the local sherriff convinced a judge to allow animal control to take custody of the womans cats, when the womans home, suddenly, blew up. What made my partner anrgy enough to want to spit, was how RAPIDLY the fire investigation team ruled the explosion an accident. Tami was shocked to the point that the rage was, still, in her face, and voice, even at Mr. Brown, when Tami said "These locals dont WANT something found. I want a REAL team dispatched, to look over the site." When Mr. Brown would ask "You aree THAT certain that something is going on?" Tami would calm herself as she said "Sir, the local team was here, for LESS than an hour. Do you call that "thorough"?" Mr. Brown would say "I call that suspicious. Let me see who we have available. I will, also, have that site sealed, by the state police, until we know more." By the time the state police arrived, sometime later, Tami, myself, and even the troopers, ALL smelled the gasoline. After the troopers checked the property, one of them returned, carrying a gas can. The troopers would tell us "You were right. There is something here. Something no one wants found. Otherwise, WHY pour gasoline all over the place?" When Tami would ask "You think it was Arson?" The trooper would say "I think we need a more thorough search, of the property." Within six hours, a STATE, forensic, team was enroute, while the Brown Agencies own Arson investigation team was working with the state police. Locals were concerned, as more, and more, supplies, and personnel, arrived. The question was "WHat if the state police DID find what others did not WANT found?" Another question was "HOW did this mysterious Mr. Brown manage not only state police involvement, but an Arson investigation team?" And all of this before the arsonists could finish their assignment." While Tami and I, initially, saw no reason, to warn even the local sheriff, about G.S.2, it would seem that locals had FAILED to do their "home-work" on our plane, as well. In a bid, to draw attention AWAY from the home arson, some locals created "Molotov Cocktails", lit the fuses, and tossed the burning bottles at G.S.2. Since the arsonists instructions were to hit the plane, from both sides, in order to cause confusion, among the planes crew members, Each arsonist tossed their bottles, at G.S.2, before realizing what would happen. What stunned the arsonists was how rapidly G.S.2 deployed its cannon turrets. While the turrets targetted, fired at, and shattered, the bottles, in mid-flight, the flames caught the gasoline, which splashed onto the hull of our plane. Once the bottles were burst, the turrets re-traced the flight paths, locked onto the arsonists, and scared the **** out of the perpetrators, with pin-point shots, around the arsonists feet. While one arsonist ran, for fear the plane might follow up, on ita "attack", the other arsonist watched, from "cover", to see if the plane WOULD blow up, as promised. As the arsonist watched, however, the burning fuel simply slid from the edge of the plane, then dripped to the ground. When this arsonist reported in, later than expected, and was asked "What happened to the explosion? You were supposed to set the plane on fire. WHY didn't the plane explode?" The arsonist would report "You wont believe this, but I watched the flames, burning, on the plane. I didn't hear thhe grinding of metal. The gasoline just flowed off the plane, landed on the ground, and burned out." When another person, present, would say "Impossible. Jet fuel is, highly combustable. IF you hit the plane, it would have exploded." The arsonist would say "So you say. I saw it with my own eyes. After those machine guns blasted the bottles, in mid-air, and the flame ignited the gas, I watched as the gas hit the plane. I SAW it. I even swear, I watched the burning gas flowing off the plane, like water, flowing off a car, when the car is being washed." It was not until later that a deputy would report in, saying "I spoke to the planes pilots. That THING. That plane, is not made of any metal, which I have heard of." When the leader would say "Explain." The deputy would say "The pilot tells me the body, of the plane, was created to withstand A-A-A fire. That black, hull, coating. Its not just anti-radar. It is, also, flame-proof, and thermal shielded, both against severe heat, and cold." When the sheriff was asked "What do we do, now?" The sheriff would say "Only one thing I can think of, now." (Here, again, our opponents had FAILED to complete their "home-work") When the forensic team discovered remains, under the burned home, and around the property, it was not long, after this, that a video was received. The fools actually thought that, by filming my partner, against a blank, white, wall, they could leave the Brown Agency clueless, as to where to find Tami. (If only they had done their "home-work") Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, had no-sooner viewed a copy, of the video, when Mr. Black, and crew, were narrowing down Tami's exact position. Within an hours time, the kidnappers found their position surrounded, by heavily armed soldiers. When one, of the kidnappers, made the mistake of calling out "One more step, and she's dead." The kidnapper fell, to the floor, two, silenced, rounds, in his forehead. Special Forces did not waste any time trying to be subtle. Soon after the soldiers crashed their way into the building, the lead kidnapper heard only a few, sporadic, shots, from their comrades weapons, before Special Forces automatic weapons silenced the civilian weapons. The lead kidnappers biggest mistake was in trying to use my partner as a human shield. This, while demanding, of Special Forces "HOW, in God's name, did you find us, so fast?" The kidnapper knew his time was "up", when the approaching soldier would, suddenly, "fan out" into five, seperate soldiers. When Tami saw the "signal", in the lead soldiers face, she pretended to faint. Without his "shield", and with five lasers, targetted, on his chest, the kidnapper would squeeze off only one, random, shot, before his life was at an end. When the soldier would look at Tami, saying "Nice job, rookie." Tami would respond "Nice job, colonel. Glad to see an old friend." As for the property, by the time Special Forces returned my partner, I thought the forensics team was making some BOLD assertions. Sure, some experts claim there are differences between male and female, skeletons (even childrens), however, I was hesitant to believe that BONES could reveal that girls, as young as eleven, had been pregnant. And the idea, that bones could tell, that a fifteen year old had been pregnant, six times? Even **I** would need proof, before I would accept such information, as fact. What I COULD accept was when forensics stated that male D.N.A. was found inside the bones abdonimal section. While this was going on, at the site of the explosion, Special Forces had begun the process of "relieving" locals, of all fire-arms, then the state police took over security, as Brown Agency experts coordinated the work, to verify, or deny, collected evidence. According to what the towns people told the state police, the town considered it a "dirty, little, secret", that a cult was using under-age girls, as "baby-factories." Not only were the children producing babies, for the group, to sell, in order to support group activities, however, it seems the group took things a step further. After selling the infants, the group began blackmailing the adoptive parents, saying the group would report the parents, as "accessories", to statutory rape, as well as Human Trafficking. When the state police would ask that, if this group was so secretive, HOW did the community learn of cult activities? The newspaper editor would say "One, of the adoptive parents came to me, looking for information, on the group. I encouraged the parent to talk, and this is when we learned of the child abuse, taking place right in our own, Christian, community." When the state police asked "What happened?" The sheriff would say "I asked a judge for a warrant, on grounds of suspicion. The group, however, must have had a "mole", in town." When the state police would ask "What made you think that?" The sheriff would say "Shortly after I requested the warrant, we heard gun-fire." The fire chief would add "By the time we reached the property, the girls were, all, dead." The sheriff would add "gun-shots, to the head. Single, kill, shots. The cult did not want to leave any witnesses behind." When the state police would ask "What about the woman, with the cats. HOW did she fit in, to all of this?" The town priest would say "While the town gave the children proper, Christian, burial, we are aware of just how sensitive animal noses can be. Cadaver dogs are an excellent example, of this." The sheriff would add "We were concerned that the cats would locate the childrens bodies. It was a community decision. "Get rid of the animals. Problem solved." Suddenly, a new voice joined the conversation, as the spirit, of a teenage girl, would ask "Is that ALL we were, to you? A "problem" to be "solved"?" When the state police would ask the girl for identification, the police watched the towns-people shift, un-comfortably, as the teen would say "Most of us had no I.D. The group promised to take care of us, so long as we did as told." When the state police would ask "Who are you, and WHERE did you come from?" The sheriff would say "No use trying anything legal." When the state police would ask "Why?" The teenager would say "We are the souls, which the group exterminated, when they feared exposure." When the state police would say "You dont mean..." and the sheriff would say "Thats right. They are ghosts." The state police just could not believe that spirits, of dead people, could look, and act, like flesh-and-blood people. Soon after this, my partner went into "interview mode", and began "processing" the teens, for their coming "trip". Most of the spirits told the same story. Broken homes. Feeling un-loved. Non-existant. While the girls never really trusted the group, the girls found sisterhood. A bond. This, while living among a very perverted version of Father Flanigans Boys Town. It was not until Tami spoke, with some of the more "senior" girls spirits, that Tami learned MORE about the properties past, as well as its previous inhabitants. My partner knew, very well, that, under the correct conditions, a homes walls CAN, and DO, "TALK". To the more senior girls, the house had "spoken", of times, of great joy. Times, when couples raised fine, healthy, joyous, families. The house even told the story, of a young girl. A girl who, throughout childhood, had wanted to become a ballerina. The child wanted to be graceful. She even kept a toy crown, which her mother had given her, for the times when the child wanted to play "queen". It was only during her teens, when the young woman bested seven boys, in a competition, that the girl switched from ballerina, to gymnist. When Tami asked "What became of the girl?" The spirit would say "You have to understand. In THOSE days, girls just did NOT compete, against boys." When Tami asked "What happened to the girl?" The spirit would say "She trained fifteen gold medalists, thirty silver medalists, and seventy-five bronze medalists." When the spirit saw Tami's question, the spirit would say "She died, all alone. All she had left were the commendations, for TRAINING the best athletes." When Tami would ask "Did the house have anything else to say?" The spirit would say "Two, Quaker, families. The first had this house moved, from its original location. The new owner wanted to "bless" the place, away from its past." When Tami would ask "What past was that?" Mother Superior would appear, saying "Do not distress yourself, further, child. Go. Join the others. Rest. We have a LONG journey ahead of us." When Tami would say "Okay, spill. What is it that you did not want the girl to tell me?" Mother Superior would say "When the house was at its former location, it was a house of "fallen" women." Tami would have asked "Prostitutes?" except that Mother Superior "read" Tami's thoughts, saying "No, my child. These women were NOT, originally, in the "pleasure" business. The "house" was established, in a venture between a man and a woman. A business venture." When Tami would say "Go on." Mother Superior would say "History tells us that there was much MORE, to the mail order bride story, that what your television, and movies, have shown." When Tami would mention "It does seem odd, ordering ones spouse, from a mail order catalog. What DID happen, to the women?" Mother Superior would say "Your history is full of tales, of these women, coming to this land, to marry, and raise families. What your history does NOT speak of are the women, who were known as "rejects"." When Tami would ask "Rejects?" Mother Superior would remind Tami "Remember that, in the days before your internet, and "overnight delivery", there was a time, when letters required MONTHS, sometimes YEARS, of travel time, to reach destinations. It was during these times when the "mail order bride" business, for lack of a better term, "flourished"." When Tami would ask "What aren't you telling me?" Another spirit would appear, saying "I believe that what the nun is trying NOT to say is that, in some cases, such as my own, in the time between a man bought a contract, and the woman was being sold, and "shipped", sometimes five, or seven YEARS, would pass. In my case, by the time I arrived, on the frontier, the man, who bought my contract, was married, and had three children." Mother Superior would, then, remind Tami "Remember, in pioneer days, women, children, and, sometimes, even men, were sold, like cattle. Not men so much, but women, and children, most certainly." When Tami would mention "Even I remember, from my own school days, that Negro families were sold off, as individuals. So what?" Mother Superior would say "Your history remains flawed. Even after all that you have witnessed. Negroes were only the most widely REPORTED sold. In pioneer days, it was "legal" to sell even white people. Mostly to re-pay debts, to creditors. Some families even sold children, to raise funds, to pay off debts. This, so that the remainder, of the family could make a fresh start, elsewhere." When Tami would re-focus the discussion, on the house, the spirit would mention "As I said, by the time I arrived, my purchaser HAD a family. Result, my services were not needed." This is when Tami "saw the light", saying "Let me guess. Your purchaser SOLD you, to another party." The spirit would say "More correctly, a new purchaser arrived, to purchase my contract. You see, a man, who wanted MORE, out of life, than farming, met up with a woman, who dreamed of, one day, being important. The woman suggested that the man take a loan, against his farm, and use the money to buy a piece of land. Siince the nearest "whorehouse", at that time, was fifty miles away, the woman suggested that, for a 50/50 split, of the profits, she would bring in women, who needed room and board." Mother Superior would add "The woman was quite clever, for her day. She was even clever enough that, once her "partner" bought the land, the woman offered local men a total of three visits, per man, in return for the mens assistance, during construction. The woman was, also, clever enough to have "listened", to local conversations, and made a list, of the mail order brides, whose contracts were up, for bids." The spirit would add "At first, there were only five of us, "working" eighteen hours per day. As men bid, for our "company", the woman used the profits to buy up more contracts. Eventually, there were enough of us that we only "worked" twelve hours per day." When Tami asked "Based upon the way the two of you are speaking, I would say that things did not go so well." Mother Superior would say "Allow me to be frank. Under the original owners, the "business" thrived. In time, however, the owners achieved all they wanted, in life." The spirit would say "It was not until the owners sold, that the new owners began selling us off. Even women, such as myself, who had PAID OFF our contracts." When Tami would ask "Hold on. You PAID OFF your debt, yet you "worked", anyway?" Mother Superior would say "Remember, my child, that, in pioneer days, women had few choices. Even "liberated" women." The spirit would say "The new owners "worked" the women, until we dropped. Before you ask, remember that labor law, and other, worker, protection, did not exist, in OUR day." When Tami would say "Fair enough. The house began as a bordello, then fell under the control, of human trafficking. How does this tie in with the woman, and her cats?" The spirit would ask "Would you believe me if I said the new owner actually imported a black panther? Would you believe me if I said he put a "hex" on the panther?" When Tami would ask "What for?" The spirit would ask "Which is easier, to explain away? That people were sold off, for the money? Or that a panther broke loose, and mauled the people to death, before being re-caged?" When Tami would say "Sales records would have been kept." Mother Superior would ask Tami "Young lady! HOW many pimps do you know, who give receipts?" When Tami would say "Okay, my bad. HOW was the animal blamed, for the peoples disappearances?" The spirits would say "Occassionally, when the new owner felt a girl was not "putting out" enough "work", the owners would wait until the women were asleep, then take them outdoors. The body would be "scented", to draw in the panther. The next day, the remains would be recoverred, and the rest of us would be reminded of how easily we could be the next panther meal." Tami would say "So, began the legend of the cats claw." Mother Superior would say "Not yet, dear." then, looking at the spirits, the nun would say "Proceed with the story." The spirit would say "No one, really, knows how, but, after several girls died, of "animal attacks", the panther got free, and vanished. And I mean VANISHED." When Tami would suggest "Weren't the pioneers more like expert trackers?" The spirit would say "Several, hunting, groups went, in search, of the panther. Some returned, with slain members. Atleast three groups, of hunters, whom I remember, never returned." When Tami would suggest "HOW do you know it was the panther? Not a bear, or other animal?" The spirit would say "A combination, of the claw marks, and the fact that, while we never viewed the cat, again, we heard its voice, many times." When Tami woulld ask "Hold it. You heard SOUNDS, but you never SAW, or VIEWED, the panther?" The spirit would say "All we, ever, heard, and saw, were flashes of black." When Tami returned, to G.S.2, she, like myself, was amazed that the gasoline left no odors, or scortch marks, on the plane. In fact, G.S.2 looked un-marked, in any way. Tami, however, did a web-search, on black panthers. My partner was even LESS convinced, than I was, that a wild panther would escape captivity, only to remain in the vicinity, just to kill humans. More importantly, all of the "evidence", which we had, so far, were claw marks. Not one person would admit to having viewed the panther. As for Tami's web-search, neither of us was surprised, when Lysia contacted US, introducing a university co-worker, whose work was focused on everything from house cats, to lions. When Lysia introduced the woman, whose name translated as "cat woman", cat woman would say "Do not be surprised. I THINK my parents "knew" I was a cat lover, before I was born. The animals have fascinated me, since childhood." When Tami wuld ask "What can you tell us, about black panthers?" Cat woman would say "One things for certain. Un-like to many humans, who live for revenge, animals are much more intelligent. Your black panther, for example. If it was caged, and taught to kill, against its will, then got free, I guarantee the animal would NOT have remained close to its tormentors. If attacked, the panther will attack, and kill. But, to stay near those, who mis-treated the animal? Impossible. The panther would have sought out its own domain." When Tami would ask "What about the animal cries?" Cat woman would diplay a cart, on which lay four objects. Cat woman would, then, ask "Tell me what you think of these." After Lysia adjusted the computer volume, and cat woman blew into each object, Tami and I were amazed at how life-like the objects sounded. When Tami would ask "How, or should I say why?" Cat woman would say "Some of my research shows that people found, or made, such devices, either to locate, or scare off, the animals." When Tami would say "People were attacked." Cat-woman would ask "Who witnessed the attacks, beyond the members, of each hunting party?" When Tami and I looked at one another, reminding cat woman "Towns-people claimed to SEE the cat." Cat woman would correct my partner, saying "According to your report, towns-people said they saw a "black mass", or "blur"." Cat woman would, then, step away, from the camera, put on a black (fur?, or pelt?) then ask "Did they actually SEE the panther, or just something dark?" Okay, so we agreed that the descriptions were not so detailed. When Tami asked Lysia, and cat woman, "ANY idea why frontier people would want to kill one another?" Cat woman would put on a smile, which looked positively feline, as she, softly, said "To keep the legend, and the fear, alive." When Tami would say "You THINK the legend MOVED, with the house?" Cat woman would ask "Why not learn of the legend, first, then move the house?" Tami would no-sooner ask "Why move a house, hoping that a legend, or spirit, will "come along, for the ride"?" Then, Tami remembered our very first adventure. A portly businessman had moved a castle, to America, then offered cash prizes, to anyone, who stayed at the castle, for a full weekend. The host then used all manner of gimmicks, to scare away guests, while he sat back, and laughed. The man had no clue that his desire, to create a "haunted house", would be made even more realistic, by the REAL, spirit, world. No, all the man loved doing was provoking FEAR. As cat wooman would remind us "Remember, panthers, and other "cats", dont live as long as humans. IF a panther is involved, it would be the great-grand-son, of the original panther." When Tami would ask "No chance it is the spirit, of an agrieved animal?" both women, at the university, laughed, then reminded us "If an animal attacks, it finishes the job, on the spot. Humans are the only species treacherous enough to PLAN a coordinated revenge." I would suggest "So, we are looking for a human. Any ideas?" Lysia would say "Let me get back to you." After that, Lysia cut the link. When Tami would consider "If it is a human, WHY blame the animals?" I would say "Simple. Kill ones adversary, and blame the animal. The animal is executed, and you have your revenge." When Tami would ask "How could they hoppe to get away with such a crime?" I would suggest "Tami, WHEN was the last time you heard of a lion, tiger, bear, panther, cobra, or even a racoon, giving testimony, in a court of law?" When Tami would ask "Animals, in court? HOW could the animals testify? Animals dont even use human language." I would say "Precisely. While apes have been taught sign language, 90% of animals have no language, shared with humans." When Tami would ask "Do you think the person, doing the killing, is mentally un-stable?" I would say "Anything is possible." According to a follow up report, from Lysia, one of the deans was writing a paper, on a similar subject. When Lysia forwarded the deans summary, it seemed a cross between education, and warning. "Individuals, capable of such acts, over prolonged eriods, of time, are considered "highly functional psychopaths." These people are much deadleir, than normally un-balanced people. You WONT find these people inside psychiatric wards. You will find such people inside the business community, government, and even corporations. These people have two, seperate, and distinct, lives. Their public face is that, of success, power, and position. The most dangerrous, of these, are the ones who plan well in advance. Stalking victims (without victims knowledge), and striking, when victims appear vulnerable." When Lysia would ask "Anyone, of that description, in your area?" Tami would say "Only about three, or four, DOZEN, people." When Lysia would ask "Do they know you are "on to them"?" Tami would say "As far as we know, people THINK we are hunting an animal." Lysia would advise "Be cautious, in whom you tell. You might THINK you are speaking with an intelligent person, while you MIGHT be speaking to a murderer." When Tami would ask "What would be a safe was, to draw the person out?" Lysia would ask "Is there a hardware store, near you?" Without informing locals, I had Mr. Black compare tha attack marks to all manner of household, gardening, and construction, equipment. It was not until after Mr. Black produced a 95% match, that I visited the local hardware store, not only to BUY a copy, of the weapon, but to ask if anyone else had purchased a copy, recently. When the clerk, naturally, asked "Why?" I suggested "I would like some input, on which brand, or model, is most useful." While I was dismayed to learn that I was the first person, in decades, to purchase such a tool, from the store, When I returned to G.S.2, Tami had better news. "I have found ten, on-line, purchases, in the past fifteen years. While I think we can rule out the plastic units, this reduces the number, by only a third. It was during the time, when Tami and I were working, to reduce the number, of suspects, that two more attacks were reported. In one case, the reason why we knew an attack was in progress was due to the animals attack call. While neither of us was surprised, at witness "statements", about a "big, black, mass", what we found suspicious was the "eyes, which burned, like fire." That, and the notion, that one "survivor" claimed, the animal watched, and followed, the victim, all the way to town. When Tami contacted Lysia, asking about "Burning red eyes", and prey tracking victims, into town." It seems that cat woman could not stop laughing, at the idea of "burning red eyes". When cat woman asked "Was the victim given a sobriety test?" When Tami would ask "I dont think so, why?" Cat woman would say "Something you should know. Black panthers, normally, have either yellow, or blue, eyes. I have yet to see a panther, with red eyes, period." When Tami would ask "What about stalking victims, into town?" Cat woman would say "No preditor would do this. The best preditors try to spook their prey into an isolated location. The goal being to PREVENT escape. No, if a "witness" is claiming that they were "stalked" into town, I would suggest either black coffee, or drug detox." When Tami would suggest "I thought that some preditors preferred hunting, by night." Cat woman would say "Normally, if they feel threatened. No doubt, the Lord gave the animals bettter night vision, as well as hearing, and sense of smell, since we, humans have technology." It was only after cat woman told us what to look for (especially marked territory), that Tami and I made another discovery. While most animals have a "territory", it seems that "our" black panther like to hunt all over town. Then, there were the bits of fur and, while it might sound nasty, Tami had me collect a specimen, of the panthers urine. (Tami thought she recognized the fragrance, but she could not be sure.). While we did not need G.S.2's computers, to recognize human-made fur, it was when the panther urine was run through the computer, that Tami's suspicions were confirmed. My partner was right. This so-called "urine" was, actually, a mixture, of three, womens, fragrances. While Tami's inquiries would yield the fact that only one, local, woman owned ALL THREE perfumes, in her collection, the woman no-sooner went ON our suspect list, when she came right back OFF the list. Reason: Un-like most back injuries, which leave victims paralyzed, this woman was in a slow recovery program, from such a back injury. Until her back was, fully, healed, the woman was restricted only to short walks, around her house, and property. Mr. Brown, easily, confirmed the womans injury, saying "Her doctors note that her injury was three years ago. She will remain in therapy, maybe for another ten years, before she is pronounced "Well enough" to walk, again." When Tami would ask "Just curious. What WOULD happen, if the woman TRIED to take a walk, in the forrest?" Mr. Brown would say "Her medical record says she would collapse, after 500, to 1,000 feet." When Mr. Blue joined the discussion, suggesting "The woman has care-givers, doesn't she?" When Tami would say "Her friends, and neighbors, take care of her." Mr. Blue would suggest "What would prevent one, of these people, from "borrowing" the perfumes?" When Mr. Brown would ask "Frame a disabled person?" Mr. Blue would suggest "Not a frame job, sir. No one would question a disabled person. WHY should anyone question a disabled persons care-giver?" Our pilot would add "The perfect cover up. Borrow what you need, from someone, who is beyond suspicion." When Tami would ask "Dont you think that a woman would NOTICE if her perfume, or cosmetics, are missing?" Mr. Blue would suggest "NOT if the items are returned, after each use." When Tami woulld ask "HOW would these persons remove the items, in the first place? Without the person knowing?" Mr. Brown would say "I have relatives, of my own, who have care-givers. The people have keys, both to access the property, while patients are in therapy, and to gain emergency access, in the event of a seizure, or stroke." Tami would caution "We are making some very BROAD assumptions, here. So far, the only thing we can dis-prove, conclusively, is the "burning red eyes". It was not until after Tami visited the sheriff that the case broke wide open. No-sooner did the sheriff agree to "look into the case", when the black panther decided to pay G.S.2 a visit. The panther must have thought that Tami was un-protected, while she was outside the plane, taking a stretch break. I can only guess that the fool thought that our plane would dis-regard the presense, of an animal. (If only they had known that our weapons systems key off of human D.N.A.) As the fool lept, from the dark, towards Tami, our port turret snapped open, and pumped ten rounds into the attacker. Suddenly, the panther neither sounded, nor acted, like an animal, any longer. By the time myself, and our pilots, joined Tami, she was removing the fake head, from the body. It would turn out that the "burning red eyes" were night vision lenses, which provided the wearer with ultra-precise information, including when prey was "in range". The front "paws", of the creature, were, in fact, the gardening tools we had suspected. OLD, for sure, but durable, and reliable. It also made sense WHY, when the sheriff had sent out hunting parties, after several attacks, that no, rogue, black panther, was, ever, found. After all, while the sheriff, and hunting parties, were out, searching the woods, the "panther" was "resting", inside the sheriff's closet. After the air force men patched the sheriiff up, as well as possible, and we contacted the state police, a local psychiatrist would examine the sheriff, then pronounce "Definite, split, personality. One side, geniune law enforcement. One part, wanting to keep a legend alive." When the state police would ask "When may we take the prisoner into custody?" The psychiatrist would say "After the coroner is finished. You can have the body." When the state police would ask "How is that, doctor?" The psychiatrist would say "That black jet, of theirs. In defending the woman, the machine dealt a mortal blow, to the attacker. The sheriff lived just long enough to relate his story." The sheriff, a long time resident, of this area, was given a heroes burial, due to his law enforcement work, over the years. The doctor had revealled that "panther-man" had, even, rigged the womans house, to explode. His reason was simple. While exploring his own heritage, the man learned that atleast two, of his relatives had been among the girls, who had been exploited, by the cult. Since the man knew that, legally, he could take no action, without jeopardizing his badge, he learned, of the panther story, and decided to try and exact some vengeance, for his families losses. Before his death, the sheriff had promised the doctor "I made SURE those I killed were direct descendants, of the original criminals. I, NEVER, hurt an innocent person." The only flaw, in his story, was the fact that those, he killed, never understood WHY they were dying. After all, how many grand-parents, and great-grand-parents, tell children about the crimes the adults committed, during their lifetimes? Tami, myself, and the deputy sheriff, were, all, just ready to close the case, and for the acting sheriff to see us off, when, out of the dark, came a pair of dark, blood red, eyes, and a sound, like a panther, on the hunt. Since our gun turrets did not deploy, Tami and I said "goodbye", to the acting sheriff, who saw us off, into the night. Final case notes: News, of the acting sheriff's death, did not reach the Brown Agency, for two, full, weeks. The coroner ruled the death "wild animal attack", due to the types of wounds. When Tami contacted cat woman, the professor would say "Very strange behavior, for a cat. Normally, cats avoid towns. First case I have heard of, where a black panther came inside a town, and killed a deputy, INSIDE a police station." When Lysia had asked cat woman ""NO, previous, similar, attacks?" Cat woman would say "First, such report, in recorded history." Who knows? On to the next case.

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