Saturday, April 1, 2017


SLEEPY HOLLOW HISTORY SPEAKS TO US (Authors note: Due to the fact that this story originated BEFORE the broadcast, of the season finale, in which Agent Thomas is transferred, from Homeland Security, to Department 355, her character was written as part of this despised, American, version, of the Nazi Party's Gestapo.) Prelude: The place: Hades/Hell Malcolm Dreyfuss would face Satan/Lucifer/the Devil, etc., but in a crafty way. When Malcolm would inform the "manager", of this place "You need me, among the living". When the manager would ask "Why? I have many other servants, in your world." Malcolm would say "Maybe, but how many of them have the DRIVE, the DETERMINATION, to do what it takes, to move plans forward?" The manager would suggest "With the proper "encouragement", they will do my bidding." Malcolm would suggest "Why extort souls, to do your bidding, when you can having willing souls?" When the manager would suggest "You know, I have plenty of experience. Since the beginning of time. WHY should I bother with you?" Malcolm would suggest "You need better P.R.. A better image. Let me return to earth, complete my plans. When I am finished, you "buy out" my shares. No muss. No fuss." When the manager would say "I suppose you will want your immortality, in return." Malcolm would ask "Why not? You will need allies, in order to rule, properly. What do you say? I do the work. Build the empire, then you become the "Chairman of the board", after I am gone." Shortly after this, Malcolm would find himself back in the world of the living. While Malcolm Dreyfuss's plans, to re-make America, in his own image, would falter, as "Team Witness" would work their "magic", to defeat the Four Horsemen, yet again, what not even Jacob had been informed of were the "benefits" of "immortality". While Malcolms drive, to create his perfect world, would have failed, for the moment, Malcolm began having dreams. Dreams of places, long ago, and far away. While it is true that most people, on occassion, have very vivid, or life-like, dreams, almost none of us actually interract with the characters, in our dreams. Over his life time, even Malcolm Dreyfuss had his share, of similar dreams. This is why he KNEW that something had changed. At first, Malcolm did not know WHY he was dreaming, of colonial America, Columbus's voyage, of discovery, or even dreaming of visiting the royal palace, of their royal, Spanish, majesties. The very royalty which had financed Christopher Columbus's journey. At first, the dreams had seemed random. That is, until Malcolm realized that, prior to nightly sleep, he had been reading, about history. Of course, even the demon, Jacob, would admit that time travel was not IM-possible. The problem, as Jacob had attempted to point out, about history, is that, changing even the smallest, of events, could change whole CHAPTERS, of history. Jacob had, even tried to give the example, of the thirteen colonies. "What if some, unknown, person had talked their majesties OUT of financing Columbus's journey?" When Jacob would reflect "What if the Europeans had not have driven the indian tribes off of their ancestral land? Would America even exist, today?" When Malcolm would reply "Just think of the possibilities. If Crane, and his "team", were, never, born. Better yet, what if the thirteen colonies, had not been founded by Europeans? What would have happened if Crane had stayed in Europe? Just imagine how much easier our job would be, if that Agent Thomas, Crane, and even Jennifer Mills, have never been born?" Jacob would attempt to caution Malcolm "Remember. IF the United States is erased from history, and YOU, Malcolm, were BORN here, that would mean that Dreyfuss Industries would be erased, along with the nation." Jacob understood, even before Malcolm said the words, that Malcolm was preparing to "subvert" the law, again. This time, it would seem that the billionairre was attempting an even more impossible task. Malcolm did not seem satisfied, with mere, personal, immortality. He was focusing on erasing an entire NATION, from world history. When Jacob understood just how focused Malcolm was, in studying the history, of events, which lead to the founding of America, Jacob would approach "Team Witness", not so much to "sell out" Dreyfuss, as much as to caution the team. "I give you this caution. If Malcolm Drefuss carries out his plans, your country will not only cease to exist, but..." When Agent Thomas would ask "But, what?" Jacob would hesitate, before saying "Not only will the United States cease to exist, however, what I cannot seem to make Malcolm understand is that, since he was BORN, in the United States..." Crane would finish the sentence, saying "If the United States is erased, from history, then Malcolm Dreyfuss will be erased, as well." When Agent Thomas would ask Jacob "WHY are you telling us this? I thought you were Malcolms right hand "man", or "demon"." Jacob would say "The title matters not. I am, simply, cautioning you about Malcolms proposed plan, and its possible repercussions." When vaults weapons girl, Alex, would ask "How bad could it be? The indian tribes keep their land. The thirteen colonies never exist, and, therefore, never rebel. No War of Independence. No Valley Forge. No Civil War. NO December 7, 1941, etc. I dont see a "lose" here." Jacob would, calmly, say "For every action, there IS a reaction. It COULD be that, without the aid, of the United States, Adolf Hitler COULD become ruler of the world." When the modern day humans would say "Not a chance! The Germans would have disposed of Hitler, themselves, given sufficient time, and resources." When Jacob would ask "Are you so CERTAIN? Remember that Adolf Hitler not only ordered the deaths, of the Jews, but he executed many Germans, whom he SUSPECTED of plotting against him." When Alex would say "Big deal. Everyone knows that Generals Patton, and Bradley, along with the Russians, and the British, handled Adolf." This is when Ichabod Crane would consider "In OUR time line, this is true. However,in ANOTHER time line, were the United States erased from history, these, fine, men like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and even Mr. Lincoln, would, never, have been born." Jacob would add "The Britsh Isle would have been left to fight Adolf Hitler, without colonial support". Jacob would add "Since the indian tribes have been peaceful, for millenia, Adolf Hitler would have had no problem sending the Battleships Bismarck, Prince Oiken, and the Terpitz, against the indians." When Mr. Wells would suggest "Are you saying that the indians would have been slaughtered, anyway?" Jacob would say "Dreyfuss plan will only "buy" the indian tribes a couple of more centuries, of peace. Once the German batlleships, and the Luftwaffe, arrived, bolstered by the German Army." Crane would sum it up "The indian tribes lose, either way. Either in the 1500's, when Europeans invade, or in the 1930's, when the Third Reich reaches these shores." When Alex would suggest "How much worse could it be, than it, already, is? I mean, rampant un-employment, wholesale deportations. Families being torn apart, both by economics, and nationality. HOW could the situation be WORSE?" While Jacob saw that Ichabod Crane understood what the demon meant, the modern day people needed a "visual observation", in order to realize what a nightmare Dreyfuss dream would become. With a simple, hand, gesture, the team found themselves inside an image, created by Jacob, in which the team seemed to have stepped back into the 1930's. All around the team, the vault had dissolved, and was replaced with charred wood, and soil, brown, and barren of life. While the modern day people recognized the distant mountain ranges, and they KNEW they were, still, near the East Coast, everything had been burned to the ground. When Alex would ask "What happened, here?" Jacob would say "Once the Germans defeated England, and Russia, Adolf Hitler would hear "whispers", of "palaces", and "cities", built, of gold, in the west. The problem the Germans would encounter, upon invading, was that, un-like the Europeans, who fought, in the open, the indian tribes were masters of camoflauge. This is where the Pentagon, and the United States government learned to do the same. The indian tribes blended in, so well, that, when Field Marshal Gehring received reports, which stated "We may need to burn the place to the ground, to force the indians to show themselves", Gehring would approve the order. As a result, the Luftwaffe would drop incendiaries, while Tiger tanks, mounted with flame-throwers, rolled in. What you see, before you, is what would be left, at the end of Hitlers search, for rumors of gold." When Agent Thomas would ask "Just how MUCH history would Dreyfuss have to change, in order for this to become reality?" Jacob would say "A few, key, events, here and there. A few changed decisions. Maybe even a few couples, who never meet. Columbus, and the others, are never born, and Hitler ends up ruling the world." When the team would look about them, asking "What world?" Jacob would say "Precisely." It would not, however, be until the modern people would examine the charred remains, of indian corpses, that "reality" set in, BIG time. When the vault staff would ask Agent Thomas "WHY did the Germans burn the bodies, after shooting them?" Agent Thomas would counter this with "Who says they were shot, first?" When the vault staff would ask "You dont mean?" Crane would say "Set the dwelling aflame, then shoot the burning victims, as they emerge." When Jenny would look Jacob in the face, asking "HOW do we know this is real? Not just some trick, to elicit our assistance?" Jacob would ask "What purpose could I have in showing you a fake future? WHY would I waste my time, telling you lies?" Jenny would say "You ARE a demon. You trick people, for a living." Jacob would admit "Fair enough. Yet, ONLY when the price is right." When Jenny would ask "WHAT is your "price", to help us in preventing this?" Jacob would say "Simple. I was, once, as you are. If Dreyfuss changes the past, then some, of the lesser evils, of time, will be replaced with greater evils. In fact, **I** may not even be born." It was only once Agent Thomas would ask "What do you want us to do?" As if by the magical waiving, of his hand, Jacob would cause the scene, of carnage, to dissolve, and the vault, of Department 355 would return. After this, Jacob would say "You must prepare yourselves." When Agent Thomas pulled her side arm, and checked its clip, while Jennifer Mills grabbed a shot gun, with a laser-site, and the vault staffers would reach for other, automatic, weapons Jacob would ask "WHAT do you think you are doing, with those?" When Jennifer Mills would say "Weaponing up, for the trip." Jacob would ask "Even if you bring those weapons, what use would they be, centuries before they, or their ammunition, are even invented?" When Alex would ask "What do you mean? Centuries before their invention. WHERE are we going?" Jacob would say "Wrong question. Correct question would be WHEN are you going?" When Agent Thomas would say "I have a position, with Homeland Security, not to mention a daughter, to be taken care of. I cant just go on a trip, through time. My director would freak. Not to mention Child Welfare." Jacob would suggest "I know of a mortal, who is pure of heart. I turned down the contract since they are as pure as your church. Your daughter can stay there, for tonight." Agent Thomas would ask "What about the rest of the trip?" Jacob would say "If you are successful, in your task, **I** will arrange it so that only one day will pass, before you return." When Agent Thomas would ask "If we fail?" Jacob would say "Molly will never be born." While Jacob proceeded, as agreed, and went searching for Malcolm, the team would begin the most unusual "treasure hunt", in modern history. Their task: Not just to locate weapons, but to locate fire-arms, which would "fit in", during past time periods. The problem, for Agent Thomas, would be that, while she might be a marksman, with revolvers, and automatic weapons, however, Crane would have to "educate" Thomas, in firing weapons, such as a flint-lock. When Jenny would "review" the vault staff, she would find the same problem. The federal workers were, fairly, proficient, with modern day fire-arms, however, with anything older than Vietnam, or Korea, and the staff were "clue-less". SInce it would turn out that ONLY Crane, and Jennifer Mills, had any clue, about "antique" fire-arms, Crane would do something, which he had attempted to avoid, until now. While Ichabod Crane understood that his wife, Katrina, had been released, and "re-born", from the warlocks spell, Crane remained "haunted" by the fact that his wife, the woman he had promised to love, honor, and cherish, had kept a secret, of her Wiccan ways, until his demise. While the coven had been correct, that Ichabod had kept secrets, as well, he continued to wonder how MANY secrets the coven members were keeping. This is why, When Jenny Mills, and Agent Thomas, agreed that the group needed a LOT more practice, before going on the "hunt", Crane knew how to "buy" the time, which the team needed. A "Time Suspension" spell. The question was "Would the coven grant this? Even if it meant protecting the world, including the Wiccan world?" To Cranes surprise, in this instance, the coven would seek out the team To the shock, of Agent Thomas, the covens high priestess would ask for an audience, with the federal agent. When the two women, spoke "privately", Agent Thomas was shocked to hear that the coven knew even more, about Homeland Security, than what the agency knew, about the coven. When the priestess would offer Agent Thomas a deal, saying "The sisterhood is NOT the "evil", which your agency has labelled us as." When Agent Thomas would ask "If that is true, WHY did you coven, recently, purchase three truck loads, of fertilizer, as well as a truck load, of volatile chemicals?" The high priestess would inform Agent Thomas "Your words give the appearance that our order has only RECENTLY, begun ordering such supplies." Whn Agent Thomas would reply "Homeland Security monitors ALL, large, shipments, nowadays. In case you haven't heard, American cities have been BOMBED, in the recent past." The high priestess would remind Agent Thomas "Your continued use, of the word "recently" suggests that your agency has, already, made up its mind, about our order." When Agent Thomas would say "So far as I know, the "jury" is still out." The priestess would ask "If I might inquire. Just how far BACK are you investigating?" Agent Thomas would say "We began monitoring right after September 11, 2001." When the priestess would suggest "WHY not peer even farther back, in history?" Agent Thomas would ask "WHY? America was not attacked until September 11th, 2001." When the priestess would suggest "Extend your vision further into the past." When Agent Thomas would ask "WHY? The time, before 9/11, is of no interest to us." When the priestess would say "Extend your vision" Agent Thomas would ask "How far? 1990? 1980?" The priestess would suggest "Try 1951. The records should go back, atleast that far." When Agent Thomas would ask "WHAT am I searching for?" The priestess would say "You will understand, when you extend your vision." When Agent Thomas would ask "What about the current mission?" The priestess would say "Have no fear. Knowledge is TRUE power." When Agent Thomas visited Homeland Security's offices, reviewed the covens file, noted the dates, and amounts, of shipments, she took down the name, of the retailer, as well. Agent Thomas had a growing curiousity, of WHAT it was that the coven WANTED her to see. When Agent Thomas visited the supply center, a clerk asked if Agent Thomas had some time, to spare, to look at hand-written records. When Agent Thomas asked "I thought all of your records were computerized", the clerk would say "When Homeland Security, first, contacted the store, we were only digital, to the early 1980's." When Agent Thomas would ask "And now?" The clerk would say "Last I heard, we were digital, back to 1975.." When Agent Thomas would ask "How far back do your records go?" The clerk would say "I think we have some hand-written records, from as far back as 1875." When Agent Thomas would ask "Where are the records, going back to 1950?" The clerk would show the federal agent to a workers shed, where the clerk produced a stack, of hand-written ledgers. When Agent Thomas would ask "What would I look for, in key words, to certain, specific, purchases?" The clerk would say "Sorry. You just have to read each page, until you find what you are looking for." (Agent Thomas had been careful NOT to ask to see coven records, since Homeland Security suggested this was the best way to LOSE records, once suspects knew they were under investigation). Agent Thomas would spend the entire day, through dinner, and into the night, creating a list, of factual information, by hand. Once Agent Thomas had the information, which she sought, she arranged a meeting, with her supervisor. A meeting, which would not go well. Agent Thomas was not surprised when her supervisor would say "Sure, I was briefed, on that terrorist cell. They have been purchasing bulk quantities, of fertilizer, and other chemicals, since 2001. We have a team, prepared to infiltrate, at this moment." When Agent Thomas would ask "What if the bulk purchases did NOT begin, after 2001?" When the supervisor would ask "What are you saying? The terrorists were purchasing BEFORE 9/11? When 1991?" Agent Thomas would produce her notes, asking her supervisor "Note not only the dates, but the YEARS, of each purchase." When the supervisor would ask "So what? Same time, each year. Must be the season when the cell mobilizes." Agent Thomas would suggest an alternative. "The dates coincide with PLANTING seasons. If you look, closely, the dates, as well as the years, coincide with the planting schedule.." When the supervisor would ask "How far BACK did you track this information?" Agent Thomas would say "The last, legible, entry was dated 1936." The supervisor was about to ask "A terrorist cell that OLD? We did not even begin to use the term until the 1980's." Agent Thomas would add "I spoke to the supply center owner, and he informed me that his grand-father remembered filling the covens orders, back in the 1940's. The man said his grand-father called the Wiccans "Some of our best, most polite, and well-spoken, customers." When the supervisor would ask "Just HOW does the supply center KNOW what the cell did, with the supplies, once the merchandise was delivered?" Agent Thomas would say "The supply centers owner admits that, like his father, and grand-father, when young, the men traded their services, as farm hands, for some of the food the coven made." The supervisor would ask "So, you want me to believe that, each season, for atleast a century, this "coven" has ordered three truck loads, of fertilizer, and other chemicals, and all for the purpose of GARDENING?" Agent Thomas would ask "Why not? Farmers have been following this same practice, for generations." The supervisor would compromise. "I will call off the surveillance, and send in ONLY the infiltrators, as laborers. I warn you, Agent Thomas. If the team finds bomb-making equipment, on the grounds, I will not only arrest your "witches", but I will have your badge, as well. Understood?" Agent Thomas would say "Fair enough." Agent Thomas, like Ichabod Crane, and Jennifer Mills, would not inquire as to HOW the coven performed the deed. All the team knew was that, as soon as the feds called off their "watch-dogs", the sisterhood not only cast the spell, but the coven even subtracted the days, which Agent Thomas had used, convincing Homeland Security that the "witches" were NOT "evil". While the spell was being cast, Jacob would report "Malcolm is being most crafty. Instead of just choosing a place, to "cross-over", he is making a LIST, of every event, both large and small, which lead to America's creation. I am only hopeful that, by the time he transfers, ALL of you will be ready, as well." The problems only began with weapons training. The problem the team had was more than what Malcolm was working on. Not only did the team have to find period weapons, but they had to "re-create" period clothing, and worse. As Jennifer Mills remembered, from her own time travels, historically, Americans spoke in a more proper, dignified, fashion. Bows, and curtseys, were common-place, and property/position, were, very much, respected. Result, with the exception of Crane, the rest of the team needed weapons, clothing, and proper speech patterns. On top of all of this, and, for a nation, just over two centuries old, there just seemed to be so many "defining moments". Starting with the 1470's, in Europe, and "marching" right through the Declaration of Independence, the French and Indian War, Benjamin Franklins inventions, and Thomas Jeffersons works, including "Common Sense", and the "Silence Do Good" letters. Add in the War of 1812, the Civil War, Womens Sufferage, two world wars, atleast five, major earthquakes, the California Gold Rush, the Cold War... There were just so many "pivital" points, in U.S. history. HOW could the witnesses pick Malcolms event? While Agent Thomas would argue that, with the "fall" of Communism, that the MacCarthy-era "witch-hunts", and "Better dead than red", was not worth considering, Jenny would ask the question: "What IF Dreyfuss either "dug up", or "manufactured", "evidence", for the commission? Remember, there was atleast one panel member who, paychologically, terrorized defendants, with a brief case full of blank paper. Any time any defendant challenged the panel member, the man would pat the case, saying "Its all in here." When Agent Thomas would ask "HOW do YOU know about the briefcase in question? What did you do? Pick the lock?" Jennifer Mills would say "That would have been quite the trick, considering the fact that I wasn't even BORN, until decades later." When Agent Thomas would ask "HOW can you, POSSIBLY, know WHAT was in that brief case?" Jennifer Mills would explain. The panel member, who made the accusations, was NOT the person who loaded the blank paper inside the brief case. This job was left to an office worker. The supply clerk, in fact. The panel member gave instructions for the brief case to look, feel, and weigh, as though full of documents." When Agent Thomas would suggest "Such a procedure would be illegal, on U.S. shores." Jenny Mills would correct the Homeland Security agent, saying "NOW, it is, probably, illegal, but in grandpa's youth? Everything was "legal", if it lead to the "exposure" of UN-American activities." This is when Team Witness realized, yet again, how many crimes, and punishment, in American history, had been based upon little more than rumors, and suspicion. By the time Jennifer Mills had taught the vault staff how to use spears, and was teaching the use, of swords, Agent Thomas would receive an update, from Homeland Security: "It would APPEAR that you MIGHT, POSSIBLY, have been correct, about the coven. Our infiltration team has discovered records (IF you can call hand-written ledgers "records") showing regular purchases, and trading, between the coven, and suppliers, dating back to around 1615. This agency, however, remains suspicious, since only 75% of each purchase has been used, for planting. The team is attempting to learn WHAT the other 25% will be used for (maybe BOMBS?) Based upon the wording, of the communique, Agent Thomas was left to ponder what Homeland Security would think, of an agent going "AWOL", while chasing a suspect through history? MAYBE, she would receive a reprimand. POSSIBLY a suspension. By the time "Team Witness" was prepared, for potential battle, during time travel, Jennifer Mills had, even explained the importance of practice drop rolls (since time travel, often, drops people like a parachute.) Jacob would come before the team, saying "Malcolm has decided on his first destination. He has decided to start with Viking Norway". When Alex would ask "Why start there?" Jacob would say "The Vikings were the first, recorded, people, to travel to, and from, this land." When Alex would ask "Why is Columbus credited, then?" Jacob would say "Columbus was the official, CHRISTIAN, discoverer. The Vikings were pagans. Master ship builders, and sailors, yes. The Christians just could not accept that pagans covered more territory, than Christ did. As a result (and with a wave of his hand), "The Vikings voyages were erased from history." When Agent Thomas would ask "HOW would this affect the founding of America?" Jacob would say "Simple. If Malcolm is able either to DIS-courage the Vikings, from travelling here, OR if he can convince the chieftains to embark upon different, trade, routes, Columbus will, never, find the items, at sea, which will lead to his interest, in finding new lands." When Agent Thomas would suggest "Even if we stop him, in Norway, WHAT is to prevent Malcolm from travelling to, say, ancient Egypt. Maybe even the Russian Republics?" Jacob would look to Jenny Mills, as he said "There is a spell. A hex, if you prefer. Similar to the one you used, with Abraham. If you trap Malcolm, your nation is saved." When Agent Thomas would ask "For how LONG?" Once Jennifer, and Crane, had the team trained, in the use of weapons, the vault team would suggest the Library of Congress, to find out HOW to dress, to "fit in", in Viking Norway. While the Library of Congress held hundreds of DRAWINGS, of what styles looked like, the problem was that, since photography would not be invented, for centuries to come, the team was required to guess at what COLORS the Vikings would have worn. As Mr. Wells would say "Remember. These people did not have paint, and dye, makers. Their clothes would have been the natural color, of the animal hides." When Alex would say "That's not right. Even **I** KNOW that the Vikings painted their sails, so as to know friendly ships." Mr. Wells would say "True, as it was, for clan banners. Clothing, however, was just to cover the body." Crane would be the one to suggest "Might we inquire of the sisterhood. Perchance, the coven might aid our quest." While the Library of Congress would maintain millions of volumes, which the general public was not even aware of, it would be left to the Wiccan coven to provide the most valuable information, for the team. The sisterhood would use the "mist of time", to show the visitors what Viking era clothing looked like, during the years of the voyages, to the west. While Alex would prepare her digital camera, the sisters would point out "such is forbidden." When Alex would say "We need pictures, to go by". The sisters would produce a sketch pad, and colored pencils. When Alex would ask "You want me to DRAW what I see?" The sisters would nod. Fifteen pages, of slightly in-accurate drawings, later, and "team witness" was just preparing their "costumes", foor the journey, when the impossible happened. One moment, "team witness" was inside the vault, of department 355, reviewing Viking language, while preparing clothes, and weapons, for a possible trip, and, the next moment, they found themselves standing in a forest. Looking around, totally confused, the team would wonder if this were a trick. When Jacob would appear, saying "No trick. Malcolm just sent himself here. There is a Viking trader, preparing to set sail, on the next full moon. IF Malcolm can persuade the captain NOT to sail, towards the west, history will begin to be re-written." When Alex would say "Lets go find him, and stop him." Agent Thomas would be the one to remind the group "Hold it. Lets recon this. We dont even know where Dreyfuss is." It was not until Agent Thomas had the team recon the nearest village, that the team realized that their twenty-first century clothes (and even Cranes eighteenth century clothes) were WAY out of place, in this time period. When Alex would ask "What do we do? Steal some local peoples clothes?" Agent Thomas corrected this, using modern lingo, to say "We will re-purpose resources, for current needs." When Mr. Wells would ask "And, what if the owners do not care for our "re-purposing"?" Agent Thomas would say "IF we are careful, no one will know." While Agent Thomas was correct, about the clothes, even she could not believe how "automatically" she added her holster, extra clips, side arm, and phone, to her person. All without even thinking about what she was doing. It was not until her fellow team members looked at her, and she saw not only their clothes, but all of their "future" gadgets, being loaded, into a box, by Jennifer MIlls, that Agent Thomas began removing her own "future" toys, all while saying "habit". This is when Alex would ask "Okay, so we are DRESSED, for the Viking era. Just one problem. We left ALL of our weapons back in the twenty-first century. HOW do we defend ourselves, in, what is this, the seventh century?" This would be when Jennifer Mills, weapons expert extraordinare, would step up, saying "Simple. We re-purpose some local weapons, for our use." This is when even Mr. Wells would say "Wait a minute. We START, by stealing clothes. Now. you want us to steal weapons, as well?" Jennifer Mills would give a look, as she said "Only temporarily. We will return everything." When Mr. Wells woulld ask "Dont you think the Vikings will MIND us "re-purposing" their clothes, and weapons?" Agent Mills would add "Food. We will need food, if this takes longer than overnight." When Jennifer Mills could see the look, on Wells face, she would inform him "You dont have to come. You can stay behind, as our sentry." While Jacob had the advantage that, being a demon, he could make himself invisible any time he wanted to, even as Crane had little trouble finding a young mans clothes, which would fit his figure, the problem was for Jenny, Agent Thomas, and Alex. This was because, during the Viking age, "fashion" was not half as important as durability. Neither, it would turn out, was "comfort". While Agent Thomas had been trained, by the U.S. Marines, to wear bulky, protective, vests, and heavy weapons, just as Jenny was accustomed to wearing the military surplus version, of this same, bulky, clothing, the problem was Alex. Alex was accustomed to wearing jeans, dress pants, slip on tops, and leather vests. This is why the young woman would find the bulky, restriaining, clothing, of the Viking age, to be a brand new (and most un-comfortable) experience. About the only "positive" about this situation, was that the demon, Jacob, had landed the team far enough, ahead of Malcolms arrival, that the group had time to be accepted, by the community. This, even though Agent Thomas was resigned to take a job, as a tavern wench. What annoyed Alex was that she was resigned to being used, as a housekeeper, and wash-woman. (How humiliating, for a federally-trained agent). While these women deal with their new "jobs", Crane would find a position, as a farm worker, assigned to harvesting duty. And NONE of these "jobs" was by "accident", or chance. While even Crane did not, fully, trust Jacob, the two men HAD discussed which types of jobs would be most likely to receive the first news, of Malcolm Dreyfuss arrival. When Crane, and Jacob, would agree that tavern wenches (servers), and wash-women, were the first, in ANY community, to become aware of newcomers, Alex would be the first to say "No way am I going to be a wench. I KNOW what those women had to do, for tips." Agent Thomas would say "I guess that means I am "elected" to be "tavern wench". Crane would say "Very well, then you, Alex will receive the "honor" of becoming a "wash-woman". When Alex looked furious, Agent Thomas would say "Think of it this way. If the federal government faces another shut-down, you will have transferable skills." It was not long, however, before Alex would realize that part, of the "job", which Agent Thomas had FAILED to mention. That was the fact that, by the time SOME Vikings changed outfits, and cleaned their bodies, the clothes made modern day garbage dumps smell "fresh", by comparison. Of course, Agent Thomas was little better off. She had to, continually, remind herself neither to use modern, self-defense, moves, on the Vikings, nor to use her "authority", with the non-existant Homeland Security. So many times, Agent Thomas felt required to step outside the tavern, and, verbally, remind herself "America wont even exist, for almost 1,000 years. Homeland Security will not exist, for about 1,230 years." Crane would commend Mr. Wells, both for attempting to document the teams presense, in the past, and for Mr. Wells initiative, in personal hygiene. In fact, it would be Mr. Wells who would, in Viking days, invent what would, centuries later, become known as "soap", and "deodorant". It would, however, be Crane, and Agent Thomas, who would be first to become aware of Malcolm Dreyfuss coming presense. This, because of over-heard conversations, inside the tavern, as well as co-workers laughter, on the farm, about voyages, to the west. NOT the normal lanes, to the east. While Agent Thomas heard word, that a Viking had used his money, NOT for women, and drink, but to pay for a boat, to be built, Crane was hearing the farm workers, speaking of how much provisions such a boat would need. The saddest part, of the stay, in Viking times, was when Alex forgot herself, and, when a man walked into the laundry, walked up, to the woman, grabbed her breasts, and pressed his into her, from the rear, Alex forgot WHEN she was, and nailed the Viking, hard enough for him to land on the wash room floor. When Alex would slip, saying "I am a federal agent, of the United States government", the other wash-women wondered WHAT the girl was talking about. WHAT was this "United States", the girl spoke of, and WHAT was a "federal agent"? Since Alex was accustomed to loud, bright, annoying, alarms, she paid no attention, when a horn blast. When her "attacker" stood up, drew a knife, and said "Okay, little whore, lets see how good you, really, are." The Vikings mistake was in not knowing that, over 1,000 years into the future, the U.S. government trained its agents to handle knife-wielding criminals. With very little effort, Alex turned the mans knife right back into his abdomen. By the time the Viking fell to the floor, bleeding, other Vikings had arrived, and Alex was netted, roped, and dragged, to the Viking version of a prison cell. As a resiult, Mr. Wells would be "called out", of hiding, to invent a Viking age prison break. All of this, while the team awaited Malcolms arrival. It would not be until after the Vikings had un-shackled Alex, and THROWN her into a cell, that the girl would calm herself enough to hear Agent Thomas calling, through a small window. When Agent Thomas would whisper "WHAT were you THINKING?" Alex called out "He was going to RAPE ME!" From outside the cell door, the girl heard the guard call "Shut up, whore, or I will shut you up." Agent Thomas knew, by the girls posture, that Alex was ready to launch a verbal attack. This is why Agent Thomas grabbed the girls arm, whispering "Listen to me!" When the girl asked "what", Agent Thomas would say "Remember WHEN we are. This is no movie stage. The United States is over 1,000 years away. Do you understand me?" It was not until Alex actually THOUGHT about it, that she remembered why the team was here. The team was in Viking Norway, of over 1,000 years ago. They were waiting to haul Malcolm Dreyfuss back, to the twenty-first century, upon his arrival. For the next twenty-four hours, the team, and Jacob, waited for word, on the stabbing victim. Would the man live? If the man died, HOW would this CHANGE history?" While the team was relieved, when word went out that the man would live, it seems the Viking wanted Alex's LIFE, in order to "restore his honor". This is why Jenny, Wells, and Thomas, had to pull a "MacGyver", on the Vikings. Wells knew enough, about Viking history, to know that, unless the warriors THOUGHT Alex was dead, the village would hunt the girl down, and, IF the girl was "lucky", the first swipe, of a Viking weapon, would kill the girl. When Mr. Wells would mention "How weird would that be? Dying over 1,000 years before you are born." Crane would remark "I was born, and died, in the 1700's. I was re-born some 250 years later. How "weird" is THAT?" When Agent Thomas would say "ENOUGH! Enough with the weird. Our priority is to free that girl, from jail. This, while making sure that the Vikings THINK the girl died, in the jail-break. Any suggestions?" Jenny would say "Only one, that I can think of. I am sure that Wells wont like it." When Agent Thomas would say "Lay it on me." Jenny would say "All we need are some old bones, and an outfit, similar to what she is wearing." When Agent Thomas would begin to say "D.N.A. testing would revea...", then Agent Thomas remembered that D.N.A. testing would not even be created, for 1,000 years, either. When Wells would say "Hold on. You want to dig up a BODY. Put clothes on it, and use it to replace my partner?" Jenny would say "Unless you have a better idea." When Jenny, and Agent Thomas, could see how hard Wells was thinking, Jenny would, softly, say "Wells, time is of the essence." When Wells would mention "I hope the body does not smell too awful." Crane would say "Take heart, Mr. Wells. If I choose, correctly, we should find nothing but bones, and rotted wood." When Wells would say "So, we are looking for a LONG DEAD body." Crane would say "Precisely. Bones, which the Vikings will assume belong to your partner." While Crane, and Wells were out, looking for a very OLD grave, to pilfer, Jenny, and Agent Thomas, would do a quick recon, of vault girls clothes, then "re-purpose" some, local, clothes. With Jennifer Mills gift, for handling explosives (and a few pyrotechnics), the ladies would slip Alex a note, stating what to do, and when. To Jennifers complete surprise, and with the exception, of the door, the cell withstood the explosion, very well. Once the cell was a blazing inferno (and while the Vikings stood, stunned, by the spectacle), Alex would race, from the flames, while Agent Thomas, and Jennifer would toss the body into the flames. By the time the Vikings "got it in gear", and extinguished the flames, the interior, of the cell, was burned to a crisp. None, of the "re-purposed" clothing survived. Only the bones remained. In the aftermath, it would turn out that the ONLY member, of the Viking village, who cared, at all, was the man who had hoped for "vengeance", against Alex. During the entire lead up, to her death, the man had been planning a painful, and humiliating, end, for the feisty, young, woman. The Viking had planned to "regain his honor", by tying the girl to a table, ripping her clothes off, and raping her, until she complied. The Viking would, then, drag the dis-obedient whore into the village square, and cut her body to pieces. As the team, of "future people", watched, from an enclosure, the Viking would pick up the charred skull, look into its dead eyes, then toss the skull into the dirt, and skulk away. When Agent Thomas would ask "What does history say, about this day?" Mr. Wells would say "Recorded history tells almost NOTHING, about the Vikings. In my opinion, we "got lucky". This incident will, soon, be forgotten." Yes, forgotten, that is, except for a few camp-fire stories. Stories, of a strange girl, who came to the village, claimed she was from some mythic land, and died, consumed when an explosion caused a fire. Most versions, of the tale, would say that the girl was "touched", in the head. Maybe even "cursed" by the gods. What annoyed Alex was that not one, SINGLE, story mentioned the WORK that she did, in that foul laundry. Nothing, of her labors, to support herself. Now that she was "dead", Alex was left to, again, spend her days, working close to Wells. It was, maybe two, or three, weeks later, that Jacob would inform the team "Malcolm Drefuss has arrived." This was no surprise, to Agent Thomas, considering that the owner, of the private boat, had been working, to recuit a crew, for weeks. The Vikings, however, like the rest of Europes sailors, and civilains, held the belief that, to sail from sight, with the land, was to fall off the edge of the Earth. The boat owner kept promising sailors "If we sail too close to the edge, we will turn back." So far, however, the boat owner had recruited only three souls, all of whom said they wanted to see the "edge of the world." By the time Dreyfuss arrived, the team KNEW this village, WELL. Since Agent Thomas was "forbidden" to use her side arm, she decided to go for the next, best, thing. Waiting until she verified that she had, in fact, SEEN Malcolm (Agent Thomas thought the man was either insane, or a fool, to wear 21st century clothes, in the 7th century) Grabbing a butcher knife, Agent Thomas would grab Malcolm, by the neck, hold the knife, across his throat, they say "This way, IF you want to live." When Malcolm would say "Easy there. I may be immortal, but bullets, and knives, still hurt." This is when Agent Thomas would say "Then MOVE." Malcolm would comply, even as Agent Thomas marched him into the teams camp. Inside the camp, whenn Malcolm saw Jacob, with the team, Malcolm would ask "I thought you were on MY team. When did you change sides?" Jacob would correct Malcolm, saying "I was not ASSIGNED to you, until the late 20th century. Since this is the 7th century, and you have not even been born, yet, there is no contract. Only survival." With Agent Thomas's knife, still, at his throat, Malcolm would suggest "Hey, folks, we have a great opportunity, here. We KNOW what is going to happen, for the next thirteen centuries. Think about it. We could be the primary investors, in everything from Marconi's wireless radio, to Alexander Graham Bell's telephone, to the Wright Brothers airplane. This is one of those "ground floor opportunities". All you have to do is let me dis-courage a few Vikings, from making trips, to the west. This will erase the legends, of gold, and abundant harvests, in the west. Maybe Columbus IS born. Maybe not. With no legends, or lore, to feed on, Columbus trip, to 1492 America will, never, take place. The land will remain "virgin" until my return." Agent Thomas would say "Wrong", while Crane would say "You are most deeply mistaken, sir. If your presumption is to return to a 21st century, where you will buy up the indians land, for a few trinkets, your perception is flawed, to say the least". When Malcolm would ask Jacob "WHAT are these people talking about, Jacob?" Jacob would say "I have shown these people what will become, of America, if you are allowed to change history." When Macolm would say "But, I have SEEN my future, and it is glorious!" Jacob would say "Sorry, Malcolm, but what you "saw" was only one, POSSIBLE, future." When Malcolm would ask "What have you shown THEM?" Jacob would say "The most likely future." When Malcolm would look puzzled, Crane would clarify "It would seem, sir, that, if America does not come into existance, then that fool, Adolf Hitler, WILL amass enough power, both via the defeat, of the British Empire, and the Russian Republics, that the man WILL send a navy, such as the world has, never, known, to TAKE the America's, and either enslave, or exterminate, the indians. In the end, the "vast wilderness", which you hope to sell, to the highest bidder, will be only a charred ruin. bodies, and burned crops." When Malcolm would say "The answer is simple. I go to Germany, find Adolf, and kill him, probably as a child. Problem solved." This is when Alex would say "Boy, are you a jerk.", to which Mr. Wells would add "Adolf Hitler was only the leader. The George Walker Bush, of Germany, if you will." Alex would add "While Hitler saw himself as "Supreme leader", the REAL power, of Germany, was in the hands of Himler, Goehring, and other, top, level, Nazi's. Not Germans mind you, but members of the Nazi Party." When Malcolm would say "I dont understand. I thought ALL Germans were Nazi's." Crane would say "No doubt you, also, hold the mis-guided belief, that ALL Americans are Republicans." When Malcolm would suggest "In that case, give me a list, and I will make certain none of these people reaches school age." Agent Thomas would say "I have a better idea. Why dont I just chop off YOUR head, right now. We can, then, go home, and live our lives." When Malcolm would say "You can TRY" Malcolm looked at Jacob, for confirmation. Jacob neither said, nor did, anything. When Malcolm would ask "Jacob?" Alex would say "There is, always, a way to kill anything. We just have to find it." When Malcolm would ask Jacob "Is this true?" again Jacob would neither say, nor do, anything. When Malcolm would say "In that case, the next move is mine." What Agent Thomas could not believe was how, one moment, she had Dreyfuss, firmly, in her grip, a knife, pressing his throat, and the next, Malcolm was gone. Jacob would smile as Agent Thomas would say "Damn, should have cut his head off. No hesitation. Hesitation kills." When Crane would ask Jacob "Would you be able to track him, again?" Jacob would say "Since he threatens MY existance, as well, I am certain that this can be arranged. Just be ready to move, when I come for you." Agent Thomas would remark "I, almost, hate to leave this place." Crane would ask "A euphemism?" Alex would say "Filthy laundry, almost raped, practically executed. I am more-than-ready to say "goodbye". Doing what they could, to "cover their tracks", the team would wait for Jacob to return. When the demon returned, he would say "We have trouble." When the federal staff would ask "What KIND of trouble?" The demon would say "Malcolm is working a deal to have starfleet "take out" the villages, where key Nazi's were born." Agent Thomas would say "That is stupid. Kill innocent people, just to prevent the birth of mad-men?" Alex would add "What is to stop Hitler from being born somewhere else? Even if Malcolm levels Germany (Mr. Wells would say In the distant past, Germany was known as Germania, and covered a much LARGER territory) Hitler, and his henchmen would just come to power, someplace else." Jacob would add "This is why we need to be decisive, in Egypt". Then, looking directly at Agent Thomas, Jacob would ask "Are you certain you can FINISH what you started? Are you SURE you can stomach removing Malcolms head, up close and personal?" Agent Thomas would half-whisper "If it saves Molly's life, I will do it. COUNT on it." Jacob would say "I will". As Viking Norway vanished, from view, Crane, Thomas, and the others, expected to arrive in the Egypt of "The Ten Commandments", "Cleopatra", etc. What no one expected was to bypass these, later, dynasties, and arrive in a much OLDER, more advanced, society. Thankfully, 21st century "fashion" did not seem "out of place", in this locale. When Alex would ask "Where are we?" Mr. Wells would say "Correct question is..." and Alex would correct herself asking "WHEN are we. This is no Egypt, that I remember." When Agent Thomas would ask "Crane, any clues." Crane would say "Most un-fortunately, I was not born, for several millenia. Therefore, this place is a mystery, to myself, as well." When Agent Thomas would ask "History specialists, WHEN are we?" Alex would say "I have no clue. Wells?" Mr. Wells would say "There are some obscure references, in the library. One of these MIGHT be our present location." When Agent Thomas would say "Out with it, Mr. Wells. WHERE/WHEN are we?" Mr. Wells would say "I believe we are in a time, when Egypt was one, of several, outposts, of Atlantis." When Jacob would apppear, saying "Very observant, Mr. Wells. While it IS true, that this WAS an outpost, of Atlantis, I regret to inform you that Atlantis is not, currrently, located on Earth. For now, let us focus on our mission." When Alex would ask "Any chance we might see it, before we depart?" Jacob would say "Only if the commanders complete their mission, and return to Earth, before we depart." While the team would roam the village, for two days, searching for Malcolm, it seems that Malcolm WANTED to be found. Enough so that he sent a messenger, to locate Agent Thomas. When the messenger located the team, and asked "Agent Thomas. You, and your friends, will, please, follow me." To her fellow team members, Jenny would whisper "Silence is golden." It would only be when the team entered a palace, which held beauty, beyond description, that the team would hear a familiar voice, as Malcolms face would appear, overhead, saying "Welcome. It seems that, THIS time, I have arrived, before you." When Agent Thomas would ask "Where are you?" Malcolm would say "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Always such a rush. Agent Thomas, of Homeland Security." Then, as though speaking to persons, whom the team did not see, Malcolm would say "My other guests. Jennifer Mills, beautiful, and very deadly. Ichabod Crane, who died, during the revolutionary war, only to be re-born, in the 21st century. Last, but certainly least. Two, federal employee's, of the forgotten department 355." When Jennifer would say "Now that you have exposed us, why not expose yourself." When her team mates would look at Jennifer, she would say "I meant show yourself. Face us." then add, to her team mates "Get your minds out of the gutter." When Malcolm would appear, holding a crystaline sword, asking Agent Thomas "Is THIS what you are looking for?" When Agent Thomas would suggest "Why yes." then added "Since you know what I want it for, perhaps you will oblige." Malcolm would say "I dont think so. I have a bright future, ahead of me. A future in which this planet is, finally, MINE, forever." When Alex would ask "Whats your price? How many must PAY, for your leadership?" Malcolm would say "You have it all wrong. I dont plan to kill off humanity. Where would be the fun, in that? No, I only intend to DISPOSE of those who would threaten my security. The world WILL go on." When Alex would ask "What happens to the United States?" Malcolm would say "I intend to keep the place, as a game preserve. No more budget battles. No more arguing, over who received what. The world will be at peace. Once and for all." When Mr. Wells would ask "What about England, France, Germany, Russia, and the other nations? WHERE will they "fit into" your plans?" Malcolm would say "Dont worry, my friend. There will be NO Red October revolution, in 1917. The Russians will be allowed to remain villagers, so long as they behave themselves." When Alex would ask "What about England? Parliament?" Malcolm would say "I promise. As long as they behave themselves, they will be allowed to live." "Now, as for what will become of YOU..." At that moment, Malcolms head would fall from his shoulders, and hit the floor, saying "Ouch, that hurt." Behind the mans torso stood Agent Thomas, holding a crystaline sword, at the ready, while asking "Why aren't you dead?" Malcolms body would place its hands on its hips, as his head would say "Dont you get it? I am not mortal." It was not until the head asked the body "What are you waiting for? Re-attach me." This is when Jenny dove, for the head, then pitched it, to Alex. When Alex brought out a burlap bag, Malcolms head would say "Dont put me in there. I have plans to fulfill." Alex would sinch the bag up, even as Malcolms body stood, as though awaiting instructions. When Agent Thomas would ask Jacob "What do we do, now?" Jacob would say "Honestly, I never thought you would make it this far." This is when Malcolms alien visitors would appear, asking "What is your price?" When Agent Thomas would say "Leave Earth's history intact, AND provide us a way to prevent Dreyfuss head from re-uniting with his body." When an alien would ask "Is that ALL you want?" Agent Thomas would say "A ride, back to our own time, would be appreciated." Another alien would ask "Are you not curious, about your future?" When Agent Thomas would say "I am fine, as I am." The alien would ask "Your daughter. Would you like to know if she is safe?" Agent Thomas would say "All I want is Dreyfuss, head and body, in seperate containers. If that ride is, still, available, we would appreciate it." When an additional alien would ask "Are you sure you do not want us to "handle" Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mengele, Reverend James Jones, David Koresh, and others, like them?" Alex would say "Leave them be. Good, bad, or evil, they are a part of our history, just as much as liberty is." When the aliens would say "Very well. Next stop, Wash..." and this is when Agent Thomas would say "STOP! Allow me to be clear, as to our destination." When Mr. Wells would say "Come on, we want to go home." Agent Thomas would inform the aliens "Do NOT drop us inside the White House, or inside Capital Hill. Deposit us inside Department 355, along with Malcolms canisters." The aliens would say "Very well. Next stop, Department 355. Your place of origin." What "freaked" the 21st century people, for a moment was that, one moment, they were in the Egyptian desert, with the aliens, having a conversation, then, in an instant, the team was back inside Washington D.C. After a cautious check, through the departments windows, to make sure everything was "right", with the world, the team let out a cheer, to be back home. It was only when Agent Thomas would ask "Where is Dreyfuss?" After searching the work area, vault girl would ask "By the way, where is Jacob?" Mr. Wells would suggest "Could someone tell me HOW we got here?" Hours later, deep under a reinforced, hi-rise, office building, inside a bomb-proof shelter, five, containment, experts were pondering the unknown containment vessels, in which Malcolms head, and body, rested. The prolem the experts had was that the material had no, known, matches, in the planetary database. As an expert exlained, to Malcolms head "Without knowing what KIND of material that this is made of, we have no idea how to open the containers." Malcolm would have suggested tha Jacob try to open the containers, except that Jacob had been Malcolms first choice. Whatever this material was, it was resistant, even to demonic powers. When the experts prepared to depart, Malcolm would call out "Dont leave me here, all alone." Still, the humans departed the room, wiith Jacob turning OFF the lights, and leaving Malcolm in the dark. (This was a test, which Jacob had devised. Jacob wanted to find out if Malcolm could, actually, manifest enough power, to free himself.)

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