Tuesday, June 12, 2018


THE MORNING AFTER Yes. That is what Lisa would regret, for many years to come. What Lisa hated, most, was the fact that I made her feel more like a woman than her fiance did. While I slept, Lisa wondered what it would be like IF she could return to the previous day (while retaining the knowledge, of the days, and nights, events.) Ofcourse, Lisa knew that, no matter how much she might WANT to, there was no way to erase the events, which had come to pass. They were "set in stone" history. History, which could not be changed. If only her fiance had not been so arrogant, about his accusations, both that I was NOT a man, and that I could, never, satisfy Lisa. That, and the oh-so-stupid bet. While Lisa and I had seen, and greeted, one another, long before the wager, what drew Lisa, to me was her friends conversations, regarding my "growing list", of achievements. At first, Lisa placed no "stock", into the stories, of my being a writer, of short story fiction. A man who HOPED to be remembered, one day, for achieving what so few were able to achieve. She had heard this same story, about far too many of the men, whom she dated. Even her fiance had TALKED, OFTEN, about his dream, of becoming a professional athlete. While HE was not the only man Lisa had dated, HE was the only one, who took the "dream", of professional sports, seriously. Most, of the other men, whom Lisa knew, had given up, on their main hope, once they learned just how much drug testing was involved. Just like their own dates had thought, the men had thought that all that mattered, in professional sports, was determination. It had not been until college recruiters had visited the high school, and the boys learned about "Mandatory Drug Testing", that the high schoolers challenged this. The boys had played a demonstration game, HOPING that THIS, not some "stupid", drug test, would prove the boys value, to recruiters. While recruiters had been impressed with the boys enthusiasm, the boys were told "Without a drug test, our hands are tied. Either you test, or we move on, to the next school." The girls heard atleast three, of the boys, saying "They should have told us, ahead of time." When the girls had asked "Would it have mattered?" The boys had said "Hell, yes! If we knew we were going to be drug tested, we would not have held that party, until AFTER the tests." The girls knew what the boys meant. After all, the girls had attended the party, which was only about 10-11 hours, before the recruiters showed up. While the other boys had been smart enough to step down from consideration, saying they had "other projects", to work on, only HE had "stayed the course", but with a condition. HE wanted to choose the testing center, as well as the testing date. When the recruiters walked away, HE had said "This is NOT over, yet!" While HE had been denied both the college scholarship, AND his chance, at college girls, Lisa had noticed that HE held "true" to his dream. Every time, since high school, that there were try-outs, for sports, HE had signed up. While two events, had pushed HIM out, for refusing to submit to testing, five others had returned his application, prior to the try-outs, highlighting the part, of the agreement, that all entrants take PRE-try-out drug tests. Still, HE would not give in. HE just kept promising Lisa "Stick with ME and, when *I* make the "big time", you can come along." While HE was attending less and less try-outs, for sports, HE was entering drinking contests, more often. HE also liked wagers. In fact, HE liked wagering, so much, that HE would not let Lisa move in, with HIM. Reason: HE considered Lisa "hen-pecked", since she paid her bills, then "played with" whatever was left. By contrast, any time HE heard of a wager, with odds of 20-50-to-1, HE put ALL of HIS money, on such wagers. This is why HE moved, often. In fact, by the time I knew HIM, HE had more residences, in the past few years, than I had, since kindergarten. HE had been evicted, for actual, non-payment, of rent, so many times, that only the worst places would have HIM, anymore. Still, HE promised Lisa "Stick with ME, and when I make it, big..." As Lisa would, eventually, tell me "The ONLY reason why I stay with him is because I HATE being single, and "available". When Lisa described how men treated women, who were "available", I could understand why women, like Lisa, HATED being "available". While I, as a man, thought it was disgusting, and hateful, for both men, and women, to shout/scream this phrase, in gentlemens faces "You're NOT a MAN!", and "You dont DESERVE a woman!" I had no idea that, for "available" women, it was just as bad. What with "men" waiving personal body parts in the womens faces, and saying "You KNOW you want it." Lisa said that any woman, who dared decline, was labelled "Lesbian", or "Dyke". This is why Lisa put up with HIM. She was used to HIM. HIM, and his never ending promise of, eventual, success. It was because of endless TALK, like this, both from HIM, and his friends, about what they HOPED to achieve "One day", that, when Lisa heard about my work, she decided to challenge her friend asking "Just HOW do you KNOW that he is, really, a writer? Did he "promise" you, just to get into your pants?" Her friend had said "As a matter of fact, NO. I was sent to his site, or blog, by some other people, who were reading his latest." When Lisa asked for the address, of my work, her friend added "Make sure you have food, and drink, on hand, when you sit down, to read." Lisa was glad that she followed her friends suggestion, about food and drink. When Lisa booted up her home computer, and brought up my site, she found that she did not need her nightly drugs, to fall asleep. After three days, of reading, Lisa was prepared to ask me about my future plans, as an author, when her friend informed her: "He's not just an author, of short stories. He has been working on stopping that idiot from building a new Berlin Wall, on the Texas border". When Lisa asked "HOW is he doing this?" Her friend would say "Tune into the public access channel, at 7 p.m. See for yourself." When Lisa decided that her normal time, spent getting high, with her friends, could rest, for a single night, Lisa, and (the network was reporting) "thousands" of other Americans, would sit before televisions, watching, and listening, as I reminded the audience of how badly the first Berlin Wall had FAILED, for the Soviet, Communist, Party. I reminded the audience of how Adolf Hitler had "kept" his "promise", to re-build a prosperous Germany, from the ashes of the post World War One era. How Hitler had "re-built" Germany, into a prison camp, not just for Allied soldiers, and Jews, but for the Germans, themselves. How Germans could be arrested, or shot-on-site, should either the Gestapo, or the S.S. decide that citizens were not "loyal enough" to Der Fuhrer. How this madness had sent many Germans into the Underground, aiding the resistance, to Nazi Party activities. How this underground had aided in supplying information, which aided the D-Day invasion, of Europe. How the combined forces, of England, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union, had pulverized the Nazi Party, while freeing Germany from the strangle-hold, of a mad-man. Hitler: The man, who did not CARE how many German lives his "dream" would cost. All Hitler wanted was his place, in history. Once the Germans were freed, of this mad-man's blood-thirsty tyranny, and England, France, and the United States, together, had decided to allow the Germans to re-build their democracy, Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin had other plans. Plans, which lead the Germans, in the Soviet sector, of defeated Germany, to begin an exodus, to the west. How the Soviet, Communist, Party had hoped that barbed wire, and concrete, would keep the Germans inside the Soviet sector. By the time I had explained how ingenious the Germans had been, in overcoming the Berlin Wall (while suggesting that Latino's were no less ingenious), even Lisa was happy to see the audience applauding me, for my suggstion that the Texas-Mexico Wall would be a useless waste, of taxpayer money. It was while Lisa was considering what she had watched, and the question of if my idea, of offering state-hood, was a better option, than a wall, that HE went into one of HIS "He does not know anything. I CAN, and I WILL, become a professional athlete, any time I want to. Besides, WHAT does he have that I dont?" Lisa knew who "he" was. "He" was me. The man, who was showing men, half my age, that age had nothing to do with fitness. Lisa had taken notice of the fact that, when the men laid a $20.00 bet, that, due to AGE, I would be heaviest of all, the men failed to take into account my diet, and exercise. Yes, out of pure curiousity, Lisa had "snuck a few peeks", at my diet, and exercise. This is why she was not, at all, surprised when the weigh-in took place, and my competitors came in 75-125 pounds HEAVIER than I was. When their women laughed as the men would say "My weight is muscle. Anything you can do, I can do." Another bet was made. This time, at $50.00 per man. I saw no harm in wagering one-third, of my winnings. While Lisa stood as close as she dared, to HIM, she watched as HE, and his friends, took turns, trying to lift weight, which was lighter than my fully-equipped bicycles. While Lisa had been "impressed", with my solid 210 pounds, she was, both amazed, and impressed, when I doubled the weight, that the other men could lift. Lisa did find herself blushing, when I lifted the crosss-bar, with 100 pounds per side. (She blushed because, for a moment, she visualized that it was HER that I was lifting.) After I won a total, of $500.00, that day, Lisa asked me to join her, in a walk. (The wagers, which I declined, following the fitness test, were wagers of who could drink the most booze, and swallow the most drugs). On our walk, Lisa mentioned my writing, and my work, on the wall. When she asked what other goals I was trying for, I mentioned my work, towards increasing school security. After our walked ended in another surprise, that of my offering to join Lisa in a salad, she would return to her place, to get ready for her next date, with HIM. She knew it did not take much preparation, for HIM. In fact, if HE went any FASTER, they would be finished before they started. Still, it was better than being "available". For some reason, however, HE was carrying on. HE was saying something about someone "showing off", and that a "REAL" man would spend his time, chasing women. It was not until HE looked, directly, at Lisa, saying "I DONT want you anywhere near him. Do you hear me?" When Lisa asked "Why?" HE, profanely, reminded her that she was HIS. After that, HE snapped her stretch bottoms off, threw her on HIS bed, mad a few motions, then removed it, making her watch as he "performed" solo. What puzzled Lisa was how he suggested "If you want more, like this, just keep watching that whimp." While Lisa left his place, having not expected GREAT sex, but, atleast SOME sex, she knew what she would do, with the rest of her night. Later, Lisa would be thankful that her high school best friends mother had been a lesbian. Maybe "closet-style", but lesbian, anyway. Thanks to the elder woman, Lisa's friend had access to all manner of lesbian products. (Including video's) While Lisa's friend would not be caught, dead, with her mothers property, when the woman announced that she was getting rid of the old, in favor of new, Lisa had suggested that SHE could "get rid" of the old, at NO cost. (Lisa just did not mention HOW, or WHERE). Nowadays, the womens products had a place, inside Lisa's apartment. Lisa could watch her favorite videos any time she wanted to. On a night like this one, Lisa planned to make full use, of ALL of the products. While none of it was as good as a man, it was "good enough" to get her through a lonely night. As for HOW the actual wager came about, I believe that it began with a general discussion, of how "effective" men were, in getting women aroused. I think it was somewhere, between booze, and reefer, that HE mentioned that Lisa had a "thing" for me. While Lisa was prepared to deny this, it was when HE mentioned that not even Lisa could "Get me up", that Lisa asked "For how much?" When HE tilted his booze, towards her, saying "How about we make it interesting" With that, HE described what he wanted Lisa to do, to me. While I was surprised when Lisa said "You're on!", that I asked "How long do we have, to "do the deed". (I wanted to belt HIM, when he suggested it would take Lisa a YEAR, to get me going.) The wager said that Lisa could not "do the deed", with me, even in a years time. HE was that certain that I was a hard-core NOT-man. While I was surprised when the "players" began throwing ALL, and I mean, ALL, of their money, into the "pot", all saying that even Lisa could not "start my engine", in a years time, even as Lisa smiled. It was on the walk, to her place, that Lisa snuggled up, to me, whispering "Easiest money I will, ever, make." When I said "Oh, really." She patted my bulge as she said "Just wait until morning. I promise you wont be able to get ANY rise, out of it." Lisa realized that she would regret those words when she had her first sight. She, no-sooner, looked at it when she said "This is going to be a night to remember." While Lisa dis-robed, with the grace, of a ballerina, or dancer, I was about the opposite. I bumbled out of my clothes, like a babboon. (Thankfully, Lisa laughed at this). What she did NOT laugh at was the amount of time I took, just to seduce her, prior to sex. Her concern became not that of "Can I get him up?", but "HOW do I handle him, once we get started." If not for the wager, Lisa was certain that she would have thrown me out, once I began showing her the attention, which she had, until that point, only READ about, in novels. At stake was $10,000. When I suggested that Lisa could have the money, if she gave me just a full weekend, Lisa smiled as she said "No, thanks. I will take the $5,000." Lisa ended up taking MORE than that, as seduction turned into passion, and Lisa went from thinking "Just complete the bet", and into thinking "How can I make this night last, just for a few YEARS?" Lisa grew even more "annoyed" when I took rest breaks, in between. After the third time, Lisa whispered "Do you HAVE to take the time, to kiss me, after every single time?" I suggested "While I am here, I am taking all I can get." Had she been with HIM, when it was over with, she would have thought "Thank God, thats over." With me, Lisa found herself wishing that it could have gone on, for SO much longer. To add "insult" to "injury", Lisa found that, after loving her, into the finest bliss she had known, in YEARS, when I dis-mounted, and she came close, I encouraged her to snuggle up to me. In fact, by the time I dropped off, to sleep, Lisa was wrapped around me, like a blanket. Before drifting off, herself, Lisa considered the possibility, of having two men. HIM, on the surface, and me, where it counted. Why not? After all, the reason why her friends mother stayed with the girls father was because the man had no objection, to his wife having two, to three, female, lovers, at any, given, time. Lisa had to shake herself out of this fantasy. After all, her goal was to, eventually, become a "trophy wife". There was no room, in her future, for a writer, and statesman. Lisa, also, had NO intention of telling me that, while asleep, she had a dream of being a mother, to three of my boys, and two, of my girls. No, she had PLANS, for her future. Yes, by morning, Lisa would have, gladly, paid ten million dollars, to erase the love we had shared, that night. Thinking back, Lisa realized that she, also, wished she could erase the entire conversation, which had lead to this night. Why? She thought. Why did she feel the need to prove HIM wrong? When I awoke, embraced her, and gave her a french-kiss, Lisa wondered "Why am I letting him do this?" Then she remembered "It is because I have been wishing that my own man would do this." Figuring that nothing, worse, could happen, when she felt me, close to her, she figured "Nothing to lose" She just relaxed, and enjoyed, while wishing the morning would, never, end. Afterwards, when I whispered "You are fantastic. I wish you were mine." Lisa smiled, at me, while thinking "Dont you dare tell him that you love him, and that you want to give him so much more." Instead, we shared a beautiful shower, then gathered our clothes. Even in the kitchen, I acted as she only wished HE would act. While logic told Lisa to point her cooking tools at me, say "Back off", then finish making breakfast, her heart won out, as Lisa allowed me not only to carress her, while she prepared breakfast, but to give her several, neck, kisses. After a delicious breakfast, I had just lay her back, on her table, kissing her, deeply, when she whispered "I think its time for you to go." At the door, I risked one, last, deep, kiss. After that, she patted my bottom as she said "Scoot. I have things to do." These "things" included using, then destroying, two, seperate, pregnancy tests. No matter how she used the test, Lisa came to the same result. "NOT Pregnant". A whole night, of the best sex she had, in YEARS, and all she had, to show for it was a satisfied body, and a bright smile. (How could the Divine be so cruel, to her?) A single night, with a man she would give a year, or five, to have with her, and she did not even get pregnant. What Lisa found odd was the fact that, for the first time, that she could remember, she did NOT grab a beer, from her cooler, to relax, after her disappointment. This time, she brewed, and drank, a cup, of tea. After that, and fearful that she, still, smelled of me, Lisa took another shower. Only after this did Lisa dare visit her mother. She just hoped that mothers "sixth sense" did not work as well as normal. Yes, mother had a sixth sense. She could read almost anyone. What annoyed both Lisa, and her sister, was how mother could take one look, at the girls, after dates, and tell the girls what kind of dates the girls had. Even when Lisa's sister tried a date, with a girl, mother knew, just by looking at her daughters. Lisa's concern, that morning, was that she would look "different", having spent a night in the arms of a very loving man. Sure enough, Lisa no-sooner entered mothers kitchen when mother was congratulating the girl on a fantastic date. When mother went to offer Lisa her customary beer, and Lisa suggested tea, instead, Lisa saw the look, on mothers face, and said "NO, I am NOT pregnant. I just dont feel like booze, this morning." While Lisa would, never, dare share the details, of the previous night, with her friends, she felt she could count on mothers discretion. Mother held the Encyclopedia, of Secrets, in her amazing memory. When Lisa shared the most personal details, of the night, all mother would say was "Please tell me you made another date, with him." Lisa would ask "Mother, haven't you been listening?" Mother would say "Sure. A bet, worth $10,000, that you could not get a rise, out of a man. You not only got the "rise", but you got the bonus, of some terrific love. Now, you dont want to collect, on the bet, since you think it will make the events less romantic." When Lisa would ask "Do you think thats what it is?" Mother would say "It is "written" all over your face. You have found a man, whom you would give several years, of your life, to bear children by. Now, the question is Which will it be? Admit to LOVE, and take your winnings, OR "lose" the bet, and protect your plans, to become a trophy wife." It was not until Lisa was taking a walk, through the very neighborhood, where she had grown up, that she received an "alert", of news, on her home computer. When Lisa returned home, she had to laugh, at what "local" news had "broken". It seems that, while Lisa was pouring her heart, and soul, out, for my love, the night before, HE had been out on one of his "hunts". According to the story, HE had managed two women, in private, and secret, yet, when HE saw number three, HE "threw caution to the wind." By the time HE was finished, with number three, the police had been called, with the nearest officer having the mis-fortune of being female. While police are trained to deal with human attackers, what no one can train for is "pure, animal, instinct". HE had not only dis-armed the officer, but took what he wanted. All in the full view of the cars on-board camera's. Under normal conditions, such people are sent away, for 10-20 years. Due to HIS "condition", however, HE was headed BACK to therapy. A secure setting, where HE would be put BACK on HIS medications. While this was HIS fifth infraction, to date, HE would serve no more than five years. This is what Lisa found so hilarious. She had felt ashamed for letting a man love her, deeper than anyone, except her own parents, and for a FULL night, while HE was out, attacking women, left and right. Mother was right. Lisa did have a question, which ONLY Lisa could answer. Should she remain "loyal" to a man, who would not be allowed access, to women, for years to come, all in the hope of becoming a "trophy wife", someday? Should she risk following her heart, and risk a life of little more than "Cook, Maid, and so on"? Did she, REALLY, want the life, that her mother had? Lisa would have to think this over, VERY carefully. After all, once she started down one path, "changing course" would be next to impossible. (If only Lisa could get the memories, of the previous night to STOP playing back, in her head, like a machine, set on "continuous play")

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