Wednesday, August 22, 2018


THE “TEST DRIVE” In fact, it really wasn't much of a "contest", after all. In fact, truth be told, the whole idea came from Dawn's boyfriend, Joey. To hear Joey talk, prior to meeting Dawn, I would have expected Dawn to have a chest as flat as a ten year old. (A bottom to match). Joey also claimed that Dawn took far too LONG, in bed, and that this was why he had to rush her. As for his claim, that Dawn was "bald", this was about as true as if I were to declare that my white, male, self was, in fact, MIchelle Obama. Former first lady of the United States. In fact, the woman, whom Joey introduced to myself, and a friend, was about as opposite of his description as a woman can get. While Dawn might not have, OFFICIALLY, won, any beauty contests, to me... While Dawns hair was shorter than I would have liked my womans to be, still, her smile, supple neck, and shapely chest, more than made up for any imperfections, in her appearance. Anytime one, of Joeys friends, tried to move close, to become friends, with Dawn, Joey would say "She's all yours, for $25,000.00." It was after one, of Joey's friends asked "HOW do I KNOW she is worth $25,000.00?" and Joey said "Pay me, and find out." It seems that Dawn knew I would, soon, be asked, the same question. This is when she asked me "Do me a favor. When he asks, just say no. Not "Not interested". Just no." When I asked her reason, and she whispered "Do it, for me." When I asked "What do I get out of the deal?" Dawn seemed to think about this, for awhile, before she asked "What do you want", and whispered "As if I didn't know." When I whispered "A trade. You let me kiss you and, if you dont like it..." Dawn had no idea of why but she whispered "What if I DO like it?" I suggested a single date. This way, if she liked my kiss, but not my person, all she would be "out" was a single evening, and washing her sheets. With the agreement made, Dawn knew she had just made the worst mistake of her life. The more, and deeper, that we kissed, the more Dawn wanted. In fact, by the time the kiss was done, Dawn had to sit down, and fan herself. It was when Dawn and I returned to Joey's "bidding" that Joey asked me, about Dawn, and Dawn whispered, to me, "remember, I WANT that dinner." This is when I made Joey a counter-offer. If he let me have a "test-drive", of Dawn, I would consider paying DOUBLE his asking price. When Joey got excited, asking "When?" I reminded him "After the test drive is over with". When Joey asked for a $10.00 "deposit", I gave him a twenty. The "test drive", which Dawn and I had, originally, agreed upon, would run two weeks (with an option for more time, IF Dawn wanted more.) Dawn's mother had warned the girl, about this, but in a way which was so generic that the alert could have been about food, housing, etc. The evening, when our "test drive" took place, Dawn was "caught", totally by surprise. She was so accustomed to how Joey, and other men, treated her. This is why, when I joined her, in her kitchenette, asking "How do I make this the best night of your life?" Dawn turned to me, whispering "For starters, you can begin by not asking. I am YOURS, for this evening." After this statement, Dawn felt herself regretting having said the words, as I covered her body, with so much passion that she wondered WHY she was, still, with Joey. When Dawn freed herself from my kiss, she panted as she whispered "Some music?" (Dawn wanted to find out what kind of music that I liked) Dawn, soon, cursed her decision, as it resulted in her finding out that I enjoyed the same music as she did. While her intellect told her "Stop him! He is going for your bra!", Dawn was just so "caught up", in the feeling, of my hands, on her skin, that she wanted MORE. As much as she could get. Even as our lips parted, enough for her top to find the carpeting, I was happy when she made sure that my OWN top found the same carpet. When her bra was next, on the floor, while she hoped that my necking would, never stop, when she felt my hand, going for her breast, she, deliberately, whispered "Bedroom". (Dawn was just not prepared for the action as I picked her up, into my arms, and carried her off, to bed.) In the bedroom, Dawn would have given a years benefits, if only I had snatched off her bottoms, and pumped her, as Joey, and other men, had. Just blind, mindless, sex. Thats all she wanted. Just proof that I was like her other men. That all I wanted were "bragging rights". What she got, instead, was to have me carress her bottoms off, then to have me kiss her womanhod, so deeply, that she could not stand up. While her intellect asked "What the HELL are you doing?", as she lay back, on her bed, and opened her legs, wide, Dawn let her body go on "automatic". Just after she asked me for a pillow, and I grabbed one, from the top, of the bed, I, no-sooner, went "back to work", when Dawn cried out, and her woman-scent came forth, from her body, at full power. Before she would let me near her breasts, Dawn all-but ripped my pants off, and said "beautiful", when she saw my manhood. A moment later, she was giving me even better oral than I had given her. In fact, she was so good that I was glad when she wanted "seconds". After this, while Dawn expected to be just short of raped, she found herself back in my embrace, and "enduring" a french kiss. When I went down, on her breasts, Dawn would have given anything, if Joey would "discover" us, and order me out, of the bedroom. Dawn just did not know what to do, when she felt me carressing, kissing, and nursing. Part of her wanted this evening to be over with. Another part, of her, wanted it to last, just for a few decades. By the time I finished, with her beautiful, "B" cup breasts, Dawn was wondering if I might like a "subscription", to her breasts. She, then, smiled, to herself, as she pondered "A subscription to my breasts? What? A subscription, to have all of them that I wanted? A subscription to her bedroom?" The final test, that I "failed" was the "penetration" test. Dawns hope was for a quick RAM, then "get it over with". What she received was the opposite of this. From the moment, when I entered, Dawn KNEW we had become one. One heart. One soul. One being. From that moment, until the end, all Dawn could think of was making the experience just as beautiful, for me, as I was making it, for her. For HOURS, and HOURS, we drove passion to its limits. All we wanted was one anothers happiness. Her pillow DID take a "beating", as her passion caused her to need to cry out, more than she cared to admit. Each time a major one was coming on, she pulled the pillow, tight, over her face, and let out a cry, which the pillow, barely, contained. After the cry, Dawn brought me to her face, whispered "I love you", then lay there, panting, for a moment. I did not mind her panting. Why should I, especially after the way that I panted, after each time that I loved her. If she could put up with it, so could I. I dont remember what time it was, when I left the bed, whispering "Excuse me, my love." When she whispered "I know, my love. You first, then me." I dont know why but I thought that a womans bathroom would have much more feminine products than Dawns did. In fact, her couter-top was cleaner than my own was. When Dawn joined me, in the bathroom, and saw my look, she whispered "You have been loving me, for hours. I KNOW what you look like." That was when I found it easy to complete by "business", kiss her, then return to bed, while she did her own. When my stomach began to rumble, and I ordered it to be silent, Dawn just smiled as she whispered "Its just saying that it has been a wonderful night, and that you need some food." When I whispered "What I need is YOU." She smiled even as she lead me to the kitchen, and prepared some food. (Dawn was certain that the night was, totally, out of hand, when she realized that she would rather that her BODY be the source, of my nourishment.) To my shame, I ate like I had not eaten, in months. After that, I surprised Dawn, by scrubbing my teeth, BEFORE giving her a DEEP, thank you kiss, for the food. Back in bed, we made love, until sun-rise, with Dawn saying "How beautiful. I am being loved, at sun-rise." When I whispered "It was my pleasure", she kissed me, then we rested, for awhile. wrapped around one another, like newlyweds. It was not until we rose from bed, and sat there, side-by-side, that she looked at me, smiled, then slapped me, HARD. She, then, softly, said "Thats for loving me so deeply that I fell in love with you." When I asked "Is that a crime?" Dawn smiled as she said "Since I have a boyfriend, it is." When I mentioned "Too bad I didn't meet you, first." Dawn told me "You are not my kind of man. It would, never, work out." When I asked "How do you know?" Dawn would say "With you, all I would have is a life, of home, and family." When I asked "Thats bad?" Dawn would say "I promised myself, years ago, that I would NOT become my mother. Schedules and house-work. Little more than a slave." When I asked "So, the night was not fun. It was just "doing what you are supposed to do?"" Dawn smiled as she said "Just the opposite. You made me WISH FOR my mothers life-style." While I did not understand what was happening, what I was grateful for was Dawn joining me, in the shower, then giving me some "breakfast", which I would, never, forget. Before she let me dress, to leave, she mentioned "I want a REAL, tender, goodbye, kiss." When I said "Your wish is my command." she climbed aboard, then I lay her back, across her table, and gave her the deepest love, that I was capable of. Afterwards, I left her panting, as I dressed, and went for some FOOD, to eat. Her idea, for "breakfast", was heavenly. Dont get me wrong. It was just not filling. I MIGHT have gone for fast food, except that only two places were open, that early. One was a national chain. The problem was that, the last time I saw one of their "breakfast platters", the portions could have fit in a snack bag. (All that customers were paying for was the foam platter, and the company logo.) The other place had food, which was so greasy that, the last time I ate there, all I could taste was the grease. This is why I visited my local grocery store. Here, I purchased two bags, of food, which I microwaved, then sat back, after a fiilling breakfast. Over those next, few, months, I saw Dawn, several times. Whenever possible, we would scoot away, from friends, then spent a few moments just sharing a deep kiss. It was not until I began adding necking to the "mix", that Dawn suggested that we meet at her place. Her, original, plan had been to tell me, in private, that we were "through", finished, and so on. That is, until she saw me eyeing her chest, and figured "What the hell." On three, seperate, visits, she planned to dump me, for certain. Three times, by the time I left, her breasts were left feeling happy. On our final visit, we not only ended up, in bed, but the passion was so powerful that she regretted it, immediately. By the time I passed out, I remember her saying "I will, always, love you." When I awoke, I found myself all alone, in her bedroom. Except for the bed, and my clothes, everything was gone. All that Dawn left, for me, was a note: My love, I want you to know that I will, always, love you. I just need a more daring, less loving, and more demanding, man. Love, always, Dawn Once clothed, I took the key, which she left, with a note, asking me to lock up, then turn the key into the landlords drop-box. After that, all I heard were rumors, that Dawn was here, or there. Not that it mattered. I mean, we had never been IN love. We had, simply, been passionate lovers. The one thing, which made MANY locals happy, was the day when Joey left town. Ofcourse, he HAD to leave. After all, he had been stupid enough to not only steal a friends software, but to use the programming to cyber-rob a bank, in another state. Not only that but Joey had been dumb enough to let the program run, until cyber-security locked him out. His only "smart" move was to move the money into an account, which was outside American jurisdiction. The problem was that, while the 500 million was un-touchable, to the U.S. government, Joey was still, on American soil. Word has it that, when Joey ran to Mexico, he THOUGHT he was safe, just across the border. After that, Joey escaped, from jail, and headed deep into South America. Some will say that Joey lived his life out, in luxury. Others would say that his money only made him a "target", for the rest of his life. All that I know is that I will miss Dawn, for a very long time, to come.

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