Wednesday, September 12, 2018


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE SALE Tami and I had just completed our latest case, when word came down, from the Brown Agency. In our latest case, the survivors, of a tragic accident, had met with, and said final "Farewells", to those, who had lost lives, so tragically. As for Tami and I, we just "chalked it up", to another case, successfully concluded. In fact, with our "record", to date, Tami and I had the feeling that we would not be returning, to our homes, any time soon. This is why, when the Brown Agency video-linked, with us, informing Tami and I to pack our belongings, and prepare to place "Ghost Ship Two" into storage, we were shocked. This is because, the last time we had spoken, to Mr. Brown, the boss had informed us "There remains a back log, of cases, awaiting your "special skills". You wont be sitting still, for long." Tami and I KNEW that Mr. Brown spoke the truth, at that time, due to the agency's reputation. The Brown Agency remained profitable because we kept our customers happy (while protecting anonymity) and, as a result, these customers referred others to Mr. Brown. By the time G.S.2 arrived, at our "home port", it was a good thing that I had packed my Jeep, as well as Tami's private, trailer. While I would, NEVER say, that the military, which met our landing, was either harsh, or abusive, with either Tami, or myself, the soldiers did seen to be in a rush. In fact, no-sooner was G.S.2 shut down, when the plane was hauled to the edge, of the airfield, locked up, and left to sit. Not even our retired, air force, pilots, could gain no significant information, from any of the active-duty soldiers. When Tami and I arrived, at the Brown Agency offices, we were left speechless by the fact that even Mr. Brown, himself, was clearing out his office. For a man, of Mr. Brown's finances, and connections, neither Tami nor I thought we would see HIM clearing out his office. When Tami inquired, of the agencies other detectives, she heard tha same story, over and over. While there was no "shortage", of work, yet, someone was ordering the agency to be closed down. Even active cases, with paying clients, were ordered closed down. Once staff were given the "bum's rush", from our "former" offices, Mr. Brown lead his work-force to a local property. A property which Mr. Brown, PERSONALLY, owned. Mr. Brown would, then, report on an odd series of events. First, there was an "all expense paid" offer, to examine a property, and report on "anything unusual". When Tami would say "Anything unusual" That sounds like us." Mr. Brown and I agreed with Tami. Since Mr. Brown thought that the case was a "straight up" "investigate and report", case, he had the agency accept. What had shocked even Mr. Brown was how, just eighteen hours after accepting the case, someone had found a way around the law, and bought Mr. Brown out. When Mr. Blue would ask "Sir, I thought we had enough money, in the "bank", to buy whole countries. HOW could someone..." and Mr. Brown would say "Hostile take-over. WHY? I have no idea." When the agencies embezzlement expert, Cynthia Davis, would ask "Sir, does it not seem odd that this happens RIGHT, and I mean RIGHT, after you accept that assignment?" Mr. Black would say "Nonsense. WHY take over an entire company? Just to stop a property review?" Mr. Blue would add "Unless there is something, which some ONE does not want known." Mr. Brown would say "My thoughts, exactly. The question remains: WHY take over the agency? WHY not just buy our silence?" It would be the Negro Master-thief, Jackson, who would add "Boss, with your reputation? People trust their lives, privacy, and property, to you." After the staff would chorus "That is VERY TRUE." Mr. Brown would say "Just give me some time, to contact my sources. I have a feeling that, whoever is behind this, they want us to THINK they have "deeper pockets", than we do." While Tami used this "down time", to visit her family, I relaxed at a "wilderness retreat". It was not long, however, before phones began to ring. When staff "linked up", at what Mr. Brown was calling his "Temporary Command Base", all, present, were shown something, which would have made hard-core porn seem funny. The group, which had taken over the remains, of the Brown Agency, had produced a commercial, which was so stupid, that it made the classic, Ronald McDonald, commercials seem like art, by comparison. The commercials featured people, being beat, over the head, with pipes, and baseball bats, until the "suspects" gave up information. In another commercial (which Mr. Black was quick to say that the F.C.C. would, NEVER, allow to air, a mans shaft was plugged into an electrical outlet. This, until the man "confesses", to an "affair". His distressed "wife" is portrayed as an air-head bimbo, with the brains of a salad fork. (And these were the BEST, of the new commercials) It seems that, now, the Donald MacDonald Detective Agency was promising results, on commercial television, and "in record time." After the monitor went black, Mr. Brown would say "According to my sources, the public is "running away" from these goofs, even faster than congress ran, from either George Walker Bush, or Donald Trump." It was when Mr. Blue would say "Its a good thing we left, when we did. With that type, of "management", no one will ask for THAT agencies services." When the secretary would ask "So, are we retired, permanently?" Mr. Blue would, no-sooner, say "It looks like it." when Mr. Brown would add "Dont count us out, just yet." When Mr. Black would ask "What do you mean? We have no resources, or even office space. How can we NOT be out of business?" Mr.. Brown would say "Several, of OUR clients, who were current, at the time, of the take-over, have contacted me, privately, ASKING for OUR services." When Tami would say "Thats fine, for the normal case-loads, but what about US? Do we stay at home, while you re-take the "fort"?" Mr. Brown would say "Fear not. I think that our vacations are about to end, very soon." Mr. Brown could not have been more correct. While, in the burglary department, Jackson remained unsurpassed, in his talent, for Breaking-and-Entering, while leaving no trace behind. This is, probably, why, after the Donald MacDonald agency smashed windows, and property, leaving a trail, of destruction, behind them, that a blind man could follow, Soon, Mr. Brown was being asked to have Jackson take over such cases. In fact, even as Mr. Brown was recalling Jackson, for work, Mr. Blue, Mr. Black, and the secretary, were phoning additional workers, to find out WHO wanted work. Tami and I would have the most difficult case-loads, of anyone, in the agency. Using a variety, of tricks, and other nonsense, "Donald MacDonald" had managed to enrage not only the living, but the deceased, as well. Spirits, whose only desire was contact, and final messages, went on rampages, against the FAKE detectives. Just dont ask me WHY the "MacDonalds" made disgusting noises, with childrens toys. That, and that FOOL, of a woman. WHAT was she "thinking"? Mixing "Abracadabra", and "Hocus Pocus". All while pointing two dildos, at a spirit, and saying "Be gone. I command you!" (It was the spirit which did the "commanding", by bodily, tossing the woman out of a window.) Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, estimated that, with the trouble the "quacks" were causing, our expense accounts would be covered, for who knows how long. While the hostile take-over papers stated that Mr. Brown (and company), were prohibited to, formally, advertise, for work, nor give the impression, of a renewed agency, what the papers did NOT mention was helping people, who ASKED for help. When Donald MacDonald found out that Mr. Brown was handling cases, and Donald TRIED to file a restraining order, claiming "Breach of Contract", Mr. Brown had informed the court "We are NOT functioning as a business We are simply, aiding those, who ASK our help." The judge had dismissed the case. It seems, however, that what was needed was not mortal, statutory, law. It was more of an IM-mortal touch. Mr. Brown was in the process of reviewing any, possible, reason, why anyone would care about a property inspection. To the bosses surprise, it was NOT Tami, nor I, that the spirits came to, this time. They appearred to the boss-man, himself. When Mr. Brown asked OUR assistance, the "core", of the problem, became clear. In "conference", with spirits, ranging anywhere from 50 years passed on, to 400 years, Mr. Brown would hear the kind of story, which Stephen King would write. A story, covering the subjects, of adultery, incest, murder, back magic, human sacrifice, and so on. The spirits spoke of a ledger. The kind of book, which churches, and private groups, kept, in order to be able to trace comings and goings. When a spirit would suggest "If you wish a first hand look, at the ledger, may I suggest a visit, to Saint Anthony's church." To my surprise, I would find out that our boss, Mr. Brown, was a tried, and true, Catholic. This was apparent when the boss told the spirit "I know of no such saint. WHO was he, and WHAT did he do?" Mother Superior would appear, to say "While even I, a nun, am NOT aware of every single saint I DO know that Anthony was granted sainthood, for giving aid, and comfort, to the survivors, of several, climatic, events." When I would suggest "So, he performed NO so-called miracles." Mother Superior would clarify "Nothing, like parting oceans, walking on water, or turning water, into wine, if that is what you mean." When Tami would ask "WHAT DID he do, to deserve sainthood?" Mother Superior would say "Our records show that Anthony DID provide safe haven, for victims of abuse, and neglect."" When the professional, Mr. Brown, would ask "HOW dos this relate to the property, in question?" Mother Superior understood the lack of contempt, in our bosses eyes. The man was a professional investigator, first and foremost. He dealt with FACTS. This is why the nun was gentle, with her answer: "Mr. Brown, I have come to report, to your workers, just how many BODIES are buried, beneath that property." When Tami would clarify "I THINK you mean AROUND that property." The nun would say "My child, if I meant AROUND, I would have used THAT word. When I say BENEATH..." Mr. Brown would say "You mean that there are bodies, buried under the foundation, of that house." It was Mr. Blue would would tell the nun "Sister, I may not be a Catholic, however, even I KNOW that it is illegal to bury a body under a house." Mother Superior would say "Not one, but several." When Tami would ask "About how MANY?" Mother Superior would say "Eighteen, maybe twenty-four." When Mr. Brown would mention "Mother Superior, since I come from a Catholic family, I KNOW that Catholics bury their dead, properly, and with respect. A good Catholic would, NEVER, risk Divine wrath, by not providing "Last Rights", or a proper burial." This is when the spirit, of a former gardener, from the property, would join our "discussion", saying "Sir, you are, in fact most correct, in as far as you know. I, however, KNOW that, the bodies, taken from the property, were not given Christian burial. This is where the stories, of "personal interraction" began." When Mother Superior would say "Sir, if SEX is what you mean, you may USE the word. I may be a nun, but I was born a woman." The gardener would, then speak of having heard stories, of bodies being stolen, from graves, and used for all manner of Satanic rights. (Poor old Lucifer. Blamed, AGAIN, for mans in-justice, towards other men.) The gardener would report viewing three, seperate, "parties", before he accepted that what he saw was real. (In the days before the autopsy, and funeral business, became an established trade, bodies were not drained, of blood, and embalmed, to burial. The body was, simply, buried, in their favorite clothes.) When the gardener reported his observations to the then-minister, Anthony, Anthony had done his OWN research, on the subject, and came to the same conclusion. The drinking, of human blood (from corpses), as well as having sex with LIVE children, had been the groups way of "currying favor", with Lucifer (or, so they THOUGHT). Mr. Blue would be the one to say "They wanted to hide their crime, of Statutory Rape, behind the excuse of "The Devil made me do it." When Mr. Brown would say "To bring the discussion back on topic, even if there ARE bones, under the house, if what you say is true, and the victims were buried more than a century ago, the perpetrators are just as dead as the victims. Trust me when I say "The dead cannot be prosecuted." This is when the spirit, of a barrister, would come forth, suggesting "Maybe, those who COMMITTED the crimes, are beyond human justice, however, there remain the persons descendants." When Tami would ask "What about their descendants? Last time I checked, offspring cannot be prosecuted, for an ancestors crimes, either." Sure, it was known that the German Jews, who survived Hitlers murderous dictatorship, had switched their M.O., as of late. The reason was simple. Since World War Two was over 75 years ago, anyone, in a position, of power, at THAT time, was either an infirm senior citizen, or dead, by now, the survivors, of the Death Camps had switched their focus. If the survivors could not prosecute the criminals, themselves, a new plan had arisen. The plan, of hunting down the offspring, of the Third Reich. In the modern day, this meant hunting for GRAND-children. After all, even if a Nazi was 20-25 years old, during the war, and 90, to 100, years old, now, there was no prison, equipped to handle retiree's. People, old enough to need care-givers. As a result, the "witch hunt" had shifted down, first one generation, then two generations. The most recent case, that I am aware of, is the case where the Jews are insisting that a man be arrestted, and held, without bail, while awaiting extradiction. Somehow, the information had come to light that the mans great-grand-father had been an "architect", of one of the reich's largest death camps. At present, what was "bogging the case down", was the fact that the law stated that a man can be charged, with any crime, which, he, HIMSELF, has committed. Since the crime, in question, had been committed, by the mans great-grand-father, the courts were concerned over whether a person could face prison time, or even execution, for crimes, committed, LONG BEFORE the person was, even born. (HOW could a person be tried, and convicted, for a crime, which took place, in 1925, when the accused was not even BORN until 1986?) So far, the justice department was having little luck, with the survivors (and their OWN descendants. The people who, also, were not born, until decades after the war, yet were determined that Germany would "pay", for the crimes, of the Third Reich.) Basically, it was like Pro-life versus Pro-Choice. No matter what ruling the courts handed down, the opposition was, already, preparing another "attack". In the case, of World War Two, however, now it was the descendants, who pursued one another. Now, Mr. Brown had a spirit telling him that the descendants, of the 18th, and 19th, century victims, and criminals were just as determined that the world know only THIER version, of the homes past. That, and the detective agency had a nun telling them that there was something like a grave-yard, under the house. If the woman were not a nun, Mr. Brown might have suspected that she read "Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive". Mr. Blue would interject "Boss, doesn't it seem odd that ONLY this case is being so passionately, pursued?" Mr. Brown would remind his asociate "I would beg to differ. Remember that previous case, where our resident ghost-hunters were "rail-roaded" out of a town. And the case involving the Gargoyles?" Mr. Black would, only, say "I wish we could sneak in some equiment, just to see what is, really, there." Mr. Brown would caution "Not without legal consent." In this case, "legal consent" would mean access to agency equipment, all of which had been impounded, and was being prepared for auction. After the case "dragged on", long enough, the presiding judge stepped down, saying that he was tired of hearing half-explanations, for requests for rulings. This turned out to be a stroke of luck, for the Brown Agency. Mr. Brown had been before the newly appointed judge, several times, in court, and the two men knew one another. Both in court, and out. When Mr. Brown produced his dossierre, for the court, and all the opposition would say was "Your honor, we protest", the opposition was crushed when the court asked "On what grounds do you object?" After the opposition jabbered on, for fifteen minutes, the judge did exactly what Mr. Brown expected the man to do. The judge ordered the man "Either come to the point, or sit down, and be silent." With a look, of shoocked horror, on his face, the opposition sat down, and just listened, as the judge asked Mr. Brown "This document states that the property owner has provided you with permission, and full access, to the property. What is your intention, in regards to the property?" Mr. Brown would say "With the courts permission, and access to my company's equipment, I will proceed with the evaluation of the property." When the judge would ask "What do you hope, or expect, to find, on said property?" Mr. Brown would say "I will file a complete report, with the court, once the survey is complete." When the judge said "Sounds reasonable, to me. What does the opposition have to say?" The opposition just sat there, looking like a child, sentenced to detention. The staff, of the Brown Agency, had only just arrived, at the storage facility, when the director, of the building, where agency offices HAD been located, approached us, asking Mr. Brown "Your offices remain un-occupied, at the moment. Would it be im-proper for me to ask if you would make use, of the space, again?" Mr. Brown would say "Your payment will be deposited, by this evening." The manager would smile as he said "I will look forward to it. For now, here are the keys, to the current locks." As it would turn out, re-securing our old offices would turn out to be the EASY part. As to WHO it was, who packed our stuff, for auction, I would "love" to know WHO they were. Everything was such a jumbled mess, as though just thrown into boxes, that Mr. Blue would end up ordering a buffet, of Pizza, Pasta, and so on, as well as plenty of soft drinks. (NO booze until the work was done.) Thirty-six hours after delivery of goods, to the office, and maybe $500.00 worth of delivery food, and the office was ready for business, again. (The judge even found the law, which had been used, to put us OUT of business, and issued an injunction, against this, or any other action, which might be taken, before the case was resolved.) After the office was put back in shape, Mr. Brown would tell everyone to get some sleep. We would be back in business, the next day. By the time I awoke, and made my breakfast, the headlines were full of the news. The Donald MacDonald Detective Agency had "vanished", just as quickly as it had appearred. Speculation was that the agency had not, really, existed, at all. Not except on paper. The rationale: The Donald MacDonald Agency had no "history". In fact, prior to taking over our operations, Donald MacDonald had no "past", to speak of. As for Donald MacDonald, himself, it seems that neither the department of Vital Records,nor even the I.R.S. had any "history", on the man. As far as the government was concerned, Donald MacDonald did not exist. By sharp contrast, there was our boss, Mr. Brown. Though Mr. Brown's past was "guarded", by passwords, and heavy security, anyone, with approved access, could chart Mr. Browns life all the way back, from his founding, of the agency, right back to no less than Catholic grade, and high, school, to his parents home address, occupations, and so on. Now, however, Mr. Brown had a new task, to complete. The task, of moving equipment to the homes location, as well as avoiding all publicity, and setting up on-site operations, in a manner which no one would suspect. Now, sure, Mr. Brown employed the kinds of people who could make an aircraft carrier "vanish", in downtown New York City, but the boss was, always, prepared. IF the unknowns came after us, again, Mr. Brown was determined that the attackers would have to hire such specialized talent, and purchase such "specialized" gear, that we would KNOW that they were onto us. On the PLUS side, the house was even larger than Mr. Brown had been told to expect. There would be plenty, of interior room, for the agency to set up operations, with room to space. Mr. Black even came up with a new type of Ground Penetrating Radar. Who else, except the highly inventive Mr. Black, could come up with a scanner device which looked like a normal, riding, mower. Due to the AGE, of the house, not even the Brown Agencies OWN electricians would agree to run current through the museum-quality household "wiring". This is why Mr. Brown rented an over-sized generator, and what LOOKED like a tool shed, to "hide" it in. While the house was not in "bad" shape, it wasn't "perfect", either. Mr. Blue would be in charge of writing up the report, on what the house needed, to make it habitable. While Mr. Blacks scanner team did find bones, buried in the homes walls, it was not until Mr. Black labelled each spots "Bones, inside wall. Species: Unknown" When the spirit, of a nurse, saw this, she huffed, placed a hand inside the wall, and drew out a human hand, and arm set of bones. The nurse, then asked "Do these look like an unknown species?" The spirit, of a 19th century contractor, lead a team, to the basement, marked out a spot, and said "I am buried, here." When the teams first question was "HOW? (do you know), while the second question was "WHY?" The contractor explained it this way: "I was called in, to inspect the basement, when the occupants wanted to install a new boiler. From what I was told, the original boiler was using 150% of fuel, but warming only 5% of the house. I understood the reason why the boiler installer wanted a survey. This floor was so waivy that it was like walking across either a desert, or an ocean. It was not, however, until I brought in my tools, that the occupants seemed concerned. While I promised to be gentle, even allowing them the chance to depart the basement, they stayed by my side." When the living asked the deceased "HOW did you become a ghost. Sorry, a spirit?" The contractor would say "Just coming to that. When I dug into one of the "humps", and found human bones, I turned to the occupants, and was about to ask "WHAT are these doing here?" yet never got to say the words." When the living asked "What happened?" The contractor would say "They used some sharp-bladed tool, and bashed my skull, all the way from my forehead, right to my neck." When the living asked "You are buried, HERE?" The contracter would say "Not INSIDE the house. I am buried out in that gully. In a mass grave, made up of workers who questioned the occupants intentions." When the living asked "Mass grave? How many, of you, are there?" The contractor would say "I think there are...", then rub his spectral head, as he said "Sorry, serious thought always gives me a headache." The living understood. The contractor would suggest "Be prepared to find dozens of bodies, just in the gulley." While this was going on, a "den mother/housekeeper" would be leading another group to were more bodies were walled up. While the "den mother" would admit "Yes, I viewed many of the goings on, in this house, I want it on the record that I did NOT approve." When Mr. Blue would ask "If you did not approve, WHY did you stay, and not report, to the police?" The "Den mother" would say "Young man, if you think former convicts have it tough, in YOUR time, just think of how tough it was, BEFORE the 19th amendment was passed. In MY time, women had almost no "options". We either became wives, and mothers, whores, wash women, or spinsters. Remember that there was NO public school system, in the 19th century, when I lived. If a person wanted their children educated, in reading, writing, and arithmetic, PRIVATE help was hired, by one family, or a group, of families." When Mr. Blue asked "To be a "den mother", you MUST have been educated." The "Den mother" would say "Not exactly. I was only allowed into "class" since my best friend was part, of the group, being schooled." When Mr. Blue would say "You mentioned convicts. What did you mean?" The "den mother" woud say "In order to pay my way out, to this region, I, as a woman, had exactly two choices. Become a whore, or become a robber." Since Mr. Blue knew of NO, female, bank robbers, prior to Bonnie and Clyde, Mr. Blue asked "How long were you a whore?" When the woman would say "YOUNG man, I was, NEVER, a whore. I am a RESPECTABLE woman. I would starve before "selling" my body." The woman then explained both HOW she got her money, and how she kept it. In the days, before telephones, telegraphs were the fastest means of communications. This is how the woman got away with robbing enough travellers, inside a month, to store away more than enough money, to start a new life. Un-like other thieves, the woman was smart enough not to try to hide the "loot" in her cabin, or anyplace else the police might think to look. Instead, she chose a place where even priests feared to enter. A cave. A hole, in the rock, which resembled an open mouth. According to legend, there were demons guarding the entrance, while witches, vampires, and other creatures, partied, within. When the woman examined the place, all she found was bare rock. In some spots, the rock "seemed" like faces, while, in other spaces, the rock seemed to show locations. While the woman was no "fan", of cold food, this is what she ate, day and night. This way, there would be no smoke plume, to give her away. She, even, told Mr. Blue, "By the time I was captured, I had enough money, from robbing travellers, that I could have BOUGHT an entire territory." When Mr. Blue asked "What happened?" The woman would say "A set up. Rumor was leaked that a shipment, of gold bars, was heading west. I should have known it was a trap. My greed got the best of me, and I TRIED to steal the gold." Mr. Blue would ask "You were captured, and sentenced. No-doubt, by a Pinkerton." The woman would say "Dumb, I know." When Mr. Blue would say "You said you HAD a criminal record. You were released from prison. WHY?" The woman would say "While I was captured, trying to rob the gold, I never gave up my secret. Since all the law had on me was ATTEMPTED theft, I was given a two year sentence." When Mr. Blue would suggest "For a woman, of your day, that must have seemed like torture." The woman would say "Nothing of the sort. In fact, after having spent so much time eating cold food,sleeping on stone floors, and bathing in river water, my prison time was like a vacation. Hot food, soft bed, and bathing, in warm water." When Mr. Blue would ask "After your release, from prison..?" The woman would say "Can you believe it. After two, full, years, I returned to the cave, and found everything as I had left it." When Mr. Blue would ask "After you found your stash..?" The woman would say "Bought myself a ticket, travelled out, to the so-called "bad-lands", and bought myself a brand new identity. Like I said, though, before your twentieth century, women had very little choice, in life. This is why I bought a teaching license, then headed out." When Mr. Blue would ask "Why not try for one of the academies, which train young ladies?" The woman would say "Sir, while you have your contraption. That thing you call the outer, or inter, net, to do instant verifications, on people, back, in MY day, appplicants might wait weeks, even MONTHS, for telegraph, or pony express, messages. Until sources were identified, applicants just sat and waited." When Mr. Blue would ask "HOW did you get involved with this house?" The woman would say "While I sought work, I heard talk, about the demons, who, supposedly, ran my hide-out. While I tried to hide the truth, by saying that I played there, as a child, it seems that what the home owners were told that I was familiar with the land. After I met with the man, who claimed to own the house, and we discussed my play-place, the man, then asked to see my credentials. He never bothered to check them out. Just told me what the salary would be, and that I would be in charge of the children." When Mr. Blue would ask "HOW did he mean "In charge"?" The woman would say "I was to see to meals, studies, bath times, and so on. In some ways, I was the "head-mistress", of the home." When Mr. Blue asked "If you found out what was going on, why didn't you leave?" The woman would say "Young man. I DID consider that, but only until I saw an event, which, still, gives me nightmares." When Mr. Blue would ask "What was that?" The woman would say "A local woman, no older than twenty, was being sentenced, for violating her marriage vows." When Mr. Blue would ask "In what way?" The woman would say "It was common knowledge that her husband was abusive. Rumor had it that the man BOUGHT the girl, by paying off some of her fathers debts. After he had the girl, he used threats, to keep the girl in line." Mr. Blue was about to ask about victims assistance, but he had to remind himself "Twentieth century. Not 19th." The woman would say "When the girl went to the church, pleading for help, the church issued its verdict. For NOT obeying the church, and the Bible, the girl was to be burned, at the stake." The woman would continue "When I heard the childs death cries, I remembered hearing something similar, at my employers property. After watching some children being brought out, into the open, and whipped, until bone showed, all while a priest repeated "Thou Shalt HONOR thy mother and father." This is when I decided that I had no choice. I HAD to remain, to protect as many of the children, as possible." When Mr. Blue would ask "Just curious, but WHERE did the children come from?" The woman would say "From the auctions. The orphan trains. The engineers would trade children for wood, and water, to reach their next stop. After that, the purchasers placed the children up for auction." "My employer bought as many as he could purchase, at bargain prices." When Mr. Blue would ask "WHERE did the man get the money, to PAY for the children?" The woman would smile as she said "The same way that madams make their money off of hookers." So, the previous owners had purchased low-income children, forced them into prostitution, then used the profits, to buy more children. When Mr. Blue asked "Why do YOU remain, if no children have lived here, in decades?" The woman would say "My final wish. Upon death, I was walled up in one of the girls dorm rooms. I told the girls not to be afraid. I would watch over them, in death, as I had, in life." When Mr. Black appearred, saying "Sir, we have found something which even I do not believe."(Mr. Black was a bit "spooked" when a woman, he had no knowledge of, followed the men into a large room.) When Mr. Black would say "I dont know what this room was..." and the woman would say "At one time, in a more majestic way, this was one of the girls dorm rooms." When Mr. Black would say "Okay, but how do you explain THIS!!", and pulled aside some sheet-rock, to expose a skeleton. When Mr. Black would ask "Well?" Mr. Blue just smiled as the woman would say "You have found my remains. I am in your debt." When Mr. Black would ask Mr. Blue "she doesn't mean..." Mr. Blue would smile as he said "I am afraid that the woman, beside me, is the spirit of the person, you see in that wall." When Mr. Black would say "She's a GHOST!", the woman would proclaim "I am a SPIRIT. The term "ghost" is so derogatory." Mr. Blue would suggest "You heard the lady. She is a spirit." The startled work crew, who had discovered the body, would ask "Ma'am, under law, we cannot leave your remains inside the wall. Where would you like them sent?" The woman looked around the now-vacant room, and announced "Since the children are no-longer present, nor in need of protection, may I suggest a Baptist church. Move my remains to the most progressive church, in the area, and I will approve both the ceremony, and the burial." (Now, if anyone thinks this was the only spirit, on the premises, boy, are they in for a surprise.) Soon, the staff, of the Brown Agency, understood the reason for the hostile take-over. Using Mr. Browns infinite resources, the agency, soon, had leads on over one hundred people, who had gone missing (presumed dead), upon dealing with this property. It would, also, appear, that the hostile take-over, was orchestrated by the descendants, of those whom, legend/history claimed responsible for the deaths. Like the Jew's, who were determined to prosecute either the actual war criminals, or their descendants, the people, behind our current trouble, were the same, just in the opposite direction. The Jew's wanted the young prosecuted, for the crimes of the old (and deceased). The people, responsible, for OUR trouble, wanted to keep the truth BURIED. They did not WANT anyone to know that their ancestors had committed felony statutory rape, dozens, maybe hundreds, of times, over. With a judge, in charge of the case, whose philosphy was "The Devil made me do it" was just a "cop-out", to try and avoid prison. Mr. Brown understood the judges philosphy, especially knowing what it was based upon. The judge was a "lapsed" Catholic, who believed that NO ONE was "above the law". When the judge, and Mr. Brown, sometimes, shared lunch, the judge would comment on cases. Cases such as the minister, who stood, in court, after using a shot-gun to KILL several staff members, at a womens health clinic, all while spouting scripture. When the minister was taken to court, the man had the nerve to say that mortal law could not touch him. "I am God's servant, and I answer to no one, except the Lord." Mr. Browns judge friend had anything to say, about THAT verdict, the judge would have sentenced the minister to the death penalty. After all, he caused numerous deaths. The last the judge knew, however, the minister was, currently, in prison, serving a reduced sentence, since his church had argued that a stiffer sentence would have been the same as violating the division between church and state. The one case, that the public, never, knew about, was the case where members, of a religious order, put over a dozen children to death, because the young were just not interested in reading the Bible. Comic books, yes. Scripture? Not interested. While the religious had decided to deny food, to the children, until the children TOOK an interest, in scripture, the children had been starved to death. While Mr. Browns friend would have LOVED to get these murderers in his court, his access was denied, by an order, which stated that "Religion may NOT be controlled, nor prosecuted". In regards to the house, while local churches asked for road-blocks, to prevent Mr. Blacks G.P.R. from being delivered, by road, what the churches forgot about were the skies. Specifically, Ghost Ship Two. Under cover, of darkness, our plane would fly into the location, on full stealth mode. Boy, were the pilots smiles a joy to see. The retiree's would be whooping, for joy, when the judge lifted the "grounding" order, on the plane. While the order stated "Faulty hydraulics, and engines", when the judge, and a general, stood before the plane and the general said "Fire it up", the pilots put the plane through ALL, regulation, maneuvers, before the general agreed with the judge. "There is NOTHING wrong with this plane." Soon after this, the pilots were helping Mr. Black load his equipment, for transport, to the house. (Right over the heads of the road-block crew). By sun-rise, Mr. Black had his equipment up, and his staff on the move, scanning the property. (For WHAT, Mr. Black did not want to guess) While Mr. Brown, Tami, and myself (along with some interested spirits), watched as the ground device did its job, what we found was NOT, at ALL, what we expected to find. When even Mr. Black would say "It MUST be a malfunction." Mr. Brown would say "Only one way to be sure. Lets grab some shovels, and start digging." Within an hour, Mr. Blue had called in a forensic anthropologist, to study, verify, and map what we were bringing to the surface. For what seemed like WEEKS, but was only DAYS, we dug up the property, bit by bit, as the anthropologist brought in field researchers, to make sure that nothing was missed. The field researchers made sure to list animal bites (to prevent charges of cannibalism. Another favorite "catch-all" for things un-explained) By the end of week one, the property was beginning to look more like a jigsaw puzzle, than a family home. For reasons, which the field researchers would only GUESS at, it seems that the bodies were cut into pieces. Fingers, cut from hands. Hands, cut from wrists. Wrists, cut of from elbows, and so on. Even I had to admit that the field researchers had the worst task, on the property. Compared to their tic-tac-toe, of body parts, Tami had it easy, just cataloging which spirits remained on the property. In some cases, however, field researchers were "spooked", when spirits would come forth, saying "That is NOT MY finger/toe/etc. That belongs over there." (The science people just felt un-easy, having dead people tell them where body parts belonged.) Completed corpses were photographed, then, GENTLY, bagged, for shipment. In-complete corpses were set aside, until the spirits promise, that bones were complete, could be verified. Still, with all of the damage, even done before the bodies were buried, it would be close to impossible to prove if any of the bodies had been, sexually, violated. What complicated matters, even further, was when a "grave" was found, with six skeletons, stacked on top of one another. The G.P.R. found the reason why the bones had not moved, with the land. The bones were buried just one inch above what appearred to be some sort of burial chamber. When the local sheriff was informed, he asked "Burial chamber?" then called the local, funeral, home asking "Mort, when was a burial chamber dug under that property?" Maybe half an hour later, both the sheriff, and the funeral director, stood, stunned, at what they were witnessing. The funeral director would seem agitated, as he snapped some photo's, then sent them off, for examination. This, while reminding the sheriff "You know, as well as I do, that funeral crypts MUST be registered, by LAW." For the next two hours, everyone, at the location, took a break, while wondering why anyone would build such an elaborate housing for. Food and drink, flowed, as did speculation. When one field researcher would suggest "What IF this crypt was not registered since it was built LONG BEFORE the law was in place?" Fellow researchers would break in, saying "Here we go, again. More alien theory. The aliens dug the trench for, lets see, what is your favorite reason? Oh, yes. To leave information, for humans to find, once we are ready for contact." Tami would caution "Remember, there are more things, in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamt of." A resarcher would say "ONLY if the crypt turns out to be older than the property." The problem, which the research team would face was when the data began coming in. The problem, with the data, was simple. While structures, built underneath existing foundations, caused "weaknesses", which had to be re-inforced, to make a building habitable, the problem, with the data, that the Brown Agency received, was that there was no sign of such re-inforcement. In fact, there was no evidence, of structural repair, at all. This could lead to only ONE conclusion. The underground space was, already, buried, before the home was built. Mr. Black was the first to call the test results a "fake". This because the test results, of the age, of the crypt, showed it to be older than the Unites States. IF we were to accept the test results, it would mean that someone had built the crypt, during the time, of the Colluseum, the Parthenon, or even before. It would mean that someone was practicing structural engineering at a time, when the indian tribes roamed the lands. Since Mr. Brown KNEW that both the current owner/client, and the judge, would want a full, and complete, report, on this "thing", the Brown Agency would remain on-site, for an additional month. (It would take this long to find out how to enter this crypt/thing). While Mr. Brown assigned two teams, to work on the "crypt", the rest of us remained on the main task. That of recovering, cataloging, and proper interment, of the remains. One, cranky, spirit, caused two days, of noise. All because his desire, upon his death, was to have his body seated in a chair, at his favorite, fishing, spot. Neither Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, nor Mort, the funeral director, would agree to this. Not out of spite, against the cranky, old, man, but because statutory law forbade it. By law, even the homeless received crates, and burial. Maybe not markers (head stones), but the bodies were buried. When the spirit persisted, Mr. Brown would suggest "We COULD cremate your remains, if that would make you happy. The law just does not allow corpses, no matter how old, to be left in public." When the spirit brought up some well-known discoveries, of corpses, including adults, and children, left out in the open, Mr. Brown would explain "Those people were murdered, and left to be found. The murderers were taunting the police. That is why the victims were found in public." Tami and I felt sorry, for our boss, having to spend two hours, explaining, to a spirit, that, under "normal circumstances", the dead are required, not just by law, but due to religion, to be buried. After two hours, of conversation, the spirit agreed to have his body buried. For some reason, he asked for a Lutheran funeral. The remainder, of the deceased, were much more cooperative. Only minor dis-agreements, over which body parts went with which bodies. As for the crypt, once Mr. Black had exhausted every other "avenue", that he could think of, Mr. Black asked Mr. Brown to rent a laser scanner. Mr. Brown agreed, since the courts wanted PROGRESS reports, and the lasers were the only thing not tried, so far. Normally, humans KNOW to stay clear, of laser beams, which CAN burn, and cause great pain, IF a person comes to close. When even trying to EXPLAIN the use, of a laser, to a 300 year old spirit, turned out to be fruitless, agency stay just said "Attention. Everyone, present. Alive or Dead. When the red light goes on, stay away from it. Do NOT come close until the red light goes dark." Just as Mr. Black had theorized, it was the laser, which made the break-through. Thanks to laser technology, we found the seems, as well as what LOOKED like a stone panel. What surprised Mr. Brown was that even the spirits were surprised, by the discovery. (IF the dead did not know, about this "object", then it was not buried, in the past 175 years.) In fact, the laser produced a result which placed the age much farther back, in history than even European history extended. Whoever the peopple were, who placed this thing, on this property, they had a knowledge of computer technology. In fact, the laser read the access code, which was etched right beside the "lock". When the Brown Agencies security expert suggested "As a precaution, sir, may I suggest that I send in a team, to secure the interior"? When Tami asked "Secure? From WHAT?" The security officer would say "THAT is, precisely, why I think my team should go, first." Thirty minutes after a thorough search, of the interior, and security ruled the place "safe-to-enter". The only thing, which was for certain, about this "object" was the fact that it was no crypt. Not for humans, atleast. The only way to define the place, in human terms, was "library". A four-story, underground, library. When the agencies language expert was brought in, to find out what the contents, of this place was, all the interpreter could report was "This IS some sort of language. A definite pattern. Just one which I never knew existed." When Mr. Brown approved sending four "volumes", to an accredited university, hoping for some insight, all he received, in return, was "No translation possible. Definite language. Just no comparison, in planetary database. Submitted, with apologies. Translation impossible, without code key." This is when Mr. Blue would suggest "I DOUBT that THIS is the reason why someone did not want us on this case." Mr. Brown would agree. Even our "specialist" spirits agrreed with this deduction. If no one knew this was here, there would be no reason to hide it. No, the Brown Agency had been called in, to deal with the myths, rumors, and legends, of the home, and its actions, regarding child welfare. Then, there was the problem, of D.N.A. In the 20th, and 21st, centuries, most sexual assault cases, regarding children are resolved, using D.N.A. analysis. The fresher the D.N.A., the faster the conviction. As for 200 year old D.N.A.? Since Mort, the funeral director, had only been called in, in case a family crypt was located, once Mort reported that no such crypt existed, he returned to his normal business. In the gully, two, additional, teams, of field researchers, found a mass grave. The official report was that it would take YEARS, to sort all the bones. When the spirit, of a construction worker, lead a team, of detectives, to a room, saying "The owners were, always, so protective, annd secretive, about this room..." Using utility scanning equipment, the detectives found two volumes (Thankfully, written in Queens English), buried inside a wall, in the room. The thief-turned-school-mistress, also, lead detectiives to a portion of the main classroom. A portion, of the room, which, as she rememebered, the owners kept constant watch on. The scanners found out why. Two, more, volumes were located, inside the walls. The time, when Mr. Brown KNEW that he had enough, to report to the judge, was when the scanners found MORE volumes, inside the walls, of the childrens dorms. These volumes listed the price, of each child, which bed each was assigned to, and how much "clients" paid, for time, with the children. It was easy to tell the pre-teen girls, from the teens. According to the entry "titles", it seemed that, each time a girl became pregnant, she was listed as carrying the "Devils spawn". In a section, of the volume, entitled "Eradication of Devils Spawn", it would seem that girls were, either given poison, to drink, run through, with knives, or starved to death. It seems that the occupants, of this house, had little concern, for their charges welfare. The child were used, as prostitutes, until no-longer of value. The womans spirit was shocked to find out that her role, as head-mistress had been just a cover. Make this place seem like a legitimate childrens shelter. The people, who drew a real, and total, BLANK, on this property, were Mr. Brown's records researchers. Un-like most of the rest of the lands, which had records, of construction, this property had no records, of existance, at all. No one could, even, prove that the child abusers had owned the place. All that the local church had, on the property, was that it hade been in place, before the church was built. On an un-specified date, a group had taken up residence, in the house, and remained there, for years. MANY years later, the group just packed up, closed the house, and left the area. Mr. Blue would theorize "Maybe they KNEW, or were told, that law enforcement was coming." Mr. Brown would say "Sounds nice, but impossible to prove." For un-counted years, the house sat, vacant, until just a few decades ago. Then, the problem began. It seems that, with Geneology coming into favor, in the United States, a group had wanted to denounce legends of its own past. While it was possible that some of the members were descendants, of the Communists, who slaughtered the last, Russian, royal, family, it was while this group was working to denounce any association, with the October Revolution, of 1917, that information came to light, which was closer to home. Information, which suggested NOT Communist leanings, but, rather open worship, of the Devil. Since this information was from within the United States, the group decided to check the property, themselves. Using some of those home-issue, D.N.A. analyzers, and residue, from the home, it was found that the members were, in fact, descended, from some, who had occupied the house. While the members located, and destroyed, all "Satanic" related objects, thinking that they were safe, each began receiving messages, which stated "I KNOW what you did. Unless you PAY for my silence, you will be sent to prison. A place, where child-murderers do NOT last very long." When Jackson would ask "Hey, boss? CAN modern people be sent to prison, for the crimes, of ancestors?" Mr. Blue would say "Wrong question. Right question would be: The D.N.A., found at the property. Was it adult, or child?" Mr. Black would add "This blackmailer. HOW did they know about the research, anyway?" When Mr. Brown met with his friend, the judge, and the judge verified "You mean that the last killings happened more than a century ago?" Mr. Brown would say "That is about as FAR as I can narrow it down." The judge would say "Worthless. Who would consider digging up a corpse, to place it on trial? Even if found guilty, what good is a "life", or "death", sentence, to a person, who has been dead, for a century?" Mr. Brown would sigh "The questions, of life." As the Brown Agency began packing up, to return to base, the thief-turned-teacher, would ask Tami and I a favor: "Would you mind looking in, on my charges. I would appreciate knowing how they turned out." Tami would, only, say "We will try." As for the underground storage, it seems that, once the volumes were collected, for examination, after the last human exited the "object", humans, and spirits, watched, as the "object", closed its own lid, as if on "automatic", then re-sealed itself, while the living, and dead, looked on. All that the Brown Agency could discover, about those who had NOT wanted the property inspected, was that, like modern Germans, these people were being "hunted"/"tracked", by another party. Just as the Jews had decided to begin hunting the offspring, of the Third Reich, the modern day people, involved, in this case, were being stalked, by some survivors. People, whose ancestors had "survived" the house. The people who wanted to keep the past BURIED, just as the Jews demanded that ALL Germans be held accountable, forever, for the crimes, of the Third Reich. Three weeks, after closing the case-file, on the property, some, sobering, news "Hit the airwaves". It seems that a Jew, who had a bad heart, was determined to kill a man, whom the Jew INSISTED had been a soldier, at the death camp, which the Jew had survived. Even as the Jew emptied a pistol, into the victim, witnesses verified that the executioner was having a heart attack. After a doctor verified "the man is dead", the Jew was heard to say "(Gods) justice is done.", then the Jew died, as well. Just one problem. As records, would show, the following week, while the gun shot victim did RESEMBLE a guard, from a Nazi death camp, the victims ancestors, while German, by background, had sought refuge, in England, during the war. The victim's ancestors had attended English schools, and their families had "blended in", with the English population. This, while the prison guard was over-seeing the murders, of innocent people. The Jew had been so focused on the memory, of the man he knew of, from the war, that the shooter had not understood that NO one stays young, forever. As a result, while the war criminal had died, back in the 1980's, of cancer, the Jew was so fixated, on bringing "justice", to the Third Reich, that he had not stopped, to check the news. He had killed an innocent man. A man, whose family had condemned what Hitler did, TO Germany, and encouraged other Germans to condemn the mad-man, before Germany was destroyed. Now, a man, whose family, including himself, had HATED the Nazi Party, to the point of enlistment, with the D-Day forces, yet who was not born, until the 1990's, was dead.

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