Monday, September 10, 2018

The Trade Off

THE TRADE OFF That is what it was called, at the party. A girl, who thought that, just because she was young, blonde, and had a figure, which needed more than one glance, that she could get ANY male, into bed, with her youth. Normally, she was right. There was, almost, no man, that she knew of, who could, or would, turn down a night, with this teenager. Yes, all she had to do was give the men one night, and she had them on the "hook". She was smart, as well. While she never knew WHO her father was, she knew her mother was a professional, just as she had taught the girl to be. As to whether Christy's first man was, actually, her father, the girl never knew. Her mother said he was, but the man had shown no hint, of recognition. To Christy, he was just another man. Ofcourse, her mother, also, claimed that Christy's first "crush" was her own brother. Here, again, Christy did not know FACT from fiction. She had not known the boy, until they attended the same high school. In fact, even though Christy had told her mother "I met this boy..." Her mother said nothing, until after the fifth date. It was only after Christy had praised the boys "performance", and wondered if he might like to get married, mother had shocked the girl, by saying "The law does not allow siblings to marry." It was not until mother told Christy that she had given birth, to the girls lover, before having her. Yes, mother gave the boy up. She did not want her "men" to feel" like the boy was competition. When Christy had told mother "You could have told me, before..." Mother had asked "Wouldn't you have, anyway?" When Christy saw her brother, later, she had asked "Did you KNOW I was your sister?" When he smiled, saying "Yes, wasn't it great!" When he went to kiss his sister, Christy told him "Forget it. I am not. Not with my own brother." When the boy laughed, saying "You, already, did." When she had turned away he had grabbed her, pulled her back, to him, planted a deep kiss, on her lips, then said "I am going to miss this, sis." What she wanted to say, to him, is not allowed to be published, anywhere. Christy, still, found it hard to believe that, for a solid month, she had been deeply, and passionately, in love, with her brother. When she thought back, on that month, it was like heaven. Then, she found out that her lover was her brother. It was during those moments, when Christy felt sick. How could she NOT know he was her own brother? He was just a kid, from school. Still, by learning how to seduce him, Christy had gained the valuable skill, which her mother hoped she would learn. If Christy lacked just one, skill, in regards to men, it was in being aggressive enough to approach men. This is why her brother offered her a deal. Any time a really wealthy man wanted a young girls company, for the evening, her brother would bring the men over, and Christy let him have what he wanted, for his "performance". Sure enough, it worked, when it was needed. With me, Christy did not think that she would need her brother. All she had to do was snuggle up, and I would be all hers. While Christy was friends, with Dawn, what Christy did not know was that Dawn was my favorite. Maybe Dawn was not so young, but, to ME, she was my pure angel. Dawn knew how to handle men, coming from a family, with two brothers, and a father. While her brothers taught Dawn the "basics" (Their mother would, NEVER, speak of the subject, with her own children), Dawn learned the rest, on her own. This is why, even though she was dating Rick, OFFICIALLY, she did give me more than one kiss, even in public. Dawn was just not certain of which she preferred. My deep, long, French, kisses, or my necking. Dawn just did not DARE tell her mother what we did, during my visits, to Dawn's place. Dawn decided that her mother just did not need to know how Dawn and I "feasted", on one anothers bodies. If Dawn mentioned one word, of how I made her feel like a real woman, her mother would consider Dawn, and Rick, to be OFF. What Dawn could not fool her mother on was which man she was going on a date with. When it was Rick, Dawn would just wear average clothes, run her fingers through her hair, and say "Be back, soon." When it was me, mother knew. I was the one whom Dawn took the time to dress for. A, full, shower, hair combed, just perfect, and even a dress, from her stock-pile. When Dawn left, to see me, her mother would say "lucky man", even as Dawn finished prepping, knowing what lay ahead. Dawn did wonder, a few times, what Rick would do, IF he found out about "us". HOW would she explain the nights, of intense passion. The nights, which Dawn would have given a years worth, of pay, to have never end. Personally, I was happy when Dawn let us "move" beyond the bedroom, and we walked, arm-in-arm, to meet the friends. (We did have an agreement. NO romance, in front of Rick.) Dawn, still, wanted to see if Rick actually, would pursue his goals. While Dawn was prepping, for the party, making an angel out of a goddess, in another part, of town, Christy was checking her bank account, for the latest payment. After the payment was verified, Christy told her mirror "Its time to look fourteen, again." Christy was determined to look like a teen, for as long as it paid. She, really, thought "All I have to do is look pure, and innocent, and I have him! Dead to rights!" Christy would wear her long rain coat, to the party. This way, no one would see the sheer nightie, which she wore, underneath. If the party went as planned, Christy would have another, "dirty old man", paying her to keep silent, before morning. At the party, when the doorman took her coat, and rubbed his body part against her body, she told him "Not a chance, loser." This, she said since she knew that, everytime this man got a penny, he was out, betting a dollar. I must say that Christy put on quite a show, for me. Snuggling up, like this was her first party. She even had the "soft voice" down to a science. It was just as Christy was suggestting "Do you like what you see?" and "Would you like some?", when Dawn walked up, and Christy ended up watching, as WE kissed. After the kiss, Christy heard me say "Dawn, this is, what is your name, anyway?" When Christy said "never mind." then walked away, I told Dawn "Perfect timing." Dawn would smile as she said "I know." I was just thankful, when Dawn took me aside, away from the stereo, where we did not have to shout. Here, in the moderate silence, Dawn would tell me "Christy has her sights set on you. Be careful or, by tomorrow, you will be starving, AND paying blackmail." When I whispered, to Dawn "Not with you, I wont be. You know me, too well." Dawn would say "Not me, silly, her." It was when a couple entered the room, next door, and began "going at it", full force, that Dawn saw my look, then smiled and said "Alright, but only until you are satisfied." For the next two hours, the rest of the world did not exist. There was just Dawn and I, a bed, and the deepest love, that we could make. It was during a rest break, when Dawn recognized the voices, from the other room. She even whispered "Oh, my God." When I asked, Dawn would say "That is Sharons husband, and Louis wife." When I asked "So?" Dawn whispered "They took wedding vows." (Didn't sound much like a wedding, to me.) Thankfully, the sounds, of sex, got Dawn aroused, and she whispered "Love me." A deep, french, kiss, some nursing, then slipping it deep inside Dawn, and my lady was smiling, as bright as the sun. MY god, was that heaven. By the time Dawn and I got dressed, and returned to the party, I saw Christy, with a young man, and Dawn whispered, to her friend. Her friend said "A bet was made. Christy cannot get her brother up, and over." When Dawn asked "How much?" Her friend said "If the siblings do it, they win two motors, and a house." I could only think that Christy, and the boy, won, multiple times, since the brother and sister just kept going at it. Ironically, after the "exhibition", and while Dawn was tending my every desire (while her boyfriend was off, chasing other women), Christy saw to her brother, as well. Christy, dressed only in her lingerie, and Dawn, in her dress. Two women, very happy with their men. While Christys brothers offer, to walk his sister home, came maybe thirty minutes before Dawn and I decided to leave the orgy, as well, it was outside the party zone, where the night was quiet, where we found Christy, and her brother "going at it", like newlyweds. Dawn and I were on our way, to Dawns place, when Christy caught up, with us, asking "Do me a favor. You did not see that, back there." When Dawn asked, Christy would say "My mother, still, thinks I am in love with him." When Dawn would mention "We were not the only ones, at the party", Christy would say "That part doesn't matter. It was a bet, and we won." Dawn would fill in the rest. "What you dont want your mother to know is that, AFTER the party, you gave your brother some more." When Christy would say "It was innocent." Dawn would ask "How many times?" Christy would say "Only seven. It just felt so goood!" When Dawn would say "ONLY seven." Christy would say "He just makes me feel like a woman." After Dawn agrreed, for us, and the girl departed, I would say "Thats a relief. I thought that we would be stuck with HER in our bed." Dawn would snuggle up to me, saying "Not a chance, my love." Later, while Rick was being booked on drunk-and-disorderly charges, Dawn and I were trading kisses, I was nursing, and she was whispering to me, as I made her feel like a new bride. Come morning, Dawn would whisper "I hate you." (meaning that I hate that I love you). Even after a full night, I was not about to leave, without showing her that I loved her. In fact, I showed her, multiple times. After we shared breakfast, and a shower, we heard the "breaking news". It would seem that one, of Christy's men had gotten tired of paying blackmail, and had turned the young woman in. Christy was in minimum security lock-up, since she did not resist police. Her brother, who came by, for "just one more time", and thought the police were attackers, was in regular prison, for assaulting three police officers. While Christy might have hoped just for a conviction, for blackmail, she forgot that, nowadays, women are swabbed, to control disease, in prison. Dawn was certain that, in Christy's case, once her brothers D.N.A. was found, both were going to prison, for a LONG time.

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